Final Fantasy 7: Machinabridged (FF7MA) – COMPLETE Season 4 - TeamFourStar (TFS)

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the northern crater this is where Genova fell from the sky 2,000 years ago Oh hold up you're telling me separates mama's so fat she fell from space and made a crater savage so if she fell from the sky when that make her like an alien yeah if there's alien [ __ ] going down then I'm in you sure about this said it's gonna be dangerous listen fists I'm all about space so that includes aliens and if there's one down this hole that it's fat ass mate then you best know I'm in this shoulder deep oh you use that phrase to Sangan was a good tom you mean teacher I know what I [ __ ] said we have to finish what the cetra started once we destroyed your no fat the planet will be able to heal and when we kill suffereth so will we I've long last I finally found it the promised land Oh looks like we can count that as another victory for the Shinra corporation yes along with wasting Gillen transportation and vesting and loot sponsors and creating a network for morons to share nonsensical images to each other y'all talking about Mimi's I'm not sure if you noticed but I become some of the kids these days would hashtag as a meme Exedy Oh did Heidegger and I must say I'm so proud of you and your beards below of thanks scarlet trick was to put the flan butter in my beard to catch there to my mouth can we cease this buffoonery and focus on me and my accomplishments please yes Heidegger let's shower Rufus but the constant praise of ego so desperately needs before he inevitably loses his throne come again I said congratulations sir you found the Promised Land did didn't I take that DAB everything's going according to plan [Music] did you just show the reunion but the Fuger days walk in trash bags supposed to be hey these are the same people from Nibelheim why are they here Sephiroth the summoning [Music] Sephiroth cloud we're so glad you made it to the reunion it's over Sephiroth we're here to kill you and Genova really the only reason you're here is to kill me and they're real Sephiroth wait this is getting us nowhere just bring out your mother oh cloud don't you see I am my mother that's a whole lot of what curry to unpack you when were you realize that you're just like these mindless followers you're just kill you alright game plan TV you'll distract it with a barrage of attacks while I prepare soldier bowl and Sidwell comes our [ __ ] yeah pretty much that finally it's ours again now all we got to do is take out the real Sephiroth and it'll all be over so what Jenova used pieces of itself to transform an ACEF Roth and lead us here why how do we know if they're real Sephiroth is either yes I can feeling okay well if the three of us are gonna keep going then someone else should stay behind to keep the black materia safe good call I know just who to give it to I would be honored promise me something don't [ __ ] up okay damn clamp you all right are you sure y'all are prepared for this of course I'm prepared for this this is what my father dreamed of his entire life oh I do wish he were here I'd have loved to have seen the look on his face when he saw that it was I not he who would elevate the Shinra name to its proper prestige and buyers ball quicker the higher they rise unlimited Marco energy Shinra now controls the promised land Shinra controls nothing I beg your pardon the promised land it isn't real it never was what the Hojo what's going and the water truly has control is cloud cloud try not to freak this is all just lose if it's a froth made up to try and freak us out might feel a little late for that oh well just as I thought Sephiroth's using the memory from five years ago to mess with us see there's several ramirez and me what's up with my hair oh I get it it's a wig no one would have hair that ridiculous sorry Sam dog but if you really wanted to get under my skin you oh that's low holy [ __ ] it's and yet his face will save the day right right I don't stay strong Tifa we'll get through this here that Sephiroth we're on to your trick oh and what trick would that be cloud making me think I was never in Mabel I'm five years ago well I was because I remember it all the heat of the fire the feelings of betrayal everything I'm disappointed in you cloud after everything I've shown you you still refuse to accept the reality how are you talking about your own memories are the true illusion from returning to Nibelheim to all your feelings even to believing who you think you are don't listen to her lacks teeth he's just trying to mess with me I'm not who I think I am what like I'm not actually cloud or something correct ah you're just a failed experiment created by dr. Hojo after I destroyed a Nibelheim and experiment that's not true I think cloud or remember when we were kids what about the time we were on the water tower yeah I remember the time I broke into my dad's liquor cabinet and made you Charlie drinks yeah I don't remember as much more this time what I wanted to see how spikey your hair was okay black materia secured do you have to say that every five minutes Wallace wisdom number 54 consistency is key yeah but miss them number 39 don't talk back to your elders oh thank God I thought I was smelling the cosmos wait where's clam he's in trouble please he need your help Oh blondie need Barrett to help him out Big Damn surprise thank you very much you guys suck just kids perhaps some physical proof is needed remember that picture we took before we went to mountain nibble come see it Klaus please don't relax I should