Challenger Irelia Hector SMURFS in MASTERS - Full Irelia Mid Gameplay Guide

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hey guys every week i upload new full gameplay commentaries to skillcap just like this one exclusive to subscribers we have tons of these that you can watch over there right away more importantly any questions asked seven days after the release will 100 be responded to for free so be sure to check us out if you're interested hey guys um hector here playing some irelia on my smurf uh so i always tell people the elo at the start of the game where i'm trying to get better at doing that but i figure why not just show you guys uh there's the opioid gg diamond one uh the zed 63 win rate i know i often get comments like oh this guy seems like he's off his main so now you know exactly who i'm up against so i'm running a weird rune page honestly i'm just trying stuff right now i'm just like getting back into the game and trying new things i want to try press the attack i feel like conqueror really is kind of myth it's on meh but i think there could be a better option and i want to see how revitalize and bone plating uh work out in this matchup because i will be going blade of the ring king so i think uh the stain could be quite nice so that was a really dumb queue uh by me i basically just wasted my bone plating i'm probably gonna go for a cheater recall here i don't mind taking too much damage it's pretty good that he's using his q on me i don't think i should have let him auto attack me for free but it's good that i got his cue okay so aurelia is really really good at cheater recalling so should be pretty uh pretty free stacking up my passive auto him q back i'm gonna eat the whole wave nice let's just take our recall i could go call i actually think i'll just go d blade though um yeah i'll go d blade i think against the matchup like that the blade is just going to be better as long as i don't die i should be winning so besides to miss cs doing pretty well this is exactly how the irelia said matchup should go look at that f key usage this guy's so sad right now okay just leashing the wave obviously uh i don't want him to recall i'm playing terribly excuse my gameplay get me out of here okay you don't need mechanics when you've gone macro oh my god i played that so bad so we see warwick bottom so i can just uh i can just shove so my irelia is either clean or complete garbage it looks like a complete garbage kind of game not good not good at all by the way if you're enjoying the video then we'd really appreciate it if you hit that subscribe button uh let's just pick up this really sucks and i couldn't get a vamp scepter there i think it would have been awesome would have synergized really well with revitalize um but i think that's mostly a result of me missing those two minions that start that's why yesting is so important because if i die soon i'm gonna blame it on not having vamp scepter for sure i can't get here in time to freeze maybe i can what if i do a little bit of this whoo the zed is triggered right now oh look how mad he is okay i continue to waste my bone plating no maybe i could have played that better i'm sick so he's not going to walk up maybe that's enough he has no shadow right now okay that hook was not gonna hit um i think if i'm good okay there should be a free kill he has no shadow there's no way he outplays me all i have to do is are him even if i die here it's worth let's get out of here no i should have just died at the tower i just gave warwick a freak assist anyways if i'd either it's worth because uh if you look it's gonna bounce back to me right so i'm hard winning in this situation i think i'll go boots no i think huddles is better than boots for sure for sure i kind of like to press the attack i feel like it's done a lot of damage in the all ends but maybe conker would have just been more not sure oh my team's running it man like look at this d1 people will int for this objective i hate this objective it's so worthless uh i didn't see if that altered he got two kills lovely i love a great game of league of legends so that okay okay if i get back to this wave in time it's worth it um because dying there obviously again like it's pushing back to me and i should be getting here in time so i think we're just winning again oh warwick came to fix it thing yeah i think uh maybe because it's canon i get here to get most of it as long as rengar just last hits which i don't think he will there it is tiamat that way buddy yeah take it all i love playing league of legends i don't miss world of warcraft at all oh i thought that would hit my e's are not the best on irelia i'm not gonna lie since rengar took the wave maybe i should have just went double dagger so i could get bork as soon as possible not sure right now the wave is in a really bad spot so i may as well just fix it [Music] oh well i can't really get the scuttle crab because my rengar would like he would flip out if i took the scuttle but if my rengar was bought side obviously i would get it right right now i can't really play too aggressively i don't have flash just yet and if warwick is coming with his speed boost it's not a good time yeah i think i'm just getting baited yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes