Into The Regretevator (Roblox)

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hey guys today we're going to be going on this elevator thing I found and we're just going to be going up this elevator and it's going to be all kinds of what how did this guy how does he have that on where'd he go okay whatever I'm just going to get on this elevator and uh you know hopefully I'll get some answers as to what that was or at least I'll I'll have a a fun wholesome time on this fun wholesome elevator oh concrete will flood the building great well let's see if I can uh how do I okay I guess I go around this how close am I oh jeez I was going to say 100 seconds might be a long time turns out I'm I'm going to have to make this pretty quick this is uh what is this do I just okay I just climb up that oh I'm up what is my award for not drowning in concrete do you know Jimmy from Mr Beast well there's the concrete there I better stand back what's uh what's stopping it from just reaching okay never mind we're good now what oh okay oh now your name is mannequin Mark well that's my first floor done with if the first floor made me avoid drowning in concrete I am slightly concerned about the second floor oh never mind it's just a cool wholesome birthday party no concrete involved in this one just uh how do I eat the the cake what click to to destroy okay let me just blow up this cupcake nice furniture is actually very overrated we we don't we don't need any of that all right what's what's this going to be now why did I get a badge why is there a void oh never mind that's me I'm at another birthday party it's my birthday wow I am getting on this elevator on my real main account from the intro so is this elevator just going to fill up with mannequins and Skin Walkers is that what this is I feel like that's concerning oh this is uh this is the classic Dodge the flying teapots of Doom where you get scammed like I just did let's try and actually beat it this time nice there we go the gimmick of this game is every time someone gets to the end it increases the amount of teapot spam so we're we're we're going to we're going to try our best to get the difficulty as high as it can this is getting very hard to follow already one thing that's missing from the original is the Winner's area over here somewhere you know you make it to the end and you get to watch everyone else suffer because of your actions I am kind of popping oh I just got scammed okay guys so far I don't regret going on this elevator the skin walker is actually pretty chill he hasn't he hasn't really done anything yet oh gumball machine walk up the winding path of the gumball machine to the top well there's no gumballs to be seen anywhere oh jeez gumballs finally started showing up they're not they're not really doing that much damage I'm just going to hug the wall the whole time oh no don't fall off okay oh jeez oh get out of the way oh I missed the exit where do I go oh I go in here nice I'm glad I get the epic face as an award oh don't recall inviting you here Mr Beast and the skinwalker are just chatting away I don't really I don't really care about that I'm just uh I'm I'm looking forward to my next adventure in this elevator oh oh okay we're we're going to we're going to be running away from this thing that's what we're going to be doing just targeting me at all times it's very much not looking too too good see what the next floor holds exit gate 9A what is this oh is this is this the dropper let's see if I can oh nice first try now how do I how do I win oh here we go more okay see if it actually gives me enough time to make it all the way up here I am almost there and I got scammed again okay what is this oh no Area 51 oh no yeah what what do you mean by biological life forms what is what does that supposed to mean activate all six of the generators to escape Area 51 ah okay yep don't mind me I'm just going to this random door what is this I'm just going to go oh not sure what that was just going to turn this on nice I see something over there oh okay um just going to walk past this thing into the next generator now I will have to avoid him on the way back and not get spawn camped oh okay never mind he just sent me to the start this is a generator right nice oh what why is the door not open how do I uh how do I open this door can you tell me scary blue oh it just opened on its own but I died oh and now this door is closed that is one of the scams of all time oh okay oh this is be crushed by a speeding wall and that is another generator nice just going to let that kill me and there we go failed to Rea I failed guys I tried my best okay five out of six isn't that bad especially when my teammates are not doing anything not to alarm anybody is show the screen oh noit the elevat well there's only one name that can be shown on screen unless it can show Dr retro on the screen but of course it doesn't okay but what if I what if I didn't walk out you know cuz most people would walk out obviously but me I'm I'm Different