Christian Audience CHALLENGE me with TOUGH questions on Islam

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foreign [Music] why are all the terrorists Muslim oh all right what was that question all right so the question is why are all the terrorist Muslims so that's a misconception that's a stereotype people may have about Islam about Muslims about extremism so the simple answer is this terrorism is an act it can be done with a person of any faith or no faith Islam does not have a monopoly on it really important you know I'm from Chicago in Highline Park in Chicago 4th of July there was a mass shooting that took place taking the life of six or seven individuals and many many other casualties I said that was an act of terrorism done not by a Muslim and I would say that the January 6 what happened last year or two years ago according to many that was also an act of terrorism not a single Muslim was ever involved in it number three there was a study by the FBI a 25-year study they found out that in the USA 94 of the acts of terrorism they are done by someone from a non-islamic faith so it's a misconception that people they say okay fine not every Muslim is a terrorist but every terrorist is a Muslim that's false that's wrong that's a myth because data proves something else in the same way what I can say is that Muslims overall and Christians overall right and humans over all we are good people there are always some bad apples in the followers of any faith so we should never ever judge Islam or because of the acts of some misguided Muslims if someone is going against what Islam is saying we should condemn it in the same way I say to my Muslims over here we should never ever judge Christianity or the Bible or Jesus peace be upon Him based upon the acts of some misguided Christians right the bad apples of the society all the terrorism and the extremism going on right also in history I always say this the Crusaders when they killed 300 000 innocent people they're not representing the Bible biblical principles the slave Traders millions of slaves unfortunately the transatlantic slave trade they don't represent Christianity or the Bible or Jesus the genocide of the Native Americans right millions of people eradicated does not represent Bible or Christianity or Jesus peace be upon him right the Spanish Inquisition people were forcefully converted by the Bible Believers in Spain in Europe for many many centuries does not represent what Christianity the Bible or Jesus peace be upon him what represent Christianity would be the biblical principles in the same way what represent Islam would be not be the bad apples but the Islamic principles and what are those principles the Quran defined this once you get a copy of the Quran you can look this up it says in chapter 5 of the Quran verse number 32 to be exact chapter 5 verse number 32 God is saying God is speaking to all of humanity and God is saying that saving one innocent life is like saving the life of all of humanity so God is uh equating one life with the life of all of humanity then God says that taking one innocent life is like taking the life of all of humanity and God does not say the life of a Muslim a Jew a Christian the eighth is in the eyes of God every life is equal every soul is equal every blood is sacred so that is how Islam values a life even in a war right even in a war Islam Muslims we are supposed to avoid war at all expense unless and until somebody is imposing war on us so then every person has a God given right to defend themselves like for example 2 am in the morning if you get a knock at the door and when you look out you can find out that there are people with chains and guns and knives they're trying to harm you and your family you're not going to say you know what let me just go to sleep what you would do is you would make a plan to defend yourself maybe a baseball bat right maybe you'll call 9-1-1 if you have an alarm system you'll push it right away you want to defend yourself so Islam has also given that right to the Muslims to defend themselves so it says in the Quran chapter 2 verse number one nine zero right chapter two verse number 190 that if fight in the cause of God for those who are fighting against you may somebody is imposing war on you God is saying that you have the right to defend yourselves but then God goes one step further God says that even in that self-defense do not go to extreme because God does not love the extremist that is Quran so then you may be thinking okay what does it mean not to go to Extreme God also defines it so Muhammad peace be upon him during one of his battles he found out that one of the women she was killed he became really angry he called his uh the Muslim soldiers and he told them that even in a war do not kill women and children that means do not touch harm or kill non-combatants to such a degree that Islam is so careful about avoiding any harm to the to the non-combatants so there is no such thing as carpet bombing in Islam there is no such a such thing as Hiroshima Nagasaki in Islam even if the enemy uh harms your civilian population Islam does not give the Muslim the right to harm or kill the innocent civilians of the enemy forces that's how careful Islam is so if some people out of their own shortcomings and lack of knowledge and emotions if they are harming other people we have to condemn it and not Islam so if anyone who would like to know what Islam is you know Fox News and fake news would not be the source unfortunately I would recommend them really highly to pick up a copy of the Quran that defines uh about the ethics of War uh that also defines how we should deal with each other so when we look into the Quran we can find out that it is built upon morality and Justice right and unity of humanity and solutions for Humanity and that is going to give us the lasting peace so the question that people may have is wrong not every Muslim is a terrorist I am a Muslim living in