i shouldn't go in and i go in honestly like i don't know i actually was expecting warwick i wasn't expecting i i don't know i had this idea that i could maybe outplay warwick but the set running up and eating me hard to do much about that nice hook it's not looking good okay i don't have time orb tonic so me using a corrupting potion there was rather pointless okay maybe we can kind of hard to get a turret plate here yeah warwick's coming hmm blows i think i'm just gonna play chill until i get my fork right now he has a completed ghostblade so kind of hard to fight him without my own completed item okay so we see warwicks i shouldn't place this word unless i want to preemptively place it for when you pass over here guys guys question mark masters grandmaster zillow i guess i can't say anything because i played aggressive while set was just here i kinda have to back off i can't really do anything so i'm just gonna base i think i could i think i'm gonna lose this game for sure but i could have definitely carried it i think the lesson to be learned is to not like maybe i could have killed zed without trading a lot of times like here i shouldn't have traded actually no i think this all in was fine i just gave a random kill to warwick um the second death was another trade but the wave was pushing back into me i think that was okay the third death was dumb and i think that's the learning point otherwise i think my macro is fine i think i was phrasing correctly and stuff basing at the right times maybe i could have played the lane better not sure i would have to like look at the bod so he has no shadow and i assume no ultimate what riot where is my q okay there's set okay maybe it's good that my q did not reset i may have ended okay well i didn't mean to play it that way but i'm so strong that oh i'm so strong that it doesn't matter like i said my irelia is pretty hit or miss i can maybe kill this guy with like q ignite i hate that warwick is just here it seems like zed is gonna walk up to the wave bye jerk okay we're chilling i'm not sure if that was worth both my summoners but uh we'll take it anything to get the kda up i can probably push another wave here i'm not going to react to this singed i see him there but it's like tommy 309 i'm not going to fall for the tommy 309 bait um i got a same time tonic is really good on irelia but i actually think revitalize it shows promise for sure as far as oppressed the attack i think it's not bad into squishing your team comps i think this game because they have three tanky champions conker probably was better but i was mostly just testing it like right now i'm just like testing stuff like i said i don't really care if i lose i'm just kind of having fun and working on my mechanics which are definitely rusty i'm also not pressing f keys at all okay yeah i can't really play aggressively right now if my bot lane is winning then i don't really have any reason to do anything at the moment okay so he is left side maybe i can just drop a cheeky ward here while i can he's using sweepers so i'll just wait it out and then i will place the word oh i should have called that my bad it's also kind of hard to play while i commentate i have that issue in low elo and it's definitely relevant when i'm in high elo as well hmm okay get off me sit down i think conqueror would have been better there i'm trying to heal before i go to this i know buddy i know just trying to get some health back um i think zed has no summoners right now but i don't think i can walk up or like uh ultimate so since he probably hasn't i wasn't watching closely but i assume he ignited senna so i don't think i'm under kill threat for a little bit so i think i can stay around until i get my trinity i'm gonna w here to keep my passive up i'm glad my rengar isn't tilted that i took his raptors he was definitely pathing this way so i'm just walking out oh my god set come on bro let a homie farm ignore my e please i i need trinity guys i need trinity i think i don't even think this dragon is worth dying i think it's actually fine to just give this completely for free i think like it feels really bad to give a third dragon like for sure it feels bad but it's better than fighting with me on 2k gold like we have a higher chance of winning just fighting for the fourth dragon then losing a big team fight here but we're fighting so i don't know why i'm saying anything okay so i'm not gonna lie i think i lost track of my character there wait okay what what is going on oh i was lagging no wonder yeah my character wasn't responding the way i wanted it to respond in that fight i'm still lagging undo bye undo bye okay it seems to be fine now really sucks that i give a big shutdown but um yeah that's that just sucks um i had all the tools to carry that fight but like my character just wasn't doing what i wanted it to like i remember just like pressing certain abilities and they just weren't going off and i was just getting confused oh well why am i being pink can i help you get sir i should just push maybe i could freeze this if we were if we were in comms but i think if i freeze my teammates mentals are just gonna go boom boom so i shall shove and now i will rotate now with this rotation i hope the enemy team is blind and