Finding the Alchemist! [Enshrouded Ep. 7]

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welcome back to enshrouded in last episode we got the hunter over here and made this awesome Scout set of armor and today we are going to find The Alchemist which should be right up in this direction on our map here yep The Alchemist up here and rather than just going to the ancient Spire to find it and glide down I think I'm going to go up through here so we can explore a little of this bottom section of the map here and then see what these two quests are cuz they're very close to The Alchemist so with that said sit back get cozy and let's begin the adventure all right so we took this camp out again from those of you who remember from a while ago just on this side of the bridge and we're just going to continue straight over this way and if you remember from before we continued up this way before to get to the flame uh sanctum but this time let's go this way cuz I think this kind of kind of points Us in the closer Direction toward the Alchemist here and I think I'll just kind of follow this pathway up and around ooh it looks like we have a cave up ahead and a bunch of wolves all right well let's go in this cave and uh see what this is here ooh cave passage interesting so this must be like a shortcut through the mountain to get somewhere man lots of these wolves okay might have to eat a berry here just to replenish some health so which way do we go looks like that way is a dead end well let's climb up here another wolf up there all right and we're enshrouded let's see ah here we go looks like it spits us out but there's also a little section up here I just want to see if anything is over here doesn't look like it currently I'm sure there's a bit more exploring in there to do but it looks like here we come out on the other side so we just went through the mountain there and we have another little flame Shrine over here so we can get another spark there all right so I'm guessing maybe we continue up this way this looks like it's the closer closer path leading toward the Alchemist there yeah let's just go ahead and follow this a little ways ooh so we have a nice little camp area over here looks like a little farm area so I'm wondering what this is peaceful Acres all right so what do do we have over here we have some crops this is pretty cool tear out what do those give us plant fiber ooh and we have corn here we just got some corn from that that's pretty cool and then I'm guessing we've got quite a bit more to explore in here this is a neat location ooh lots of mushrooms and stuff so I'm guessing we'll be able to do all of this and do a lot of farming once we unlock the farmer there oh gosh dead guy in the bathtub and then we have this house right over here let's see what's in here ooh oh gosh okay more of the rats I was like what is that sound okay let's grab those and let's see also destroy some of the barrels here oh we've got more of them we've got lots of them in here it looks like all right so yeah what's interesting in here we have the upstairs here looks like an old fireplace quite destroyed anything over there no well we do have a chest what's in here rusty sword okay well I'll grab that actually does a fair amount of damage there's the staircase back down we also have another little room over in here another chest oh we need a lockpick so let's go and crafting and I think we can make a lockpick without having to be near the blacksmith yep there we go lockpick and let's see what's inside here o health potion and more arrows that seems pretty good all right so that seems to be what that little section has for us and let's just see where I am on the map currently there was the peaceful acres and yeah let's go up to the story of fire section right up there oh and we have another little return Beacon over here and then again people in the comments keep telling me like destroy these barrels uh and everything you see uh which I guess makes sense cuz look at what we're getting from it yeah water Metal Sheets lots of stuff honey all right so yeah that's definitely worth just destroying everything we find so there we go return Beacon let's keep following the path we have something right up here let's see what is this thing down here let's go take a look ancient Obelisk okay so that was just added to our map anything interesting over here oh what is that bone meal interesting okay another one of the Shroud flasks there okay well let's read what these have to say ooh spectral Shield at the blacksmith that's pretty cool Wanderer boots okay interesting a new lore for ancients in the flame all right let's go ahead and read this tired we would pretend to read them as children but now the obelisks hide their truths I was a fool for thinking I could find a solution to my problems here no one hears my prayers and I feel so tired I wish you were by my side brother forgive me vtil okay interesting so what happens if we read this in a world destined for ruin Humanity will fade as all beings do their light will Flicker and die Untouched by the Eternal Flame meaningless and minuscule in the face of near endless Insight Burning Brightly turning into dust as we turn to fire an endless cycle of Ruin and turmoil okay and we just completed that Quest it looks like of the story of Fire uh down here so yeah that's what that was so that's interesting if we go to our Journal here awesome yeah so we we completed the story of fire now we just have the story of rot which is up on the other side of the map so okay