FILL TO CHALLENGER CHALLENGE: Hector Plays Lillia Jungle! (Full Gameplay) Skill Capped

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hey everyone every week we get hector to upload a bunch of full game commentaries over at skill capped what you'll notice is that he's the only challenger on our roster who uploads for every role the reason for that is hector uniquely prefers to queue as phil all the way to challenger we figured it would be fun to get him to leveling account from platinum to challenger exclusively as phil to prove it once again but this time we'll follow his journey as he commentates his games we'll be uploading one of those games each week right here on youtube if you guys enjoy it starting with this one with hector ashen jungle the rest of his best commentaries will be in his own course over at skill cap if you want to check those out oh and be sure to smash that subscribe button so you don't miss out on his client hey guys uh hector here with my fill the challenger series i'm playing some lilia in the jungle and i'm playing a no skill champion because check this out i think i'm just inting on anything that takes skill lee sin 210 you see i went 0-10 i think every time i play a simple champion like renekton lulu and popping off i think i'm just an old man now so gotta keep things simple i'm gonna keep things really really simple with the lilia so as lilia i might be able to invade here [Music] okay i'm i'm trolling maybe not i should just flash i actually don't need the bass i'm just gonna go do my red and the reason i don't need the bass is uh i can just cue the raptors so this is just a tip you can do on any champion like eve oh my god stop dragging my raptors away i need them right eve karthus etc what was that leash whatever right you can just heal off it while you do red so even though i took a billion damage it doesn't really matter i'm not sure where hecarim started he might have gone to his blue let's see what happens i'm sorry yasuo i hate when my junglers do this but i think i can just punish hecarim here yeah let's ward his red sweet i don't think there's any way he can contest me here i'm just lilia like i just kind of auto win fights here with my passive so i'll just take his red is kale coming no she is not i don't have smite though i could just be ending okay there's no way he can catch up to me now so okay sure all right i'm playing on the edge right now by the way if you're enjoying the video then we'd really appreciate it if you hit that subscribe button um let's do scuttle crab the hill jeez i really wanna end you can probably heal quite a bit off this i'm not sure how my yasuo just died to kassadin i'm not going to think about it too much can i go kill this guy i think i might be able to smite oh he is tilted beyond belief must get in range to auto oh and this guy might just be dead as well now can i do my blue without resetting i think that would be troll let's just [Music] base um i will pick up a dark seal then we will pick up let's do this let's do this um i kind of want to go contest as raptors because they're coming back up just kind of keep putting on the pressure so i will just pass this way okay sweet we see him over here i wonder if my yasuo can stall for me to get to this scuttle crab if he can we can maybe fight but cena collapsed first so unfortunate i shall slow him give you also a good trade so i would have seen if hecarim went to my raptors oh he just went to gank bottom oh well i can probably take his craigs now i'll just ward deep here so that whenever he walks this way we'll see him i think i'm only gonna take the big krug i'm not sure if i'll be invading anytime soon time get them okay i almost messed that up but we're chilling rip his teleport so the waves in a good spot for him nice um what do we do here can we go middle he's level five i might be able to just kill him yeah i'm on my way let's kill this guy one oh he had sex unlucky i think he can kill me [Music] wait can i kill this guy oh my spacing was so bad hector you're spacing you're such an old man it's time to retire i think he was dead if i don't just space like an animal oh my god what is wrong with me oh hold on i should probably turn off display capture i don't wanna accidentally show like my bank account or something okay he took that so i think we just go invade his raptors again maybe we can kill mid lane on the way kassadin might play aggressively here so might be able to kill him let's see yeah i think my yasuo is about to end i can't really yeah this kind of the problem is if yasuo baits for me he just dies and i can't finish off the kill so it's kind of rough let's just invade blue so kassadin is the one way we lose this game so i'm kind of worried [Music] okay let's go gank bottom we have my full stack passive might not be able to might kill nice let's get this wave in i can i can chase i can maybe kill there got him ah let's do dragon we might need dragon win condition here just because there's such a laking team i'm not sure if i could have altered him there if i ultim caitlyn can trap might have killed him i'm not sure i should have just limit tested and tried to alt actually limit test is like the wrong word i should have just went for it i guess so i'm our only ap damage does that mean i want sword boots not really i think i still want lucidity boots um now do i want megize is the question i think i do so much gold do i need so this is too oh i have it so i wanted magis and runic echoes but i have it already so we shall base soon actually i want 1900 gold let's just stick around for that now so i can get lucidity boots runic echoes and megiz i think my math is right on that let's see is this being i might be hinting here i might just be dead okay now i'm good i should get it nice got it let's get this we'll get magized and we'll get lucidity boots do i want swifties actually no i don't need swifties okay so we need five stacks because before i become a god um i'm probably just gonna go dead man's plate after that actually dead man's plate might not be best maybe randuins or thornmail i don't if i get 10 stacks magiz i don't really need deathmatch this is such an awkward wave i should just hit this i do not want to do harold if anything i kind of want to get gank off bottom if we kill