Finally An Honest Video On Julius Caesar

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Julius tar the man who laid the foundation for the Roman Empire with a name so powerful that it was adopted by every Roman Emperor and many rulers outside of Rome long after his death tesar was that dude the original people's champ loved by the Millions of julus Tesa fans around the Roman Republic but if you somehow have this image of Tesa as an old guy let me tell you that this dude often fought on the front lines and was once kidnapped by Pirates and went more Rambo on them than Rambo ever went on anyone and also Tesa was a dog I mean that man was a down tazar put the play in Playboy the man slept with many of his rival Senators wives and word on the Roman streets was that even men weren't safe from tazza's appetite dog he's a straight DWG so let's do a biography on gaos Julius tesar whose great life ended with him being murdered by a man who may or may not have been taza's own son let do this [Music] gaos Julios cesa was born on July 12th or 13th in 100 BCE so long ago that back then July was actually called kinis and it was only due to and after Julius Cesar that the month was renamed juuli in his honor Cesar was born to a father who went by the same name gaos Julius tesar I guess now we will say senior if you will and his wife Aurelia his father was governor and his mother came from a noble family but the real big dong energy in Cesar's family tree was packed by his aunt Julia and her husband Cesar's uncle gaos mariio the older and the two of them squared that big dong energy in their marriage and passed it on to their son who shared his father's name and became known as gaos Marios the younger and guos Marios the younger was the man at the time dude was a warrior badass turned great Commander a real Jabron beating pie eating Trail blazing eyebrow raising talking is done you're out of your class No Sleep till Brooklyn the rock it was the people's champ and at this point in time the people of the Roman Republic needed a champ because the Republic was failing note that this was not the famous Roman Empire ruled by an emperor yet at the time it was ruled by two selected cils and the Roman senate but the existing power structure in the Roman Republic favored conservative Aristocrats and their interests AKA money outweighed the interest of the common folk and outweighed the interests of the soldiers who conquered the vast lands of the Roman Republic in the first place but were Now cast aside after their service was up with no pay and no lens so the people were pissed and that anger gave rise to the popularis party previously led by gaos Marios the older tesa's uncle but now led by guos mariio the younger tesa's cousin who who was dead set on finishing a civil war his father had started against the Roman Aristocrats known as the optimates party at the time led by a name called Lucius Cornelius Sula a civil war to redistribute the wealth across Rome was about to ensue a civil war there was an epic Clash That Shook the Roman Republic and its Traditional Values to their core optimatus versus popularis the aristocracy versus the people suah versus gaos mariio the younger the Jabron Beating Heart sto and elbow dropping people's champ yeah Jabron beating gaos lost against solar and committed suicide in 82 BC so that was that the popularis lost and for all the members of the popularis this defeat was pretty bad news because with suah being Victorious he now seized full power and was dictator of Rome and the first thing Sula announced was The Purge Edition seriously all members of the popularis and their supporters were now fair game no law you could literally go American History X on them and you would even be rewarded for it enter 19-year-old iOS Julios tesar the young tesar was a known supporter of the popularis and married to the daughter of a leading member of the popularis party he was married to Cornelia so cesa was high up on The Purge list with half of Rome basically ready to curb stomp him which is why Yang Cesar decided to nope the hell out of Rome and listed in the military where he was safe from The Purge and where he kind of was the Rookie of the Year turns out the well educated and well spoken young Cesar was really good at the soldier thing and right off the B he was a part of successful campaigns in Asia and celissia Rose through the ranks and eventually in 80 BC at just 20 years young a year after enrolling Cesar was sent on a special Mission his troops were locked in a battle and to tilt that St made in their favor the general asked Cesar to get the old forgetful King nikomas to send the Allied Fleet of ships he had promised the Romans in support Cesar was successful in soliciting that Allied Fleet from the King but he spent so much time at the king's court that rumor began to spread that he also solicited a different Fleet from the old King if you catch my drift actually I don't know if that drift makes any sense so this is a different Fleet like basically rumor headed that Tesa was the old King's lover but