and then it looks like a bunch of locations are just added to our map yeah it added a whole bunch of flame shrines so we can see where all of those are now uh by completing that quest which is pretty cool so it is night time I'm actually just going to go ahead and throw a flame alter down here let's see I just need a couple more Stone and then I will go back and sleep and we'll be right back here in the day okay so I'm back and it is now daytime and before I head to the uh Alchemist I'd like to head up this hill here because I thought I saw a structure of some sort up in the distance and yeah there's a little path that leads up here so there's there's a little cave right over there that I saw but there's another thing up here that almost looks like that that uh hidden tomb that we did last time so let's check this out see what's in here yeah so it does indeed look like another tomb here I guess we'll just continue around oh we've got like a swampy muddy area over here almost looks like a little bit of water yeah I bet you they could add water to the game if they wanted to hopefully they'll work on that at some point that would be really cool all right well this is interesting we've got lots of cof it's a bit of a different layout than the first one ooh we've got a spiky floor okay H there we go ooh another one of these coffins here ooh Wildwood short bow so it doesn't do much power but we could upgrade it and it has a very very quick draw speed clearly wow ooh and shroud magic damage lots of bonuses as we upgrade it yeah don't mind if I do I'll go ahead and take that all right and let's make our way back to the ancient Obelisk there and continue heading toward the Alchemist okay we're back at the ancient oblisk and this was the little flame altar I plac to travel back here uh after I slept the night so I'm just going to Glide off of this hill cuz it looks like The Alchemist is right over there so let's go ahead and head over this way get a little closer to that so much Flint in these Hills here that's pretty crazy and we have another path over here let's see ooh yeah as I head up it there you can see The Alchemist right up there that Vault but we also have another little cave over here so I kind of want to see what's in here let's just go ahead and eat up here and uh all right well here goes nothing oh golly those don't look so good all right ooh Fireball does a ton of damage to them holy cow yeah check that out wow okay although these guys are a bit bit tough here there we go all right we got a couple of them and we just have the crossbow guy over here looks like that's going to blow up o a bunch of traps so this is kind of a bit of a tough spot to be in here all right well we did it okay and that was even without the iron armor or the rising fighter set so we don't have to be too tanky for this kind of stuff but we'll see if I have to go back and get the rising fighter set I will depending on how hard it is to get to The Alchemist ooh this almost looks like o this is a crazy cool spot scavengers stash interesting oo and we have a gold chest up here what's in here ooh a whaling blade legendary that's definitely probably the best weapon I have found so far yeah check that out so our blade uh does 16 damage the whaling blade already dos 14 but we can upgrade it a whole bunch cutting piercing and blunt rather than just uh mostly cutting a little bit of piercing a little bit of blunt for that one but that is really cool I may just go ahead and put that in my inventory here ooh it provides light as well so we can finally go through caves and stuff without needing a torch and feeling like we're unarmed all the time well that is really cool okay yeah let's go ahead and craft a lock pick here see what's in this chest well that was really worth coming across so yeah just to give you guys a sense of where it is on the map let's just go ahead and take that and here we go so yeah there was our ancient oblisk and here is the scavenger statue so really close to The Alchemist there that was very very worth it all right well let's just go ahead and grab all the rest of these goodies here oh a lockpick right up there nice lots of metal scraps here explosive powder balls all sorts of cool stuff all right well with that let's head over to to The Alchemist and uh let's see here maybe I will go ahead and and go down this path head up to it from the front there cuz I don't really see an easy path above there but yeah that path was definitely worth following for this new blade here I'm definitely going to be upgrading that when I get home all right so here we go we are now at the entrance area to The Alchemist section so again I'm just going to keep eating looks like we have some wolves over here ooh golly okay yeah I feel like the mace still does better it's obviously a little more upgraded than our uh sword there but uh yeah so I think the Mace will be my main weapon for now until I get home to upgrade that sword a lot of stuff over here seems to be weak to the blunt damage as well so we'll just go ahead and use that all right let's see can I get this guy out oh nice all right ooh this guy's shooting like explosives oh my oh my okay okay buddy so let's get this guy out oh my gosh okay wow and a lot more of that swampy stuff it looks like it slows us down a lot when we walk into it all right well that's good to know another one of the guys that shoots the explosives here there we go yeah this mace is taking care of them really really quick okay so that looks pretty cleared for this little section let's