Finding Contentment | Philippians | Jonathan Pokluda

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i rejoiced greatly in the lord that at last you renewed your concern for me indeed you were concerned but you had no opportunity to show it i'm not saying this because i am in need for i have learned to be content whatever the circumstances i know what it is to be in need and i know what it is to have plenty i have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation whether well fed or hungry whether living in plenty or in want i can do all this through him who gives me strength thank you v appreciate you good morning harris creek come on man it's good to be with you guys good to open up the word of god let me pray father we're going to turn to an ancient letter a couple thousand years old would you prepare our hearts for what you want to do this morning would you open our hearts would you give us a deep satisfying peace even happiness even joy this morning as a as it's raining outside lots there's lots going on in our world i just pray that we would cling to you in this time protect us in this place from evil always protect these people from evil always fix their hearts and their minds on you and the things of your kingdom the things above in jesus name amen the other day all was right in my world it was a beautiful day in december it was actually warm which is rare and nice and i had a meeting i was at my house i had to leave for a meeting and i had given myself just enough time to you know depart and to get to that meeting meaning i had waited until the very last minute when i needed to leave all was right deep abiding peace and so i'm walking out to my truck and i walk by the counter where i set my keys down and they weren't there no big deal monica babe uh where'd you where did you put my keys to where she says oh maybe i put them on the hook by the door you know to the garage great go to the hook by the door the garage babe they're not there oh maybe maybe i put them by the the coffee pot go over to the coffee pot not there like where are my keys where are my keys i'm going to be late i don't have time to look for my keys and and so i go to all the usual spots the vanity by the sink the the the nightstand beside my bed i start going through pockets you know and and then i and i go to her i'm like hey love when i set something down you mind just leaving it there you know don't don't move my stuff because when you move it it's like an easter egg hunt you know and and so can you just can you just not do that and she's like well i don't i don't think i did you know i don't think i did move your keys i don't remember i'm like baby you did because i set them on the countertop and now they're not on the countertop and they just didn't disappear and she's like i really don't think i did she goes let me ask you a question and then she proceeds to ask me the most obnoxious question in all of the land of looking for things you know what it is you know what it is where's the where's the last place you had them if i knew the last place i had like that's the only place i'd look like we save all this time right i just go to the last place i'd had them and that's where they would be but that's not where they are right now and then and then i have this light bulb i'm like oh i i oh i got one of those tiles you know those things where i can i mean this is technology so i go in my phone it's a new phone go to the tile app i search for it you know and then it asks me for a login and i'm running late and i'm like login username is it username or email which email and i'm trying and i'm experimenting and then i just you know five minutes of messing with that i just give up and then i start what then you kind of lose your mind you start going back to all those places you've already looked like it's going to materialize i go back to the hook by the door not there back to the coffee pot still not there back to the the you know the island not there back to the nightstand not there back through the pockets still not there back through the backpack not there back to the vanity still not there the keys are still not there they're still missing and then i think like in just like a last ditch resort i'm i'm completely frustrated at this point and i think i remember my username and password so i go back to my phone right and i'm like okay let's give this a shot sure enough i'm able to log in push that little button that's supposed to oh oh they were in my pocket oh they were in my pocket the whole time and so if we replay the series of events one moment all is right in the world there's a deep abiding peace the sun is shining house is at peace relationships are in order and one half a second later i realized that i do not have what i need and all is chaos and i'm running through the home looking forward it you you looking for it you could say that i went from extreme contentment to extreme discontentment discontentment is when i believe that i need something that's not available to me but here's what i want you to realize what i thought that i needed for contentment was with me the entire time and that's really the message from the holy spirit through the apostle paul to the people in philippi and to the people at harris creek today what you need for contentment was with you the whole time we're going to talk about where contentment is found and as we talk about where contentment is found we're going to talk about where it is not found and so this is so applicable for us i'll define contentment for you as websters does a state of peaceful happiness being satisfied a state of peaceful happiness being satisfied there's so much that we're not content about right now be it politics be it decisions made at a national level to wear masks to not wear masks corona to vaccine anti-vac whatever camp you're in wherever you're at you can certainly find something to be discontent about family coming in to see them to not see them those you want to see that don't want to see you those that you don't want to see that want to see you christmas and how christmas has changed and it's going to be different and