Final Fantasy Tactics: A Full Series Breakdown

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yo check this out ain't seen that in call of duty baby final fantasy tactics a game where you jump 30 feet in the air to pummel a priest or it would have been but as they say no plan survives contact with the enemy the enemy is the market if you clicked on this you probably understand that final fantasy tactics the first is a gaming landmark very important title extremely innovative and influential why yes i'm feverishly pushing down on a hatch labeled tactics ogre fans right now why do you ask tactics is a game of extremes in many ways especially considering how the series changed but no other in the lineage has lived as loud and long as fft and i have my own history to consider i started with ffta at 12 dropped an omega cringe video on it years ago played the sequel through high school and only got to fft in my 20s it's one of the series i'm most attached to you know too busy writing out character builds to pay attention in class this series and my thoughts on it have done full revolutions over many years and it's time i wrote it out so let me tell you a tale tactics a time for kill you can find fft on the original hardware and mostly digitally in the war of the lions port with its enhanced localization and various editions both are good but i've chosen to play an alternative version of war of the lions not linked in the description which overall clears up a lot of the little issues the game is known for don't worry i'll be going into them anyway and you might think it's telling that i picked a version with expedited grinding but no it was for science mostly here's the thing i distinctly remember playing for two hours and quitting out of the original i remember going back in playing through and writing up a totally awful polemic about the experience later on it's one of my original unpublished scripts and thank god for that despite that glowing history time context and a full new playthrough turn this game into an easy top 20 at least i don't know i only like 3d current gen games you know i can't think of another video game that lets you inflict atheists on people okay tactics good yes it does stupid crap stuff i can hardly believe but what you take away from the game is so much more than the low points i have to call it a classic but don't take my word for it take my word from five years ago for it okay all we have to do is kill these kids [Music] you know that old localization wasn't great but it was punchy blame yourself for god oh god they're coming kill these kids and that only spiced a visually interesting politically sophisticated tale of ambition and strife no script error can undo the stuff the game showed you and the gameplay is extremely noteworthy but let's set the base fft's story shot far beyond what many of its contemporaries dared to do in 1997 stripped of bells whistles and nouns the stories about a young noble and his friend of ignoble birth how the two interface with a system dedicated to human exploitation how they react when their reality their shared lot in life is understood how their diverging paths dovetail as they pursue similar goals through differing means and ultimately how their efforts are rewarded it was shockingly adult not because of the violence but rather how it delivered a narrative about recognizing privilege and challenging societally imposed hierarchies in a game where everybody's looking like this yeah the stuffed doll brigade just told you to check your privilege hop to its son to draw an example the protag romza bail here starts the game lamenting why criminals would choose to be criminals like they'd still be alive if they weren't thugs but as the events unravel and the lot of the common folk becomes starkly visible ramza realizes when deleted sister is killed as a hostage of the rebel faction by the crown that he contributed to her death his inaction inability to process how the nobility and common folk fit into a framework of oppressor and oppressed means that he was a useful pawn for the ruling class a perpetuator of the status quo you know a lot of game writing doesn't have a lot of merit partly because of the realities of game dev but uh and that's to say nothing of the rewritten localization in war of the lions where the original was sharp and uh full of interesting new applications of the english language the wattle script is written in an elevated antiquarian style resembling shakespeare at times and these lines man please drop quotes in the comments but some of my favorites are here a new justice is born and dies on the lips of each man who would pronounce it a man does not eat an omelette without breaking eggs blood is the price of progress it is the ink in which history's pages are writ do you eve oh my god it's poetic brazen so good and so many great quotes get to exist because so many high-profile figures of varying motivations come into direct conflict throughout the war that underpins the plot fft is primed for a strong war story so the game ponies up the war or tactics in this case now i know a youtube audience loves game mechanics ramza does too just look he can hardly contain himself you've seen the gameplay before small squads of various classes swing steel and sling spells you level up and unlock new abilities throughout the game but there's a lot going on that isn't communicated at a glance battlefields are sometimes built high but are pretty small overall opposing forces clash in a couple moves often less volatility is high that is damage is high and many things from status ailments to revival spells miss more than