AMAZING AOE DAMAGE! DETAILED Beidou Guide & Build [Best Artifacts, Teams & Weapons + F2P Options]
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Braxophone
Views: 314,221
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Keywords: beidou guide, beidou guide 2.4, updated beidou guide, is beidou good, beidou dps build, beidou dps, beidou dps guide, beidou support, beidou support build, beidou support guide, beidou best weapon, beidou best team, beidou build guide, beidou build guide 2.4, how to build beidou, beidou main dps, beidou carry, beidou and ningguang, beidou review, beidou genshin impact, beidou guide genshin impact, genshin impact beidou guide, genshin beidou guide, beidou build genshin
Id: bLZ5nmVZXtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 31 2022
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