Find Your Why: The Hidden Weapon Against Losing Motivation: Discovering Your Why Explained!

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anybody watching this you may not even know it you all have a why everybody has a what passion is the feeling you have that you would probably do this for free you know and you can't believe somebody pays you to do it but when you meet other people you need to bring an enthusiasm and an energy to that question what do you do what's that belief nation it's heaven my one word is believe and I believe in you I believe you have an amazing gift inside you that I want to see exploded onto the world now I started the belief life series every week to try to tackle a different topic in personal development for you to absorb sit with learn a little bit about yourself and hopefully build a better life for yourself so let's live our best believe life and discover today how to find your why enjoy [Music] all right to kick things off let's talk about why this is important with Patrick Bateman anybody watching this you may not even know it you all have a why everybody has a wide the challenge with some people majority people's why is it doesn't graduate so you're why needs to evolve everyone's why goes through the four phases your first level of why is what survival the next vote what I mean by survival everybody who has a job that makes money makes money why to survive and pay the bills but that is there why so unless you find a way to graduate that then it's the next level what's the next of you know I want to make six figures why status I make six figures I have a nice car I have a house I have the same car I'm having a good school I'm going to a place I got this I got that so it's status keeping up with the Joneses it's still lightweight but it's still a better y than survival the third one is freedom you know what I'm so sick and tired of six figures and I want to be free I want to make money I want to go out I'm not worried about working hard I want to make money and I want to have freedom I want to have breathing room what do I need to do to have breathing room that's the next level because then at that point you're not necessarily doing it for somebody else you're doing it because you're wise gradual you know what I want to be free I want to live in that community because I want my kids to play outside and not have to worry about anything for me I won't have a big back here because I want my kids to run or not have to worry about anything for me for my family I want to be free so this is somewhat selfish nothing wrong with it but it's not the highest level the highest level is purpose now what are we talking about purpose what is your why I'll talk to some people understand my why's I want to one day on a football team I mean it's still empty that's still empty I want to one day on a basketball team that people ask me Pat all you wonder you know on a sports team of course that's in the plans if the opportunity comes I think I'd make a very good sports owner I'm fascinated by stats sports improvement competition it's just as fascinating but is that really the purpose of making billions of dollars and making money no there's got to be a bigger purpose so how does one go from survival status freedom purpose what is truly your purpose now let's get to the how coming up rule number one is find the things you do for free with simon Sinek passion is not an actionable word it's correct you know that those who do the things that they're passionate about do better but it's not helpful advice and so the question is where does passion come from passion is a result passion as an energy passion is the feeling you have when you're engaged in something that you love passion is the feeling you have that you would probably do this for free you know and you can't believe somebody pays you to do it you know and I think we mistake that passion is something we do in our private lives but it shouldn't be done you know in our careers for example and I'm a firm believer that you are who you are and anybody who says I'm different at home than I am at work and one of those two places you're lying and the goal is to make everything you do in home and it works something that you have excitement to do so how do you find the things that you're excited to do well it's actually easier than you think what are the things that you love to do what are the things that you would do for free you know how can you recreate that feeling and and be pay for it so what are the things that I do in the weekend right I love I'm very involved in the art world I love to go to museums and galleries but I love to go see dance and performances because I want to see how others are interpreting the world so that inspires me new ideas new thoughts new ways of looking at the world are things that interest me privately and I seek it out and pay money for it right so does that mean I have to have a career in the arts no it means I have to have a career where new ideas are explored where people are experimenting and trying things out and I have to explore new ideas and try things out and I'm just as excited to go to work everyday as I am to you know go do something on a Saturday night and so the idea of finding your passion is ironically simple because you should be doing stuff that you enjoy sometimes what is the stuff that you enjoy and then what is the stuff that you love who are the people that you love and what are those where they all have in common rule number two is do a joy revue with Jack Canfield another technique you can use to help you identify your purpose is to conduct what I call a joy review simply set aside about 30 minutes and take the time to go back over your life and make a list of all the times you felt the greatest joy in your life now when I did this I down when I was a patrol leader in the Boy Scouts when I was an officer in my military high school when I was a summer camp counselor at a camp in Maine my years as a leader of my college fraternity my years as a high school teacher and when I was conducting workshops and training as a teacher trainer when I was telling jokes and telling stories when I was traveling and then look for a pattern among all these times you've written down in my case it was when I was teaching and when I was inspiring and empowering people to go for their dreams and they have more love joy and abundance in their lives and since we know that joy is part of your internal guidance system it tells you when you're on course to the fulfillment of your innate purpose you can begin to determine a lot about your life purpose from completing this joy review rule number three is try different things with Owen cook there's really only a few key areas where we have almost like a superpower okay aptitudes all right I guess we could call it a super aptitude and we're looking for those super aptitudes all the time by trying out different lanes alright so take myself I'm somebody who has attention deficit disorder and what that means is that I can speak almost indefinitely it means that I also have almost infinite creativity and that also comes from growing up with depression when you're depressed that could oftentimes trigger this very very intense creativity so between having depression and attention deficit disorder and also of my case if you look at things like growing up unable to read social cues you