they probably should this issue is compounded by the zodiac system i'll mention later but taken in broad strokes the encounters are quick dangerous and dramatic there's a lot of reversal potential in the moment to moment gameplay all it really takes to panic the player is a downed unit and a missed revival spell the high reversal potential often creates emergent strategy where the flow of the game isn't always decided by the player's pre-built loadouts but often by what happens in a given game that might sound obvious but it's not the case for many srpgs and even the sequels in short fft feels very alive that said the rpg the characters you build do matter a lot so let's not downplay it i tend to play these games differently than what i've heard from other people i like the generic units a lot i like being able to build my guys you know celebrate that uniqueness i've heard other people focus on plot characters but you lose one of the most engaging aspects of the series if you go too hard there's a lot of plot characters on offer and fft has the smallest average squad sizes of the series at least you're closer to reenacting the plot but you're gonna get the cutscenes anyway whatever the version of the game i'm playing allowed for innate job point plus a skill which made grinding less of a chore the original had that problem right if you really wanted to grind you first needed the jp plus ability from the squire set to efficiently farm points which is dumb the game would be better served with even less grinding than what i put myself through this time because there's a lot of really cool stuff hidden away in the different job move pools but let's acknowledge it because i don't often hear it grinding is almost totally unnecessary with attention to tactics defensive play and picking efficient utility classes the early unlockable jobs stay relevant right the base melee job the squire has always useful buffs the base magic job the chemist can and should be used from start to finish i've personally run the early unlockable black and white mages in both my fft playthroughs and both knights and monks the early melee unlockable classes also have useful qualities and utility you don't have to plumb the depths to beat the game it just makes it easier but you can turn romsa into a highly mobile gravity-defying blood-hungering punch monk you know if you wanted to there's all kinds of crazy combos like the super gigabrain murder math wizard but even simple stuff will get the job done damn fft really out here validating the math kid granted strategy tactics this idea that the player is a scheming genius is kind of silly a lot of the end game comes down to nuking just find the biggest damage and deal it because many classes are cute many jobs have fun abilities but a lot a lot a lot of the game is generally unbalanced at least the base versions right if the goal becomes kill the boss character which really is most of the end game and the edgiest guy in the game literally teleports and he nothing personnel kids you with a katana the goal isn't hold hands and sing a healing kumbaya it's kill asap and a lot of jobs just can't step to that now in my usual eye rolling bid to feign intelligence i've decided to talk about the gameplay's major issues and stumbling blocks for newer players quality of life improvements were made in the port but if you're coming from one of the sequels you might be surprised to learn that you need individual characters to learn how to use the items you buy in the shop like buy the ability to use antidotes with job points which is crazy to me and means one character has the item skill in my party and only one dang too dumb to drink you hate to see it stats are mostly related to your equipment it's really important to equip the highest quality gear when you can so you can tack 40 hit points onto your life bar here and there it makes sense weird they didn't just make armor good for armor rating and it means item breaking skills have tactical value it just seems bizarre to tie hp to armor means mages get one shot properly one shot a lot more than you'd like i normally don't talk about small stuff like this but it'll tie into the sequel discussion another small thing but newer players will probably be put off by casting times like in the sequels you pick a spell and do it as one does but in fft you have to pick the prime delivery option and hope it goes off when you wanted to or read up on the count system and do the legwork as if oh and don't forget no takebacks if you say yes to that end user license agreement to move it's done you've moved don't you dare visually plan a strategy you dumb i didn't mention permadeath but that's there i actually like that aspect better pack some feathers bucko i have a hard time understanding why certain classes archer and dragoon have aim one to eight and jump whatever respectively as the near entirety of their skill trees it's too often that a whole class is full of trash skills and waddle was an opportunity to fix some of these generally they weren't the special version i'm on consolidated a lot of these bulk skills so you don't have to save up for the final version while never buying any skills for your shiny job touched up others but didn't break any ground in the base game many additional characters are ridiculously powerful notably orlando who i've never failed to use and who carries the end game by himself there's a broader discussion here involving jobs and even encounter design but the gist is balance isn't great and feels like a total afterthought by the end game in fact the version i'm on hotfixed the issue by nerfing orlando and