$790 Customer Wrapped Coin Roll Hunt - Silver, Errors, Ws, and More!

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what's up YouTube Georgia silver Hunter back and today we will be doing a massive customer wrapped coin hunt as you can see laid out in front of me I've got fifty dollars worth of nickels 50 worth of Dimes and 640 dollars worth of customer wrapped quarters now these quarters all came from a Dalton laundromat which is about an hour north of me I was at the bank today and uh the guy turning these in worked at that laundromat I don't know what he was doing way down in my part of the woods but he told me they bought a sorter to roll these it doesn't uh clean out anything they don't know what they're looking for they literally just roll them and bring them back to the bank so who knows what could be in these quarters so I'm excited to jump into them we will be starting with the dimes moving on to the nickels and finishing with the quarters and I will fill album spots for the quarters and the Nickels should we find any album fillers so this is going to be a whole lot of fun so let's jump into it so as I said in the intro I'm going to start with the dimes I'm gonna go ahead and open one or two rolls on here real quick for dimes lately all I do is silver hunt so uh I'll open a couple of these rolls and we'll look for silver together and then I'll go off camera and look through the rest and if we don't find any we will just move on to the nickels but it's really easy to find silver dimes it's much like looking for any type of silver and some coins you just need to look at those edges and you're looking for a solid sort of silver or gray line outside of that there's not a whole lot to hunt within dimes you can look in the description down below this video and I have a little cheat sheet that I use for all of my hunts that you're welcome to download for free and use for your own hunts but there's just if you download that document and take a look you'll see there's really just not much to look for the 1996 W is one obviously you can look for proof dimes which I typically look for those as I'm re-rolling these dimes and then there's a few low mintage years that can be interesting but uh I just go blind looking at these dimes so I don't take the time to do it so well if I get this wrapper open we'll look at one more on camera and then I'll go off and we'll hunt the rest off camera and if I happen to find something I will bring you in so let's see here I'd love to find some silver here in these first couple of rolls for you but so far it doesn't look like it's gonna work out all right well I'm gonna go off camera I'll bring you in as soon as I can I forgot to mention when I started these at one of the things I like to do is I've got some of these rare earth magnets when I do customer wrap rolls I like to just sort of pass this over the rolls to see if anything sticks because a lot of our Canadian currency is actually magnetic and just like that you can find Canadian dimes you can find other countries as well that's not necessarily Canadian but for me oftentimes when I find something magnetic that's what it ends up being so let's check it out together and it feels like maybe there's a penny in there too there's a big wide Edge there um let's see if I can get this open get these things out come on I want to start in the front half because we said we had something Canadian and there it is a 2008 Canadian Diamond as I said just like that it is magnetic well I have you here let's see what that wide coin is there it is it's a penny really can't make out a year and I don't have my scope on it sounds like it's copper though anyway we'll check it later we are three rolls from the end and I'm bringing you in because we did finally find some silver right there as I said in the beginning of the video it jumps right out at you it's a nice big silver line now sometimes uh silver dimes can come out almost black so if you get something that looks really gray or black these green ones are typically not silver but I always check them because sometimes silver can tarnish and be a bit green but when we come up here you can see it right there it is a 1960 looks like a Philadelphia 90 percent oh I'm sorry it's a Denver I forgot that Mark is actually the engravers initials it is a Denver 1960 90 dime so the dime Hunt is a success okay well we're through the dimes and I made a mistake I think at the beginning of this video I said I had 50 worth of Dimes I just got done re-wrapping them and I actually had 100 worth of Dimes and in there we did get this one silver dime which was pretty cool we had that Canadian dime and I'll just leave it over there and one it ended up being a zinc penny I had to weigh it because I couldn't get a year off of it but uh we're gonna go ahead and jump into these nickels and I'll be sure to bring you in at our first find we're on our second roll of nickels and we have our first find of the hunt it is a 19 52 oh where'd it go I think I dropped it there it is it's a 1952 let's see here it is a Denver pretty