hey man everyone's gay once in a while so basically the young Soldier Julius Cesar was good at handling all kinds of swords and while he was out doing all that sword handling back in Rome Sula died in 78 BC the dictator was dead which meant that Rome was Sav again and after 3 years away Julius Tesa returned to Rome that same year only to find out that while he was gone suah had confiscated all his inheritance which meant Cesar was broke as hell but Cesar had one very valuable skill he trained all throughout his life he was a gifted speaker well educated studied in Greek philosophies and Charming as hell he had all the tools needed to succeed in Roman politics which at the the time were more of a popularity contest and an eloquence contest even more so than politics today so young Cesar got a foot in the door and things were going okay so he decided to climb that ladder you know further his Studies by traveling to Greece further his philosophy to be better at the public speaking thing but while he was on a ship in the aien sea young Julius Cesar was kidnapped by Pirates [Music] sisian Pirates kidnapped 25-year-old Julius Cesar and 75 BCE of course as most pirates were these Pirates were just after some booty yeah booty as in a rich gain or prize and so they demanded 20 talents for Cesar's releas Le for reference one Talent at a modest conversion rate is at least $100,000 today and these Pirates demanded 20 talents that's a lot of money I'll leave it to you in the comments to work out just how much money exactly that is but just know that at this staggering amount of a ransom money for his release tesar said and this is really true 20 talents make a 50 I'm worth more than that the Pirates laugh at this young confident man but my man doubled down and showed that he was serious saying make it 50 talents and when you get the money and release me I will come back and kill all of you so 50 talents it was and while they were waiting for the 50 talents for Cesar's release tesar used the time on the pirate ship to practice his rhetoric on the pirate you know he held speeches for them recited poetry threatened to kill them once he's free the usual things you do when you're hostage on a pirate ship honestly as far as kidnappings go not a bad time kind of sounds like he was kidnpped by the straw head Pirates equivalent of the time like not the worst pirate crew to be stuck with so when these fun Pirates finally did get the 50 talents and SAA was released he did not forget the good times they had together so he decided to round up his own crew of sailors get a boat set sail hit the oceans and hunted down the Pirates and had all of them crucified with their throats slit now Cesar was a free man again and a little bit of a legend because this story of how he hunted down the Pirates I mean that's epic now 2,000 years later how baller do you think that was back then Cesar was the man Charming all right right looking good looking even some say Killer Instinct Survivor my guy was getting late you know what I mean like come on that's a story you tell that a Bor over some drinks man you getting late sure he was married but man don't forget tesar was a and all he saw in Rome was a bunch of Bones you know what I mean so getting into the details of his love life will blow the scope of this video but just remember that Cesar had many many many lovers because this is going to be important later unfortunately free Legendary Cesar who hunted down the Pirates was not entirely free to roam around Rome as he pleased he was too skilled of a soldier so he was recalled into the military to put down an uprising in Asia and with the crucifixion of a bunch of pirates under his belt Cesar was even more of a killer than ever before and he was such a boss on that Asia campaign that he was called to that when he returned to Rome in 72 BC after he took care of business tesar was appointed military Tribune which means he now had the right to command his own soldiers and run politically and Upon returning to Rome with all these epic stories and accomplishments under his belt blessed with a silver tongue man Tesa was rising star in the Roman Game of Thrones in his career took off but Cesar never forgot his roots remember the populares the faction of the people formerly led by Cesar's Role Models the Father and Son Duo gaos Marios the older and the younger standing up for the common folk and the veterans you remember right just like gaos Marius both of them Cesar was a true man of the people a military man that got down and dirty on the battlefield but could still go toet to toe and Beyond with the lofty eloquence of the politicians tesar was the man the people needed those who felt belittled by the nobility felt seen and represented by Julius Cesar and could relate to him and I don't want to go into the intricacies of the politics at the time all you need to know is that julus Cesar was openly embracing his role as the man of the people and fought for the ideologies of the popularis which meant good old Julius quickly became an Enemy of the State of the