see what's over here looks like lots more stuff to search couple more chests okay another powder ball there oh golly all right how about this take some of your own medicine yeah oh this is so satisfying all right there we go okay yeah so these explosives do a lot of damage and uh I'm actually pretty happy to be using them they're kind of fun all right so yeah we'll just go and take everything from this and then that is indeed The Alchemist up there ooh another repair equipment yeah let's go ahead and do that anything in here a silver chest executioner axe 21 damage wow and that's not even a legendary weapon well that looks pretty good all right yeah let's go and take some of these books I guess in case we need them for things later on go and smash all this yep in there there was an Elixir so yeah definitely worth smashing all this stuff okay well let's head up to the Alchemist area up here there's probably going to be a lot more stuff that we have to take out and I actually may end up uh yeah I'm going to go ahead and drink a health potion o a return Beacon that's nice so if we die we'll be able to come back pretty easy oh gosh okay yep few more guys over here oh that really hurt I did not mean to do that man you got to be careful around those things okay all the explosives here all right where is this guy at someone was shooting us oh it looks like he's all the way up there on top of that okay yeah let's just take these guys out first yeah parrying them is actually pretty powerful here and that actually reminds me oh gosh that reminds me I want to spend some of my skill points that we got last time because if I can get better at parrying them like this then uh it'll actually be really powerful uh because yeah let's go let's go to my skill tree here and let's go down here where it says the merciless attack let's go ahead and unlock that one because now when we Parry them we'll be able to hit e and it'll like instantly uh take care of them so I'm kind of curious to see see how that works this guy obviously shoots some stuff so it won't really work on him cuz we're not going to bury it right now but yeah I'll show you guys how that works soon all right lots of interesting stuff over here more barrels another chest all right let's see what's in here o another health potion that's good more metal scraps okay what about in these towers over here so much stuff to search over here it's pretty crazy more fire okay yep I definitely want some of those those have been awesome man they do so much damage very expensive obviously cuz they're limited and they use uh use up Fireballs every time you shoot it out of the staff but they're pretty powerful okay into the ancient vault here for The Alchemist and oh yep I do see some stuff over there okay so what if I ouch oh that actually did work for him okay yeah those Fireballs man they do a lot of damage oh man I wasn't able to block that okay let's try to Parry one of these guys well not quite the timing there was a little tough okay let's see if this guy can get parried all right there we go hit e and merciless attack there we go that is awesome so that one I feel like is worth having uh because if I can Parry them a lot that is really useful oh we got another guy over here let's take care of him let's see we've got a little little section here it looks like we even have an upstairs there but we also have a basement here so let's see let's go upstairs first and see what we have up here so it looks like we go this way a little flame there so lots of little Lookout points ah and that's definitely where The Alchemist is okay so we'll go free The Alchemist here really shortly uh but I'm going to go back downstairs here first just to see what's in there uh in case we find anything cool down here ooh there's a something oh yeah there's a lot of stuff down here okay let's get into here and see what this chest has another explosive and okay uh can I step on this looks like a spiked floor but it looks like it allow us to walk across it so is that going to be triggered by opening this chest it's another gold chest it looks like so what do we have in here frozen core wand legendary for ice damage definitely need to take that okay I am going to delete some stuff out of my inventory let's just go ahe and eat a corn there it'll uh give us plus one I think for strength and stuff so it'll do a little more melee damage yeah plus one strength so let's see I'll just goe and delete some of my logs there and uh yeah yeah we'll go with that for now use a bandage maybe and I definitely want to take that we can get rid of my old ice wand oh yeah okay okay so looks like we just kind of run down there we go perfect timing so that is a really useful thing wow I really am going to be upgrading these when I get home that's pretty exciting so right in here oh and yep we do have some more scavengers let's do a fireball and let's try to get this guy out Parry him and hit e for oh we didn't even have to hit e there we already got him before we had to hit e all right ouch all right yeah I still got to get used to the parrying timing here uh but yeah it looks like when we see those little circles kind of above their head that's when we can use our merciless attack all right so here is The Alchemist awaken Survivor ooh a whole another armor set and 20 more at The Alchemist amazing all right bone meal at grinding Stones okay so we unlocked how to make those well that's really cool all right that is awesome yeah so let's go ahead and head oh we can collect arrows out of skeletons here