"Guard your heart above all else" Chaplain Barry Black

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let us pray and Lord haste the day when our faith shall be sight the clouds be rolled back as a scroll the trumpet shall sound and our precious Lord shall descend even so it is well with our Souls use this vessel of clay for your glory and the matchless name of Jesus Christ our Lord we pray amen and amen thank God for the gift of the Aeolian I always get a little nervous when the orchestra leaves as I come to speak this has been an amazing worship experience David said in the 61st Psalm verses 6 through 8 that he wanted to live long enough to sing of the glory of God to the various generations and one of the reasons why I covered coming to this hallowed ground and that's what oak wood is for me it is hallowed ground one of the reasons why I covered coming here is it provides me with an opportunity to pour into the lives of these brilliant and gifted young people and I remember so many coming through here when I was a student and pouring in through into my life I see elder Bradford I remember if you don't use it you lose it he came through here DJ Williams came in and pounded the pulpit with we are moving toward daybreak HL Cleveland who was a preaching machine came through with a beautiful gate but a lame man and CD came and wrecked the campus the age of Methuselah we'd never heard anything like that when he dies God shall send it when he dies judgment shall come and I know that those who came through here Leon cops with the cup without you know he was sick sane but what a message the cup the first time I saw injector position old and new Testament together wonderful wonderful opportunities to pour into our lives and to pour water on parched ground and so I've asked God to give a word i sat there and as Miss Oakwood Lauren Eaton came I was startled to find out that she had a mean sighs you know that eggnog thing I tell you I if they had known that there may be a different miss Oakwood but then I was even more impressed when she said to the young people how many of you had siblings and so many hands went up I wasn't impressed because they have brothers and sisters I was impressed that at their age they know what siblings are praise God when we were doing the children's story in the hood when I was coming up if you had a effort if the storyteller had said how many of you have siblings we would have looked at our like wondering what in the world is she talking about so it is wonderful to know that we have a very literate group here today I will keep that in mind as I proceed God has given me a word he told me to talk about guarding your heart above all else guarding your heart above all else I want you to turn to a neighbor and say to him or her guard your heart above all else turn to another neighbor if you have one and say guard your heart above all else one of the amazing things about my job in the Senate is that it provides me with a front row seat to human history I don't have to go look for Nebuchadnezzar he comes by my office from time to time when Pope Francis came to Capitol Hill and he came in through the east door the first hand he shook was my hand and I was pleased that my student missionary days in Peru had provided me with sufficient Spanish that I was able to converse with him I didn't mention Ellen White but I will almost got there praise God the Dalai Lama came through and we were we were able to kick it a little bit praise God but one of the most amazing experiences I had was when a gentleman by the name of Michael Franzese Michael Franzese FR ance SE came through michael is the modern-day Michael Corleone he was the prince in organized crime he had made tens of millions of dollars a year illegally he was thrown into prison in solitary confinement and someone he said in his testimony tossed a Bible into his cell he picked it up and started to throw it against the wall when it dawned on him you know I have enough enemies I don't want to make God one of my enemies he talked about how he opened the book and it fell over you know God moves in mysterious ways it fell open to the book of Proverbs young people I believe proverbs is the greatest success manual ever written I love that book proverbs 110 my son if sinners entice thee kept me from a judicial consequence of life in prison because when I memorized it that day I did not go along with some people who committed murder proverbs is the greatest success manual ever written found at 31 chapters in proverbs all you have to do is ask what day of the week is it if it's December 5 you read proverbs 5 December 17 you read proverbs 17 for over 50 years I have read some proverbs every day for over 50 years it is the greatest success manual ever written Michael Franzese si said he started reading proverbs he said he knew about leadership he knew about how to how to motivate people and he's a charismatic dude I mean this guy is amazing I mean when he speaks I want to say okay boss what else do you need I mean easy he's very persuasive he says he knew how people operate and he said he had never read any Bible and he was blown away by the brilliance of Solomon he said and finally he got to the sixteenth chapter verse seven where it said when a man man or woman's ways please the Lord he makes even your enemies to be at peace with you he said that word transformed his life in such a way because he had enemies and the four other people who were in knock inaugurated into organized crime with him with a ritual he said that resembled a satanic cult those four were dead you don't walk away from organized crime but he said he claimed that promised that when your ways please the Lord he will make even your enemies to be at peace with you so we found out that we were brothers by