be in the picture and even if I'm not it's just an illusion right let's see who's in this picture there's me looking happy and there's Tifa looking sad and there's cloud or should I say Zack join soldiers just like you was my boyfriend Zack was in Nibelheim five years ago here was I cloud how did I get into soldier don't listen was I ever in soldier honey not cloud how in the little boy how's the unemployment line not as long as a shut up your daddy you've been standing under yep [ __ ] welcome to the reunion who are you again I don't know dad I heard you that's why I came as soon as I could do you have the black materia yeah I still got it give it to me you are ill now right now never been better now that I know the truth my experiment was a complete success tell me what number did I give you you never gave me a number no number then that's what make you fail yeah you're right I am man what does he's going on I second that that failure is a sefirot blown I created five years ago I took the survivors of the Nibelheim incidents and injected them with Sephiroth's genes giving numbers to clones I deemed as worthy and tossing away the failure failure my reunion theory proposed that G Nova's body would become one again if it were ever dismembered was never a pursuit it was a summit but something happened the corpse from Midgar as well as the clones all came to this location not my Genova swell by hey it's been a while dude [Music] three FIFA harmonies that would breaking news giant monsters known as weapons of you're [ __ ] with me Sam is this a thing it's happening right now awake these things have been wandering around for a week and no one is bothered to tell me and weapon that's the best you could come up with he was in some notes we found look look Tom Tom I get it okay you're freaking out it flies Sam its flies I'm sorry Sam but no there is nothing else oh my god shouldn't Rose wanted has been captured yeah they were such a big threat they're people Sam these are giant king monsters there is no other news that is bigger than zip [Music] I'm done I'm not the news guy was on point [Music] Barrett hey took a hell of a spill on the high wind knocked you unconscious for about a week yes what's been going down yeah nothing much those giant ass masses have been wreaking havoc all over the planet there's a giant barrier over northern crater protecting Sephiroth and singer brought us the Junon well everyone else done [ __ ] off after we escaped oh yeah longest [ __ ] Tuesday of my life okay but what happened wafer I say this with zero humorous intent cloud a free gun brother Shh how much longer until impact that's you're apparently Rufus has a plan but it's Shinra so oh pretty much prisoners right are we able to call somebody for help yeah I hope you are both doing well I'm just here to inform you all that the all-you-can-eat buffet and showers are now open and yes that is very much a jab at UT for my god woman I can smell you from here that's funny you smell your [ __ ] from here too now I'm not the bad guy here I'm just trying to make y'all comfortable before your execution I'm sorry you want to say that again see now this is why I didn't want to open with that but yes y'all are going to be executed live on the Shinra net for millions to see well man we do nothing well there's the bombings meddling in my affairs and this is the biggest one by the way see that giant ball in the sky that isn't the Sun that's about to fall down on us yeah your friend caused that and since we don't know where he is you guys haven't found cloud I wanna sleep with everything plus finding out the thing my father's been searching for his entire life was nothing more than a fairy tale questionable state of mind so high just let scarlet and hi to go take care of it and since they haven't told me anything we're all just kind of assuming you [ __ ] say it Tifa just because I don't say anything doesn't make it any less true proud me sliding into your DMS sir the stream is all set and ready to go also the showers to stop working in the breakfast buffet is just melons you breakfast betraying mother cash also if you could not swear on stream that would be great we're trying to keep his public execution peach but well in that case your breakfast your shower your suit those chairs these computers these stairs this hallway this chamber oh and most importantly yeah I wouldn't talk so big if I were you no one's coming to save you not Barris or SID or what was the name of that cute blond spiky haired man you were always tagging along with and was something stupid right knock you the [ __ ] out help jog your memory you bit Baroness regardless he couldn't come to save you even if he wanted to not in the shape we found two men all right ma it's time to give these losers with nothing better to do is show come back here God what do I don't pay you for hey Scarlett I know this might be a letdown to our viewers but to some of us we find it oh yeah sorry Scarlett you look like you could have used unmask Kate said and what they'll explain later but for right now we gotta make like a conceited tennis ball and pick it out don't you ever [ __ ] touch my catchphrase ever again and we'll leave it without paper free you the hell's it sound like sounds like you're not making much progress shut the [ __ ] up forget about me just go just go fine cloud will be back for you I promise all right Barry if we want to get out of here and save people we got a tossed aside this gave me an idea sir everything is prepared for weapons arrival good prepare to blow that monster to smithereens oh I thought you