The Final Fantasy Tactics Iceberg Explained

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in our last video we discussed the various obscure final fantasy games that aren't part of the mainline series in this video i'll be branching into one of the most beloved offshoots in the franchise with epic tactical battles on three-dimensional isometric fields a rich storyline on par with the best of them and characters that rival the depth of the other greats in the series this is the final fantasy tactics iceberg [Music] japanese sound novels in final fantasy tactics you can send your party members off to side missions this essentially makes them disappear for a few days and they come back with more experience job points artifacts and wonders in the localized version of the game the artifacts are a bit of an extra thing to find since they do not have any in-game effect and just serve as references however things are different in the japanese version of the game as certain artifacts in that version unlock sound novels which are similar to choose your own adventure game books the sound novels include adventures that serve as the history of evolus which is much needed context for the game's unique world unfortunately not only was this cut out of the localized versions of the game this was not even restored in the psp port of the game which is supposed to be the enhanced version the introduction of evolus evolus is a fictional world which is a part of the final fantasy franchise and even if you haven't played final fantasy tactics chances are that you have heard of evolus nonetheless final fantasy tactics is the first game to introduce players to the world of ivolus and it's a crucial part of its storyline but this was just the beginning of something larger eviless alliance is the name of a project that square enix started and it included a bunch of different games that are either set in that world or reference it tactics tactics advance and even the mainline final fantasy xii are set in the world of eviless while an unrelated game called vagrant story was a part of this alliance too a fan of queen the game director of final fantasy tactics is a fan of the classic queen band and this can be seen in several of his works for example the video game's ogre battle the march of the black queen and tactics ogre let us cling together are both references to queen songs but game titles is not the only place where he placed those references in as the fourth chapter of final fantasy tactics is called somebody to love which is yet another reference to a song by the band queen [Music] biblical parallels final fantasy tactics has a few biblical parallels in its storyline that are not very subtle once paid attention to the most notable one is the fact that the story of saint ajura has many similarities to the story of jesus christ both of the characters were a part of a prophecy were betrayed by a close disciple received antagonism from a religious sect and were executed by the authority of the time ironically the requirements for resurrecting the character and his ultimate goal are more similar to the antichrist rather than jesus himself who for those unaware is someone who is meant to pretend to be jesus christ but is in fact an impostor who is meant to bring chaos lastly the character called germanique is similar to judas who was the disciple that betrayed jesus in the bible culturally rich the ability that idol can use in final fantasy tactics which draws the spirit out of a katana is actually filled with references to many real world samurai culture and the japanese sword making community it is believed that a quality blade is made with the complete spirit and focus of its maker and that it's almost as if their soul is passed onto the blade once its creation is completed eventually the one who can wield that blade to its full potential has to match its spirit which is something that final fantasy tactics references directly as every soul of a katana in the game has a historic or legend related basis in the lore the big fan of apocalypse now apocalypse now is a very iconic movie from hollywood which is quite lengthy and is filled with more memorable moments than one could count final fantasy tactics includes many references to the movie as each deep dungeon level is named after something related to it for example n-o-g-i-a-s is saigon spelled backwards which is the opening location of the movie horror refers to the iconic line the horror the horror spoken by colonel kurtz mlapan is napalm spelled backwards which is a reference to a line from the movie every other deep dungeon level is named after something from the movie too and one interesting thing to note for gamers is that the video game spec ops the line is also based on the same book as apocalypse now final fantasy throwbacks final fantasy tactics is filled to the brim with references to other final fantasy games simpler references include things like the chocobo forest which was first introduced in final fantasy 2. bacchus's wine which is a recurring item in the series the chaos shrine the crystal tower the tower of babel the character of bibles the floating continent and more but some of the references have relevance to the gameplay itself as you can unlock secret characters that both provide side quests to complete and join your party as a playable character once their conditions are met the most notable examples are cloudstrife who is the iconic protagonist of final fantasy vii and balthier who is a playable character from final fantasy xii something exclusive to the playstation portable version of the game is that you can even play as the main protagonist of final fantasy tactics a2 japanese music test in the japanese version of final fantasy tactics if you set your character's name as bgm kai kai ta-i it unlocks a music test section where you can listen to various tracks from the game's audio files [Music] unfortunately this does not work on the localized versions of the game invisibility farming exploit when you are invisible in the game you can farm experience and job points by constantly jumping on a dead enemy or ally the game does not understand that the target was dead and considers removing the invisibility status as the first priority which allows the player to receive the points even though they're not supposed to japanese score challenge mode another feature that is exclusive to the japanese version of the game is the score challenge mode what the player needs to do is to obtain the book of life in chapter 2 and then stop reading the book before the good ending is reached read through the book once more and this will take you to the hidden score challenge mode which lets you play the chocobo race sequence for money the reason behind these japanese features being cut from the localized port is unknown but fans speculate that it is due to time constraints duplicating weapons and items glitch there are two duplication glitches and final fantasy tactics the first one is in relation to powerful weapons that you can obtain in the game such as the excalibur and save the queen the way to do this is to get the two sword skill and change the character who has that skill to a knight then equip the weapon in the left hand and a weak shield in the right hand and head to any castle then use best fit on that character and a menu will pop up that says you are buying the weapon that you were trying to duplicate if you choose yes you will have two of that weapon going forward the second glitch is related to the items of gufgarian who joins your party as a guest in chapter two in the battle at zyre kyle falls you are betrayed by the character and once you defeat him his equipment becomes