another mother okay because here was this Italian crime boss as passionately in love with the book of Proverbs as I am so we had the Thrilla in Manilla we started going toe-to-toe with proverbs I said proverbs 12:24 the hand of the diligent shall rule he said proverbs 3:5 and 6 trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not upon your own understanding and all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path I said proverbs 22 29 show me a man diligent in his business he will stand before kings and not ordinary people and then he grabbed one of my favorite proverbs the one that God told me to talk about today proverbs 4:23 I want to read it to you proverbs 4:23 this is the word young and old that God laid on my heart it says guard your heart above all else for it determines the course of your life or somebody needs to get that again guard your heart and you walking around on campus you better guard your heart you got some players up in here you better guard your heart you got some boys from the hood up in here you better guard your heart when I was at Oakwood I used to walk around campus looking for new believers that burned I was looking for some new believers so I could indoctrinate them into the new way of the Lord I didn't want anybody with a Sabbath School lesson in the purse pulling it out on the date no I wanted someone and by the way my wife was a new believer had been baptized the summer before praise the Lord hallelujah to the lamb of God okay guard your heart above all else for it determines the course of your life now I want us to look at we need to understand what the heart is okay we we need to know why it is so critical that we guarded when when the Holy Spirit says above all else he is setting the priorities for you and me and then we need to briefly learn how we can guard our hearts above all else there are three aspects to the heart the first the heart refers to your thinking and reasoning powers God wants your mind he wants your rationality GK Chesterton said God appreciates honest skepticism more than naive belief he wants you to love him with your mind when my mother was sick we went in the hospital anointed her according to James fide and she died God had some explaining to do to me not just cruising along he wants you to bring him your questions and your doubt so the heart refers to the thinking and reasoning faculties proverbs 23:7 says as a person thinks in his or her heart so is he or she but the heart also refers to the emotions that is why we are told trust in the Lord with all your heart intensity matters get your emotions lined up with God and then the heart refers to the will one of the reasons God can command us to love is because our willpower makes a difference you got to learn how to exercise your willpower I was dating a young lady who told me I have no interest in religion at all okay check you know you've got to exercise enough will when people tell you who they are you need to believe them I could have said well you know with the anointing on my life I can purse what knob the devil is a lie I'm not gonna waste that kind of time find somebody who already loves my Jesus find somebody who already loves my lord you've got to exercise your willpower so the heart refers to the thinking and rational side of you the emotional side and the will God is so confident about the power of your will that he says if your right hand offend you and he was using the hyperbolic cut it off if your eye is by pluck it out use your willpower that is what Paul is talking about in Philippians 4:13 when he says I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me so pull together that that mind that reason pull together that emotional side of you and get your will power together now why should I do that Chaplin black I'm glad you asked the first reason why you should do it and please hear me your heart cannot be trusted as I look back over my life I dodged a few bullets because if I had followed my heart I would be in deep kimchi today to use the Korean Jeremiah 17:9 says the heart is deceitful above all things who can know it proverbs 14:12 says there is a way that seems right to a man or woman but the end thereof is the way of death Samson thought he could trust Delilah his emotions told him this is a woman you can you can depend on she loves you Samson what makes you so strong my god never mad a man like you and when Samson was playing games with her tied me with new ropes she said to the Philistines not yet you can jump out but he's not you know you see when people are playing you they know when they got you and when he finally said to Delilah you see Delilah I'm a seventh-day Adventist that's what it says in the Hebrews said I went to pine forge Blue Mountain Academy oak wood you know and I was never supposed to eat a ham sandwich for it luck to you you understand you got to understand the Aramaic to get into the nuances of this pasture and Delilah Delilah said in judges chapter 16 verse 18 to the Philistines he has told me his heart bring the might bring the 1,100 pieces of silver with you now how would this woman know that when he said go to Walmart and get some new ropes yeah EJ he's shucking and jiving how would she know when he said weave the locks of my hair into a loom that he would but when he when he when he told her the truth she said bring the money I got him now he is your heart cannot be trusted that is why you have to laser in on the word of God and let it guide you because it will keep you from stupidity when your heart tells you to do something else with the song when I was coming up by a philosopher named Luther Ingram lord help us today and luther ingram sang if loving you is wrong Lord Jesus who don't believe that crazy stuff you better you better have I don't want to be