wanted to bring the weapon on as a guest with a stream we are not bringing that thing on stream we're gonna show that weapon people unbridled power of the Shinra corporation destroy that weapon [Music] I'm sure they're gonna be here any second now and once they're here we go back in safety for good because when I get my hands on Shinra how they're gonna be able to do is grin and finally everything is calm down fine do something about it sir at filming this for our ships to glare a lot of data out of there you like so I got the cannon working there's nowhere left for you to run now be a good girl and come take the punishment you deserve why are you laughing I'm sorry I'm sorry it's just it's funny that you think that that's what's gonna happen yes that's exactly why I shut the [ __ ] up this is what's going down I'm going to be the fat of you so badly that your face will be my new bull that I eat my tanks are top cereal out of and yes your blood will be the milk but since I'm such a good girl I can let you off with that morning if you tell me where cloud is how dare you I will not be spoken down to by filthy slum gutter trash you are in the presence of the Baron bow down [ __ ] welcome aboard the Howard fist I almost died and other than yuffie being thick on the deck everyone's here I'm in the corner no not everyone yeah about that captain we've got to hit on clouds location wait you guys found cloud oh let's just say I heard it from one of Scarlett's men because he's a book inspire okay thanks for the route summary so how does that apology for throwing me at that door coming along oh it's non-existent both of you shut up how much longer till we reach him I would be about any minute now what look fists or something can't believe it live don't worry cloud when we find you I'll tell you everything and when I do everything will be better right cloud cloud what what's wrong what happened to him I'm sorry man but I'm afraid your friends suffering from maca poisoning probably due to exposure from high levels of macho energy for an extended period of time is that what he uses to keep his hair so spiky - really how long will he be like this yeah it's hard to say it's been a week since we found him like this still no progress now I'm not saying he's completely a vegetable but he would fit well in a stew of fools wrong with you man hey don't knock it till you try it I couldn't clear it euphy tell the others I'm not coming back leave us we're family clouds my family he needs me right now come on you feet let's go [Music] cloud I'm sorry I think I speak for us all and I say that this situation has done fooled us all especially you think she's really big boy a good guts out about it yummy we're all in this together now there ain't no getting off this train y'all got any suggestion actually I just ins that aren't from people who work for Shinra trust me Barrett I think you're gonna want to hear what the people from Shinra talking about I'm glad your roof is Shinra yep I'm spying on them right now yep I'm trying to listen did you lose weight uncle Palmer I know he looks bright you're red everybody is in on the conspiracy now then how must confess something to all of you my goal for this company was one of selfishness I continued my father's quest to find the promised land not to honor him but despite him do the one thing he couldn't do and to prove to him myself and everyone else that I know how to run an empire after the incident with the weapon and almost meeting my untimely demise it's made me realize something it's time Shinra changes its course of operation and that starts with ending our first ever Shin flicks original series jump the shark after season six huh this might be the concussion talking but that's a great idea Rufus Shinra needs to end it's ridiculous venture in new media and return to its roots of the world conquering international corporate enterprise we are going to save it what what what I'm glad you asked uncle Palmer we're going to use huge materia to bless me they are into smithereens and when the people see that it was Shinra that saved them there look at us we already got a bunch of huge material wouldn't hurt Scarlett I'm putting you in charge of gathering the remaining huge materia from Fort Condor and Correll I trust you'll ask them nicely oh don't worry mr. president I'll make sure to be as ruthlessly polite as possible wow sounds like sooner is actually gonna save the war we gotta stop them what why using the materia to blow up meteor actually sounds like a pretty good idea what part of blasting a high amount of unstable energy into our atmosphere sounds like a good idea to you plus they want up with Corral ain't that Jay bird that totally ended up not being pointless and if they want to move with my hometown and res I'll explain fascination with that giant bird upon Condor thank you sneak attack and it's tech talk but I Asus and when the alarm goes up they're gonna wake up to an avalanche of justice me yo the hell makes you think you're qualified the late Avalanche time because an avalanche time get this [ __ ] he did look I come from a long line of seeds and even though most of us are different in some way there's one thing we all have in common that's when things get tough Syd's get [ __ ] done or if you want to find someone else to fly you anywhere be my [ __ ] guest whatever you're the leader [ __ ] now before we head off I'm gonna go make myself a nice hot cup of goddamn if he's mad now wait till he sees what I left on the bar mid-deck generous hitting two places at once so we're gonna need a split up they