status quo but still cesa had a post in the Senate could claim military successes tesar was building a career in politics and his wife Cornelia was pregnant with their first child his life is good you know what I mean and then his wife Cornelia and the baby died during childbirth a devastating blow to anyone and even the great Cesar was no exception to that he was down and out and you could argue that even though he was devastated by it this was the beginning of his greatness shortly after his wife died in 68 BCE Cesar was called into service again to administrate the Roman territories in Spain and while there a grieving Cesar stumbled upon a statue of Alexander the Great and at the sight of the man who had conquered half the known world at age 32 tesar was also 32 at the time contemplating ated his life and his shortcomings fell to his knees at the feet of the statue and wept swearing that one day Julius Cesar will be equal to or greater than Alexander the [Music] Great with a new level of ambition unlocked Tesa finished his job in Spain you know subduing a few local tribes who had the audacity to rebel against the Romans because you know how dare they be upset that we just come into their lands and take what's theirs and impose taxes and if they don't pay us taxes after we stole their land we kill them like how can they be upset Cesar do something about it Cesar handled Rome's business yet another Victorious military campaign under his belt and return to Rome with a sight set on becoming ponteix Maximus and if you're not a historian that means absolutely nothing to you other than the fact that it sounds very cool so let me explain what pontio Maximus actually means it's a top dog Chief priest position in the Roman religion and it had a bunch of Duties like regulating the calendar which was actually thing back then or supervising marriage adoptions Wills random stuff but Tesa that position would have mostly just been a way to do favors for people in power and earn favors from people in power in return you know you scratch our backs we'll scratch yours well Jules the funny thing about my back is is that it's located on my there will be a stepping stone on his rise to relevance and so getting their position was important to him so important that Cesar literally spent his fortune to beat out his competitors to secure the position of pontifex Maximus in fact Cesar didn't just spend all of his fortune he spent other people's money too money he borrowed in return for Promises of doing them favors once he is appointed in the future Cesar used the borrow money to put on the most lavish election campaign because reminder Roman politics were a popularity contest and Cesar played the game better than anyone he spent money to put on gladiatorial events for the people brought an exotic beasts to fight against these Gladiators and all dad coupled with his charm his ability to speak and won him the election easy in 63 BC Cesar was officially appointed ponteix Maximus a broke ass pontifex Maximus seriously in that like so seriously in that that like when he host the parties bro was repl placing the wine and those jugs with the cheap stuff you know I mean we've all been there some of us are still there so yeah tesar was broke and what do you do when you're broke as hell you start an only fans account you align yourself with the richest man in Rome and that's exactly what Cesar did that rich man was Marcos linos cros and cros wanted a couple of those favors Cesar was now able to do for people in his new position as the high priest you know kasos wanted a lot of favors and then one day and that day may never come I'll call upon you to do a service for you in return kasus paid off half of Cesar's debt a perfect marriage of Corruption of course other powerful Romans noticed this brome mans brome men's you like that yeah you like that and one of them wanted to get in on the action too gnos Pompeo magnos or just Pompei Pompei was a military man a respected general of serious status so serious that he was literally nicknamed Pompei the great and he didn't really liked Cesar's rise to fame all that much but at the same time he knew that there was no stopping this guy so Pompei went with the good old keep your enemies closer approach and also supported Tesa and Tesa played the same Game marrying his daughter to O Pompei to make that Alliance official some would say marrying off your only daughter for political gain is wrong others say he followed the p Manuel step by godamn step all of this played right into Cesar's hand because Cesar was not even remotely satisfied with just being some high priest MAA was on that Alexander the Great quest remember sayar had set his sights on becoming the consul of Rome the highest position as far as ruling went within the Roman Republic and with the support of the people kasos money and pompei's respect that ambition was not all that ambitious it was a foregone conclusion in 59 BCE Julius Cesar was elected co-consul of Rome alongside a man named bibulus who was basically the robin to Cesar's Batman if