Finally...Cummins Mustang Body is Finished

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I like the Fummins swap that he made

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/Moistspaghett1 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Dude I love his videos on this. One of the craziest swaps I’ve ever seen

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/TheGenericLee 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ah yes the cumstang

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/StupidWiseGuy 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Love your sports car but wish it handled worse? Hold this guy's beer...and nachos...and 2 dozen wings.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/octobertwentythird 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

This dude is where I got my diesel start, thanks to someone here linking to his "before you buy a cummins" video

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/anthro28 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

Kind of makes me want to start filming all of the swaps me and my neighbor have been doing over the past few years, this kid is awesome.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Shittypumpkin2 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love this channel

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/The1EyedWulF 📅︎︎ Nov 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
should we test to see if she's still holding the boost i will uh yeah i will in a minute but i gotta see if i gotta pee no no i've got to i've got to go [Music] you know what's so funny though is how little throttle it takes to start spinning the wheels thanks man i appreciate it that's sick holy crap i know i'm sick minded thank you for noticing though that's cool seeing it adversity holy cow yeah i heard you feeling out i was just got off the working shindus what are you talking about i don't feel that that's my belt's clipping you know the belt slips every once in a while makes that squealing noise some reason it makes the back get a little squirrely too i don't know why it doesn't you know what's actually strange though that truck there that trip there and that car there all have the exact same engine in them [Music] hey hey don't look at that don't look at that come here does this not look like the creation of a madman and let me tell you no it's not it's a creation of a happy man that's what it is because look at it okay guys the smoke sting is the best thing i've ever done now it needs a little bit of paint i will say i'm kind of digging the black but it does need to turn red at some point fenders on the side which have these awesome vents that way we can let out the extra horsepower that the smoke sting just can't absorb so you're saying it's frankenstein i mean i don't know why somebody would think it's frankenstein like it's that's factory i need to put a sign outside that says factory now the one question i get asked constantly about the smoke sting is can you put a hood on it can you put a hood on our question where's the hood is the hood even going to fit the smoke stairs i don't know we haven't tried but uh we tried putting the cummins in there and look we were successful so i imagine we can make a hood fit it here is the good news though bigfoot is delivering a hood here in just a little bit [Applause] [Music] now you guys might be thinking what is in this big box is it a flux capacitor is it bigfoot's underwear and you know what it's something almost as cool as in two things it is a four inch cowl hood that somewhere hold on yeah right here look at this says it fits 2015 to 2017 ford mustangs so if it doesn't fit i'm blaming him in this company this is up do not fork do not open with knife how am i supposed to open it without a knife is it white look how much room it's got it might actually fit nah nah i got it i'll just get in the box with the hood that's the secret okay maybe that's not the secret oh i got it look how pretty it is how do you think it's going to fit that is going to look so sick imagine if we cut a hole in it for the sack oh and another hole for the twin turbo oh yeah yeah that too we need to go ahead and pull the exhaust stack and the intake horn off because some of the easy things to pull off and see if the hood actually fits over the top of the engine it's still really hot so we might have to wait a minute before we go ahead and pull them off so i have to let it cool down i got impatient so we're not gonna ta-dah you're like a surgeon wesson yeah bring me my scalpel [Music] yeah that's what we're doing right now operation success yes i didn't kill him yeah shh it's worth mentioning that we are so close to a million subscribers i can almost taste it and let me just say i like to taste a lot of things so if you would not mind and you are not subscribed help us get to our goal of a million subscribers let's get back to work on the car it's hood time baby we're in the hood no we're actually just putting the hood on it's easy [Music] what the hell does it actually fit it's got a hood it's not even hitting i don't think like i don't think it's no it's sitting on the radiator support the engine block clears radiator clear of the radiator what the hell is it called i don't know i'm excited the oil fill the oil fill clears so all we got to do is clearance for the intake horn and drill a hole for the stock thing about is i'm kind of sad though no nobody knows it's got a cummins in it they'll know it's gotta come into it by the smokestack and by the rule i guess the sound of like two leprechauns beating on an anvil in there will make him like what is that that does not sound like a five leader having smoke coming out of it like a locomotive yeah you know they might be able to tell us in the comments boom see something now yeah this looks like an old dodge watch you're not parked very good what are you talking about well hey i thought the lines went out of the way in my defense what do you guys think of my new daily driver thank god bigfoot brought it back his geometry just got out of the shop so he was driving the first gen until then but he got back to his geo metro so time to go in here and get uh instruments of cutting exactly that right there is what i need huh smoke sting now i don't know what's wrong about i didn't get those scans look at this look down up down up and then look we finally got a reason to use that seems like a good reason okay now the hood's mounted i guess it comes down to uh the hard part of the scenario actually cutting a hole in our brand new hood okay let's do it they need that anyway i think that's how professionals do it hopefully he's in the right place [Laughter] actually we gotta trim it just a little bit more around here that's really good hey that's almost perfect is it supposed to stick out well we might have to put a tip on it like a little small tip that way i don't think this one here will fit anyways well i'll tell you what i'll take this one see if i can beat it on there okay you wanna come beat my pipe for me yeah you'll pass yeah why i don't think that's gonna work perfect it's good not even touching we've got a whole quarter of an inch spare i might be the best sawing and a hammering builder in the world i don't know about that actually we fire it up now she's awesome this is just turning into a daily cruiser now put this tip on the fiberglass is cool just put that tip on look at it already covered inside i don't know why it'd be that way hot isn't she looking absolutely incredible with her hood she looks really white yeah i know we definitely need to get paint on i like the black but yeah now it just looks weird look what have we driven the car 10 minutes i think we're gonna need to get a taller stack too but when the twins are on it the stack will be a lot taller so it'll be fine this hood though is gonna require a lot more cutting for the twins but we don't want every single person to know we've got a cummins in here and also this gives us the opportunity to sneak it in places you know we can take you to the ford dealership and say hey for some reason a mustang you know it's sound a little loud lately maybe could you guys change oil see what's wrong with it or we could go to that you know what's it called coyote the coyote shoot out we could try to sneak it in there and when the officials say what is underneath the hood who just said you know what guys uh the hood latch broke we're one step closer to finishing this car all we need to do is get paint on the front end and a bunch of other odds and ends that i want to do with it but until then i will see you guys next time
Channel: Westen Champlin
Views: 1,605,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PgBHjruE9Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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