FINALLY Hatching the Living Ship AND Portal Glyphs ! No Mans Sky Next Generation Ep 12 | Z1 Gaming

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[Music] what's going on everybody z here welcome back to some more no man's sky so we just finished up with a live stream over on twitch it was a fantastic good time if you missed it don't worry you can catch it live on my second channel see one give me late night i have a link down below um and yes it'll actually be there because i've been horrible about that anyways what are we doing today today we are unlocking the living ship i am so excited uh i think we're unlocking it i'm pretty sure there's only three steps uh my inventory is completely full of crying there's a lot of stuff in here so let's grab the neural stem the heart the hardened shell and the awakened void egg and let's go and do the thing so what i'm actually gonna do is i'm actually gonna portal uh somewhere else i'm actually a portal back to where i was because the uh it seems like the ships there that are spawning are black and red so i'm hoping maybe we'll get super lucky and maybe get our first one as black and red i don't think it's gonna happen but i don't care uh okay so let's see where is my larval core base one so we set up a base on a uh a larva core area so i can farm nanites because um i was under the impression that the first like you had to have ten thousand nanites to get your living ship but i think that is every other living ship so i think your first one's free the rest of them you have to have ten thousand nanites in order to get it i don't have ten thousand nanites but i do have like thirty seven hundred now um so yeah but okay let's let's do this let's make this happen let's make this happen oh i'm scared i'm nervous i'm just so excited actually i don't think they let's see if they respond i doubt it because like i don't know what the heck's been going yeah so they're not respond yet i don't know i don't know what the deal is but that's okay all right let's do it let's get our living ship oh my gosh i'm so excited i'm so excited so comment below what color do you think the living ship is going to be before we get it if you comment afterwards that's cheating and you're cheating but what color do you think it's going to be i want it to be black and red i don't think it's going to be black and red but i want it to be black and red so let's go ahead and let's get into this also if you guys enjoy the video make sure you leave a like if you're new here maybe consider subscribing would appreciate the support so let's get out of here also um so this is actually a paradise planet right here by the way we found another paradise planet but this one's actually a paradise planet and there's no uh there's no storms so we might i don't know i don't know if we're gonna move or not i'll have to see now another thing about this system which is really weird is that i am getting space anomalies like crazy like absolutely crazy so all right let's do this living shift come on better be the living ship yes perfect okay oh i'm so excited uh we from the binding seek the components and like metal masters before you and yet you share a mind with the other iterations yet you do not converge perhaps you will understand except transmission each time uh this being floods my ship with a beautiful song i attempt to commit the meant the experience to memory to recall it later and yet when it fades from present it fades entirely all i have is navigation data it's probably in a different system isn't it ah it is interstellar coordinates received okay darn i was really hoping to be here all righty where are you where are you at where is the living ship okay where is it tap to skip where are you telling me where you are the voyage sees the specific world examine the egg to learn of record its requirements fantastic uh that was the wrong button all right what do you seek uh when touch consciousness is a powerful with strange anomaly one minute a world of grass the next world of bizarre fungal growths are you kidding me i'm gonna go here i'm just gonna go here what scan what place is this uh-uh you're not gonna get me now no sir okay so this is not the planet because the void eggs see some a specific world examine the oh nope this is the planet okay oh gosh the whole coordinate thing is terrible i hate doing the coordinate thing all right we need negative 10 negative 62 actually we're not that far off so negative 10 we gotta head north a little bit and then negative 62. we need to head east okay so we gotta head northeast all right let's do this let's get close and let's see what happens i hope it's only three i'm really hoping today's the day that we get the uh we get the new ship all right we're getting close we're at negative 12 negative 66. so it's going to be here soon-ish negative 1166 okay so we need to go a little bit more east okay we are like super close i'm gonna go ahead and land here 10 3 62 1. we are here the coordinates haven't fully cleared up though but that's all right what do we have oh it's this thing how did i miss this how did i miss this it's got to be this thing right here i actually don't know where to interact with it though it's right here yes yes retrieval process log follows biological shells and stable reddit converging mind data cannot be overloaded through this entire process multiple sites require distribution distributed biology to mass distributed mind structure alignment appears necessary yet to centralize that i don't even know what it's saying right now i'm holding my hand the life the heart body network but it is is it life but it converges into other minds there's a crux of an ancient experiment uh caesar oh no i feel the life form i carry the egg the heart the skin the nerves i'll say as i sense the aurora machine where something's happening even though i cannot comprehend what it is what it must feel like i am fit another blueprint another plan to follow once again i must adapt my multi-tool to some new purpose fantastic okay you know i was wondering because i thought that we had another uh another thing that we had to unlock the anup oh no don't tell me this is i'm