that's pretty neat and a new Quest powerful Alchemy let's go to our journal and see what we've got here so uh ooh scavenger stash I actually have to find another thing find The Whaling blade oh so that actually was a whole quest in it of itself and we have to speak to Oswald Anders the blacksmith to find out more so I guess we'll have to complete that Quest when we get back and then yeah powerful Alchemy so we have to summon the Alchemist at our base there awesome okay so let's go ahead and uh teleport back home here and see what goodies we have okay here we go let's go ahead and do the first things first commune with the flame another Survivor awakened The Alchemist will prove helpful by crafting potions and healing tinctures okay awesome and here's the blacksmith about the sword that we just found so what's he going to say the whaling blade you claim the whaling blade I forged it for her grasp before she left me fine you may wield it in her place pierce the shroud's heart Flame born it's what my daughter would want okay so he had a daughter who clearly didn't make it uh and this was the sword that he forged for her and the Scavengers clearly uh stole it so there we go scavenger stash that Quest has been completed and actually while we're over here I'm going to grab my uh I'm going to grab all of these runes and let's try to upgrade it a bit since it's super upgradable so yeah check this out enhance equipment look at how many times we can upgrade a legendary weapon here that's insane we can upgrade our epic uh Wildwood short bow as well but yeah I really want to upgrade this frozen core wand and the whaling blade so let's go ahead and do this one a few times yeah there we go and frozen core wand looks like we can only do it twice but there you go 17 damage from just a one so let's go ahead and get rid of all of my old stuff now I'll keep the mace but we certainly don't need the scrappy sword anymore uh and yeah let's just go ahead and Salvage the rusty short sword because now we have something with 22 damage blunt piercing cutting yeah this is crazy all right and it provides light so that's a nice weapon okay I think now it's time to grab my summoning staff and summon in The Alchemist here so let's see I'll probably put him like right over here in this section balazar The Alchemist all right so balazar that is The Alchemist all the texts we've been reading about so this is the guy that invented all of those uh pod Chambers and stuff like that to be able to have all these survivors survive essentially all right so yeah let's put them right over here here we go Quest complete The Alchemist oh this guy this guy looks interesting all right let's go ahead and talk to him can I help carpentry another set of hands would be useful to us if we ever plan to expand the base I for one could use more storage for my potions I happen to know the location of another ancient Vault why not look around Okay cool so another location added and that looks like it was the carpenter there and let's see another one we are specks of dust in a whirlwind of stars my friend do you dare Reach Out wishing you grasp a piece of Eternity perhaps obtaining an eternal spell would suit you I know one was buried in an underground tomb alongside its Dreadful Master you could use it to do a lot of good ooh another tomb okay and we have that that just got marked on our map so let me go to well let's see what we can craft first of all ah here we go so we can officially craft the potions shroud flasks the fireball here ice Bolt the grinding stone which looks like something to do with the farming bug dust interesting uh protein Rich ingredient created from crushed Critter shells so there you go the Critter shells and crit part Critter parts that's what you can use those for and glow dust interesting shroud core we can finally craft those now that's awesome the spiritual cane and Alchemist Apprentice set all right and we need bone meal so there we go that that must be why we need this grinding stone so we just need Flint stone and stone for that one so we'll get to crafting those recipes today for sure let's just go into our journal and see what we have here so carpentry assistance there we go and we can show that on map there is the carpenter over there so we just need the farmer and the carpenter so we're actually getting there and then we can go back here and let's see we have an eternal spell okay o and we get the ice Bolts from it it looks like and a lot of XP reach the buried tomb okay so let's see let's let's show that on the map that is all the way up here oh not too far away actually that's pretty close to the hunter there okay well interesting I'm curious to see what that is so I'm wondering if we want to go ahead and do that or go ahead and craft the new stuff before we do that I think let's go ahead and craft some things I'd love to craft especially that new set of armor but let's go ahead and make this grinding stone here okay here we go I've got the Flint stone and again you can get that at the small Flint mine or anywhere where you see Flint on the ground and the stone so let's go ahead and craft that and bring it into my oh it is perfect right in my hot bar here and maybe I'll put that let's see right next to him like here or maybe I'll put it here like I did with the with the hunter there yeah we'll put it right here for now okay and that is how we make our bone meal here so yep bone meal there and it looks like we just need lots of Bones which I have a ton of Bones so here we go let's just go ahead and