always knew that one day fate would bring us heroes with the strength to oppose Shinra today is that day don't worry commander I'm giving you my best squad to help you out we are forever grateful to both you and the skilled technicians who have lent us you've doomed them all here's the game plan boys while Barret and I are inside the reactor [ __ ] [ __ ] up red will be sniffing out the huge materia once that sumbitch SARS we get the hell out of here and blow this [ __ ] ha I like the way you think Syd this plan seems a tad couldn't fussily why would we look for the huge materia inside the reactor what it was on that train ditches passed by what why did you tell me I wasn't thrilled by your swears damn it all right now getting on that train now unless this calls for speed what kind of speed socks did you take your foot off the Avalanche break great question there are no brakes on the evidence train now we're just gonna sneak Li jump on board shot up before the hear intruders sorry but we're getting off this train fine by me nothing's gonna stop this train from research to rob my life that was some fast inky thinking of the only guy who knows how to control this train we gotta stop this train before it reaches corral what'll happen if we don't stop it maybe breaks on an avalanche train is a good idea god damn it have a rocket scientist not a trained scientist I don't know how these controls work it's just like you said bearish there ain't no getting this trade off you get points for trying I don't know what to do that's one thing you can do said believe in what Barret did y'all just save our town from becoming a literal last train red I guess we did we'll just grab what we need and be on our way no no no baby you ain't going nowhere because we want to say something we're sorry for the way we treated you Barrett years ago we all wanted scenery to build a malko reactor here so we're all at fault we want you to have this as a way of saying sorry what is it something everyone's been waiting for Bahamut hogs 3 remind me how I'm even more [ __ ] confused I promise y'all we're gonna take care of media and save the planet just like dad would have watched ma'am that media when - we just dig ourselves deep enough and media won't even hit us stay in your own grave great idea that sounded like something Marc would say yeah it does I wonder how they're doing I'm starting to think that today it is [Music] [Applause] farewell old friend fate has claimed you but you leave behind a Hewitt legacy and a beautiful rich mission accomplished y'all personally I think we could have done a better job at Fort Condor yeah now what are they gonna do with that giant baby bird not eat it look what matters is now we got the huge materia before the snubs calls it's Shinra now there was just one thing left to do Hey [Music] so stop Shinra from stealing some huge materia berry who really wanted to show it to you guys cool seems like you're doing fine without us look too fun I can't do this alone I know he's your friend but don't sit okay just this all of this everything is it's because of me okay it's my fault and what you guys just gonna sit here and wait till meteor comes and kills both of y'all I'm not leaving cloud side I'm gonna stay with him till the end the end might come sooner than expected this cloud didn't you just hell is going on out there cracker it's a god damn earthquake we gotta get the hell out of here come on hurry the whole place is about to fall apart we have to get out of here no can do I made a Hippocratic oath that whenever things turn sideways bad I'll go down with the ship that poor captive now you know why I'm such a bad doctor well I know you're scared but I'm gonna do you a solid and protect you [Music] [Music] cloud cloud is that you hey long time no see oh my god miss you Finn so long yeah five years really flew by didn't it oh do you remember the last time we saw each other yeah sure do I joined soldier came back home went up Mount nibbles saw me behind it burned to the ground font Sephiroth took a nap and now I'm here how did you know about Nibelheim cuz I was there I mean that's a pretty hard thing not to remember it's not like someone injected memories into me or something right that'd be weird [Laughter] real weird I gotta say you worrying about me is a breath of fresh air back when we were kids the teeth I remembered used to always trick me into doing things that would jeopardize my future and well-being got you [ __ ] just like when we were kids you dumb [ __ ] what you been up to recently yeah finally get a job the account being a former first-class soldier a job now that I am unemployed you know if I mean if you're looking to make a quick buck I got some friends that are about to do a mission I mean nothing crazy or violent or illegal or anything like that as long as you don't [ __ ] up things should go smoothly so are you saying wanna do me a solid do it or your pube hair is going straight into your mouth all the way down to your goddamn stomach alright fine I'll do it just like back in the day just like back in the day five years ago but it wasn't five years ago it was seven cloud I lied to you about everything sorry what is this place God why are you everywhere this place it's your subconscious isn't it I don't know do you have any idea why you're here I don't know I do you're looking for the truth trying to piece together broken memories right I don't know okay not really much help right now but it's okay because we're gonna help you find the truth I'm scared no you are cloud but it it has to be done I don't know where to