Finally an Addition - Penny Hunt and Fill #131

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let's see if a couple of boxes from the state of California can get us a penny for the book hey everyone it's Rob finds treasure and welcome back to my channel I have a couple of boxes from the state of California thanks to a trade with Pine Creek coins now Pine Creek coins has had some really good boxes like we all have had and he's had some dead boxes so we'll have to see how these do now many of you know that we're trying to complete a Dansko Lincoln penny album from just cornrow Hunting Bank boxes this is going to be episode number 131 of the entire playlist and it's number 244 and 245 as far as boxes now I went ahead and cut open the tape of these boxes just to make sure obviously we had some circulated scents and I do see that we have circulated sense in both all the rolls look like they're fully intact and yeah hopefully we got some good wheat cents in these now we do have 207 of the 234 cents that this book holds already slotted it's been a long time since we've actually put a penny in the book other than upgrades and the last time we did get a couple of nice red scents that we added a 61d and a 62 he and that made me happy but nothing will make me more happier than to find one of the pennies we're missing in the album now for now we're gonna slide this book to the side and we're gonna get right to the hunt let's see if a couple of California boxes can get us some oldies some goodies or maybe a variety or two roll number seven of the box is going to give us our first wheat cent and it's going to be a 1941 Philly I already saw it facing me so of course you know we got to check it for the three different DDOS one at the date which is not couple of them have it at Liberty which I don't see but mostly the word trust and it's definitely not a 41 DDO but it's definitely a 1941 and that's a good start very next roll roll number eight and I thought it was a 1914 at first but I took a little bit closer look it is a teens but it's a 1918. we'll take that 105 year old scent still finding these in circulation is always nice man thought it was a 14 by the angle of the light but it's just a 1918 we don't need it maybe it'll upgrade it's not in that bad of shape tell you the truth either way two wheat cents now in the first eight rolls one is from the teens roll number 18. our third wheat cent of the box is going to be the infamous 1950 Denver roll number 20 and we've got a nice weed scent for number four take a look at this beauty 1956 Philadelphia don't know if we need a red one for the 56th year but could be an upgrade very nice wheat cent in roll 20 now four for the Box Roll number 21 slide them down exposed what could be an older wheat cent or at least I'm hoping wheat cent number five and it is old but it's another one we don't need 1920. again pretty good detail so it could be an upgrader as well a teens a 20s five wheat cents 21 rolls in roll number 22 sixth wheat Center the hunt is a nice 1944 Philadelphia number 30. we have seven wheat cents and this one's a 51 San Francisco roll number 33 or eighth wheat cent is reverse facing and it's a 56 Denver roll number 47 one away from double digits wheat cent number nine it's a 1953 Denver well we finished that first penny box from California and it was a decent box yeah we failed to get to 10 wheat cents we got nine but we got a pretty nice Blazer and a couple of early ones and I'll take that all day in a penny box as far as copper is concerned it was kind of light only two pounds on the nose so definitely hoping for a little more copper in box number two we did score two Canadian cents although they're common years we got one 1959 a couple of nicer copper cents here 66 not the DDO and a 70D and then seven 1969 s's you guys know I struggle to find these in my local boxes so getting seven in a Box is always fun one box down we'll slide it over bring this one over now and I'll begin the hunt I've already checked the circulated rolls let's see if we can stay on some wheat cents and find some more copper just grab roll number four out of the box we're gonna have our first wheat cent because we have an Ender it does have that older look but then again it's in the roll so it's hard to tell let's go ahead and check the ear on it see if there's any friends with it we'd sent 10 of the Hunt is going to be and it is old 1912. I knew it looked old by the reverse but I wasn't expecting it to be a teens to be honest 1912 I don't know if we have that one probably do but I'm definitely going to take a quick peek real quick and let you guys know what I find out third wheat cent pre-1930 10 for the hunt took a quick peek we don't have a 1912. we will have a slotting scent from this hunt and we still have 46 rolls left that makes me happy roll number six had kind of a foam insert in it and it looks like it might have a little impression of a scent anyway just wanted to show you guys that thought