throw like 17 of them in there for the time being I don't know how many we have uh to get for the armor set but we'll figure that out here soon so yeah Alchemist Apprentice set there oh not too much all right so yeah I'll start Gathering the stuff we need for this which it looks like yeah the only new thing that we have not found yet obviously is the bone meal we got one bone meal from the ancient Obelisk but aside from that we still have to make all of that and it looks like yeah this gives us lots of Mana you can see so that's what is beneficial about this armor set so using magic and stuff obviously so that is awesome ooh and we can make books there you go so old books that's what we need and we can make all of these for decorations that is really awesome all right and that bug dust stuff I also noticed that on our map right over by the salt mine I think it was yeah this salt mine here that we did last time there's another little section here that says buzz in the walls uh and I kind of want to go check that out so let's see let's see if we'll have time for that but yeah I do think that this would be a fun one but with that said I'm just going to save up the stuff for that new armor set and we'll see how that looks okay so most of the bone meal has been finished now we have 21 in our inventory and I should have everything else that we need for the Alchemist Apprentice set here so there's the Hat shirt pants gloves and boots so there is The Alchemist set that actually looks pretty nice yeah so plus two % magic damage multiplier more mana mana regeneration there magical Critical Strike chance so a pretty cool set of armor that's for sure definitely looks awesome with the sword with our wand and things so that is super cool so with that said I do think I'm going to go ahead and do the quest over here that The Alchemist gave us an eternal spell so it will be a bit of a longer episode but you all have really been enjoying all of the adventuring and quests and things so I figured it'd be nice to catch up on some of the quests over here so again I'm just going to go up to the ancient spire and then Glide down over to where the hunter vault is and then we should be getting pretty close to that area so I'll see you guys over there okay so I am now on top of the Vault for the hunter here and it looks to be off in that direction almost looks like it might be in the Shroud so I may try to Glide down over by this other ancient Spire which which is another cool spot down there uh there's also a bridge and a whole bunch area over there might actually debate here because that bridge might take us around to where we have to go over there yeah let's try that so I'm going to Glide right over to here and then try to take that bridge in the distance across to be on land and then see if we can circle around there so here we go just gliding down toward the bridge and yeah I think this will be a good idea this spot of the map is really beautiful too huge Meadows areas and things this is so great I'm getting so anxious to start building some more this will be awesome to be able to start finding some cool locations see that bridge looks like it's right up right up over here somewhere so let's try and head over there we can even Glide down from the top here another flame Shrine down there this is a lot of cool area and like right back in here might be a really neat spot to build I'm even seeing another biome over there there some mountains this is a pretty nice location to be honest let's go ahead and make our way down there and while we are down here actually before we go across that bridge now would be a good time to mention that we are really close by this Quest a story of rot and it looks like that is this Obelisk or Beacon here up on the hill yeah here we go an ancient Obelisk oh and some shroud guys here all right here we go perfect okay now that that's taken care of let's go ahead and read what this has to say the flame touched face unforeseen humanity is ephemeral nothing but a brief moment in time a breath long taken the blink of an eye yet despite their mortal nature they have created fire a flame of their own to Bright their impending Dawn so with that here it looks like in our Journal we have completed a story of rot Quest there and we got some sort of root looking thing here I'll still have to figure out what that is it may actually have something to do with all of these shroud route locations that have popped up on the map now that we completed that Quest yeah we'll have to figure out what these are so now that that Quest is done let's continue The Alchemist Quest so here's that bridge that I think think we can get across let's see let's go ahead and double jump that section we've got another little grappling hook right up here oh no uh-oh we ran out of stamina all right I'm glad I didn't fall down there yeah we've got a camp of some sort over here so I might just try and avoid it and kind of go along the edge this way yeah I'm just going to try to go right along the edge of the Shroud here not trigger anything over there cuz that might be an important camp that we come across in the future I guess we'll see yeah it's got to be in the Shroud then if that's where it is okay yeah right down in there okay we've got another area over here almost looks like another little farm area ancient Spire low Meadows interesting okay so is this the is this the Quest for The Alchemist then I guess we'll see we still got a little ways to go ah okay so it looks like it's right down there that little square