River GOLD and RARE Artifacts!

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so I honestly don't know what I like more a pile of arrowheads and artifacts or a pile of candy [Music] good morning or good afternoon everybody welcome to the channel if you are new to it my name is Polly today is gonna be a different kind of video because for one I'm practicing this social distancing thing and two I'm pretty I'm just really bored so I thought why not just bring you guys to my place and show you guys around show you what I have and see where it goes I'm walking in a field not too far from my place this actually looks like not a bad area metal detect that little hill right here is a bike ramp I know that because I suffered my first concussion right there our first relic of the day a scooter in the bush so we're at the house now I thought I'd just start off by showing you guys some of the equipment that I use out in the field so the first machine I got is the Fisher gold-bug - now I found a lot of gold with this machine this is actually my second one that I've had because my first one got stolen our second machine is the Garrett 80 max now I just received this machine and I'm not really sure how to use it but apparently these work really well for looking for treasures coins and even gold but I have yet to really use it and this was given to me by Vaughn Garrett himself so thank you again Vaughn and I look forward to using this machine our third machine is the mine lab SDC 2300 now this is a pulse induction Mel detector which means the chest goes a lot deeper than the VLF machines this was given to me by a really good friend of mine who I believe wants to remain anonymous right now that's okay I have yet to find gold with this yet but soon hopefully nuggets our fourth detector isn't really a detector but it's a pin pointer again this was given to me by Vaughn Garrett a really really nice guy so other than these metal detectors I really don't have a lot here I mean I have a handful of classifiers handful of pans but I do have this hold rocker box that I've never actually used maybe one day other than crevice tools and whatnot I have my mask and snorkel boot socks gloves kneepads and one two three four five wetsuits and this is the Blue Room this is the room where I end most of my videos in and this room is literally just my bedroom here we have the bed at the other end of the bed we have the computer this is where I spend days and days and days editing our videos and then we have the corner but we don't talk about the corner the computer is my favorite part of my room because this is where all the magic happens and I have everything I could possibly need including this microphone to make videos and then when I get bored I push that thing away and then roll back and I can go to bed and I can sleep and think about candy a gum hand sanitizer a lot of you have been asking me how much gold I have or how much gold I found and that's difficult for me to answer because I've I've given a lot of gold away and most of my goal is actually practicing social distancing in the bank right now but I will show you how much gold I have here right now so our first vial of gold was from Chris from Voges prospecting this is the first gold I ever found in Australia and I believe this was somewhere in New South Wales so that's a little jar number one number two is from Sean from busted knuckles this was I forget exactly where we were but it's was somewhere in Wagga Wagga Australia so more Australian gold to add to the collection number free this gold is from Andrew from adventurer gold again from Australia that red piece in there is I believe zircon but I could be wrong so we have three little jars of Australian gold I'm supposed to be in Australia right now in Pilbara but yeah that's not happening anytime soon and jar number four is some of my fine gold I believe there's 20 grams or so in here and I'm getting prepared to melt this I thought about it for a long time I didn't want to melt anything but I kind of want a gold bar but I still might change my mind last second I have no idea and of course some gold nuggets so this is my very first gold nugget that I have ever found I found it with my Fisher gold buck - metal detector anyway it's one and a half grams and I I don't think the lighting in this room or on this camera is really going to justify the actual lovely colors that gold has to offer but you get the idea this was my very first nugget I found underwater and let me tell you when you find a piece of gold for your first time underwater that weighs a gram or more you are hooked my friend you will go through wetsuits boots gloves hand sanitizer yep first piece of snake gold this is the flattest piece of gold I think I ever found sniping underwater detecting or anything just the flattest piece of gold I have ever found and this was found in my last video and if you haven't already seen it please go check that out I said that this looks like Africa and some people corrected me and said it looked like Tasmania so let me know what you think these are the three biggest pieces that I have so far this one I believe is just over 5 grams and this was found sniping I found this along with I think it was ten other