oh well good thing I stayed on the hand and real I guess oh okay A little bit of uh whatever this Gmod map is called why do I hear someone messing around over there oh oh okay a guy who is not in the server is dead what what happened to you man and now Walter is here Walter I just I just witnessed you blow up some guy um do you have any comment on that okay I guess not all right what is this oh we got the we got that one Wii screenshot the infection is spreading close the valves oh that's a valve okay these are actually infected Parts okay well there's another valve right here the the infection seems to be getting out of control a little bit guys I I think it's over for me I'm I'm just like clueless right now oh there's a valve right here let's see if I can close this one without opening my settings oh I totally missed this one okay there we go now is there any possible way I can do any more of this because I'm at I'm at 12 hp now I'm dead why is there an infected guy on my elevator now why is my elevator infected now oh what is this oh there goes Walter I'm I'm going to follow Walter he seems to know what he's doing oh I have lost sight of Walter so I'm just I'm going to run in a direction see if I can make this jump nice there we go no clue where I'm oh never mind why is this chair in my elevator now and why is it floating oh well I got in the chair somehow now I have to get out do I do I have to get out of the chair maybe I'll just uh maybe I'll just stay seated I'm just kidding that's that's not good for the content what's going on out here today oh hello hello Dave oh uh-oh oh what is that oh jeez oh jeez oh the aliens are killing me surely this Shack is going to protect me bro who are you okay there's there's too many things in my elevator now can we can we drop the floor again all right now what what is this this looks uh unsettling I'm the owner of this silly Emporium gregoria and like to welcome feel very welcome this building has been here for over 400 years okay yeah 400 years I'm literally standing in an ancient ruin right now it's definitely yep the flood yep it's definitely over for me don't I'll just I'll just follow the arrows okay okay they keep going up here I was going to say they just led me to a wall oh okay I go in through here this is uh incredibly sketchy especially considering the ball pit that's forming beneath me why is there an axe all right whatever no no time to be concerned about any of this just got to get up here and did I did I win I think I won the the flood has stopped and the employees are making fun of me over there all right what kind of uh insane survival challenge will I be faced with with this time oh get to the shield Before the Flood the darker the blocks the closer you are to the safe Zone okay I'm just I'm mining in this direction just going to hope for the best oh I can't mine through that of course now I'm just in a sea of quartz blocks pretty much okay I think I'm heading the right way now the blocks are getting darker okay I'm like extremely close oh oh we're right here okay where do I where do I go from here exactly cuz i' I've clearly went in the wrong direction oh oh no oh no oh I'm I'm dead wait hold on is this the clutch moment I've been waiting for nope probably not there's too much water everywhere and I can't see anything I'm just it's over this time I Will Survive the insane survival challenge that I am faced with okay maybe not oh what is this where am I welcome dancers what is this so I have to stand on the right number color number things let's see what I have to stand on okay okay easy enough got worried for a second there the floor just randomly changed while I was looking for blue stand on Blue again blue is right here easy stuff so far stand on white okay white is right here and Green is right here just uh really really trying to avoid that down there but it it sure is making me do this for a while white is right here it just it keeps giving me ones that are right next to me my my luck is going to run out eventually no it's not I'm just I'm too I'm too good at this finally uh finally won something give me more of that that was that was a very fun what was that where am I oh another color challenge so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to stand on Blue the whole time so far it's worked oh okay not sure what that was but I'm just I'm going to keep standing on Blue I I feel it it's my lucky color as you can see right there it was yellow so I'm going to keep standing on blue and hope that it's not going okay it's not it's just random let's see if it's okay it's yellow again this is why we just pick one corner and stick with it okay cuz it's just yellow every time apparently you know some people would consider like at this point switching the yellow but oh okay I don't I don't know what was down there just the round ended before I could see what's on this floor oh just a a bunch of landmines and a guy who stepped on them you know ice cream is cool but I don't know if I want it that