tomb looking thing there right on the edge of the Shroud so we actually probably could have glided down there right from the hunter Vault uh had I seen where it was but because we're here uh let's go ahead and scale this ancient Spire because this will give us a fast travel point to this section this may end up being a quest that we get later on and we're doing it a little early but that's okay it's an open world and so far I think I've done things in a order that makes sense to me and this makes sense because we already came across it here so we may as well we've got a return Beacon there and let's see if this ancient Spire is any different from the last one so here we are now on the second floor looks like just some Lookout points as usual o we have something in there and this door needs two buttons in order to activate it okay interesting so this already looks a little more complex than the old ancient Spire I see a button here and one right over here and then I think yep just another little Lookout Point okay and it looks like those open that door perfect so let's go in through here and it looks like we have another elevator here I think there was also something yeah there's also something down here is that another chest or whatever let's see what this looks like ooh a hatchet okay I'll take that and then it looks like we get back up through this little section right where the buttons were there we go perfect okay so now we can take this elevator up to the next level getting a little higher now that door needs a button to open and uh let's see this is another spiked floor it's not activated yet though interesting oh here's a button well I'm guessing that'll both activate the door and yep it'll activate the spike floors oh gosh activate both of them okay well there we go it activated the door here ooh and that needs to be activated as well and that one okay well let's see what we have to do looks like we can open this one here all right and just jumping around trying to avoid everything another little Lookout here with a chest ooh healing potion and a great Mana potion well nice I like that all right let's run through here and let's see ah there's a button right over here well there we go that probably opened a door in this little section over here let's try to get over in this area yep that opened let's see that opened this door which then has a button in it okay and that looks like it open to this door here we go and now we have the elevator so technically we didn't need to hit that button but there we go all the buttons have been hit on this level ooh wow this looks a little more complicated well we have a chest over here and let's use our lockpick on it see what we get ooh more fire nice okay so I'm not sure where we're headed so maybe we just uh run over to here anything out here nothing out here but this way we could at least see some things from a different perspective I think just jumping a lot will be good so here's one door over here and I think there was another one right over in here this area oh we can't get to that one okay so yeah just jumping and gliding I guess is the best way to avoid those ooh so what is this over here there we go oh are we already dying this stuff is so hot that we're already taking damage yeah we take damage by just running over it wow okay well anything over here nothing there well let's go ahead and climb this all the way up gosh these things are fast let's just go and jump all the way over on there and another Lookout yeah we're getting pretty high up here okay what is that whoa a pressure plate button how am I supposed to use that uh hm ah maybe I stand on it and then I shoot this one there we go and then it keeps it open wow that's pretty cool I really like that okay let's see what's in this chest then ooh more healing channels great great Mana potion wow 150 Mana that's awesome then little bandage there okay well that's pretty cool okay so it looks like we grapple on here and then we climb over this thing oh no ouch ouch ouch okay okay we're back at this grappling Point here and we'll try this again my stamina is full let's go ahead and see if this will work okay so right here do I want to go sideways or do I want to go up let's just go up first oh no we're not going to have enough here H well it looks like I almost need a stamina potion or I need to be more rested in order to uh in order to get up here let's see cuz yeah I can't Glide I can't do anything there yep okay there we go and I have fallen all right so clearly I have to have more stamina and here we go we'll just respawn back at the last uh elevator here which is really nice so let me go get rested maybe and then come back here and see if that helps with my stamina I think I also have a stamina potion back at the house okay here we are so we're rested again and let's see if this works any better yep here we go now we can make it up so we just have to be rested that is pretty tricky ooh all we have is a button over here interesting so maybe we go back down let's go down over in here and see what's over here cuz we haven't been over here just yet uh let's see ooh a gold chest there and another chest out here more arrows and what's in here another legendary weapon ooh ring of endless life Wow plus 3% life Le Le chance well that looks insanely good I'm definitely going to equip that let's see what should I put it on let's do the let's do it in place of the stamina one here oh that's pretty cool okay and that button did something somewhere there is this so it looks like it unlocked