Hector's Road to Challenger: Being HARDSTUCK? Ep. 1 - Skill Capped

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so someone who tries to educate players on how to get better it can sometimes be hard to relate to the issues that they're facing most highly players got good at the game ages ago and are kind of on maintenance with their skill basically they just practice to maintain their current skill level and for the most part they don't actively seek to improve because they don't have to if that makes sense which brings me to what happened recently if you watch streamers you'll know that what most people do is kind of just sit around masters elo for faster q times but once or twice a season generally at the end players will climb to challenger because of the end of season rewards or maybe some sort of self-fulfillment and i'd say i'm essentially the same way i don't really take league seriously for most of the year except once to prove to myself that i can still climb to challenger whenever i feel like it being bored with every other competitive game at the moment that time was now for me so i queued up trying already and well i almost demoted to diamond at a certain point so the start wasn't great and it wasn't an unlucky loser's q streak or anything like that i was just genuinely the reason i was losing most of these games the realization that i might not be good enough to hit challenger anymore has sunk in the one thing that was holding my fragile self-esteem up has come crashing down so that hasn't been great for mental health but i would like to think that there's a positive to all this i am once again in the learning seat and i've got a motivation for league that i haven't had in years so i figured hey this is a good opportunity to show you how i focus on learning and what i prioritize most to improve the fastest so hopefully you can as well this will be the first episode of a new series i'll be doing each week until i hit challenger again all of the episodes and full game commentaries and replay analysis of the journey can be found on our site so check that out as well if you really want to learn how i identify and problem solve my issues while i'm trying to climb and i believe there to be multiple things that are really hindering my gameplay right now but there's two big culprits that i would say i'm prioritizing above everything else so before continuing i do want to say that it doesn't really matter how you react to your own mistakes the way people respond to their own errors is generally pretty diverse some people laugh it off others are like all right whatever let's move on uh then there's the all right gotta focus up kind of players or maybe you're someone like me i tend to get really really angry at myself and i tilt out of my mind anyone who's ever played a competitive game with me definitely knows that but regardless of what you're like you should try to be fairly critical of your own mistakes and i think that one of the biggest issues that almost all players have is that they're almost never critical enough of their mindless autopiloting without a doubt i will always stand by my belief that fixing it is the fastest way of improving so let me show you some examples of when it happened to me let's start with a basic example just to get a feel for it i'm playing leblanc i've got a lead in the game and so far life is good i notice a fight is going on in top so i immediately rush to clear the waves so that i can maybe teleport up there without taking a second look at the fight to see what's going on i just commit my teleport because why not it's fun haha and that exact moment is why i mentioned the whole bit of how people react differently to their errors thing the biggest fix to autopiloting in my opinion is to just spot it the second you do it every time and i definitely spotted it here which means at this very moment i was very very angry with myself and i took out those frustrations by committing a soft in type of play where i walk into the enemy jungle not really caring what happens and you can go and check if you're inclined to do so the full game is on the commentaries page on the site i did immediately call myself out on display again that being the most important part because if you call yourself out every single time you're gonna begin seeing wait a minute this is a strategy game and i'm not really thinking about half of the things i'm doing maybe i should try that as i said mindless autopiloting is a huge issue for me at the moment and it happens multiple times every game for me but there was a really great moment earlier in the game that might be an example a lot of you might not catch about yourselves let's check it out as i'm laning in mid i notice that master yi's ganking bottom so i back off to my tower in case i need to teleport but i don't really see an angle for it so i don't sorry then begins running towards me in the rivers so i end up collapsing they kill her but i get a return kill yadda yadda so this specific example is to show that you couldn't just pay someone to point out all your mistakes this is a really common issue that i hear from a lot of players what i did here was just as bad if not worse than what i did in the previous example because i wasn't processing information let's hear in real time what i was thinking about this stupid play i tried to burst him as quickly as possible so he can react to my burst but i didn't see if he had w or not if he had w i would just die there so i'm pretty lucky that he didn't i should have probably just let my zyra die just because i got a kill does not mean that what i did was good that was a really important point because i want you to imagine let's say i was doing like a challenger earpiece with a random subscriber i'd be like yo great map awareness you spotted the gank instantly oh yeah good idea not to teleport there you probably can't do anything uh why is your syrah ending by running this way okay try to collapse okay nice good job good combo i would be very proud of my subscriber because it was a completely fine play in my opinion but in reality it doesn't really matter what your play was or what the outcome of the situation turned out to be all of that is generally irrelevant what usually matters most is what was going through your head as you did it and in my case i was so zoned out that i didn't even spot the ew that happened right before me so it was a really really bad play now that you understand what i'm looking for in terms of mindless autopiloting let's take a look at a final replay it'll be of a problem i see a ton of players commit constantly even professional players in