overlevelling many endgame battles and it changes almost nothing granted it wasn't a full balance patch it's just crazy how little the game asks the player by then and while the end game is rife with idiotic bosses running into nukes the early game is equally rife with annoying ai controlled allies hurling themselves into certain death for no apparent reason you know it's bad when the ranged gunman runs headlong into the opposition and the mission ends if they die in a game where dying is three hits away thankfully the enhanced version lets me control the ai and it's not half bad and to give some credit to the ally computer the enemy ai is also terrible i actually almost lost this early fight on screen but the boss instead of killing me easily plunged into the water where they can't act so i stole all the treasure and dumbed them with lightning holy crap also the early games just way harder than most of the rest of it you know ai problems competitive enemies few skills randomly dying in random encounters it's a grinder until you learn but nothing really comes close to the zodiac system you see this you're looking at this you're not looking at this nope i'm telling you now it's like learning your favorite pokemons in pu tier sorry unranked tier because it sucks don't do it to yourself but i will tell you it impacts your compatibility with other units even though that's not real periodic table true etc so sometimes you just can't land revivals or buffs or heals on your allies and that's usually why stellar i don't bust the term out often these days but some of the battles are just bad game design like in this fight the ally ai runs into death to get too shot by the enemy assassins in the base game and you just have to reset and try again because whoops bad ai and yeah you know what let's talk y graph are you kidding me with this why graph is such an interesting understandable antagonist so naturally they gave him the old if you ever see that prompt turn and run to the nearest guidebook this game will force you to save through a series of gauntlet-style battles usually for significant plot battles undoing a dynasty that kind of thing only if you're on one save like i was the first time i played you can just lock yourself in an unwinnable save if you didn't pick a winning moveset against wycraft which is really easy the dude two shots you reliably there is no reaction angry pog whatever pax saves i wouldn't mind the back to back hard fights and really only wycraft stands out to me looking back it's just infuriatingly narrow design where only a handful of things work and not every player is going to queue in rest now relic of a bygone era and trouble the living no more even the story for as much good as it does fumbles the occasional scene we get the dive in front of a bullet bit which would be dramatic but the magical macguffin shown to be exclusively demonic previously simply decides it's holy if the owner is good so it resurrects the dead guy magic objects creating annoying moments and questions in fiction since the entirety of known history but i do love the story everyone walks away saying that was cool and i know it's been talked about to death but that ending though ramza left behind everything he was born into made enemies of his family the church the state all to find something worth fighting for trying desperately to make amends for his complacency protect those he could and in the end he loses absolutely everything his name dashed from history he dies or it's assumed he dies a hero protecting the people from the tyranny of a new status quo and the threat of demonic annihilation that part's a little unclear though deleta on the other hand roms's once friend turned machiavellian power player goes from lowborn to king and a handful of deadly political moves his name lauded by history and in the end he's stabbed to death by the wife he's groomed to be his queen and there it is did you get your end in all of this ramza or in the original ramza what did you get nothing really hits the same after that i've gone on a little too long none of this is to say that fft is a bad game or a perfect product it's partially the point of the video there's all kinds of little things that pile up even some huge glaring weaknesses but you don't remember the frustration in retrospect tactics is full of dynamic dramatic scenes and endless enjoyment mountains of content that captured a strong fan base for good reason and among the games in the series only one has inspired the level of interest that can turn an opinion prompt another play create endless patches and mods fft is a game as vital as its titan counters and to divulge more than i should while writing joke moments for the script i had almost twice as many for fft than any of the sequels fft is not a funny game and so it's an infinitely more remarkable game than its offspring it's tough but i promise it's worth it okay this is one hell of a change we got pizza cutter sword joint plates we've got the king of all rat tails been collecting smartphones i see you know the sequel final fantasy tactics advance on the gba is not a bad game if anything it's really good but propping it up next to its forebear does nothing for it and that's what we're here to do full disclosure this was my favorite game until i developed taste and it's my childhood comfort game i love it a lot but as some guy said every road is a turning that's the way you keep learning the story is nothing to talk about really and yet somehow one of the only things that still gets talked about the premise is a couple of kids hate their lives for some reasons some slightly better than others