Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth story is a mess (101 Hours Later Spoiler Rant)

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hey what's up guys this m Lord here today we're talk about Final Fantasy 7 rebirth as I promised after I uploaded my review that I was going to give you a full spoiler breakdown of everything to be found in Final Fantasy 7 rebirth from its gameplay design choices and also of course the elephant in the room the story itself so before we even dive into this video make sure the Subscribe button the notification Bell for more gaming content here on this channel so I know that I have a ton of new subscribers and many of you guys are pretty much new um to uh this Channel and don't even know what my thoughts is on the Final Fantasy 7 remake Trilogy so if you guys are even interested and wanting to know my thoughts on Final Fantasy 7 remake itself you can definitely check out my video that I'll post in the card above or in the comment sections or the pin comment below you can definitely check that out but to just summarize everything um I was totally on board with Final Fantasy 7 remake and I always want to make this clear because every time I do complain and have a gripe about final F 7 remake in its story people also connect that make a connection to the fact is that I hate the game as well no I do not hate Final Fantasy 7 remake I had some of the best time with Final Fantasy 7 remake in terms of his gameplay I love the combat system I love how the characters were portrayed in Final Fantasy 7 remake and how midgar was just realized in current gen technology I just let every moment of that but when it came to the story man that story especially when it got to the end have really like like just pissed me off or I would say just it really rubbed me the wrong way in certain guards regards in certain aspects and like I said before when it comes to Final Fantasy 7 remake it follows the Beats of Final Fantasy 7 the OG with some changes here and there or some additions um add here and there it's only when you get to the end of Final Fantasy 7 is where the game goes completely left field as far as the story is concerned and the biggest thing that really got me when it comes to Final Fantasy 7 I knew that this is going to be a remake I knew that the developers were going to take some Liberties to do some things that were quite different from the original perfect example of revealing seov so early into the game I hate the fact that they've done that and I explain why once we actually get into rebirth um when it comes to that but I was willing to like okay maybe there's a reason for this and then the other biggest thing is The Whispers of fate or the Arbiters of Fate I think they are the biggest mistakes added into this complete story I think the Whispers is the thing that really flips this thing upside down on its head and it start to feel more like Kingdom Hearts when it comes to the whole aspect in the theme of defying fate that was never the theme of Final Fantasy 7 OG at all but this was the focus defying fate and then we also get the introduction to Zach so early into the game cuz Zach is another character and he's a vehicle to Cloud's backstory he's the he's the character or he's the center point to why cloud is the way he is um in his current state and yet they decided to reveal him so early into the game that that also baffled my mind and then by the time we make it to the end we realize that hey wait a minute Zach is alive why the hell what the hell is going on with this and then at the end we also see that bigs is alive so when that happened I started thinking to s oh my God we are going to fanfiction territory when it comes to Final Fantasy 7 remake and I was afraid this was going to happen after seeing that because if you guys don't know Zach is a is a popular character within the Final Fantasy 7 Community especially in certain pockets and also the shipping Community because a lot of fans out there have this obsession with shipping Cloud Tifa and aif Zack no matter how you you switch them around people have this obsession with them and many people uh wish for a great ending for Zack's character and also a and here it is now seeing Zack alive had pretty much brought my fairs to life now that Zach is alive I said to myself could there be a possibility that they will do the same thing with aiff and many other characters so this is what really pissed off uh um half the community and a lot of people had pretty much bailed out of it once they realized that this wasn't the Remake that they were asking for and people felt deceived I also felt deceived but but I also want to clarify and let you guys know as well that the developers had always been telling us that this won't be the same game plenty articles they said that Final Fantasy remake the name remake has a double meaning to it and us as fans we ignored that is because we were just happy that Final Fantasy 7 was being remade but now let's move on to rebirth cuz rebirth pretty much take this concept which everybody was pretty much speculating that there must be some Multiverse Theory or alternate timeline that's been pretty much going on now the developers themselves have acknowledged that there are three different worlds um that's pretty much essentially going on um as we speak and you also see it in the the cover or the box art itself in final fantasy7 rebirth you have Cloud you have seov and then you have Zach Zach represents this whole new universe where he lives and then you have the Remake uh Universe right here which is cloud and then I don't even know what the [ __ ] is going on with SE off seph off is still a mystery and even in this game we still don't know what his motivations are which really pisses me off and irritates me even more because it still leave us with more questions rather than answers and so now we still have to stick it out to find out what this all worth it and what is this man's ultimate um goal so let us move on now as far as the game itself I would say as far as the design of the game I think they have done a good job I think my biggest concern was how how was they going to handle the Overworld when it comes to Final Fantasy 7 rebirth because if you don't know and you haven't played the original Final Fantasy 7 um the game had took took place in midgard at first and me um as a fifth grader at the time when Final Fantasy 7 had launched and released you know when you play the game the game have you believe that shimra is the only big bad um that's in this game that the game is only going to take place in midgard but boy was we all this uh all shocked and surprised by the time we make it to the motor cycle chase scene cloud and his party leads mgar and now you have now you're pretty much open to this big ass Overworld and the story represents that this is a much grander journey and that mean that there's going to be ton of different locations that she going to visit many different vehicles that you can ride on the world map and my concerns was how Final Fantasy 7 is going to address this because Final Fantasy 15 really did a bad job with the over with the overall open world aspect Final Fantasy 16 Conor improved on the open um areas and stuff aspect which I really give credit where credit is due but Final Fantasy 7 is a much different Beast a much different case it's a much grander game in in terms of scale how would they approach it and I would say they have done a good job because what they did was they took each location and treat them as their own sandbox sandbox that you as a player can actually play play around in explore level up your characters find different types of Rewards and goodies um Within These um these big regions and when I say these regions are big they are extremely big and expansive and there's a lot to find here and a lot to pretty much discover as far as that's concerned and then the way they treat these open areas you have a lot of collectons you have a lot of questing that you can do to actually fill out this map and is to encourage you to explore everything and to actually see these areas in current gen Technologies like Comm which Comm was a small town and they very made it very expansive and very lifelike which I also likeed and then junan let's not talk about junan man cuz junan I think is very beautiful especially with the evening um Sunset that they have um in this area and then the fact is that you have both um upper and lower Juni and how it looks um man it just takes me back to my childhood back when I was in fifth grade just talking about final F7 at the lunchroom table with my friends and now seeing it in this current technology man it just blows my mind especially the Liberties that they have taken with upper junan the fact is that we got a glimpse of the high wi but we actually get a glimpse of it and I like the portrayal of it and these are some additions that are quite welcome to the game itself and that's why I always say to myself even though I'm an OG fan I'm not like so hardcore of a fan to the point is where I'm not open to new things that's being done to Final Fantasy 7 and I like how they handled that as ECT of it I thought it was pretty cool and then Cosmo Canyon itself um which we will definitely discuss when we