grams in the single crevice it's one of my most popular sniping videos I have today and it's where I was screaming underwater a bunch this is what I call the foot nugget and we use five point eight grams and this was found crevice Inge just above a pool where I like to scuba dive and of course last but not least the 7.5 quarter ounce piece it's not very big but it's fat I like fat gold so other than that this is really all I have left that's here at my place I've got a whole bunch of Nuggets in here I got some this is a nice little one that was one of the Nuggets ours included in that 13 gram day I have some gold that I found with Jeff Williams up in Arizona or I should say down in Arizona and then yeah just a bunch of heavy shiny lovely pieces of candy so there you go this is a goal that I have right now that's not in the bank we'll wait all up and see exactly how much this is so yeah starting with our 20 grams fish around 20 grams it's stuck come on there we go it's stuck 21.2 six grams plus oh that's heavy kind of missed come on you can do it I believe in you we have 70 point five seven grams which is a little over two ounces so not too bad so other than what I have given away what's in the bank what's in the crucible and those three Australian jars we have just over two ounces of gold so your answers have been questioned I mean your question have been answered now if you're interested I have some artifacts to share so some of you may not know this but hunting for artifacts is what got me started into treasure hunting in the first place I was actually looking for arrowheads when I first started this YouTube channel like 10 years ago and most of them have been deleted but if you scroll back far enough you can actually watch some of those really poor quality videos so everything you see here I have found however not everything I found is here because like the gold I've given some away I have some of museums and I have some in displays elsewhere but of course I could get them because quarantine this is the first arrowhead I ever found and you can blame my entire channel off this arrowhead because this is what got me started and the outdoors in the first place it's made from black basalt and I found it when I was about 10 years old and I found it on an island off an island where I live on it actually has a unique little scar on it too which makes it special so this is my favorite stone piece of candy so that same day I ended up finding these two guys right here this one is just a regular arrowhead it just has a kind of a unique shape to it I don't know what terminology for this shape would be and then that same day I found this guy which at first I thought it was an arrowhead but then as I got older and the more I studied I learned that this was a drill used to drill holes and shells and wood and bone that's cool these three pieces are really worn and that's because they were found on the waterfront of a Ocean Beach that's why they're so smooth they're usually a lot sharper than that but they stand out when you find them so it was not hard to figure out that they were airheads considering I know the area I've done my research I know what to look for but yeah here you have it worn arrowheads the more I looked the better I got and the better I got well the more I looked this one there has a barnacle on it I thought that one was really neat I'm tempted to break it off but I kinda don't want to I kind of liked it there this guy was given to me by Ed Marvin flashing your pan check him out on YouTube he does lots of podcasts and these two guys look pretty close to that last one but I believe these ones are made from petrified wood both from a different location here on the island I could be wrong I can't really figure out the material but dang look at that one that's really nice super sharp I thought it was a crab claw at first when I found it but it's a shame it's broken one day I found this beauty while skipping rocks I picked it up I was gonna skip it but I'm glad I didn't because it's an arrowhead this is a weird thing I found kind of an anomaly I don't know what you would call it I don't think it's an arrowhead I mean it for sure didn't fly through the air I believe it's some sort of knife maybe a Christmas tree something special like diet now these guys are a bit more special to me especially this one I'll leave the link to your top right where you can watch how I fell in that kind of just walk in the beach at a popular area that I like to find arrowheads at it's an old piece and all these are slate the ground sleet like all this is the bottom of a spear so you can imagine how long that would have been not just being the bottom they're all super thin well this one is exceptionally thin made from ground slate same thing you can see the beveled edges on both sides this one being crazy you can see that sharp edge if you kind of look out at a certain angle you can see that diamond shape again this is that bottom half or bottom three-quarters these would have made really nice spear points this is a tip of one super sharp camera not really focusing on that detail another tip another centerpiece this centerpiece you can really see the diamond shape in this one really nice beveling on all sides