both of them i'll get my med eyes unlocked and i will be smurfing soon come in yes new flash wow are you serious my caitlyn should be able to finish that nice and i got it [Music] okay i just need one stack and now i kind of want to go full tank i think i have enough damage with dark harvest and magis that i never really need to build any more damage and i would rather just build defensive items so that i never lose my measures so we'll do like randuins or thornmail into like a bissell mask or something we'll see [Music] definitely need big dragon priority this game if the game goes late game i definitely need some insurance against kassadin and kale oh my god what is wrong with me okay might be able to go over here he's pathing this way i'll catch him off guard maybe get a bit of damage there we'll do scuttle where is scuttle there it is i guess i should do rift herald tower plates are about to go down but i don't think i'll get into a situation where i can get solo gold so i guess i'll just hand it to my irelia can i have blue excuse me no this guy is okay i thought he was about to try and take it let's just get first tower here we need a stun nice i think the game is just one here we get so much off that that was like the dumbest thing they could have done by the way all they had to do was just play safe oh we should guide it in for one more charge i thought irelia would do that can i actually just take the tower we should be doing this together but i guess i can do it alone sweet i'm gonna base before dragon obviously i have 2900 gold so i should definitely be basing um i don't really need dead men so i'll just get this let's get my randuins i figure randuins is not bad against the kale in the heck room i need to stack my passive here so i can get there faster okay pretty tanky buddy oh i lost my passive sucks wow i actually hit that i think i could have altered and killed her but maybe it's not worth okay let's just do my red buff to heal up the full um i forgot to say this this is platinum elo maybe i said that [Music] um yeah whenever i do a commentary on the site and i stomp people are like what's the elo there you go it's platinum these people aren't bronze can maybe hit them here i'll just alt them okay now i can't get that let's run over here we can maybe keep my passive up hopefully wolves are up nice nice nice nice oh my god i'm so triggered okay i didn't want to ks that out of fear of him tilting okay let's take the walls that i know are up oh i messed up my q there see what i mean you don't really need any more damage once you're snowballing like this you just need to be a tank i feel like you actually do more damage as a tank because you're not limited by how how you can go in you can just go into five people and just be annoying might get them here oh okay unless i troll um so we have soraka so i think my ap item should actually be spare visage instead of like a bissell mask maybe i should just salted [Music] i'm so hesitant to just alt sometimes i need to protect my teammates this is a pretty bad fight though unless my irelia is just giga-smurfing it again i should have maybe just altered the hacker just press r i really should just press r i i feel like i'm trying to save it for like a five man sleep but like that's not gonna come anytime soon um let's just base let's get visage where is it there we go okay so i have 30 cdr which is pretty nice let's just get my blue buff get 40 and then i will be rolling around like crazy you can get harold here okay pretty happy we're getting towards star dragon i'm not gonna lie actually i'm just gonna base before we get to it i just want my visage i think visage is just such a big spike just because i have soraka so i may as well just base for it but yeah really happy about the dragons nor like the game is gonna end before we get seoul most likely that being said in case my teammates decide to throw it's nice to know that we get ocean souls soon like it really is just an insurance policy nothing more i'll let caitlyn finish that off i don't really want to waste my smite no i'm i was about to push up here and like try to 1v5 i will not i will not throw i don't really want to do baron i should just be mid yeah i'll just be mid while my teammates push bottom i should have been pressuring here actually i wish my yasuo would have just went top though we should be 1-3-1 or 1-1-3 yeah like we could just be getting this tower for free right now with all this pressure like he's not really doing anything i'll go do it myself so the reason i don't want a baron is because i do not trust my teammates ah man they're gonna force me to do it okay i think i just ended i just ended i'm doing one of my stupid throws and they're on baron this is this is how we lose no okay we got it thank god oh that was the one way we lose i'm so stupid i'm so so stupid god this cassadin is strong though um what are we getting now we can just get uh leandres i think leandre serves nicely as the last ap item um now that i'm already tanky i'll probably just be able to get a lot more value out of the leandries whoops miss clicked okay let's end the game i get the feeling i'm gonna throw even more so i may as well just i'll just play it safe okay that was a good pathing by senna oh i forgot i have harold i shouldn't vaulted that is previous issue i had where i was so afraid of ulting now turned into a waste of an ultimate harold i think he might just be dead let's run around and be annoying sorry buddy i have spirit visage and soraka okay good game um i managed not to throw it at the end there thank god that would have been such a dumb way to lose to cast it in hope you guys enjoyed and see you next time you
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 177,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fill to challenger, hector, skill capped, lol guides, lillia, lillia jungle, how to jungle, jungle smurf, challenger, challenger jungle, lillia clear, lillia pro builds, lillia builds, league of legends, challenger guide, lillia jungle guide, lillia gameplay, lillia lol, lillia guide, lillia abilities, lillia build, league of legends guide, how to play lillia, lillia montage
Id: dkWoCuyVZ7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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