Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII - All Cutscenes/ The Movie (Remastered) 1080p

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report evac complete all injured hip and move to the transports okay let's get out of here just remember to keep on guard until you're clear at the red zone finished but you fee I want you to check the Mach Oh cannon just as I thought hold on hold on this is crazy there's no way anybody can be up there no UV rendezvous with cloud and the others it looks like I still have some work to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] we meet again [Music] Lucrezia [Music] I'm so sorry why I'm the one who should apologize [Music] [Applause] three weeks ago our crew left for Midgar however the group's whereabouts still remain unknown what really happened down there tonight for the first time we bring you the final transmission receipt before all contact was lost this story has remained sealed there are no records of this place located deep beneath the Shinra building another of the company's secrets revealed recently according to investigative reports there is evidence that thousands of people were once transported here if rumors of the Shinra company conducting human experiments are true then this may be where those nefarious deeds were carried out to bring you this exclusive footage Channel 7 News has teamed up with volunteer organization [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what the heck was that [Applause] get in there [Music] [Music] what's going on found you now where am I supposed to meet Reeve then sent Valentine we found you is this the one yes the protomateria tell us where it is [Music] Hey voice challenge accepted this way luck is on your side [Music] I'm sorry I am assumed we will meet again what happened here Vincent Valentine are you alright mmm-hmm breathe nice to see you again not a very interesting outfit though it took me a while to decide which costume I'd put on for today but enough of the small talk who were those soldiers that just left I don't know the large organ called himself Azul Azul the cerulean of this Viet then that could only mean commissioner we'll discuss this later WRO troops have arrived and commenced rescue operations that could use your help Vincent breathe I don't know what you're up to but I want absolutely no part of it but you fought alongside us three years ago we need your help once more breathe now is a close one but was good at fighting luckily I came out wearing the real you're really not a bad bloke are you Vincent oh yeah pretend not to care but you always come through the end all right what do you want me to do let's run those labs I don't I'll leave the method up to you when you've tidy things up meet me at the square in front of the East Church [Music] mr. Vincent Valentine I'm an officer with the world with Genesis organization speak with me of you require any assistance [Music] it's the East Church just passed these buildings hurry during the area over here [Music] [Music] [Music] good work Vincent the enemy is retreating it seems they have finally begun their withdrawal from Kong good however we still require your assistance [Music] reports our edge is under attack [Music] hey toss me another clip where did everyone go who the hell are you speeds yesterday breathe who were those men deep ground soldiers deepground yes the shadow of the Shinra company constructed by the former president and completely hidden from the rest of the world constructed his goal was to create an army of superhuman warriors not once letting morality interfere the man you met earlier Azul is also a member of deep ground but he belongs to an elite unit known as this yet the whole organization was kept a secret that's why there's so little information on it however it's nothing like I expected not even a person in New York position was informed no other than the President himself the only people who knew of deep grounds existence were most likely Heidegger Scarlett and ahead of biochemical research Oh Joe after the president's death the transfer of power to his son was carried out so quickly I doubt Rufus was ever briefed on the project as for me I was told the information was on a need-to-know basis and as an official in charge of urban development I guess I wasn't on their list all the Intel we currently have on deep ground was only discovered recently when we came across some of Scarlett's old files Benson have you heard of the mass disappearances that occurred recently in June huh I remember the report saying that 20 or 30 people suddenly vanished that's what the report would like you to believe it was determined internally that if the truth was leaked they wouldn't be able to contain the inevitable path the actual number of people that went missing that day was 1,200 1,200 people simply vanished without a single trace the WRO conducted a private investigation that we came up empty-handed except for the rumors since the June on disappearances people and edge have been on edge they say that night after night you can hear screams coming from the direction of midday could it be the wind let me ask you does the wind sound like a thousand whaling schools listen can you hear rise commissioner the rogue transmission is being broadcast on all wavelengths last the time has come to cleanse this world the pure will be spared for the cones while the tainted will be hunted down and exterminated they shall be smashed and strangled slaughter stabbed and crushed garroted and him and executed merci the time has come [Music] where could that signal happen what was that Nordhaus I'll take care of your bedroom just keep driving who's this visit are you alright I'll be fine but that's more than I can say for the engine Vince if possible I want you to continue on to edge that transmission we just saw troubles me once I have repaired the shadow fox I'll need to return to headquarters the WRO Squad has already been dispatched to edge join them and help liberate the city I guess I have no