Finding Willie and Tiger Squid! No Man's Sky Expeditions Gameplay Live Stream!

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all right how's everybody doing this afternoon hope everybody can hear me okay let me know if you can or can't oh man as soon as i went live we lost like eight viewers i guess you'd rather watch the intro huh what is up jimmy steel rabbit broadside thanks for coming bud uh brian good to see you copperlock glad i can help you out uh linda morton good to see you linda we're going over to your system today uh wanted to wait until i knew you guys would be awake i was gonna do it the other night but i figured you guys were already gone so i thought i'd wait sounds good thank you thank you hearing me fine what up jason missed my recording session on permadeath oh really is it that time again sorry i was busy selling ships i uh i kind of got i got i got sidetracked crazy bob was out there selling ships need to get back into perma-death yeah i didn't uh i kind of took a day off day and a half basically uh had some family come in and visit so i was doing the family thing but i am back uh uh what's up lag how's it going i can't hear you at all since you asked oh well good excellent what's up prison mike how's it going bud good to see you good to see y'all over here uh jeremy what's up bud all right so uh this is an older save i spent like six hours expanding chlorine and expeditions last night i have a problem it's easy to get lost isn't it yeah twitch i checked twitch viewership the other day and a couple of the pro guys were still doing it so it was up a little bit but then uh when they stopped doing it it was back down to like 300. uh i'm gonna be back on twitch though don't worry i'm gonna be back on twitch i'm still working out the schedule but uh yeah i wanted to uh i missed my willy uh me and willie went way back uh what up jetta mickey b um lag good to see you 22 good to see you bud um but uh yeah i miss i miss i was bob's been missing his willy it's been lonely times lonely bob so i'm pretty sure i got all the glyphs let me make sure this is a save that has all the glyphs i think this is my oldest save at this point because i keep deleting them by accident because i'm not good at stuff uh catalog right catalog uh portal glyphs got em all how did you get this helmet well this is one of the drops but actually i i earned this with quicksilver i bought it from the quicksilver dude over there you know what uh we can get some let's let's get some of our stuff on this save i don't know how many ships i have let's uh i miss my incinerator dude i so miss my incinerator i hate that i deleted that save i might have to do a save editor or something because i said the incinerator was it was fun it didn't really do a lot because you there's no upgrades for it i got four ships on this save see i like this fan hauler better than the blue one they gave away like this one's legit right here with the tilted wings it doesn't have a stuck out neck or anything i dig it uh more safe slots please yes yes good gracious more safe slots what's up water dragon good to see you and so um if you saw my uh my crazy bob video the the golden vector one i was literally i was making a video on how to get like you know unlimited golden vectors and money and nanites and all that stuff and that you know i i got off on a tangent i ended up making crazy bob instead uh because i do that sometimes and then i'm so glad i didn't make that video because literally patched it the next day it would have been uh it would have been a painful comment section had i done that is there some way to hack incinerator into a new save you can get a save editor i pretty sure and get it that way that's what i've been told anyway you like the tilted wings better morton me too uh what's up mpg how's it going on your phone upgrading your pc nice michael uh i hope you get your pc back soon buddy uh what's up steven how's it going uh let's see let's collect what do i want what do i want i mean we need a golden vector obviously going to be expedition reward right let's go ahead and grab that i'm not on expedition save i'm on a regular save i've finished expeditions i've completed it um i am not on expeditions i've got my stuff that i earned from expeditions uh so let's claim uh i'm i'm after we're after one-eyed willie and tiger squid today so let's uh let's see what else what else do i want to claim over here uh should we grab the let's grab that jet pack why not uh who wants a geck helmet i mean really whatever so get the backpack about an hour and you'll be golden nice yeah a lot of people i think like the tilted wing one too you know what's funny is people went nuts for the free ships and they were like they were like man they're pretty good like if i saw him on the coordinate exchange i wouldn't be like i got to go get that right now but it's free so i watched twitch for three hours i mean it was fun i'm glad they did it don't get me wrong uh and it was it was just a lot of fun hanging out with the community that much and everybody being excited about it uh we want what backpack yeah no style i like it bobby likey i gotta change this up a little bit what's up broadside um i found a space station spawns exotic nice uh so this it hasn't switched over yet this is an old save um i'm told it will switch over at the end of the period um but i haven't really played with that yet uh let's go uh legs kind of feeling kind of feeling a little bit uh less less uh less dark today let's just switch these maybe maybe the gray instead let's try that uh legs let's go with uh gray yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh we want torso so instead of black we're gonna go to gray i likey bob likey wait i'm missing why isn't that changing colors i have to change it hey jason's you like that sexy jackpack you don't have yours yet bro you got to get your jetpack look at your jetpack going thank you my friend 07 absolutely um all right let's get armor you know what we'll leave the armor dark let's uh let's see how's that look [Music] i think i messed the boots up didn't i yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go yeah man yeah something's not feeling right something's not feeling right there we go there we go uh feels so much better feels so much better all right giggity now i've got my thong uh i'm trying to record and upload my expeditions takes way too long yeah i did all mine on stream so i was able to burn through it in the stream time i will be on twitch more i will i will i will i promise um so what i had in mind was i wanted to do um i wanted to do go get willy because linda uh found willy for me so we gotta go get willy and um and make sure we've got a secure location but uh i wanted to do that over on youtube because i know that's their preference and since they found willie got to do that uh jason don't watch bob's last stream you don't want to know what happens to the show oh yeah i meant to make that into a short so jason one of my guys uh so one of my twitch stream things was i had to if you paid a certain amount of bob's bits you got to pick a name for something and so somebody said i had to name my thing uh jason rules i had to name a ship jason rules so i picked the most appropriate ship for it i am a man of my word and i totally named the uh the free shuttle jason rules i don't know what happened i think i lost it though i don't know what happened to it uh let's see do i not have anything marked um interesting let's go over here it's my oldest one wait a minute uh james it's your preference buddy it's totally your preference whoa oh bad stuff's happening the hell happened to my uh all right so apparently the ground is higher now than it used to be that's then and stuff's happening i'm pretty sure i had a building in there they're building in there there used to be a building in there there it is found it the happened here i didn't like destroy the terrain to build this looking through your memberships i don't see a credits option how am i supposed to troll you exactly exactly hey i haven't checked have you been have you been putting my name on your videos yet jason yeah so uh there's my bob box that's kind of dumb all right so uh anybody else see in this terrain generation uh the the level of the ground has changed there's uh mr peepers over there and uh pineapple magoo oh my name is definitely i'm ready to go watch a video i haven't been watching a bunch of youtube last day or two what the hell is somebody over there oh that's my save beacon i said a dot i thought saved beacons look different is that how they look now that's the scientists buddy i'm pretty sure i've got a portal like right over here unless it's been covered up yeah this was not this these were not lakes this was not this is so different now what the hell happened all right i know that's a that's a um ideally jason and bob should have a pve dog pvp dog fights so here's i had an idea um since everybody can have a golden vector now it's basically like stock cars we all can have the same ship and uh you know as long as you don't have upgrades in it the stats are going to be the same so yeah i haven't been in the safe since expeditions started so i guess i guess so this is my origin save i started to save with origins that guy's still the same the chinese number guy fortune cookie numbers my box was half covered so i couldn't get in and it refused to let me remove the terrain wow what's up gordon how you been uh stop golden vectors stop vector racing or fighting or whatever i think that's uh it's fair inspire me to play dummy it's not getting awesome buddy glad to hear that is it borna i'm sure i'm butchering your name but sorry about that uh it was the update that changed the terrain and added mountains and such well no i mean i started this after origin so i mean it was that's why it had super steep mountains and um but now it's like less steep and there's water in there maybe a hybrid we can only shoot each other at specific waypoints that's an interesting idea okay good all right that's still here this is still here stop vector fighting i know