Fighting Temptation - Abdul Nasir Jangda - Quran Weekly

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you a little reflection here about this it's very very important because a lot of us are dealing with challenges in general but this challenge is one of the the foremost challenges our young people deal with today and that is that the challenge of temptation desire and especially in regards to the opposite gender now one thing to understand here about you so far they said I'm situation so of course he's being seduced this woman is literally throwing herself at him and she's bolted and locked up the doors so she's bolted and locked up the doors why so that he can't get away he can't escape all right but at the same time think about how that makes the test for Yusuf Ali Salaam that much more difficult because if she has bolted and locked up the doors and nobody can get in and nobody can get out doesn't that ensure privacy so at the same time the person in that test couldn't they also think to themselves that nobody's gonna find out not gonna get busted I'm not gonna get caught that means lady's locked up like all the doors multiple levels of doors so it's the front doorway then then comes to the hallway then it comes to this room and she's double-bolted all three of the doors so ain't nobody getting nowhere near here nobody will see nobody will know nobody can barge in nothing just quiet and as if it didn't even happen dude the deed and walk away that's it so it makes the test that much more difficult the first lesson is what does Yusuf Ali Salim say she said well Khalid hate the lock she said come on let's go complete just it's an open offer what do you serve Riley said I'm saying Allah my Allah I seek the refuge of Allah the refuge of Allah grammatically speaking my Allah the refuge of Allah this is a maroon alright the before would lock the mephone for emphasis and the verb has been omitted that help that example that I gave you earlier my Allah that I need the refuge of a line I need it now I need the protection of Allah now so the first thing it reminds us of is the only way out of such situations is to remind yourself of Allah to think of Allah because yes nobody can get to you at that time nobody sees what you're doing nobody knows what you're doing nobody's gonna catch you nobody's gonna barge in it's it is the best laid out plan in the world the best laid out plan in the world but you got to remind yourself of the one who does see you who does know we know what you're doing at that time and the only one who sees and knows what you're doing at that time and that is Allah remind yourself of Allah in any situation remind yourself of Allah that's the way out of sin remind yourself of a lot to say the name of Allah as difficult that it is at that moment as horrible as it feels Steve and say the name of Allah at such a moment because you know it's gonna just it's gonna crash the party right it's gonna pop the balloon it's gonna take all the fun out of this situation force yourself to just simply say Allah and see if you still feel like doing it if you're so comfortable doing it if you still enjoy doing it or not whatever it is whatever the sin is just say the name of Allah and see how that works out so that's the thing my Allah in the who will be Oksana Malaya in the hoola if your hot blonde Iman the ayat go on to tell us first about Poli Baba this is the next thing so the first situation is whenever you're dealing with temptation desire a test and it's very difficult it's gripped you it's literally like there's no way out of it you don't see yourself being able to overcome this test you personally individually as a human being with your flaws and your weaknesses you might not be able to overcome that test sure you're too weak but you don't have to overcome that test by yourself who do you have on your side Allah seek strength in moments of weakness from a loss panel Watauga my eyes Allah alright the second thing is Yousef on a Salaam once you say the name of Allah you just say Allah and then that's you get that sinking feeling in your stomach like this is something I shouldn't be doing this is something I can't do I can't disappoint Allah I can't disobey Allah I can't ruin my relationship with the law for a few moments of pleasure I can't and that sinking feeling hits you in the stomach and you know you've got to get out of this situation now then what's the next course of action look what Yusuf Ali said I'm just about Ali Baba he ran to the door literally first abaca like he ran for his life like he sprinted it's tebab he sprinted towards the door he sprinted towards the door get out of that situation but wait a second wait a second the Quran that's how deep the Quran is just when you think okay that's a lesson hamd allah subhanallah wa bihamdihi Stronach alone that's a lesson wait wait a second to two hours ago it just told us what did she do to the doors she didn't just close them she didn't just lock them she double bolted that double bolted the doors and one door or multiple levels of doors multiple levels of doors multiple sequences of doors so it's to do room then the hallway then the main door then the gate of the house and llevaba door is plural and she double-bolted all the doors it's like what we say in english when you lock something and you throw the key away when you lock something and then you throw the key away now what I want you to think about for a second you got to think a little bit deeper here okay so stay with me Yusuf alayhi Salaam is a prophet and a messenger of allah our prophets and messengers like really really intelligent people they are scholars have written they are not just very intelligent people they are the most intelligent people scholars have written about prophets that when when when people's intellectual where people's intellectual capacity ends that's where the intellectual capacity of the prophets begins they are the most intelligent people human beings if they are the most intelligent human beings then sprint I told you it doesn't say that he ran to the door he sprinted to the door this door is locked if I just got up from this chair right now I ran full speed ahead towards the door and the door is double locked double bolted what's gonna happen to me when I get to the door no no I'm gonna run face-first into the door now I'm a pretty big dude so I might be able to actually cause some damage to the door alright but you're talking about a palace you're talking about big old doors you're talking about normally sized human being so when that human being runs full-speed ahead into a double bolted door what's going to happen he's gonna hit the door and he's gonna fall to the ground so logically does it make sense to sprint towards a door that you know is double bolted and double lock does that logically make sense does that folks come on people no it does not but what did you surf on they said I'm doing he knows that he's got to get out of this situation he knows that he has remembered a law that's given him strength to avoid the temptation I got to get out of here ASAP so he runs to the door knowing full well seeing that the door is double bolted he sees the chain around the handles and a big old padlock on there he sees that on the door but he still runs you know why because he remember he put his trust in a low span Owatonna he knows that when he reaches that door what can he do he knows what's in my capacity is to get from here to the door that's what I'm capable of doing so what is he doing he's getting to the door as fast as he can he with his bare hands cannot open up the chains on the door the lock on the door he can't do that so he says oh Allah I'm gonna do what I'm capable of I'm gonna do what sit within my capacity and I'm gonna leave you to take care of the rest and does a lot have any limitations so what he can do no and what does the narration what do did if I see what does the hadith tell us that when Yusuf alehissalaam when he reached that door that was double bolted double locked the second his foot hit right in front the door the second he placed his foot right in front the door what happened to the door went flying open went flying open and then when he reached the next set of doors that she had locked as soon as he reached out what happened to the door boom went flying open and they just kept opening for him he just kept running and they just kept opening and Allah Sparrow I tell I made that happen as a reminder to us that's a lesson for us in the Quran that we'll all deal with difficult situations we'll all deal with adversity and temptation got to stay strong got to hang in there but sometimes you're not strong enough to hang in there that's okay you don't have to be strong enough to deal with everything you just got to have a relationship with the one who can help you overcome everything and who is that Allah remind yourself of a lad those moments think of allied those moments and when you find that strength and that spiritual conviction to overcome because you've thought about a lot of reminders yourself of Allah then at that time the second course of action is now get out now get yourself in a better situation get out of that place in that situation that is making you feel tempted and sometimes it might seem like but how do I get out of there do what you can do if you can at least go from here to the door do at least that much do what you're capable of and let all us panatela take care of the rest because remember Allah has no limitations and he'll make something more has happened for you like you did for Yusuf Ali Sarah all right let's continue
Channel: Quran Weekly
Views: 31,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abdul, Nasir, Jangda, Fighting, Temptation, Quran, Weekly, Bayyinah, Islam, Muhammad, Muslim, Koran, Prophet
Id: 0IpKxF3p3hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 06 2011
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