Praying in the Power of the Holy Ghost - The Spiritual Life - Andrew Murray (7 of 16)

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Chapter seven of the spiritual life by Andrew Murray this LibriVox recording is in the public domain recording by Christopher Smith praying in the power of the Holy Ghost I want to speak to you this morning on prayer those of you who are students preparing for the work of making known the gospel of Christ can hardly realize the part prayer ought to play in your studies people think a great deal of study they study Latin Greek logic and science of all sorts they will study music and theology and anything that will help them in the work of the ministry or in service of the gospel and yet very often forget what is the it is a solemn thing to say what is the most important part of the preparation for the work of serving God that is prayer and prayer is an art a spiritual art that has to be studied like anything else you know we don't become perfect in anything without a great deal of exercise when a person is learning to play the piano he spends it maybe an hour every day sometimes many hours or for the sake of being perfect in his art do not let us think we can learn the art of prayer without a great deal of exercise just think what its importance is in preaching in visiting in speaking in dealing with men when God's Word tells me that all my dealing is helpless except God's power from heaven works and the word tells me that the power will work in answer to the much prayer of faith praying with importunity and that alone Paul may plant Apollo's water but God giveth the increase someone has said that farmers are a people who ought to learn to trust God they can sow their corn but must wait on God to give sunshine or rain for growth and increase this is specially true for people who are going to work for God I'm a plow I'm a so I may work as hard as man can work but God gives the increase and God gives the increase in answer to prayer and so for two reasons dear students you all ought to be men and women of Prayer one reason is for your own spiritual life if the Holy Spirit is to live in your life it must come by prayer the other is for the sake of those among whom you work if the Holy Ghost is to work in them through the word it must come by prayer and do not think after I become a minister missionary or teacher then I will begin to pray then I will learn to pray because I shall then feel the need you say I cannot find time to pray now I have so many lessons to prepare I need every moment for study I cannot be behind in my class I cannot give time to prayer oh beware remember the same devil that teaches you this now will find you three years hence when your work is much heavier he will tell you the same that you have so much to do that you cannot find time to pray remember the unconverted man says conversion is easy tomorrow but hard today even so prayer that now is difficult appears easy in the future alas you will find it in the future just as hard as now I pray that you students preparing for Christ's work ask God to teach you how to pray he cannot do that unless you give time to it reading a book about prayer listening to lectures and talking about it is very good but it won't teach you to pray you get nothing without exercise without practice I might listen to a professor of music for a year playing the most beautiful music but that won't teach me to play so take care that you don't get beautiful thoughts about prayer take care that you don't get beautiful scripture truths about prayer and yet don't put them into practice by actually praying the words that I want to speak on will put prayer before us in a wonderful way it stands connected with the work of the Holy Ghost they are found in the eighth chapter of Romans 23rd verse let us read from the 22nd verse for we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now Paul says throughout creation there is a groan of suffering and crying for deliverance to God and not only this creation is groaning but we ourselves which have the firstfruits of the Spirit groan within ourselves waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of the body and also verses 26 and 27 now in these two last verses I have read I think you will find for precious thoughts about prayer one we are ignorant and do not know how to pray to the Holy Spirit is a helper in prayer three the Holy Spirit prays for us not always in words or thoughts that we can understand but with unutterable groanings longings that cannot be expressed for that God who searches the heart finds out what the mind of the Spirit is who always prays according to God's will and God gives us the answer in the first place we are ignorant and know not how to pray when I've got to do a thing and I'm ignorant it is of great importance that I should know my ignorance if I were to ask a teacher of music to teach me to play on the piano and I sat down with the idea that I could do it it would hinder him terribly but if I sat down in my ignorance and said please teach me how then I am in the right position to be taught so there are a great many who have the idea that they can pray they say our mother taught us to pray our minister taught us