This is the "Easiest" Game on Roblox..

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have you ever wanted to know what the easiest game on Roblox would look like there are currently 80 endings the game will have weekly updates okay I'll believe it when I'll see it okay H okay well I mean this this doesn't look too bad I I okay just just go forward so so I think I finished the game huh ending you won what if you Tred doing something else why would I do something else I completed it loading yeah okay well I objective get all endings I don't know I feel like feel like this is this is pretty easy was was that why this looks different I wonder if this okay never mind that that I swear this looks different no not Maybe not maybe I'm just going crazy maybe I'm just color blind I don't think that's how it works oh fell okay I'll take that and move on I I think good morning hello wait he he can answer oh um why why why is he speaking French oh okay okay okay he's bored on me that hurt oh oh I um okay so I'm I don't know where I'm at I don't think I want to fall but I will take the cheese I thinkes thank you y really like this ending okay anything else get all endings can I jump okay this oh I'm glad I didn't fall so this is perfect then cuz I didn't fall so that that's you know oh I I think I'm I'm stuck oh well maybe this wasn't the the best idea well I'm just I'm just glad I didn't fall or or anything so I did it first try that's the tree no not not much not much you can say about it okay okay what if we roll This Hider what if we no no no no carefully do that stop stop no he still oh I I didn't mean to do this but thanks 12 seconds but I better hurry up uh can I mind this what is this Minecraft or something no no oh that's a skeleton real nice real nice okay quite a small cave we got here 100 seconds okay what if I jump into this pit oh oh spiky okay now let's do what I really wanted to do which is please stop please stop go no no no no no no no not again no wait please no okay that's fine that's fine ah stop screaming yeah that's what I oh that worked super win that's a super win okay but what what if I wait for the time to end stop pushing that's not that that's this is not what I wanted to do that's just not it stop pushing me said it again bro oh he's red he's he's he's oh well I'm just going to do that again I guess oh oh oh I should have jumped in oh just give me a second hi there hello why is heree jump in good morning yeah get get go down there um okay that's an apple what did you say Okay back in this place what what if I get this droll huh no not that oh what if I go oh that that didn't do anything okay no no not this way okay just do your thing let me let me push it that way okay boom and I'm in the same cave is is is the same cave I think this the same cave okay well I guess I'll just stare at this time until it it goes down okay three any time now okay what hello oh collapse word huh okay then hi there you you look different that's just not how wait wait wait wait no no no get get get in there okay you can just not go down now no no no no stop and go down yep we and anything in here that's a grape can I uh I guess I'll I guess I'll take it that's that looks good ending grapes you know what I'm just going to start doing this as a Revolt okay if you're not going to give me another ending I'm going to do this how about that that's just how it goes I'm not going to stop oh okay that that's how it works see now they just had to give ending now yeah perfect okay and that's another one okay perfect ju just perfect yeah party poer so so that that's a really serious ending okay okay next ending this is going to be interesting boom give me give me give me give me the cheese oh okay finally that took a while and then we we just we just take this guy we got to why did I feed him what what oh oh my I didn't expect that wait well well I still going to click it but stop stop okay oh oh oh I didn't mean to okay so you shouldn't give this guy and cheese I guess that's not that's not going to that's not going to help you that's really not what to do so just just give me back give me cheese give me give me okay finally come on get get there okay don't we jump okay oh oh okay we we go here oh oh I'm stuck where am I where am I stuck well uh oh okay I guess I got attacked so that that's interesting I didn't mean to do that you got got to make sure you don't steal the key then just just do click on this guy okay I'm going to ignore you you can just stand there I don't care got to do that and ignore whatever he says no do what the other way stop no don't go this way okay got to make sure we line this up no not no it just doesn't work I swear I've been trying for so long it doesn't work I can't I just can't push him dude I think these guys should be fine I hope we do that we take the plank okay don't fall please don't fall no no oh I oh my God I I had to restart okay okay no no no jump here oh perfect I I I that okay got to go back never mind I forgot to get the thing okay imagine I missed no no don't do that oh my God I almost I almost lost it oh no please stop wait no no please don't don't touch okay no wait wait wait wait wait now we just got to we just got to stop stop stop stop stop okay got it got it perfect then we jump we we oh yeah do that boom did that okay boom this this should work okay now I can just throw this away okay oh okay just give me a second I got to get got to get the red ball I think just keep doing that we take this okay then we go here okay we click on the cheese okay should have worked then we click just got to get this guy closer to me this guy okay now we go here okay perfect then we we go okay we click on the trophy and we got the Dominus finally dude and that's that's a tutorial on how you get a Dominus that's what this video was all about so uh yeah subscribe if you if if you want this got it that's it and it's real too it's it's real yep I I don't think I'm going to retry on on that one I think I found a way to make money out of this Ju Just just wait for it okay this area and then we finally got this red guy then we go in oh okay I I almost missed it okay okay okay this this is going to be hard click okay 1015 oh oh I did it okay that that's a golden apple okay for for this one I'm just going to I'm just going to do that okay take eat this to get the ending okay now I I just got to do the whole thing again but with