Finding glass bottles on old rubbish dump - plus more finds!

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let's go medlocking it's a fisher fractionally short of 14 kilos trying to have a bit of an excavation a mess mr johnson i know but here we are in the garden [Music] do [Music] do [Music] well what a gorgeous day heatwave that's what the headlines are saying in wales i may have mentioned this once or twice recently but we've had a week of weather that is so glorious and they've told us today could be the day when the thunderstorms arrive and the heat wave disappears so we're going to make the most of it got my hat on to keep the sun off got the old short sleeves and no coat and of course today we're going to get some use from these polarized sunglasses that derek bought us last year we'll try them on there we go [Music] right so what are we hoping to find today good question i'm hoping to find little things i'm always looking for brick and scrap and i love anything we find here at the dump but ultimately it's the smaller things perhaps if we look closely with the sun shining it might pick out those little gems so what are you hoping to find caroline well if you look down there are lots of rocks we could find things in i'm hoping to find some fabrics because i found some down here before vintage fabrics i can't see any from this distance and i think i may find a cold bottle i have some insider information i was gonna say that sounds extremely hopeful with our track record yes but the water levels are low the sun is high we are out very early we got up at 6 30 this morning because we want to get this medlock done before the noon sun because that's going to be a little bit too hot for all of us even monkey and he's used to the sunlight so we'd better crack on and get this done right let's get started it's a bit shady here so i think i'll take my sunglasses off put them on my hat and we'll have a little look don't forget shout out if you see something there are lots of little bits of china but to start the day i'm going to look for bigger things because i don't want to carry too much back and if i start carrying all the lit with the trainer back we'll have pens there's an interesting bit of china let's just have a look on the other side oh it's got writing on it oh look at that so i'm glad i turned that over okay then we're going to look at things like that more closely so let's have a look take me a second to put that in my bag and let's have a look at this oh look i can't believe this huh i saw a bit of swirly and i thought should i pick that up or not but it's got a lot letter on it so go to the other piece we just have a look i think i think that's a bit fat no that's not of it oh i wish we could find more how was this something no i don't think that's off it either what about under this storm no oh i really want to find the rest of it oh so my face pretty pretty tile oh that's pretty it's one of those victorian tiles there's another piece of tile no i think that's more modern i'm not so keen on that bit but i really like that one more of that and i wanted to find some textiles for my journaling i'd like to do a junk journal and they'll also like to do a sewing themed one that is lovely it's a bit of lace i think we lose the stick i don't want to take that home with me oh that's very nice whoa look at the size of that tough i put my hand there that's a whopper as you know if you follow our videos regularly regularly i don't like teeth so i'm not going to pick that up let's see what's in this little pie here because i can see something is writing on super comet hmm all right that could be the rest of it we'll just take this super combat bit i think i like that i think it may be part of a toilet is it it's a jewel bowl there with a small tuff in yes i'd say that's probably off something like a toilet any other picture what's this yep more and more i'm thinking that's a louvre for the more eagle-eyed of you you may have noticed i'm wearing different worries margie bought me a spare pair of wearies so now i have two in case the one gets full of water look at that they're leopard skin all the way down very posh but they've never been in the water well that's just not acceptable so i think we need to go for a paddle so come on pop your wellies on we'll go within oh this water feels lovely and cool on my feet today it's so hot the strange thing about this bigger river is it's not a lot in the water mainly on the banks the birds are singing away today they're obviously really enjoying this weather because there's the river the trees [Applause] what's that did somebody spot something look at that that's quite a substantial bit of tile isn't it off a great i'd say a fireplace that's really nice 20 30s do you think was that a fossil two let's pop that down i think that could be if also i'm not sure but i think it could be let's put it there i don't know if you can see it there let's have a look there i'm not used to the distances for getting this camera to focus so i hope you can see it hello mr johnson hello i have to say i'm very impressed with your title oh thank you i am that's a very nice bit of time i didn't spot