sure I already have that in my book but we're gonna put it aside because we keep all 30s 40s and 50s nickels and of course well if we can find those buffaloes and those V nickels we definitely hang on to those so we're on Roll number five and we have our next find it is a 1955. now if it's a Philly it's a semi-key date to Denver well it's not so let's check it out hoping for a Philly and of course we get the Denver still a find and we'll keep on hunting we are 15 rolls from the end of the nickels and we have our next find it came up here towards the very end but it is another 50s era nickel we have a 19 54 looks like a Philadelphia put it on the board as a find 13 rolls from the end we have our next find and this is how it's turned up we've got a 1958 with a little bit of blue there on it don't know where that came from but uh looks like we've got a Denver so that makes I believe 450s on the box same roll very near the end and we've got our next fine and it is our first foreign nickel on the hunt it's a 1985 Canadian so we're on the very next roll 12 from the end and I didn't see it when we opened it but it looks like we finally found some silver and our nickels we've got a 1945 Philadelphia and uh maybe a little bit of a lamination break here the top part of the nickel kind of runs all the way across that's kind of neat but uh War nickels were made between 1942 and 1945. they took all the copper out of their nickels and replaced it with 35 silver and uh during that time period like in the 40s and 50s and I think even into the early 60s the mint mark was over here next to the building and uh all your War nickels it's a giant PD or S above the the Monticello building so pretty cool find love finding some silver on the hunt and this may be a book filler so we are 10 rolls from the end of this hunt and we've got our next find it is a 1947 looks like a Denver and so we are nine rolls from the end and I just got the ninth roll laid out and the Ender on that one was in fact a dime let's see if we got a good one nope just a 1978. too bad it's not silver eight rolls from the end and we have our next find it's another 50s nickel 1959 the last year that we would call a find and it is a 59 Denver having a hard time hanging on to my nickels today so we're just three rolls from the end and this one surprised me I didn't see it when we opened the roll and we've got a buffalo it's reverse facing we have a mint mark as well looks like that might be the top part of an s let's see here what do we have we have a date on it we do not so we have a dateless buffalo I'll see if I can Nika date that by the end of the video and we'll figure out what it is well that wraps up our nickels and it wasn't a bad little 50 hunt um bringing you in I did take the time to Nick a date this Buffalo and I'll see if I can get it yeah right there I was a little uh sloppy with my Nick a date but we have a 1915 s and I'll show you my album This is actually a really low mintage nickel and one that I needed for my book so we'll look at that in just a second but uh outside of that we did have one Canadian nickel we did have one missed stuffed dime always happy to find some silver unfortunately this 1945 p is already in my book but I do think it's got that lamination break in it so that's this is one I'll probably flip up and put in my little coin collection book outside of that we had a 47 I'm not going to call out the the mint marks too much here but we had a 52 now the 54 I know we had P's and D's so I did separate those this 55 unfortunately was the Denver and not the semi-key date we had a 58 a 59 and I was surprised to see how many of the 2023 Philadelphia nickels we had in there I pulled one of the nicer looking ones and I just put that aside and I'll flip that up as sort of a first find but there were you know in that fifty dollars probably a roll or two worth of the 2023s I did pull a bunch of nickels to see if I could get some upgrades in the book and I just did a quick look two or three of these might upgrade but uh I'm not gonna pull you guys in for that I'll take some time after this video and inspect them all under the microscope and do upgrades as necessary uh but real quick here my Buffalo book let me grab it it's right here and it's uh filling up quite nicely but you can see right here I need this 1915 s only 1.505 million and we do have that s mint mark on the back if I didn't show you guys it I put it under the scope and sure enough that does look like the top of the S I can't really get it in frame here very well but that is an S mint mark so we're gonna go ahead and I'll just go ahead and push it in right now we have a 1915 s for the book so with that said let's get back into the hunt and start looking at this 640 dollars worth of quarters and I do have a series one and a series two uh set of books that I am filling out and I think I only need one more quarter for the series one and a bunch for the series two so we'll get into the hunt I'll bring you in as soon as we find something interesting so before I actually get into that first roll I