me it's got like trade crazy trying to get the expedition done you got two buns so don't don't stress out about it um all right hopefully i got the resources on me all right let's see do i have an orange tiger squid though already i can't remember i know i've got one i think this is liger squid though this is the one kj was busting my nuts about uh yeah that's liger squid right we decided that's not orange that that's yellow it definitely looks more yellow now totally looks yellow now did not look yellow before somebody changed the colors on this it's not looked it was not that that's like school bus yellow so weird um i can't i can't see yeah can't see let's activate the portal okay all right oh sweet it's already ready to go uh i guess i need the glyphs don't i uh all right so you're on the atlas quest do it all you still haven't found an exotic broadside you gotta find an exotic man they're all over the place just gotta stay in one spot long enough to find one um all right what is it in my discord all right hold on let me go jump over to discord real quick all right so we've got uh face sunset face butthole triforce triforce uh banana dinosaur banana boat spider spider all right now let me get the chat back i lost you guys hold on there we go we're off what's up cosmic energy how you doing good to see old liger squid again yep we still got liger squid i'm thinking about trading liger squid for a tiger squid though although lager squid got some memories mostly bad oh yeah no i just all tabbed sorry yeah um what what what what the hell is going on this thing is upside down oh my god i'm upside down like that's the ground or am i in the ground oh it's more terrain generation crap look at that that's crazy that's a cool planet hey thanks marcos appreciate that um where'd my ship go is it underground as well yeah i'm pretty sure we're getting a new hot fix with this this this not what we're looking for here on the right spot good i like this planet did you mark where willy did you mark my willy linda uh bob uh you don't want to keep bob's fleshy tentacles squid uh well that's a different save that's a different save and it's still there it's still there i i just so this one this one is my origin save i started to save when origins came out and uh this this squid here i called tiger squid and then everybody jumped all over me where is it hold on there right there everyone jumped all over me and said it wasn't orange it was yellow and i was like it's totally orange but apparently it's like school bus yellow or something so i had to rename it liger squid uh plus five plus one thirteen now you did it in an expedition so i'm not gonna see it all right let's see what we're looking let's see what we're looking at uh five plus 113 okay so where am i all right so if you don't know there's coordinates in your ship like right there kinda all right so i'm at the right i'm so bad at this like i hate i hate the coordinate thing nope which way do i go hey hey cue ball thanks for becoming a channel member brother i appreciate that cue ball gaming in the house sorry q i kind of i left in the middle of your stream i was eating and then the phone rang and then life happened all right so um why is the other number not movie you know movie this way is that going the right way let's go in the right way minus dammit bob yes i know i understand all right so let's let's see i'm so bad at this all right i'm thinking it's like this way all right that's still minus we're doing all right we're doing all right i got it i got it plus 113 i mean if you know a better way to get there tell me like i have no idea it's it's obviously on the other side of the planet what's up han salami hey thanks dirty all right we're in the pluses uh this way yeah yeah all right uh this way what's up steven how's it going bud ah that's upside down all right so we're in search of bob's willy everybody been lost for a long time what's up ryan hold on hold on all right ryan is going to be a new moderator for me uh pen report and moderator there you go there you go you're all set [Music] okay am i in the uh not in the atmosphere all right plus i'm going the wrong way this is why i can't do the living ship okay i want i want that one to go down and i want this one to go up why am i heading back that direction why is that why am i going back to the portal don't understand what's going on all right um all right let's see that's going down that's going up that's what i'm looking for go towards the space station all right what the hell what are you telling me go to the space station like to leave the planet all together yeah it's in uh the this was found in expeditions mode i'm in normal mode now you have no idea what's going on don't worry about it it's all good what's up mr jan how's it going uh you see spotted a mile away and the problem is i'm like a lot more than a mile away been grinding nanites giggity oh ow i missed okay apparently i landed that's how you do it ladies and gentlemen right there what's up pedro ah good gracious you've been feeding that watermelon head for 30 minutes oh my gosh god bless you man hey thanks i appreciate it we're gonna try to get an orange one is it this planet the different planet i don't even know what planet it is is it this one no that one says undiscovered i don't know why you expect bob to be able to do stuff by himself that says unknown yeah the glyphs are in discord uh is that it now got it does it discovered it look it's this one all right that's what i'm looking for stop dapper axis am i the first contact here can i change the name of this uh is it this one no all right i'm looking for big willy's house is that it so lost there it is nailed it all right go to the center oh you named it bob topia that's right that's right you already named it i don't see you though there's like a 10 second delay guys so it's going to be difficult all right coast is a good thing though did we just land and look for one i kind of feel like we should just land and look for one hey it says uh linda the boundary walker has landed on planet bob topia and that must be linda the boundary walker look here's one right here here's one right here is yours closer to the shore than this linda i mean that guy's basically tip sticking out of the water ah no no no i don't want to kill you i wasn't paying attention the bad willy he wanted a hug uh let's see sorry let me catch up with the chat all right um i'll come to you i'll i'll come i'll come to your spot now that i can see you just put a marker here about the same i dig this planet very nice yours is next to a trade station ah me and willie like our privacy saying i'm not into people watching all right where were you i saw you did you leave has left the system no now you're left oh well gonna be right around here somewhere this way oh there you are now you're back four minutes away all right i'm coming coming oh it's hot the sleep of perfection oh that would be awesome i'd love to find the sleep of perfection minecraft creepers taught me not to give hugs to anything yeah right there huh it's pretty good let's get down here and take a look is there a thing in it holy crap was that a sand worm did i just see a sand worm shadow pretty sure i just saw a sand warm shadow that's where i saw sand worm shadow i like that they're really close yep yep yep okay cool the only thing i don't like about this is it's got uh got little dudes whatever those things are called well i mean it's okay let's see let's see let's get a good look at him yeah he's kind of got a he's kind of got a thing on the side of him red glow cluster big earth worm thought it was bob's bits we got big willy and little willy over here drop it like it's hot let's see can't get those can i abyssal horror yeah that's what we're looking for i i like that one it was in a good location i like the hill there but i don't like the the little uh whatever these are called that was stuck to it i don't want barnacles on my willy that's all i'm saying i need a clean willy properly groomed and manscaped um so jason did you do anything if you're still there i don't know if you're still there but if uh i'm curious how your first trip back to permadeath was after being in normal mode like i'm scared i'm gonna do something stupid because i'm used to doing stupid stuff right now just playing without thinking i like this place ow who did that was that you don't leave it in the water the at the trade port you can get the tiger squid every now and then nice uh you can refresh health in permadeath it's not uh not like minecraft hardcore you can get your health back but once you die it is over plasma grenade bad and permadeath all right i feel like i should probably be flying since i'm not seeing water a little shrunken willy linda is discovering all of the plants all right uh see i'd like to you know kind of land there we go that's why you're not using your perma-save yeah whoa why isn't that working there we go there we go all right let's see if we got any willie's clothes look at the names okay i'll will it a sec i saw a cute butt oh my gosh all right the names the names are getting real it looks like uh no willy's over here is this a willy free zone those flattened mountains yeah those are cool the um the pillar things like that right there um i've played around with that some too some of them are hollow inside and you can do some cool stuff first time i fell in one i thought i was so screwed because i couldn't get out it was too high uh but luckily the side was flat so i could fly straight up the side you know and you know terrain manipulators our thing actually i don't know if you can terrain manipulate those here willy willy where are you should have called this finding willy now is that what i called it finding willy free willy something something about willy uh [Music] floating city base yeah those are cool oh here we go there's a willy not quite not quite uh close enough to the shore though or to the uh to the top uh one-eyed snake fits more i think whoa this willy's got crabs nice we got mullet guys we got mullet monsters mullet crabs all right how are