get to the story aspects but that's another familiar location especially it's theme song it's always something that always to hum in my head as a kid I think they handled that pretty well neble Heim of course reminds me of everything that I remember of neheim I think that was pretty cool especially when you return to neheim in the story and when cloud and especially Tifa like what the [ __ ] is the town is rebuilt I like the little touches that they have done with that um as well and meal Minds meal Minds was another location that was very small and I like the fact is that they gave us a bit more lore to me mind which makes the world feel more grounded and um make you believe that this world is real is for the fact is that meal Minds Barrett gives you a little um a little bit of knowledge about these minds and while why these minds are closed down and not used anymore for the simple fact is that shimra had discovered Marco so see me lines and minerals was a big thing uh pre um moo and this is this people made a a living off of this digging in these Minds creating resources and and Technology um using me thrill but now that Macos is a big thing most of these minds are abandoned so I like the fact is that uh Barrett was able to give us some backstory on this is for the fact is that he was a minor um himself um in Mount in Mount Coral town so I think that was pretty cool I like little touches like that it it expands the lore you know of these regions which I thought was pretty cool and then of course golden saucer they added more um additions as far as games is concerned and I think you going to spend a lot of hours here um participating in a lot of challenges that they have especially with the arena and definitely with the different games to get these to get these rewards and these goodies um to be have here which I think is pretty cool and then of gungaga gungaga was a region to itself now they they took an intermission area and made it into a region that's much grander much bigger and then they added um they added more backstory and lore to Zach because now you get a chance to meet Zach's not only his family you also get to meet some of Zach's friends and how people what people thought of Zach before he left to become Soldier so I think those those are little things that I think is also pretty cool and that map is just gorgeous I love everything about that map and then of course we had the Temple of the Ancients which the Temple of the Ancients was a pain in the ass in the original game and damn sure still a pain in the ass um in this game as far as traversing it so I think they really just took a lot of Liberties and some great choices um with this game in terms of design and how they was able to portray these regions and you can't forget what I like the most too is how they was able to incorporate the buggy um as well which was something else that I was curious about and he actually made it an integral part of the core region of how you Traverse and the controls of is actually feels um good it feels responsive and it's pretty dope and I love how they handled U the tiny Bronco um which you able to pretty much be able to to uh fast travel to all the previous regions which I think is dope and then also the choco BOS are now Incorporated to each region each region has its own chocoo with his specials abilities and this is where it feels like Mario 64 when it came to like the metal cap The Wing Cap and the ghost cap you have to get these you can't like have access to certain areas until you get that that specific chocoo for that area to be able to to continue to Traverse to navigate and actually fulfill so many different quests once you get those CH choco bows to reach those areas that you could never reach to before and then of course the gameplay itself man the combat is addictive I love everything about the combat this is where I spent most of my time doing coming up with different builds figuring out what works what doesn't work and every character feels unique no one feels copy and paste every character has a play style to itself and I think that's where the where the game becomes fun is because you you always can switch things up switch switch different party styles to fit specific situations which I think is also um awesome and you can spend hours of time messing around with that in these different setups which is awesome man I'm telling you right now this is the direction they should go if they wanted to go this action RP RPG route with Final Fantasy in the future ATB you're able to get that strategy knowing when that hey should I use ATB to use items or should I use magic or should I use it to to summon you know my enemies or use my special attacks and then the addition of the folio mechanics Synergy attacks there's so much you can break down with this game and then also with the item crafting to Encompass all that I think there's so much you can dive into and there's people still creating builds and strategy guides as we speak for this game and I think that's dope now let's talk about how they handle iconic moments compared to the OG and I think the the one that really got me the most and the one I was excited for is definitely Barrett's backstory because when it comes to Barrett Barrett is the you know the big Broly buff black guy and who's always raging on uh about the about Mao and how the Earth is being you know pretty much being abused um by shim themselves but man seeing uh uh Barrett go through the things and once you find out his past and his backstory man it's it's very it's very daunting man and is very it really pulled out my heart strings even when I was young and actually seeing how that play out and how he had to take on that burden because he felt as though that hey you know I feel responsible why my town got [ __ ] and a lot lot of people had lost their loved ones because I was the one that was trying to get everybody to pretty much ditch Mining and move over to Marco so that's the great thing about why I love Final Fantasy 7 because you see the uh see uh Barrett where he preached about the the the planet and how we should preserve the planet and protect the planet that the planet is a living breathing you know vessel and in in in organism and you hear this guy but then you find out in his past that he was a proponent for makco and had faith in shimra so you see the complete 180 that Barrett have pretty much changed over the course of time because of his past and how they were portrayed by shimra themselves because of the reactor that had blown up and they wanted to cover it cover it up in order to cover it up they pretty much killed almost everybody in the town and they wanted to use the mainstream media as propaganda to pretty much say that there was a resistance against shimra and the moo reactor and this would cause the town to get you know destroyed and people to get killed when that was a flat out line and then you have Barrett's best friend Dy who's actually the biological father of marleene um where you start to see that these two have pretty much are the same but different at the same time they both lost their arm after they lost their arm both of these men had decided to take their fate into a much different direction see Barrett decided to say Hey you know I'm going to fight back at shimra I'm going to I'm going to take I'm going to take them down now I know the truth about what they're doing to the planet and I I want to redeem myself this is all my fault and then on the other end you have Dy who also lost his arm but he also lost everything including his wife as well but he decided to take a different path he took his anger and now he's taking it out and lashing it out on everybody and even killing inant people um you know in the in the fold as well and these two finally come together and talk it out fight it out and it just so sad where Dy have pretty much essentially said hey I lost everything and now you took my daughter from me now that he found out that his daughter Marlene's alive and and everything now there's a lot of people who disagree with their approach and I can see that because I played the original myself but man it still hit me this it still hit me this same way man especially just seeing someone as someone as big and and as as Barrett man seeing this dude have emotional breakdowns man it just truly got me and and it just how now everything everything is on him and he wants to make it right you know and I really like I really like what they have done with this and then of course yui's inclusion into the story of Final Fantasy 7 rebirth cuz if you guys don't know if you haven't played the original Final Fantasy 7 yui was pretty much a a a hidden character she was a secret character a optional character which had that she really didn't have no bearing on the story because the fact that she was optional well this time uh yuth is Incorporated in the story because over time yui has become a popular character and now she has become an integral cast member or integral part of the story so they decide to weave her in there in a much organic way because you would meet her once you get to lower junai so they had to do some changes to it because in lower junai the original um you have Priscilla who ends up drowning or uh drowning in uh after