Finally Realized What WOLVERINE'S GRAVESTONES Actually Are... OH GOD

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welcome back to new rock stars I'm Eric Boss and there's always been one shot in the Deadpool in Wolverine trailer footage that has eluded my grasp and that is this moment from the Like a Prayer trailer when Wolverine in the simplest Suburban daddy outfit we ever see him in at least in any of this footage strolls past this tidy but forboding row of columns in a foggy Wheat Field the trailer clips that surround it suggests that Wolverine in this movie failed his universe or let his world go to as Deadpool says so the assumption is that all of these columns might be the gravestones memorializing the Fallen X-Men of Wolverine's home reality like we're reminded somewhat of the memorial to the snap victims in San Francisco's Chrissy field and Avengers endgame but I think we are all getting this shot wrong I don't think Logan is falling to its knees in a state of mourning but rather in a more profound sense of awe at his place in the universe and in the light of new teases from this movie's director sha Levy and Marvel head Kevin feige in a recent article in Empire magazine in this video I going to explain how these gravestones are not marking dead X-Men but rather representing dead Wolverines and the best way to support new rock stars is to grab one of our many X-Men inspired designs over at nerd w. shop like our latest one celebrating the end of X-Men 97 Magneto was right so the recent article in Empire magazine by writer Chris hwit includes a number of interesting Scoops that somehow flew under everyone's radar specifically a few quotes by Kevin feige which are always the most revealing because while the actors are often terrified of saying the wrong thing and accidentally spoiling Marvel's big plans which both Ryan reyolds and Hugh Jackman seem to be in this particular article Kevin feige as the studio head ain't afraid of anyone especially now that he's apparently sniping scoopers like can we get some toast the toast is toast and in this article among Fig's quotes are a a confirmation that the film's references to the 2017 Logan film are quote very reverential reverential meaning like with reverence like the type of reverence one would pay by Falling to their knees in awe pige also confirmed b a plot tease that Mr Paradox shows Deadpool quote the most glorious place in the world AKA The Sacred timeline the one true timeline in the Multiverse the home of the MCU which leaves Deadpool intrigued enough to take paradox's offer without fully appreciating the quote Universe siiz Stakes of it and C a confirmation that this Wolverine is not the same Wolverine from any Xmen film that we have seen so far meanwhile director Shan Levy is quoted as saying it's like an Easter egg farm this movie and it's at the end of a paragraph listing confirmed and speculated cameos which normally at least according to my American journalism education means that the preceding sentences of that paragraph are implied paraphrases summaries based on the interview or at least background in that interview that must be rooted in the discussion in your interview with the source like nothing you ever write in any piece of Journalism should just be like you speculating your own kind of creative thinking in it everything should be somehow tangentially related to interviews or other research that you do from other sources it's not supposed to be you opining it's not an opinion piece and Levy's direct quote at the end of that paragraph is structured to be the exact words he said when the interviewer was asking about these other possible cameos so the fact that this article includes a mention of Doug Ray Scott might be the Smoking Gun here because Doug Scott has not really come up a whole lot it's kind of been a name erased from history at least in the modern age when it comes to Doug Ray Scott connection to the X-Men franchise he's kind of been relegated to a footnote unfortunately and the fact that he comes up at all tells us that he might be part of the plan now Doug Gray Scott was originally cast as Wolverine for the 200 X-Men film when it was being developed in the late '90s but Doug Ray Scott was shooting Mission Impossible 2 in Australia and according to this actor production permission impossible to was running long and Tom Cruz refused to release Doug Ray Scott to begin production on X-Men so that plus a motorcycle accident caused Doug Ray Scott to have to completely back out of the X-Men production now Russell Crow was reportedly Brian singer's First Choice to play the part of Wolverine but he had turned it down instead he had recommended his friend Hugh Jackman so Hugh Jackman stayed kind of in their list of possible names as a backup Doug Gray Scott because Hugh Jackman at the time was just kind of a lesser known theater actor but when Doug Gray Scott had a back out Hugh Jackman got the call and then history just played out as we know it now while Doug R Scott has had a successful career in his own right you just have to imagine how big the role of Wolverine was for Hugh Jackman Doug Ray Scott must have always imagined what if so by Shan Ley calling something an Easter Egg farm eggs are not grown on crops my friend they're laid by chickens or by like Easter rabbits that that like lay eggs I mean the cadburry commercials are very confusing but I think him choosing the word Farm is telling by what we're actually looking at on this wheat field and the fact that Russell Crow is also part of this origin story for the casting of Wolverine is why I think this particular setting is showing a surreal landscape containing the graves of not p X-Men but all possible theoretical Wolverines and thinking of Russell Crow as part of it I previously compared this wheat field to Ridley Scott's footage in Gladiator