it it was one of the viewers shouted out i heard them clearly well we'll have to see if we can find a few more and then we can redo the bathroom oh yes maybe the very small toilet um you know if we had a tea bar we could always do that out there with that with some nice edge in anyway i found a couple of nice things all right i found my typical scrappy things right and i in the process i have hidden one i'm digging out at the moment so we can share it together because it's looking very interesting good so i'll put your tile though right i'll start with the nice things go on then oh that's nice i love these little flask sheep bottles it's lovely we have found a couple of those down here on it do you know what's written on it no i didn't notice the right thing oh hang on i wonder what that says hmm we'd have to get our glasses out after and have a look at that i'll tell you what tune in to the live show saturday night 9 p.m uk time and we let you know what it says because neither of us are wearing no glasses and i might even clean it up oh yes that would be nice i look at that one oh that is so cute it looks almost like something would have had a holly potter type potion bottle yeah medicinal type of thing something from from the chemist i would say you didn't think it's very brown inside hold it up to the light you can see this brownie in this i think that's probably iodine then we've got some scrappy things oh let's have a look at your scrappy find let's have a look this oh that's a seal or a bearing or something it looks to me like a bear and i know i have no idea when it comes to technical things but i have played a game where you had to find hidden object and it had a bearing that looked like that that's what i'm seeing bearing let's say that's a bakelite switch off a radio or tv it could be yes i like that very nice to go with your medicine bottle oh a medicine spoon rather plastic spoon isn't it and then i'm not sure what this is but it's got those little inserts like you'd use to put a bell bin but it's rather peculiar from a car you think carbo yeah could be because that would go with my car mirror i think we found the other one of these a while ago oh we have a pair now oh there we are we'll have that car built in no time i guess it's gonna look right there so uh a handle oh i like that it's a really heavy one i don't know if the ring used to draw probably is this is sort of rusted into place more baker light yes and i think a blast from the past a few people have mentioned this company i think it's a ready fusion switch oh right i think that's what it says in there but i haven't got my glasses on yeah i think it says ready fusion and their diffusion were massive in this area and richard often mentions them because they run so many cables through you because we living in the valleys we had no tv signal so ready fusion would put big pylons on top of a mountain and then run cables from them and they run cables to everyone's house and we all had to switch our tv over on the switch on the windowsill yep those were the good old days and now look at it we're on the internet anyway that's the scrap that's the pretty fines the reason i'm holding my little magic diggy that i found on a beach some time ago is because i did start digging oh right and i decided to stop oh look i decided to stop because i thought it was i at first i thought it was another one of these type of but then i found this now the reason i'm pleased is because it's solid usually you get something i guess and you catch all of it and it comes out but it didn't come out it won't pull out so i decided to try and have a bit of a bigger excavation how exciting because what's happened here is this is all being plowed down these bottles have come from elsewhere but this is a long neck on there it's very peculiar very peculiar it's not a sore spot or is it no i think it's oh i tell you what oh look it's an eiffel tower it's at smashed it's got three out of four feet poor thing that's full up there it's not in there isn't it i got a feeling that's a nasty bang i think the digger took out yes there's a big chip off there oh watch it look at that it's an eiffel tower pretending to be the leaning tower of pisa is that impressive or what i'm impressed look at that [Music] right next to me and then pass it to you and look down it's bakelite and that's definitely a light fitting i thought it was brass for a minute no that's definitely a bakelite light fitting yep oh that was good in fact interesting that probably had a button on it to push through because you used to better switch it on and off on you there's a beautiful view of the river but i've spotted something strange can you see it i go this way something going on here there's something hanging in the water from a tree look at that it's a bottle i wonder if it's an ancient bottle from the earliest times of bottlenecking how did he get there did he get trapped let's see if we can get it oh got it look what i found phil it's a bottle i will try and look amazed wow you found a bottle i did actually something special about this bottle let's take it out of the water it's got a funny shape to it it looks vaguely like