Robin was constantly told to shut the hell up by Batman for a few months until he gives up his spot and leaves Batman to do everything alone that's what Tesa wanted he was now the conso the highest position there was all thanks to the so-called trium V he had formed with kasus and Pompei the triangle of power between these three powerful men and now Rome was as close to being under Cesar's control as ever and as conso Cesar was able to lay the foundation of eventually bringing Rome entirely under his control one day he passed laws without consulting the Senate laws like giving lands to Veterans and other laws that more and more cemented him as the man of the people Cesar also appointed friends and supporters in political positions and did plenty of favors for Pompei and cros so that anyone who opposed Cesar was automatically opposed by the soldiers Pompei had controlling the city and anyone who needed to be bought well thanks to kasus funding Tesa had all the money to buy everybody he wanted and all of this was super illegal by the way like saysa broke all the laws as a conso and while you have immunity as a console and are literally Untouchable a consulship only lasts for a year after that you can and will be tried for your crimes and Cesar knew that of course so him pompe and kasos the the three men they devised a plan once his term as Council was up Cesar would be appointed governor of Gul a position that also comes with immunity a little bit outside of Rome and the plan was that SAR would govern and campaign in G for 10 years until he is eligible to run for conso again and return so once his consulship was officially up in 58 BC Cesar followed the plan left on this new new military campaign and again not just to conquer for Rome but to line his pockets and to avoid the prosecution he would have 100% faced had he stayed in Rome so tesar took four Legions which is roughly 40,000 soldiers and decided that the people of G don't really need their land all that much anyway and were ready to be [Music] conquered hi how to get rich quick G Edition by Julius Cesar first find the land that is divided and has a lot of Kingdoms and tribes fighting against one another second support one of the kings in return for letting you into said lands three join forces and take down the common enemy tribe four threaten the tribe that fought alongside you while while they are weak from the battle five force them to now fight for you and feed your army and pay taxes to you six go to the next tribe seven rinse and repeat that's more or less how Cesar took over G tribe by tribe region by region and eventually after almost 5 years or just 5 years I should say julus Cesar had conquered all of G governed their land collected their taxes which made them stupid rich and even managed to invade Britain after he was done with G Britain which at the time was an island few Romans had even heard of but sayas military campaigns they're well documented in many other videos and that's not what I want to focus on it will blow the scope of this videos however there's one aspect to his military campaigns to his military side that's important for you to understand in this video too Cesar didn't win these battles with Superior numbers he was actually heavily outnumbered all throughout these campaigns so let's just go into slight detail on one legendary battle to highlight Cesar's military genius and considered this example a very accurate depiction of the military Mastermind Cesar was throughout his lifetime the Battle of Alysia 50 to BCE after Taza and his troops conquered Gaul and were busy murdering and thieving in Britain against the will of the inhabitants one of the god leaders had the audacity to take back his homeland vering gor V all right I guess it's just I guess there's no dog for the rest of the video I hope I got your attention man if you turn off now I am going to be thoroughly disappointed and and I'm just going to I that's the least he can do for the food and the drink anyway we were somewhere on the go this is unscripted I'm not that back to the video one of the go all leaders let pull that picture back up had the audacity to take back his homeland there sing goric Ving goric United some of the Gul tribes and led successful attacks against the Roman Invaders which forced Cesar to abandon the British Island and return to Gaul to face V singor in a battle for the future over the GS Homeland but I knew that facing Cesar in a headon battle would be a deadly mistake would be suicide so he retreated from tesa's troops and scorched the Earth on his Retreat making Cesar's troops follow him because he was attacking Camp after camp and they needed Cesar and his troops support but falling through scorched Earth meant that Cesar and his troops literally had to March through hell and in fact this Chase on scorched Earth was so hellish that at almost 50 years old Cesar had to join his troops in the Vanguard on the many skirmishes that happened along the way joined him in the Vanguard sword in hand blood on his armor battling and all at over 50 years