have an interesting recipe for how I build real social dynamics okay so I basically found my super aptitudes because by not understanding something so thoroughly I had to break it down so deeply to understand it that's social dynamics which creates great content plus I'm eating depressed creates creativity and also having a DD allows me to talk forever because I don't feel the passage of time in the way that a normal person does I can't feel time passing so I could do this forever okay so if you look at that that created a super aptitude okay now how did I find it I tried out many different things as long as I was trying out different things I was happy so try it out one thing try to another thing try to the other thing try to another thing try to another thing now once I basically realized okay this is something that I could have a you know like a lane could open up for me in this what I did was I committed to a pretty large degree but still kept different lanes open and then when I finally decided that this is what I want to do I burned the boats okay in other words got rid of all other options to sail home and committed 100% rule number four find what makes your heart race with Charlie Hooper what makes your heart race right what things in your life do you have that when you engage in that activity your heart rate literally elevates and as I look back on my own life one of the very clear things for me was social interaction I was a very shy kid whenever I'd meet someone new that would kind of make me anxious but particularly there was someone that I wanted to be my friend or if it was a girl that I liked man my heart rate would you shoot through the roof so reflect on your own life what sort of things do you have and again start flipping you can write scary-movie skydiving whatever it is but start to go down that list and make a list of things that actually genuinely excite you and you know it because your body is responded and the whole point of this exercise is that tease out the things in your life that you care about but you might be hiding from yourself because a very very common phenomenon in today's world is that we have these things that are core to our identity in my case it was writing it was social interaction but they were afraid to share with the rest of the world because it is so important to us we're afraid to make it our profession or even just a hobby right if you were to write about it on a blog in the Internet or engage with it in some other way so go through this list write see if there are commonalities things that are so important to you things that you legitimately care about that you can get more involved in and the reason is not just for yourself because of course that's going to improve your quality of life but when you meet other people you need to bring an enthusiasm and an energy to that question what do you do and right now if all you have going is a job that you're not super into and friends that you know you like but you're not crazy about and hobbies that we're now football on Sundays that is not going to help you connect with the kind of people that you want to have in your life when you're passionate about something you will attract other people into their into your life that have similar passions and they're maybe in some cases have passions that are completely divergent but the intensity of those passions attract one another and will number fire the last one before the bonus clips is serve others with me most people live their life like this they're all over the place and they're unhappy but when you know what your passion is when you know what your purpose is your life is a lot easier right you know who you're supposed to hang out with and who not to you know what opportunities to take and which ones not to every decision becomes easier and you're living a life that is purposeful that is happy you're adding value you're helping people and you feel good and I want that for everybody so how do you find it you got to remember that your purpose is gonna be a combination of something that makes you happy with something that adds a lot of value to other people's lives you are happiest when you're serving other people we are we are born and meant to serve others right we feel happy when we're helping somebody else out with something and this can be through a business or can be through your job or whatever it is but you will find your greatest pleasure and happiness when you're adding value to somebody's life so the combination of what you love doing something that you love doing so much something you you wake up but you know say 9:00 in the morning you start to work it's you look down you look back up in a six at night like we're did where did everything go where did the time go because you're so in love with what you're doing so think about all the things that you love doing that you can get lost in and then think about how you combine that to help other people when you can merge those two things together that's when you find your purpose that's when you find your path the things that you love doing with the things that help with the people that combination is unique to you and when you find it you'll feel amazing your life will change everything will change now I've got three special bonus clips for you on how to find your wine but before getting to those my question of the day is have you found your why yes or no and if it's a yes what is it I'd love to hear from you leave it down in the comments below and if it's a no then put no - you're on your journey and I'm excited to see how you eventually will grow and find it thank you guys so much for watching I believe in you I hope you continue to believe in yourself and whatever you're one where it is much love I'll see you soon and enjoy the bonus clips so I'd like to share with you a simple process that can help you identify your life purpose in as little as 5 to 10 minutes now the process involves answering three questions and it's important to write down your answers so for now just write down the questions now these also appear in the success principles book as success principle number two be clear why you're here so I'll repeat the questions twice you write them down and then you can answer them first ask yourself what are two qualities that I most enjoy expressing in life again what are two qualities that I most enjoy expressing in life now for me it would be love and joy for my wife its authenticity and spontaneity for one of the clients I just worked with it's discipline and order and for another one it's fun and play now the second step is to ask yourself what are two ways I most love or enjoy expressing those qualities when interacting with others again that's what are two ways I most love or enjoy expressing those qualities when interacting with others now for me it's inspiring people with stories like those in the Chicken Soup for the Soul books and empowering people by teaching them practical tools for creating greater success in their life through my live trainings online trainings coaching books DVDs teleseminars and video blogs like the one I'm doing right now with you and finally ask yourself what would the world look like if it were perfect right now according to me what would people be doing how would people be interacting what would be happening so again that's what would the world look like if it were perfect right now