peace and harmony with my neighbor she is a Muslim right one of the credible Muslims the Muslims are out there there are many Physicians over here in the USA 35 000 plus Physicians Muslims they have 150 plus free clinics benefiting Humanity so these are all the Muslims alhamdulillah as we say that who are there as a force of goodness ambassadors of Peace in this Society so picking up a copy of the Quran reading it for your own sake for your own education would be the best way to dispel not only that misconception but any misconception anyone may have about Islam [Music] so next question right there in the back yes go ahead you can shout out yeah have your question ready in your mind because I'll be coming next to you hi Dr Sevilla uh thank you for the lovely presentation um so my name is Anna and I do come from a Christian background and something that some of my Christian friends and I have noticed the difference between the Quran and the Bible is that um Christians believe that people were born into the world like with evil in their heart and that God's grace keeps us from committing terrible sins um and like the world being completely um evil but the Quran says the opposite and that actually everyone is born pure and born good um and so they asked then where Muslims thought that the corruption in the world comes from if it doesn't come from humans so if the world that everyone is born um pure of heart and then there comes like where does the corruption in the world come from that corrupts people okay that's a really good question that if the Quran says that everyone is born with a good heart and mind how do we uh where does evil comes in the corruption and all the problems and the sins where are they coming from so it's really important what Islam says is every child born is born not with the original sin but with original goodness but every single person we have the potential to follow God's guidance or to follow our own desires or to follow what Satan is saying right so we have the concept of Satan also so here is how the story goes in Islam so the Quran also in chapter number two chapter number seven it also has the story of Adam and Eve once you read the Quran you can find out however there's a slight difference between the Islamic story the quranic story and the biblical story see according to the Bible Satan tempted and Adam and Eve they committed the very first sin but between Adam and Eve who committed the very first sin is it Adam or Eve according to the Bible leave right however according to the Quran we don't hold the women or the women kind or irresponsible we say they are both equally responsible for the very first sin so Islam is really big on equality all right the second thing that we say is according to the Bible the saying is carried on to the children and to the grandchildren and on and on and to all of humanity what Islam says is that after they committed the very first sin both Adam and Eve they repented to God and God forgave them so their forgiveness already happened so every single child is not born with the original sin of Adam and Eve they're born with original goodness but every single person we have the potential to do good or the potential to do bad so God has given us a free will So based on the choices that we make That's How we'll be held accountable on the day of judgment so we see the glass as half full not as half empty all right if I can make this simple so that's where sin comes but however uh according to the Quran if a person does commit the sin we are all sinners once we commit the same according to the Quran nobody takes our sins nobody dies for our sins no blood sacrifice is to be done for our sins it's a simple formula for the sin to be forgiven it's a quick five-step process number one we have to acknowledge that we have committed the sin all right we have to acknowledge it secondly we also have to repent for the sin so the sincerity has to be there number three would be when we repent to God so we don't confess the sin to the Imam right or the priest or the pastor directly confessing to God and ask God for forgiveness right without any mediator and so that's number three no mediator number fourth would be we should make a commitment not to not to do that sin again and number five do something good so the at the end of the day God is all merciful god is all forgiving if we are sincere God says in the Quran he's willing to forgive all the sins so there is only one sin that God said he's not going to forgive if a person dies with that that is to associate partners with God saying that God is God but this human and this animal this Idol right or this other creation is equal to God along with God or instead of God so again that's how sin comes in it's a human shortcoming sometimes Satan we have the potential but we are born with a clean slate even from The Logical point of view right from The Logical point of view when you look at a newborn baby I mean I cannot assign a sin to the baby the baby has not done anything at all it will be like Injustice right at the height of Injustice I mean me and brother Akram we drove from Chicago it took us about five hours suppose if we were driving over the speed limit if the cop would have stopped him it will be unjust for the cop to give a ticket to his wife right or to his neighbor or to someone else so we say it's that personal accountability God's forgiveness is there direct repentance to God and then we have hope in God's forgiveness that's how sins are forgiven in Islam okay next question anyone any question right there right there be ready to ask questions about faith about Jesus anything you have in your mind so don't be shy you know we are having a friendly conversation don't think that just it has a question ready because this is your chance Dr sebed is here in front of you instead of going home and do the Google and don't trust the Google so here's the source he will uh he will answer your question he will