fighting this boss um in this area and then you have to be cloud and give her CPR to resuscitate her well in this case it's not Priscilla this time it's yui and this is the way to introduce yui um into the story and I'm must say man yui is so adorable in this game she's like that bratty little cousin br little sister or or that just get on your [ __ ] nerves but doesn't really mean any harm and I like how some people may find her annoying irritating but I just thought she was so adorable in every part that she played because all and you got to watch how the party members interact with her they all treat her like a little sister they play with her especially Barrett Barrett acts like a dad when he when he interacts with her and then Cloud acts like a big brother when he interacts with her and I think that's also like really really cool but they have done a good job with incorporating her and she plays in a much bigger uh scheme of the story especially back in the DLC of Final Fantasy 7 remake which is Final Fantasy 7 integrade where she had her own Side Story which you got some backstory on wuai which we'll talk about later on um in this breakdown and then of course we have the live stream segment with when it comes to boogah Hing bahman um scen um back at the cosmo Canyon original game had pretty much gave you details of how the live stream works and Etc and the whole backstory and I think they done a a pretty good job um with that as well but instead of having the whole party there they only have Cloud uh Tifa and Arif um in this segment when they talked about this so it was very tafa a and uh Cloud heavy in this part um of that but it was beautiful the scope of it the visuals everything was beautiful and it was a nice addition cuz they added addition um facts um to this segment and then of course you have uh red 13 which is definitely interesting is because when once you get here at Cosmo Canyon red 13 changes what do I mean by changes now if you guys don't know red 13 in the first game in Final Fantasy 7 uh remake he has this deep voice a fascinating question did it just talk you asked what it is H I am that which you see before you nothing more right in the original game when you make it to Cosmo when he sees bimman his personality changed he goes from this mature to this kid-like character when he meets his grandfather bugah now in the game in the original bahim explains that he's nothing he's a teenager and he has much to learn and and and red 13 which his real name is nakaki or nanaki how they would say it in this version um they you you will see the childlike aspects in this because if you don't know they actually changed his voice you actually hear red 13's real voice hey guys it's me I'm back nanaki I can't believe it it really is you we were so worried Oh Come Home whoa now why did he switch up his voice well it's more it's more so he wants to impress or seem like he's an adult in front of cloud and the rest of the party the only time he breaks his character is when he get around arith it's something about Arif that is that he's drawn to and he's actually able to be himself and be vulnerable around arth but it's only when he gets to Cosmo can is when he drops the whole mature voice um acting and when he once he get there and you actually get to hear his real voice everybody like what the hell what when did the hell this happen and he it it pretty much remind me of he sound like Simba like adultt Simba from The Lion King movie that's what like they was going for for that and the fact is that this is from one voice actor and he and if you look at the voice actor that play Red 13 you wouldn't think a voice a deep voice like that would come from him he's a good ass voice actor that he's able to pull off both voices and sound like completely different characters but when it comes to his voice once puts on his real voice his teenage voice he keeps that voice throughout the rest of the game you don't hear the deep voice um no longer cuz now he's feel comfortable he's in his element and now he can beat himself which I also thought that was uh pretty cool and but let's do this I know a lot of you guys have been waiting for this and that's the story it's time to break down what we know about about The Story So Far So what we going to talk about first is how the story of re of re picks up right after Final Fantasy 7 remake and as we said before at the end of Final Fantasy 7 remake we have essentially get a hint um at a possible Multiverse at the fact is that Zach is alive and they told us that we're are we are now embarking on this unknown Journey now I would say this Final Fantasy 7 rebirth opens up unexpectedly they went straight into the heart of what people want to know and that was what was going on with Zach the game didn't start with the party on their way to Comm or the C flashback the game starts with Zach's storyline now the thing is about Zach's storyline he's alive now but since he's alive some changes have has happened what is the what are these changes well what happens is now that he's alive Tifa Barrett and sad uh uh red 13 are dead they the explosion something crazy happens in midgard that takes the life from a lot of people including are Final Fantasy 7 cast members and Zack Witnesses this on the media news uh screen um at uh Sector 5 and once he sees this he notices that aif is there he runs off and they put you right in control of Zach which is something that fans wanted people were hoping to play at Zach and this I can tell like Final Fantasy 7 rebirth or the trilogy itself feels more like a reactionary project that they only they reacting and just just doing fan service so the game went straight into you controlling Zach taking control over Zach and you're trying to get the arth and it's so sad is because red 13 He sacrificed himself and it's and to to to pretty much save arth and he dies um with the last bit of like strength that he has left he dies um in the shimal helicopter and Zack thinks red 13 as he carry away um arth and then he uh Zack holds Arif and she drops the white materia the same way how Cloud held arff when she died in the original game and the white materia had dropped so pay attention to that cuz that's going to come up much later so after it picks up after that as far as Zach is concerned that's pretty much it for Zach there's really not much going on with his character at all and I know the developers mentioned that Zack won't play a major major role but they did hype up Z and the fact is that they have him on the advertisement on the box I know a lot of fans was looking forward to be able to play as Zack and see what he pretty much plays in this overall arching plot that they have here but Zach doesn't really play much impact in this story at all and in fact the times that she played Zack to me in my personal opinion is filler because this what happens is the story switches from the Remake universe and then to Zach's you know new universe where he's alive now the thing is about this universe is every time the game switches to this you're only there for about maybe a good maybe three maybe 6 minutes you know within this world and then the game pulls you out of it cuz when I was thinking that they was going to do a whole lagona from Final Fantasy 8 where the game switches from Squad to lagona and then when you play the Laguna segments you're there for some quite some time in his segments but with Zach you only to get these bite-sized parts and in these bite-sized Parts it's not really moving the story anywhere so to me it's like they want they want to pad out the game in some way and because if you remove those aspects of the game you really wouldn't be able to tell the difference at all you really wouldn't but we'll get more into Zach later because Zach what they did to Zack or what they're trying to do with Zach still scratches my head and I'm still saying to myself why did they go this route why cuz it's just it's just so convoluted but anyway we're going to move on so as far as the story is concerned for Final Fantasy 7 rebirth and how it sacks up to the original Final Fantasy 7 rebirth does stay on par with the original game it does follow the game beat for beat yes there are some little changes they do have some changes there and they also have some additions that they have added into the mix um that I would say that I really appreciate that now as far as these changes are concerned this is what they done to me these are some significants um Tia and arth um as far as the uh the I guess you would say the calm flashback where Cloud explains his side of the story when it comes to the calm flashbacks um in the original game the whole time while Cloud's telling this story arith Ray 13 and Barrett they're they're new to this they knew nothing about neheim and what seph has done um to neheim so they're just listening to the story but Tifa was there and the entire time Tifa was saying to herself like how do Cloud know all this [ __ ] because I don't remember seeing Cloud there and I've always said when I was younger why would Tia sit there and allow Cloud to Yap away like this and not once question him about any of this because I think a lot of this that cloud was experiencing probably could have been solved the right away if Tia would have opened