even as i say this hopefully there's something that you can grab like let me just say that let me do something maybe i don't know that we've ever been so bold as to do this if you don't struggle with discontentment i i want to give you an out i don't want to waste your time this morning that's what we're talking about i'm telling you up front and so you know if you you can you can do something else with the next 45 minutes you know feel free to like go on your phone check facebook instagram catch up on sportscenter like if you don't struggle with discontentment but i will tell you something i've never met the person and in fact there are christians there are people that hear me right now either in your living room or in this room and you'll never find contentment you'll never have it you'll go your whole life searching for it that which is readily available to you but you won't learn the secret that the scripture talks about learn the secret hold on to that phrase learn the secret and so many of us are looking for contentment thinking well if i only made more if my boss would just if my kids would just if my spouse would just if god wasn't silent why does my family have to be so different why can't i be more like that and what you're going to see in the scriptures today that everything you need for contentment is available to you right now and so by way of review paul is writing this from prison in rome he's been arrested he's writing a church that he planted 10 years prior he's writing for this reason okay there's several reasons right one to express his his joy for these people that he loves very much two because there's opposition to the church in philippi there are people who are opposing them against them so he writes them to strengthen them right three thirdly there's some disunity happening in that church some infighting okay we we see a specific situation where two women are not getting along they have differing opinions and he addresses them directly in this letter there's disunity but his fourth reason and the biggest reason that he writes this letter it's a thank you letter he's responding to them for a gift that they sent him through epaphroditus and so he says hey thank you i'm writing you a thank you letter and there's these things that go through here but the biggest one is is joy that he has a great joy for these people and so as we move through philippians 4 this morning we're going to look at what it means to search for contentment in others to search for contentment and circumstances to search for contentment and stuff and ultimately where contentment is found we're going to see that in these four verses verse 10. i rejoice greatly in the lord that at last you renewed your concern for me indeed you were concerned but you had no opportunity to show it i am not saying this because i am in need for i have learned to be content i learned to be content he says hey i have a great joy in you but my joy in you is not rooted in what you can do for me i'm not loving you because of what you can do for me just that idea alone is so powerful and applicable to us in 2020 so just as a reminder 10 years have passed and he receives a gift from them and it says i'm so glad right he says i rejoice that the that at last you renewed your concern that word renewed it's a hoarder it's a word from horticulture it means to bloom again i i see it again i you have had an opportunity to express it but i don't want you to think that in the absence of the gift for the past 10 years that i was thinking that you didn't love me because i know you love me whether you give me a gift or not i know that you care about me and i want you to know that i care about you and that my care for you is not rooted in what you can do for me and he writes the whole church he says to the church in philippi thank you for this gift i don't know you know i don't know maybe it was five people in the church that brought money together to give this gift maybe it was just epaphroditus but when he thanks them he thanks the whole church this is why and i'm passionate about this and and i think it's probably a new idea for most of you that we would do things together everybody loves i've been in church for a while now i've been on the inside of the church for a while now and i know that we love to feel good about ourself by these rogue maverick pioneering gifts like that we see and we respond to right and we don't want the we take this out of context the right and the left hand don't want to know what they're giving i always think it's best when we can come together as a church and meet a need or so first option would be together as a church we would identify a need and meet it as a church and they would say oh that's that that's those people a harris creek not a person but those people i always think that's best secondly is if we had some way of knowing what you were doing by yourself so that we could celebrate it corporately did you know that we gave x number of dollars to crew last year did you know that we gave x number of dollars to missionaries last year did you know that we and when i say we who do i mean the church of harris creek who do i mean you you and we can celebrate that corporately he's that's what he's doing i believe this is a biblical idea and unfortunately lost at some point along the journey he's saying thank you church in philippi for this gift thank you all for this gift this would be like mission waco reaching out and saying harris creek i want to thank you all that you allowed over a thousand children 1603 to be exact to open christmas presents this year that you met the needs of 470 households in waco harris creek now some of you you may not have brought a gift you may life may have been hectic but they're thanking the church right and i i told the staff when i got here that there's always this challenge in in ministry how do you thank somebody for their service you know and through the years it's like well should we give you know our parking team some journals or you know maybe give them some five dollar gift cards to to starbucks and i'm like no that's insulting and for for two reasons one