we doing no willy's i think you can see him from above i i just sometimes you can't see stuff what's up daniel how's it going sometimes you just can't see stuff um underwater unless you're actually under the water what is that okay that's an actual building okay uh you had crabs nice gift that keeps on giving wife hates it when i free willy it happens it happens um i feel like i need to be higher there we go there we go but look at that swimming animation andrew i'm trying to find an abyssal horror close enough to the shore that i can build a base above it and um and recreate the base that i lost when origins came out and they changed the terrain on me me and dirty used to sit there and stare at my willy for hours that's not much of a base i mean i feel like there's going to be a bunch of them around here i feel like there's going to be a bunch of them because it's uh just the way the everything's laying out and the fact that we found a couple of them relatively quickly let's jump down in this water see what we see thanks dirty i miss my willy i miss our couch time [Music] i put a marker down where where that other one was i think i put a marker down is it still on the map it's linda deployed navigation marker i think that's my custom marker right let's go back over there uh are you in expeditions mode no i'm in uh normal mode this is my old this is my save i started when origins started but i did put on my phone for you people [Music] all right let's see if uh no fuel all right what's up cryo how's it going uh can you build up from the sea floor build a platform then delete the lower sections yeah i think you can pretty sure you can is that linda's that's linda's marker or is that my marker i'm so lost right now what's up stupendous how's it going hey jeff uh thanks for the videos helped hey awesome bud glad to hear it yeah that must be the one you put down right oh where's oh it's mine when you can't find your willy so bad so so bad all right let's uh maybe if we back up a little bit we can find them all right um that's the one linda mart is my marker gone did i just lose my marker i just placed one down next to the trade post called it is that your uh is that a base like mine was on the coast but i totally can't find that marker now i wonder if it's on the other side of the planet go over there uh permadeath i'm worried about going back to permanent the way i've been playing lately yeah like i don't i totally lost that marker i don't know where it went uh what's up simon just got know me a couple weeks ago just finished watching all your let's play thanks for the hours of content buddy glad you uh glad you enjoyed it man we are not done with the content yet tell you what this is actually that save from the origin series um still have it nothing where are you it's nearby all right what play like uh play like you don't care there's an armored clam what's that submerged relic i'm surprised i don't have more subscribers i appreciate that it takes a while i'm happy with our growth so far uh having fun until i looked at another base and it killed me all over what what just the base was good or you like got like i don't understand what that means uh i'm still playing my first save from around 14 months ago for the quick silver missions i got around 1800 hours on it wow is that what steam says because the steam i mean uh or uh no man's sky says because the no means guy hours are way off like because i'll record for three hours and then i'll stop like continuous gameplay and it'll say like i played an hour hour and a half light bro i totally played longer than that willy where are you well now there's no willys i wonder if willie goes goes and hides when it's nighttime that's what nms says so you've got probably like at least half 30 to 50 percent more time than that we're looking for willy jeff willie willie is an abyssal horror it's a a one-eyed monster he's a hugger don't get too close though um he's he has a hard time letting go sometimes he's a hard time letting go we've found a couple willies on this place so far i guess i thought since i landed and immediately found one that would be easy but i'm not seeing anymore uh expedition same um yeah explorers guild missions but they're so hard well there's only one per system usually so just pick one up an explorer's mission and then go to the next system all right see there's one but he's too low i'm pretty sure he's gonna be too far down yeah he looks like he's actually in a uh in a cave willie are you stuck in a cave are you stuck down there buddy i don't know where you went did i kill you by accident sorry he wants to hug you to death yes i need to find a willie i've been missing my willy since origins came out origins killed my willy i had a willy i had a nice area where everybody could admire my willy and uh and it's gone what can i say technology recharge right over here god i wish i don't know what happened to that damn marker yeah whip rip willy bass yeah the base is still there but willie disappeared because when origins came out a lot of the planets terrain and animals and all of that stuff changed the planet where i had built it on uh it's not the same as it was so what i'm looking for basically is i'm looking for an abyssal horror on the shoreline not very deep so that i can build out to it i guess i could build i mean i don't really want to build a um an underwater base for this for this particular thing what's up d.a how's it going been a while since i've seen a stream awesome well welcome and i'd really like to have like flat ground near it not this mountainous junk that i'm on right now just because it's you know prettier like i want a willy right here like right here would be perfect but no willie's he's a shy boy he's a shy boy he doesn't come out for everybody so uh i'm at the previous location now all right uh see i'm watching this because my wife has booked my tv and xbox to watch netflix i feel you buddy hey i'm glad bob is like your third choice for viewing makes me feel special all right let's get a little higher here we go here we go uh no they're just fun jeff they're not the best um they're exotic so they're really good um i have a special an unusual attachment to my squid so uh i got a little song for him and everything tiger squid dagger squid does whatever tiger squid does that's that's about it but you know we've been through a lot together for scrapping three storage augmentation yeah hey what's up mullet how's it going is that him what happened to my marker i guess it disappeared huh that sucks yeah this is perfect this is perfect perfect perfect okay uh thank you thank you linda well you're my favorite all right um we want a base right portable now yes maybe uh base computer right there seems like a good spot good as any see my my last base was called um what was it called it was like one-eyed willy's grow house and petting zoo or something like that i can't remember liger squid is better than tiger squid it just doesn't roll off the tongue the same way the notorious survival bomb i forgot i had notorious title on this one i need to change my steam name so that i can be the notorious bob uh right there okay uh so let's go structures this is building with bob and willie really deserves better than a bob box and so he shall have it all right so let's start with um okay so where's willy all right let's let's let's just kind of see what let's just kind of see what this looks like um they find out i need a flat piece please uh yeah all right is that good that line that up right i guess i can hit c and go in the build camera can i all right let's see how we do how was that a weird noise did i kill willy hey buddy how's it going how's it going did you miss me i kind of feel like i could do a little better i feel like i could do better did you miss me i missed you i definitely missed you um yeah because there's going to be a seam right over his head and you don't like your willy rubbing on a seam guys i mean trust me trust me it is not it is not in anyone's best interest um all right let's see yeah all right so now i want to go i wanted to go a little bit further out but i want it to be like um see right here right okay but not like that yeah that's what i want all right so let's go c delete delete delete fleet all right [Music] see it's still not not like i want him right i want it right over the tip right there is where i want it all right so let's let's back it up a little bit maybe i should do um maybe i should do something a little bit more like this let's see how we doing it's hard lining them up let's try now looks about right all right so let's leave that there and then let's stick another one like i can hear let's try that let's try that ah swinging a miss all right like it literally like lined up by accident perfectly last time i'm sure the builders are like yelling at me but i don't care because i found willy and i'm excited [Applause] there we go there we go feeling good about this uh you can't put willy in a box you got he's got to breathe willie needs to breathe is that it hey buddy don't flop over what's up what's up you look sleepy are you tired you looking around yeah looking around oh good i dig it i dig it all right all right and then and then hmm all right and then let's see do i have any uh any star stuff on me probably not got an egg hey thanks morgan i appreciate it guys you guys are awesome uh anybody got star silk on them i need a sofa yeah see so and then we're gonna put we're gonna put some couches here and everybody can just kind of come and sit and chill and relax and stare at my willy you know what last time what i did was i just kind of left it open so people could fall off and willy could get to play with some friends sometimes so let's do that yeah how's that look buddy you like that all right uh here maybe we'll do this do one of these you like that kind of looks like a willy the tyler how's it going more fun with the golden vector nah dude i'm playing with my willy look there he is right there you don't have star silk either do you linda no no yeah this one i need resources thank you hey buddy