choice [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm golden yeah after them without mercy I wonder if this movie has opened [Music] you're WRO news Aston Vincent Valentine Reeve sent me my apologies Chenoa ruin of the WRO the commissioner has told me much about me what happened here that's what I'd like to know I'm here another business something is not right I've seen no trace of Keith Brown or the squads that were sent in to fight them all so where are the five hundred people who are supposed to still be living here [Music] this is getting us nowhere like I said I have visit I'll see around business the Commissioner keeps telling me I'm wasting my time my time searching searching for what for my reason to live buh-bye culture in red ah right up where or gathering civilians [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the warehouse I I know how to get there [Music] let's do that game [Music] you have the car key [Music] come on I know someone who does follow me there that you let you through right thanks kid avenge I couldn't shoot mom and dad right but I I couldn't bring I was too scared but but please please help me offense their debt you know this is the first time I've ever felt the rain on my skin but then again I haven't even seen this guy music [Music] [Music] of the protomateria proto the key to controlling we know you have and it's over now anoche not one to work and then time to die [Music] Lucretia [Music] why [Music] awake [Music] [Music] I'm so sorry talk why did you let this happen silence you Wow why can't these people just keep quiet ah my finished [Music] yes failures [Music] well look who's awake hold on I'll release you where am i safe inside the WRO headquarters I carried you back here from edge after you collapse during your fight with deep ground it seems like the beast inside you went a little wild back there this happened often went wild do you mean chaos chaos your body harbors the chaos gene oh so that explains your relationship with dr. Lucrezia Crescent were you the product of one of her experiments Luke retzius experiments I apologize that wasn't what I meant wait Lucrezia was researching chaos don't tell me you didn't know pressin general class a scientist specializing in biotechnology in her research thesis the planets pulse she refers to chaos is one of the sentient Zeno forms residing among us however the theories that she presented in her work were so extracting class members I'm so sorry a week are you alright can I see that thesis unfortunately no on top of being obscure it was never even submitted to the Xinhua database all I know is what I saw while going through the company's archives Vincent have you recovered already [Music] what is the status of our keeper his location remains unchanged since the confrontation we can assume this is the WRO headquarters good two birds with one stone [Music] so Rosso the Crimson told you that protomateria is the key to controlling Omega yeah any ideas soul rot of Terra corrupt quelling impurity purging the stream de Becque and forth and ultimate fate behold mighty chaos Omega Squire to the lofty heavens where'd you a passage from dr. crescents thesis but that's all I know unfortunately I only saw a fragment of the document however chaos Omega and [Music] all seem to be connected to dr. Crescent in some way there's no other explanation I think we'll need to gather more data on her to get anywhere [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] Remus featuring the enemy has breached the main gate fine what in crimpy mr. Valentine [Music] don't worry I'll be fine here but Vincent this Viet Azul is still on the loose [Music] [Music] don't move very perceptive of you I knew it Shelke [Music] I have no acquaintances in the WRO we've we both changed so much no you've you haven't changed at all [Music] not in 10 years joke it's me Chenoa I've been I've been searching for you for so long [Music] don't take another step shel it doesn't matter who I am or who you are my current mission as a deep ground soldier is all that is relevant no it doesn't matter even though ten years have passed you're still soaked my only sister [Music] ten years has it been that long the day they came to take me away I was told I had potential but those words were nothing but a precursor to a decade of suffering they manipulated my mind until I was a shadow of my original self the pain the fear for ten years I lived in Hell far deeper then any you could imagine but look at me I should be 19 this year if I don't receive my daily dose of maca this body wouldn't last a day [Music] however I don't consider myself the least bit unfortunate except that for so long I held on to a foolish threat of hope that someday someone would come to save me [Music] it's time to put the past behind us stop this Reve 2sd so you are sure Lewis younger sister excellent now I can terminate both of you at work at her that's the price Julia has paid fighting Shinra for the past ten years she has given more than her arm more than her eye she has put her life on the line time and time again all defines her lost sister more than half her organs have been reconstructed not a day goes by which lower doesn't suffer the pain 100 souls stills cheap enough I I've heard enough [Music] [Music] Vince you use these joke joke don't worry the bullets will only sedate her let Vincent handle this [Music] [Music] [Music] we meet again answer me this do you know why you even exist [Music] hey just as I thought ignorant to your own destiny very well I'll show him what you really are you think that toy can penetrate my armor enough of the games fits it give me the protomateria visit over here got Ron visit you shouldn't believe those things lying around [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] you have broken through my barrier this ends here leave him to me the law has it been since I faced worthy opponents you may think this is the end but where you knee behind wait shinrock manner but that is where understood however be on your