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i want to talk to you about finding a cure for a troubled heart finding a cure for a troubled heart we are living in troubled times i received a text message from a friend but it was a very strange text message with a text message that was sent after he had died he was dying of the corona virus a minister friend he had only entered the hospital a few days earlier and he was texting me as he transitioned from time into eternity and i want you to know because i loved him so much it caused me a preacher to have a troubled heart the bible says in 2 timothy chapter 3 that in the last days there would be perilous times people will be lovers of their own selves proud boasters disobedient to parents unthankful unholy truce breakers truth breakers you can't even trust them to sign a treaty heady high-minded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god having a form of godliness without the power no power thereof from such turn away god warned us that there would come times of trouble and so we need to find a cure for a troubled heart because god expects us to jesus our savior when he referred to his second coming in john chapter 14 he began with these words let not your hearts be troubled wow how can you command me to find a cure for a troubled heart how can you command me to let not my heart be troubled do i have control over the external forces that come against me and buffet my spirit well god says yes you do let not your hearts be troubled i expect you to find a cure for a troubled heart god not only expects us to find a cure for a troubled heart but he has given us examples of people who indeed did for hebrews 11 is faith's hall of fame and you find these people of faith who found cures for troubled hearts we find people like noah who lived in the world before the flood the anti-diluvian world the world before the flood came and he found a cure for a troubled heart he was obedient to god he built the ark and he saved his loved ones he found a cure through faith and obedience he preached says the old testament 120 years and yet only the members of his family were saved but he knew he was doing what god had commanded him to do we have people like moses reared by the daughter of what people thought was a deity people thought pharaoh was god but hebrews 11 25 says moses refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of god than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season moses found a cure for a troubled heart and although he did not even go into the promised land himself as he led the children of israel from egypt to canaan in the new testament when our savior was headed for the cross with cosmic issues at stake moses and elijah appear to our lord on the mount of transfiguration to encourage him you can do this jesus you can do this lord moses found a cure or a troubled heart i mentioned abraham who went out or i should mention him if i didn't he went out not knowing where where he was going but i tell you what happened with brother abraham when god said i want you to sacrifice your only son isaac god testing him hebrews 11 says abraham attempted to obey believing that god would raise isaac from the dead by faith he found a cure for a troubled heart hebrews 11 mentions gideon who only had 300 soldiers to fight against three nations but trusting in god he found a cure for a troubled heart so god expects us to find that cure our savior expects us to find that cure he's given us examples of that cure and then god empowers us through jesus christ to find that cure for a troubled heart let not your hearts be troubled hmm through christ we can say with the apostle paul in philippians chapter four i know how to abound and i know how to abase i know how to handle highs and i know how to handle lows i have learned in whatever state i'm in to experience contentment i have learned to experience the joy of the lord why god empowers it philippians 4 13 i am ready for everything through christ who strengthens me jesus christ empowers us to find a cure for a troubled heart in matthew's gospel chapter 24 verses 42 and onward we find these words because here is a key to finding a cure for a troubled heart so you too must keep watch for you don't know what day your lord is coming understand this if a homeowner knew exactly when a burglar was coming he would keep watch and not permit his house to be broken into you also must be ready all the time for the son of man will come when least expect it a faithful sensible servant is one to whom the master can give the responsibility of managing his other household servants and feeding them if the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job there will be a reward i tell you the truth the master will put that servant in charge of all he owns so our lord says when you watch for his coming you're like that faithful servant you have something blessed to look forward to no matter what is going on in your world but what if the servant is evil and thinks my master won't be back for a while and he begins to begins beating the other servants partying and getting drunk verse 50 says matthew chapter 24 the master will return unannounced and unexpected and he will cut the servant to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites here is a template for finding a cure for the troubled heart and what is that chaplain if you're going to find a cure for a troubled heart understand that history is going somewhere history is going somewhere let not your hearts be troubled i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again history is not cyclical going round and round history is linear it is going somewhere in daniel chapter 2 we have the story of a king by the name of nebuchadnezzar a despotic king an autocrat