5 PROVEN Ways to Develop UNBREAKABLE Self DISCIPLINE! | #BelieveLife

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I keep getting asked this type of question How do I get discipline or how do I want discipline the only way? To break a habit you guys is not to deal with the triggers Avoiding temptation is a way of life by doing one thing differently. You can avoid all kind of temptation What's that belief nation, it's Evan I believe in you and this channel is designed to be a part of your daily success routine So today, let's live your best believed life and learn the five proven ways to develop unbreakable Self-discipline. Also if you want to know what Jocko Willick Mel Robbins Jordan Peterson and others have to say about building unstoppable confidence check out My 250 for confidence series where every day for the next 254 days. I will send you a morning video for free to help you build your confidence The link to join is in the description below people want to know how to stop the laziness and they want to know how to stop the Procrastination. I know that everybody's problem comes down to one pattern you're repeating that you can't see if you're gonna speak Effectively, you have to know way more than you're talking about Okay, let's kick it off with way number one Envision the results with Jocko willing. I keep getting asked this type of question How do I get discipline or how do I want discipline or how do I maintain discipline? And the answer it's it's a simple answer But obviously it's not easy And there's all kinds of little tricks and methods that people talk about and You know, they have some merit, you know, maybe they do work these these things, you know Do the little things people say and wake up early. I say that and write things down and take cold showers and Tell everyone what you're going to do so broadcast it and make promises or or make bets with with your friends of Something that you don't want to lose and those things those ideas They're cool. I'm sure they're gonna have some impact and if they work for you That's that's awesome But the fact of the matter is that the reason discipline is hard to maintain is because it is hard to maintain That's what makes discipline hard it's hard and If you hear me claim that Discipline is easy for me then Straight up. That's just my ego talking that's what that is because I'm Unfortunately just as human as everyone else and it is work to maintain the discipline. That's what it is work Holding the line Maintaining the standard Giving no slack none. That's the discipline That's the discipline and it is hard And if there's one thing I would say that does make it easier it's to Envision what it feels like when you're done what it feels like After you've worked out or you've held the line on your food intake or you've pushed through some monotonous Project that you have to do and all those things When they're done that they feel good And Contrary to that Envision what you will feel like later When you let the discipline slack You know the feeling Feeling weak and Defeated and you know that you're falling behind So get to know those Two different types of feelings and ask yourself which one you want to feel in ten minutes or in a half an hour When when the thing is done when the discipline has blend implemented Remember what that feels like and then remember that those minutes and those hours they turn into weeks and months and years and Holding the line in those critical minutes will put you in an infinitely better place physically and Mentally if you maintain the discipline So work through the weakness fight through the temptation hold the line Hold the line maintain the discipline it is not easy But it is worth it because Yes because discipline equals Freedom we number to interrupt the pattern of procrastinating with Mel Robbins. You're not a procrastinator you have a habit of procrastinating big difference Because if it's a habit I can teach you to use science to break it. You see all habits have three parts There's a trigger and in the case of procrastination the triggers always stress then there's a pattern you repeat and in the case of procrastination it is to Avoid doing something and then there's a reward you get a little stress release the only way To break a habit you guys is not to deal with the triggers You're never gonna get rid of the stress in your life, but you can 100% change your pattern of avoiding work So next time that you're in a situation where you feel yourself hesitate you spent way too much time Checking out the highlights from last night's scores. What you're gonna do is you're gonna go up. I must be stressed out about something Acknowledge the stress then go 5 4 3 2 1. I want you to count yourself because I want you to interrupt the habit That's stored here. And I want you to awaken your prefrontal cortex Then I want you to just work just for five minutes The reason why I want you to only work for five minutes is because your problem isn't working It's the habit of avoiding. I just need you to start and here's the other cool thing We know based on research that if we can get you to start 80% of you are going to keep going. We number three remove temptation with Terry Crews remove temptation you must remove temptations if you are going to have Self-discipline. I'm trying to say