a card bottle do you think this is a very old car bottle no i think it's a very new car bottle and i think you just discovered my personalized refrigerator it's lovely and cold when it's been in the river i know because that is a cod bottle purchased quite recently and given to us as a gift by audi and i thought i'll bring it and put it in our supernatural fridge because even on a hot heatwave welsh day the river runs cold oh do you want to open it we'll have a drink why not ramune strawberry flavor why not indeed phil is just sitting on the stone getting ready to open our bottle and i look down by my feet and look what i found oh a little cute full of sand glass bottle and it's a really pretty amber shade well that's nice it's a skew top but it's a cute screw top lovely size look at that right mr johnson i'll stop being distracted right then two things to say before i open this bottle number one as medlockers we like to take rubbish away we do not bring rubbish to the reverse so just for everyone to know i retrieved the rest of our string from the tree we haven't left it there and number two i don't know if caroline noticed or if you notice when she was filming but when i suspended this i held it so that it was three quarters in the water and a quarter out there's a good reason for that ultimately this place is idyllic but there's rats and all sorts live in this river so you can't be sure the water is clean so that way it kept the body of it cold but the area that we're gonna be using to drink from is free from germs so i thought i'd mention those things because we wouldn't want to cause anybody any injury in the i future know i don't know you need to take the plastic wrap bro yes i could see that that seems to say on you that you have to take the plastic wrapper off i'm trying to figure out how you do that hang on i'm going to need glasses i definitely not sunglasses i need my other glasses well phil takes the wrapper off we'll pop home make a cup of tea have a sandwich come back and he may have finally got his are you being sarcastic no of course not right there he says to peel the wrapper off see says brother peel wrapper off there we are quite clearly but then it doesn't say way back here we go i'm going to go baby now look you can see the marble at the top i did open one of these on a live show but i didn't really have the time to thoroughly enjoy looking at the construction of it look at that so a bit more rubbish to go in the bag there we go there's the marble in the top of the bottle and this is our little plunger oh it's a plunger i presume to pop the marble is all right put that on there yeah try it i'm not going to work and then press that little bit right and then put it down remember now it was a couple of weeks ago we opened the last one it sounds like you've broken your plunger oh there he goes there we go my thumb is now down through the plunger the thumb in the plunger the plunger comes out the marble has dropped down the neck you see the marble there it is fizzy marble one marble wobbling about in the bottom of a bottle and a bottle of ramune strawberry flavored carbonated soft drink let's try it right it's very busy the principle of using the carbon bubbles to keep the marble in place is still working over a century later and still keeping your drink nice and fizzy right cheers adi and thank you what do you think of that oh they're being cold i get the feeling there's a bit of sugar in this i think they may be it's rather sweet it suits me perfectly now while we enjoy this cold and refreshing drink from a cod bottle which is the nearest we've got to find in a whole cart bottle even if it is only about three months old yep we're gonna let you have the chance to catch up on our garden because we've had so many requests for an update i'm sorry we can't give the coverage we gave last year last year we were in total lockdown only allowed to leave the house to walk around the block once a day so we spent all our time in the garden for six weeks and filmed it we reclaimed our garden you can look at the videos if you haven't seen them but we just like to give you a little bit of an insight into the damage done during the winter the repairs are being carried out the projects are in place and of course the beauty of nature so you go enjoy that well i enjoy this and when we'll get back to the mud locking what a mess mr johnson i know but here we are in the garden and isn't it looking fine no and smelling rather strong as well yes that's the imitation creosote that i've been using you can't use creosote anymore because it's got carcinogenics in it but they've got something that smells as bad and hopefully works as well because this is action stations it's all happening here the shed after over 25 years of traveling and being moved from house to house and place to place suffered a rather bad winter and is in a rough way so i decided if i had to replace i was going to expand and expand i am because i'm stood in the middle of a new area that's being created here which is six foot six by 13 foot because this is going to house my new workshop come shared come studio and come place to put everything that's under caroline's