Final Interview Lemmy Kilmister about terror, no fear of death and healthy drinking

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foreign [Music] Paris last Sunday um so how did you get to know about the attacks as it happened in the film and then you can still hear gunshots you know so dumb there's people done yeah what for kill innocent people you know Carriage you know did the thought come up in your mind that this could have happened at a Motorhead concert yeah sure of course I mean we played the bus as long many times but 10 times you know it was a Regular Show for us in Paris but thankfully not that night and was it clear for you that you're not going to play that weekend well I didn't think they'd let us play I mean it was the day after you know so that attack sort of came out of nowhere at that concert did that change anything for you when you go on chair on the stage now I just got on the day after you know if if they stop you then they win and they're not gonna beat me you know I mean I do what I'm supposed to do if the police counselor I can't do nothing about that the original Council you know so you would have played and would continue playing yeah [ __ ] those people and there's a lot of rock and roll and I don't like that you're right um but do you think we're more vulnerable now or do you feel more vulnerable something like that being able to happen we've always been vulnerable you know every day throughout the house You're vulnerable diving under a bus you know somebody heading over there for your money you know I mean there's nothing just safe everybody seems to be obsessed with safety you know well nothing's safe okay nothing made the most of it while you're safe now you won't be tomorrow maybe for the French President is now talking about of War it was one of the themes also you've got to see his point I mean it's just a Pearl Harbor in this capital city nothing on that but would you I mean you're one of your topics and themes in your lyrics as well as well would you describe this situation as well it's difficult to think of another description you know a bunch of guys are running around in the capital city with you know automatic weapons kill London 37 people what do you call it yeah sorry not recently see Galaxy um we also lost the former band member last week does that make you he's the second one first version I fell um it feels like all my life you know it's not but it felt like it was a real character you know it was a real nut case and I do admire that in the person um but he I think he lost the will to live you know because he was doing a lot of the wrong drugs and living with the wrong people and they finally caught up would you say you always use the right drugs no but it's like yeah it was too much for his Constitution you know so far I've survived it because I invented it more or less it's your 40th year with Motorhead did you ever think you would get this far yeah you don't think it's like that in the beginning abandoned are you just want to play with some other guys and surroundings you know it took about a year into the future that's about it I mean 40 years is a joke it's ridiculous I have no idea what I'm supposed to do now yeah did you ever if you if you knew that long would you have stick to the name or do you still would have chosen the name no no that's a good night all the best band names of one word the who is the best band name ever I think when I was small I always thought you were Scandinavian because of that letter oh yeah I was in Germany too yeah did you just use it as a joke no I used to because it looks mean there was a band before us floors I can't use it to because it looked mean yeah that Gothic writing looks mean you know so so many um musicians men mentioned you as a hero and as a role model what is it you would say you started out doing differently than others louder and faster because we were the year before Punk and so a lot of people really didn't like us you know depressed didn't like us they give us six months to live I would so [ __ ] them they're all gone and I'm still here yeah too bad how close do you feel to punk I liked a lot of the Bands but I didn't like a lot of them as well the best with the Damned and the pistols I never liked the flash particularly I might just remember in this previous band The one-on-one is he's playing vintage rock and roll you know but uh Punk gave the music business to kick up the ass you know which it was really in need of at the time you know very complacent and now it's got another kick up the ass from the internet because it cut its own throat by trying to bust everybody you downloaded I mean what is that how could you busted everybody will be in jail under the age of 15. you know I mean stupid so you got the title Godfather of heavy metal yeah do you feel yourself that way no of course not we're not heavy metal anyway we're rock and roll but you know but he's Metallica is calling you that yeah I know road laws came to see us when we played la yeah I don't know yeah it was 82 I think and he came along and he said he was the leader of our West Coast fun Club yes play with him and we found out later there's the only two in it I got really drunk and threw up down himself and went over there the lyrics you're writing them uh still yeah do you never get bored or why do you take still new ideas yeah then I write about something else you know I'm in this there's plenty of scope for all sort of sound or death and forces love you know there's always going to be plenty of that with the human race being what it is you know because I was just killing each other and then Justice is another briefing with my words and there's always been plenty of that how much um Elvis and Little Richard would you say is in your music oh fancy yeah I noticed that one of them hairstyles you know before my overseed it Elvis was the one who showed us how to look basically I would say people like Carl Perkins Little Richard told a thousand and the Beatles write our own songs do you hear [Music] a little brown early Metallica yeah there's a lot I mean what the hell Brazil nice and it was like a civil chair there's another influence on them but uh they don't stick with it you know they change because a lot of bands full of Trends yeah and it's fatal because you can't please all the people all the time yeah we don't play for you we play for us and if we like it then we put it out and if you like it as well that's a bonus but it's not necessary but do you think you if you don't want to change your music also I don't want to change it too much it's doing quite well at the moment someone said you told them that you knew the time before rock and roll yeah sounds crazy to you yeah that's me and I was born in 45 you know so when rock and roll came out I was 10 11 years old yeah and I knew immediately because I saw the sky on TV it was Billy Fury there's always chicks trying to tell you closer and I thought that's the job for me you know two years ago I was I had tickets to a concert that was canceled because of uh of your uh your help um how do you feel about being able to perform now and still as long as I can you know I mean I'm 17 in December so it's kind of ludicrous after that I think but I don't ever see how I feel and I learned in another documentary that you actually moved out of your apartment that was all legendary full of stuff oh yeah well I moved this stuff into another problem I got a condo at the end of the old street so I still got both places so your first by military memory what is your position on war then in the end well it was stupid you know but if somebody once said it's politics thing too it's logical extreme I mean they should put the the legislative governments concerned and a ring and that then fight to the death and then you know the winner wins it doesn't need two million people to die for you know most obscene you know and I was told you changed your drinking habits from Coca-Cola whiskey to Orange yes how come well Coca-Cola is really bad here and I'm diabetic so I shouldn't even look at it that I coated on drinking it for 10 years after I got a diabetic but it was too much too much sugar a friend of mine was a big fan of you too always has a big problem every Christmas to find people celebrating his birthday with him because his birthday is on Christmas day he said it must be worse for you even on Christmas Eve it's Christmas day here right at 24th and uh even your own parents only give you one present for the two things you know if your parents you know you think did you ever regret not getting married I almost said a couple of times but I've never found a woman that could stop me looking at all the other women so I'm not gonna be false you know I'm not going to get amazing run around and if you get married you should be [ __ ] married you know that's a story I could never do that that's good orange juice oh yeah almost perfect ly orange taste are you sometimes surprised or do you find it surprising that you're still able to perform um giving the amount of drugs and alcohol you consumed in your life no just lucky hmm yeah I don't really recommend the lifestyle because most people die of it yeah I mean a lot of my friends are dead you know it shouldn't be you know who has a lot more music in them you know but that's the way life is look at the drawer you know it's all dances random it's work it's not you can't plan your life it doesn't work you'd be confronted by a situation that you didn't plan for and then you're lost yeah baffled so much you might as well be ready for everything and to do that you have to take all the drugs you possibly can as soon as you'll know what they are would you always continue performing or have you ever think well after death no I have to stop then I think you never know I could want somewhere mess up somebody else's cake Tears for Fears or somebody appear in the middle of anger everybody out on fire
Channel: Der Quernheim
Views: 441,021
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Id: B4cOUDh1nfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 28 2016
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