right your heart cannot be trusted secondly your heart hear me is the object of divine scrutiny God doesn't care what you look like okay he gave you enough to handle the parable of the talents says Matthew chapter 25 God gave people what he knew they could handle the reason why I don't look like Morris Chestnut is because God knew this is all I can handle this is it so soap so you know he gives you know don't hate you wouldn't be able to handle it if he gave it to you yeah First Samuel chapter 16 verse 7 says human beings look on the outward appearance but the Lord God looks at the heart Jesus was in the temple in mark chapter 12 verses 41 through 44 watching people give and the disciples were watching also and they were all excited about the big spenders dropping in and they would make loud sounds with the coins and the disciples were high-fiving one another but Jesus was looking at the heart and finally to their amazement the disciples amazement they heard their Lord say wow and it's what happened what what did we miss who gave what Jesus said I just saw somebody who gave more than anyone in this place well who is he who is no no no no no no he you looking at the outward appearance you're looking at what somebody's driving you're looking at what somebody's wearing I look the heart I looked at the inside and this woman has given out of her lakh not out of her abundance the truth of the matter is some of you who are who are writing checks for three and four thousand dollars to put in the offering plate based upon your background you just tipping god I know I've been to your homes and he's not impressed with that where somebody on welfare can barely make it is look it's got heaven dancing because God has the heart as the target of divine scrutiny that's why when Samuel went to Jesse's house David wouldn't even brought in you can have a relationship with God that your siblings are not even aware of praise the Lord alrighty third reason why you should guard your heart above all else is because it can change the trajectory of your destiny one wise decision young people can change the trajectory of your destiny I came to Oakwood with about three hundred dollars in my sock when you're from the hood you don't wallets I still don't have a wallet okay we won the quarter system oh are you still on the quarter system okay we're on the quarter I knew I I'm gonna try to make it for a quarter I love this place it was a joy for me to eat in the cafeteria people be looking at me good food and they would be looking they're all upset the guards they didn't add me [Music] then they decided to my amazement Here I am you know I I had to work you know I'm coming out of the hood with a chipped tooth and in the hood you get a chip - you keep a chip - nobody knows anything about tennis in the hood and I'm round they're flashing my chip - thinking I'm Denzel the folk could look at my teeth and tell my socio-economic level no thank you yeah and Stafford remembers Randy was here we they had a cafeteria strike now here I am walking around campus with a stick with a nail on the end of it picking up paper singing Negro spirituals nobody knows the trouble I've seen though by you wanna date nope I didn't know when my primary joy my favorite class at Oakwood was lunch dating a young lady Barry we have to we can't cross the picket line and I recall Randy you could correct me about you'd read me I deserve it don't correct me in front of the folk I'm on a roll now I don't threaten them only two of us crossed the picket line to eat and let me tell you why I cross the picket line my conscience would not permit me to pretend that the food was bad when it was the best food I've ever had I grew up on welfare cheese so what do I look like fronting but the Bujji students who don't have to pick up and pick up trash and sing Negro spirituals except in the aliens of goth went across the land my girlfriend at the time how could you do this to me and let me tell you what happened I'm telling you how guarding your heart can change the trajectory of your life don't ask me how it happened but it wasn't long after that that the faculty had to select Oakwood University's first student missionary now let me tell you something my academic record would not win any prizes coming out of pine forge you know pine forge I was voted the most likely to do time okay so I was not I was not going win any kind of pride what I was in the dormitory not out of the whole suit so who would be selected as oakwoods first student missionary but one of the two who cross the picket line now what I didn't know hallelujah to the lamb of God I'm talking about changing the trajectory of your life what I didn't know was there was a full scholarship attached to the student missionary program when I came back I was able to not only put away my stick but break my stick young men I didn't get my teeth fixed in I got that fix later but that it didn't matter it seemed like when I had money bad teeth didn't matter to the women anymore I praise the Lord I was driving around in a new car a brand new car cheating on campus no problem idiot that's when I saw miss Brenda Pierce all flash my little chip tunes with her and praise the Lord she got on in the car get in the car it will change the trajectory of your lights hallelujah Hebrews eleven twenty five Moses when he was grown chose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season and he is one of the few people who appear in the old and the New Testament God said I need somebody to come down in fact I need a tag team to come down the son of God is getting a little weary his disciples are gonna betray him they're gonna deny my need somebody helping my Moses Elijah get on down there on that mountain talk to the boy let him know he can do this hallelujah to the