her damn mouth and said something but she sat back and allowed uh allowed Cloud to say these things but you can also argue is that cloud saying these things is probably made t a question what she remembers so we can also say that as well but what they did differently here is after the discussion everybody went to all the fellas slept in one room and then the ladies had the room to themselves so Arif and Tifa decided um as they're laying down Tia started um questioning Arif and saying that you know Cloud's been acting strange and they had a discussion about the whole flashback cuz Tia was pretty much telling a yo Cloud wasn't [ __ ] there how the [ __ ] do this [ __ ] know but I I never seen this [ __ ] at all how do he know about everything that transpired so now she's questioning herself so what they did differently here is Tifa decided to actually go address that which something that I said myself like why didn't she do that and her addressing him or her approaching him changes the story somewhat it's because now what happens is now since Tia is addressing him seov comes comes into the picture and trying to manipulate cloud and saying yo that [ __ ] is a liar don't trust this [ __ ] at all that's not the real Tifa you remember what happened I cut the [ __ ] out of her with my sword with my with my masamune but Tifa still debunks any of this because she lifts up her shirt and showed the scar which relieves Cloud so that was a different approach but it still didn't like solve anything to say and then um another part so another part that I want to talk about too is especially with the remake with the changes that they did when it comes to flashbacks is the fact is that cloud acknowledges that he killed seph off which is something that he was not supposed to know that was the whole confusing part that's how Cloud was able to be manipulated by seov as well is because SE Cloud couldn't remember anything about the Neo hind flashback cuz his memories was was jump was jumbled up with Zach's memory you're not real you're dead I am I killed you with my own oh you need not remind me and Tifa was still like saying like yeah I don't remember you being there I remember Zach being there but I don't remember you being there and everybody questioned how did you live fighting Sear off doing a neim flashback and Cloud didn't have an answer and then we find out later in the game as Tia was helping Cloud piece himself back together in the original we found out that cloud was in fact there he was a simple shimra soldier that he was ashamed to see Tifa because he promised TI that he was going to be Soldier but he didn't cut out for it so Zack made it went to neheim as soldier and Cloud stayed hidden but he was there the entire time and yes he was the one that killed sephar that allowed Cloud to come back to himself and able to accept reality but in remake he pretty much said hey I [ __ ] killed you so how would they address this later on in the future and we don't get any answers to that at all in Final Fantasy 7 rebirth and then also Kate Sith Kate Sith was also handled a bit differently um in Final Fantasy 7 rebirth compared to Final Fantasy 7 uh OG because in Final Fantasy 7 OG um you didn't know that uh he was pretty much an employee of shimra but in Final Fantasy 7 um rebirth he flash out tells you that he works for shimra and what they had done here is that Barrett the entire time on the most part of Final Fantasy 7 rebirth he calls he calls him out he calls him out every time every time something suspicious happened Barrett turns around said yo [ __ ] I'm on you I'm on your ass I'm on to you like like there's something I don't trust you you an employee a shro anything related to shimra I don't trust but then you know it always come into reason well you trust Cloud he's supposed to be an ex Soldier so all that question always comes up and even the party get suspicious of of uh of Kate Sith but Kate Sith always come through for the party each and every time and that's what makes them put their guard down to Kate s never again you okay all the better for a we lie down so then onwards and upwards until we get to the very um near the end of the game when it comes to getting the black Materia that's when Kate SI himself actually portrays betrays the team like in the original but instead of of uh Kate Sith pretty much holding marleene as a hostage to get them to allow Kate Sith to still travel on the journey with them um they pretty much wiped that out um entirely um instead and instead pretty much make U Kate Sith more of a sympathetic type character um because like I said he's more conflicted because he like plow and them are doing um trying to save the planet and everything like that and pretty much shimra is his Overlord because if you don't know Kate Sith is a robot and he's being controlled by a shimra employee named Reeves um he works in the housing department of shimra and he really been questioning shimra lately so Final Fantasy 7 rebirth um through Kate cth he see that cloud them are actually the good guys and he's conflicted because he he has to still obey shimra while at the same time he likes what cloud them are doing so they did take a different approach in the twist to that and then um of course uh another neat addition that they added to um as well um is uh gungaga um as I mentioned earlier Zach um get more backstory of him for the simple fact is that now you get to know how gungaga the village itself how they perceive Zack be uh after he left um to become Soldier so you got a chance to know his friends um just like in the original game you got a chance to meet his mother and father but they also did some changes to this too because now um in the original when they talked about uh when when you meet his parents they mentioned about Zach and Tia and Arif are quiet and Cloud was wondering why you guys are quiet when they mention Zack and Tifa never tell Cloud about Zach nor does arth well in this game um Cloud actually is approached by T by arith and they talk about Zach and Zack and Cloud doesn't remember he still doesn't remember anything about Zach so they have a big discussion about it and then they ask you they give you multiple choice questions with to ask a ask is she still in love with Zach and and a said wow you really you really pouring it on aren't you and they get to talking about it and when Zach when Cloud walks away Tia and Arif come together and it shows that they've been having a discussion about this and they're curious and they're finally convinced that maybe he doesn't know anything about Zach leaving you out in the cold like this forget about that [Music] loser H he's a soldier right did I hate to break it to you but if he's been gone this long the man is so that is a different that's the addition that they added to the story and also sisan um who's from Crisis Core they added her um to gungaga she's actually still works for shimra but she's a person that watches over um the town because after the explosion that happened in the reactor um to pretty much to mitigate any of the bad press they have somebody there to be the overseer of gungaga so sis who's a Turk um she's pretty much there um to watch over everybody and take care of the people that's there so you get a bit of backstory it's a side quest for her to get more information on her character so that was also a neat addition and also when she sees Cloud she automatically thinks of Zach and she pretty much holds back on that so there some some cool additions um that they added to that as well so now now it's time to get into my concerns with the Game's new narrative this is what you guys really want to know so there is definitely some issues that I need to break down and these three parts that I want to break down now the problem that I have with this game and with the rebirth Trilogy is the fact is that this game definitely feels like a totally different game from remake these two games are not the same game they're not they're not the same games at all I was afraid that was going to happen because once you leave Final Fantasy 7 remake I have no I have no reason to go back and play this at all because of how different the tone is from this game and also the game play itself the game play is much better it's much tighter and everything and there's no reason to downgrade myself back to this game ever again and there's a full synopsis to get the story to this game in this game before going into playing Final Fantasy 7 rebirth just to let you guys know if you were curious if You Should Skip remake and go into rebirth but to continue on these those two games feel um feels like night and day and the fact is that namur really doesn't have a big role in Final Fantasy 7 rebirth so you don't really get that namora esque um tone with this game at all and it feels less like Kingdom Hearts like I said in my review which is also a good thing I really appreciate that this game is definitely dark it is it dark and it does have its depressing moments and it does pull out your heart heart strings um at times which I would give credit where credit is due when it comes to that but yes they feel like the stin parts and another thing about this too when it comes to breaking a game like Final Fantasy 7 into multiple Parts because there's