Filling My PC with Beans and Hiring a Repair Man to Fix it

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Ah yes, liquid cooling.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/bartekkru100 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
so no one's ever freaked Ross but today that's exactly what we're gonna do Mike bought this van for what 300 400 bucks yeah 450 we gonna fire all right now alex is at a restaurant with them they set up reservations at a dinner she's in on it she's gonna let me know when they're about to come out and essentially what we're gonna do is replace his van with this identical van except if you notice it's upside-down we had to fine-tune some details on the van to make sure he would believe it's actually his the most important it was a giant Mercedes emblem he put on the van a while ago and make sure people know he's high status he's got these trademark windows giving age to two cars making sure the Dodge lettering looks right the other day we're talking about how to use it upside-down [Music] Hey [Music] our losses inside the restaurant we took a spare key and secretly moved to zan over here Mike is taking the tires off and we're putting them on the replica one to make sure the tires look exactly the same and once we get this done we're putting it right back where he parks [Music] I hope somebody goes in there you like somebody put on the upside down know what is happening here Oh Marilyn come on you know this is here for he's posting Instagram stories nice dream all right he's all special I guess what testing testing are you a hi guys here is everybody nothing did you enjoy your food do what the straight that's really funny but sucks he told me to go away oh he's going to the g-wagen dizzy what if he know what [Music] it's his car but I have no idea I was calling me right now no way hey dude every time somebody literally flipped my car upside down in the parking lot like literally put your car like like literally it's really funny but stupid the van okay what is it damaged just a truck it was so funny but I was like no I'm wearing the lane cuz I was like whoever did this it's a labyrinth that there's no way that they just left they're obviously sitting wait so my car is not your car's perfectly fine I was sitting in there for a long period of time and then I came out and my car was flipped upside down on the parking lot honestly is a really good prank I never been training like that before I think it's really especially cool because like coordinating it with you and Mike and Dan like nobody else would do a break like that we're filling up this computer with beans if we call the repairman to come and fix it that frickin mosquito dude I'm gonna murder its family first I'm gonna capture it tie it to a little chair and burn the family's house down with them in it well that mosquito sits outside tied to the chair watching that's what you get for sucking my blood mosquito excuse me mosquito can I go to the bathroom mosquito all right this is the last game look at this mountain of beans it's good fried oh it's upside down dude that's why it smells like a captain oh it's done I cannot wait for him to get here I'm gonna play like as stupid as possible who is it hey did God my brother called the face of computer yes it was working it works good and then screen right when it's on and it's working you can do whatever you want to do until the blue screen comes on is that what happens right it turns on something most of the time and then maybe 5-10 minutes in no go just turn blue I did I speak to you on the phone room I speak to my brother okay he said you had like files that are important on here who I mainly use it for video games so is can we turn it on yeah uh-huh mmm he said it's windows 7 mm-hmm windows 7 has been Microsoft no longer supports it so what happens I don't usually have more than three windows up at a time so that shouldn't be a loss yeah it actually is an issue within Windows 7 but maybe Knox I would have about five windows open and never never six or seven though came on this morning and then it turned blue and then it turned off again what I made myself how that come out oh no I try to press in some of the buttons on the back but the computer's not even turn off and it's plugged in it can hey can I it comes on sometimes and then just turns off and then sometimes it doesn't come on okay it sounds to me like a power supply unit might have gone bad I don't know what that one is I'm gonna call my uncle and tell him the what is going on oh man I want to tell him that you're fake working on and telling me the power supply oh my gosh dude powers I yeah he say it's the power wait he says power dude you ever open mr. Vieau drop before no I'm gonna open it up and show you something I've never seen before my wife what what what is in here this is not supposed to be inside a computer this is beans inside women Hazara go out for me on Craigslist I use it a lot holy I never had an issue none of this these black things all these this is like food it's not like to help the computer stay cool someone told you something with a bunch of beans in it these are black beans this is what you get a Mexican restaurant and that's not good to defer the computer I know I have never in my life seen anything like this before I am shocked the wall that should be here is the circuit board a couple of little pieces of electronics this is the power supply unit Oh what's under this that's the motherboard and actually these are the motherboards no no all of this stuff that you're seeing this pile of these are the motherboards no this is food this is beans someone put beans inside the computer this should all should be in here I'm gonna show you a picture of a normal computer No so I have to get one without the beans yeah we'll be able to work today no I'll be able to get it to work out this is food this is like someone took their dinner and throw it inside the car but I don't see the motherboards in there like it here it's flat you see the wire going into it but where all the motherboard like there are a lot of motherboards here but I don't see any of the motherboards in here yeah well those are not motherboards that's food oh you need to turn this and shake all of this Brown got here it's not supposed to be in there no no but you see it's all electronics and this is food right okay you bought this on Craigslist yeah a couple years ago I'm surprised that it's been working as long as it has you know what I hate to say it to you you need a new computer I would how much does that will be oh you can get cheap ones I'm at a loss for words because I've never seen anything like this before okay you said you've ordered a couple years ago mm-hmm I can't believe it's still working well it's not working anymore but it was fine for years now yeah I guess on it I'm surprised actually works too much stuff is inside it so much food is inside it is buying a new computer an issue right now I just don't want this happen again I mean how do I find out that the chances of this happening again is probably zero I have never in my life seen anything like this I cannot even fathom why somebody would have done this and sold to a computer like this I'll figure enough thanks for helping me with all right yeah well I love you for nothing I was nearby anyway all right all right when we told him it was a joke he didn't like it anymore and so that's why we'd learned his face little time figured I'd tell you because some people are confused as to why people's faces are blurred sometimes and not and he didn't want to be used in the video so we blurred his face
Channel: Vlog Creations
Views: 6,806,488
Rating: 4.9217768 out of 5
Keywords: rosscreations, ross, creations, funny, hilarious, stunt, vlog, comedy, creationsross
Id: 4HhPK8XC75A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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