to pray I know of many things I have gotten from God they think everyone can pray how often we think we know how to pray and go on for years with the idea that we are praying right now if you are ever to become powerful in prayer the first thing in prayer must be that you fall down before God under a sense of your ignorance say I cannot pray as I ought ere you begin to pray just quietly say do I know what prayer is do I know what it is to meet the great God do I know how to take hold of God and hold him fast do I know how to take hold of his strengths do I know what the full fellowship and communion of God is begin to sit still until you realize his holy presence and feel how little you are fit to speak to him Lord I know not how to pray I may know many things to pray for but not what I need most my prayer may be right Lord deliver me from pride and self-will and yet I may not know how sadly I need pride to be removed perhaps God wants me to be delivered from Pride and I pray for that and yet I have never seen myself as God sees me I have never been truly convicted of my pride so you can pray for other things and never come to the real point of what you need you need before everything in prayer a deep consciousness of your ignorance what a wonderful blessing if I come into this ignorant the Holy Spirit will be my helper in prayer this blessed ignorance is one of the most remarkable elements of faith Abraham went out not knowing whether he went it was a beautiful ignorant it taught him to trust God look at the disciples they once came to ask Jesus to give them a place on the throne he said you know not what you asked he brought them at once to the point you think you are asking for what you need no you're foolish you know not what you asked very often we pray for the baptism of the holy spirit and we don't know what we are praying for it is of the utmost importance that you know what you are praying for I'm a UH Terr thoughts that are true and yet my heart may not know what I ask so from the very beginning there should be in our prayers a sense of deep ignorance Paul says no man knoweth the things of God but the Spirit of God none of you can tell me what I am thinking about you do not know what is in my heart no one can tell what is in the mind of God but the Spirit of God if I come and pray from what I have learned out of a book or out of my experience that is not enough I want to be taught by the Spirit of God to pray as I ought in unison with the will of God oh listen the Holy Spirit cannot teach you until all your self conceit and self-confidence is taken away and you get broken down into a nothingness that says Lord I know nothing thus will you learn to be quiet before God and in your ignorance to wait on God to teach you second what a blessed thought that the Holy Spirit is given to help our infirmities and that he prays in us what a blessed thought you are believers in the Holy Trinity Father Son and Holy Ghost the Father he sits upon the throne as God the Son sits on his right hand as mediator and intercessor he lives ever to pray think of that the son in his glory has got no other work but praying his whole being his presence before God as the Lamb that was slain is one unceasing prayer and we read that that is the reason he can save completely because he ever liveth to pray he is the king in glory but his highest work is prayer and continually there goes up to the Father from him a stream of intercession father bless thy children bless my people on earth and unceasingly there comes from the Father in answer a stream of blessing and unceasingly from the son their streams out the flow of the holy spirit to bring the blessing to us and the Spirit is in the heart of the believer to teach what this blessing is that Christ has for them to teach them all that is prepared for them but when we are self-satisfied and imagine that we know how to pray then we cannot wait for the Holy Spirit to teach us and we lose all the wonderful gifts he could reveal to us just think what it means the father on the throne to give the son at his right hand to bless and down in your heart and mind the Holy Spirit the third person of the Blessed Trinity proceeding from the father it is God giving Christ praying and a Holy Spirit receiving and imparting teaching you to pray in perfect harmony with God and Christ have we actually believed I have the Holy Spirit to help my infirmities in prayer alas no when we have felt our ignorance felt we don't know how to pray we have begun mourning and have become discouraged we have kept away from our closet because we did not know how to pray as we wished I tell you brother that is the very best time to go and pray when you pray so glibly and easily it is very much human feeling and human words and the power of the Holy Ghost is not there when you feel you cannot pray set yourself before God and say I cannot pray prayer is too high for me let the Holy Spirit help my infirmities and come and pray in me what a blessed truth it is the Holy Spirit prays in me and for me he it is of whom we heard yesterday and the day before that the Holy Spirit takes charge of our whole life and dwells in our hearts if you will only take time to use your heavenly helper