nothing wrong with have breaking games into Parts especially when they were designed that way from the very beginning perfect example The xenos Saga series The xenos Saga series was meant to be broken into it was designed from the start to be a multi multi-part epic story it was supposed to be that way so they they designed a game the game in that sense to do that the dot hack series The Dot hack series was made to be broken into parts so the game was designed in a sense as far as this narrative and gameplay Final Fantasy 7 was originally a full game so if you break a full game into three parts you also will have to make changes to make each part feel like its own distinct game it has to still have a beginning a middle and the end so in order to do that you have to pretty much make some changes make some edits and tweak the story a bit to make that feel like a complete game so that's that's the thing that really bothers me about taking a full game and splitting it into three parts now another thing it also means that some things that's in the original game or that that was in the previous game some stories may be left unfinished until the next part and that's the thing that really had gotten me was because we remember the scene with wedge wedge ended up surviving in Final Fantasy remake when he was supposed to die but there was a there was a segment in Final Fantasy 7 remake to where it was alluded to that he was killed by The Whispers of Fate he was thrown through the window you can't stop me for BS for Jessie TAA and Barett too I'm sorry Cloud just tell me that that I made a difference now to me I didn't think he was dead why would you say that you heard the window shatter and everything like that but come on this is tya namora if you don't know anything or don't know any better when someone is not if someone didn't die on screen for you to see them die on screen they're not dead and we've seen this in Kingdom Hearts 3 especially with the what's the guy name luu I think I can't remember his name we didn't see him die on stream and he ends up come we come to find out he's actually alive so the same thing was said and the same thing that I believe with wedge in Final Fantasy 7 remake well in Final Fantasy 7 rebirth this they actually gave us an answer to that now the thing is this can totally be skipped this is they actually put this locked behind a quest that you a optional Quest that you can do and this optional Quest will actually give you more backstory on Avalanche themselves especially with the other three characters that was introduced and integrate with yui you got more uh to to more to know about those characters and you got more to know about another set of characters which we'll talk later on about um within the story itself but we actually got back story on Wedge and we found out yes wedge actually [ __ ] died and yes they show his death [Music] go they showed how he died The Whisperers won the correct fate or correct time and they did that they threw his fat ass out the window and he splattered to his death and I would say that was kind of gruesome how what they did to that boy but anyway so yes they did do that now my problem my problem with this game is that Final Fantasy 7 Trilogy itself or Final Fantasy 7 rebirth itself has so many moving Parts going on and we're going to talk about these moving Parts real quick now these moving Parts I consider them Concepts there's too many different elements moving on and none of them are really being filed complete or none of them are really addressed and you're wondering okay where is this going and which one is the main plot because there's so many major major story plots that are going on so one of them is the hooded men now the hooded men was something that was really not really touched upon or Final Fantasy 7 on the PS1 yes we knew that they were experiments Hojo considered them uh uh you would say failed failed experiments or failed seov clones and they really didn't touch that much emphasis on them they were they were showing they were talked about and little information was given on given to them but in Final Fantasy 7 rebirth and the Remake Trilogy in as a whole they actually got a lot of side stories that you can do as optional quest to understand more about them and they also gave you an actual character who was pretty much a soldier and we found out that these mostly these hooded men were once soldiers and they pretty much gave us emphasis on Cell degradation that a lot of these soldiers are dealing with their celles being were being depreciated in pretty much breaking down and then they pretty much turn into these a husk of what they used to be and become full on zombies that's meant to pretty much partake in this reunion that seph off and Hojo keeps talking about and they really put emphasis on that especially now that we find out that rash have undergo gone some experiments and Raj is also an addition to Final Fantasy 7's lore and he's a soldier and you fight him um as a sub boss that will pop up to pestor Cloud but he takes on his experiment to get stronger so he can fight Cloud but after you beat him he circums uh cell degradation which allows him which makes him into a zombie and he breaks down and he becomes one of those hooded men so you actually get to see that transformation and also another character the hotel owner at CM who used to be a soldier and you do a quest for him he's also experiencing cell degradation and I ain't going to lie it actually it actually hit me kind of it actually pulled out my heart strengths because after you got a chance to meet him and you go do the quest with this character and he talks about how um how sick how sick he feels and how he doesn't feel the same and self-degradation he kept telling warning Cloud that hey the same can happen to you and then you end up running to him and end up getting the best of him he end up becoming one of those zombies and I and that's the thing that they put really put like emphasis on and then to add on to that the second concept is the fact is that they added the Final Fantasy 7 ever crisis mobile game characters into the story which bloats the story even more so what am I'm talking about they decided to add [ __ ] Glenn from first first soldier in the game now Glenn is is said to been have killed by Rufus himself and that this is not the real Glenn and that this in fact seov in some in some way and which convolutes the story even more but he's added into the game and the thing is Glenn and president R uh president shimra the the father of Rufus had pretty much made a deal with one another and this whole thing is about the whole Magnus Materia that they've been talking about and this whole thing is them is supposed to pretty much R up a new war between uh shimra and wuai which wuai is going to later play a big part in part three I telling you that right now wuai is going to probably be the big Center to a lot of this stuff that's going on and everything so there's a big fold and or a big thing that's supp to out that's supposed to come out of all this but introducing Glenn added something that I was like no like why why are you adding cell phone characters to this game which now added more to this and I refuse and you would not find me play ever crisis ever I refuse to play that mobile game and the fact is that they added it in here and it shows that ruus knows this character and if you're new and never played ever crisis you can the way them two talk to each other they talk as far as they are familiar with each other so you're going to be confused and saying like what the hell is going on what like who is this guy who is this character and if you play the OG you won't know and you haven't played the cell phone game you're going to be confused by the interaction between Rufus and Glenn himself so now you have a big story arc involved with those two characters then you have the hooded men so then the other concept which is the ghee now if you guys don't know who the what the ghee is the ghee was a segment part of this trial with red 13 in the original the now the ghe is is like these these be they come from another extraterrestrial or interdimensional riff and they just and they cross over to Cloud inum Universe now the thing is this was only the ghe was only used to push red 13 storyline in Final Fantasy 7 OG but now they expanded upon this and they made it a much bigger they made them much more involved to the plot which is also confusing me cuz now we starting to find out that now the ghe is actually responsible or I guess you would say the creators of the black Materia so now they gave the black Materia a origin because the ghee these creatures or these beings cannot die now they're claiming that hey they want to die cuz they're trapped in this interdimensional body they want to be able to because everybody else are dies and become part of the planet the ghee cannot become part of the planet and they're suffering immortality they they're tired of being Immortal so the only way to put them to death is the black Materia the black Materia is supposed to be the source of being able to set them free and red 13's father is was supposed was this Guardian to protect you know Cosmo and pretty pretty much protect the world itself to stop the G from