start think I do Nibelheim five years ago this was a mission that's right what do you remember I remember her Sephiroth was there good anything else he killed a dragon and made her children orphans probably starved to death sweet multi-kill I remember you telling us that but I don't think that's actually what happened and if it did you wouldn't have known five years ago you never came back to Nibelheim I know because because I waited for you but you never came it was came to me yes it was why didn't you tell me because I was scared scared that if I told you the truth that something would have happened to you that I was wrong I lied you all this time and look where we are not out no no you are cloud because if you weren't then this wouldn't have happened do you remember this was the first time we met who introduced herself asked if I wanted to do you was solid I said - your eyes were pretty I wasn't looking at your eyes yeah I had a feeling I remember we were here on this water tower - but I didn't say hi my name is Deva want to do me a salad I think it was I mean you joining a fisting Academy grant hold on love dolphins bro no I said why did you ask me up here he fell what are you I remember being up on the watertower starry night sky the sounds of Zen gun training it's just some details like why we were up there it's just that kind of blurry to me friend yeah of course we were no weren't we were never friends I'll show you hey this is my room those were your real friends what are we gonna do today chief ah we could do something dangerous for your amusement I'll drink why every make Wow these kids are dumb stupid and immature yeah I thought you all were that's why I never hung out with you guys or you guys never hung out with me hey if we never did then how do you know what Hey look isn't that cool out what is he wants want us to go beat him up Faria no it's let him in wait I remember now I lived next door to you I used to only see what your room looked like from the outside but I wanted to see you today because today was the day my mom died you wanted to climb a mountain able to find your mom I followed you to make sure you were alright but when I gots the bridge Tifa missed a step I ran and save her but I didn't make it in time I only scraped my knee when we fell hundreds of feet but you the hell is wrong with you my daughter could have died no wonder all the kids in town hates you maybe if you are in a weak little [ __ ] minute is what happened do me a solid and stay the [ __ ] away from her your dad's words rang in my head if ammonia was stronger I could have saved you was angry at myself and my weakness then I heard about this program called soldier and one day you woke up from your coma you asked me why did you ask me up here I wanted to see if you were all right you know after it's just a week-long coma it could happen anyone how about you you doing all right I'm I'm leaving me behind to go join soldier oh my yeah see there's this guy called Sephiroth he's like the best he's super strong cool and has tons of friends and parents they love him probably I want to be just like him strong so I can protect the things I care about me behind my mom and you do you think you'll ever come back to me behind no after you make it once I'm a first class soldier I'll be sent on missions and if one of them is enable right I'll wait for you so I can punch you punch me why well after those other goobers let me at Mountain nibble I need a new friend to practice my dolphin blow on you want me to try it now no no no no it's a great name but all right I promise I'll come back to visit you but not as Cloud Strife the weekly but as Cloud Strife the first-class soldier you join soldier because of me cloud it's ok Tifa you don't need to apologize well can I at least say sorry for how my dad reacted reacted react code react to her club are you remembering something the Nibelheim reactor I was there wait cloud the only people that were at the reactor were me Zak Sephiroth and Ramires oh my god cloud you're Ramirez did youdid come back to Nibelheim five years bill but not his Cloud Strife first-class soldier I was ashamed of myself for letting you down for breaking my promise cloud you didn't you came back you kept your promise and cloud stopped Sephiroth long time no see yeah it has been a long time hasn't it Zack so you finally figured it out huh hey if this was all just text then I would have never known look I just want to say if it wasn't for you I don't think I would be the person I am today I just gave you a little nudge here and there everything else it's been all you bro since the day I met you you've always been Cloud Strife first class soldier so I guess this is goodbye then for now no make sure to tell her you said hi thank you for everything [Music] cloud eighty-five one time no see Oh Oh [ __ ] you had me worried sick Claude sorry just getting over an identity crisis is all so I guess I never really wasn't soldier all right yeah but you did technically defeat Sephiroth and he was the top guy yeah you're right I love this man and if that doesn't make you a first-class soldier then I don't know what the [ __ ] oh I can't wait to tell the others yeah so are you go yeah I'm ready and hey Tifa yeah cloud thanks for being my friend anytime bro okay so just to clarify it was Zach that went to me behind yes and cloud was Ramirez that's right and you don't remember what happened after you BC Ferries yep what about you Tifa thank you think I just walk up and walked out of there like a boss and now that your pass has been cleared up we never have to worry