how are you you look sleepy uh all right we gotta get uh we gotta get a cat we gotta get a couch so we need starstill i'm pretty sure i have some in my freighter um i'm pretty sure i do raider uh do i not have anything built on my freighter oh my gosh too many saves i don't know what i'm doing oh well uh oh this backpack is from origin is from expeditions it's one of the uh one of the things you get receive starself thank you so much thank you all right uh so let's go decorations is it interior i'm pretty sure it's interior isn't it yeah sofa all right which sofas do we want which which is a comfortable i mean this is a comfy sofa all right all right let me get let me get actually let me get over here we'll get into build camera mode then what is it r uh let's see how do you do this uh scale rotate hold left alt line this bad boy up don't worry willy i'm getting a good viewing area i'm gonna invite my friends over yeah i think that's not lining up is it that's pretty good that's close enough are you are you gonna be okay with that willie let's get down and look at it ground level i mean that's not bad it could be better for sure but uh yeah have a seat see there he is right down there there he is he's excited he doesn't know who to look at first yeah he gets all mad he wants to play he wants to i'm play uh i didn't do these last time i think i'm gonna do the other kind of couch let's see maybe we'll do maybe we'll do like that and then uh is that too far that's too far isn't it all right let's do that there we go uh you know what whatever that's fine that'll be fine that'll be fine uh and then [Music] one more i want lots of people to come look at willy there we go there we go let's take a look let's have a seat let's have a seat there he is hey buddy how you doing how's it going uh let's go lights and then uh see i don't know if i can do this or not but i have an idea willy we need to light you up buddy i gotta power those somehow don't i boo power's dumb aren't these like lit already no i think those have to be powered as well oh well oh well i found my willy tom he's right here what does that look like does everybody else didn't mean for that to happen that just happened all right so we've got willie he's right there you can come have a seat and sit down admire my willy linda have a seat enjoy enjoy yes it's not weird at all uh i don't know let's see if there's a hot spot around here all right i got to get up right mineral power now i'm not not hearing it or seeing it wait did i hear it and just the tip hey buddy worry you're safe now bob's got you bob's got you you're safe look at his tip sticks out of the water a little bit yeah we'll do solar uh and then i didn't like i liked painting my wood i'm trying to remember what color i liked my wood um it's kind of like a spray tan color uh you don't want to be too pale that's weird looking uh let's see what color was it was it this now that's a little bit too dark now that's darker but this one let's try it might be that one paint it paint it how does that look kind of dig it dig it uh his tip likes it when it gets wet yeah has to have a bit of polish they got some glare here i'm gonna have to build a um but i have to build a roof for willy um let's do that let's do that we need a good proper viewing station uh structures would oh no right right there [Music] i'm kind of thinking i think i want to change a few things all right let's change things everything starts with willy everything starts with willy so that's okay let's do see what we can do let's see what we can do with this and that no not that not you uh triangles what was that you still there willy all right you're still there all good i got word for a minute is that not gonna work am i not gonna be able to do that huh but i would be able to do that now how did i do that before how did i do that before like math yeah that's not that's not gonna work i just can't have a square center can i um i guess we're gonna just have to i guess i started with a triangle last time huh oh well oh well not going to be as cool as i wanted it to be can i go i can do this though i can do i can give it some some character right give it something there we go i'm okay with that yeah i'm okay with that that's that's that's good give me a little bit of what i was looking for if not all of it um i'll go with that let's do that everybody happy with that all right and then we need some power doors and i think it's this way right and i got a bunch of resources that is the wrong way incorrect incorrect if you don't if you don't power the doors and they're just going to be open by default which i kind of like the way it looks to be honest so i just use that a lot of times for the outside of like an open air style building then we'll get one of these and then does all of this i'm trying to get the glare off of willy all right so that's not going to work what is that wooden roof wooden roof this is why i don't build in case you're wondering like i get cool ideas for designs and i just can't make them happen all right where's the um where's my little squares at little square where are you a little square there you are i'm not going to do it that's not going to do it is it yeah this isn't gonna work i don't know i don't know we'll dick around with this later what's up what is that dream faith what's going on let's go see how will he's doing down here how you doing buddy you okay you okay you good do you like it you like it so far i'm trying to keep the sun off of you because i don't want you to get you know want you to get i don't want it to get weird so i feel like i need to just make it bigger i have to go look at my old base see how i did it i cannot remember i'm pretty sure it was just like off to the side now that i think about it because i had like my bedroom and then willie's little seating area so uh we'll uh well we'll i'll experiment with this probably offline uh i like to play with my willy at night when i'm by myself not uh not in front of other people it gets weird uh so let's go decoration now we gotta go find tiger squid right go find tiger squid all right so what is it alt then twist it a little bit why is that white like why can't i set it there is that too close to me that's good enough good enough trade post nice i'll go to the trade post all right so uh so there's willy he's down there he's looking around he wants to hang out hey buddy how you been i like to sit on couches this way sometimes anybody else anybody else like to sit on couches this way sometimes kind of how i do all right so now i need to um let's see what is it can edit basin terrain uh nobody there we go my willy my willy that's not how you sit on him that's totally how you sit on him all right i'll come back i'll be back we'll uh we'll be back uh big willies um yeah i don't know just pick willys we'll just we're just big willie's that's all you need uh and i'm not gonna upload it i guess i'll upload it my buddy my buddy my buddy and me yeah all right let's go what's up katherine a sunburn willy would be uncomfortable you have no idea that would be super uncomfortable super duper uncomfortable ah i almost fell in lily would have willy would have liked that really would have liked that you wanna go see him let's go see him hey buddy how's it going all right so if willie grabs you if you come to visit willy and he grabs you do not shoot him just push e or whatever button it tells you to push on your console and you will uh you will get free you can be free from willy cause he's a bit of a hugger he gets excited he doesn't get a lot of friends so let's uh let's go uh grab a liger squid and go see if we can trade liger squid for a tiger squid so back in the day my first squid uh these did not retract i was on xbox and they did not retract now if you see somebody else's squid they will not be retracted uh only on yours i was so disappointed when they updated it and they started retracting base name is uh big willys all right so let's uh do i have a excellent are you at the trade place lsu squid yeah it is totally an lsu squid but we must get rid of it i thought i got a blue one that must be my other save i have way too many saves i swear i got a blue baller where did i get a blue baller uh no self-respecting georgia can be in those colors you're right about that well i got my uh silver and red pretty sure there's nothing in this thing did i build anything in this at all i go through freighters like people go through underwear so i kind of just i did build some stuff do i just not have a um maybe i just don't have a a delian oh i guess i don't okay i need to install the uh matter beam magnetic resonator can i build a magnetic resonator how do you build a magnetic resonator i'm pretty sure i can't oh i can't sweep giggity freighter heck all right now we got the matter beam save finally made it welcome ethan all right so i can get rid of that ship and i can get rid of this one over here all right liger squid we're gonna we're gonna have to leave i've been thinking about this whole tiger squid thing a lot and i really think i want a red one again i know i've been chasing the orange one and calling it tiger squid but i think i really want a red one again um i gotta i gotta i gotta i gotta make up my mind on that one wish the wings folded up that would be cool show a pop-out animation when you take off the wings just come out that would be really cool yeah so the whole orange thing started because my logo is that minecraft dude a little minecraft guy and uh he's called uh i think his name is safety first and he's wearing like an orange safety vest uh it's like from the beach party pack linda linda please don't put a no don't do that thank you put a building in on top of me oh hey what's up travelers here and everything everybody's hanging out here um but anyway so it was like the the orange safety vest was my characters wearing and it just kind of orange just kind of became a thing uh as a um you know irl orange is not my favorite color at all um but in game it kind of became a thing so oh that's pretty sweet looks like he's ready to karate chop somebody