what they've done is so much more than five dollars of coffee worth uh i'm so more so much more grateful than five dollars of coffee would express and i know they don't do it for the five dollar gift card and this is the controversial part and there's an aspect of what they're doing where they should be thanking you church staff because you gave them the opportunity to use their god-given gifts within the body that's our job to help you identify your gifts and unleash those gifts in the body and when you do that you feel alive in fact a couple of guys grabbed all the bikes they they got trucks they they took the bikes and the presents down to mission waco took off a day of work to make it happen and then afterwards we got a thank you letter thank you for allowing me the opportunity to do that and i read that i'm like he gets it he gets it the holy spirit is at work there the brother gets it and that's what paul is doing here hey i'm thankful for you but but don't think that i say that that uh that i love you more because of what you've done for me because i don't have needs see god's gonna meet all my needs but i do have gratitude and i and i rejoice my my first point is contentment is not found in others contentment is not found in others this can look like a number of things it can look like the need for approval being a slave to what others think of you it can look like expectations that you put on people because you think that that they you have all of these expectations for them to be at christmas to not be at christmas to to to write you to thank you to wish you happy birthday and when they don't meet those expectations you're devastated because you have made your expectations of them a god or thirdly and i see this clearly clears in the text you use people that that relationships are just a bargaining chip and you like someone because of what they can do for you in 2020 this is called networking but i think networking has crept into our faith where we've been professionally trained to meet someone and place value on them based on what they can do for us and that's satanic when it plays into your faith that's the work of the devil those are strong words but it's what james calls it in chapter two it's what he says that we don't use people and love stuff we use stuff and love people right he says in galatians chapter 1 verse 10 am i now trying to win the pr approval of god or of people am i trying to please people if i were trying to please people i would not be and this is a strong language if i'm trying to please people i wouldn't be a bond servant of jesus if i become the slave to what others think of me then i'm serving the wrong master and it concerns me in the church how often i hear well this is just how who i am man you know i've always cared way too much what my father thinks about me and that's just always going to be the way i'm just always you know my that i i have given him a a throttle to my emotions and how he feels affects how i feel which affects how everybody else feels and maybe it's my father maybe it's my mother my boss a sibling you know someone you work with or something when you give someone the control to your emotions you've made them a god and you don't have to embrace that identity for the rest of your life you can say you know what i'm going to stop and i'm going to work on that i'm going to let the holy spirit change that i'm going to surrender that in me to god i think so many of us are so disappointed when people don't meet our expectations i just want you to know people are going to let you down consistently until jesus returns they are and that's okay jesus is going to fulfill and meet all of your expectations and so we can stop seeking contentment in relationships from our parents from our children from our spouses from a pastor from a boss we can have the freedom to to live from the approval of jesus and paul here he's showing gratitude for their gift but he wants them to know that his contentment is not wrapped up in needing their approval or giving them his i'll just finish that little section by asking who controls your contentment and what should you do about it you can answer that who controls your contentment and what should you do about it he says verse 11. i'm not saying this because i am in need for i have learned to be content whatever the circumstances i've learned to be content whatever the circumstances this word learn it shows up twice in these four verses uh about being content it's something that we learn uh the word for contentment there is autarkies altar keys in the greek it's it doesn't show up anywhere else in the new testament it shows up often in ancient greek and what it means what's interesting that he chooses that word because it means this like utter self-sufficiency i am completely and totally self-reliant now we know that paul's not saying that because he goes on in context to say god has met my niece i'm god reliant i'm not self-sufficient i'm god sufficient but he uses this word that they would know to say i have enough my needs are met i'm satisfied now granted brother's in prison you know he's he's chained up to some soldier if he can say this we learn something in this that he's saying contentment is learned so if you're looking for it if you're looking for contentment which we all are we everyone that hears me right now is looking for contentment you need to know it's not something you're going to find like your keys it's something you learn it's knowledge there there's an awareness there's some information that we lack my second point contentment is not found in circumstances directly from the text contentment is not found in circumstances now this is the this is one of those things there's a couple lessons out there that i just can't learn because there's something deep in me that i think at my worst moments i think you know what nothing's going right all is wrong i have so much to do the work is piled up and i know what i need i just need a vacation i just need my circumstances to change i just have to get out and get some breathing room i think in error often that all my problems would be solved if i