entering their realm and they told them negotiate pretty much like a negotiation deal to stop them from invading their their plane of existence and stuff to keep them at Bay and and red 13 F made a deal or made a promise that he would return um the black Materia but now they find out that the black Materia also something that seov one and is responsible for summoning meteor meteor so cloud and the part saying I don't know why would we give them the black Materia if it's responsible for for summoning meteor so I so even though red 13 made a promise and one of the quest um that they will give the red the black material back to them Cloud was saying [ __ ] that [ __ ] no this thing is dangerous maybe we should hold on to it until we find out a better way to free the ghee so the ghee is somehow all wrapped up into this as well and then we also want to talk about the wuai war for a quick moment wuai is going to play a bigger part in this the original Final Fantasy 7 the war had been ended and shimra was the Victor in Final Fantasy 7 re remake Trilogy um uh um midgar not midgar M shimra and wuai there was a ceasefire which means the the the war came to abrupt abrupt H and now in Final Fantasy 7 remake Trilogy now the war has been stoked once again because during the whole junea marching parade to celebrate or to show how powerful they are with this new um president which is President Rufus he fired the cannon and wuai seen that as a Act of War which is stoked the brand new which which pretty much uh canceled the ceasefire and now is about to stoke something much more Sinister so we have to wait and see but we have these four Concepts that's running at the same time the hooded men then we have Glenn and ruus agreement and then of course as I said before the ghee and also the wuai and shimra War that's all in this and we still not even got we still haven't even gotten to seov just yet which we're about to discuss in a minute so then we also want I want to talk about the unnecessary story changes that they have made to Final Fantasy 7 um rebirth and these unne changes is also um to me um didn't make sense or it could have worked if it was executed right so the changes that they made with Final Fantasy 7 rebirth in terms of the story is the introduction of weapon now you guys already know in the original weapon wasn't even we didn't even know what weapon was until we got to this two we get to the northern crater and Cloud gives the dead corpse of seov the black Materia which revived them and then weapon pretty much emerg now what is weapon weapon is pretty much the planet's last uh last defense they they're like a defense mechanism to protect the planet when the planet is in danger especially when it life is getting drained and the moo reactors have a lot to do with that well guess what we get introduced to the weapons much early and then they're showing much in a location where they're not even supposed to be and that's the coral reactor the area where Barrett lives this is where we get to when we see yui yui has session and yui for wuai also want to get powerful material and we find out that these weapons which looks much different than the three weapons that we do know in the original which was Ultima weapon Omega weapon and then Ruby weapon these were the three major weapons in the original game but in Final Fantasy 7 rebirth we get these fish type of weapons now that's not to say that these that Mega weapon Ruby weapon and Ultimate Weapon won't appear but we're introduced to a uh a weapon bargain cell here like there's a bunch of weapons they're all like swimming in water and everything and then on their bellies is these big materias and these materias is what shimra is after so shim's motivation in this game changes now they're after the big Materia that's in these weapons and I'm like okay so we're going to just Dive Right into this early aren't we another thing which when you make changes like this all when you make changes here just like this it also means you have to make changes in other aspects of the story so you can make it make sense another big change which baffles my mind and it's funny is because when you max a million Max Million loves the the trilogy he loves it and he says nothing but good things about it but even him even he his facial expression his body language he was like what the [ __ ] is this when he looked at it and what am I'm talking about well instead of cloud falling into the live stream Tifa falls into the live stream and this is where I talked about seov where seov is a pain in the ass in this game see the thing is about seov well I liked about seov a long time ago is that he was a mystery seov was much larger than life and in this remake Trilogy they are spamming the [ __ ] out of seov and the problem with seov is is that the game story is quite entertaining and I enjoy every bit of it it's only when seov appear seov is like a signifier that the story is about to is about to jump the shark seov becomes annoying as [ __ ] this dude is a complete [ __ ] a complete [ __ ] say the least and every time he pops up he's there to [ __ ] the story up and which he does because we get introduced a new segment that never happened in the game which was you fight scarlet and the reactor in the gungaga region now the the Turks and Scarlet herself was in the region in the original game but it was like a small part but now since it became a region they wanted to expand upon it which I have no problem with that it's how they execute it and this is where they involve weapon seov is involved and then it caused so many changes to the point where Cloud get manipulated by seov and he attacks Tifa even after Tia proved that [ __ ] I am Tifa [ __ ] I showed you the scar he swings at her and she falls into the live stream and gets swallowed by a weapon when she gets into weapon she wakes up and now she's in the live stream and she hears the the the the voices of the Dead from the people of of neheim like his like like her her Father Brian my name he has he has my name of course um who died right but this the thing we are introduced to more Whisperers weren't The Whispers didn't we defeat them in the last game why the [ __ ] are they back are they back now we get introduced to another concept now now we have white Whisperers now the white Whisperers are I guess appear to be protecting the planet and then we got a brand new W Whisperers they have this white glow in the middle of their hoods and that is said to be controlled by seov so now we have a war between to between Whispers that's going on which baffles my mind and then on top of that we have seov attacking a weapon by himself trying to kill Tia and I'm like what the [ __ ] is going on and you can look at Max a milon's face too like what the [ __ ] is going on here so after that we get introduced to this part that really took me out I ain't going to lie I was I didn't know what how to feel I I felt disrespected because now we introduced to the live stream segment to where she Tifa is introduced to the memories of the live stream when it was supposed to be Cloud this was an important part to Cloud Tifa was the one to help Cloud get his Memories Back In order to for cloud to accept reality and to push on and move on but in this game instead of cloud visiting that place Tifa visits that place and somehow Tifa is trying to gain her memories back because when she fell she lost some memory so I'm like what what the hell is going on so now that Tia visited this place will we revisit this place with Cloud too what is going on here why did they do this why it just it just baffles my mind this was like an unnecessary change why did they do this but not done yet now there was a lot quite a few of you who were disappointed in the trailers of Sid and his reveal cuz many people were wondering already going censor s cuz Sid has a dirty mouth and you already know how he treated his um female assistant in the original game cuz he blamed her um because he had to end up saving her life which caused him his to miss his dream to go out into space something that he really wanted to do back in rocket town in the original well they scrapped all that I wouldn't say scrap it because we still don't know yet but they changed his personality completely why did they change his personality well there was a reason why they changed his personality it wasn't for woke reasons or anything like that they changed his personality because now what they did was said they tied Sid to to to AR what do I mean they tied them to AR well apparently uh Sid is is somewhat a contractor a subcontractor or used to be an employee or a pilot for shimra now how is this what does this have to do with ar well Sid was a pilot who pretty much had transferred or traveled with Arab's m and the scientist and he remembered Arif as a little girl so also he also Sid had a had an attraction to AR's mom he thought he she was beautiful he thought she was gorgeous he was heads over heels for her so they pretty much which I didn't like how they integrated this was because when you first meet said he doesn't even acknowledge or don't even know doesn't even know that's Arif he he PS the car the team around on the map and and to remind you uh Sid is not a playable character he's an NPC in this game