did want to show you guys that series a book what we're missing is the 2011 uh Denver minted Washington National Park quarter and we need the 2022 Denver minute anime Wong quarter and the Denver minute 2023 Coleman now I do know I've seen on YouTube the the newer the the brand new women's 2023 quarters out uh so I'll be keeping an eye out for those and then on the series b or series two books you can see we're still missing what is that five looks like seven quarters for book number one uh one quarter for book number two a whole smattering there in the state quarters and then quite a number here in the National Park uh and the same 2022 Denver and 2023 Denver Wong and Coleman for the women's quarters so these are all the things we're on the hunt for outside of that we're always looking for silver and W's so uh and then all the many many varieties and errors there are in quarters so let me get cracking into these things things and hopefully we'll bring you in as we find stuff well I was going to bring you in after I got through five rolls to tell you all about the things that I've pulled so far but I came across something in roll number five that I just had to stop and show you and talk about for a minute uh we found one of the larger die chip this is called the crown error on the 2021 Philadelphia Washington quarter you can see the Giant die chip up there on the Hat the one you're really looking for goes from the tip of the Hat all the way to the back of the Hat that's called the full Crown error I'll put it here under the scope so you can see how massive this thing is see where is it look at that die chip that thing is huge uh but you're looking for one that goes all the way back to the back of the Hat this one can still be worth quite a few bucks on eBay I've pulled it up over here so we can we can look at it together um and of course it's up to what you're able to get on your own personal sale but here's somebody they got four dollars and one cents with uh 4.85 shipping and it looks real similar to the one I have so you know you can ship this quarter for about a dollar so that you know this person made about nine dollars on uh you know a dollar 25 and spend here's one where it's on the reverse side where this person got thirty dollars plus four dollars and seventy five cents that's more the full Crown we don't know what they accepted here's somebody that got ten dollars looks just like mine so you know as you go through here I mean this poor guy only got 55 cents so you really have to time your uh your auctions and make sure that you do either have a a upper or a lower limit on what you want to sell or even do a Buy It Now to make sure you get what you want out of the quarter but even if it's just a ten dollar quarter that's a pretty good fine and it's worth more than just a piece of silver so where do I have it there it is this is one we're definitely going to be hanging on to and I think it's pretty cool while I have you in here I have pulled a bunch of quarters for my you know book ones through book whatever it is now four or five but we found some 70s some 80s uh some of the state quarters some of the national park quarters we've slowly been amassing them so everything you see up here I've got to choose right now the best between these two but before I punch anything down I'm just going to make stacks and then I'll choose the best ones but we're we're making some progress here on our series two books so with that we're gonna get back into these quarters and hopefully I can bring in soon so we're getting through roll number 12 and I'm bringing you in here for this Bessie Coleman quarter I happen to find a die chip error on this one now I've seen somewhere there alone like the lips I've seen somewhere they're on the hands or the plane this is one I've found on other 2022 and 20 uh I really the 2022 quarters and it's this die chip here on the end of the nose looks like a little wart let's get it under the scope here so you can see it real close there it is nice big hunk of metal well check this out on eBay and see what it's worth so it's been a little bit we are up on Roll I think it's 34 maybe if you pause it and count those up I might be off but you can have pulled a ton of stuff that uh will ultimately be book fillers I have a nice little line of coins over here that are going to be potential upgrades they were just super shiny super nice so I want to compare them against my books but here on Roll 34 we have come across our first like really nice find of the hunt I don't even know which one it is I do know it's a 2020 because we have the VF privy or I'm sorry the v75 privy and that W mint mark 4 West Point now for those of you that don't know they printed or they minted two million of these for each of the designs in 2019 and 2020 and when they first came out some of them topped out around 60 70 a pop I think the American Memorial Park is still going for pretty good money and this is the uh National Park America Samoa 2020 and this is the one I have the least of so I'm kind of excited to get this one I've