those arms squids travelers willies worms yeah it is a sweet system i mean that's kind of a cool it's i mean he looks like he's ready to like seriously karate chop somebody not even horrible colors i would totally fly around in that for the afternoon what level is that see do i have any money yeah i've got i've got a few dollars okay good i haven't played this save in a while oh my god thank you for the star silk again that is very nice that uh always reminds me of nfl refs orange in this game is really good yeah the green definitely sucks totally agree with that uh oh they got chlorine here too nice we can open up bob's uh bob's pool store in chemical supplies hey soul reaper thank you so much for the super chat buddy i appreciate that good to see you my friend a planet looks like it's got a pimple weird yeah guys oh seven uh montana's what's my favorite color what is bob's favorite color i don't know that i have a favorite color if i'm being honest like i like lots of colors and different things um the problem with having a favorite color is everything ends up being in that color like i buy a lot of uh blues like i wear a lot of blue clothes blues and grays if i'm like buying shirts and not paying attention i'll end up with like a lot of blue and gray shirts so i try to like consciously pick other colors but i'll go through phases like it was it was green for a while like i did buy a lot of green stuff but not the ugly ass green in this game like i do wear green like my eyes are green in real life so like wearing green green looks good on me so i do wear green a lot but not the baby green in this game like i got like this color blue navy blue kinda what i do would you say that's planet chris griffin and post violent yeah see look at this look at this i mean that's just that's just not good not good at all you should be ashamed of yourself buddy are you thinking forest green a darker green too light yeah a darker green would be good i mean that green's not bad on the on the outfit it's not green that's not bad it's a darker green uh hey bob what's the best way to make early money in the new update um well i mean the new updates not really you talking about uh expeditions and if it's expeditions you know i would just uh do chlorine or you know i get my walking around money with some uh salvage data or ancient bones or something like that a couple million to get you started then buy a bunch of oxygen and make some chlorine it's kind of the same with every place uh the the the uh systems that you go to and the expeditions seem to have a lot of chlorine i need to put that squid somewhere else because i keep thinking it's it's the one i'm looking for yeah cobalt works good too cobalt is going to work everywhere so uh that's that's good i guess every time i go in and out of this building is popping up a thing that says the notorious survival bob has entered a building just raided every freighter sold all the gold and platinum that works too shoot them shoot them all not getting much uh not did you scare them all off linda because nobody's coming down anymore it's grinded to a halt here storm crystals yeah storm crystals are good too uh you'll get a uh i mean you gotta gather 50 of them anyway the first rendezvous point is a storm planet it's good to gather crystals on from what i've heard i didn't actually do that sell the ugly twitch drop ships there you go that works too so before they fix the golden vector thing i started a new origin save i was trying to see how fast i could do it and um i i did the return to the anomaly at the beginning trick so i immediately spawned in return to the anomaly got six golden vectors flew to the station uh scrapped them scrapped four of them took the storage augmentation from four of them put it in the fifth one scrapped that one i had 100 million dollars 100 million units within like 15 minutes uh and then i uh and i had i think i had gotten six or eight achievements because i was getting the nanites i was getting the money the ships all that stuff but i mean what what's the point if you've already if you've already got the golden vector you don't really need to speed run it unless you're just bored or like to see what you can do yeah this uh this this trade post i think you scared them off they're not coming in anymore i'm gonna go to a different trade post oh what's up this is maxed out right no that's not yeah i got everything oh i've maxed out this liger squid didn't i oh i'd feel bad about trading him uh maybe i should not do that all right let's trade what is that i guess i have an open spot get a golden vector in here how do i change the public setting on my base um you just go into uh [Music] was it network yeah and then i can edit base and terrain no one can add bass parts no one delete bass parts nobody like i had this open because i when i play with my friends like we'll put funny stuff on each other's bases sometimes like i built a robotic arm on big dirty's bed so that it could help him out with stuff because he's getting old but i think that's i think that's what you're going to want to do all right let's take a look at this ship i think uh oh that's the golden vector i haven't done anything with this yet have i alright let's move stuff around and we need a one of those got all the things do i really not know how to build the okay good just getting worried there for a minute two right check done um i do like all the pulse drives on this it makes it super quick that's cool technology but i hate the uh the phase dealie on it not a big fan of the phase thing that phase beam whatever it's called uh technology put that does it go here here let's go with that now you have to make a lot of these uh three that and then hyperdrive put that there put that there golden starship trails diggity all right there you go lori love your helpful videos hey thanks i appreciate that two trade terminals on every station get it quite enough uh where's my vector oh i didn't call it what i called it oh it's over there what are you doing over there so i definitely recommend uh using hotkeys if y'all don't do that um if you don't know uh you can hotkey like photo mode uh i've also got uh first person hotkeyed and then i've got my emotes hotkeyed so i can go in and out of first person really easily or or jump into photo mode really easily without having to fumble through it so i recommend it it's good to do no economy scanner installed all right that's fine be that way let's go check the space station maybe we can get one to come in because we were not getting anybody what's up kyle how's it going photon cannon infraknife are all you need for attacks uh i don't know that i played with the infraknife very much [Music] made it yeah i'm feeling we're definitely gonna have another patch uh i hope that the terrain thing doesn't uh doesn't mess up willy over there you get a maneuverability bonus really all right let's do that i never really messed with these things all right uh what did i do with the trails right here don't have it why don't i have it do i have to go get it i have to go get it from the anomaly don't i all right let's go get this from the anomaly i guess the grenade launcher is good now in your opinion depends on if you're in permadeath or not whoa all right is it the polo one so do the different figurines give different bonuses i feel like i remember reading that at one point but i cannot i never paid attention to it because you had to give them in quicksilver you had to get them in quicksilver and um you know that's almost a pink one is that what color is this guys what color is this is this salmon oh that looks red now but the lights on it excuse me fellers pink pink y'all think it's pink click expedition is it expedition or twitch i think it's twitch rewards right all right so let's go ahead and learn all the things um i've already got that unlocked collectible received pretty sure i had that unlocked as well uh we'll save these fireworks for one day when i want fireworks uh i don't need those ships i don't need those multi-tools is that it i guess i'll unlock i can't unlock it ah i can't unlock it because i already have it okay so out of the drops i i think the drops my favorite ship honestly and this may surprise you it's it's this one i think it's the dragonfly so the explorer i think is my favorite ship i mean i don't like that at all this one had potential but yeah it wasn't as good as my other one and i mean whatever this one was though i mean that's okay but like i wouldn't go after that one but this one i like it it's just it's unique it's got that dragonfly look to it good coloring what's up with you guys just chilling all right only the artemis and the polo bobbleheads gives the bonus outline um what does the artemis do you know your dragonfly had the white parts on its wings removed it's not good spider bomb how to trigger sick mode here yeah just say tiger squid tiger squid back squid yes whatever tigers because uh how do you get all the glyphs george um i got a video on it uh you can watch it but you basically finish the artemis quest or you go find them i've got a portal and glyph guide that goes through all of that stuff [Music] is that zoidberg oh i did put in a zoidberg didn't i i forgot i put that in there you like that you like that bender i forgot i put him in there the other day what's up i wonder what the trails would look like on this on this one let's go see let's hit the appearance modifier uh let's see what is it how do you do it is it backpack trail let's do that give me a little glow around my butt when i go yeah i like that dude that's nothing you should see my guys do i have any what do i have forgot who i had on this one look at that little guy i need a little hoppy what's his name bob's honey worm yeah are you doing how you been i got the squid yet fresh got busy playing with my worm happens happens a lot honestly [Music] all right so we want to install which one the polo one is that what you said yeah okay so we got a a bonus here yeah i don't know warp calibration required i thought i was in linda's system gotta keep your work happy