feet at the moment people keep asking where are all the finds well they're going to be in the shed when it gets here and that's due in a couple of weeks but meanwhile we've had to put new fence panels in over on that side of the garden because they got blown down in the storm this all got trashed the hole there well i had to take it from renew all the timbers from there right the way down to the corner then right the way across the two main posts sold in the gate literally fell to the ground and took the gate and the fence with them so this has all been renewed as you can see the old gate is now abandoned there and look at this how posh are we look at that ooh paving slabs to go out the back they wanted over a hundred pound for the gate in wicks and b and kale seven pound in the auction can't be bad my greenhouse has a lovely view look at that it all feels wood he's working and rubbishy wood that has to go to the tip but here are my tomatoes i nearly said potatoes tomatoes they're just starting to get some flowers on and there's a little marigold i always put a marigold in because they help with the white fly problem this is a chinese a chinese lemon cucumber i think it's called so that's growing away nicely and oh dear that one isn't looking very well is it i don't think it got enough water but the rest are fine and that will perk up it's amazing how much a boosters tomato plants can take up here on my hanging basket tumbling tom i think these are called and they've already got some little tomato flowers on and over here are some more these are just donut plants that are just gonna get thrown away really i've got nowhere for them poor things it's pointless putting them in the garden in wales because they will just get blight if i move those out of the way here we have a pot of leeks that are ready to go in now so i'll put those in the garden we'll have some nice leeks growing ready for the winter stews i've got some aubergines you're insure this is a globe artichoke but it didn't do very well the ones in the garden are already about a foot high this one is tiny and we've got another chinese cucumber some more eggplants some basil waiting to go into a pot and i think that's about it and things to show you there's another little bit of basil um [Music] so we are midway through i hope it feels like it anyway i've been working in the evenings because it's so hot here but we're getting there this should be ready to receive the shed that should be going up by the beginning of july and hopefully then we'll be able to film from the shed it will be fill the shed as well as fill the mud locker so lots of things come in lots of updates to happen but we wanted to share with you today hope you've enjoyed seeing the projects that are happening you seeing the mess that we're in seeing the shed that if i opened that door would suddenly lean 18 inches that way oh everybody what's behind you come on no good standing in front of that what's behind me this is the state of the shed it's completely rotten this shoe is one of the main supporters holding it up and it's completely rotted away i i'm sure i could do something with it but he did need replacing it didn't it well it wasn't big enough for our new ventures shall we say so there we go see you back here for updates soon but now back down to the dump and the river and let's see what else we can do as we go medlocking aha here we have evidence that they have been other bottle diggers here and they've left this because this is just put on the top so i don't think that just arrived on the top like that it's got i thought it was the top of a flag but it's not is it that must be in there i don't know if we can clear it there must be a waste going through there that comes out there on oh no it's the top top of a toilet and the water comes down there out of the little hole there and then flushes the bowl and the bolts for the seat to go there aha so now we know it's a bit of a loo there's a lot of toilets here today is there a pattern on this ah there it is but i think that's more of the loot just there and oh i thought that was a whole bottle just as a matter of interest the word it began when the people would throw their excrements and things out of the window and so they shout look out below and one of the ways you said that in french was garden low be careful of the water coming down and that chained to god lou and that's where the toilet came from and there's a toilet or a loo is that a bit of pipe stem oh look it is it's almost a bit that goes to the bowl you see the beginnings of the bowl there oh how lovely and it's got something written on it not quite sure what that is because i don't have my glasses oh look there's some lino i love my vintage lino wow i'm really pleased with those two fights not everybody's taste i know vintage lino but i love it i found a brick oh a handful's found a brick do you have one of those i think i do right but just in case you can't have too many breaks you can't have too many bricks for this guy you can well possibly but the car's not too far away today is that a bit of tile down there oh yes it is oh it's just playing with this tile but i'm saving