about it ever again more or less yeah about my trauma what do you guys been up to well those dumb skills that shinra were stealing huge Metiria from reactors so they can blasted that meteor it thinks the Avalanche time and whatever the [ __ ] you feech team name was we grabbed most of it good chop high amounts of unstable energy exploding in the atmosphere doesn't sound like a good idea yeah that's what I said after we hit the underwater reactor chewed on all the huge material will be ours wait if it's underwater and that means we'll need a submarine oh man I've always wanted to ride one of those well what are we waiting for let's go submarines rocks like it up time to say I get extremely funny with a duster phobic you drop an f-bomb I swear I'm opening a window we did it guys we got all the huge materia now what do we do none of you had a plan for after did you honestly it's not a with fiction Ren just you know we got went from there hey I know why don't we take the humongo materia to Grandpa Boog in hogging the food subbu Gonzaga he told us the planets run by ghosts that's not a bad idea maybe you'll know how to stop meteor - well whatever Bunga beta comes up with damn be any dumber than what Shinra plans yeah I mean blowing up meteor with huge materia do that oh yeah I guess piling a rocket with huge materia and ramming it at meteor would make sense father if I was Shinra I probably still try that without the huge materia well hold on said we don't know if cinder is actually gonna do that about that I got a phaser fire in the Shinra number 26 rocketed meteor sound flit ah no better than just letting it collect dust right uncle palmer the northern crater is not a giant ice wall that settles it we're going to Rocket town but what about grandpa Mugen haggis no Gillis about some bagel hot dog that rocket is my only way of achieving my dreams of reaching outer space and I am NOT gonna let those [ __ ] run nubs cuz turn my rocket into a king galactic rock crusher just for the record I'm claiming that one for an attack named thank you all right Syd we'll have it your way we'll go straight to rocket town good that's what I like to hear all this huge material we're carrying the Shinra can easily steal back all right I'll chop y'all up first don't worry said we'll get to rocket town as soon as a huge materia isn't a safe place and as long as we fly through all the red lights will be there in no time I'm not sure which part of that statement I should be more concerned with huge-mongous materia secured set security protocol to level avalanche what did that do exactly oh you'll know cop we got a dream too thing it would seem that time is of the essence yeah but hey I'm sure once we get to the rocket Sid will know exactly what's going on I have no idea what the [ __ ] going on yeah we're Shinra maybe they got scared off by the crew the ghost crew don't be a good numbskull there ain't no such thing as ghosts Mission Control what's going on where's Shinra I'm doing great kid thanks for asking yeah they were here but they left after loading up the rocket with a Mach Oh bomb say a whip change of plans we're shutting down this whole operation once again how much longer do we got to launch I can't believe it believe it said you did it after all this time I'm the first man in space with cloud this must be the maka ba Mission Control was talking about we've got to remove it Barrett is everything all right I sense a disturbance you let me take care of that yeah good call all right Bob's been taking care of those escape pods before we crash in the meteor the last time there's no one on this ship are you doing here did you really think I was just gonna sit by and let Shinra destroy your dream it was a good plan sneak aboard and try to reroute the Rockets course hard that would be I would have figured it out it's not exactly rocket science you beautiful sides [ __ ] come on Syd when we get back to earth I'll make you some [Music] Hey this is oxygen tank number eight yes how's it look different oh I didn't tell you it got remastered finally toy I mean a painted shitty house is still a shitty house but you know whatever makes you happy you know will make me really happy getting this kick tag off me passion remember 26 go tell that meteor to golf there was no way that rocket was going to destroy meteor I will keep shinra's Mach o bomb here for safekeeping even if the rocket was filled with huge material I'm afraid it would not have made a difference well at least we stopped it from exploding in space and Kazin who knows what the food to happen actually when Mach o energy is exposed in space if that folks craps is gonna tell us about space well my planet territory isn't just for sure sure sure sure yeah sure that's great for looking but it's differently you've been up there among the shining stars the wondrous unknown and darkness as far as the eye can see I know you're still riding the accomplish Dream High but we have to stay focused we'd plan perhaps it would be best to change our way of thinking instead of trying to come up with a new plan ask yourself has one already been put into play Aerith when she went to the city of the ancient she said that only eccentric had stopped Sephiroth I see cloud if we go back there I might be able to find something back to the city I don't know if it's okay to fight let's go unga-bunga right and if the high wind hasn't been scrapped for parts we can head on over the planet is in crisis I hear it pain it's suffering it cries out for one thing Holi only yes the white materia with the ultimate life magic and perhaps our