was just sitting on a white sandy beach looking at some turquoise clear water hearing seagulls and the spray of the ocean and my face all would be right if i was just in a corona commercial right now all would be right not the virus but never mind anyways i don't know what i'm thinking um and i've realized i will tell you i've realized firsthand what happens when you make your circumstances your god even recently it's embarrassing but i mean the 2020 we've talked about it so much from here global pandemic hits things start closing down you're waiting through leadership waters that you've never waited in before it's not something they teach you in college hey here's how you respond in a global pandemic when you're running a church but the church can't meet and you have to make decisions every day and then and you just get decision fatigue next level decision fatigue and then and then you're figuring out navigating the school stuff the virtual learning which one do we do we got to make a choice feels so important it's our children's education my parents get covered checking on them you guys doing okay okay you're doing well all right you know and and and then and then my father passes away didn't see that coming and so i'm carrying all this dealing with some grief it's like it's okay because okay i i still got a lead still got to show up you know on monday still got to encourage the staff still got to encourage the body got to keep going got to keep going but it's okay i got this vacation it's there there's the finish line i just have to get to that finish life i can just lean through that finish line and we can get there then i'll give myself seven days to grieve to be right with the lord to get some really sweet time in there and then i'll come back okay and we can just keep sprinting and it's almost there it's the day before oh i've got covet now got to cancel that and it and it sent me to a bad place you know just the word i would describe is despair because i placed all my hope on my circumstances changing and god often throughout the scripture genesis to revelation rarely changes circumstances he changes people in circumstances that often won't change your circumstance he's seeking to change you in your circumstance to teach you that your contentment does not come from your circumstance changing but you have everything you need to endure the circumstance that you have let me say something incredibly unpopular but absolutely biblical and true god is sovereign over covid he could remove it this moment he could make it vanish and so i'm left to think there's something he wants us to learn what is he teaching us that christmas is going to look different that relationships look different that work looks different right now what does he want us to learn as his church and i think i think so often we think your circumstances change if i just had a different job if i just lived in a different neighborhood if i just went to a different school or or moved to a new city then finally then i will be happy but what i see the call in the scripture for us is to bloom where we're planted that god has strategically and sovereignly placed us in environments to use us in those environments and not just run when they get difficult but to find contentment in those circumstances and i i have met with people in their 40s 50s and 60s that when they look in the rearview mirror their life is one long running from not running two but running from circumstances trying to change them paul is in prison his circumstances are not good and he's telling you the holy spirit preserved this so that you would see he's content what has he learned that we haven't learned he's going to call it a secret let me show you verse 12. i know what it is to be in need and i know what it is to have plenty i have learned there it is again i have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation whether well fed or hungry whether living in plenty or in want says i've been in so many different situations which is true we know this from history is true of this man he has been very wealthy he has been very very poor he has been in palaces he has been in prison he has been in positions of power and he has been a pauper in need relying on god's provision through people he's been in all of those places and he says contentment is not just something that you learn it's a secret it's it's unveiled people ask me all the time how we handle santa claus in our home okay so i'm going to tell you a little parenting aside now if helpful for you um santa comes and sees us every year uh we we go big with santa claus we're good with santa we love santa and so we celebrate uh that aspect of christmas in a big and fun and way and i just i sit my children down early on and i say hey you need to know that i'm always going to be completely honest with you and i want you to know there's a secret about santa okay you need to know that there's a secret about santa you're going to learn it one day the secret all right jesus all mysteries are being revealed through his word we can trust jesus all the time that everything the scripture says about him is true the santa guy who we enjoy there's a secret about him and they wear me out you know trying to ask what's the secret about santa and now your kids are gonna wear you out anybody that's listening what's the secret about santa what's the secret about santa what's this i gotta find out the secret i gotta learn the secret and that's what he's saying he's saying hey there's a secret about contentment there's a secret about it and what that should do in our hearts is well i don't want the sun to set until i learn that secret until i figure that out i will not be at peace until i understand right there's something to figure out and so he says this is my third summary of this passage contentment is not found in stuff he says whether well fed or hungry whether having plenty or nothing contentment is not found in what i have contentment is not found in stuff he says whether in need or having plenty whether well fed or hungry how can you be content and hungry it's an impossibility like the essence of hunger