if you are trying to lose weight if you are trying to get better if you are trying to do Things in a good good way you have to remove the temptations me I had a problem with pornography years ago. And now it's one of those things that I had to eliminate Temptations I had to eliminate things that I felt would trigger me and get me back or going on the wrong path and it's really really subtle one of the things that's by Examining what the way you think and how you act in a given situation? I Find that there were times like Friday night is when I felt like that was the time to view pornography. You know, why because I Remember everyone going out on Friday and it feeling real sexy and feeling like whoo and women and this Dancing partying and all that and then I would I would do it. I've said no, I'm not gonna do that I'm a good boy, but I'm gonna stay home and I'm gonna watch porn which was a horrible horrible habit, so Friday night I know when those feelings are coming and when that I get sensitive and I feel like mmm, you know This might be the time to click on something. You know what I mean? And I know it and I head it off at the pass You just make sure that you know where you are and you avoid those? Temptations the same thing with eating if you know you have a problem with donuts Do not go to the donut shop to get your coffee You know, I mean go to a place that doesn't have Donuts or something that you know is your vice that you know you shouldn't do Another thing you can be proactive when I say avoiding temptation if you want to really Consistently make the gym a part of your life set your clothes out for the gym the night before And it will remove the temptation to not go to the gym when you wake up You're all of a sudden you have your clothes there and you just hop in them instead of looking all over the house I can't find my shirt. I can't find my socks. I don't know what's going on You'll have your clothes there and there will be no excuse for you not to go Avoiding temptation is a way of life by doing one thing differently You can avoid all kind of temptation and it was the key to your self-discipline We number four strengthen your mind with Aubrey Marcus big thing. That makes a good day versus not a good day is exposure to cold Really? Yeah, like wim HOF style you mean it's not it's not a good day if you're not exposed to cold it's not as good a day really it's not as There's something about that. Not only pushing yourself. I do it early in the morning and you can either do it in the shower But start with a warm shower Start doing the wim hof breathing which starts to hyper oxygenate the body also has a lot of health benefits and then turning that shower nozzle cold and How long? For about three minutes is what you want to do all the way cold and if you have a cold pool or cold baths you Can do that but it's twofold one. It's gonna reduce your chronic stress So norepinephrine goes up adrenaline goes up and it drops your cortisol So it drops the baseline of stress that we all carry all the time But the other thing is it's that moment right before you turn that nozzle where every part of he's like man not to pick up Beer you're like I don't want to do don't want to do that. You turn it over secondly Exactly exactly, even though you know, it's not gonna hurt you even though you know, it's gonna benefit you It's gonna develop cold shock proteins. It's gonna help your immune system, you know people exposed to cold get 43% less respiratory infections, like it's oppositely of the wives tales that we've heard. Like don't go out in the cold You'll you'll get sick like regular and mediated exposure to cold is actually going to help your immune system So even with all the pen it's gonna boost the immune system boost the more you do it Yeah, so you believe when we have the discipline to? Put ourselves through controlled stress for a few minutes It's going to give us extreme benefits the rest of the day No doubt because it's the same thing like when we're thinking about whether we want to work out or not. Right, right We're sitting around like yeah, you know, I really should go out and take that run I really should go out and take that workout. We know we're gonna feel better when we do it We know we're gonna be better. But what is that part of ourselves? That's gonna turn that little bit extra over to the yes column, you know It's something I call mental override and I talked about it in the book It's the ability to use your mind to give you that little extra to push you into. Yes mental override Yeah And it same thing that you would same thing that you would use with you need to start that Project or if you're screwing around on emails and need to actually get to the meat of the problem at work It's that same mental technique that's gonna allow you to kill it But you get to practice that in the morning and you get to have that small win So that the next time you're facing that off I really should start that big project I really should work on this you just have that same attitude like I'm gonna do it Yeah And way number five the last one before a very special bonus clip is make a proper schedule with Jordan B Peterson make a damn schedule and stick to it. Okay. So what's the rule with the schedule? It's not a bloody prison That's the first thing that people do