and this king couldn't remember a dream and so he told his wise men tell me the dream i have forgotten the wise man said king we we can't do that we will interpret the dream if you can remember it so nebuchadnezzar implied you've been tricking me all along he was so cruel he was going to kill all of the wise men but daniel praise god for daniel and shadrach meshach and abednego prayed and asked god tell us what the king seems to have forgotten and god gave them what the king seemed to have forgotten and the interpretation of his dream daniel came into the king's palace and said you o king saw an image the head was of gold the chest was of silver the belly and thighs were of brass the legs were of iron and then the feet were of iron mixed with clay but they did not cleave one to the other it was not the mix it was iron and clay but it would not bind itself together king said that is exactly what i saw daniel continued but then you saw a stone came out of the mountain and filled the earth smiting the image and filling the earth and this is the interpretation king you are that head of gold nebuchadnezzar said now that's what i'm talking about you're the big dog in this story but after you will come come an inferior kingdom we know that is the medo-persian empire and after that another kingdom the brass kingdom of alexander the great and greece and after that another kingdom the iron kingdom of rome and after that the dispersion of the roman empire into the nations of modern europe and they shall not cleave one to another and in the days of those kings daniel said that stone that smites and then fills the earth in the days of those kings history is going somewhere my brothers and sisters shall the god of heaven set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed wow that is sound for troubled hearts that is a bomb for those who wonder what will happen in the future what will happen to our earth spoiler alert revelation 21 verse 1 says and i saw john on the isle of patmos speaking and i saw a new heaven hallelujah a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and there was no more sea and i john saw the holy city the new jerusalem coming down from god out of heaven adorned as a bride prepared for her husband no more global pandemics then and i heard a voice out of the sanctuary saying behold the tabernacle of god is with humanity and god himself shall be their god and they shall be his people hallelujah and god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death praise god what a cure for a troubled heart when god sets up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed no wonder our lord said let not your hearts be troubled when you look forward to the second coming of christ you can cry out with the himness we have this hope that burns within our hearts hope in the coming of the lord there's a second thing that you must do if you're going to find a cure for a troubled heart and that is stop thinking you have plenty of time stop thinking that there there's plenty of time remaining okay the bible says if that servant says that my master is going to be gone a long time you know if he knew when the master would return it would be fine but my master won't be back says verse 48. for a while and he begins beating the other servants partying and getting drunk the master will return unannounced stop thinking you have plenty of time second corinthians 6 2 says behold now is the accepted hour behold now is the day of salvation hebrews chapter 3 verse 15 says today if you hear his voice harden not your heart you see when you die for all intents and purposes jesus has come for you even if he hasn't come in his historical coming he has come for you you will close your eyes the next thing you will know if you are righteous is the second coming of jesus christ described in first thessalonians 4 16 and 17. in fact verse 12 says i would not have you ignorant concerning those who have fallen asleep first thessalonians 4 12 but then it says in verse 16 the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel and the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord and then it ends it says wherefore first thessalonians 4 16 17 wherefore comfort comfort one another with these words you find a cure for a troubled heart when you realize you don't have plenty of time it won't be long soon we'll be leaving here andre crouch penned the song soon and very soon we are going to see the king no more crying there we are going to see the king no more dying there we are going to see the king hallelujah hallelujah we are going to see the king there's a third thing you must do if you're going to have that cure for a troubled heart and that is focus on faithfulness focus on faithfulness if the master returns says verse 46 of matthew 24 and finds that the servant has done a good job there will be a reward revelation 22 says blessed are they that do his commandments they may have a right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the city revelation 2 10 says happy are they who uh uh uh revelation says um blessed be thou faithful there you go i knew the word faithful was in there be thou faithful unto death wow and i will give you a crown of life that is what the apostle paul was talking about in second timothy 4 8 when he said henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the lord the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but to all those who love his appearing focus on faithfulness in the parable of the talents you will recall when the master returned he expected that people would have done something with the five the two the one talents that have had been given and the commendation of the productive ones the man with five and the one with two the commendation was the same well done good and