guard we have reports of deep ground units deployed in that area [Music] if you wish to enter the manor one piece I suggest you use the sewer system extending from the old mokou reactor sewer how appropriate is that now as for me my feline companion it's time we found out what deep ground is truly up to [Music] [Applause] looks like I'm not the only one here [Music] you Vincent Valentine reporting for duty ma'am have been assigned your protection no why would they send his excuse me uh oh I apologize this is the first time I have ever met anyone from the Turks lucrezia crisped pleased to make your acquaintance mr. Valentine [Music] [Music] this has got to be the place yes [Applause] whoa Lorna blazes is growing down there uh sure of souls my Omega ebrill disable [Music] [Music] Lucrezia Vincent [Music] right [Music] have you come to check up on me [Music] Omega his Awakening is upon us [Music] so rod of Terra Cotta quelling impurity purging the stream - back and forth an ultimate fate behold mighty chaos we'll make us fly up to the lofty heavens [Music] I came across this passage while studying the Scriptures that the ancients The Chronicles of you are Omega the end just as all others that you mean however is another purpose to [Music] just as life circulates through our planet judith our planet through the universe or at least in theory however what I can be if omega awakens then online this video [Music] and his journey to the cosmos [Music] I will leave a copy of my records here for you Vincent though I I cannot imagine what help they might be if any at all just remember [Music] I am so sorry [Music] Lucrezia this pain well well we need again this is perfect I so wanted to see you my love deepground what are they attempting to do with Omega I don't know and to be honest I don't care what but this is what vice desires hail vice [Music] in what vice orders we do it is very simple if he desires the awakening of Omega then that is what all of deep growl we could care less what happens the diploma but all this matters little to me it's not every penny you're granted a chance to cleanse the world of all life [Music] just the thoughts and the chill of excitement through my the deep ground soldiers were born and bred to kill we were chained to a destiny of servitude but then three years ago we were freed from our chains the waiting for us was darkness lit only by the faint glow of Marco and what do you think we did when we gained the freedom [Music] we cute that is how we were raised that is all we knew and so I bathed in the blood of a thousand soldiers and I enjoyed it I reveled in it when I finally stepped out of the abyss I craved for more you understand right I don't think so how can you say that [Music] [Music] I'm sorry were you not expecting [Music] [Music] you cannot control the Beast without this there will be no need for it when I'm [Music] [Music] mootai flee if you managed to survive that wound I'll make sure you don't survive the next one [Music] is it true is what true that Lucrezia that dr. Crescent is to take part in this project it's true why are you so surprised but using your own child for an experiment ha I don't know what you're implying but both of us are scientists we know what we are doing you are the last person to have any word in this now leave us at once boy but but what ah if you have something to say say it are you are you sure this is what you really want am i sure am I sure if this only concerns me then yes I am sure oh I I just all I did was watch I didn't even try to stop her and then that was my sin and this this is my punishment I I saw you again it was the place in the place we first met but you were [Music] no I'm the one to blame I couldn't stop you that day I just [Music] Lucrezia [Music] I'm so sorry morning who are you well I'm glad you asked I am the champion of the earth and the sky I am the conqueror of evil [Music] [Music] so where are we come on aren't you at least a little concerned euphy it's been a while how's your head could you at least pretend to be sympathetic [Music] that was a big hole you had in your chest on my chest I seriously thought you are a goner but then right up we're always different but I guess that's why you're still breathing what are you doing here me I'm just helping out Reeve in his game I was poking around me behind and I found you looking all corpse-like in Shinra manner so I saved you [Music] imagine that me saving the great Vincent Valentine do I get any thanks thanks UV no no whoa I didn't mean for you to take me so seriously anyway Ruiz wanted us to contact him as soon as you woke up Vincent has come to exile I have some good news using you know I was able to infiltrate Midgard however what I saw wasn't the prettiest pictures Omega I should have known we cannot let them sacrifice the lives of any more people once we've gathered our forces will launch a full offensive the course will require the help of you two as well please hurry back to headquarters result soon yeah there you have it I don't know what's going down but it sounds big I've been waiting a long time to get my hands on those deep brown pumps they've had their way long enough now it's time to give them a taste of pain aah aah you just give me 3 minutes with those guys no make it two well maybe three or four well it really depends on how many there are gonna I think if there was five I could probably take him into or two and five where am I joke how are you feeling [Music] you are a fool to let your enemy live now I'm going to kill you and return to deep ground I don't think so I have to admit I wasn't myself back for the first time in 10 years left but I've had time to recover and I'm not letting you get away not this there's no way I'm going to let you kill and there's no way I'm going to let you go back to deep I don't recall needing your permission to do anything and I don't remember you ever being able to win any of our fights do you how about it you want to try your luck [Music] [Music] understood you may begin mobilization [Applause] emergency you back a report to stations and others they Wheatley underground back for Zula emergency assume emergency his proposal a prologue to the churches will be arriving shortly ten quarters we need back what is that thing what the hell hustle holloa so why'd you stand in my way I had to protect myself you were trying to kill me mmm but now is the time you're no longer required you're no different from the others your weak body is nothing without Mach Oh your holy skill is collecting data from inside a virtual reality it makes me sick to even think of you as a member of the Smiths vice has ordered your termination your mission was to identify and locate the keeper of the protomateria that is why we've uploaded the doctors data into your neural network but now we no longer need it and we cannot let it fall into the hands of the WRO your fate has been decided shel it is time for you to return to the planet come on let go of me I don't think we have 10 years to catch up on I'm not going to let this end here Shalu why are you doing this you can still get through I'm sorry I'm sorry I wasn't a better sister in peace wait only why why did she why [Music] Shalu [Music] I'm so ashamed I am supposed to be a hero of the de novo war but look at me don't take all the blame breathe you're not thinking of giving up are you I used to be nothing but a stone in the river of time but three years ago was you and the others who taught me I had to move ahead boots they they say she won't wake up [Music] she suffered too much trauma to her head unless there's some kind of a miracle she's she's not visit you were there why couldn't you save her I'm sorry No I didn't mean to she was a fool you have no right to call her that you don't know you know what why why would she do something so before when I asked Shalu what she was searching for she answered her reason to live it was you shocked you were her reason to live so I don't understand how someone could give her own life for that of another do you understand Vincent Valentine hmm I can't answer for your sister but but [Music] when a person has someone they care about that much giving their life sometimes the least they can do [Music] and maybe that's what makes us human [Music] someone they care about although it seems like there are a lot of people around me who don't need a reason to risk their lives for that of another and are you Vincent Vincent fall asleep here and you might catch a cold why are you so surprised is my face with that kitty no I didn't I'm sorry and how are you supposed to be my bodyguard if you're up here sleeping the warm breeze I was leaving to rest my eyes for a minute [Music] well I have to admit the breeze is quite comfortable [Music] [Applause] I think you're in my seat [Music] care to join me I'm sorry why are her data fragments responding Vincent I agree with you this is not the time for us to give up but I need to know something those data files you recovered from Shinra Manor are you sure there were not any more I'm sure I see what's wrong well the Omega report the file was incomplete to make any sense out of it we are going to require the other half if possible I wanted to know more about our foe before we launched the attack on Midgard are you speaking of doctor Lucrezia crescents findings yes but how did you a large quantity of her mnemonic data fragments has been uploaded into my neural network it was my prime directive to use this data to locate and retrieve the protomateria [Music] however not only was the data incomplete but part of her consciousness began interfering with my own thought processes it was believed that the missing fragments may have been the reason for this I can attempt to upload the WR o--'s files on the Omega report [Music] by combining it with the data I possess you may obtain a clearer picture of what you will be up against and perhaps I can regain control of my mind [Music] [Music] ah what the hell we waiting for it's time to get up and go come on get on air forward visibility approximately 95% indication channels radar functioning normal air terminals are my areas and shows family operational radius adjusting settings extraordinary Norma's and begin my intensity vector detail-oriented one hundred twenty-eight percent we need oil on the area 93g night Richard levels up to 102 for operating the lower bath main propeller at 80 percent propeller speed 0.3 percent monitoring signal AJ 109 a lot clearer switching over the cardinality check dream hey Benson long time captain whoo sorry about that as much as I'd like to sit down and reminisce about old times we like to take a rain check why don't you have a look around my bird until the meeting [Music] I hate airships I knew I shouldn't have had eggs for breakfast sorry Vince I don't feel like talking much thanks to shucks half of the data I've been able to make more sense of the report but I still require more time to piece together the fragments I will give you all a detailed briefing at the meet after the assault begins the headquarters facilities will no longer be available and to think just a few days ago I was the one who was in there no forget I said anything what are you working on I'm in the process of modifying this equipment so I can perform an snd a synaptic net dive synaptic net dive my specialty within the CS while retaining consciousness I project an image of myself into a virtual reality called a network I can also use this ability to negotiate with data on the subconscious brains of sentient life-forms however this often involves a great risk to my own sanity Reshiram just success at the SMD project was crucial for their next step in I'm sorry I seem to have gotten off-track simply put I'm creating a personal Network terminal within the airships main control console what nothing you just remind me of your sister all right our old buddies and the remaining wro squads will lead the ground assault Fenrir Hey well we launch our attack from the ass right sorry you ready yes all right take it away shell very