last chance stopping meteor do you know where it is yes I do but I think it would be better if I showed you [Music] [Music] the white materia Aerith had it all along why is it glowing green it must be sick cast curaga goggles it is not sick Nanaki when the white material glows green it means that the planet has heard the prayers of a cetera that's what she meant when she said only etc could stop Sephiroth then where is it why hasn't it stopped meteor hmm that's peculiar sorry it's a little dry around this water wall but yes holy not coming forth to stop meteor is concerning Sephiroth his will and the life stream must be stopping it well it sounds to me like we know what we gotta do now yeah Thank You Barriss we won't let your death be in vain it still feels weird Yello hey good news we found a way to stop meteor you did oh that's great news you know it's actually kind of funny because I wanted to give you guys know cool is it all so good pal it's it's bad it's bad news the sister that is an excellent name for the newly move June on Kenan Scarlett really shows that sense of diversity and inclusiveness we're trying to foster here at Shinra well-intentioned it may be sir do you really think that hooking up the sister ray to our maka reactor is safe now's not the time to worry about safe breathe now is the time for action nod your head if you agree high regard I like to contribute but siphoning that much macho energy it was that can't be good for the planet don't listen to this contrary and mr. president under your my leadership you I will bring Shinra to a new golden age of prosperity where the people of not just Midgard but the whole world will look at us as a hero gods and there's nothing that can stop us Oh what is that that is probably something that could stop us [Music] it's heading straight for Midgar Rica but that's what my latest we got a stop [ __ ] don't worry Barrett I got a plan alright looks like we got no choice guys we gotta beat the [ __ ] out of it something I mean it's not like we can just tell it to stop sure the weapon is in position we can fire on your order fool does it not realize that I'm trying to save the planet does it not think that what I'm trying to do will not benefit all of mankind does it not believe that I'll never step out of my father's shadow no I will be better than you Father I will show weapon that I am willing to utterly and completely destroy my enemies no matter how many [Music] [Music] [Music] sir weapons been destroyed and the northern crater barrier is gone looks like breakfast has been served don't know what you're talking about sir sir there's a massive amount of energy headed towards Midgard what at least I created the sh intranet [Music] [Music] barrier it's gone you can go in we can end it yeah we're coming for you suffer right something's wrong you're dying right something's wrong weapons you got our children out our whole city's in chaos and I can't even since the grammar forget about that something's wrong with the sister ray hey whoever's operating the system Hojo Oh Joe what the hell are you doing macho energy Sephiroth requires more Marco you can't fire the sister ray again if you do it'll overload destroy med door [ __ ] it's a small price to pay to see the fruits my research Oh Joe damn it you're an MIT dog irrelevant by E Oh Joe Joe Joe what's going on this is bad really really bad Oh Joe's taken over the cannon and if he fires it again it's gonna blow up and destroy all of Midgar and Heidegger and Scarlett I'm through it at anything wait you're with them right now bye looks like the jig is up mr. Shin respire you just gave up your identity Palmer is dead bro Heidegger did you not listen dumbass receptionist's we met that one time and have her executed as well at last with the Shinra bloodline gone I starlet Jake Huestis shall reign supreme as the new Baroness of the sister corporation oh let's get this internet fixed so we can reg that dome nobody says that look just leave Hojo to cloud and the others yeah I don't think soon God enjoy Hojo's dungeon traitor Heidegger prepare the ultimate weapon seriously sapphires outta da Jordan I'm sorry it's not over yet Kate we're coming for you and stopping Hojo once and for all okay you know how to get to the top of the sister ray right like the palms of my hand all right then it's settled the team's gonna be cloud hates it and me for years I have dreamed of the torment that I would induce - OH soon I shall make him suffer for what he has done I will lacerate his limbs butcher his body and feast on his entrails so that he is nothing more than a husk for my spider children oh yeah I forgot you had spiders living inside you I don't know if insane I mean you're good but all you've really got is a cool cape a gun and the power to turn into ungodly horrific creatures you know what yeah you're coming with us Ruthie hey so I've been vomiting this whole time - well midgar's in trouble and shinra's gone into martial law meaning all the ways of getting in are impossible except for what [Music] [Applause] follow me I know a way to get to the sister Rey undetected right on hey do you know where everyone else is right so far so good that sounds like the footsteps of the giant ruble well well if it isn't the leader of shinra's Most Wanted a walking cadaver and a talking cat person who we don't know behold my ultimate weapon nothing it look cool looks like iron higher third and fourth quarter was wasted no unless you want to be crushed under my feet I suggest you move out of the way and let us deal with Hojo after all the effort he took for us to