Finishing my Dream Game After 4 Years

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so I've been working on my Indie metroidvania do drop Dynasty for the last 4 years now and yeah that's that's a long time and with the game finally coming out this year Yes you heard me right I had this realization that the mechanics still weren't finished so what better time like the present to finish this game mechanically that is there's still some more stuff to do now in the past devlogs I played around with all sorts of mechanic ideas like these partners that can change your like weapons abilities called amlings Zelda like Dungeons that you could Traverse through and puzzles and I even thought about adding monster taming I know I know I was I was really all over the place at the time so poof I threw all those ideas aside though I might come back to that Zelda dungeon one for like a free update after the game comes out it just that one just sounds like so much fun I don't know tell me what you guys think I still felt like the game was missing something and after playing around with it I realized that the solution was really simple it was just to create kind of a Zelda likee item system where you could equip new weapons or abilities and you could only equip two at a time so it wouldn't make it over powered so I just took the weapons that I had already created for the game and I made it so you could equip them up in the slot and when you press the button yay it works I think after this I had to actually make a way for you to equip the items and obtain the items so for all the items in the game I created item drops for them I even added for abilities Health upgrades gun upgrades Keys tickets everything you can imagine I had to create an inventory system for it so now if you want to change out your weapon all you have to do is swap it out in the inventory beautiful and what just took me 10 seconds to describe took me 2 weeks to actually make O So now that we had the item mechanic implemented and health upgrades and all the things that we finally need to play this game I still had to make a system for one of the most underlooked features in do drop and that's the ticket machine now if any of you have played the demo for d drop Dynasty or seen footage of the game you'll notice that there's these tickets that you can collect throughout the world now that's beautiful and all that but they didn't really do anything in the game and I've always wanted to create a gacha SL vending machine type thing in the game so I thought it'd be fun if you could redeem tickets and break open capsules to get to get prizes so that's what I did I took this dirt room and I had some balls bounce around in it at first I thought this was going to be super hard but turns out that the rigid body node and gdau is fantastic I also made them react to different weapons and the direction that you're hitting them and honestly this feels like a game in itself after that I really wanted this gacha machine to feel like a casino or something I don't know I had Sonic on the brain so I made some props and tiles and even made a glass pipe for the capsules to fall out of and of course you need a way to redeem tickets so I created the ticket machine MPC who is probably my favorite character so far what was fun about this is I got to create a yes no prompt uh for dialogue and also branching dialogue as well which is awesome and I'm going to be able to use it for cut scenes and things down the road now there's a ton of other mechanics I finished that I don't want to tell you about because I don't want to spoil too much of the game but a few things I'll mention are this ice Wan ability to freeze enemies being able to push boxes for puzzles and prototyping new bosses like this um this is terrifying and the one other big thing I was able to work on was updating the steam page the screenshots in there were so old that it it it wasn't even the same game at that point I also hired the wonderful illustrator jockamo who you may have seen in his work on tadpull Tales to help me redesign the cover art for do drop and I'm super happy with the results there's so much more that I worked on that I can't share with you right now but I'm happy to say that the mechanics are finally finished for do drop Dynasty and that makes me so happy now something I've never done is never reveal how many wish lists d drop Dynasty has and shout out to Watt design for doing this in his own Dev vogs for is Goblin but I love the idea of being super transparent about wish list and currently d drop has almost 14,000 wish list as of this recording which is absolutely incredible and mindboggling that that many people are excited to play this game now my goal right now is currently to hit 20,000 wish lists if possible before the game comes out later this year so if you like d drop NY or you want to support the Channel please go over and wish list it today as it is one of the most helpful things that you can do and on a final note I've been working on this game for so long it's weird to think about actually finishing it I still have so many cool ideas and elements I would love to add but I just I can't keep adding things forever it's time for the home stretch and to finally release this game and to be honest the thought of releasing it scares me but I've come to the realization that at the end of the day this is my first commercial game and it isn't the next Hol night and it isn't the next big AAA game it's just a short but sweet game that I've poured thousands of hours into and hopefully hopefully some some of you will enjoy playing it as much as I've enjoyed working on it now speaking of game development if you want to improve your programming skills or just become a better developer then check out a word from today's sponsor brilliant brilliant has thousands of lessons from foundational advanced math to programming AI neural networks and more with new lessons being added each month and their interactive lessons have been proven to be six times more effective than 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Channel: Goodgis
Views: 119,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: goodgis, ohio, devlog, game dev, indie dev, game programming, game process, how to make, firith, firith studio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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