Who joins your side he won't be playable until the third and final part but he don't even recognize ER it's not until you ready to leave a neheim is where he recognized uh uh arth once he recognized her he remembers his her mom and how much he was heads over heels for her and he wanted to know how her mom was doing and she said she died and then he felt bad for her felt sorry for her he said yo like if there's anything that you want or anything you need because your mom was such a nice woman like I would do anything for you pretty essentially so that's where pretty much made Sid want to tag along with us which I I didn't like that how they incorporate that and then of course we have Vincent Vincent will definitely play a much bigger role um in Final Fantasy like the third and final part because Vincent is also an NPC who joins your side and not playable into the third and final part and because of this new storyline and how everything is integrated um into one story line and how wuai is going to play a much bigger role Vincent um Lucia was Luccia was mentioned in the story and everything and he say he has unfinished business when it comes to seov once he find out that the party um is pretty much going after sephar off and another thing about it is too deep ground is also tied to the whole WOAI War um because of the integrade DLC um with yui because of another character that was introduced named sonan um who's a new character to the Final Fantasy 7 lore who supposed to had died but he's definitely not dead so definitely I can see um deep ground being part of a bigger picture or bigger plot in um the wuai war in shimra in part three and you know uh yui and also uh Vincent himself is going to play is going to have much bigger screen time um screen time and an impact um on that story um as well so now let's get into what all you guys really want to talk about and want to know what the [ __ ] is up with the story itself when it comes to the whole Multiverse did did they screw this up and I will tell you yes they really did drop the ball and what do I mean by that we're going to talk about the Multiverse we almost done this video um this is where things get kind of nutty now when it comes to Final Fantasy 7 rebirth and this whole Multiverse concept that they're continuing from Final Fantasy 7 remake we want to first talk about the fact is that when we get here the thing where the game really jumps and go off the rail is when we get to the Ancient Temple in the black Materia segment now in the original game once cloud and must get the black Materia Cloud gets manipulated by sephar off and begin to actually start beating on arth to the point where the party had to get involved and knock him the [ __ ] out so he would so he would stop attacking arth well we kind of like get something like this in Final Fantasy 7 rebirth but instead Cloud pretty much harasses uh uh Arif and goes after her to get the black Materia because [ __ ] ass annoying as seov comes in um and pretty much manipulates Cloud once again but what happens is which happens much differently is cloud and AR falls off the cliff and they I guess you would say fall into to the live stream or whatever you want to call it and instead cloud falls into the Multiverse cloud falls into these V to these different worlds um which they don't tell you right away you have to actually look at the hint of that cloud is going into different multiverses and what do I mean by that well there's a part where Cloud wakes up and he go he goes on a date with arith Now arth is acting kind of strange even down to her personality but you go on a date with her and you they ask you to grab a uh to pick out a few items for this date now when you go look at the table you notice that there's Stampy there but this Stampy is much different than the Stampy from the Zach's timeline it's the it's much different even from the Remake timeline so this signifies that cloud is not even in Zach's timeline he's not he's in a completely different timeline and then on top of that Zack Zack himself and I wanted to get back to this because people really are curious about Zack as I said before Zack really didn't really play a major part in this at all his part feels like filler but it wasn't until the end of the game where Zach plays a major part um as far as the story is concerned because then we found out that yes Multiverse does exist because we find out through marleene that the fact is that if Arif wakes up before Cloud wakes up because cloud is still unconscious in Zach's new timeline if CL if a wakes up before uh Cloud wakes up the scary man is going to come and kill her and Zack wants to know who the scary man is and uh marleene breaks it down and describe this character and Zack said oh [ __ ] what is the chances of this it's [ __ ] seov didn't I just deal with this [ __ ] in crisis score essentially so pretty much he has to figure out what the hell is going on and then the heartbreaker part about it is not only did he survive marleene tells Zack that hey the cars is not in it for you when it comes to ath ath like your [ __ ] cloud is just that simple right especially when Zack in this timeline is in love mly in love with arth and saved arth and just to hear marleene tell this [ __ ] that yo she likes claw so you see it on his face that he's [ __ ] up like damn like damn are you that's surprising news to hair so she so Marlene pretty much tells him that if you have to help Cloud he has to wake up before Arif wake up because if he wakes up if a wakes up if Cloud wakes up before arith he can save her in time so that's when he's at a crossroad he has to make a decision what he needs to do and he decides that hey I'm going to save Cloud so he choose to path the save Cloud which means he has to go to the shimra main headquarters to get where he needs to get the save Cloud but you knce a beam of light is in the other path that lights up what is that other path that other path was a decision should he help bigs because guess what bigs is alive but bigs is is alive in a way that you wouldn't expect well he's alive and what happened is when you defied Fate The Whisperers had somehow took bigs from the Remake timeline where he supposed had died and put him in the Zach's new timeline where Zack is alive but bigs don't know that bigs still think it's the same timeline which also confuses Zack is for the fact is that Zack the way that bigs referred to Cloud saying he called Cloud a badass and Z said how is cloud a badass cloud is is knocked out unconscious how does he know more about about Cloud than I do what's what is it that I'm missing here because big still think that he's in his current timeline when he's not which is [ __ ] like dude it's it's a cluster [ __ ] so bear with me here so after that you have uh Zack so then you see Zack saving bigs and when he saved bigs Sim shoots big and kills big and I'm like what's going on I said didn't he just save cloud like all right he's over here to save big bigs die anyway and then you see him being like surrounded by soldiers and now he's about to meet the same fate that he met back when he was supposed to die but he take fate he take Fate by the balls and he jumps off off the reactor and then he goes into this white void which he's now confusing when to know what the hell is going on so we're going to pause right there and leave it there and move on to the next part the white materia the white materia um and remake is clear and it's empty and we never knew what was going on with that well essentially what's going on now is arith had pulled cloud and pulled him into a a a Multiverse to where she needs him to take to get the a white material from a totally different universe so the cloud so the AR that Cloud's interacting with during this date is not the same AR this is a completely different AR and in this universe seov is successful the meter is about to [ __ ] everybody up and kill everybody so she gave Cloud the white material that he needs in order to give Arif the the white materia in his current timeline and then she pushes him back in his current timeline very [ __ ] confusing then with Zack going back to Zack we find out that Zack even though in this time that Zach is alive Zach's choices and decisions also created more universes of him being alive but with different outcomes now you remember when I said that cloud uh Zack has saved Cloud but then you see another scene where he pretty much essentially tried to uh uh uh go back for bar uh for Bigs well essentially him going over to bigs is not the same Zach this is another Zach because that light that I showed you in the tunnel was a potential universe that be that was created if Zack chose to go down that route so Zack is creating more universes within that Universe where he's alive and then you see the part where seov goes up into the church while Zach is sitting on the steps that's another different that's another Zach a completely different Zach so you're they're creating these different Zach is creating these different alternate realities based on decisions that he made and then if you play integrade there was an ending in inter where Zack goes into the church and then when he when he goes into the church he notices that aif isn't there so that essentially picks up from