finding the Minecraft BANDITS hidden CAMP! (Minecraft War #16)

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so today's minecraft video started with me trading for some food with frame that I can then drop two swords team very quickly while I was dropping the food off I had a conversation with sword and I'm just feeling a bit weird with framed I feel like he's kind of portraying me or is kind of behind my back so I asked swords team for a favor and I asked him to go to framed and see would he sell food to them but also at the same time throw in that they need the food to basically cause havoc to me and obviously if frame then sells that food that I know he's not on my side makes sense right I watched as this trade deal went down between sword and framed and I gotta say frame did not sell the food but I still have the feeling that framed might be backstabbing me and he has good reason and also before this starts guys hit that like button I want to know if you guys want to see minecraft war continue so if we can smash over 4000 likes at the moment I know to keep this show going but anyway guys enjoy the episode alright so swords team is here alright so I've called you here cuz of Raven so when we were repairing the base and fixing it up we found this now this wasn't any of ours and this makes sense of potentially how the booby trap was done because it kind of been there before I don't know unless he literally pre-plea pre-planned it which I guess he could have but I'm gonna tell you none of us definitely did this and it's definitely a youtuber that ever you don't know why novo fulbright you should see that like the torches at the end of the tunnel yeah so are you guys armed and locked and loaded yeah I am master he's kind of naked because he's he's new okay well he can hunger the back okay if ya if you want to but yeah we're basically going hunting Raven potentially I didn't want to go by myself because won't be the point you know the deal if you find a base you can have everything you have has I don't care oh yeah all right um yeah let's go okay masteries just because you have no gear we're gonna send your first a prison wha oh my god there's nothing here this is very fun what what services this it's large they're gonna have any explosives no I've no I don't see very salted you have any no all right let's go back and it's go up okay so the review is watching we got to try and respect people's bills cuz obviously there'd be no point and so we'll go back around can we break the tunnel oh we're not to break the tongue if I just let outside or do we have to go up and down what's the rules on that all right we'll go we'll go all the way back all the way back we'll be fair would be fair as a cleric in for something now we found a base the other day but we didn't know it whose it was guaranteed all right so that you could have actually had Ravens base all along did you raid it nobody was behind the door it was the same don't know no you're going I think you're going a bit too far over it was the court based I found was here oh no no yet on the courts all right you're right it was in this mountain like there's a little cave down there that one yeah I'm okay yeah oh god don't use that one okay whoa I just x-ray yeah this other day I just learned a hatch when you flew into the wallet maybe have actually right ladders hidden okay is this a dead end cuz like so that's the door to the left there right we're gonna get get back in the helicopter fire something there were signs in there the other day but they're not there now okay right let's get in the helicopter on fire I'll fire something in if you can line me up with it that'd be nice I'll give it a try it's hard because it's so tucked away yeah it's gonna be all could sit and because it's down as well it's gonna be awkward to get the position in right book give my good try do you know what what did the sign say well ironically it said Ravens plan for world destruction why didn't you say that okay right yeah well blunt opening yeah it's your rocket it doesn't read you a lot of damage is it that do anything I'll I do any damage I thought see if I'm doing anything no okay hey I'm gonna jump out Wow don't don't fire it on fire don't fire it all okay danger post doing it yeah yeah I'm not gonna do okay yeah there was there was four signs it said Ravens plan for world news auction yeah and then it said a pop task one find out who stole the truck why is it still a locked door if it's abandoned what would rave one-two-three-four it's anyone tried one two three four I did I did when I came the first time it didn't work hmmm but he as I did those doors those doors on the right weren't yeah Percy if it's abandoned why is Eddie doing maybe just added the doors to slow us down all right we need something with c4 Oh actually I know just the person he's a big thing Mike he has recently joined our team now Mike he's been up to a lot he has a bit going on and I feel like he might have something for me or maybe my beer - at least craft it I can't I don't have insurance for it I'm assuming store doesn't cuz I feel like he would have but that plane that you see right there that is actually my keys and we've teamed up together and we're making a team we both want good for the server we don't want to see him being destroyed but we have our plans but I'm not gonna reveal the plans right now but the reason why he gave the plane was because he doesn't really have a runway so we can't really use her so he said take it if anyone can guess what Mikey's working on over here in the comments then GG to you yeah hello have you got anything that I could like basically if you got anything explosive I just met him if he's got something explosive he's the man rocket launcher oh yeah it's all I got right now okay thank you I will hopefully return this alive okay you do that our base