a part of your inventory but you can have duplicates of his items if you just steal it during the xyre kyle battle itself dummied content like any other video game final fantasy tactics has a lot of cut content that was either left out because the developers thought it won't work or because of time constraints however an interesting thing about tactics is that a lot of the cut content is still in the game's files and some of it can even be reactivated using game shark two artifacts called the leo and virgo zodiac stones can be obtained in the game then we have 6 unused battlefields some of which are unfinished and glitched out a fuse but some of them are playable enough if the player accesses them the perfectly playable battlefields which have little to no glitches are the hospital and slums wardily's trade city and gate of limbury castle the ones that are unfinished are inside castle gate at lazalia outside castle gate at lazalia and main street of lazalia as they are glitchy when played in aside from the artifacts and battlefields further dummied content includes many unused abilities an area of the map that cannot be accessed a flying animation for every monster that is unused yet still available on their sprite sheet job classes that are not used in the game but have descriptions and stats and three events that can only be seen by using a game shark the job classes can be reactivated and some of them work perfectly fine within battle but some of them are glitchy an interesting thing to note is that the game thinks every character that shows up in the game has a job which means that npcs are included too the lost character a character called elegant flyer has an unused sprite in tactics which shows on the job menu if you try to use cheats to activate teta as a party member instead of seeing teta this dark skinned girl appears instead and no one has any idea who this is supposed to be the identity of this character remained a mystery until yasumi matsuno revealed on twitter that the character was supposed to be called yasumi matsuno and her age was going to be of 23 years however not much is known about her otherwise as matsuno claims that he does not remember anything else about this character fans theorize that this character might be a younger version of rafa who might have been used in a flashback sequence secret agrees oak scene although the cut content that was lost in localization of final fantasy tactics was still missing from the playstation portable version of the game there is some new content that has been added to it to make up for it agrees oaks is one of the most iconic characters of tactics and it's no surprise that she was chosen as the character to have a new scene in the game's enhanced port however the scene is kept a secret and can only be seen with very specific conditions which means that many players ended up missing it you'd have to reach the final chapter of the game and you need to have half a million pieces of gill in alicia lavion and mustadio in your party if you reach a city on the first day of cancer a scene will play out in which mestadio buys agri as a birthday gift this scene both implies that mystadio has feelings for her and reveals the birth date of the character for those who want to know everything about it a true fate of ramza the true fate of ramza and alma is left unknown as we last see them riding chocobos and they were trapped in another dimension which then proceeded to explode and made players think that the characters might have died and oren who wrote the events of the game from his account is not sure if the people he saw were ramza and alma to begin with although there is no sequel to the game that reveals ramsay's fate nor do we have any confirmation from square enix themselves fortunately the creator of the game himself ended up revealing the character's true fate on a twitter post he answered a question on the topic and told the fans that ramza is not dead and is properly alive and he must have started another adventure in a different land the infamous time mage a glitch in final fantasy tactics allowed players to encounter a male time mage on the first floor when trying to complete the midnight's deep dungeon and if you kill this mage they use the female death scream sound but what's even weirder is that if you make the time mage join your party they retain this odd mixture of genders as this time mage we'll use male job sprites but all of the items and classes meant exclusively for the females can be used too and if you transform this mage into the dancer class they look like the bard but still have all of the dancer abilities this unit is referred to as drag queen by the fans of the game and it was believed to be intended until it was removed in the playstation portable port of the game which confirmed that this mage was just a glitch in the original version of tactics ramses knows a light-hearted debate in the final fantasy tactics fan base is related to ramza since he has appeared in several mobile games in the final fantasy franchise long after the release of tactics in the tactics art style no character has a nose even though the rest of the features are properly defined so when he was added in the new games namely the dissidia final fantasy series he did have a nose and this caused a controversy as the fans started to complain that the character should not have a nose hilariously the designer of that game revealed that there was some serious internal discussion regarding whether to give ramza a nose or not fan theories as with any final fantasy game there are many fan theories on the internet revolving around tactics and some of them are very plausible too first off we have the fan theory regarding ramza and alma's fate until it was confirmed by the creator himself people had to theorize whether he survived or not and the popular theory did lean towards his great escape and if ramsay managed to get away then it goes without saying that almost certainly did too then we have the resurrecting lucavi theory which says that after being mortally wounded by ramza ygraph is resurrected by making a pact with velius and the two merge by using the power of the aries stone alukhov would then be born and the merged y graph and velius would be able to transform between their human shell and their true form once their new body is created but they can no longer regenerate from deadly injuries like they could in the past another theory reflects upon resurrecting humans as malik dies from a gunshot rafa crouches next to his body in grief and the taurus stone she holds begins to hum ramza thinks a new lucavi is about to be born through the body of malak but a bright light shines from above and restores malak to life as human fans believe that the holy stones react specifically to the extreme emotional distress of who is holding them and shows that rafa and the luchavi themselves are very different since with the lucavia it responds to anger resentment and a survival instinct whereas for rafa it responded to loss and sorrow [Music]
Channel: Maker
Views: 84,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy, iceberg explained, final fantasy tactics, final fantasy tactics advance, final fantasy tactics war of the lions, final fantasy tactics switch, final fantasy tactics a2, FFT, Ramza Beoulve, Boco, Mustadio Bunansa, Agrias Oaks, Rapha Galthena, Marach Galthena, Count Cidolfus Orlandeau, Ladd, Lavian, Alicia, Beowulf Cadmus, Reis Duelar, Cloud Strife, Luso, Balthier, Alma Beoulve, Orran Durai, Goffard Gaffgarion, Delita Heiral, Argath Thadalfus, princess ovelia
Id: 197lPk8XhC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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