myself for exciting pretty things today so i'll leave that to somebody else i was just filming phil there he's now collecting up his bits and pieces and i looked down and guess what i saw i think it's fun but it may not be but i'm pretty sure it is yes it's a pipe stem look at that now if we hadn't chosen that particular place to film we never would have found this and the river would have washed it away next time there was high water oh lovely i do love a good pipestone oh look i think that's probably a heinz tomato sauce bottle full of mud scooter very nice shape could be mayonnaise it could be your salad cream oh yes salad cream there's a pretty piece but of chinese think it's little part no it isn't it's a pretty floral one is there anything else from that particular place here well there's a neck of a bottle no stopper in it though and what's that oh look he got some flags on it that's nice oh i like that let me take that home and i can't see any more of that blue but they may have just missed it you see it oh there's a pair of wellies oh there's a pair of legs oh it's a fill hello hello i put the camera down to see if you can spot what i spotted something glinted in the sun hmm what clint's in the sun there's a dog going crazy up over on the field can you see it it's a coin i don't think it's an old coin but we'll have a look no it's a uk coin quite modern oh well it's 10 b and on the way to find the coin i passed something down dude let's see if we can find it it's something we find regularly on a midlock that's the only thing you take your eyes or something for one second and it gets eaten ah there it is can you see it i can see it it's some ridged pottery what is a midnight without ridged pottery i have seen as well thinking about my collars is this old bit of sacking that would be nice i'll give it a wash maybe that will go in a journal maybe i'm going to collage if i can't get the bits off i'm definitely taking that to do some art with now you can see a bottle it's a brown bottle or an amber glass bottle just there i don't know if that's old or not got a screw top got some writing on the bottom it doesn't look very old it's very shiny it isn't very well worn let's see if i can show you hmm what do you think is that old or not phil is over in the distance he's gone down to look in the ditch and i'm going to go and work my way back to him and the temptation to look down is there but on the other hand it's really important when you're medlocking not to forget look up look how green and lush everything is it's early summer all the plants are enthusiastic they know they've got several months of sunshine come in and they are performing perfectly for us on camera i love glass growing it sounded like i said glass blowing i meant grass blowing look at that very majestic fortunately it's a breeze rather than again which is much more expected in wales we do have thunderstorms coming but look at that we've got the still waters there which almost is undetectable that there's any movement in it if it wasn't for the bubbles along the top and then it all narrows down over there and then you can see the white water and it gets much more fast flowing we've got already in the growth here unfortunately we've got not weed japanese knotweed we've got look at that beautiful fox glove let's have a look at it quite often you'll find a bee up inside the flower but not in this one today you can see all these little beds they keep going and going and opening up and opening up that one will probably end up about five foot high by the time it's finished flowering going in here don't panic we don't have many snakes in whales so i haven't got to worry we've got a thistle very pretty i wouldn't want to cuddle it but it's very pretty we've got dandelions which are always with us especially in the lawn not quite sure what these pink ones are called but i'm sure somebody on here will know and there we've got a dandelion now apparently you can tell the time by seeing how long it takes to blow the little fluffy bit off the clock let's have a look one two three and we get in nowhere it knows it's later in the day or in the morning four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve there's a few more on there another two blows three blows and i'm running out of breath so there we go according to that it's three four o'clock in the afternoon i wonder if that came from when as the day got drier and went on it would take less time to blow the fluffy bits off the seeds and so in the morning it will take you many more blows and you get 10 11 blows but in the afternoon after the heat of the sun one blow and they'd all be gone and it would be one o'clock interesting i wonder right then let's make oh we got some clover down here white clover we do get some pink clover not quite sure what they are we do get wild strawberries too we haven't seen any of those at the moment they have self-seeded into our garden now i don't know what this is but my friend used to call it chickweed and feed it to her budgie so maybe it's tricky maybe not look at that pretty fox club poisonous but so pretty not so useful because we can't make digoxin medicine out of these