is that you don't have everything you need hunger in his essence is discontentment or at least an aspect of discontentment and he says no i've learned a secret of being content and hungry what's the secret paul what is it tell us i will in just a minute every black friday i search the ads it's tradition i search the ads looking for something to need did you hear those words i carefully chose those words not looking for something that i need looking for something to need you know as i i don't approach them with an idea of what i'm looking for i approach them hoping they're going to tell me what it is that i need to be looking for right and it's this lesson that because somewhere in my heart and mind there is something that believes it it's slow to die if i just had x then all would be right in the world i've been running this solomon experiment since i was little right and it's vanity vanity all is meaningless uh one of the tremendous benefits of doing ministry in an extremely affluent area in my past for a long time is i've i have sat with billionaires to find them left wanting right i've heard it well said the rich are infinitely better off than the poor for while the poor think money will bring them happiness the rich know better and i found that to be true i have met billionaires who were miserable and i've met people with nothing who were marked by elation in haiti when i was in haiti we um we're doing ministry in this rural area but we got on this truck affectionately called the salt shaker because it actually looked like a salt canister and when you you sit in the back it's open air it has a big cage around you and we headed up a mountain um for six hours on a road that wasn't really a road i mean it was only a road because this truck had enormous tires huge tread and we just and the other reason it's called salt shakers because we just shook on the back of this truck as it went up this mountain for six hours and when we got to the top of this mountain there was there was a community of people up there that that had poverty like i had never seen firsthand like like a tribal form of poverty um they their economic status in this community was whether you had pants or not you tracked with me you ever had that nightmare where you you show up to school you don't have clothes on in this community of people there was a school there and there were children that went to school without clothes on because they didn't have clothes right it was by far the most poorest group of people i've ever seen firsthand and while some of them didn't wear clothes they all wore this bright shiny smile they greeted us so warmly and affectionate they were so open to sharing their stuff with us you know they were giving us fruit and and food that was the only food they had and we had such an amazing day with them talking about jesus our lord and savior and i got back on that truck and if i'm completely honest and transparent with you the motion that i felt was jealousy i was jealous for them that that they could be so happy with so little you hear this story a lot i don't what i don't want to fix in your heart is that people that have nothing don't have need because they're content that's not what i'm saying i'm saying they've learned a secret that if we're going to keep following this jesus we got to learn the secret we've got to learn what they've learned in verse 13 here it is i think the secret revealed i can do all this through him who gives me strength i can do all this through him who gives me strength some of the kids in the room just thought wait wait didn't tim tebow write that um no no no your favorite letter jacket verse it's not i've actually heard recently that this verse replaced john 3 16 for the most well-known scripture in the bible and i thought isn't that just like the devil that he would replace the clear gospel with with this narcissistic cry that we can accomplish anything which is not what this verse is saying this verse is not saying you can make your free throw philippians 4 13 that you can hit the home run philippians 4 13. that's not what he's saying it's saying you can endure all suffering you can endure all hardships there's a look at disappointment on some of the kids faces no yeah it you can endure all challenges you can learn contentment in all things because it is jesus who gives us strength my fourth and final point contentment is found in christ alone contentment is found in christ alone this is the secret of contentment and the reason that's not satisfying is because so many of us have no idea how to love jesus or to grow our love for jesus we've been inoculated with christianity we've been vaccinated with it we have so much that that will never really have it we can't catch it but you can and before you start believing that doubt before you think it's performance let me give you this warm snuggly blanket of consider where you're at and what god is doing right now in your life he wants you to hear something contentment is found in christ alone and all the things that you know to do to learn to be with jesus are real to grow those affections for christ it's real how can paul be content and hungry because he sees his hunger listen to me he sees his hunger his body telling him hey you're hungry paul but i don't have food but you have jesus his hunger pushes him closer to that which is readily available to him like the the desires lord i really want this tv or this tesla or this fill in the blank for yourself god i know i want this but i know that that desire is really telling me that i want more of you god how can i have more of you i have all i have access to all of you through the gospel through the death burial and resurrection of jesus the veil is torn we have access to god help me foster grow that relationship with you it's not preacher talk at some point in this faith journey that has to go from ethereal to from like okay head knowledge to heart they say people miss heaven by 16 inches the distance from your head to your heart like at some point it has to be god i want you i want more of you my greatest desire is not for the safety of my children it's for you