exactly all right let's see what they got as far as upgrades here oh in the hole ish in the hole uh you still only have 101 i don't know what that means oh maneuverability you mean my maneuverability is 593. not sure what you're talking about trail plus polo plus artemis can you put more than one in here hold on can i have more than one in there hyperdrive range that was hyperdrive range you're right i know that's hyper yeah we were looking at maneuverability we weren't looking at hybrid drive they said that the polo added maneuverability all right so that's 593. it doesn't do anything that does do something so that dropped it by like 12. let's see what if artemis by himself does anything uh i didn't notice anything yeah i didn't notice anything changed there uh polo olo will give you yeah apollo gives you a little bit better maneuverability giggity the other oh i thought somebody said artemis did something too i miss i misunderstood hey what's up eyebrows well the slots are empty might as well until i got something better all right you suck you got nothing good dude yeah that's crap too all right let's put that here all kinds of random crap in my backpack happens uh exo suit high capacity yeah like this is a save i usually jump on when i need to record something so was just like full of crap because i just don't ever clean it up when i'm done all right uh look at that look at him he's happy do you like you like it down there i bet you do how's the view polo all right uh where's my base oh i gotta put in a um uh yeah that i need three more of those which is three of these and then fix that you're back laptop died oh you want some come here i've been practicing with these i'm trying to get better at it i mean it definitely works for head on but so does that i don't know i don't know i don't know that i like those that much it looks cool it definitely looks cool that's big willie's house all right let's hit uh trade tradestation maybe did i get a tradestation am i not getting a tradestation i feel like it's not giving me a tradestation they're just giving me the linda one over and over again let's go to a different planet maybe i'm gonna be sad if i don't get a tiger squid let's see scanners still recharging now and then like it's not telling me i'm finding anything why is that i've never had this issue before i i don't know why i can't find i don't know why i can't find a tradestation it's really pissing me off i'm back up here i guess what's up joe bob how's it going my friend you don't find him in multiplayer i just turned off multiplayer though where is the one i have to go to tell me where it is i see none of them at all on my map so uh i don't know what that means i must have put another thing that must be i must have put that there and i didn't realize it uh how far i have no idea what that means reload my autosave all right we'll do that what are you thinking polo your head's bobbing around just hitting all the wrong buttons right now uh if you're late and you haven't seen my willy yet here he is linda found him for me i couldn't find him on my own i needed to get some help but uh there we go there he is are you doing bud reload uh oh nice yeah i don't know how to read that though like i i'm aware of the decoder but i don't know how to read it when i see it like what's zero is that the first glyph and b is like the uh what twelfth cliff maybe i don't know how to read those i think i do want a red one i'm really thinking that's what i want trading post detected that's what i've been waiting for right over here into space he's so excited when we get into space look at polo i'm trying to decide if i want to get rid of the gold trails on my golden vector this is your base see if anybody lands on it now what's up mundolini mandolini uh this hex code is only helping them in sky players share easily share coordinates yeah how far the problem is i can't copy and paste stuff while i'm live streaming that one's facing the wrong way because i'd have to tab out i'd have to open a browser window i'd have to remember where to go i'd have to open the website i'd have to come back over to chat i'd have to cut and paste it's just it would be bad it would be it would be difficult oh that's kind of cool eh could be better could be better i don't like the barrel nose with this you're heading out bud hey thanks for thanks for stopping in rabbit a rare bit why am i gonna have i've been calling you rabbit this whole time i'd do that as mandalani mundolini sorry about that burper moon stuff works yeah uh i need to find a we need to mark a portal here though because i think my portal is unmarked now that i've come through it uh let's see do i have any maps i usually have maps sometimes i have maps i don't have any maps got a butt ton of glass though tell you what that's gotta have come from scrapping i don't know why i would have that much any matter random vortex cubes i need to let's let's sell some stuff uh uh or that uh let's see i don't know why it's 300 chlorine uh keep the emerald just in case i don't have any other emerald we'll sell that vortex cubes get rid of that i'll hang on to that hang on to that that's interesting i like the white ships just because i don't see them a whole lot a little r2 unit it's got that kind of snow speeder look i wish it had some wings coming down though feels incomplete uh hey thanks for today i hope you get the squid soon my base has a portal inside so you can get back quickly nice thank you can i build here or did you take away build permissions yeah you took away built permissions didn't you right all right let's uh what do you think all right how far you're gonna have to cut and paste that and save it until i get to a portal because it's gonna it's gonna get lost in the chat but uh let's go get a portal let me grab a map find a portal uh i should probably grab the gek things while i'm here just in case i don't get um and then i get all butt hurt and cry so um pilot need a pilot any pilot will do you sir with the ugly ugly ship wow what color is that is that yellow and pink nice nice to see people who don't care what others think about them don't throw portal codes in the chat guys because i'm going to lose them i've got to be in front of a portal when you give me a code uh let wait until i'm there buy items uh was it the geck relic pretty sure it's a geck relic right it wouldn't be gecknip [Music] all right so we gotta get a map find a portal that guy's just kind of sitting there huh weird uh i tried it maybe it was because mine was set so that friends couldn't i don't know nice ryan i hope your paradise planet doesn't have bad storms on it some of them are a little deceiving go please go there you go getting stuck there against that uh the anomaly i guess let's grab a map and mark a portal [Music] what's up dude i need some maps please do i not have a portal base marked on this safe you know what i can just go back over here and just go to that portal that is marked in that system yeah let's do that i'm just going to do that i'll be quicker you way quicker short either rainstorms which isn't too bad that's good oh look the terrain is uh rain is back to normal that's weird well actually yeah it is it's totally back to normal giggity i like it i'm in normal mode right now this is my origin save i started uh when origins came out it passes it must be past the space station yeah there it is probably should just throw a base down there huh that'd be the smart thing to do instead of having to warp all this way yeah i haven't seen a storm on that planet yet either that's pretty nice big word dude just went through the trade station though nice i like i like the big worm so um i just got an email from steam saying sea of thieves was on sale for 20 bucks has anybody ever played sea of thieves what did y'all what do y'all think about that game i used to play atlas um like i like the idea of a pirate game um i've never played sea of thieves it just looks so cartoony i never could get into it i get turned off by weird little things like that uh gonna name it bikini bottom nice all right uh how far go ahead and uh throw that uh throw those gloves in there again i'm here i'm ready oh i gotta i gotta i gotta charge it charge charge charge i wish there was a faster way to do this it's kind of annoying all right sun sun ship whale what sentinel's inbound uh activate portal all right uh i'm guessing this is what you mean by sun right sun sun this is starship i'm guessing whale black hole tent uh okay dragonfly moon dragonfly moon whale diplo boat uh whale diplo this bug there's got to be that one right i can style it let's go with that one dmc's would be awesome if i had a survival type mode uh it doesn't have a survival type mode is it what is it is it just like pvp kind of stuff or what uh you can find a crash tiger squid uh water dragon yeah prison mike um i got like uh all of the golden vectors you can get lots of them you like sea of thieves it says first contact oh it's because i'm not in uh i'm not in multiplayer this in the space station first uh funky here weird weird coloring you enjoyed it ryan um hellfire did you say it was in uh it was the first wave in the station i'm pretty sure that's what you said because i dig on first days nice are you here i'll turn on multiplayer i don't know if you're here or not oh wait you didn't tell me it was a green system though tiger squid tiger squid does whatever a tiger uh the world is quite beautiful i'll have to take a look at it i mean i might it's 20 bucks now i might buy it i got more games and i have time to play though the problem all right listen for a squid to come in i have a special sound i'm gonna be over here no i'm not giving up twitch not giving up twitch i just did twitch for five days in a row so um i wanted to do this uh thing here with tiger squid and uh the people who got me this info were on youtube so i wanted to make sure they were able to be part of it uh all right you don't have anything good either do you no i'll be uh i'll definitely be back on twitch this week oh look at that fancy shuttle toilet paper tube with wings