Finally! US LASER Aircraft Carrier Will Beat All Chinese and Iran Hypersonic Missiles In One Sec!

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by Leo cic on only two weapons can destroy the world and only two countries may choose to do so Hypersonic missiles and laser weapons China and the United States the two world powers have been at each other's necks for the longest and now they may finally strike as the US finally responds to China's unending threats China's threats or what appear to be threats are almost too numerous to count but there's been a surge in them in recent years in August 2020 the Chinese people's Liberation Army rocket Force fired a number of ballistic missiles into the northern end of the South China Sea from locations in mainland China simulating an apparent anti-ship strike this was only one of many many exercises that have been considered some sort of warning message to the US the US possibly had a clear view of these particular launches as a US Air Force RC 135s Cobra ball spy plane flew to the Red Sea when China executed the launches the missiles launched in their numbers were reportedly the df-21d and the much larger DF 26b ballistic missiles the df-21d a medium range ballistic missile has a maximum range between 600 and 1900 Mi while the maximum range of the df- 26b an intermediate range ballistic missile sits between 1,800 and 3500 Mi far enough to strike American ships on the sea while staying out of range for retaliatory attacks so should the US come to the aid of Taiwan when China makes true of it promise to invade the island nation and absorb it back under its control these ballistic missiles will be crucial the US is a mighty powerful force on the Seas with the largest ships on the planet by a wide margin particularly with aircraft carriers a quarter of all aircraft carriers in the world belong to the US Navy and their total deck space is more than double that of all other nations combined to defeat such a fleet on the Seas China might not need to deploy a single carrier of its own but instead launch its ballistic missiles to drill holes in the American ships after all the df-21d is already dubbed the carrier killer in Chinese media and it is a less formidable missile than the df-26 both missiles reportedly have warheads that can reach Hypersonic speeds and maneuver impressively to evade air defense systems as they fly towards their target on the Seas the only way way to stop such missiles probably doesn't exist yet the US must change that and quickly too its dominance on the Seas heavily depends on it this is where the meteor project comes in the meteor project is a project by the US Navy aimed to produce a new type of weapon that can counter China's threats on the Seas this new weapon will be a high- power microwav directed ener en weapon or HPM weapon for short an HPM weapon generates bursts of microwave energy that are capable of disrupting or destroying the electronics inside a Target system the benefits of such a weapon over virtually everything else are substantial one such benefit even over other directed energy weapons such as laser weapons is that an HPM weapon can produce very different graduated effects this means that a single HPM weapon could offer a range of capabilities including more subtle jamming like functionality or more destructive effects depending on which is desired at a point in time using the HPM weapon Sailors can generate more controllable attacks than is possible with Kinetic weapons The Wider beam that some HPM systems can emit also gives them distinct advantages compared to laser beams when it comes to their ability to quickly engage multiple targets their shorttime requirement when engaging target targets makes them better suited for tackling drone swarms once powerful enough this new weapon could be the Navy's favorite response to China's formidable missiles the beams from an HPM move at the speed of light making it almost impossible for China's missiles to outrun or outmaneuver them they would be in a cloud of their own smoke before they sniff out where the heat is coming from like other directed energy weapons an HPM weapon also offers the Ben benefits of a deep somewhat unlimited magazine unlike traditional kinetic weapons HPM weapons do not need to be physically reloaded with ammunition they can theoretically keep firing for as long as they're connected to a power source then there is the benefit of a lowc cost per shot which is a GameChanger on its own the rise of lowc cost get highly effective offensive weapons in recent years has forced a worldwide hunt for even lower cost defensive responses to them as it stands the US is forced to counter $1,000 drones with million dooll missiles a disproportion that cannot stand it's even worse on the Seas as ships have very limited defense missile stockpiles and cannot be easily replenished at least not until sailing back to base which could be thousands of miles away the bout between the