gonna be upset i'm gonna be upset install technology uh no install technology uh install technology why why okay this thing uh sodium nitrate you know what i have sodium in my backpack and we have a personal refiner and we're making sodium nitrate nice so uh okay how much did i need perfect done skis grab that grab that put that away and multi-tool this thing done skis gather fragmented kawia to seed to craft seeds of glass the void egg host requires a personal singularity the animal spring will extract fragments of life from living beings all right so this is the fun part now we have to go around and shoot these living beings because these are living beings and we have to take fragments of their life out of them doesn't sound great okay we have it the void uh craft seed of singularity uh can i put some of this in my cargo let's go in here let's craft this guy okay is this not is this not is there four parts i really hope i don't wait 24 hours again all right come on let's do this do not tell me it's gonna give me some immature thing that i have to uh wait for it to mature growing singularity a slow oh my gosh it is i have to wait 19 hours you know you know what i don't i'm not really feeling that i think we're gonna move uh i think we're gonna speed up the clock a little bit because that does not sound like a good time i don't want to wait i'm done i'm done waiting that's it i'm done i quit no more waiting all righty there look at that oh hmm imagine this look at the um it's fully grown imagine that all right let's get out of here and let's see what's gonna happen shall we so basically what i did is i just i went offline on everything and just changed the clock a day ahead and uh yeah there we go that's it we're good actually what did it say did you say i was humming at a specific tune or something uh okay we already did that all right come on living thing oh puls gosh darn it pull sentience out of juice all right let's try this again oh oh yes yes there's the contact that i've been waiting for uh okay it is sacrifice there's no infinite mind to spill it must be yielded uh strong saint the the song of the strange space creature has changed subtle but on speaking has become a duet a perfect harmony with the void egg continue to listen uh the voice of the alien is fading it feels weaker and a perfect inverted echo the void egg grows in volume it's music now insistent pounding it has its own message the hunter the reflection of the hunter the spiral reality hunter over oh no you know what i'm pretty sure those are portal coordinates so those are portal coordinates and i can't go there cause i don't have the portal glyphs unlocked yet that's not good that's not good i wonder if hold on a second i wonder if i can find example the void inventory learning requirements unconventional travel may be required and i don't have those portal coordinates yet because i don't have all the glyphs you know what i'm gonna let's get out of this view i hate that view it's terrible um you know part of me wonders if i had a portal if i tried to use the portal if it would even let me because i don't think it will i don't think it will live because i don't have the glyphs learned yet and we need oh my gosh we need so many glyphs okay so i'm gonna try to get some glyphs learned um there's a couple ways to do it if you follow the story um eventually you'll get to a point where every time you warp you actually get a glyph or if you go to a space station and there's a traveler you can talk to them they'll give you coordinates to their um to their gravesite uh embrace the life form let's just embrace the life arm embrace life but it's myself i embrace oh you didn't give me you know the first assistant has to offer that's where they came from ask where they came from oh my gosh it's a hundred nanites ah okay directions to place of interest okay so this is how you can find portal glyphs and there's 16 that you need and i think i have like two or three right now so uh let's let's see let's see if this is this is how this is gonna work oh this is actually kind of a cool planet it's got like it's got like lava shrooms or something on it i don't know all right so here is the here's a glyph hello dude questions it was simple sentinels their sentinels where they come from made it my life's work to find left logs records access worlds uh marked by glyph extract glyph this is what maybe two two of sixteen uh leave the fallen traveler in peace two of 16. okay so i have to go through and i have to unlock absolutely every single one of these what are these things these things are kind of cool looking now it's not that bad to do um because literally all i just have to go to space station find a traveler and then go uh go to that traveler's grave so the worst part i guess is probably the 1600 nanites or the that i'm gonna need well the hundred per deal but in the process i will actually be able to upgrade my uh my cargo because if i go to uh oh gosh i gotta go to 14 systems i gotta i gotta go to at least 14 systems because not every system has a traveler i mean it's not bad as far as hyperdrive stuff goes because like we have the anti-matter thing so actually you know what i'm going to call in the nexus i'm going to grab my upgrade and then i'm going to go to the next place so on and so forth come on space station i have a traveler is there a traveler over there i can't tell it doesn't really look like it no gotta be kidding me and there's no traveler here either i just need one more i'm pretty sure i just need one more i think it's just one and then i think we're done and i don't want to do this anymore i guess we get another backpack upgrade woohoo big fantastic okay so once again i need more fuel uh oh i didn't leave it going okay we gotta wait for the antimatter to go and while we wait i guess i'll go ahead and make a couple more of these canisters fantastic uh let's go ahead and put these in cargo okay so now we just basically wait for the antimatter reactor to make its antimatter this is the worst ever you know i'm going to tell you right now don't do this just do the story because i i think if i would have just did the story and played that