US Shocked! Turkish 6th Generation Fighter Jet Is Ready For Action!

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when life gives turkey lemons it makes fifth generation Fighters out of them evicted from the $400 billion F35 figh air program turkey went solo and built the con the fifth fifth generation fighter of the world and one that promises to rival the F35 two weeks ago KH took to the skies for the first time making turkey only the fourth Nation ever to achieve such a feat and making headlines around the world on February 21st 2024 KH conducted its Maiden flight piloted by test pilot Barbados demirbas the fighter took off from the mered Airfield command in North anara flew to an altitude of 8,000 ft and a top speed of 23 30 knots after 13 minutes of flight it landed back at the same Airfield and concluded a successful test flight the test put turkey among an elite group of Nations that have dared and managed to successfully fly a functional fifth generation fighter jet prior to turkey's addition this group only consisted of the US Russia and China the top three world powers all powered by trillion doll economies turkey managing to build and fly the con was therefore major news around the world the maiden flight made headlines in azerbijan Georgia Libya Pakistan India Japan Canada the United Kingdom China Russia and of course the United States home to Khan's closest rival the F-35 this is another Hollywood Story of friends to foe the con program was launched in 2016 to produce a fighter that would replace turkey's F-16 Fighting Falcon and fly alongside the F-35 turkey was a key member of the alliance producing the F35 only a few years ago with massive Turkish facilities built specifically for the aircraft in 2019 this Came Crashing Down from turkey's point of view the relationship between turkey and the United States began to have cracks in it the cracks got unforgivably wide when turkey purchased Russia's S400 Triumph air defense system thus violating the countering America's adversaries through sanctions act turkey was kicked out of the F-35 development program as a result so the Turkish fighter originally built to fly alongside the F-35 in turkey's Fleet now had to not only be the F-35 but be better than it as a result Turkish Aerospace Industries or tiai for short which is Turkey's main defense arm partnered with BAE Systems the largest defense contractor in Europe to build a new con fighter that effortlessly wields the most battle deciding capabilities the ti con is a stealthy twin engine all-weather air superiority fighter built to operate in the Turkish Air Force and interested Air Forces around the world the world's latest fifth generation fighter it would exploit recent Technologies to wield more capabilities than its preceding generation mates do along with the capabilities expected of it as a lethal fighter meant to dominate the skies these capabilities include design the con has a design that reflects the decade of work put into it the airframe is chiseled to be so aerodynamic it cuts through the air like a knife through butter being a fifth generation fighter its design is also optimized for low radar cross-section therefore the fighter is decisively stealthy this means it is invisible or as close to it as can be to enemy Radars as it flies into enemy airspace to execute its Mission this stealth comes from the airframe design able to deflect radar waves radar absorbing material coating that absorbs stubborn radar waves that remain internal weapons Bay that ensure the fighter has fewer protruding parts that can reflect radar waves and so on TI's Advanced Carbon Composites fuselage facility which was commissioned to produce fuselages for the F35 program before was evicted was repurposed to develop an advanced carbon composite fuselage for the con the composite fuselage for the con is in the works to be a new lighter carbon composite thermoplastic different from what the F-35 would have gotten avionics the K avionics enable all of the fighter systems to operate as one these avionics include likely upgraded variants of Turkish Defense company Asel son's radar warning receiver missile warning system laser warning system chaff and flare management dispensing system and Digital radio frequency memory based jamming system which are already deployed with the other air platforms this Suite of avionics makes the fighter capable of intense electronic warfare Advanced navigation features infrared search and track electrooptical targeting fluid human machine interface Sensor Fusion sensor autonomy and so much more such an avionic Suite is the stuff of dreams for a Frontline fighter like the con propulsion Turkish engine manufacturer kale partnered with British manufacturer Rolls-Royce to build a new engine specially for the con this engine expected to enter serial production in 2028 will be more powerful than the engine currently slated for con prototypes and the first batch of aircraft which is the general electric f-110 engine two of these engines currently power each con fighter providing a combined maximum thrust of 58,000 lb of force with After Burner besides the general electric engine and the new engine in the works an alternative engine is also reportedly being sourced from an undisclosed Nation with the engine of choice installed on the fighter the con will be capable of super Cruise it would also have a top speed as high as Mach 1.8 and a maximum altitude of 55,000 ft weapons what better way to achieve air superiority than with a lethal arsenal of weapons ready to strike at the push of a button for air-to-air combat the con will be armed with mda's meteor and Micah Ron's a120 amam and the locally developed gdan missile as well as short-range Weapons like the a9x azram and turkey's bosan missile for ground attacks the jet will utilize a new reconnaissance pod and will be able to carry up to a 1,000lb weapon load including the Tubac Sage's suj cruise missile and other Precision guided Munitions in addition to these the con will be accompanied by loyal wingmen connected to the con through encrypted data link connections the wingmen will be capable of executing side missions such as Gathering data