US Navy and hooti forces on the Red Sea is a prime recent example of this the hotties have been launching anti ship cruise missiles aerial kamakazi drones and explosive Laden uncrewed surface vessels and underwater vehicles at US forces which have had to respond with far costlier defense missiles so when faced with the threats of formidable Hypersonic missiles from China and lowcost offensive weapons from anywhere else around the world the new HPM weapon could come real Handy for the US Navy it would not only shoot down incoming threats but also Reserve kinetic air defense missiles for larger more critical threats for these reasons and possibly more the US Navy has its eyes keenly set on building and operating an HPM weapon the service requested over $9 million for the meteor program in the fiscal year 2025 and $13.5 million a year ago for the 2024 fiscal year when the program was still named Red Cat whatever the reason for renaming the project remains unknown but the goal is the same however until this goal of an effective directed energy weapon is achieved the Navy must make do with the next best thing ballistic missiles ballistic missiles are the eighth wonder of the world offense or defense they are a top pick for the top nations in the world including the United States which boasts a large arsenal of them of all the ballistic missiles in the US Aral one stands out for the US Navy the sm6 the sm6 or standard missile 6 is a multi-mission missile capable of anti-air Warfare terminal ballistic missile defense and anti-ship strike rolls it uses a blast fragmentation Warhead to engage its targets within the atmosphere it is a jack of all trades master of all kind of weapon according to US Navy vice admiral John Hill the head of the US missile defense agency the sm6 is the only weapon in the country's Arsenal at present that offers any ability to knock down highly maneuverable Hypersonic threats a number of things make the sm6 the standout weapon it is for one it combines the solid rocket booster and dual thrust Rocket Motors of the sm3 series The airframe of the sm2 series and the seeker and nose cone of an advanced medium-range air-to-air missile thanks to this tribrid nature the missile is able to stand out from other missiles of the standard missile family for instance it is the only missile in the family to feature an active Seeker for terminal guidance which it adapted from the advanced medium- range air-to-air missile the active Seeker allows the missile to engage targets beyond the range of shipboard Radars which are limited by power output and the curvature of the Earth this over the horizon intercept capability of the sm6 is what makes it a key pillar of the Navy inter integrated Fire Control counter a concept when integrated with other sensors through networks like the Cooperative engagement capability an sm6 can conduct engagements beyond the range of any prior air defense Interceptor and in 2016 it proved this during a test an sm6 set a record for the longest range anti-air Warfare engagement ever in US Navy history going under the X-ray the sm6 is a 1 6ton missile packing a 140lb blast fragmentation Warhead that detonates using a radar and contact fuse mechanism powered by a two-stage propulsion system the missile can fly to an altitude greater than 110,000 ft breaking into space and hit speeds up to Mach 3.5 faster than the SR71 the fastest air breathing jet in history ever flew Guided by an inertial guidance combined with terminal active and semi Active Radar homing an sm6 can strike with Precision targets that are up to 230 M away with all these capabilities on offer it's easy to see why the HPM weapon from meteor is unlikely to replace the sm6 in service but rather complemented the sm6 missile and the meteor HPM weapon are formidable weapons they aren't perfect by any means they both leave gaps to be filled however these are gaps that they could fill for each other working together these two weapons can form a defensive and offensive Suite that would protect the US Navy and its ships from whatever weapons were launched at them irrespective of cost speed size maneuverability or anything else for this reason the US Navy asks that you give this video a like And subscribe to this channel so do that now and thanks for watching
Channel: Front Cost
Views: 678,700
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Keywords: aircraft carrier, us aircraft carrier israel, us aircraft carrier in action, hangar, carrier, aircraft, us military, navy, us navy, us aircraft carrier, uss gerald r ford, gerald ford, us navy aircraft carrier, laser, laser weapon, laser aircraft carrier, laser weapons, united states, uss gerald ford, new aircraft carrier, laser weapon system, military, us billions aircraft carrier, gerald ford aircraft carrier, testing, helios, future aircraft carrier, israel, iran, china
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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