like something we made in our class waiting waiting waiting for tiger squid you like my character thank you thank you what's a willy squid uh well there's two separate things okay there's one odd willy and then there's tiger squid uh tiger squid uh you'll see hopefully here any moment uh one-eyed willy is back at the base and i'll be happy to show you guys my willy once i get my squid all right we'll take we'll take my squid to meet my willy price save and reload yeah we can do that that's generally what you're supposed to do when you come isn't it uh reload i'll give sea of thieves a look i don't know i've got too many games i want to play right now all right so i got a good crowd here i got 190-ish people here um so i've been thinking a couple different things about the channel and i'm trying to figure it out um i'm super excited uh about some of the things we've been able to do on the channel um and other things i uh um i was a little disappointed at so i'm trying to kind of figure out what what's gonna be the best for the channel uh you guys a lot of you guys that are here are kind of my main mainstay but uh there's a ton of people that watch that aren't subscribed so i gotta i gotta kind of figure that out too through the analytics but uh but anyway so one of the things i've realized by uh reading through the youtube analytics and every time they send me a message when i put out a video like if i put out a no man's sky video i get a message that says hey this video is doing better than your normal videos and so youtube's recommending it more often i'm like yeah that's good but every time i put out another game that i play it sends me a message that says hey your people don't care about this video so we're not recommending it to anybody and uh and that that kind of hurts my feelings but i get it because y'all are subscribed for know me and sky nothing wrong with that some of you guys are gonna watch bob whatever he does because you're awesome um so i'm really considering just doing a second channel for the other games and leaving this channel at just space games so like arc uh subnautica uh the different things that i've tried to play that i enjoy on the channel um i'm thinking about doing a separate channel for that i'll still do stuff over here of course i like the red in this system that is nice but i'm thinking about doing that so i don't know i don't know what what y'all think about that we'll definitely do guide videos um because that's how people find hey you just sub thanks buddy appreciate that fox um i mean let's the the way you're found on youtube is either you're recommended um or they search for something that you've done and the guide videos are how uh people find me most the time because they search for you know how do you do this how do you start a game how do you do whatever so that's kind of what i do um and then uh some people stick around because they like they like what they're doing and uh that's that's kind of how i grew the channel is with the guide videos if you want to subscriptions from each of us that's a good plan yeah thank you i don't think i'll get it from everybody but i think it would help me in my rankings on my other games is what i'm saying there's some cool ships in this system no squid yet uh in the end i think you should just do what makes you happy uh mostly care i think that you should mostly care about the viewers that subscribe to you for you yeah no i do i do um and so what makes me happy is because i can't just play one game if i just play no man's sky i'll totally burn out so uh fox you like to channel idea if i just play no man's sky i'll burn out but whenever i throw something else up on the channel like say subnautica or arc or something like that that you know i'll have i'll get i'll get decent views on it but it doesn't get recommended to anybody because instead of getting you know 5 000 views the first day i get a thousand and there's nothing wrong with that but it just doesn't go anywhere from that so that's that's i don't know if that's my thoughts uh i recommend two channels zane does two channels yeah yeah call it survival bob plays other games uh tyler likes the idea of two channels one for no man's sky another for valheim subnautica yeah valheim i'd love to throw valheim in there um so yeah we'll see we'll see never played seven days to die never played it you guys like seven days uh i'm not getting a squid on the first wave bro i'm not getting a squid on the first wave i reloaded already so if we do two channels then the question becomes what do i call them because survival bob survival bob was meant to be playing all kinds of survival games and kind of turned into space bob over here i don't know so we'll figure it out if you guys got ideas let me know i'm afraid to tell you you missed a squid here on the trade platform though seems legit sounds about right was i'm after a red squid now linda i've decided i want a red squid three or five three out of five times okay all right well let's reload it's not guaranteed every time but it's most the time bob survival i mean i can always do like um i don't know survival robert survival rob well now bob is kind of the thing though because a bob is is what i am six to the sixty percent of the time it works every time diggity surviving with bob gaming bob uh yeah i played star citizen matthew and and that was one of the games that well the problem i had with star citizen was um i had the absolute worst luck like i had friends that played it and they didn't have hardly any problems but i just got beat down by the game crashing and uh just just horrible luck so i couldn't record every time i recorded it just something bad happened survival bob og other games that's not a bad one it's not bad uh how i get the glass bead on expeditions uh andy the um you're supposed to do it by going uh and looking for underwater ruins but what i did and what a lot of people did was they got it by um searching desolate freighters because there's like a two percent chance you get it on a desolate freighter by opening the cargo containers so um since i had a couple of those uh desolate freighter finders that's what i did it took me two freighters to find it some people get it on the first one some people take some five but uh everything goes bob what have i missed well you missed my willy yeah but now we're looking for a red squid and told one lands here we've got lots of other red here survival bob 2 works fine see i don't want it to be survival bob 2 because if people just find that i don't want them to feel like it's a second channel uh i'm just here waiting for survival bob only fans only bob ooh look at that look at that butt tight i don't know why anybody thinks other races besides viking are good i mean look at that uh i am two percent anybody seen a squid anybody anybody seen a squid around here that's almost a vector if it just had a different if it just had a different nose this would totally be a vector wings and engines are this identical the 10 ancient sites first both me and linda got ours from the first sight we did oh that's a great idea morton is that my twin that guy looks like me matchy matchy it's like i'm looking at a mirror your butt's not as nice as mine though right i'm not seeing it though i'm about to reload you can call your channel survival bob reloaded or bob reloaded not bad survival bob survives basics with bob see i had this whole idea um of uh is this your ship am i on your ship my bad um i had this whole idea of um pro tips with survival bob basically cheat kind of thing bob's basics that's a good one he'd hit that appreciate it that's what i'm looking for oh you're almost there then whoa i think it's huge put someone's eye out with that buddy oh man i like the colors and the ships in this system unfortunately we're not getting a squid reload bob the builder definitely not mr bob it really looks like my character's wearing a thong exactly safety bob no squid for me apparently not try again these survival bob i've lori i've honestly thought about that because i had the survival bob on like a couple other platforms i mean hell i could just make it survival space bob because i'm like survival not spit not the word space but just put a space between survival and bob because i'm pretty sure on youtube it's all one word super bob pretty sure on youtube it's just all one word let's get started videos yeah i mean i'd i'd like to do that like i did one for valheim i'd like to do it for some other games but my valheim one got buried because well two reasons one i started two weeks too late that's the main reason two because i have no i had no cred for valheim because all my credit was with uh no man's sky so the youtube algorithm looks at what what you're good at and uh like if i throw out a no man's sky video on this channel it's gonna get it'll get pushed for a couple days and if it if it stands if it stands up then they'll keep pushing it but if it doesn't then it'll just kind of fade away hey there it is there it is there it is there it is there it is hey you sir come here get your head out of those tentacles uh make an offer yes it almost looks reddish orange negotiate price bye parish bob what is this called the breath of the moon it's not the same color on your planet and i will prove it because i will come right now bob skye pilot bob hey thanks guys appreciate the congratulations i worked so hard for this squid i deserve all the i'm just kidding hey thanks hellfire appreciate you throwing those glyphs in there and finding it for me man i appreciate that a lot uh let's go check out for the people who are just uh just getting here uh where's big willy's here's big willy's let's go to big willy's house uh we'll check it out bob plays better [Laughter] games so for those of you who don't know and and many of you may not because this was a long time ago before i had a lot of followers um seriously was there uh back before anybody else was there him and dirty but um so i was doing a living i was doing my first ever living ship quest on xbox and um it was my first ever play through i i had to play