coordinate that sick drop-in not gonna happen very well we'll destroy both you Hojo and that traitor Reeves and with all our enemies are gone my new age of dominance shall begin I'll increase taxes for the poor creep but cuts to necessary public sectors allow moogle tail trading and make every second Thursday of the month half-price chocobo wing day that was my idea every one of those laws are incredibly detrimental to a society you can't do that to the people of course we can we're the government qu2 WA nothing but a bunch of proud Claude such what we named robot hilarious I think we're gonna be here need to be spoken by know just how to do it amen hey there folks you may know me as lovable feet Morgan okay but I've got news for you my name's not Cates if it's Reeve to ste Cait Sith is just a robot doll that I made up to hide my identity and MOG is my internalized guilt and depression that gets filtered out through sassy one-liners just like you I made Guardian wait for the bus at sector four I grabbed lunch at the awful falafel and I'm a graduate of Midgar you go fight moogles oh yeah I work for Sheila because I thought that I could help but I that was wrong I realized that I was just another cog in their machine of oppression to keep the people of Midgard down while they fill their pockets and drain our planet Shinra now more than ever is a threat not just to Midgard but the entire world it's time we rise up band together and stop general once and for all because Shinra isn't Midgard we on Midgard we Midgar we Amica we're Midgar we amid go godless we always sell drugs I can feel the power of the city it courses through my veins take this the power of Midgar you throw dice it's a very damaging attack yeah if you step on it same the only thing they stepped on will be your head so the wrong button it's one for a bomb well garlic looks like your new global government is really starting off with a bang Hojo a failed experiment names cloud from Nibelheim as much as it pains me to admit this you all right not of all the Sephiroth clones I tended to create you were my only success even that other soldier that was with you was a fail yeah other soldier we return to Nibelheim after the incident to assess the situation and that's when I found that both the fear I took you the soldier and the remaining villages to be a part of my experiment injecting you all with Sephiroth's genetics to create clones but after five years you escaped but you said that I was a failure why simple to take advantage of your low self-esteem by you dick regardless everything has gone according to plan and it's all thanks to Professor ghasts and that subhumanoid lover of his you found de fauna that's Eris mom you just took my experiment so in return I took their research their daughter and their lives but their deaths will not be in vain for sir my son's desire will be yeah yes wait are you telling me you're separate yes I am yes well he definitely didn't inherit your looks but if he's your son that means you and Lucrezia yeah it was the first step to my experiment but there were some problems that needed taking care of you you started all of this that's right are you gonna stop us because I am checked myself Jenova suits now behold my he looks like vomit with teeth why would you do this to yourself it's what I've always wanted you've become your demise unholy Kenny Lance Betty's gonna do something awesome well that was kind of lame [Music] [Laughter] the nightmare is over and so is Shinra yeah there's just one thing left to do in a few days meteor will strike the planet and the only thing powerful enough to stop it is being held back by Sephiroth he's the planets virus and we're the cure we've been through a lot of group lots of ups lots of downs happy times scary times sad times when I started this journey I was doing it for myself but now I fight for something more and I know you all do too and whether you fight for your homes the people that matter or Redemption at the end of the day the thing we're fighting for is our planets future this will be our biggest fight yet and I'm not asking you to risk your lives with me so if any of you want to back out just say the word cloud you done [ __ ] up if you think we're leaving you behind yeah bro we can't let you have all the fun grandpa would barf initely go with you cloud so I'll go to all of Hojo's abominations must be destroyed I do anything for this planet even if it kills me first this world it's like a sick little kid who's scared for its life iein lend no youngins died on my watch you even gotta ask alright then how about we take some time to finish up any side quests resolve any unrelated issues and pick up any sweet-ass items / weapons before this all comes to an end let's make Sephiroth dream of becoming a god his final fantasy [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TeamFourStar
Views: 1,171,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy, final fantasy 7, final fantasy vii, ff, ff7, ffvii, teamfourstar, ff7 abridged, ffvii abridged, final fantasy abridged, final fantasy machinabridged, final fantasy 7 abridged, final fantasy 7 machinabridged, final fantasy vii machinabridged, ff7ma, ffvii machinabridged, tfs final fantasy 7 abridged, machinabridged, abridged, tfs, tfs abridged, team four star, season 4, ff7ma season 4, full season video, cloud, sephiroth, cid, barret, tifa, final fantasy season 4, red xiii
Id: Ys4oMpZTgYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 27sec (4467 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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