old no sorry and almost 50 years old to boost their morale and it worked because Cesar's troops made it through the Chase and eventually his Legions chased vor's army or rather caught up with them at the city of Alia a strategic stronghold that only an idiot would dare to attack once the enemy is taken hold of it and cesa is not an idiot so the Roman army laid Siege to the city to starve them out but that is actually what w wanted because he had long sent for reinforcements to attack the Romans from behind pinch them in overwhelm them and defeat them that meant that Cesar could not attack the city cuz would be idiotic and he could not starve them out so what did he do he had his men built a 10m fence around the city of alayia to fence them in and entirely cut them off from supply lines and then his army built another 14 M fence around his own troops besieging the city to protect them from the incoming Gall reinforcement forces so when these Gall reinforcements arrived the Romans fought them from behind their own fence and used choke points to hold off the GS who had Superior numbers and while the battle was in full swing Cesar sent a Cavalry unit around the back to attack the GS from behind and the GS actually thought that these Cavalry units signaled a whole swarm of Roman Legions that were coming to reinforce Cesar and his troops so they panicked the GS panicked and fled the battlefield fooled by Cesar deception and with his back up gone vtox knew his people and the City of Alesia were doomed so he surrendered to tesar after a defeat so devastating to such an epic display of Genius that that surender was forever immortalized in this painting tazar was him if him is being the murderer of 1 million people because when Cesar arrived in G in 58 8 BCE there had been roughly 6 million people living there and by 50 BCE 1 million of them had been killed and another 1 million had been sold into slavery um no so just let that sink in for a moment still for Rome this was a great Victory and word of his conquest of Gaul and defeat of Ving quickly made it back to the capital where if there had been internet around at the time Cesar would have broken it so in 100 BC before Tar this was the Roman Republic and now in 50 BCE after Cesar had finished his latest Conquest this was Rome now the Conquering of Gaul the invasion of Britain and the defeat and surrender of Ving goric were Cesar's Magnum opos and if this story had a happy ending this would have been in the key moment but there was one problem while Cesar was gone cros had died while campaigning elsewhere and withus gone that trium the power of three the balance of three was no more and with their balance of power broken Pompei seized as much control in Rome as he could while Cesar was away and Pompei lobbied against him remember how Cesar would have been up for a prosecution for breaking laws as console but a lot of the laws he broke was a favor to Pompei and remember how him Pompei and kasos agreed that Cesar was to have governorship for 10 years in Gul so that he could conquer the territories enrich himself and then return to run for console again yeah while Cesar was gone Pompei turned serious snitch he told everybody that sesa had overextended his term as Governor of Gaul that he was conquering on taxpayers money and sacrificing the lives of Roman soldiers against orders without permission all for his own greed and excess and basically Pompei painted Cesar as an enemy of Rome all while Cesar was gone of course Cesar had supporters in the city but they were drowned out by Pompei and his supporters and word around Rome quickly became Cesar is a traitor Cesar stole territories from Rome Cesar is coming to attack us this was a real Game of Thrones chess move right here from pompe I mean snitch as hell but well played well played sir because it ensured that when Cesar returns to Rome he will be tried punished stripped of everything he accumulated on his campaigns forced to turn it over to Rome home and most likely be executed so what was tesa's response to all of this he famously said alak EST the die is cast oh he was going to come back to Rome all right yeah with his army with 10 Legions and that's 100,000 soldiers who have been fighting alongside Cesar for years would die for their General that had proven in battle the he would die for them cesa was not going to back down from Pompei he was bringing War to Old Man Pompei AMR except that this war was much more like a cold war than the previous civil wars that Rome was engulfed in this war was more of a Race Against Time should tazar and his troops make it to Rome pompe would stand no chance so pompe ordered Legions of troops from the Greek territories to return to Rome ASAP and stand by his side and should they arrive in Rome before tesar does tesar would not be able to defeat them certainly not without burning down half of Rome and losing the support of the people in the process basically whoever manages to get to Rome first will be the one to win this race to the throne of Rome Cesar knew he would not be able to