well data fragment link successful commencing synaptic net dive in three two one [Music] what then are we and just as we return to the planet when our life light is fading the planet returns to the cosmos when her time has come [Applause] [Music] anything that has definite shaking will one day cease to exist the same is true for this world before she takes her final breath the pure life streams that flow freely beneath her crust will be brought together into one [Applause] by Omega the ultimate life-form his purpose to gather all life sentient UNAM and lead it into the sea of stars where it will embark on a fabulous journey along a road untraveled however when Omega has lifted the life from this planet whoa all that we were made will be an empty shell destined to die silently in the limitless void of space Omega is the same type of life-form that the weapons we encountered three years ago the planet gave birth to these creatures to protect itself just as the planet will ultimately give birth to the final weapon Omega when the end of the world is imminent and effort Omega is an elaborate safety mechanism designed solely to maintain and protect the flow of life normally Omega poses no threat to us it only manifests with the planet has detected something that may cause our danger however deep ground is attempting to awaken the Beast early thus the kidnappings [Applause] by slaughtering thousands of innocent souls they are creating a pure life stream in order to trick the planets into thinking the end is near I don't know characters but he's crazy if he thinks we're gonna get away with it right Omega is being revived deep beneath mid gun and maka reactors zero to increase the output of reactor zero all the other reactors have been tied into its mainframe our objective is to destroy one through eight and slow the reanimation process mission details for each squad will be relayed separately all right we've still got some time before the Big Show Vince don't worry about the reactors we'll take care of those you work on those four wackos I don't like letting you have all the fun but you know I can't leave my baby here alone well Don the others will be shutting down the power and there's no way we're letting you if you go down there by yourself sorry buddy looks like from here on out it's Vince versus the spirits we're counting on you oh wow yeah but just look at Kate I mean read when the hell did he become so important all this you see around you everything here he put up the gill for it of course that's on the condition that I help him save the world that what I want to know is where he got that kind of cash when all this is over how about we grab a couple of cold ones just like the good old days huh even Sharon's been worried about you and you know she gets [Music] did you hear him they attacked Wutai as well thanks to my dad in the whoosh egg things didn't turn out as bad as they could have but but I'm worried about my old man he's not as young as it used to be he's gonna have a heart attack one of these days this won't give me one now I was there dad wouldn't even have to put down as my towel [Music] so no costume today headquarters was pretty much destroyed by the deep ground forces but I was able to salvage a few things tell me Reeve who's backing your operation Oh actually I'm not sure I've only met with a representative however the WRO is crucial for this planet survival I'm not concerned with the reasons this person has for helping us as long as he continues writing checks though I have a feeling it is probably someone who believes he is in debt to the planet benson's you should probably think of getting some rest things are gonna get really nutty really soon so tired Vincent Valentine what this feeling is this what you meant by doing something for someone you care about it seems so dr. crescents data has begun defragmenting within my mind I can see many different images images she experienced with you interference recovery so so tired [Music] you did you ever find the Vblock I don't know I think so I can't even answer tables in this place did [Music] what's happening a dream and wine Disease Control okay the simultaneous attack from land and air hmm I think there may be serious this time they had better be and I've been so bored lately his awakening is near let the night be the final chapter Vincent Valentine what's this your phone I retrieved it in calm I've modified it slightly Just Dial pound VI n to contact my personal terminal directly from this workstation I can perform a synaptic net dive into almost any network system in Midgar I may also be able to help guide you into deep ground earth it's not what you think by monitoring your movement dr. crescents data fragments are restored within these I'm simply providing this service for my own benefit I didn't say anything I anyway my resources here are limited do not expect too much I'm counting on you shell I it's just I've never actually been counted on by anyone before never mind will can I count on you to keep an eye on the airship while we're away as well I have already witnessed your strength and skill once this is war and we have to be ready for anything your assistance would be of great help my assistance exactly commissioner ah excuse me Vincent I will see you again before deployment and she'll remember I'm counting on you fighting for [Music] now I have no one no one to fight for no one at all this is it go [Music] [Music] see you boys later advanced squad away secondary squad prepare for drop you [Music] [Music] [Music] me what the [Music] transmission with a nine lost damage to the shara minimal damn they're gonna pay for that [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do you think you're doing you have landed several clicks off your target destination however considering the location of the enemy this could work to your advantage head for the central complex and locate a means of reaching the top level you will only enter deep breath from the upper platform I'll contact you again check out