lamb of God so your heart is not trustworthy it is the focus of divine scrutiny but hear me it can change the trajectory of your destiny when you learn how to guard it above all else there's some focus you should need and eight I'm serious I mean that there's enough prima facie evidence that you can say no thank you appreciate the offer but no thanks okay you know if you hear me young ladies you dating somebody who's using profanity and you dating somebody who's calling you names verbal abuse just in case you don't know it is domestic violence and is often the prelude to physical violence if you I'm gonna call you this and call you that while I'm trying to win you Lord Jesus what do you think I'm gonna do after I get a piece of paper in mine guard your heart and sometimes it's better to cut your losses and amputate because I've discovered that God's got no problem sending you somebody who will make you wanna holla throw up both your hands or bless His Holy Name [Music] now how do you do it number one set a guard on every avenue that leads to your heart Ellen White puts it this way guard well the avenues to the soul you got a God what you look at you got a God what you taste most of us live to eat when we ought to be eatin to live oK you've got to guard the avenues to the soul that means building hedges around you 1st Corinthians 6:12 Paul says all things are lawful but all things do not hasten my progress toward the kingdom still in verse 12 of 1st Corinthians 6 all things are lawful but I will not be mastered by anything if it's a dick tip you gotta let it go I fell in love with the game of chess on the ship 27 years in the Navy when they say knockoff ships work everybody pulls out chess chess board so I started playing chess got so addicted to it I knew I was in trouble when I discovered that I had over 100 chess books had to let it go I will not be brought under the power of any God what you look like when training days Denzel Washington came out on DVD did I fix that all right Oh dodged that bullet and I said to my wife I said honey we talking about Denzel come I mean he's like family you know in fact my screensaver has me and Denzel shaking hands I show it to you sometime we talk about home okay Brenda sent my honey you know I just don't it's got a lot of profanity you see what it said you know they warned you you know explicit fish I need dog you think I said look I'm a man of God I'm you know I can look the devil in the eyes and let him know that I'm not intimidated by him you know we can't be so perfect I'm down there looking at training days that is one of the most horrible characters Alonzo is one of the most horrible care that boys demon-possessed okay Denzel Blanton good got about halfway through it and even then I knew I had to push the ejector button and get out of that thing I'm on my way up the stairs from the man cave when I stumble and stub my toe dr. Stafford words that I thought had been buried and covered by the blood I was glad printed in here were resurrected lord have mercy you better guard what you see you better go you listen to music and it's getting into you subliminally and the stuff they do today then we had lame stuff compared to the stuff that's here oh you know you've got enough pathology on your smartphone all you got to do is punch a few buttons and you can bring sick stuff before your eyes guard every avenue to your soul the second thing God told me to tell you if you're going to guard your heart above all else subordinate your appetites and now you young people I feel for you because when I was at Oakwood you had to work at getting into trouble you really did it was tough you know we had I'm not mentioning any names we had people up in trees watching us somebody remembers the kiyose up in the tree and I didn't even have any I didn't have good sense I'm sitting on a bench in front of President Hales office kissing a girl like it's the ending of the movie Casablanca I mean it was actually ridiculous finally it got so bad dr. hill was so cool he sent somebody out just bring them both in them and I'm they're accepting and he sits there and just smooth that's why I loved that man so much he said um what's your name I said very black sir and throw in that sir real quick in trouble he said Barry what's the young lady's name we gave her name he said if you were president of this school how would you feel if you looked out of your window I mean that was smooth and saw two students carrying on like you were carrying on I said sir I would just be it would fill me with consternation I am so very very sorry cop the plea one great one great hem writer once said ain't too proud to beg praise the Lord alright you sing that hymn so subordinate Paul says in 1st Corinthians 9:27 I keep my body under and make it my slave hallelujah lest at any time after I have preached to others i myself will become cast away Paul said in Romans 7:18 for I know that in me that is my flesh dwells no good thing for the good that I would do I do not and the evil that I wouldn't I do I find myself doing Plato described the human will as a charioteer with two headstrong horses each pulling in the opposite direction the poet said there's a little bit of bad in the best of us and a little bit of good in the worst of us so it behooves the best of us not to talk about the rest of us learn how to press it down and subordinate your appetites and passions or bless the name of Jesus and then the third thing that I challenge you to do if you haven't done it ask God for a new heart ezekiel 36:26 a new heart well also will i give you a new spirit will i put within you i'll take away the stony heart 51st psalm create in me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me there are those of you who have never asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior so not enough to keep the Sabbath okay God does not have grandchildren he only has sons and daughters you must acknowledge that he paid your sin debt in full on Calvary that's the sinner's prayer you can you know because we grew up in the church I grew up in the church I came to awkward I was baptized without ever appreciating what Christ did on Calvary for me am i my young friends one of the most important decisions you will ever make because it will give you a new heart is the decision to say Jesus what you did on Calvary to pay for my sins I accept it thank you for making me a member of your family that is what he was talking about when he said to Nicodemus you got to be born again the heart that you were born with is not enough you've got to be born again and I hope as I come to the conclusion of this message that those of you who've never accepted what Christ did on Calvary actually spoke the words because the Bible says if you believe in your heart and speak it from your lips you will be saved that's the new heart that I'm talking about hallelujah to the lamb of God then finally if you're going to guard your heart above all else keep your heart in harmony with God's heart when he gives me that new heart I have a sanctified heart and spiritual things are spiritually discerned but I have to stay in harmony with him now I am going to give you one of the most important lessons I have learned in my entire life if you will embrace this it will hear me stupid proof your life anybody interested in stupid proofing your life okay the first Kings chapter 3 God says to Solomon tell me what you want and I will give it to you Soloman does not ask to have Donald Trump like money he does not ask you know for power he says give me what wisdom when I read that elder bird I was angry with God why is it that you give it I thought you were no respective person here you are giving Solomon this wisdom you never offered me this option this is this is amazing you know and then I came across James chapter 1 verse 5 hallelujah to the lamb of God changed my life if anyone oh I love that if anyone I'm talking about having your heart in harmony with God's heart lacks wisdom do you think let him or her ask of God young people it is the same opportunity God gave Solomon he gives you if you lack wisdom ask me for wisdom God says I will shower it upon you liberally and won't be upset because yes and so now I needed wisdom I was being interviewed Oakwood University interview for the job of chaplain of the Senate I walked in eight senators arms cross and I'm looking around praying just absolutely terrified and the one I'm sitting are you from Oakmont University aren't you I said that's that's would senator that's right that's a good senator okay all the folks from Harvard Union but but I had stupid proof my life probably for the last 45 years everyday lord thank you for the wisdom that you're showering me with today I'll a to learn the guy told me he said now you're seventh-day adventists what do you all believe if anyone lacks wisdom let him or her ass gives it liberally I heard myself say I mean this is the boys coming up it sounded like me but my mind was not engaged in that I heard myself say seventh-day adventists can give a fervent are men to the entire Apostles Creed and then when I heard the words I thought to myself and what in the world is that I said I hope they don't question me Father I hope there are no follow-up questions on this cuz here I just thrown out a liturgical cream I've done my homework there were two Presbyterians on it and I got this straight from you know I've been going to my 13th year in the Senate so I got to blow-by-blow around the fifth or sixth year I said we we were we were stunned by that response they said we said how in the world could a seventh-day adventists know a liturgical Creed he's bluffing so one senator looks at the other presbyterian looks at the other presbyterian and says Apostles Creed what is that I'll call his bluff if anyone lacks wisdom I'm talking about having your heart in line with God's heart let him or her ask of God who gives liberally and and won't be upset before you I heard myself respond I believe in God the Father Almighty maker of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord who was conceived of the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and buried he descended into hell on the third day he rolled in they all started laughing because the fact that a non liturgical Protestant could recite a liturgical cream answered all of the questions they could possibly have do they believe in the deity of Christ do they believe in the Trinity do they believe in baptism there are on and on and do they believe in the resurrection do they believe in salvation by grace through faith and that not of ourselves it was in the Queen one lawmaker told me four or five years later he said it was a brilliant response and here I'm trying to figure out how did I get those words into my head Paz was talking about talking about finals remember the Holy Spirit can only bring back to your remembrance hate to tell you this huh you know you can't give him a top you'll Arase and expect him to work with it okay and then I remembered dr. Anderson told you three years I'm at the Naval Academy preaching every every week at the Naval Academy because it's an Episcopal liturgy they recite the Apostles free I'm standing there not participating not realizing that the Holy Ghost looking down the line and knowing what I would need was programming my hard drive over and over again I'm hearing it every week the Apostles Creed it was in there and I didn't even know it take no thought of what you're gonna say because when you need it I've lived long enough to know that the Lord may not come