only got two or three of these so very cool addition to my collection so we are just 10 rolls from finishing this up we've got nine here the tenth roll I've got actually laid out here I'm about halfway through it and uh just laid these up here so you can see this is how the coin came up as I was going through it and I was shocked when I turned it over it is a 2019 San Antonio Missions from Texas but it is that very coveted West Point mint mark and this one's actually in pretty good shape considering how far out we are from 2019 so this one is really really nice it's another find for the board so since the very first episode of this series I have needed this 2011 Denver minted Washington National Park quarter now I've already looked at the front so I'm not going to try to act like there's a lot of suspense here but here we are in the last five rolls of this hunt we have ourselves here a 2011 Washington National Park quarter minted in Denver so I'm going to be able to finish off that first series of books that I started except for the women's book which I just started in the last hunt and uh I already know I have the 2022 Denver anime Wong so I'm just looking for that Coleman quarter which they're brand new and it may take a while for those Denver quarters to make their way through Atlanta but super excited to be checking those two off of this list and more or less calling this series a or series one books done sort of our last four rolls laid out and I uh already took a look at this under the scope it's a die chip that I have not come across before so I wanted to bring it in and show it to you maybe something you guys can keep an eye out for I'll put it under the scope but you can see it here just with my camera we've got a bunch of extra metal here down on that pinky finger and I've got a weird divot taken out of the coin right here probably just a little post mint damage but uh and there's a little bit of a die chip here on the word may but let's get it under the scope so you guys can see it and I'll back out here let's see there is all that extra metal down here you can kind of see it right there not supposed to be there and then I do have a weird divot in the coin at first it looked like it was an extra button but uh when I look at it just under the camera you can tell that it's actually a divot like it's a hole in the coin and then we've got a little bit of extra metal up here on the word May that middle a there um I don't know if this is going to be worth much I haven't looked for it on eBay yet but it was interesting enough that I thought I'd bring you guys and show it off so I'm on the very last roll and I went ahead and went through the first half of it and I had two finds uh both of them I've covered on other videos and this one's not even that great of an example but uh this is the 2005 Kansas from Philadelphia and it is the in God we rust error and uh basically what it is is where there's some extra grease gets in the die and the tea from trust is barely visible or in many cases completely gone um you can still see the tea it just has to be mostly gone for it to count uh the more valuable ones you have more letters that are missing like I've gotten ones where the N part of the O all of the G I'm sorry the I part of the O part of the G the entire T were completely missing so you kind of had an in odd we rust kind of thing so uh this qualifies it's not a great specimen it's kind of an ugly coin but I'll put it on the board as a find and the last one is this uh 2023 Bessie Coleman and it's very very weak I found one much better on a previous video uh but it's an enqueues error and you can see we've got a little bit of the ghosting of the E here and the really really good examples of this the e ends up way over here and the C kind of ends up down here and you almost get a a complete ghost of the EC this one's a very very minor uh don't think it'd be worth very much money maybe a buck if he got lucky because they're like I said they're much better uh Stronger examples of this but I did find it so I wanted to include it well that wraps up the roles and I have a lot of mess to clean up here but just really quickly to give you the lay of the land kind of everything on this side are actual fines including my bicentennials which I always hang on to so we've got lots of dye chips and things I've brought you in for most of it our our two w quarters and of course our one book filler for that last spot on the national park album because I only found one of them uh this is from the earlier part of the hunt but starting here all the way around well to here are all going to be book fillers for my series two books and where you see these rows it's because I've got multiple versions of the same coin and I'm going to go through these now and dig out the best variety so when this is all done it'll be like one quarter one quarter one quarter one quarter so on and so forth but all of this stuff is going to end up being some kind of book filler and then everything down the end here I'm probably not going to pull you in I'll just