i think that would have probably already been done oh i like that i like that uh that ship kinda looked neat okay um yep back to waiting oh my gosh there's a traveler in this station i just i i made two warp drives because i was like okay i'm just gonna warp around and wait while the other ones are getting made so i just went to a random station i've already been to and apparently i didn't check this one because we got a traveler all right so you should be my last buddy come on let's do this uh bargain for information huh yup yup yup yup okay cool cool talk to you again yes yes yes yes all this stuff underneath thank you so much offers direction to place of interest awesome okay let's get this done shall we i am so sick i'm dumb i'm done with this i am not having fun getting these signals you know you might actually be able to use maps too now i think about it um i wonder if i should have tried using maps from the cartographers i don't know and i don't care ooh this planet has salvageable scrap on it too that's fancy expanding the base place the construction terminal wait how did i get that i don't remember i don't remember how i unlocked that oh here we go now i also have to find a portal after i find this one then i have to also find a portal so uh that will definitely be with maps okay yep yep uh-huh i know you're talking about this stuff sentinels all that fun stuff the atlas extract the glyph uh travel to unknown worlds leave the traveler in peace 16 of 16 thank god oh my god that is so nice all right now i need to find a port okay we got we got another monolith here let's see what we got here destination reached okay yep yes step back in the past or let's just step back in the past let's do it what are we gonna learn no it's health restored you've learned the word for infinite but i don't think i can actually okay can i interact with this anymore no darn it oh my goodness this is this is a horrible terrible lawful disaster oh i use this again oh okay portal yes yes yes i'm so happy about that uh portal arriving 18 hours oh my gosh you know what i'm gonna put a base on this one and never forget it because this was terrible so the hunter is this just which is what i did oh this is the reflection how is that one the reflection that doesn't make any sense okay then this is the the spiral of reality and then star of a water is that one okay i had that right the ascending orb which was that one the obscured companion this is the obscured companion okay sure hunter and then everything else okay everything else we got right tada okay there we go i don't know what the deal was that's weird that's really weird like i i figured i had it right okay let's do this let's go let's go get our living ship it's only been like hours upon hours in the making this is taking forever all right living ship i'm coming for you once we load in all right we've arrived uh i'm not trying to install that i'm trying to do the uh trying to do the things with the egg okay what does the egg want egg uh-huh okay i'm here okay i don't really want this being tracked right now i want this one being tracked okay uh negative 56 75 80 oh my gosh it's moving a lot okay we're gonna have to get into here oh god we have to do this again 56 oh we're already here 50 55 56. we're like super close relax super close oh there's actually a marking for it right here void egg frequency coordinates oh it looks like somebody build a base here all right let's land we'll we'll use this this friendly landing pad they plant trees and stuff here oh my gosh they did oh my gosh talk about like what the heck what the heck is this this is this is so funny i love it forgotten terminal uh let's go ahead and just get rid of the goop backwards to the phone traveler signal is recording a loop by strange device lodge in the terminal envelope collect vessel rare soul chamber oh my god what acquire archive souls for the egg host i have to what do i do with it void egg demands you to fill the soul chamber search for fallen travelers what okay i guess we had to go here is please tell me that there's is there a fallen that's the portal uh resource outpost pure ferry tell me there's a fallen traveler something or other do i seriously have to get to those quarters myself point plus four and plus 173 oh my gosh okay we're close enough to 173. we need to get back to positive four okay so it looks like i'm basically here so it's right here somewhere uh i just gotta figure out where oh there you are thank goodness whoo here bud i need you yep collect soul all right uh that's one of three darn it negative 45 negative 47 you've got to be kidding me all right you know what this guy's base is built on a grave it's not the one that i'm supposed to be going to but i'm gonna try to see if i can just use this one as one of them you know what i mean uh do you have a way in and out okay so we can go down what the heck oh forget this i'm just gonna jump off the edge okay let's see what happens here collect soul hey it totally worked i could just grab whichever ones i need heck yes okay we're gonna go find another one that has the their thing marked like that oh that's super handy uh i can't get up there though i have found the final grave and it took absolutely forever collect the soul 100 we're good all right acquired archive souls for the egg host let's make this happen finally i hope uh sarcastic complete return to your own reality via the portal all right that sounds like and you know i think i'll do just that all right we're back on our own planet well we're back in our own uh own system i guess but now what does it want to do await contact okay so what i kind of want to do is i kind of want to go to my base place before we do this because i think this is the point in which we actually get stuff i think i think this is it um so let's do this we're gonna hop in the nexus i'm gonna go back to my uh forgive revision of your personal interface we are dying our bodies old failing our minds uh unravels we must be renewed we must be restored as the way it has always been refresh us reset us rebirth what you have made hatch one right here right now a set of coordinates are bringing to my