when you want him to but if you guard your heart you'll find out that he's always there on time god bless you and God keep you is my prayer hallelujah I want you to bow your heads because I want to make a special appeal today and that appeal is this I want to appeal to people who have never prayed the sinner's prayer you've never said Lord Jesus I believe that when you died on Calvary you paid for all my sins I accept your sacrifice thank you for making me a member of your family is the most important decision you'll ever make I appeal to you to make that decision but the second group I want to appeal to I want to appeal to young and old who are willing to make a commitment today that I will not let another day go by without stupid proofing my life on a daily basis I will not let another day go by when I will not by God's grace ask him for his wisdom I'm not shoot because I'm serious about this then I want to have a special prayer you're gonna make Jesus your Lord for the first time you're going to daily ask for wisdom if you would come forward because I want to pray and have us touch and agree I want you to just stand and come down this aisle for this prayer of commitment to these two basic principles Christ in me the hope of glory the new heart the new birth hallelujah and stupid proofing my life by every day claiming the promise of James chapter 1 verse 5 Oh bless the name of Jesus in the balcony we'll wait for you it's just that important if you're in the choir we'll wait for you it's just that important I feel God in this place [Music] hallelujah Oh bless the name of Jesus just to take in at his words are you yeah yeah yeah [Music] yes it's just that important my friend [Music] hey brother Seth hallelujah [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just just to rest [Music] promise [Music] [Music] you gotta prove [Music] [Music] I'm gonna sing it one more time if you need to be down here don't mess this up opportunity don't be so cute and so sophisticated that you miss out on a breakthrough that the opportunity to change the trajectory of your life [Music] his Miss behold now is the accepted our Mahal now is the day of salvation [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're here to bow grant about now for those who have never prayed the sinner's prayer I want you to repeat after me and I want the congregation to help them with that repeat these words dear Jesus I believe when you died on Calvary you made for all my sins I accept you as my Lord and Savior thank you for the new heart thank you for my new birth I will serve you for the rest of my life give God a hand praise for the new members of his [Applause] [Music] seal the commitments of each of these dear ones brave enough to step forward by faith Lord we make the commitment today to every day see the promise you've given us in James chapter 1 verse 5 asking for your wisdom so that you will guide us and will enable us to accomplish immeasurably abundantly above all that we can ask or imagine thank you call your mercy thank you for your grace thank you for your saving power in the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord amen hallelujah praise the Lord for jams together give God praise and glory in this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let the church say men recognize that some we're headed to the exits we're gonna shoot a hole what you have we thank you for your patience bill a little longer today but I believe it's been a good day what do you say everybody dr. black thank you for your ministry thank you for your sincerity and thank you for speaking to your audience today let the church say Amen praise be to God we're gonna pray for his safe return back to Washington that God would be with him our general williams thank you for coming we know it was a lot for you to come and take time out of your schedule thank you we appreciate it god bless you since you're in the area you come visit us at oakley at any time and we know that you will be blessed thank you to all the chaplains to our visitors we have a lunch prepare to my left to your right for you it's a lot of us here today but we'll make sure everyone gets something and don't worry we didn't try to put God to the test you know we're just two fish and five loaves come on say Amen we knew that we'd have visitors coming in so we have enough want to remind you at 6 p.m. this evening in this sanctuary 6 p.m. in this sanctuary the Oakwood University aliens will present their fall concert make sure you're back at 6:00 this evening and then tomorrow evening at 6 o'clock also in this sanctuary we will begin the pastoral evangelism Leadership Conference as we take time at 6:00 to honor our legends I see some of them here today elder or more I see him here as well as out of pinic I saw him over to my left and your right and other individuals will be honored at 6 o'clock make sure you hear tomorrow night we're gonna all stand as pastor chaplain I'm ivan i'm Wanya gives us our benediction that's pray eternal God our spiritual stomach is filled with the bread of life our spiritual lungs are filled with the breath of life and right now we just want to stay a little longer holding on to you Lord so I make mind the words that you gave Aaron and his children and I pronounced them over your church today may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you may the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace amen [Music]
Channel: Michael
Views: 14,125
Rating: 4.6770186 out of 5
Keywords: Guard your heart above all else, #Chaplain Barry Black, #United States Senate Chaplain, #United States Senate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 43sec (3643 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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