and through a magic book the world transforms to meet the whims of the kid with the book it gets accused of kidification which i once defended because it's just played in the snow and realistically it's a game boy game i don't think the political angle would be appropriate for kids but i can't even imagine what it's like being an old fan of the first and watching this come out in real time waiting for a true sequel and i'll get into it more later but it really does feel sort of small by comparison to be fair the kid's issues aren't nothing the protag doesn't have a dad or parental affection i guess his brother's in a wheelchair presumably very ill ritz here got bullied for having naturally white hair and had to dye it every day and mute the antagonist has a dead mom and an alcoholic father though they stripped that bit from the english release there's a sick joke here about the english version carrying on the spirit of too dumb to drink but i don't have the power so the world changes overnight and a couple of things become really apparent the stakes are low because the world has game rules now you know you can't die if you pick a fight and the mechanics support that vision of the world it's kind of depressing we've gone from a game with enormous stakes to soft in a single stroke mind you it's a different team but matsuno still played a huge part in the development it's unfortunate but let's see the good it does while it's a lot more colorful there's a heap of races to pick units from each with interesting and unique jobs with the occasional shared profession i like that it's committed to diversity even if most of the jobs are bunk almost all of the skills are useless minus two to three per job and among those almost all are outclassed by something or another several have the most abominable stat growths imaginable that can permanently damage your character's potential but the lizards though but the game's easy enough that it won't really matter who even cares right i mean it's true that the assassin has amazing growths a lot of killer skills pun extremely intended access to multiple weapon types for utility but to be fair you have to work a little bit for it and honestly even if you're rocking the totally awful banga bishop it will not stop you from winning there's a clan system too marsh enters the fantasy world and dives right in you can capture territory and the pull to play the game comes from the promise of power there's loads of quests at the pub so much to unlock and churn through you'll be too busy getting a handle on everything to worry about story progression the rpg bits are significantly toned down this time you can grind but you shouldn't have to ever you can efficiently acquire new abilities you don't need a job point booster you can unlock all jobs in a few hours if you're trying basically the system was streamlined with one major difference skills are affixed to weapons and armor just equipping them lets you use the skill until it's mastered forever and you can equip something else it's good for granting you immediate access on equip but that's about it note that the rpg progression in this game is about drip feeding items to the player through quests it doesn't really care what you use and most nukes are saved for the very late game so little game breaking will happen until the credits roll the game was blasted for being easy but it's deeper than that simple condemnation ffta is easy because like the universe presented the stakes are nil you're playing a game i used to appreciate the quality of life changes and they are helpful but i never want to go back and play this over the original kind of reminds me of the dumbed down fighting game paradox but i'll give you some examples there's no death outside of some very specific zones your units are in no real danger spells go off instantly no waiting around or pre-planning involved you can take back as many moves as you want before hitting the action button which is useful for visualizing a turn before it happens helpful spells like buffs and revives never miss your white mage cannot screw it up when you kill dudes you collect judge points that you can spend on combo moves or destructive tokema powers that hit the full enemy team the totema just totally trivialized battles if you go out of the way to collect enough judge points and in case you don't know accuracy is pretty iffy in this installment for melee attacks worse than the last game though blocking isn't a thing anymore so using combo moves solo can give a character a free full damage unmissable hit which is what i did with the main character a lot when i needed a kill confirm oh and the stars themselves aren't conspiring to destroy you so what does all that amount to nearly every battle is without drama lacking the oath moment hardly any meaningful reactive play occurs or emergent strategy i bring my loadouts in my loadouts perform the battle is done jags never dying the new races and unique jobs for each the relatively few story characters the clan system and turf wars final fantasy tactics as a series even including the first game is more a game of making your party getting nerdy about your team than big brains strategy ffta just said it out loud and doubled down at least you can play my favorite mini game bully bows by cornering a hapless ai and thunking fully drawn arrows point blank through their torso but what if you couldn't play bully bows laws the most criticized system of ffta there's a judge on every map new laws every day breaking the law gets you a yellow card if you're lucky in a red card that sends you to jail really fun to game over like that