whenever the warrior Maximus imagined his home in Spain a homecoming shown at the end of that film as Maximus ventured into his afterlife and his fingertips grazed the tops of those wheat stalks an image so iconic that the russos totally borrowed it for the shot of Thanos in Avengers endgame when he was harvesting crops on his farm in the garden which was at least practically meant to be thanos's spiritual afterlife it's where he retired when he thought he was done with his life when I've got time for a game night I want to spend that time playing games not sitting through setup or explanation that's why my new go-to oh man we got to play this game is Doom Lings Doom Lings is a card game for two to six players ages 10 and up that takes 5 minutes to learn all the rules are on the cards themselves so it's super easy to pick up and play you're just trying to score the most points before the end of the world by playing cards from your hand called traits which have these super fun Whimsical characters on each one that just remind me of Pokémon every round is called an age and every age introduces new rules that keep the gameplay fresh occasionally an age will introduce a catastrophe and the game ends when the third catastrophe strikes there now you know how to play Doom Lings literally it's that simple to explain the classic game has everything you need to play and there's also a deluxe edition which has the base game plus five expansions with Advanced mechanics a playmat and three mystery Hollow foils ooh you can get Doom Lings in retail stores like Walmart or Target but if you scan the QR code or click the link in the description and use code rockars 20 you'll get 20% off your order at Doom so this location is probably not anywhere in physical practical space it's a realm it's a state of mind that thick fog is like a surreal wall in a backdrop it's not the Wasteland that Deadpool and Wolverine occupy for the rest of the footage this row of columns is not even a finite row of graves it clearly goes on and on to Infinity these columns are meant to be endless sure there are a lot of X-Men even a lot of mutants but there are a finite number of them or at least a finite number that Wolverine would care about but in the Multiverse there are infinite Wolverines so I think this location is some kind of ethereal plane akin to the aru the field of reeds on the other side of the datat the afterlife depicted in moonnight which the goddess tarit confirmed as being part of the same spiritual Network as the wakandan ancestral plane and in the mythology of Ridley Scotts Gladiator starring Russel Crow which is getting a sequel this year by the way also the kind of afterlife that Maximus goes to when he dies this is a specific afterlife plane where Wolverines find their resting place when Logan died in Logan in the script Hugh Jackman was directed to convey according to the exposition quote a flicker of Wonder and I think that's what that Logan saw he saw this field of reads it implied that when Wolverines die they see something they go somewhere and this is that so I theorize that each of these Stones represents a different wolver one for Hugh Jackman hell maybe a few different Hugh Jackman Wolverines also one for Doug Ray Scott Wolverine one for Russell Crow Wolverine one for Daniel Radcliffe Wolverine one for Taran ederon Wolverine because one of the two of them is probably playing that patch Wolverine that we see in the casino and hell maybe even one for Cal DOD Wolverine the voice actor from the X-Men animated series and maybe even for a wolverine played by Ryan Reynolds in this movie in this shot Wolverine isn't collapsing to his knees out of grief for fallen X-Men because we already saw a wolverine go through that process and 2017 Logan and based off of what Kevin feige said in this article I don't think they're going to retread on that path too much so instead I think this Wolverine is an awe upon his realization that he is just one of an infinite number of wolverines so when Deadpool responds to Mr paradox's Mission by saying that he's quote Marvel Jesus I think he really means that he's been tasked with finding the one Wolverine who represents a paradox to this equation the one in the Wasteland and the yellow in the blue suit who refuses to die and to move on and by fixing that glitch Deadpool will be able to liberate all of these Wolverines so that they can have their souls cleared and move on kind of like in the way in the Christian belief Jesus died for our sin so that the souls trapped in the limbo State could pass on to heaven so just to recap in the MCU the after lives we've seen include the ancestral plane the datat the aru Valhalla the soul realm that Thanos and Tony Stark saw when they snapped the stones and then the glowing white limbo space that rocket entered in Guardians of the Galaxy volume 3 and now adding to the list this wheat field whatever it actually is I think they're all connected in the same spiritual Network they follow the same rules and they serve the same narrative purpose for the characters a kind of limbo state that you venture to when you're on the cusp of death but not a permanent resting place a kind of ethereal construction that tells the hero that there's still work to do comment down below with your thoughts on all this follow me at eaos subscribe to all three channels of the new rockstars Network for breakdowns and news coverage of everything you love thanks for watching and I'll see you next time bye n
Channel: New Rockstars
Views: 548,946
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Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, wolverine, deadpool and wolverine, hugh jackman, dougray scott, deadpool and wolverine trailer
Id: UPoOORv6h-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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