badly I I guess I can give it a try how do I uh how do I do this exactly yeah I'm going to I'm just going to go like this okay nice so I'm going to make a run for it now okay down here oh don't worry guys this is actually really easy as you can man I was going to beat it all right give me something really cool and good just uh yeah this this seems cool here's how to drive in case you guys were wondering now I I am already an expert in this field so I I already know the driving controls now these cars aren't turning as sharply as I would have liked but that's okay I'm making it work checkpoint four it's too easy I almost got crushed by that thing we're not going to talk about that oh okay not sure what that was I guess I'm driving backwards now and I win okay nice oh oh it's just an e easy Obby okay I bet it's going to be the red path okay I knew I should have stuck to Blue yep there we go and we're just going to wrap around these walls here very easily do this ice slide there we go and I win I beat the Obby guys you know it's it's good that I got that badge so that I have proof that I beat the Obby all right I'm just W keying the door no hesitation for me oh why do I hear the Ikea music oh no find Lampert wow I found a GameCube guys I'm just going to keep going anyway I have to find a guy named Lampert don't really know what I'm looking for I'm seeing a whole bunch of lamps but no Earth and it's probably going to become night time before I figure any of this out oh okay never mind it it just ends How About Now what's what's this sketchy place what is oh there goes Walter oh he just turned turned into a brick wall okay I don't even know what he said there his chat P was clipping through the wall it's a pile of bulls it sure is oh well for a brief moment I had some uh some peace and quiet on the elevator and you know some some personal space kind of I'm going to I'm going to get out now all right whatever this is it's safer than the elevator oh never mind there's neurotoxins and I I'm just totally dead well back to the elevator it is oh never mind I'm dying anyway and my infected guy died oh okay just I don't I don't care what I get just yeah whatever oh good thing I wasn't standing on the train tracks well that last floor didn't really clean up the mess so hopefully this one does oh what is this we got a wheel in the middle here spin the wheel okay let's see what we get sure is uh spinning for a while oh uhoh no what is happening to the floor oh jeez all right well this is definitely concerning but it should be easy enough to uh avoid this okay just got to get out the way there it's definitely speeding up just speeding up to Impossible amounts I'm on fire oh was that the last one you tried but I'm uh I'm still here at least the pile of balls are gone I'll take whatever as long as I don't burn alive don't enter the snow dangerous snow I'm going to sit down for this one because I think we're going into the dangerous snow against the wishes of the sign you know we're we're we're doing pretty good so far okay this is concerning oh okay we just went right through that tree we are accelerating very rapidly oh I win well that wasn't so bad I would argue that it wasn't even that dangerous I have a feeling that this next level oh no I have to who are you oh and now I have to collect more stuff something that I've historically failed at over and over again all right where's where are these Pages any Pages down this way nope just coins why do I hear footsteps what's this can I pick this up I can't oh that's a face okay I'm going to avoid going towards that the footsteps are rapidly approaching what is this oh can you help me find these Pages oh why is something pathing towards me it's all your fault you're going to get me killed by whatever this is or not it's just gone okay fair enough I guess oh it's back I'm at a dead end right now of course all right just uh just uh stay away oh oh there's a page I probably walked past a bunch and another one right here nice where even am I right now did I just I think I just l looped back around oh I didn't know he was walking there and of course my friends here were completely useless as always oh this is okay we're in a we're in a bit of an elevator Loop right now just going to keep going down this infinite elevator hallway maybe I'm going to back up a little bit actually yeah he seems a bit yeah he seems a bit angry at me guys uh don't mind that guy he's just completely broke our elevator it's fine though who's there okay little bit of a crossy road type action let's try not to get ran over by any oh okay this is going to be a close one somehow I'm still alive oh oh I spawned why is there a Roomba with a knife on it why is there two of them why is there three of them okay I'm just I'm just going to keep getting ran over whatever I'm not I'm not even going to look I'm just going to hold okay what was that this is a bit of a disaster right now guys I'm not going to lie oh just get me to the free admin house or whatever that is let