faithful servant focus on being faithful not successful not brilliant faithful can god depend on you can god rely on your love for our blessed lord says in john 14 15 if you love me keep my commandments well there is a final thing and i want to tell you if you are going to find a cure for a troubled heart you need you need to remember that heaven is going to be a place of great inclusion okay of great inclusion remember that heaven is going to be a place of great inclusion revelation chapter 7 verse 9 says and i saw a multitude which no one could number from every nation kindred tribe and people diversity inclusion every nation every kindred every language every tribe every people that is what the multitude that john saw look like rejoice that heaven is going to be a place of inclusion the new earth is going to be a place of inclusion i grew up in god's sabbath keeping church matriculated at church schools from grade 1 all the way through andrew's theological seminary when i was a student at oakwood university in huntsville alabama i went down to worship at the church downtown and i was turned away and it was legal because the supreme court decision brown v the board of education 1954 was being implemented with all deliberate speed that means with a glacier-like pace and i was turned away because i did not look like the people who were worshiping in that church and suddenly in spite of all of my education in christian schools the harmonious development of my physical mental spiritual and social powers i had a troubled heart and it was a troubled heart that was so severe that it made me agnostic if not atheistic i cried out with the pessimistic assertions of the noted american agnostic robert ingersoll life is a narrow veil between the cold and barren peaks of two eternities we strive in vain to peer beyond its heights we cry aloud the only answer is the echo of our wailing cry i was angry because i thought i thought the kingdom of god was a place of inclusion i memorized acts 10 34 god is no respecter of persons god shows no partiality but in every nation those who have reverential offer him and obey him they are acceptable to him i had memorized galatians 3 28 in christ there is neither jew nor greek free nor bond male nor female but all are one in christ but i noun had a troubled heart i was sent by the faculty to the jungles of peru as the first student missionary from oakwood university in huntsville alabama and i met a seventh-day adventist german by the name of siegfried nundorf and that was all i needed to meet at that time he was head of the uni mission station where i labored and siegfried and his lovely wife loving me as they loved themselves in spite of my anger in spite of my cynicism in spite of my taunts in spite of my lack of civility they smothered me with the love of christ until by the time i left peru i said if these people who don't look like me could have put up with all i dished out during this time there has to be a god somewhere and in the earth made new i will be there with all of my rainbow family jesus loves all the people of the well world we used to sing in my crater road class red and yellow black and white they are precious in his sight jesus loves the children of the world imagine what would happen if each of us sought to find that cure for our troubled heart by understanding that as turbulent as history may seem sometime it's going somewhere we have a more sure word of prophecy where unto we do well take heed let's trust the process it won't be long what would happen if each of us recognize that we don't have plenty of time left if this global health crisis should have taught us anything it is we don't have plenty of time left jeremiah 8 20 says the harvest is past the summer has ended and we are not saved what would happen if each of us realize that god is looking not for us to be brilliant but just faithful looking for us to be faithful first corinthians 4 1 says think of yourself as a servant of christ and a steward of the mysteries and it is required of servants that they be found faithful says first corinthians 4 2 what would happen if each of us started practicing down here what we're going to be doing in heaven and that is interacting and loving brothers and sisters across the spectrum of diversity for our blessed lord is an equal opportunity savior and so i want to challenge you to do something i would call solution sabbath in the coming months as we are able to begin to interact with one another invite someone who does not look like you home for sabbath dinner and sharing your testimony as siegfried shared his with me help that individual find a cure for the troubled heart and then i want you to do something else i want you to recognize the power of your prayers james 5 16 says the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous avail much and i want you not only to invite someone to a meal but i am praying that god will also give you the wisdom to pray that the prayer that our lord prayed the last prayer before he descended in john chapter 17 is intercessory prayer that that prayer will be answered on earth where he declared father make them one as we are one and let his heart he is touched with the feelings of our infirmities he is interceding for us says hebrews 7 25 bless his heart as he sees us coming together as the people of god we are not divided all one body we one in faith and doctrine one in charity our lord said in john 20 21 as the father has sent me so sinned i you let's go and help people find a cure for a troubled heart god bless you
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Id: 7i4M8sryB0E
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Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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