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hello everyone i made friday night bunking in super smash bros ultimate here's how you might be thinking to yourself how on earth did he turn a fighting game into a rhythm game well mods in my head i split this project into three different parts the custom stage the custom rule set and the mods the first part i started work on was building the custom stage so i booted up smash and went into the stage builder but there was one big problem the custom stage builder is extremely difficult to use and it didn't help that my joy cons were drifting a lot however i still managed to make this first prototype the win prevents each player from being able to access each other at the top there's wind going up and at the bottom there's wind going down acting as some kind of one-way games and the platforms below donkey kong explode when damaged then the cannons shoot him into the blast zone i added a warp zone that teleports player 1 into the chamber you might be thinking how is this meant to be friday night funkin well the plan for this stage was for one player to shoot down projectiles to player 2 and player 2 has to body block them to avoid the platform from exploding speaking of the projectiles let's move on to the next part of this project the custom rule set basically this is what style format and items are chosen don't worry i'll come back to improve the custom stage later i knew that the items would be the most important part of the rule set because i already knew that i wanted to make it a stock battle and a solo battle but i had no clue on what items to use so i knew i had to test them one by one i started by testing the fire flower and the deku nuts i knew that the fire flower fell slowly so i thought it might have been a good idea unfortunately the fire flowers just fell too slowly that they got caught up in the wind this was really annoying because if the wind wasn't there this would have worked however the deku nuts somewhat worked but it had an extremely low success rate [Music] i found even if player 2 did body block it the ground still exploded it worked too well so i decided to test the football beast ball pitfall and the smoke bomb i immediately found out that the football and the baseball didn't work because you can't pick them up i found that the pitfall and the smoke bomb together worked almost perfectly the pitfall doesn't destroy the platform but if it hits you it traps you in the ground the smoke ball destroys the platform so you want to body block it put simply avoid the pitfall jump into the smoke ball now that i figured out what rule set to use i went back to add some finishing touches to the custom stage because the level had a few big ways to cheese it if you fast forward you can go down into the chamber below but having a bumper there prevents you from being able to fast fall to the bottom so i added four of them i added some lava above to give player one a little bit of challenge in the foreground over the bumpers i added some multi-coloured arrows like in friday night funkin this was actually extremely tedious to do but i'm really happy with the end result i also made a boyfriend me just in case the mod didn't work so i could turn him into a me fighter though luckily for me i didn't have to use this abomination now for the biggest part of this project the mods if there's anyone at nintendo watching this this is all just elaborate photoshop i am very good at photoshop and video editing thank you nintendo leave me alone if you know anything about me you know that i'm very stupid and don't know how to do anything technical so obviously i had no clue on how to mod my switch so i forced my dad to do it for me once i had my switch ready to mod i needed to figure out what mods to use i knew that i'd mainly be using mods that replaced the textures so i went out into the wild and found some friday night funkin smash mods the first one that i found replaces ness with the boyfriend so this mod replaces one of nessa's olds with the boyfriend and the other modder installed replaces mega man with tank man [Music] although the boyfriend mod is just a v color the tank man mod uses a brand new model the tank man model looks so good it almost looks official like nintendo actually added it to the game he even opens his mouth when damaged even the victory screen looks really really cool i also added one final mod that replaces the song flat zone 2. [Music] the only thing left to do now was to play it so i got my little brother joe to play it with me best out of three the loser has to eat a super spicy chili but before we do that i'd like to ask you if you've enjoyed this please hit the like button and the subscribe button it would help me out a ton and make me happy thank you hello hello this is joe i've made this level joe it's changed a bit since you last seen it okay so we have to fight it out joe and then if you go into one of the portals the other player throws down the things and you just have to survive basically you see those portals you don't want to go into them [Music] oh you're soon oh my god you're comboing me i know oh what oh i got a stock but okay i went into the portal by accident [Music] did you see how this worked ah you're in here how do i kill you about killing wait you're not going to go in yet i'm so good all right all right all right you're so good you're so good you're so good yeah if you're so good then dodge this what's that wait am i meant to dodge it yeah you meant to match out and you won't be able to get that one all right we're doing better three loser has to eat a chili so one one to me zero to joe first two three first two three wins a chiller yes i'll be nestled it's tank man it's mega man he said it's mega man do you want to see something funny [Music] you can't get me see see you're gonna die before you're gonna do it no you're gonna die before you can even boast about me okay okay okay because i'm trying to do it fast you know what girl i don't want to eat chilling i'm stuck in baby jail yeah you hit the when was the last time you played smash [Music] if you lose this one you have to eat a chili i've moved the portals as well to make it even harder and make it less fighting more friday nights fun [Music] all right all right all right oh crap oh crap i was torn thing yeah i might not eat a chili nope you're gonna eat a chili right now i want to eat a chili you have to eat a chili because i'm better at the game you are so i don't want you to why did you do that [Music] oh my gosh [Music] that's what i think frick you [Music] what's that what's that what's that what's that what's that are you the chili you do your chili silly billy you jump in the chili come on uh willie chilly right why why am i eating one you shouldn't get i want all the games i've spent around 40 hours on this video so if you could hit the subscribe button and like button it'd make my time worth it and it would make me happy thank you okay bye
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 1,800,032
Rating: 4.8794398 out of 5
Keywords: Smash Bros, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, SmashBrosUltimate, Friday Night Funkin, smash ultimate, smash bros ultimate Friday night funkin, boyfriend, fnf, tankman, week 7, smash bros mods, mods, modded, friday night funkin mods, manx ninja pig, smm2, friday night funkin music, friday night funkin mario mod, friday night funkin mario, fnf mario, friday night funkin meme, gbg, imposter, game builder, manx, ness, made, smash, smbu, nintendo switch, ugh, ugh friday night funkin, mario smash bros
Id: DD2zbscM-8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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