which saves a lot of people's lives but don't eat the flour unless it's been properly processed and unless it's been prescribed by a doctor it's going to kill you i can see phil in the distance here he is we've got to go can we go this way let's have a look oh they're big knees if i put my wheelie there quite a size and there's phil right we're coming we're coming i wanted to point out we are slowly losing this w yes because as you can see you're the tracks of the big machine moving the earth out which in a way is sad yep but it brings with it it's positive right and what positive have you found i will show you now oh right we'll follow you there you go i've been down here i'm an excavating with me little diggy oh yes it's a very professional excavation too and i've left i've left one or two that i still want to excavate but some were lying on the top but i found some interesting things let's have a look there's an interesting piece of china oh right let's have a look why that's so interesting oh wow look at that pattern on that let's turn you if you can have a little blue shade there we go so there we go i got that very nice and then oh shipping space i got a yes it's your pumps ship i'm collecting these for a project but i need so many of them well i've got good news here because see by your feet wait there's one i spotted which i haven't got out back oh yes i can see the ball coming i don't know if he's all and they've done a few shipments but there we go it doesn't matter if he's not shipping as long as he's a paint spot you should bumps oh good he's a twin to that one there we go another bun a bit more pumpkin i probably need about oh at least a hundred oh right i found one of them and i don't know what one of them is all right i've seen these before i think there's some sort of small insulators off an electric fence but that's just possibly ah oh a little sweet jar again oh it's got a little bit of a chip on the rim not too bad though and it may not be a pipe stem and i know you found a significant pipe stem but i think it will get a bit of a cheer from those who like us to find what are they oh but i'll stop it oh this is such a pretty color too isn't it let's see if we can show you against the sunshine or whether it'll just disappear it's got a bit of a chip but it's got a bit of age and then we've got a bit of a brown theme right amber darling amber sounds better okey-dokey got a little mini a ball that's cute and oh cute little bottle that's nice it's definitely more amber than brown isn't it look at that now i know the contents of this in our original no i don't think anybody bought jars of dust but again i gotta mention it it does remind me of the jars my granny had we molten and choosing the spoonful of martin it could be some look forward to the malt out of this jar every evening lovely look at the sun through that it's just stunning isn't it so i thought that was quite a nice all things that have been disturbed by the digger but some things have been broken because you will see an awful lot of smash stuff around so i have two smash things right which i'm not necessarily going to take home with me but that's oh i love that i just can't help but you know folks i i love survivors i think something that has been through the mill and come out and maybe misshapen but it just makes it unique because you may find a a million bottles made by that company if you'll never find one that ship no it does look very drunken doesn't it and i offer that as encouragement to everyone out there who's been through a tough time there's not another one like you you're unique and it's the things we go through make us who we are so there we go i like that and this one you like right you like this broken bottle okay okay you will like that broken bottle if i swap you for that open bottle yes you can oh it's got to stop it that's why you like it i thought you would can you see what the stopper said he's got a w on it and i did put my glasses on and he said london on the bottom but i can't make out the bread possibly possibly but it's definitely london and while the neck is not worth preserving i think that stopper is worth it there you go right so oh i like that even broken things can be beautiful there we go and produce treasure here is all the broken china phillies talking about and the reason why i'm down in the hole is because oh just a second is there something written on that i will be back oh no i thought it was something written it's not it's just a bit of an insulator with some black on it anyway as i was saying the reason we've come down into the hole oh it's from something else before you arrived it's not a shipment might be nicer that's a cute size just to put a little bit of water in when you're painting i really like that baby food you think could well be yes i seem to have flashbacks of 40 years ago having jaws like that around the house could be and as i said see shame about how they break as well the machinery that would have been a whole bottle but the machine has took it out oh well maya took this one out i left it in sidoo because i came looking for you so here we have the bottom of the bottle which looks positive