give you a number of how many we actually upgrade but this uh set of 640 in quarters had some really really nice State and National Park quarter so I wanted to take the opportunity to upgrade as many coins as I could in both the series a and series B books so let me get this mess cleaned up and I'll come back with a final tally and maybe show you the books after we get them all plugged in all right well really quickly here we go I was able to cross off that 2011 D and that 2023 P Coleman there they are and on our series two books we've crossed off remember that none of these were crossed out at the beginning of this hunt so we filled everything but one slot and that 65 to 87 book we will have completed uh the 88 through 98 book we've only got three coins left in the state quarter book quite a few left in the uh National Park Book uh mainly Denver's and those are harder for me to come by and of course we're going to cross off that anime Wong and here are all the quarters that will go in so let me get those punched down and uh then we'll move on to maybe talk about these fines a little bit and call it done thank you so we're done wrapping up the books we did upgrade probably seven or eight coins between the series one and series two books with all those really shiny coins we found and the rest we just tossed back but I would be remiss if we didn't go through all the quarters real quick and talk about where the value is and do a quick recap uh anytime you do a quarter hunt and you find a w a quarter it's a great hunt well on this one we found two we've got the San Antonio Missions and we have the um the national park here um that is also one of our W's so I haven't looked at the the latest values on these guys and their height they were 20 30 40 a pop I know a lot of the dubbies have settled into kind of that 10 15 18 range and these are in actually pretty good shape of course any hunt where we find some silver so when we were doing our dimes we did find one silver dime and when we did our nickels we had one 35 War nickel uh this die chip error is probably the most valuable one we have on the table this half crown or this really big die chip on the front of the hat and the condition of the quarter you know this is easily an eight maybe ten maybe fifteen dollar quarter on eBay possibly more if you if you sold it on a good day but there's some money in that quarter outside of that I did get I think nine of our Denver bicentennials or eight of our Denver bicentennials and I got 10 Philadelphia bicentennials selling these by the roll can be kind of lucrative you can make anywhere from maybe you you know depending on the buyer you know 350 to maybe as high as 10 a roll when you sell those and then I had a whole smattering of other varieties we had some dye chips uh some smaller diet chips I didn't bring in for I'll just zoom in on one of these because it was really really small compared to the other ones you can see we've got a minor die chip there that's what these other two were like so I didn't bring you in for them I did end up finding two of these anime Wong with the die chip down there on the pinky uh don't know what those are going for I can't imagine any more than a dollar or two I've covered this many many times in my quarter videos but we've got the die chip and the hair up here on the uh will uh Wilma Man Killer quarter we had the in God we rust air we had a couple of dye chips on the nose for the Bessie Coleman's and we had that one in cues error here and I did get one metal detector find so all in all this was a ton of fun apologies if the video ends up being kind of long but we did hunt a lot of quarter or a lot of coins 640 and quarters a hundred and dimes and 15 nickels and with the numbers of fines we had it just takes a long time to show you guys everything we found so I do hope you enjoyed this one hopefully you did make it to the end if you did and you like this kind of video make sure you do click on that subscribe button and then click on that little bell so you get notified each and every time I release a new video because I want to make sure you guys catch everything I put out whether you're new to the channel uh or returning uh returning viewer make sure you do drop down below and click that like button and leave me a comment I'd really appreciate it um let me know what's going on in your world if you're coin roll hunting let me know what you're finding love to hear from you with that said you guys take care and I look forward to seeing you in the next one thank you
Channel: GA Silver Hunter
Views: 9,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Coin, Coin Roll Hunting, Silver, Silver Hunting, Half Dollar, Half Dollar Hunting, Silver Stacking, coin collecting, coin varieties, DDO, Double Die Obverse, Bullion, Online Bullion Reviews, Quarter Hunting, APMEX, Coins, Numismatics, preciousmetals, gold, silver
Id: i_5Jff_RY-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 23sec (1583 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2023
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