huh mr. Valentine we we miss our landing point ah this looks like Lyon sector seven slums a train graveyard yes it does Oh sir I've received a radio transmission reporting the remaining air squats have reached the upper level plates and joined the ground forces [Music] sir uh requesting permission to accompany you until we breach the complex do as you wish thank you sir I was just taking a breather SARS let me join you just don't get in my way you know I was born in Midgar my brother and I used to play here all the time my mom didn't approve though after she died my brother joined a Shinra resistance group but was killed when the plate felon I can't believe this place is still here Vincent Valentine thank you for your assistance to reach the central complex you must proceed through this maze of decommissioned train cars however I have received reports that beyond the graveyard are some of the enemy's most powerful defenses all right I'll see what I can do job wait I can't let you go without nag up you heard what's it said your job is to live if you come with me chances are you'll all die understood I'll remain here until the current situation has improved good luck sir Vincent Valentine there's no way out of here none I looked all over but found nothing he looks like we're both stuck in here [Music] Shelke Vincent Valentine the only way out of the graveyard is through a nearby underground passage where I'm uploading the location now awful at the head deepground has established a heavy line of defense you probably won't even break a sweat but I thought I would let you know Vincent Valentine you've reached the central complex proceed up to reach the plate surface what's wrong the approaching deep ground squat no it's nothing I'll contact you again [Music] ah still alive I see and you call yourself human more human than you huh more human than I [Laughter] tell me something I don't already know darling I'm at sphere I traded away my human weaknesses for power long ago tis the path I've chosen and the path I'll tread till I've sucked all life from this pitiful world and I'm not going to let you get in my way you lived long enough Vincent van and I'll make sure you don't come back this time by slicing you into pieces do you know why they call me the crimson darling let me show you someone our time here together is done but the mighty Azula boy [Music] I shall not grant you the pleasure of killing Rafa the crimson [Music] [Laughter] Vincent Valentine the ground squads have not been able to penetrate the deep ground defenses the Mokka reactors are still operating at full capacity so it seems what their location Shinra building or what remains of it the same as it was three years ago no after meteor fall there wasn't much left of Midgar at all with the exception of deep ground the passage to deep ground should be located within Sheen rebuilding search for the president's personal entrance all right yeah what's going on why is chaos why why now you really don't know do you the protomateria helped you control chaos now that you've lost it your mental state has become extremely unstable Bravo materia control chaos yes if you recall you had it extracted from your chest by Rosso here while a part of you the entity exists independently from the rest of your body shell yeah yeah the harbinger of an artist lucrezia born before the planet dies you shall gather together all life fan makers journey to the sea star that is chaos and he slumbers [Music] I'm so sorry [Music] I don't want you to die Lucrezia you must fight him I don't want you to die [Applause] [Music] Hey engine room what the hell's going on down there engine room damn what is wrong don't have a damn clue all of a sudden engine levels began dropping like crazy we haven't taken any direct hits so everything should be running like clockwork I will go have a look Thanks counting on you it can't be fancy meeting you you're right something suspect why did you come here near why short a few Souls and what did you do the girl don't you ask Wow my mission is component and what we think we are doing I don't really however realized one thing I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey I got through of course he is we're talking to him aren't we and do you believe to shout right next to my ear Vincent Clavin it's been a while Syd's airship we lost contact about 15 minutes ago I don't think we have to worry oh those two should be fine yeah and what about you what do you think right and as for you don't worry leave deepground to me can you hold on a sec Tifa got it Vincent I'm sending you a map of the Shinra building deepground is below the complex take an elevator as far down as you can go getting yourself killed now so Rosso didn't survive Oh something inside you wants out it's stench is so very familiar come Vincent show me your rage let the killing begin this is how a battle should be don't you think so now fear my true strength feel the wrath of a silver sir this is chaos [Music] yeah it looks like you were more beasts than I very well I'll see you again Vincent inhale so that is chaos intriguing so tomorrow perhaps I should simply let him live out his destiny of destruction [Music] [Music] so sorry [Music] Vincent just a little longer then I can let you out what's wrong with me lately maybe I've been working too hard ah hmm I thought I heard a rat down here and just what do you think you're doing with my failed experiment silence I'm the one giving orders here ah ha Omega chaos I see another experiment you're using this fine specimen to finish your thesis aren't you doctor no you're wrong Am I what's a scientist always a scientist I must say how happy this fellow must be helping his beloved even after he's begun rotting away this is no experiment it's it's [Music] yes [Music] Lucrezia used native lebretia [Music] so this penis [Music] shell deepground shinra's dark secret three years of hell now darkness opens once more [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't let chaos and you cannot be because part