should I say cuz we have some future plans so yeah Mikey's joined the team and we're working on making something cool here so if you can guess props to you wait what wait don't go dad oh okay let's find a couple ups right okay you're getting shot I'm understand telling you the only person ever shoot you probably be Raven where we're direction direction it's on top of that he's on top of the mountain take the helicopter at all cost sorry fall back fall back Oh God it's definitely Raven okay well I think we found where Ravens living all right we can't lose him today by the way I would rather take him alive so we can sleep cause if he escapes me anything's gonna make it over a bit I don't know what to be honest this plane is what I'm watching yeah I'm trying to sneak around I can't see it with you right on the top of the mountain boys yeah two of them okay no we go in for kill if we confirm that's framed I swear I don't see anyone we definitely just killed two my guys I'm gonna I'm gonna let you just shoo so they back off if they're on top of the hill like so they don't gun you in the back coming over yeah feels gone oh yeah anyway it's fine okay well actually hang on two seconds through the helicopters technically safe if they don't have fuel that's true that's true now I might have scared the heebie-jeebies out of him by firing that just push together kind of I'm gonna get my boys loot just yeah yeah no yeah definitely that's that's why I prefer that's what I rammer preserved but I would like to find out with frame I'm definitely invested by that going go for it I'll keep it covered like yeah make sure I'm gonna die perfect oh okay got you oh my god she's gonna keep me covered well do my best all right got it I see Anya on your backside who's that who's that that is wait is that Raven and I have no exact words the person who was going into the thing that they add my weight is that innocent person nor is that I don't know there is it are you sure with boots come here Rick come on wake up me he's going for the helicopter is going for it going for it he doesn't know it doesn't know he's got no fuel please find out who is it was it who was it Raven change your skin changed I knew he would go for the helicopter I good thing that we tried to protect them we found his base I assume so oh my god do you think that we actually managed to protect it who was the second guy are you positive that you saw a second guy oh can I have that few again hey can I have F yeah yeah need to confirm that framed who would be the guy helping him he's probably still on the way over cuz frames quite far from here there's no way he's gonna run all over there was two people here yeah yeah so saying yeah that would make sense for frames direction he's not very fond of me so wait actually I don't hello oh he can't see me probably so confused right I am have you been here the whole time hmm he was here that was very quick yeah but now I'll think about now I'm looking it isn't not far okay we can't prove yeah but we can't prove that can we yeah so we if the guys kill any of our guys it was both Raven yeah that's insane if the guys still around he should be somewhere around here it's all good as me right guys my guards on the walls hi look out for Ravens team plus and potential never guy in iron okay but this chopper needs to stay protected now I know for a fact that frame like he's hit at frames before now if that doesn't show you that he doesn't have a base in a way and doesn't have a proper base set up then maybe we could be on to something here see that was the first time I've seen Raven or map so I'm not I don't know what he's been up to I don't know where he's been I can see TG and frame yeah I can see TV and framing inside there right now but what did we even change his skin to because it was green no no it wasn't he a little orange food um oh yeah I can they're all rendered in for me right now but like what about Ravens hiding over there we could go and ask on the floor lose people around there to the right with a gun money where we'll go over I don't want to be hostile guy money I'm not after framed I just like you're not gonna be happy if frames shouldn't help something that pinch is gonna ruin the server soon hello was it this I've got a pistol right right no it would have been this one good yeah some went down we thought were you we didn't know if like someone headed this way so we didn't offers you or what what can weapon does teach you what what do you supply him with sword yeah I'm thinking the same thing did I got a pistol I got this awesome did you learn of a gun I got I got my teammate roses wait do you know the direction where he's gone thank you towards your base oh god he's might be meeting rate maybe it's by TG this whole entire time hello how are you doing you want you want to talk to us about some hey hey okay so as you know yesterday you came to our base and you're looking for even your base is in like yeah like what's it what's it get down get down get down good not good I'm done oh I see him yeah easy one sec one second things like oh my god so after 10 minutes of Raven and frames talking in the base I don't think they saw us frame starts making his way over to our base so we head down to greet him but we quickly told TG to head back to the farm quick hello what's up okay so you know how I messed up yesterday all right yeah in what way yeah I like you know how I kind of let kept her over in the base I kept him safe mm-hmm all right yeah he's there now all right and I've got he wasn't he wants protection from you because I said he's told me that you've been and killed him again and actually attacked us but yeah whatever I've got TG on the door and T G's literally holding him holding him hostage like he's not hostage or he's but he's like being kept there without him knowing so if you wanna initially I've just