will fight us while it's my turn to rotate okay the enemy team has some eyesight they backed off appropriately okay well my team did not respect the zed prio i can't queue casters i have to hit them it's honestly what i hate about solo queue it's like okay i push now i room now he pushes then he rooms and it's kind of rng whether your team falls for it it's kind of i don't know boring is the right word but it's really not that enjoyable i i actually really look forward to a time where like the game moves to a uh to deeper macro in solo queue so i'm just going to keep pushing not that i think my macro is insane or anything but like like i'm sure i've made mistakes but you guys get what i'm saying uh maybe blues up i could rotate over i could maybe kill this guy yeah i can kill him what i did not mean okay okay okay okay okay all right i actually didn't mean to press r um kind of awkward okay this nautilus just wants to win i think i want to lose um i'm just not moving well i don't know if you guys get that feeling like some days you're just not moving your character well that's kind of me right now like i feel like everything is so sluggish and on a character like irelia who requires like really clean movement that's not good um actually what do i buy here what an awkward base kind of want yay i have no idea honestly like i'm i guess i'm just sitting on this ruby crystal for a bit i'm coming team nice um i should have been top lane yeah i was pretty tunneled on the dragon i should have just been looking at the map oh my god what i mean about my movement i slowed him with bork maybe it's enough i'm just doing everything wrong like that it should have just died instantly okay let's actually just sit on jerome's fist just because i have 800 gold there and then we'll see if we go ga or sterix afterwards honestly i mean i don't i think i'm kind of i'm kind of screwing up my itemization but you know let's not think about it too hard i'm just basing it really awkward gold timings and i tried to like overthink my item purchases but honestly i don't even think what i'm doing is that bad i think it's fine it's not like these purchases are super troll i'm still really strong you guys saw like almost one shot that said without ultimate uh so everything's too far away so i'm just gonna push that's kind of one of the things about solo queue like people are just gonna fight randomly like if your teammate is fighting randomly on the other side of the map you shouldn't try to like rotate over right you should like you should just push and put pressure i see so many people in like low elo try and rotate over to the fight when you really should just be doing this and hoping your team does okay i can get one more proc before i walk away so much does this 1500 i can take krugs and one more wave and i should have it okay i see three of them oh boy here we go it's a hector special run am i am i fine am i fine did i agree too hard okay okay okay we're chilling let me buy first please i think for having five deaths my cs is fine uh definitely not as good honestly i think as irelia you should strive to have like 10.5 cs per minute or like 11. but in solo queue things get chaotic like for example i needed to buy guardian angel and my team is starting barron man stop winning without me oh my god i'll get him i'll get him there we go let's go to baron man why is my rengar and teemo popping off i guess timo was against assenge so he had like the freest laning phase of all time gotta feel nice honest i feel like i'm cursed by the way every time i try to do a commentary for the site or i guess maybe this goes on youtube um i always get a good team and i never want a good team when i'm doing a commentary because you know like how to climb out of elo hell it's like my objective oh well i'll take the freebie oh my oh my lord oh my what is wrong with me what is wrong with me can you chase them so do we want inhibs right now i feel like taking inhibs is attack can be can it can certainly be a trap in certain cases because you're just funneling more form to the enemy team i think it's okay right now i'm pretty sure we can pressure with the inhibs their waveclear isn't very good my movement is not good how am i so mechanically bad at my champion right now as if this guy will never hit me with a q okay i think i kited into the tower that obviously wasn't good gg well played oh well that was an okay game uh yeah i think it i i i think it went fine um hope you guys enjoyed it just me and hi elo see you don't need mechanics you just do macro and stuff and you'll have a positive kda okay guys that's it for this one let us know what you thought in the comments below and if you want to see hundreds more of these check us out on skillcap thanks for watching
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 260,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: irelia, irelia mid, irelia guide, irelia gameplay, lol gameplay, how to carry, irelia abilities, irelia conqueror, irelia runes, irelia challenger, hector, skill capped, skill capped lol guides, skill capped hector, league of legends, irelia lol, how to play irelia, how to carry with irelia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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