the cheese okay so so yeah just just just give me a second and now okay okay and if you don't know how that works you just have to basically click in between the the time it shows so so they're like the seconds hi there yeah go away got it that hurt what no no it didn't just got to put him in the right way the the right spot no wait go go go go okay now now we just jump okay got to climb that you should be growing okay that's just perfect what this what we need wait he might he might be faster than me don't tell me he's faster than me that's just that's just bad no oh he's oh he's bigger than the map am I going up I'm going up okay uh oh oh perfect what what how did I I don't know where I'm at I didn't want to I didn't mean to get here golden cheese oh well is this is this an ending I didn't mean to do this okay this is what I what I really wanted to do okay wait for him to grow now okay just just got to make sure he doesn't get me or anything I don't know he's he's pretty fast I have to not touch the cloud maybe so that that could be helpful we maybe stop here oh he's not stopping I don't know what to say oh perfect nice we we take the cheese now okay so we just we just jump here okay then we go here [Music] we do that why it just didn't work I guess I guess descending just I I don't know okay got got a different plan then okay push this guy boom and I and I will need the the cheese give me okay perfect then I need to pay a visit to an old friend not not like that wait okay nice oh no I I would I would like to to actually make the jump if possible no no no F finally okay feed the rat now he's fat okay that's perfect now I can take the key without D anyone attacking me yeah that's that's you know a good scenario just got to how do I sneak this in and he's going to wake up take the key oh oh jeez take key huh not not again okay you took my key that was my favorite key now you pay he was supposed to sleep I don't know what what went wrong I swear he I gave him the cheese so I basically paid for it I don't know what else he wants me to do sometimes in life you just mess up mess up on on the easy parts and that's that's that's okay not me cuz I I didn't mess up that I'm totally doing good jeez that's a cool okay whatever we worry about that later okay now we just want to trick this guy into following me oh well so I guess that works y it's it's all his fault okay now don't blame it on me okay he he could have just seen it we get the key again okay let give it to him that open okay we just got to make sure he doesn't die here oh wait oh I didn't mean to ha it that was good cheese that I believe you I I don't really believe you but I I didn't mean to oh well he's gone just don't hit the on that I I don't think that would be good for you at least give me an ending okay perfect okay now we wanted to follow me oh oh oh oh okay just don't fall off thank you perfect we get behind this and you're going to have these cheese how about that you like it h well I think he enjoys this one as well that was good cheese that's why you said before there might be too much cheese yeah I think so I don't feel so good and okay uhoh oh I I I I died with themo ending you won what if you try doing something else what what like losing that doesn't seem like a good option I I don't know why but but it just doesn't seem good okay then another idea we do this and check check this out this is all a scam okay you do that wait this should this should be working I'm pretty sure this should be working No it should it shouldn't be working wait give me a second we need this guy to get oh oh wait okay now we should be working one one second oh it really did okay you want to go in oh okay I'm in we made it okay now we now we want to ignore that place jump do this parkour make sure we get into the this corner and reset perfect jump okay this is risky boom got to get this oh he broke perfect that's this torch is not working whatever I guess I'll take it okay this is probably going to be the most interesting ending just just wait for it I need uh cheese again oh oh okay cheese oh take it take it I thought thought thought you like cheese man you you're all right I want to go back to this call cuz I I I saw this earlier and and now it's time we come back to it oh that's a hole you see that we make it in and and that's what that's a button how do I how do I get that I don't know I think I have to click this then go back in cuz this this is a scam and K is still here well not much I can do about it so I'm just going to take the go to the Moon maybe Moon award I think it's time to to start completing GES look wait can I jump okay I can jump oh oh maybe maybe I shouldn't be doing gobies after all okay we go here we reset oh that that's perfect then we do this we just got to just got to make a few jumps here and there shouldn't be too worried okay we go back now got to make sure I don't fall anywhere then we align ourselves perfectly reset but we this hobby I'm not done oh one OB is not enough we got to do this and then we go back I think I could have used this to get back here faster but whatever let we go here reset now what oh okay this one I assume I got to dodge the red bricks I don't know that seems like a smart choice then we go all the way here okay oh that's a what if I get that oh maybe I should try that next time okay then we go here we reset uh yep we do this wait uh left okay okay this this is easy I I just got to make sure I don't mess up but I expected something harder okay oh that that one oh wait okay I get it okay should be easy enough I don't think I should struggle with this what happens if I mess up that do I just lose the whole progress probably so I I don't want to mess this up boom oh now we got to go back okay just slowly don't don't make any bad decisions okay okay okay I'm almost there I think I can just jump off now okay and this should be my last one maybe maybe not reset oh okay easy not even a problem okay then this sounds red do I go back no I'll just tdge it Obby Master yeah I'll I'll take that title and leave with it I think I think that's that's what represents me totally and and yeah we'll we'll just leave it as that so like And subscribe if you if you enjoyed this
Channel: Check
Views: 10,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pCSjXL1hhQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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