isn't it always wobbling a lot always makes me nervous when they wobble i think that they hold oh more of it than i expected oh look it's actually a small bottle now is that i think that's nail varnish you can see the pink in there i yeah at first i thought ink bottle but then yeah yeah neil van impe i think a varnish 1950s 60s 70s or anything like that but going by all the other things yeah 50s yes it could be then 50s i'd say because they made the bottles i think they started going with the slender bottles after that so possibly that's a chunky bottle i did mistake it then when it came out i thought wink and then you're right it's either pink ink it could be or nail varnish and i think nail varnish wins the day well i've got the camera for a moment and i'm just taking a look on this high bank now it's interesting with this bank we look on it each time we come here and we tend to see different things because obviously it gets disturbed the rain comes and at the moment the sun has been shining and it's dry in this soil and it's just blowing away and exposing things like the cup handle there which probably wasn't in view before crew bits of broken stuff there's a car like belt is it there just in there set into the ground just here there's a bottle a bottle that's been exposed and picking that oh i wondered if he would have had writing on it because some of these do this one doesn't but it's quite a neat little size quite a cute thing what do we have here oh i thought there was a pattern on there but i think it's just the scuffs and marks there we go it's a bit exciting but still it is a bottle it is a little bottle and that fits very much with my plan for today so i think that one is going in the bag the old spoil the slag from the from the mains there plenty of that around the place so you see where it just sort of dries out and comes away always a chance of a pipe stem or glass bottle stopper or something just running out with the dirt what's that there now i spotted this which is a tiny little bit of glass glass vial or something but when i climbed up i noticed this aha now that does have something written on it carter's this is a carter's quality product i think that one is worth popping in the bag as well and i didn't see that until i climbed up for this little bit this little snap top vial there we go it's funny how you find things that you're not looking for whoa there we go well we haven't found any ridge pottery today as far as i'm aware oh there we are then well done dear you have made this a mud lock with ridge pottery and a ball and your pipe stems you are a natural there's no denying it and it's unusual to have you on camera showing your fines and me standing on top of a hill looking down hello mr johnson hello what have you got i've been busy right i've been searching i've been finding i've been washing and cleaning now they're not quite shiny but they're a lot better than they were coming out of the ground but before i show you anything else i came down here to the riverside to wash my fines and some of you may remember a brick very heavy brick yeah metalline i believe it was right and we found it some months ago here on this dump and i put it down and i forgot it when i come back they bulldozed everything and had gone and i just found it oh well done i just found it right on the water's edge as you can see it was sat in the water oh there it'd be there you go trademark metalline so that's coming on with me i'm off the guy i re-found a brick now for my fights which are on display here on the riverbank oh look at this very a la posh [Applause] so let's have a look at your vines no i don't know if this one's got any age but it has got a nice color oh yes and it's got a lovely emboss on the other side which makes me think it could be a more modern drink i don't know we'll have to check it out it's a really nice color though i thought it said deposit on the bottom but it seems to say depose yeah deposit then i suppose it's gonna be french i take it as soon as you said it with a french accent so there we go if anyone out there recognized that that is a a bird a stylized bird on top of what looks like a stylized shield with possibly some kind of insignia or something in it it's a coat of arms of some kind isn't it i can actually see it quite clearly from the back as well where do i go next there's something you like there you go i love these these are really useful for my art milk glass little paste box and that's not nail varnish no that is pink jar or ink there we are lovely there we go and then what else have we got we've got this cute little one oh yes that's nice a little bit fatter on the bottom i'm not quite sure what that one's off and then we've got a tablet bottle no yeah our pills and then before i show you my last bottle i'll show you my two little pieces of china see what you think of those are we going to play play no patterns well there's just two pieces you fancy your chances let's play play no buttons [Music] i think they both patent let's have a look um no we got the plane on this one oops no ah that one's still alive that one's patterned and well this one's going to be patterned as well but you