the play through is on uh youtube if you want to go watch my first playthrough what's on xbox um a little over a year old bob plays doesn't sound too bad it's probably taken would be my assumption but anyway so i had a horrible time finding the the tiger squid or finding the uh the living ship because uh i suck and i didn't realize i had to have all the glyphs so um in searching for it i found the red tiger squid and it became my favorite ship ever and i never flew the living ship i always flew the tiger squid survival bob 2 electric babalu i dig it beginners with bob so there's bob's willy right there one eye willie he's a floppy little feller you can't ever decide exactly which way to go but he's happy to see you if you get too close to him though he'll latch on he's a hugger big belly bob uh your voice always reminds me of someone i played pirates of the burning seas with back in the day bob will survive bob may survive lori i appreciate the confidence but it's more like i'm i'd definitely be a may bob probably will die bob dies survival bob dies semi-survival bob [Laughter] survival bob semi bit more bob hey broadside you're back just in time to take a look at my willy look at him down there isn't he isn't he cute what are you doing in the water that was that weird thing uh i have an idea but it would get me in trouble those are the best ideas sugar i found my willy and i got my squid and it's red and it's beautiful i think red's gonna be my thing now i think i'm gonna i think i'm on a red phase think red is my thing this is the color you showed me was definitely orange this is red i'm almost positive this is red let's see let's see let's get photo mode let's throw the light up it's uh that's totally red right guys are we are we in agreement that this is red uh pretty sure bob survives other games joe bob says yes that's all i need neil's trying to cause trouble yes i see what you guys are doing it's totally red it's totally red you're not tricking me you're not fooling me there's tons of peeping willies on the planet diggity hey buddy how are you and put my gun away i don't want to accidentally shoot you look at him bob second job uncle bobby uncle bobby don't trust him with your kids willie don't do that what's going on uh uh-oh did i lose you guys too bad you can't feed him i know right i got a message saying that obs had a problem i'm assuming we're still here right we good y'all hear me uh what's up nicole nicola nick i don't know how to say that yep we're good okay cool all right so we got willy when i willy i'm gonna have to work on a bass here i think this out hey appreciate it guys i just had a windows alert pop up and say obs disconnected just started watching a few days ago may i say i love your vibe hey appreciate that buddy we got a second morton nice two mortons they never have enough morton's welcome morton bs bob's unnecessary second channel that's a good one youtube made me do it bob's channel because youtube sucks uh it's too late for us now good night yeah morton linda good night y'all it's definitely late where you guys are at appreciate y'all staying up and playing with me helping me find my willy after all these years uh first rape red squid i got one soul it's right here bud i got it totally army death bomb yeah permanent bob doesn't sound like me we're gonna have to work on this base it's just a viewing platform at this point the country bob will survive we could do crazy bobs and i could talk in that voice i did all the time y'all come on down to crazy bobs we got steps to sell you golden vectors red squids what i'd will is everything you're gonna need come on down right now it would be awesome if there was one in this little inlet right here yeah uh my uh i don't know what is up with my um with that alert thing but it seems to save them all up and throw them at once back up bob all right it's done i said not done um minimal channel overlay display capture hold on i don't know how to turn it off i don't think i can turn it off if i do this yeah okay there it goes it's gone i don't know what's up with that i keep me to look into it but i forget until it does it in the middle of a stream bob 2 electric boogaloo what system am i in um bob's side bob side piece how about that bob side action bumps bob's side piece i like these hands off my bob what's that must be a cave i don't remember if you could uh punch through those or not uh bombs big bombs backup channel or better channel alliteration is difficult yes i'm happy i got my squid let's let's all let's all take a look at my squib bob's house of games yeah this is the original this was my first ever squid i ever saw in game and first one i bought it makes me happy to have them yeah this is it this this just feels good bob's knob that's not bad shogu all right so um if y'all want the glyphs for this they were in the chat earlier if you want this one and it was a first wave exotic sometimes i think it's what we decided occasionally so i'm gonna have to build i'm gonna have to build up some stuff here pinnacle should be the other direction yeah uh people say that but i don't know i dig it this is why i call him tiger squid because he's got the tiger stripes on the back it's not the color in fact the breath of the moon the breath of bob on your neck creeping you out you will be og tiger squid because you were the first tiger squid i ever had uh now i gotta find a ton of uh these things to fill her out i still have guys you don't have to worry i still have liger squid and now we have tiger squid and liger squid would you two like to meet each other like your squid meet tiger squid i've got a base by crash white tiger squid nice maybe they can mate yeah see yellow and red will make an orange one right it does kind of look like the independence day guy doesn't it banana bob um did i have couches here somebody steal my couches i swear i had couches here where'd my couches go i had couches here right am i hallucinating i swear i had couches here so confused right now willie did you mess with my couches willie adam not cool man not cool at all that's close enough willie did you eat my couches keep your willy off the couch like i sat on it when i came here i'm pretty sure that's weird how about play it again bob not bad playing with bob squidwillies it's not bad uh so can you feed him after all i can only feed him myself and i don't want to do that if i could adopt a pet this would be him would you like can i not put you down over there do you have to go over there come here where did he go where did i put him down there you are get over here buddy come here don't get in the water follow me don't go in there come here come here come here buddy let me rub you real quick uh you feed him couches apparently yeah yeah i think you're right there you go he's excited hey come up can you come up here what's up dude do you come up here can you not come up in a base come here come here come here come here hoppy can you come over here you can't get up here can you don't go down there willie will get you pogo by system of down gaming with survival bob come on this way straight ahead why do you keep walking around i guess they can't go they cannot walk on these pieces huh uh i don't know we may have multiple couches we may not he's so happy though my little honey worm yeah like i want him to come in my base and hang out on the couch with me don't go in the water it's dangerous in there what time is it oh guys i think um i think we've done what we came to do here guys we got willy we got tiger squid one eyewilly has been found one-eyed willy has is able to be observed we've got a red tiger squid pretty excited about it how to bob yeah there you go uh see if you can spawn i tried to spawn him inside it wouldn't it was the line was red i had to put him on the ground but uh but guys yeah i think that's gonna be it man i think that's gonna be it for the stream i appreciate y'all coming out um and hanging out with me watching me watching me find my willy watching me grab a squid uh watching me do the things been a lot of fun uh we'll definitely do this some more i'll be back on twitch soon um it is 7 45 in brisbane australia it is a 5 45 in uh georgia so uh uh what is your type of character my character this is uh i'm pretty sure this is anomaly pretty sure uh you have to be an anomaly to wear these helmets uh yeah guys hit that like button if you don't mind i appreciate it it does help this video out uh afterwards uh youtube will promote it more uh thanks for the stream guys calvin uh eldritch catherine pedro montana it's good to see you buddy good to hang out again tom as always good to have you my friend michael water dragon appreciate it owen seriously dodo lord that's a fun thing to say tyler oh seven my friend oh seven astro see you later bud uh kevin glad you made it mandolini thanks for coming man appreciate it brian as always thanks for coming buddy jimmy uh what does that say malik maladios i'm sure i blew that sorry about it but thanks for coming appreciate your sage awesome later buddy appreciate it guys all right guys remember if you're gonna be a bob have fun with it and uh if you're gonna play no man's sky uh don't lose your willy pro tip take care linda linda you're supposed to be in bed ben andrew gordon take care guys michael sage all right we're done for real this time we'll see you guys you
Channel: SurvivalBob
Views: 7,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no man's sky expeditions, no man's sky expeditions gameplay, no man's sky expeditions update, no man's sky expeditions live stream, no mans sky expeditions, no mans sky expeditions gameplay, no mans sky gameplay, new no mans sky gameplay, no mans sky gameplay 2021, no, man's, sky, expeditions, gameplay, survival bob no mans sky, no man's sky, no mans sky, no man's sky expeditions 2021, alpha vector, no man's sky golden alpha vector, no man's sky goldens vector, golden, alpha, vector
Id: 4t6zXy0Sw2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 22sec (9862 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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