in theory the law system is great because the game sorely needs the design of restriction to create emergent strategies right otherwise i'm just going to do my normal thing every game the problem is the list is once removed from gameplay you're probably not paying attention and it mostly results in resets rather than new strategies because the player can manipulate them you can set and remove laws with lock cards if you bother with that sub system but otherwise you can just kind of walk around the map till you get the laws you like without them the game would be almost totally dedicated to quality of life but it might just be a nothing game after a few runs of your favorite team setup now again using laws to your advantage is part of the point not just restriction and is perhaps the closest thing any of these games do that even resembles grand strategy but i can say after at least four playthroughs that i almost never bothered except in two instances the infamous ultima fight where turning charm illegal fries the ai like an egg in a pan and making holy illegal for one of the bosses that's it i actually have more fun pitting my team against whatever the enemy team is to see who's strongest with all moves available but that's the fantasy the game's selling it wants you to be your own powerful unique clan so the law system has its good points definitely comes from a good place but mostly ends up glossed an annoyance with the gameplay out of the way i want to get back into the story discussion because it isn't bad for the most part i still despise that any political narrative is dashed except for one scene where judges overstep their bounds ezell the anti-lawmaker mentions that he's doing it to annoy the judges because it's fun not purely for the people but to make a buck man this game is the sequel to the original fft you teach yourself up but the bat was foam anyway for the bulk of the game marsh spends his time wanting to go home seeking out the threads that bind the world and undoing them by force he's got wants motivations and chooses to execute the other characters while their time away enjoying the fantasy because the escape was their wants and their motivation largely ends at that i really dislike some of the conclusions i came to in my older video celebi still even today i get pissed off thinking about this game because it's the most unsatisfying thing in the world like i'm so happy for marsh right he goes through genuine character developments while his friends languish but at no point do i want to be marsh and i do get it mute conjuring this world is an illusion and marsh taking him to face his problems is effectively an act of compassion marsh ending the fabrication that cast mutes bullies as zombies is an act of compassion for all intents and purposes marsh is right but i don't need to know that marsh is right like thank you melvin could you get back to me on two plus two thank god marsha was right about sid going sober in the epilogue you know at this point i've written about six large paragraphs and deleted every one of them because i can't interface with this stuff in a satisfying way the best way to think about the story is marsh did the right thing then stop thinking don't talk parameters premises anything the game hardly explains the full extent of what happened to the world when it changed too many questions are lingering and frankly none of this is half as important or meaningful as what goes on in the previous installment it's just not worth the time so the story works but it's uniquely interesting for putting the player in the role of the off button if i had to pick a couple underrated things about this game they'd be that mute despite doing awful things is never treated as irredeemable even shows up in the next game and lednar twem the terrible anime self-insert version of mute looks like marsh because mute thinks that highly of the guy it's very telling that he defends himself with the likeness of the person who's coming to shatter his dream world ultimately it hits a nice payoff for a quiet story with that i probably won't be going back nice while it lasted though oh i'm getting hype oh i'm getting hype fft and name alone the final installment bears resemblance to the mechanics of the original and that's about it it follows the last game nicely for the most part but even then it's a disturbing road to walk for a series that was once interested in examinations of privilege and social systems even in small ways ffta2 is good but mostly because it's a master of what its predecessor started let's start with the pro tag your boy lusso he writes in library books you lusso superfluous design huh i hope that's not reflected in game pizza sword questionable chain shamrock and ladybug so many plates and what's that combat heels bro so what sets this kid apart from marsh well marsh apologizes for saying slurs and lusso really puts his back into it he might come from a weird parental situation but he's got friends he's doing cleanup for tardiness there's not a lot going on with the character and that's what the game's selling not some tale of escapism or anything lusso goes to a fantasy world by some improbable means and has a fun adventure doesn't even really want to go back just pops in signs up with a clan adventure and i have to stress the story's intentions here because the ancient magical wizard tells him the trick to going home is filling up his magic book which self-writes journal entries when he goes out and experiences things well that's a good thing because i'm not sure this kid is really past functionally literate man he even has the plot's blessing to screw