according to me that's you of course now for me it would be that everyone was living their highest vision of their most fulfilling life you see I believe that every single person is like a cell in a human body and it takes all kinds of cells and every cell doing what it's meant to do for the whole body to work correctly we need eyeball cells and stomach cells and knee-joint cells and foot cells and bone cells and brain cells all of those have to be working and similarly I believe that it takes every human being doing what they were meant to do for all of humanity to work you see once you have answers to these three questions you can combine them into a single statement now when I put all three of mine together my life purpose ends up being to inspire and empower people to live their highest vision in a context of love and joy in harmony with the highest good of all concerned now when you put yours together you're gonna get a life purpose statement for you now once you have that I want you to ask yourself the next question on a scale of one to ten how actively am i living my life purpose again on a scale of one to ten how actively am I currently living my life purpose and if your answer is anything less than a ten then I want you to ask yourself what would have to happen to make it a ten what would I have to do or change to make it attempt now the answer is do you come up with are the action steps you need to take so that you can begin living your purpose on a day-to-day level everybody has a calling and your real job in life is to figure out as soon as possible what that is who you were meant to be and begin to honor that in the best way possible for yourself we have seen over the years on The Oprah Show so many people who've been able to rise to success in their life and only able to rise to success because they answered the call lots of people think that it's about being famous or about being known or about doing big big incredible things what you're gonna hear today and see through the stories is that sometimes the calling is right in your own neighborhood sometimes the calling is something that was just a whisper to you and when you begin to honor that whisper and to follow that you end up being the best that you could be so in my own life I have to say the I had no idea that I would end up being who I have become but I had a strong belief that the calling was something greater than what Mississippi was showing me the calling was greater than my front yard the calling was greater than what my grandmother believed that my life could be discovering your why is just the beginning in order to enjoy all the benefits of having a clearly articulated why you'll need to have the courage and discipline to use it like Thomas Edison said vision with that execution is hallucination there is an ideal order for implementing your why though sometimes reality does get in the way and it all starts with you our natural tendency is to start with the tangible we define our value by what we do so it takes practice to start with why like riding a bicycle at first we're unsure unsteady we're in our heads thinking about all the things we need to do pedal fast keep enough speed so we don't fall over we have to really concentrate we may even fall over even scrape our knees but we get back on the bike and try again and eventually it becomes natural starting with Y is no different at first it feels awkward it may not even work but with practice it will become so natural that you won't even be able to imagine a time when you couldn't do it just like riding a bicycle in time your Y will act as a filter for many of the decisions and choices you make it becomes a tool to help you find a job or seize an opportunity in which you're more likely to succeed it removes a lot of the guessing here's a metaphor to show you what I mean it's called the celery test we're constantly asking people for their advice on what to do or how to do it it's like going to a dinner party and somebody says do you know what you need you need M&Ms we've done so well with M&Ms you've got to use M&Ms somebody else says to us rice milk in this economy you have to use rice milk someone else says to us Kit Kats you have to use Kit Kats and somebody else says to you it's all about celery we go to the supermarket with all this good advice from all these smart people with brilliant case studies and we buy everything we've I'd kick cats and M&Ms celery and rice milk there's a lot of time we spend at the supermarket and a lot of money we spend at the supermarket and when we get to the checkout line we're standing there with all these products in our hands and no one can see what we believe because we bought everything but let's imagine we know our why let's imagine our wise to always be healthy and only do things that protect the health of our bodies now which products do we buy given all the same advice from all the same smart people this time we only buy celery and we only buy rice milk they're the only two that makes sense we spend less time and less money at the supermarket and when we're standing there in line with only celery and only rice milk now people can see what we believe somebody walking past can say hey I can see that you're healthy so am I you just attracted an opportunity or a referral or a friend simply by saying and doing the things that you believe and the best part is its scalable as soon as I said the Y you knew exactly which products we were going to buy this means the more you can articulate your why the more others will know what you stand for and will be able to help you make the right decisions from now on you will work to ensure everything you do is a good fit if you do too many things that aren't a good fit you'll feel uncomfortable and people will feel that you're being inauthentic on the other hand when you start with Y your ability to stand out find support and work to all your natural strengths will flourish with practice you will learn to trust your Y you will eventually start to see your job and the things you do as ways to breathe life into your cause and the better you get at it the more you will feel that your life and everything you do has purpose the best way to implement your Y is to work at it slowly you don't have to do all the tips we suggest what is important is that you pick up 2/3 and commit to practicing and using them now raise your standard Apple at the pool core value is that we believe that people have passion and change the way people now one drop of my self-worth depends on your acceptance of me I don't ever give up I'd have to be dead or completely incapacitated hey believe nation if you want to see my all-time favorite top ten roses success I have a very special secret video for you these are the individual clips that I have personally learned the most from and applied to my life and my business check the link the description for details
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 103,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, how to find your why, start with why, why you need to find your why, what drives you, simon sinek, inspiration, motivation, success, what is your why, personal development, how to find your passion, how to know your purpose, find your calling, put your why into action
Id: mBLGngFI5Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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