of you [Music] [Music] [Music] as the oldest here and it's still acting like a helpless child I can see why the creditor had such a difficult time I don't know why I'm doing this I will die when my magic runs out anyway [Music] is this the place you spoke up yes deep within this grotto is where chaos is destined to a week the fountain isn't going anywhere don't you think you are taking things a little too quickly and why not all those people that she laughed at my thesis I have to prove them wrong rushing into matters will get you nowhere doctor [Music] are you alright dr. Valentine [Music] [Music] dr. Alan tell my son that I'm sorry [Applause] [Music] that's alright he's simply return to the planet crimes no it's alright I'm just returned to the planet was here again we will of course we will [Music] none everything in this world flows around in a circle that means jokin back Sunday [Music] - right right right Chihuahua [Music] shell is it alright for me to return to the plan [Music] yeah yes so so much I [Music] don't worry we'll see each other again [Music] a dream data data interfering [Music] tears left [Music] a pleasure to find at first I thought you nothing more than a nuisance however it seems like it no longer that you run about Unchained I must protect my beloved brother your brother dear vice powerful vice the only person who ever loved me and the only person I will ever love however [Music] ah but that is all forgotten in a matter of moments everything with Jane what did you do with Chuck shell yes what did I do I do recall running into the lands when I journeyed to the and ship a feisty one she is the girl is inside me lost like a little puppy [Music] [Music] impressive perhaps our zoo in Xhosa never stood a chance against the mighty Valentine but enough I have other matters to attend to [Music] [Music] yeah I think you dropped this unless you find something appealing about this place I suggest we leave let's go I see saw brought of terror corrupt my darkness would have no control over you would it so I must try a different dance how about [Music] in a world where fear and despair reign over the heavens you must never forget where there is shadow there is always light that's right that's in my praise evildoers feel the radiance blue tights my brother calls are you alright I I don't know maybe maybe I was dreaming will you be alright okay now let me see if I've got this you keep going fine Mero advice and smack them in the next Tuesday and while you're cleaning house I sneak into the reactor and shut er down sounds like a plan so see you around kids [Music] Lucretia hello anybody here father Oh Lucretia this file it's it's none of your business but it is why didn't you tell me you worked with my father stop it just stop it Lucrezia I [Music] it was all night [Music] father to die I couldn't but I never blamed her I wanted was to see her single face but after that day the light left her heart so you've come to your senses and chosen me yes however actually is happy him I don't mind [Music] another dream Vincent Valentine [Music] why why are you fighting this battle to destroy deep ground and stop omegas return it's time that an end is put to this madness or at least that is what I tell myself though I'm not completely sure that's the reason you're learning I don't want to see the world in I just I just don't want there to be any pain euphy you don't look too roughed up neither do you in there huh [Music] yeah come on this is voice it's the but a new life breathes inside him just as what doesn't move that's what you're doing Oh what's he doing what's going on soon my dear brother it seems like an eternity since I was granted the knowledge of granted by whom [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're right [Music] was that [Music] oblivion perhaps my darkness we can absorb as well as extract almost anything things [Music] things as black as the heart of a Damon yes anja Nations how can you [Music] Oh [Music] it is fun I won't leave you again never vice [Music] my body is one with Omega just as yours is with chaos the difference being chaos is nothing more than a pawn whereas Omega is the ultimate weapon that will leave this planet souls to the stars there is nothing that can destroy me nothing [Music] Vincent Ballentine and so we meet again what and still in the dark three years ago while I was still running about looking for Sephiroth I took it upon myself to distribute my data my mind by knowledge by inner being across the worldwide network and even though my body had died and the world had been left in ruin I survived in a virtual reality when the network was restored the scattered data be grouped and I was reborn a neo reunion [Music] [Applause] three years you know when I first I thought that woman see I couldn't believe some label beasts of legend past and anything to do with our survival however three years ago when you transformed into chaos right before my eyes [Music] what birth theory was actually valid and so I began thinking it tell us exists if so to must don't make up and if you would become one then maybe I should become the other to traverse the cosmos in a blaze of glory it was the chance of a lifetime was a problem be a strong shield Oh Mac omegas might and it could not be just anyone you see more the reason you were able to play such a perfect host have endowed you with a nearly indestructible body now where was I oh yes I attempted to perfect my body for Omega by injecting myself with Jenova cells however that didn't go as I had planned I failed to consider the fact that the cells might try to take over my mind and eat away in my soul as a safety measure however after completing this I realized I still required a durable body and that's when I remembered home to the most powerful beings on this planet I even found a willing assisted in the lat Mero here to help carry out my so-called Reaper though nobody expect I would take control of his sins of his brother's mind and thus with a new body I began my final experiment if