make it in time with his whole Army so what he did was have one Legion split off and he let that Legion personally marched on the double and on January 10th 49 BCE Cesar and his Legion famously crossed the Rubicon into Roman territory an act that symbolizes war against Rome but also an act that meant that Cesar had beaten pompe to the punch Cesar is an in ity can it be CES is in Italy so pompe and his supporters fled the City Rome belonged to Julius [Music] Cesar now there was just one more thing standing between Cesar and absolute power Pompei and his powerful supporters from the Senate were still alive after fleeing the city and two of those supporters are particularly noteworthy Marcos yunos brutos and Marcos poros Kato remember how I told you that Cesar was a well one of the many bones that this dog had in his collection was cilia the mother of brutos and the half sister of Kato now it is still debated to this day whether cilia had Brutus with another man or if he is the illegitimate child of Cesar a child he might have had with cilia in a teenage thing when he was about 14 or 15 not an unusual age at the time to get someone pregnant not back in ancient times but really we'll never know all we know is that due to his relationship with brutus's Mother Cesar and Brutus were close but Brutus was also close with his uncle Kato brutos was also a man of the Senate and brutos was also a supporter of the Republic through and through so Brutus was highly critical of Cesar seeking power for himself and highly critical of Cesar representing values that would Doom the Republic and effectively turn it into an Empire to simp simplify Brutus was against Cesar and stood with Pompei and when Pompei fled brutos and Kato were two of the supporters that fled Rome with him so before Cesar could enjoy having taken over Rome and Rule it he had to take care of pompe because he knew he would come back to fight him that meant that in 49 BCE shortly after his turn Cesar left his best General and good friend Marcos Antonio AKA Mark Anthony in charge of Rome while Cesar took his troops to Greece where he laid the smackdown on pompe I mean to be fair not easily they fought twice and Cesar lost once but Cesar won the decisive battle so decisively that Pompei fled to Egypt and what did Cesar do he chased Pompei to Egypt and when he finally got there Pompei had already been beheaded had chopped off and they were like yo tesar hey here's Pomp's head but let me rewind a little bit why did they do that what was going on in Egypt at the time and the time is 48 BC by the way Egypt was ruled by the toi Dynasty a dynasty that started when one of Alexander the Great's generals took over Egypt you might know this dynasty best as the one that Cleopatra belongs to man swear this video is such a name dropping video she's like cleop you I'm just dropping these big names yeah Cleopatra appears now and currently though Cleopatra was an exile not a queen kind of a queen but a queen and Exile and the one actually in charge of Egypt was her 13-year-old brother far to the 13th and when Pompei arrived in Egypt faroh puberty the 13th wasn't about to show Hospitality to a man that was being chased down by tesar even here in Egypt people knew of the greatness and ruthlessness of guos Julius Cesar and he was not somebody you w barreling down on your country angry so faroh puberty 133 had Pompei beheaded and when Cesar got there he proudly presented Pompei sever head to him as a welcoming present and Cesar was pissed shame on the house of to for such barbarity shame but you are enemies he was a conso of [Music] Rome the conso of Rome say I was actually chasing Pompei down to tell him that he forgiv him and wanted to offer him a position in the Senate he came to tell him that he had already forgiven all of pompei's supporters including brutos and also reinstated their position in the Senate so he was not happy at all that Pompei was dead and was mad mad at toi the 13th and remember how I just said Cleopatra was an exile yeah she was beefing with her brother too it was a whole weird thing about how her brother was married to her when she was well no sorry when he was 11 and she was like 19 it's [Music] weird how funny you look in Father's chair they were beefing she was exiled and once exiled Cleopatra got word from her spies that her brother had started beef with tesar Katra had herself smuggled into Camp wrapped in a rug seriously she wrapped herself in a rug and had that Prime delivery sent straight to T's Place in Alexandria Egypt where when 51-year-old Julius Cesar unrolled The Rock taada beautiful 21-year old Cleopatra ready to do some seducing and scheming she convinced Cesar to overthrow her brother and install her as farar a farara that would always be on Rome's side so Supply the Republic with food always pay taxes on time and also a faroh that will get sweaty with Cesar and I'm not just saying that because Egypt is hot you know what I mean I say that because they have sex man these jokes are so stupid Oh So simp Julius Cesar did as Cleopatra asked and cas