where that point is where Zach is sitting on the church step that is a completely different Zach this [ __ ] is a cluster [ __ ] but to move on now the most iconic part and this is the last part we want to talk about before we end this whole video which is where everybody was wondering how was they going to treat the whole icon death scene of AR did aif die so to answer this question yes and [ __ ] no what do I mean by that a is dead but not dead so essentially what happens is we finally get to the most iconic part and I'm going to tell you I want to tell you this people always talk about one when games are oneto one that there's no excitement you already know what's going to happen and that's not true because I always pull a Star Wars analogy can you imagine them remaking the original Star Wars trilogies and they they pretty much take Darth Vader and they make Luke already know that Darth Vader his father that would destroy the whole scene because people no matter how many times people love and watch Star Wars original trilogy over and over again that scene where Darth Vader revealed that his father will always get you will always pull at you that is an iconic moment and that's why it doesn't matter if something is oneto one because those scenes are very powerful and will still hit the same way no matter what technology is in no matter if You remake it or not those some scenes are are are meant to be left untouched and they [ __ ] this up because when you get to the point where cloud is about to save arth and you can tell the developers is trying to create shock value or try to create this this moment of you know there's hope and then they try to try to be clever and try to pull it away from you so what happens essentially is cloud turns around and this time around when seal tries to kill a cloud this time comes in and stops the blade from killing aif which he successfully has done he successfully done it but all of a sudden you see a Flash and when you see the flash you see blood on the ground and you see seov blade have blood and then you see Arif fall and hit the ground as if she died and she dies so when I first saw I was [ __ ] confused I like wait a minute he blocked the plate how did she die and many people on the internet was also confused at one point too but as I I re after thought cuz I filmed I recorded it I rewatched it over and over again so what they essentially did was Cloud saved AR but and didn't save AR at the same time so what do I mean by that so remember remember I told you where there's a flash of where Arif is dead well what they don't tell you is and what they're trying to be clever is is that two universes are going parallel at the same time and is flashing between both universes so cloud and remake Universe successfully saved Arif but it switches over back to the PS1 Universe where Cloud failed to save AR and she dies but the game doesn't signify that you actually have to actually break it apart and and and dissect it and break it down to draw that conclusion so two universes are happening at the same time and these both of these critical moments are happening parallel of one another so remake Universe you a was save PS1 Universe Cloud failed to save her but the developers doesn't tell you that they switch back and forth to trick you to trick your head up now even after everything is all said and done AR in the remake universe is still going but not in the way that you think it is now this is just my personal opinion and Theory I could be wrong but in Final Fantasy 7 remake it appears that Arif realized her Destiny and fate is to become part of the live stream now this is now in remake Arif is not Tech is dead but not technically dead from what I gather from this is that a it took it upon herself instead of dying she decided to say hey I'm going to pray to the planet talk to the planet and communicate with the planet and become one with the planet and become one with the live stream itself in order to protect all life especially from the on upcoming you know Doom which is the meteor and what seov is trying to uh uh um is trying to do with his overall arcing goal or whatever so how you can tell Arif is dead but not is alive but not dead and invit Versa is look at Cloud response in the remake Universe cloud is much happier and a is even happy a because a is technically not dead and Cloud understands what Arif is doing that's why he smiles and he places Arif down and he fights sephar off and then ARF comes in after you do that crazy ass ball fight which is [ __ ] yo that boss fight when I say filler man that ball fight was like an hour long has many different layers and then they took seph seph for sephar off and made that the boss of this game so they're taking each uh boss segment of sephar off in the original game and making it a solo boss for the Remake Trilogy so we know that the final sephar off with the one wng um that uses no uses Nova um is going to be the final boss for the for the for the final part in the trilogy but as we wrap this up essentially what's going on is cloud can see Arif everybody else thinks she's dead but cloud is the only one that can see Arif and this is them taking a literal approach because in the original Final Fantasy 7 Cloud can feel a at the end and know that it's a aif is around and we always see a glimpse of AR even in Final Fantasy 7 Aon children Cloud was able to see AR every time so they actually taking a literal approach and actually having AR actually there in in the party but everybody no one can see her but cloud and red 13 can feel her presence that she's still around even though she's technically supposed to be dead so this also goes to lead into the fact is that Arif is going to be in part three so she's not going for good she's going to play an integral part along with Zach and speaking of Zach the fan fiction finally comes in Zack and Cloud finally team up with one another because that white void had leaded uh uh Zach into a void of the Multiverse I would say or guess or something like that and he pretty much was able to team up with remake Cloud to fight uh seov after seov get his ass kicked he said [ __ ] out of here I got to separate y'all [ __ ] from each other cuz y'all beating my ass then he separate the universes once again but at the end meteor is about to destroy his alternate timeline but Arif I believe it's aif pulls him out of it and then he wakes up he's in the church which I believe in my personal opinion he's now in Cloud's Universe which is the Remake Universe now so we have to wait and see how all that uh pans out but all this is supposed to lead into Final Fantasy 7 Avid children so the thing that really boggles my mind is if everybody's end up going to die anyway Zack arith bigs wedge or whatever if all this is going to happen anyway then what was the point of all this [ __ ] this [ __ ] makes no sense it's convoluted they tried to be clever dro the ball and they keep putting all these different multiverses in and you still don't understand what is suffer off main goal here so what is he trying to do here with this whole Multiverse thing because red 13 explained that the PS1 uh Vision that he had was was a bad timeline which now we found out that it actually a deception is because it wasn't a bad timeline it was just another reality and this is before they realized that realities exist and multiverses exist so what is this overall like scheme with all this and we still don't know cuz it left us with more questions and answers and now cloud has both the white material and the black material so where is all of this going what is what is seov trying to do here I like like it just baffles me this just doesn't make sense to me at all but since I'm already invested in this I got to see this through to the end so I can make another video like this to put all this together so we can determine was this all worth it but that essentially wraps up this whole breakdown it's over an almost an hour and a half of me just talking about this so I hope you guys enjoyed this video definitely leave your thoughts in the comment sections below what do you think about this VD uh think about all this as far as the Remake Trilogy will you wait until all the parts release and before you go dive into the game or you going to just say [ __ ] this game all together this game can just die definitely your thoughts in comments section below if you own the game what what are your opinions about Final Fantasy 7 remake Trilogy remake and rebirth what do you think about the overall aspect do you think this is a good path that they're going definitely let me know so this wraps everything up this is mugan Lord signing off I see you g later peace [Music] out
Channel: MugenLord
Views: 8,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Spoiler, Ending Explain, Worst Story, Not a Masterpiece, Zack Fair, Cloud Strife, Gameplay, Spoiler Review, Preview, Multiverse, Sephiroth, Aerith Death, Aerith is alive, Fan Service, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Maximillian Dood, Zack is alive, Is Zack dead, Black Materia, Rant, Censor, MugenLord, Mugen TV
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 48sec (4788 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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