came to do a live deliver this you in case you want some revenge or something but like honestly you can like I can take you to him he's literally in the house over there in my base and if you want to go kill him that's fine because honestly like why why yes why the was he paid you know like yeah like he just wanted some safety I said he'd do it for free because I let you yeah well I was iffy Raymond that a-frame is over I'm gonna go yeah he's a he's in that he's in the little the little house because um he wanted some protection because he said that you two were out looking for him again okay I want to ask you this because I want to make sure it are you being like somewhat manipulated by him what now yeah like just genuinely no I'm not I'm my own man I am free to do I just kind of sense that you don't like me very much and you're a gal yeah honestly I'm the tree I'm not out to get you like you've been good you've been good to me right like I'm sorry about yesterday I'm not telling you but I'm telling you now and that's what counts he's in that house over there this morning what did he know what do you think you're doing right now um he think I told him I was good at going out to get him some food he doesn't know what that what I've been doing but like if he's in that little house T G's holding the door still so like you can actually go in there and I don't see him alright okay hang on hang on can I just be safe secure it just lie down for a second that's it all right frame would you come do me a favor then we just walk out here and when you take off your armor and lie on the floor just just just to give me a bit of security lie on the floor alright I'm lying down don't you dare shoot me saw them no I'm just making sure you stay here don't worry so he's there he's in a hole stay there I'm staying here oh he's out he's come out of the hole hello buddy think your day is to come to the end eh no no common discord no comeback you dare you deserved it hello no I know guarding you entry you can't come into my house is actually my house and I don't I don't like the Bible you can't come in jesus said so you got you can go in right no jesus said so you could Jesus anyway Jesus says no hello hey brought you a glass saw right broke it I'll repair it out lads no no no shut the door oh no you have to knock I wasn't letting you in I'm not letting you in if you don't knock knock knock no I want a desk tap I want like a good old okay there you go hello how are you I'm good man I'm gonna shut the door nail you gonna come with me no come on you kill me that's fine yeah I know exactly where you gonna go where we going Gigi scumbag me as well he was like hey Raven is this like Butlins yeah we're going to bottle if I go into five star buttons yes I just want to have a chat late I don't to go to Butlins Tom see you can kill yourself anytime you want in a way so you can escape but I don't have a chat is that cool it's like cool that you go first yeah that's fine it's that cool we have a chat like so much you figure out what's going on because like sure feel like the only conversations we've wished she had is when Eva something's been blown up or an attacker went down or something like that now your precious truck okay let's just talk walking a tree I know you don't care about it so then why did you have to act so maliciously on it especially with my truck at the star I did all sheep I can kill the sheep need some food no I framed gave me food scam bike me so it's all good guys that mean I'm coming in to Butlins oh that's scary no let's just talk out here I'm down to talk here let's just talk here okay well we're fine you can close it up okay I don't want the Butlins right so basically the main thing that I wanted to ask was what are you up to this season I'm chill him you guys found my house earlier it's my lovely little house autumn sir I killed you guys I kind of like loop-d-loop a few people don't appreciate that wait we did you have help yeah did you help did you have someone with you no it was just me how did you take it for now of a pistol because I'm Way better than they are which crystal did you have did you have this one right here oh is it 1911 don't give him the gun it wasn't this even though I have it right here it's 19 level this one I'm holding that one don't tell me that back pressing Q there you go with 1911 so what you wanted just chillin what you up to tell me your plans why did I tell you that defeats the whole purpose of this know how this works yeah and hope you can't this go hey tell me your plans and then me tell you everything say my plans okay go on then I'm a nice guy trying to be you make that you've made that labor slave labor they voyage I have video footage of you going if you don't dig the hole you're gonna die and then you killed a guy it's just a joke wasn't you actually killed him okay Raven look I have I have the evidence being you we're good buddies we're good okay yeah like a problem you can be free freedom Last Vegas Viva Las Vegas freedom freedom Las Vegas Freda [Applause] Oh sugar is it just me thinking that you just blew that straight back over to frame the a-a-a a-a-a-a yeah [Music]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 818,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days in minecraft war, Minecraft, creepersedge, hide or hunt, mc war, mcpe, minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft base, minecraft factions, minecraft hide or hunt, minecraft house, minecraft modded, minecraft raiding, minecraft secret tunnel, minecraft server, minecraft survival, minecraft war, ryan not brian, ryan not brian minecraft war, ryan not bryan, ryannot brian, ryannotbrian, ryannotbrian 100 days, ryannotbrian mc war, ryannotbrian minecraft war
Id: X1eYtJ7zyw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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