not okay I'm so close to the end yet so far and I'm so far that it just ended at least the rumors aren't getting to me anymore oh what is this got a party up in here okay oh a boulder is set to hit the happy home well I wish you guys the best of luck oh jeez these oh I don't think these are Boulders I think these are uh another type of rock entirely I mean I guess you could call them Boulders but no one does guys I think uh I think the house party might be cancelled due to this uh bad weather any meteors this time what is this oh okay we got a little bit of uh little bit of wipe out action I guess look I got a whole audience of people who are going to watch Me Drown to death right here cuz I'm just going to hold the W key and just uh oh somehow that was effective not sure what that was but I somehow survived it I'm just going to jump on this oh oh okay I didn't actually get sent back to the start oh so that was a slide I jumped on okay that makes sense and somehow I won I thought I was going to be drowning there oh who are you oh steal a snack but not while cashier is looking well cashier is not looking so cashier is looking I was about to grab the burger but then I opened my settings maybe I'll just grab these while I'm standing in the elevator it seems like a decent Strat there we go just uh keep stealing items pretty easy stuff cashier is extremely bad at their job I'm pretty sure there was a frame where I was holding a snack while they were looking but this this is a nice little call back to a fun game I made a couple videos on oh that was close feel like I've I've gotten enough snacks I'm going to just have a look around oh there's robu here oh I was about to go into the employees only area I feel like that would have ended pretty badly the door's not opening oh there it is warning torite is approaching seek shelter immediately hide in places oh this is oh this is the speeding wall I assume yep oh it's even scarier okay definitely do not want to be caught in the path of that thing just going to play it safe I probably could have gotten to the end of that but just sit right here and watch that go by now I'm going to make a run for it I'm I'm going to I'm going to keep going all right there we go might have been able to pull off another one but why why risk it you know just going to sit next to the strawberry cat for a moment all right and I am going so does this uh does this ever end oh I guess I'll never know give me uh give me a floor that I can actually complete this time what is this what am I uh what am I running from exactly starting incinerator okay that explains that can you uh can you open the gate please and thank you okay thanks yep just going to make my way through this and press this green button whatever that does let's see how close it is okay we're we've got some distance press this button here and avoid these baseballs being shot at me or whatever they are and I've made it okay oh oh I'm supposed to press buttons I think well I don't think I uh have enough time to do that anymore I'm just going to hide under these things oh oh never mind we're good um yeah I wonder what this is in reference to well um I have no way of checking the cameras so I'm just going to close the doors and just uh waste all the power off rip maybe I'll maybe he'll run the timer out guys it's fine if if I run out of power which I will I'll just walk back in the elevator and everything will be fine I'll just I'll just use the NPCs as a bit of a shield assuming anything actually happens oh okay we're good oh what is this power reach the top okay that should be easy enough just going to climb up this ladder okay why is the ladder breaking up what is happening oh okay just going to avoid this was close I'm going to play it safe I'm going to wait right here so I'm just going to wait one more cycle there we go and we're not going to open settings we're going to redirect the power and win elev have been St there we go watch out what am I watching out for exactly oh oh okay oh my first repeat floor we we'll see how this run goes I don't remember what difficulty I got up to last time but I don't I don't think it was more than 10 so that that'll be my did I just die at the end platform I think uh I think that was the run killer right there I'm I'm bringing it back guys okay we're at we're at difficulty 9 let's just uh try and get the 10 right here okay nice we got the 10 all right and that's where we uh end that runoff guys this this playthrough has been going on for a while and I've been getting a bunch of floors that I've already seen before so if if that happens again I will break my monitor oh
Channel: Remainings
Views: 434,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remainings, roblox, commentary, lets play, gaming, roblox gameplay, roblox lets play, roblox commentary, roblox funny moments, regretevator, roblox normal elevator, regret elevator
Id: 9olw69bnItk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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