he will do his work effectively if I have a helper in any work for example in leading the singing this morning I have a helper in professor Tanner what do I do when it is time for singing I give up to him and trust him for the music in the meeting to this Holy Spirit if he is to be my helper I must give way I must stand aside how little we have acknowledged that the Holy Spirit has helped our infirmities if you are to get the help of the Spirit let me give you one lesson and let me urge this upon you when you are in your closet to pray alone you should always take plenty of silence time before your prayers and in between your prayer it is a solemn thing to think that I'm going to exercise power on heaven and bring down here heavenly blessings upon myself and others and I ought to be very quiet before God think of God the 3:1 God as engaged in your prayer let us always spend a few minutes at least in worship until our faith realizes here is the Almighty God waiting to bless me he is longing to fill me with his holy spirit this faith will not come unless we take time to think about it the everlasting God is waiting to bless me let me believe God will bless just be quiet and sink down into nothingness and let the Holy Spirit pray in you the Holy Spirit will do it the Father has given you his spirit on purpose to do it he will pray in you again when you have prayed be quiet a little and just sit still until your heart gets fully into the faith that the Holy Spirit is doing his work in you just now he is given to you actually and really to be your teacher and help her in prayer when you feel very ignorant and helpless pray a lady once asked a minister for help she had lost the joy of secret prayer she asked what she had to do to get it back she had done her best in striving but had failed he said you went the wrong way about it when you were unconverted you tried to do everything right and did not succeed how did you get life I just trusted Jesus she said that's what you've got to do again when you have no inclination to pray when your heart is very cold just go to Jesus and say thou hast appointed prayers the means to come to thee and my heart is cold thy heart is full of love here I can in my feebleness if you will abide in his presence he will meet you and the Spirit will teach you to trust and to pray the Holy Spirit is given to help our infirmities we must take care of making a mistake people often think that when the Holy Spirit comes and teaches them to pray there will be a great burning rush of feeling and they will pray such beautiful prayers feeling may indeed stir and help you but many times it is superficial let me read the words of the text again but the Spirit maketh intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered that is what the Spirit loves to do he loves to keep us in our ignorant so that our mind cannot run away and occupy itself with the beautiful thoughts from the Holy Spirit he goes deeper than our thoughts and minds into the heart and he prays there with groanings with longings that cannot be expressed in words he gives us a deep and inexpressible yearning a deep thirst for God and for God's glory o my friends we are proud of nothing so much as our minds our intellects and our thoughts we want to understand everything and to know everything you listen to a sermon and guess a beautiful thought you tell your friends of it you keep it to read over again you have got something for your intellect but it has not got into your heart a blind man can understand talk about the Sun and light and know a great deal about it the most ignorant man who has seen the Sun knows more a great many people know a great deal about prayer but it does not help them to pray we want our hearts filled with the Holy Spirit and He will bring us into the life of Prayer if the Holy Spirit alone can teach us to pray have we not reason to confess that we have often prayed in the Oh may the Blessed teacher himself live and breathe in us that we may know how to pray may the Holy Spirit about whom we have been speaking and thinking these last few days be to us a spirit of prayer as he is in us a spirit of holiness and of powerful work the spirit of love and the spirit that brings to us all that we had yesterday morning in the Epistle to the Romans a spirit of fellowship of access to God a spirit of intercession who gives us boldness and power with God thirdly the Holy Spirit makes intercession in us he prays in and for us in words and feelings that are as unutterable groanings after paul speaks of him as the spirit of intercession for all saints he says that he makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God what that means we can understand if we look at the 23rd verse for the whole creation groaneth all the suffering animals throughout the world all the millions of little creatures around us these are all groaning for a different state of things and not only so but we ourselves groan within ourselves though we have the firstfruits of the Spirit waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of the body Paul says believers should look forward to the full redemption when the body shall be redeemed and made like Christ's glorious body and all believers gathered