competitive games probably autopiloting i'm gonna play the clip and see if we can spot it i'm sure everyone has different answers here but the main one i was looking for is why am i auto attacking ziggs at all is there absolutely any purpose other than feeling good about myself that i get to hit him no because his health total is completely irrelevant for what i want to do next uh the following play is pretty easy i just push base crash then try to get back to freeze the forces teleport and then yada yada yada okay our health totals here are irrelevant because i'm gonna base and then i'm gonna force him the base so why am i autoing him so to me who's trying to get better this play was just so gross and barbaric even i'm just playing on impulse and it's pretty bad and unlike the other two examples this one actually has gameplay consequence like i said my goal was to shove recall and freeze after the kill but as i'm walking back to lane i'm just not in time to catch the wave and if i'd been a bit faster i probably could have which would have forced the cell port out and put me in a much better position in the game moving on from mindless autopiloting as i said there's two immediate things that i'm working on the second is my map awareness specifically around my fk usage so this is something i've been aware of for a while but i've done nothing about it and i think it's going to serve as a good example for how you can break some of your own bad habits let me tell you right now i love comparing video game problems to actual real world issues like alcoholism so let's do it so everyone knows that being an alcoholic is a bit of a bad habit and i'm sure that most of them are actually quite aware of their own problem usually similarly to how you can't just stop drinking bro sometimes you're in game bad habits you can't just stop making them they might exist for a reason so let me share with you my personal reasons for why i've avoided incorporating f keys into my gameplay one i do content for a skill cap obviously and my main contribution tends to be low elo focused i want you to imagine a video going hey guys today we're going to learn some basic slow pushing fundamentals um try to keep up as the screen flickers all over the map like fakers does like yes of course what he's doing is obviously very good and you should strive to do this but it might not be the best for teaching all the time especially for more basic concepts the other major excuse i've given myself is that i tend to do multiple roles so let's say one day i'm doing top lane my f key for my jungler is f1 and for my adc it's f3 but then the next day i'm just playing support so my f key for my jungler is f2 and then my f key for my adc is f4 do you see how that's really annoying in terms of muscle memory it's one of the major reasons why i never really bothered now there's a couple other reasons why i avoided them but those were my two main excuses what i recommend is to obviously first try to deal with your excuses which thankfully mine got resolved automatically i'm playing for my own learning mostly so i don't care what my recordings look like also like a normal player i'm only focusing on one role for now mid lane with adc as my secondary i guess which means that muscle memory isn't as big of a deal anymore unfortunately though getting the excuses out of the way doesn't immediately fix the bad habit the idea of going from no f key usage to spamming them for information is a bit much to just immediately implement so i don't know if this next step works for everyone but it's personally what works for me on a lot of stuff and it's self-compromise on the issue so here's what i told myself i'm only gonna do it when i see action on the map so the enemy icons interacting with my team icons and you can see that here in between auto attacks i'm fking the bot lane since i saw a fight happening obviously i can't actually impact this fight realistically but the compromise was that i'd at least look if i saw it happening so the end goal of the compromise isn't to barely implement something let me give you an example by how you'd apply this to yourself let's say that you're a scaling gathering storm type of player and you have a bad habit of literally never trading with your opponent your goal every game is play safe farm and press your buttons late game but you're starting to realize man as i climb i have no pressure in lane my opponent's always roaming maybe i should try to pressure the lane more but i always default to playing safe well a self-compromise you can make is simply to tell yourself i'm gonna trade two times every single game no matter what it can be a good or a bad trade but i will do it so this idea is similar to that gym advice i forget who said it but basically you tell yourself that you're going to go to the gym but you're only going to walk for 10 minutes or maybe you'll just sit down and browse your phone so you get to the gym because it's like i don't have to work out i'm just going to go chill but then once you're actually at the gym you're like i may as well work out while i'm here likewise for our example if you're forcing yourself to take some trades you may as well take good trades and then you're gonna start seeing patterns for what good trades look like which means you're just gonna start taking them in general compromise or not and that's exactly what's beginning to happen in my f key usage i'm just naturally pressing them more and more randomly since it's becoming kind of a habit for me now unfortunately this lets me see what my jungler is up to more often which tilts me out of my mind leading to a whole other world of problems but we're not quite there yet anyway i hope you found this episode interesting since i've made this guide i've climbed a lot and you can follow that journey as i climb over at skillcap so definitely check that out and we have a link in the description which you can use to save some cash as well thanks for watching
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 108,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hector, challenger climb, challenger, how to get challenger, how to play to challenger, how to become a challenger, how to climb lol, league of legends, lol guides, skillcapped, skill capped, skill capped hector, hector league of legends, hector lol, hector challenge, fill to challenger, challenger mid, mentality guide, hardstuck lol, how to not be hardstuck, how to start climbing lol, how to get better league of legends, how to climb league of legends
Id: R-XNn1nf7mQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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