that was kind of funny we'll put that aside that's an oddity and get back to the hunt seventh roll of box number two is going to give us wheat cent number 11 for the hunt and that's another 1956 Denver just grab roll 68 out of the 100 roll hunt flatten them out and out in the back splashed out wheat cent number 12. since another 1956 Denver roll 69 we've got a Baker's Dozen we'd send 13. it's actually a 1955 Philly we'll just check it for any dump they might have some of that poor man's double die but uh in this condition not worth anything extra either way we'll take it first from 1955 for the hunt roll number 72 wheat cent number 14. and that's going to be a 45 Denver we've been stuck at 14 wheat cents for a while but roll 83 is going to have two of them I flattened out the roll and saw that one and the reason why I did that is we saw that one and this one right here looks like it could be an oldie I'm hoping it's not just damaged hopefully it's an oldie let's see what it is and it is an oldie and I think it's a 1919 San Francisco and it is it's good seeing a teen's wheat cent with an S mint mark unfortunately it's one we already have and in this Condition it's not going to be an upgrader either but that's a welcome sight and that makes 15 now for the hunt and let's go ahead and grab wheat cent number 16. wheat cent number 16. it's another oldie it's the 30s our first from the 30s 1937 Philadelphia that makes five of the 16 wheat cents found all pre-1940. let's find some more for 88 wheat cent number 17. another 1956 Denver roll number 98 of the hunt will get us our 18th wheat cent and that puts nine in each box that's going to be a 1952 Denver roll number 99 we've made it to 19 wheat cents one away from 20 but that's 10 for this box it's pretty nice 1956 Philadelphia we have finished that two box hunt from Pine Creek coins in California and definitely a good two box hunt we did get 19 wheat cents one shy of averaging 10 per box but we got three in the teens a 1912 Edition that's welcomed Big Time a 1918 Philly a 1919 s really slick a 1920 Philly a 1937 Philadelphia and then I wanted to put up here because it might be an upgrade that really nice 1956 Philadelphia 19 wheat cents a little foam uh I guess a penny holder or at least a slot holder in a tray maybe and then the copper was definitely lighter than normal but I'll take less copper if it means an addition all day only three pounds 10 ounces in both those boxes combined and that means only one pound 10 ounce in that box and that's not very much considering what we've been normally getting we did get five Canadians we got 159 you saw the bright and shinies we did add a 68 s it's pretty nice to the mix we'll check that and then a total of nine 1969 San Francisco's of course none of which are the DDOS let's check the album we know we have an addition let's see if we have any upgrades I'll do that really quick and I'm right back with a look at the books and some final thoughts on today's hunt just a quick update before I give you a full look at the book we're definitely going to be upgrading that 1956. that's a nice brown one but that's a red one so we're gonna plug it in there the 1918 is also going to upgrade because we have a corroded one in there and even though it's not much better in detail it doesn't have corrosion and I took a quick peek at the back of that one and it definitely has corrosion so upgrade the 1918 as well and then of course you never can get mad at slotting a set it's been a while we'll go ahead and plug that 1912 in right now let me go ahead and finish upgrading those two and then I'll be right back in just a second all right we have plugged in the two upgrades and the addition so now after 245 boxes searched we've upped our total to 208 of the 234 cents slotted thanks to adding a 1912 and upgrading that 1918 and 1956. it feels good to finally get off the schneid and get one in the album and that gives me hope that maybe we could find another one or two in the next five or so boxes obviously I enjoyed this two box hunt I want to thank Pine Creek coins once again for the trade you did good bud you got one for the album if you guys enjoyed this two box hunt with me I'd appreciate that Thumbs Up And as always everyone Happy Hunting and thanks for watching
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 18,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: silver penny, copper pennies, rare coins, penny varieties, penny errors, Penny hunting, penny, hunt and fill, coin quest, coin roll hunting, robfindstreasure, rob finds treasure, robfindstreasure penny, coin hunting pennies, penny rolls, coin roll hunting pennies, penny hunt, pennies, penny roll hunting, pennies worth money, coins worth money, rare pennies to look for, coin roll hunt, coins, coin collecting, coin, 1912 penny value, 1918 penny value, 1919 penny value
Id: rPe9H0LxkXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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