taking a hit for the man fighter or destroying targets turkey has no shortage of unmanned Fighters capable of this role it could be the tiai Anka the bay rockar tb2 the kizilelma and so on manned unmanned teaming is a capability primarily originated for sixth generation Fighters yet the con wields it a testament to just how much modern technology this fighter has absorbed all of these capabilities mouthwatering for any Air Force around the world birthed a beast that could empty the Skies of rival Air Forces and also empty the wallet of its own Air Force as it stands each ta con fighter is expected to cost $100 million an entire fleet of these Fighters would easily cost many billions of dollars but there's a possible solution if more Nations joined the tiic con program the unit cost would be slash significantly as there's less work to do on Research purposes and the majority of the funding will go directly to building the aircraft having this in mind infiltrating the fighterjet export market and taking a huge piece of it is what what turkey plans to do Pakistan and azerbijan are already in the conversation of potential buyers with the capabilities the con boasts and the status of a fifth generation fighter it shouldn't be difficult to win more buying Nations over except that it is thanks to the sheer existence of its great rival the American fifth generation F35 lightning 2 the F35 lightning ing to from Lockheed Martin is the world's second fifth generation fighter jet and is generally regarded as the most intelligent fighter in history developing this fighter cost the Pentagon $400 billion the most expensive weapons program to date The Ultimate multi-roll Fighter the F-35 can achieve air superiority one minute and function as a battle manager the next this versatility and Effectiveness on the battlefield is thanks in large part to the following capability ities Advanced stealth the F35 is one of the stealthiest aircraft in the world Lockheed Martin designed the fighter from the ground up with low observability in mind they aligned its edges serrated its skin panels and masked the engine with easy to- maintain fiber matat skin for low observability they also reduced infrared and visual signatures enable the reflection of radar waves and use strict controls of radio frequency emitters all plan playing their role in preventing aircraft detection and contributing to the f-35's ultra tiny radar cross-section that's lower than that of a metal golf ball lethal Armament the F-35 is armed to its metallic teeth being a fighter that must provide top tier close air support as it retires the legendary A10 warthog the F-35 wields a 180 round 25 mm G22 A4 Barrel rotary Cannon the gun is more effective against ground targets than the 20 mm Cannon carried by other US Air Force fighters in terms of explosives the F-35 is armed with up to 18,000 lb of weapons shared across two weapon bays and external hard points the weapons carried include bombs short range missiles medium-range missiles and long range missiles that all hunt down their targets hungrily intelligent avionics while the F35 stealth and Armament are impressive it is the fighters avionics that have really made it the household name it is today through its avionics the F35 can sense data and make sense of data at incredibly high speeds faster than anything before it these avionics include the aapg 81 active electronically scanned array radar the a asq 239 Barracuda electronic warfare system the a aaq 37 distributed aperture system the a aq40 electrooptical targeting system and the an asq 242 Communications navigation and identification Suite these all combined to provide rapid beam agility multiple operational modes all aspect missile launch and Target tracking 10 radio frequency antennas all aspect radar warning receiver self-defense against missiles the detection and jamming of hostile Radars laser targeting forward-looking infrared capabilities longrange irst functions and an impossible level of Sensor Fusion that give the pilot and friendlies an omnipresent tactical picture of the battle space 8.6 million lines of code keep these systems running wielding all of these capabilities it's no wonder that the F35 is the most widely used of all fifth generation Fighters over a thousand units have been built and they are used by the air forces of 18 different nations with that number looking to rise soon this is the Beast of a machine that turkey's con is up against both in the sky and in the export Market the con impressive as it is doesn't appear to have much of an upper hand over the American fighter aside from a greater top speed the con is more expensive to purchase newer in the scene has a less structured Logistics network is less interoperable with the air forces of other nations and so on if Turkey doesn't find a way to overcome these the con fighter could quickly end up like the Iranian kahar 313 a fighter that disappears before it has a chance to fight but the con fighter does show promise and turkey does show resolve the future could see fleets of ta con Fighters dominating the skies around the world the t con fifth generation Turkish the F35 rival the world didn't know it needed this fighter has recently taken to the skies for the first time in bright colors and wild Spectators it could take to the skies a 100 times more if turkey's Air Force Embraces it a thousand times more if Air Forces around the world take interest in it and a million times more if you subscribe to this Channel and give this video a like so do that now for the TA ion and thanks for watching
Channel: Front Cost
Views: 108,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fighter jet, 6th generation fighter, 6th generation fighter jets, us air force, f 22 raptor, turkish fighter jet, turkish figh, forces news, turkey, kaan, kaan turkey fighter jet, kaan fighter jet, turkey fighter jet, lockheed martin, kaan first flight, nato, fighter, united states, ngad fighter, ngad fighter jet, ngad, front cost, flight, usa, aviation, jet, f22, aircraft carrier, new generation fighter jet
Id: tyDtjI7yPD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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