around in fantasyland look it it really is fine it's fine but the pedigree so adventure it is like before you're building a clan completing quests and leveling up but there's a few other things going on things like clan territory and the auction house that you don't need to engage with but can grant minute bonuses here and there you can collect clan titles that confer abilities and other nerdy garbage no one cares about what's really going on is the player is weaker than the previous games out of the box significantly so and to power up to an acceptable level you gotta do a lot of footwork on every major front of the rpg trying to run the game straight will run you straight into a brick wall it's sneaky about it let's get into how people have called me crazy about this but the basics of combat have changed enough in ways that look good but amount to a gameplay deep freeze in the other games attack damage didn't fluctuate too much if at all depending on the angle of your attack only the accuracy of the attack ffta2 said well that's stupid and altered the mechanics so you do extra damage from behind about half from the front and normal damage from the sides everything has a bigger health pool than the previous game what ends up happening throughout the early game is the player gets stuck wading through these extremely muddy dragged out low damage battles against a bunch of boring enemies or generic monsters on an already slow system and that's to say nothing of the mana recharge thing like you used to have all your mana up front now it just slowly trickles in at 10 per turn so hold the nuke chum i frequently sped the game up via unknown means to get it functioning at an acceptable level it's so slow it hurts especially because only one of four attack angles yields reasonable damage good way to make low damage bows effective though i guess beyond that mastering abilities is noticeably slower and to speed it up you've got to make it through a certain point of the game here's something good this title is head and shoulders above its predecessors in available races jobs viable class combos interesting abilities etc though it's less wacky than you know ignoring terrain and i'd rather play with fft builds but there's still a lot here either way it's full of so much cool stuff so much charm beautiful effects the works but the absolute swamp your average player has to trudge through to reach the payoff is so mind-bogglingly deep and rancid that i insist you play the pc version and insist on cheating if necessary in the old days coming home and playing it during free time in high school was fine but man i got things to do i can't be wasting three hours of my day trying to master thundaga you feel me the early game for me really culminated in this one small battle it wasn't even a story mission and it took 44 in-game minutes for an early skirmish because the enemies were competitive with my level my gear was average and the enemy damage sponge parked himself on the one path up facing forward for that half damage and my jump number was low no way around it it only ended because i got lucky with a few sleep spells and managed to chunk down the remaining enemies but for the love of god and i lost a couple units that's the trick it wasn't mind-numbingly slow and boring it was mind-numbingly slow and boring and dangerous they could deal damage had ranged attacks it was the grindiest thing i experienced the whole game and it almost captured that feeling fft did so often putting the fear of god into me but instead of taking 15 minutes well and all of that crap fades by end game there's so many fun ways to break the game over your knee and just start nuking guys it's almost a sad fate for the one installment where status ailments consistently work and are often better than just chunking dudes sad for a game with so many utility moves naturally gotta hand it to the ranger i used to think ew okay that's not cool nice poker hambo but oh no he can turn an x-potion into 400 damage the strongest most reliable nuke that early in the game turns encounters into a snap cheesy yes necessary for time on that note even with nukes the level design tends to play more of a role in this installment than the previous game anyway mountainous terrain can make for interesting battles with restricted paths even if they drag a bit with low move and low jump did that bishop just jump down into an invisible trap and get charmed what the hell is this game ffta barely cared about its environment there were so many flat planes and nothing levels and while fft did it was mostly early on when you and the enemies were closer in power level enough that tactical terrain use was a factor at least this one sometimes presents a challenge and i do mean this unironically the old it's good if you spend the 20 hours to get into it because it has so many things to do so many challenges lots of post game content for the truly interested and the classes have never been cooler i mean it fumbles in all kinds of ways this one mughal class is straight garbage and plenty just suck out right but it's probably the ultimate optimizable final fantasy tactics game if you're a high power level min maxer but that's nerdier than this show likes to get and the law system changed enough for the better i think that it deserves a few words you can't go to jail for breaking the law you just lose your judge's protection and any bonuses selected at the start of the fight furthermore you can't revive any units that die after the law is broken it's mostly disadvantageous to break the law but it gives you flexibility if you think you can handle a battle without