it's not for a better marriage it's not for more money it's not for a different job it's not for a better vacation it's not for prettier scenery a bigger house a faster car it's you it's you god teach me because i'm struggling i don't know that i know how teach me to long for you to grow my affections for you to seek you awaken that in me open the eyes of my heart so that i may see you and want you hebrews the author of hebrews verse 13 verse 5 says be content with what you have because god has said never will i leave you never will i forsake you be ken be content with what you have because you have god and it's not enough some of us i know it's like i don't know how to make that real and i'm going to be honest with you i'm not going to spend a lot of time trying to help you know how to make that real because that's what we do here every sunday and throughout the week when you meet with your life group that's what i hope is the mo the movement and the thrust and the direction of this body of believers that's what you'll get here okay let me say that everybody you hang out here long enough and that's what you're going to have pressed upon your heart by the holy spirit week after week after week that you belong to god and god is enough you have enough a verse i skipped earlier that's just too relevant not to say first timothy 6 but godliness with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into the world and we can take nothing out of it but if we have food and clothing we will be content with that i think so for so many of us we can't be we can't be i don't think we spend enough time thinking about this narrative that we're living in that none of you know your great-great-grandfather he's close family some of you are living on his money he didn't thank god for him the day and he was alive 50 years ago and 50 years after you're gone nobody's driving down the road thanking god almighty for your existence to dust you've returned you've been forgotten and you have to find something greater to live for there is another world that we were created for it is his kingdom and we have to put everything here in right perspective that they're tools to be used to love god and help others love god nothing more nothing less and how do we use it in that way according to his will in summary contentment is not found in others contentment is not found in circumstances contentment is not found in stuff contentment is found in christ alone it's not something you look for is something you learn to choose because of who you know there's a story that russell conwell made well-known baptist preacher in the 1800s to the very best of my ability in trying to confirm this story's true it's true uh you can you can research it yourself uh it's a story that i've heard some time ago and it had a tremendous impact on my life just because you know how relevant it is and it's a story about a man named ali hafed ali hafed was in ancient persia now india and he was a wealthy man he had an estate he had orchard he had everything that he needed he had land a beautiful property there and one day he was visited by a buddhist monk who was talking to him about diamonds and he told them he said a diamond the size of the tip of your finger you could own the whole all of the the whole country ollie knew nothing about diamonds but as he heard more about him he said where do you get these diamonds he says you have to look for them they're often found in streams they're they're underground you dig for them and um ali hafed went to bed a poor man not that he didn't have all that he had before but he lacked one thing that he wasn't even aware of when the sun came up but as the sun set he realized he didn't have it and he longed for it when he woke up the next day he said i will find diamonds and so he set out on a journey he actually sold his farm and uh and he took the money and he set out on a journey looking for diamonds he went into africa into egypt he he went all throughout europe in search of diamonds he spent every dollar he had in search of diamonds and he sat there on the shore in spain coming up empty depressed and in despair empty-handed he took his life he ended his life now the person who purchased his farm led their camel to a stream on ali hafed's farm as a camel took a drink of water he saw a sparkly stone picked it up took it inside found out later that it was a diamond which was really the first diamond to be discovered in the greatest diamond mine in existence the the mine of galconda there's a fort there now it's a tourist attraction you can go see it this is how it was discovered that this man sold his farm had ali just looked where he was had he just dug deeply where he was what he was looking for traveling the world searching for was was beneath him and with him the entire time the gospel is not this fire insurance so that you don't go to hell one day the gospel is the lens through which you see all of life and how you live and how you give and how you speak and how you share and what you do and how you work and how you pursue relationships and how you date and how you're married it speaks to all of those things that one day we will inherit glorious riches with god forever and ever and ever and ever and ever how now shall we live today content content realizing that in christ we have all things let me pray that we would father would you fix that in our hearts help us to know it to believe it to see it to hold fast to it to live it out father thank you for the work that you're doing here at harris creek for the ways that you love us and the ways that you display that love through your son jesus christ help us not to be men and women searching the world high and low trying to find something that would bring satisfaction to our hearts help us to find that now in you as we sing this song would you fix that in our hearts even now in jesus name amen
Channel: Harris Creek Baptist Church
Views: 5,510
Rating: 4.8867927 out of 5
Id: ZjJxqCEN0Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 7sec (2827 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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