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Channel: GameNChick
Views: 1,147,669
Rating: 4.9549432 out of 5
Keywords: pwerlvlamy, gamenchick, final fantasy, ffxiv, online, final fantasy xiv, walk free, dalamud, comet, bahamut, end of the world, a realm reborn, xiv, final fantasy xiv online, eorzea, the end is here, Final Fantasy (video Game), Video Game (Industry), PC, paladin, tarutaru, the end is neigh, 2.0
Id: YgEg8kXmifo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2012
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I actually participated in the final confrontation! In the middle of Mor Dhona, they spawned a Garlean ship (Those tall, vertical crafts, I'm not sure if they have a name) and everyone on the server that could rushed it. Was not super glorious, the connection suffered and there was a lot of timing out. We managed to kill it, then shortly after
Lost contact with main host
Then they opened the trailer up on the main website. Really the final few weeks were much more interesting than the final moment itself; all of the overworld themes were changed to this really creepy rendition of "Answers" and there was a giant swirling meteor in the sky. Really unlike anything else I've experienced in a game
Don't forget that the second part of it was released with ARR in Binding Coil of Bahamut, so you can see how the cinematic ends!
Agree. This was a defining scene for me. With what has followed, I see this as solidifying FFXIV as the best MMO of all time.
I wasn't even there (played in beta, was less than impressed with the combat system) but I still get chills watching the servers go down.
Confound it! We've lost contact with the main host!..
I've seen this about 20 odd times now, and even still, I get goosebumps
Thank god SE didn't let the game die
Do they tell people who joined when ARR came out who Louisoix Leveilleur is? I feel like I had to look else where to figure out the significance of his staff and who he was.
Just saw this at a con panel about the game's history.. met some really cool people and I'm getting so much more appreciation for FFXIV!
its amazing how a single cinematic can redeem an absolute dumpster fire of a game
Itβs been a long time since I watched this. βScuse me while I go watch it about 100 more times, haha.