again broken really unfortunate this is perhaps the fullest one full of spear point that I have found made from ground slate very very sharp my camera is actually having trouble focusing on it because it's so so detailed but I found this in a very shallow Creek a surprise that wasn't damaged but maybe it damaged a little bit on the bottom I can't really tell but nonetheless super beautiful hard to focus piece of candy these guys are hard Stone's cells adzes they're used for cutting cutting tools you know I found this one in the mud really nice I think it's nephrite Jade I can't really tell but you can you can see the beveling on it see how sharp that thing and I screamed like a little kitten when I found it this was the first one I ever found again the beveling I'm going to talk about beveling a lot because it's such a fun word but I believe this one needs to be way bigger used to be a barnacle on that unless that's bird droppings this used to be a way longer used to cut up stuff and this one I actually almost threw away again super sharp really polished on that corner and then flaked on this side with all the damage around it all the pecking this was for sure a cutting tool and it fits nicely in your hand too or projectile throw it all your stuff yeah this one is actually my favorite one that I have it's a perfect one it's absolutely beautiful it was only meant to be in your hand you can see a little bevel on the edge there look at the lighting properly nice and sharp nephrite maybe Jade actually I don't really even know it's my second favorite one also found in the mud not too far from that first one I found in the mud Sun has a unique shape to it I believe this one wasn't handheld and Schurz it fit nicely in a boned shaft but a nice piece nonetheless and out of this box we have probably the nicest one I've seen come out of the areas where I did my hunting my mother actually found this one nephrite Jade nice and sharp made Polly jealous because I didn't find anything that day but I'm happy for my mama another jealous find of my mum's was this guy and actually this is literally called a what's it like what is that it's literally called a whatsit because nobody knows what it is people say that it's a part of a fishing way to know that but just by that shape and its design it's so hard to find exactly what this is or what it was used for but nonetheless it was made by humans a long time ago in an area where I should have found it so I have a lot of artifacts not as much as some of you hunters out there but I think we're just gonna have to go out and see if we can find more and I have some pottery in here too I believe all the stuff was made from clay that looks like it's probably made from somebody somebody's fingernail but I could be wrong this is a bit thicker thicker clay found on the beach this I don't know what it is it's made from bone I has the same sort of shape as those slate spears over there but again made from bone not very strong I found this guy made from bone another thing that I have no idea what it's for okay camera you can focus now has a little boat boat beveling on it as I call it made from bone cool shape perhaps a necklace or perhaps a fish now this little Arrowhead was given to me by a special friend bricen dick the art effect on Instagram and he is the Guru I go to when I have any Arrowhead artifact related questions now its share to you where this one was found but I don't think he would like that so here it is a little tiny sharp little projectile now as for everything else I have it's really just a pile of pieces a bunch of flakes a bunch of things that I got no place to put and then I have some more slate pieces I've got so many of these slate pieces but again they're not all here oh I almost forgot I actually made this and this is a full groove axe obviously not done yet for those of you who know artifacts I still got to work on the groove make it a bit deeper and I got to work on the sharp part and then polish it all up and call her a day still pretty cool so I think that is it for this video now I know this is kind of a weird strange video for me to post but hey I'm getting bored I know I need to make more videos and I know you guys deserve to see more so I thought why not give this an opportunity to show you what I have here now I gotta hurry up and put all this junk away if you enjoyed this video chances are you going to enjoy what I previously posted and was coming up in the future so please don't hesitate to hit that subcribe button if you haven't already and also if you're interested to see behind the scenes stuff like extra footage or anything else I do have a Facebook and Instagram open for your pleasure so thank you for watching thank you so much for your support and until the next one wash your hands stay safe and I'll see you later hand sanitizer
Channel: PioneerPauly
Views: 218,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold, nuggets, big, huge, found, finding, artifacts, artifact, arrowhead, arrowheads, rare, old, bone, treasure, treasures, money, hunting, mining, prospecting, panning, pan, goldrush, coins, coin, co
Id: 1zJoZx4E-DI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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