navigation computer oh my god i'll finally locate the new life form i will absolutely do just that where is it at where it's in a different system isn't it locate the fallen host you know the first one might just be set it might just be set where it's at because those portal coordinates are the same for everyone um okay so where are we going here it's on this planet oh my gosh it is finally time it's finally time remember comment what color do you think the uh thing's gonna be it's probably gonna be the same color because if it's the same thing that i don't know i mean i guess i kind of went i did go through a different portal this time but still i have no idea oh my gosh i am so excited this took way longer than i was anticipating what the heck i just put 200 in there but yes comment what color do you think it's gonna be before i before we see it oh i'm so excited i am so excited for this all right fallen host i am ready to claim you you shall become mine we shall become one you know i don't really remember it being this much work to get this ship like the first one is terrible like this is awful never again would i ever want to do this all right what do we got it's gonna be like a nasty yellow color isn't it oh my god it is it looks like snot it's like the grossest of the colors you know i feel like this is the same color my first living ship was i really do it's such a weird color all right that's fine i'll take it yep the starship the creature the shell lies next to me lights pulse across the surface but it's still quiet begin the biogenesis one mutate uh mature heart node uh mature neural stem chip quivers in response suddenly aware of my touch on hardened shell i feel the machinery solidified beneath my hands it's flesh taking form as living being continued biogenesis one singularity core this ship is complete but my task is not yet complete it needs something more the archived soul it is done it is alive it took forever but we finally did it we finally got our new ship look at you aren't you just beautiful it's a very interesting color actually it has like a it's kind of like it's got like a little mohawk deal on it i like it all right not bad s class you know um uh of course i'm gonna compare and i'm gonna claim uh like no way i wouldn't claim it um okay hold on yeah let's just claim it oh my gosh we have done oh god that's disgusting yep i don't like the interior of this thing whatsoever new thank you i will uh politely go to the external view all i got much oh we've done it we have finally claimed our ship it is beautiful in the fact that it's a living ship it's beautiful in that sense all right uh let's get out of here let's go back to our base place and let's uh let's get it out of that planet that planet's nasty you know now it looks a little bit more blue and like not as bad it looks pretty good oh we've done it okay i want to get back to uh i want to get back to my base so we now since we have portal coordinates i can't we can go and get whatever ship we want however i need 10 000 nanites to claim another living ship we already have the egg uh and it's it's such a it's so much easier now that we've already done this um but we still have to have those nanites and i'm just gonna head back to my my nanite farm and i'm gonna be working on that because i want to get the ship that i want i want to get the black and red living ship the one that i am waiting for uh larval core base warp there fantastic but that is gonna end this episode hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did make sure you leave a like if you're new here don't forget to subscribe as well for more um we're not quite done yet though hold on but uh we're gonna talk about some living ship stuff but yes oh my gosh that took so much longer so i would recommend before you go out and do this uh continue the story because at one point you will hit a uh you'll hit a spot where you start unlocking glyphs every time you teleport i feel like that would have been faster uh and then the whole like locating the things um we are capable of uh of warping through space but we can't have a gps on a planet i think we need a gps on the planet when we get portal would we get coordinates to go to this xy spot or whatever we should be able to just mark it and we should be able to go there that whole flying thing while looking at those numbers is the worst thing ever i just want to say that all right so we are here there's the living ship oh it doesn't look too bad doesn't look too bad it's not bad at all okay now uh let's see what are the odds that the cores are what the heck ah i've never had this issue with these things usually they they just re they just repopulate i might have to take down all the walls and see if that fixes it um darn it i'm not really looking forward to that but that like i said is gonna end it now as far as upgrades go for this basically what we have to do is we fly through space so we come across these uh these essentially gigantic void eggs you break them open and then they give you a um an upgrade module for your uh for your ship so um that is that is how you get upgrades and you have to upgrade those by using nanites so like i said i really gotta get this thing going up and running yes thank you again for coming out if you commented like a nasty green color in the comments you won you win the pick i don't know you don't win anything you win brownie points congratulations they have no real world value but yes thank you again for coming out have a fantastic rest of your day and i will see you in the next one bye [Music] everybody [Music] you
Channel: Z1 Gaming
Views: 87,046
Rating: 4.9372158 out of 5
Keywords: no mans sky, no mans sky z1 gaming, no mans sky void egg, void egg, no mans sky living ship, z1 gaming, living ship, no mans sky portal glyphs, no mans sky tips, no mans sky portal, paradise planet, no mans sky next generation, nms living ship, no mans sky how to, nms void egg, no mans sky living ship update, no mans sky gameplay, no mans sky update, no mans sky 2020, no mans sky update 2020
Id: IF28ZfsD1IY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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