the chaos within you was born of a tangent life stream then the almighty Omega would be born enough he wore one so I had my minions gather up the uncontaminated to lead a stream of her fight thus awakening Omega it's like me genius I tell you pure genius pure genius over the Assizes of my caliber is worthy to become one with Omega and leave this planet for the spa Oh Jo I've heard enough you're getting old Vincent Valentine you just can't leave me alone daddy now sit right there I want you to see this and once I have absorbed the lifestream this isn't over here to die army this one before I began my journey that wasn't much of a test chaos you already tried that Vincent you cannot do these for the enemy by simply higher power [Music] it looks like our dr. Crescent has a friend but she won't your human form let's see but even with the power of chaos you won't be able to stop me stop Omega Oh Joe um I said I've heard enough [Music] and this right here right you insignificant goal [Music] but what's going on [Music] why are you you infected silence silence I'm speaking with my brother [Music] dear vice euro brother that has come together so that none may never have yes let us let us go join him [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Omega has awoken and chaos has been drawn out of the shadows to serve as a counterbalance or so it would seem hmm however in theory the souls that exists inside Omega should act as a type of virtual network it wouldn't be impossible but maybe I could Vincente be grateful that I not only uploaded Luke retzius thoughts but her wishes and dreams as well uplink successful now commencing [Music] [Music] [Music] take this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no it's still not enough I have to hurry or the tissue will continue to decay I see another experiment you're using this five specimen I experiment I found it I I couldn't make her again [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you had you had his eyes I didn't I didn't want to remember I pushed you away but now I realize not again not today it's did you know that your eyes are exactly like your father's I've done it with the last day [Music] away from me this the materia I found here [Music] what am i doing [Music] [Music] let me rest once I'm so sorry I can't sorry I can't take it anymore [Music] mind before I go [Music] mostly [Music] for him wait [Music] Oh who [Music] [Music] who is she dr. Lucrezia crescent so I am to collect the data files the fragments she left within the network current then you want to use that data to find the protomateria that is where he requires your assistance he that information is unnecessary connect with her Vincent connect with her heart hello Vincent something's wrong [Music] you see this is me but only in a sense it is merely a reflection created with my remaining data the real me crumbled away long ago Vincent do you remember our place under that tree the warm breeze on our skin I know that it no longer exists things fade with time as do many things in this world but there are some things that we cannot let disappear I finally I finally realized my true feelings even if you may never understand them [Music] not that I mind them [Music] but [Music] this isn't how it was supposed to be I made too many mistakes and I've heard you so so much [Music] ah why did I do what I did I'm sorry [Music] but I'm so happy you survived you're late sorry about that not that I mind though she she was always like that only believing what you wanted to sell Vincent why don't you try telling her that yourself maybe I will but before I have a story to end [Music] sorry about the wait [Music] everything's clear over here [Music] they're all yours no Fitz it now on the day's work fire then just eat when did I start caring so much about what happened the rest is up to you [Music] guess I have no choice it's time to save the world [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Omega's ascending but that would mean [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Vincent you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] infant it has been almost a week since that day the lifestream has returned to the planet and has begun to flow normally once again and I have started to fill the ten-year hole in my life or at least started to try I've learned so much in the past weeks now that I realize I'm not alone I think I may be a little stronger than I was before have you heard from cloud he hasn't found anything Oh ain't gonna make this easy for us is he Vincent do you remember the last words we exchanged do you remember our promise your promise to Lucretia go tell her how you feel tell her what is truly in your heart I know that you probably will never see this but I have to try I have to believe I've learned I must never give up hope never [Music] Lucrezia everything's all right now Omega and Kaos have returned to the planet [Music] thank you it was you you were the reason I survived [Music] everyone's waiting Vincent Valentine I don't know why they made me come up here and get you not that I mind Oh [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] it is not yet time for slumber [Music] we still have much work to do my brother
Channel: RandomBlackGamer
Views: 2,193,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dirge of cerberus the movie, dirge of cerberus, dirge of cerberus final fantasy vii, dirge of cerberus today, dirge of cerberus this week, all cutscenes dirge of cerberus, Dirge Of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII (Video Game), vincent valentine, the, movie, full, remastered, hd, remake, remix, dirge, final fantasy vii, of, full movie, all cutscenes, ダージュ オブ ケルベロス -ファイナルファンタジーVII, cerberus, final fantasy 7, final, the movie, Fantasy, VII, all, today, cutscenes, chaos, vs. weiss, omega, final boss
Id: SyeAD1NKnVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 57sec (13377 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2013
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