this and we can head up this elevator and here we go we finally reached it amazing okay let's see what this has to say the low Meadows are drenched in sickness flooded with bile and bitterness fight back the Shroud and unveil the peaceful Glades lost beneath boundless Wilds of Untold Beauty lie hidden under the decay all right and four locations added wow all right so yeah this is this place and we now have it to be able to fast travel to and with that that said let's head down to our map marker right down in there in the Shroud and I also have some emergency survival flasks here in case we end up needing them so that'll be good all right we're nearing up on it let's see what the Alchemist wanted us to do in here here we go location below so this is where we have to go all right another tomb but in the Shroud well okay then let's give it a go and we have our sword now to provide a little bit of light new Quest an eternal spell there you go all right so what's in here oh gosh okay well our sword is still doing just fine we've got more spiders yeah this one's a lot more spooky being inside the Shroud here I can barely see oh gosh and we have a spiked floor over here let's go ahead up there and what do we oh whoa what is this guy that does not look too good let's just use our wand on him ooh ouch okay a big dead skeleton guy ouch 20 damage okay there we go what did that give us ooh salt interesting so what do we have down here just dark stairs what is this is this something oh my another one of these guys man they do a lot of damage we got a little level up there though that's good anything in there nothing I can see okay okay let's just keep attacking these guys and see if I can find anything up here we may have had to go down oh here's something all right what's in here there we go Eternal ice bolt so what does that do an eternal version of the ice Bolt the spell damages enemies upon impact slows them afterward an eternal spell does not complete equip the Eternal spell and use Mana to cast with a staff awesome so we get infinite ice bolts now that is really really cool okay that is if I can find my way out of this so yeah we'll have to figure out how to use that and equip it and then we can use it with our staff there which is awesome okay uh that looks like that goes back up there and let's see yep I remember coming across here so let's go back through here and back in over here oh golly more spiders and Yep looks like this is our way out okay all right so there's the Spire or something off in the distance there anyway so let's just try to make our way over to there y oh gosh we took away all our time in the Shroud by going in there okay I am kind of hoping I'm going the right direction we have a minute this wouldn't be so good there's a path here at least which I'm liking okay yeah we do have to be careful ooh another thing we can go down there like a mine or something oh lots of stuff here we go we'll make it out and I think the survival shroud flask uh gives us a whole extra minute in case we do need that all right this has got to be this's got to be the way out over here isn't it yeah here we go here's the path again all right under a minute let's see if we can make it out without the flask yep we're going to do it here we go yay amazing okay so yeah let's go ahead and teleport back to my house see if the Alchemist has anything to say all right we're back here and let's go talk with him anything nothing okay so yeah it looks like that was just a quest that we can do and if I go into my backpack is this the Eternal one all right uh depletes after use so these These are the Eternal ones okay so if we equip those and then we can actually just get rid of the other ice bolts or put them in my storage for now so I don't get too confused and that way that will basically be infinite if I go back to my uh like a staff here that can shoot them uh and then those will be Eternal ice bolts so infinite lots of damage at quite a range so that is really cool all right I am very happy with that that ancient Spire was a ton of fun to climb up and I can only imagine all the other awesome locations we did get a chance to check out some beautiful spots over there that I'd love to I don't know I'm thinking that little section right over there on the map could be neat to build in uh over at the foot of those mountains maybe on the other side there so that'd be awesome but I hope you all enjoyed this episode learned something out of it it was a lot of fun adventure packed into it today so in the next one we will probably be rescuing the farmer or finding the farmer for that with that said huge shout out again to all of my channel members be sure to join the Discord server through the link in the description don't forget to subscribe and I will see you in the next one cheers
Channel: Chiselchip
Views: 6,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Enshrouded, new survival games, upcoming survival games, base building games, best new survival game, keen games, chiselchip, enshrouded gameplay, enshrouded building, combat in enshrouded, enshrouded base building, enshrouded builds, enshrouded adventure, survival games 2024, enshrouded guide, enshrouded tips, enshrouded combat, enshrouded release date, enshrouded game, enshrouded beginner’s guide, best rpg games, enshrouded review, enshrouded alchemist, episode 7
Id: lOd5gSnt9vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 2sec (2882 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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