those protections sometimes the laws are just outright stupid like no attacking lower level units weird choice in a game that loves grinding actually there's a whole host of ridiculous laws that aren't random at least in story missions and the idea is along with the geographical considerations that the game is designed a lot more deliberately than before and it can be but it really isn't either here's an integrated gameplay story critique very little about ffta2 has any weight to it like occasionally you might sympathize with the character's struggles but not too much nothing compared to the other games so when cutscenes involving assassins and a criminal organization crop up you'd think the game was turning mature but no oh no any political thing is spoken of in the vegas terms possible the villain isn't motivated by anything interesting like that and instead of having some high stakes battles against these chuckle funds you get a flat battlefield where the gunman runs headlong into his very timely demise this really is like fft holy crap in fact most of the story missions feel disconnected and get gummed up by a ton of add-on characters that i mean why does alcid even exist we already have a sid go home vaughn and penelo are here for some reason and they're important maybe you know i beat this a couple weeks ago and i have no idea why they're here it's a very forgettable story it's not a tangle of sophistication it doesn't pose a question there is no inquiry it's friends good decent message but the pedigree though i do appreciate luso when he's not choking on adventure constantly screwing with the prissy thief character of superhuman talent whose backstory is dead parents and i hated being better at everything than everybody really well i'm sorry to hear that maybe you could channel some of your talent into improving the world yeah i didn't think so too busy stealing from people it's a game to feel mixed on i mean the villain has a great design but her motivation can be chalked up to i'm the hero of the story even though i do functionally bad things because i'm better than other people and i have a book you also have a book so when i kill you and break your book my story will be complete go away the ending doesn't really deserve comment either lusso came saw learned went home he didn't need to overcome some awful character flaw he just saved the fantasy world but we already knew what we signed up for final fantasy is in the title ffta2 has great ideas sometimes great combat sometimes great additions a weaker story and an everest climb to get the good stuff the people who pay their dues will have him returned with interest everyone else doesn't bother or leaves before ever knowing the highs it's the tragedy of the game final fantasy tactics was razor sharp and while grinding was annoying its totality was masterful it's the game that could entertain openly bad design in a few key places and sit at the top of the mountain regardless fft cut deep and fast the sequels burn low and long and nowadays they're practically embers they all have some value i'm not here to sneer like a bygone era cynic still there's fan interest these games aren't without love but it's pretty apparent where the series high was what struck the most resonant chord and it feels every year like we lose a bit of relevance i'm a huge fan of this series i want to scream about it till my throat's raw i want to see a game hit that hard again be as remarkable again but you know for games measured in pixels and squares nobody really seems to care hey it's kbash special thanks goes out to my four dollar patrons whose names are on the screen the show's on its way somewhere good thanks to the community's generosity and special thanks goes out to my extra generous patrons who are andy blarg azero basement dweller beverage crisp boha brandon brios cal can i cuss on here caesar t cordent chris a cody golden corgi the lad couch moba cw glass works kyle lapreed daddy dagoth dakota storm jones dondium danky stank swanky make dara david castillo den head dylan coffey annex aesthetico exa frankenstitch glyph seeker guard corey gucci plant hatsune miku's crack house harkaj heyman gamin station huey ingenious clown irradiated cherries ice kyle jason lasky jaden jay das john weber joke frog keegan too cool keith myers clocked creden crazy dark chocolate latrix laundry mom lego sid lawn magical madman marculese maximilian wolfgang kniver milky moo official michelanius mr dadongo nito torpedo oh burgle old man cranberry only lk pink peacock quasar mcdougall quinn reasonable willow reggie rodriguez ricochet frame saggy trash siren smells good salty smasher sekai no awarida shod simp god slagathor sleepy wabbit special children spooky gramolkin squishword sublime cataclysm super catsanova super sandwich guy tfy lex the big bubby the salt knight they call me gambit thrips heart drop travis edwards twiddle chungus v01156 venom vice pop viewers like you vic walter taggart waposa weeb trash well yay kundo zachary v zanasso zane the impure zane the pure zed slayer gamer if you'd like to help support the show and make it even better check out my patreon we've got all kinds of goals and lots of rewards in store stay tuned for more k bash out
Channel: KBash
Views: 151,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kbash, k bash, fft, ffta, ffta2, fft review, ffta review, ffta2 review, final fantasy tactics retrospective, ffta analysis, ffta2 analysis, srpg, trpg, war of the lions, wotl, grimoire of the rift, tactics games
Id: 9yoCaQQsu9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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