say this one's plain just for the laugh and it's pattern so there we go oh two to fail yeah but it doesn't feel like a victory when you say i think they're both patterned so i'll say plane that's really edging your bets because what a hollow victory for me yes not to worry we'll call it a draw [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh look there's two things here there's an old toothbrush or a toothbrush it's really pleasant really interesting shape on the end though and look what's next door to it it's a whistle i wonder if not an acme whistle they usually were i was even still got the pea inside oh that's really nice i like that there's a little bit of rest on it but it's not in that bad condition oh that's a nice little dish look at that that's off the doll's tee set i'd say i can't see anything on but the bottom pretty pattern i'm sure we can do something with that oh that's coming home with us there is a lot of modern rubbish down here we do take as much as we can but there's only a certain amount you can carry it's a lovely little bottle oh that is nice very sweet i love a little bottle you can fit in your hand like that this looks so cute oh there's a piece of blue white can you guess what pattern is going to be it's willow cotton well that's in a really bad way there's a little bottle here i think this has been dropped by a bottle digger so i'm assuming it's nothing terribly exciting it's a screw top it's not too bad but i would imagine if you're the bottle digger hoping for bottles with hundreds of pounds then it's not the one for you oh that i think it's somebody's old bucket of spade well bucket that went with the spade and he said oh really poor conditions i'm touching it it's breaking i wonder if i can get my home well if it doesn't survive i'll put it in the bin i like that there's a bottle stood up there no it's been a little while the gooey bits in it's an amber glass bottle uh there's a broken bottle and there's another broken bottle there's nothing written on it scooter probably source i would say that's a shoe no they say that's a 70 shoe no make on it anything inside no that's long gone can you hear the cockroach over here that's really pretty look at that it's a little orange flower oh so sweet and let's have a last little look some interesting things there's a broken teapot lid but i've seen some really good things up there all right let's see if we can get them now because this is very unstable bye and then the thing written on it that was plain white and this is oh another plug oh it's got a pulley thing that's a nice one ceramic plug i like that is it a fuse holder yes i would say that's a rough guess because as you know i'm not very good at this that's for holding fuses then you poke them into your fuse box now for my last bottle not my last find but my last bottle because having said i was looking for small oh that's definitely i have to be honest the color and just the size everything about that typifies what i set out to find today where's the sun going i play it very pretty it's like a greeny aqua color it's more pale green than aqua i think it's nice though it is very pretty then i have a second bottle strawberry oh well done what should i say half a bottle stopping because you've got one and a half i've got one and a half and it doesn't quite match yours i know but for this two pieces of pipe stem in one day is pretty good because we don't find them often here and my final find of the day oh another one yeah yeah something i wasn't expecting or looking for also but after such a flurry of fossils in various places i found a fossil urine i think oh yes look it's vegetation i think so probably yes i would say so carbon for this period yeah but this is there we are just for our our rock islands out there who may be feeling a little bit sort of um all following with all this stuff off the dump after all the visits we've done to various places there's more fossils coming folks don't worry but we found a fossil today what was your favorite find mine was the little bottle what was yours caroline mine was a little piece of vintage lace that i found i'm going to wash walk i often say about how heavy my bag is so i've decided to weigh the bag now and see just how heavy it really is there you have it folks it's a fisher fractionally short of 14 kilos so if you can read that there on the scale but i knew it was heavy [Music] do [Music] do you
Channel: Let's go with The Johnsons!
Views: 5,771
Rating: 4.8736057 out of 5
Keywords: MUDLARKING OLD DUMP, mudlarking old rubbish dump FINDS, old rubbish dump finds, LOOKING FOR old rubbish dump finds, looking for GLASS BOTTLES ON old rubbish dump, finding glass bottles on old rubbish dump, finding bottles in old rubbish dump in the river, finding old bricks, finding old stuff in the river, looking for interesting things in the river, looking for old bottles in the river, looking for old things in river, looking for things in the river, manky panda, phil and caroline
Id: -7_difyFNYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 51sec (3591 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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