wrong is well, I don't like to have follow a schedule It's like well, what kind of schedule are you setting up? Well, I should I have to do this then I have to do this then I have to do this, you know And then I just go play video games because who wants to do all these things that I have to do. It's like wrong Set the damn schedule up So that you have the day you want. That's the trick. It's like okay I've got tomorrow if I was gonna set it up. So it was the best possible day I could have Practically speaking, what would it look like? well, then you schedule that and obviously there's a bit of responsibility that's gonna go along with that because if you have any sense one Of the things that you're gonna insist upon is that at the end of the day? You're not in worse shape than you were that then at the beginning of the day, right? Because that's a stupid day If you have a bunch of those in a row, you just dig, you know You dig yourself a hole and then you burn yourself and it's like sorry. That's just not a good strategy. It's a bad strategy So maybe 20% of your day has to be responsibility and obligation Or maybe it's more than that depending on how far behind you are. But even that you can you can ask yourself, okay? Well, I've got these Responsibilities I have to schedule the damn things in what's the right ratio of? Responsibility to reward and you can ask yourself that just like you'd negotiate with someone who is working for you It's like okay you go. I work tomorrow Okay, so I want you to work tomorrow and you might say okay. Well, what are you gonna do for me that? Makes it likely that I'll work for you. Well, you could ask yourself that you know, maybe you'd do an hour of Responsibility and then you play a video game for 15 minutes I don't know whatever turns your crank man, but you know You have to negotiate with yourself and not tyrannize yourself Like you're negotiating with someone that you care for that you would like to be productive and have a good life And and that's how you make the schedule It's like and then you look at the day and you think well if I had that day that I'd be good great You know and you you're useless and horrible, so you'll probably only hit it with about 70 percent accuracy But that beats the hell out of zero Right and if you hit it even with 50 percent accuracy another rule is well aim for 51 percent the next week or 50 and a half percent for God's sake or because You're gonna hit that Position where things start to loop back positively and spiral you upward Now I've got a really special bonus clip with Will Smith on how to develop Self-discipline that I think you're gonna really enjoy but before that it's time for the three-point landing question It's time to move from just watching another video to actually taking action in your life or your business And if you're feeling bold leave your replies in the comments below Here we go question Number one what needs to change in your schedule to help you better reach your goals number two. How will you strengthen your mind? So you can keep to your schedule and number three what temptations do you need to remove so that you can stay on track? So I do Screamed to me the other night. Hey, will I wanna be active man? I won't be active just like you, you know, usually people say stuff to me like that I'm like, yeah, man, you know you doing give them an encouraging word, but I was just sitting here thinking and it dawned on me 99% of People that say stuff like that are not willing to do what it takes to make their dreams come true the Marines have a saying everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die and That's just real at the center of bringing any dream into fruition is Self-discipline, you know something as simple as food and eating it is not about your your body as much as it is about Your mind it's getting command of your mind to be able to choose actions that are in your own best interest Every day we are choosing That's not in our own best interest, right? So if the world is attacking you and the world wants to fight you in the world's trying to hold you down So you gonna kick yourself in the balls? So you will stop yourself From getting what you dream? Self-discipline is the center of all material success You cannot win the war against the world if you can't win the war against your own mind The most important work ever if you had to think of one word That's most important to you or that sums you up or that would be like a little beacon If you like this video check that the 20 pieces of advice every aspiring entrepreneur needs to hear video It's right there next to me. I think you'll enjoy it continue to believe and I'll see you there and to work on the alignment of your Personality
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 99,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, 5 proven ways to develop unbreakable self discipline, #BelieveLife, how to build discipline, self discipline training, self discipline, develop self discipline, improve self discipline, self discipline motivation, how to increase self discipline, how to become more disciplined, how to be disciplined, develop discipline, success advice, success motivation
Id: 2rA28lZMEzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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