into one creation groans for it's Universal Redemption the spirit groans not only for the individual but the United redemption of All Saints there is a great groaning in creation and a great groaning by the Holy Spirit in the hearts of believers and these are things we cannot pray for as we ought but God hears the unutterable groanings of the Holy Spirit the Spirit makes intercession in us for all saints it is your highest privilege as priests of God to be intercessors oh the value of the intercession when I pray for other people who may be at a distance or when we gather in a small prayer meeting I sometimes say what utter folly this would be if God's Word did not teach it here are 50 people praying for something in China or Africa or England and these 50 feeble ones believe that they can actually stir the almighty everlasting God to action by their prayers and that in answer to their prayers he would do something that he would not have done if they had not prayed this can only be true because the Holy Spirit dwells in the believer and his prayer in us is from God as much as the answer children of God yield yourselves up to the Holy Spirit as the spirit of intercession study your work of intercession if all believers were only to give an hour a day for interceding for the Church of God oh pray for the Church of God if you would have your eyes opened think of the state of Christendom take London with its five million only 1 million of these go to church for millions who practically are not Christians think of Chicago with 1 million and a half and you have only 200,000 people going to church just imagine think of those who do go to church out of these how many go through mere formality how many who are living in sin how many who are not converted and how many who are worldly think that this is not only true of London and Chicago but of all the world upon you and me God has left the responsibility of praying and taking hold of him he has told us not to let him go and has given us wonderful promises take time to pray if we will give up ourselves to intercession God will bless I would like to ask everyone here do you pray for the Church of Christ in the United States you talk about its world in this so much higher criticism and error you talk about these but do you go to God and cry Lord visit thy true oh do cry to him Lord strengthen all thy people who are trying to live true to thee it is one spirit and one body and if you will give way to the Holy Spirit he will teach you to pray for the church Paul says to the Ephesians praying always with all prayer and supplication in the spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for All Saints and for me that utterance may be given unto me the Holy Spirit is not a selfish spirit the fruit of the Spirit is love and it is one spirit and one body may God make you young men and women may God make all of us men and women of intercession filled with the power of the Holy Spirit for this our highest and holiest work to intercede for all saints fourthly last we have the wonderful promise at the end of the verse he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God just think of that God is to come and search out our hearts but have we not said in words what we want yes but God is not deceived with words God knows that the earnest Christian often prays in earnest words and his heart does not truly and fully will what he has said or at the bottom of his heart there may be needs he has not expressed God goes deep into the heart and finds out what the Holy Spirit says the mind of the Spirit prays according to the will of God my beloved friends it is a solemn thing to pray I do beseech you to take time to practice prayer and in your prayer every time learn more and more to yield yourself up to the Holy Spirit and say to him that you set the very depths of your heart open to him if your inmost being is humbly and patiently made subject to him he can take and make you not a prayer machine but a vessel in which he lives and in which he works his prayers down into your desires and will so that you pray in the spirit and the spirit prays in you may all of us learn the Blessed privilege of intercession in the power of the Holy Ghost may all of us know the joy of having God searched our hearts and answering us abundantly according to what he finds there of the need of the Spirit may all of us know what it is to cry to God with unutterable and unceasing longings for all saints that he might indeed visit and revive his people end of chapter 7
Channel: Christian Sermons and Audio Books
Views: 205,089
Rating: 4.8406639 out of 5
Keywords: andrew murray on prayer, andrew murray prayer, prayer andrew murray, andrew murray, Holy Ghost, holy ghost power, praying in the holy ghost, power of the holy spirit, power of the holy ghost, praying in the holy spirit, praying in the spirit, andrew murray the spiritual life, the power of prayer, the power of the holy spirit, andrew murray audio books, Andrew Murray (Author), The Spiritual Life, power, Holy Spirit (Christianity), Praying, Pastor (Religious Leadership Title)
Id: OfnA9HKYoDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 12 2013
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