usually started a Civil War in Egypt in 47 BCE and defeated toomi the 13th troops at the Battle of the Nile where once again despite being over 50 years old Cesar was not some old man sitting back but actively a part of the battle his ship actually capsized in the fight and Cesar swam to shore during the battle while toi the 13 ship was also sunk during the battle but he the Pharaoh drowned at Sea Cesar won Cesar went to war for cleopetra and won so Egypt was hers while she was his and so syus Julius decided to stay in Egypt with the new Pharaoh for a couple more months for some loving and rumors in Rome started to spread while Cesar was away Antonio Mar Anthony and Cesar's other supporters pulled some strings to have Cesar appointed as soulle dictator and now the man they had just elected was in Egypt king it on with a foreigner to make it worse when Cesar did finally return to Rome in 46 BCE he brought Cleopatra with him that that that that is Blasphemous that's okay because tesar is still a badass who on his way back to Rome casually made a stop at the B foring Kingdom to defeat King farus II in 5 hours I defeat so easy that says I then dropped one of the coldest quotes ever v v Richi I came I saw I conquered though it should really uh be I came I saw a one I won at the end but semantics so now tesar was seriously and fully in charge of Rome and again If This Were to have a happy ending this would have been the last stop to get on that happy ending train remember pompei's supporters that Cesar forgave I mentioned two there were a couple there were a lot in fact but remember brutos who may or may not have been the son Cesar had with his old flame cilia yeah Cesar not only forgave Brutus for siding with Pompei but during Cesar's battles with Pompei julus Cesar went out of his way to ensure that no one would harm Brutus and now brutos was one of the main guys plotting against Cesar ungrateful little snitch cesa bringing along Cleopatra was the perfect controversy to exaggerate so Bruto sent the other pom supporter snitchers spread the word that Cesar had a son with Cleopatra and was a traitor Rome rumors that tesar of course denied but it didn't help that Cleopatra named the sun hidden night toing me the 15th Cesar AKA nickname Cesar like girl read the room to the Cesar haters this Union with Cleopatra was proofed that he was planning to weaken the Roman bloodline and rule over the Egyptian territories it was Pro that Cesar was simply out for total mination for his own ego his own good and when Cesar was appointed dictator perpet dictator for life in 44 BCE their fears peaked this was the last straw brutos and his King agreed Cesar had to be stopped or what little is left of the Republic would be gone forever and Rome would serve at the whims of Julius Cesar so the little ungrateful Pompei supporting traitor snitchers and togas decided that Cesar had to die and they set up a fake meeting fittingly in the Kua of Pompei at the entrance of the theater of Pompei where they planned to murder Cesar and on the morning gaos Julio was set to attend that meeting his wife Calia oh yeah he by the way he remarried and had a wife but you know on the night of the faithful meeting caloria had a bad dream and told Cesar not to attend cuz she had a feeling that something might happen to him supposedly this is truly what happened and just as sear was about to listen to his wife Guess Who convinced him to go and attend the meeting brutos the man whose life Cesar saved the man he forgave the man who may or may not have been his firstborn son Brutus convinced him to attend the meeting where Cesar was handed a document to inspect before 60 cowards and toas crowded him and assassinated him with 23 stab wounds on March 15th 44 BCE and though we will never truly know Tesa Last Words nor if there even were any Shakespeare famously interpreted them to be and with his last breath Cesar covered his own face with his toga because he could not bear to stare into the eyes of the man who delivered the final and fatal blow killing Julius Cesar by stabbing him in the groin [Music] BOS as for what happened after Cesar's death well all that kind of ties into a new series I'm maybe planning to start but you'll have to let me know in the comments if you want me to do the following series Rome's greatest [Music] emperors
Channel: Briefed
Views: 234,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: briefed, Julius caesar, Julius cesar, caesar documentary, cesar documentary, caesar biography, was Napoleon a good ruler, was caesar evil, was caesar an emperor, is caesar good, Julius caesar biography, Julius caesar story, caesar story, Roman Empire, who started Roman Empire, who was caesar, was caesar a hero or a tyrant, Julius caesar death, Julius caesar full movie, Julius caesar Cleopatra, rome Julius caesar, roman republic, roman republic explained, caesar explained
Id: B_qB_O3SqXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 35sec (2915 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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