satisfy you um thank you Dr sabile for answering your questions [Music] um so I thought what you said about how someone should respond when they have sinned is very interesting but um my both of my parents are actually biblical counselors so they're Christian counselors and I've been able to read the resources that they've been learning and they've been using and stuff like that and so um this is this pattern that you've said is very interesting to me because it's the exact same kind of pattern that we see in people that are trying to change but so like so for example let's say someone has an addiction to pornography they um they say oh I've sinned I don't want to do that anymore I'm going to commit to no longer doing it and then I'm going to do something good um they do that but then they return and they return to their pornography and the reason why we as Christians say that happens is because we've we say see in Scripture it says the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it which the answer of course is only god um and so my question to you is whereas Christianity says I will give you a new heart and a new spirit I will put within you this is what what the Lord says I will remove the Heart of Stone from your flesh and give you a heart of Flesh and I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules so instead of saying oh I'm gonna stop doing that saying oh Lord help me forgive me I'm a sinner give me the strength to change and they've seen they see people change through doing that how how does Islam does Islam address the heart at all and how is how would that be how would they do that okay sure sure I think I I'm able to understand hopefully the question so the formula which I presented for the Forgiveness of sins Islam gives like a really comprehensive guidance for a person and within that guidance now the person is more prone to do goodness than prone to commit sin first and foremost you know before Islam came to Arabia in the 7th Century before it was reintroduced in Arabia people used to commit many Saints right fornication adultery and drinking and warfare and terrorism extremism they used to do so many things even they used to commit female infanticide you know they it was an act of shame in any home for a baby girl to be born but they used to do some of the Arabs at that time before Islam they used to take the baby girl a live baby girl right wrap her up take her to the cemetery dig a hole and bury her alive that was the height of Darkness people used to drink day in and day out morning to evening so Islam just does not say stop drinking Islam works on the person's heart the person's psychology the person's mind person's physiology so Islam provides comprehensive Solutions so first and foremost Islam connects the person with the right concept of God that God is not an idol he's not a human he's the ever living God with wonderful attributes he is eternal he's loving his merciful all-knowing all-powerful god secondly Islam gives the the concept of accountability that God is always watching one day you have to stand in front of God and then if you're not a good person there would be consequences if you are a good person they would be reward number three then God provides many many incentives for the person what kind of a reward the person would be getting in paradise and many many ways that God wants a person that what kind of what kind of you know punishments that they would be getting in the Hereafter or in the hell fire on top of it God encourages the people to form wholesome societies right so God's guidance is comprehensive working on the heart and the mind and psychology spirituality so in this comprehensive guidance people of their time they dispose all the alcohol beverages they stop female infanticide they uplifted women equal to men spiritually in front of God they connected with the Creator they became technologically and any which way the advanced societies right so God's guidance in a comprehensive way is going to ultimately bring the Justice it will bring Solutions it will clean our house it will connect with the right concept of God if we do that then Paradise is what we hope for so it's a comprehensive solution and not just repenting that's what I'm saying keep our guest first chance but okay go ahead yeah go ahead go ahead Dr sabir thank you so much that was a wonderful presentation I hope really everyone is encouraged by it as I I am you mentioned that the Crusades were not representative of Christianity and would be able to do the same or to say the same about the Muslim conquests and the the raids that we read about in the early Islamic history and the Expeditions led by the prophet um and the apostasy Wars after that can we also say about these raids and wars that they are not representative of Islam or what would you say to help us think about this thank you so much okay sure sure welcome so the question is what about you know some Muslims and some Muslim armies who went to different parts of the world and they may have committed atrocities and so what I would say to that is see Islam gives us the wonderful Guidance the principles how to engage with people of other faiths no face during war during peace Islam gave us certain guidelines now if anyone who may not be following that to the Perfection of what Islam brings us guidelines we need to blame those individuals right and that group and that Army and not blame Islam so what the brother is saying is in the early centuries of Islam there have been some Expeditions even the time of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him there were certain raids so certain uh in the military campaigns that happened what about those so where the way that Muslim Scholars the way that they justify those early you know Expeditions would be that the people of Mecca they used to torture Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and the early Muslims to the such an extent that came to assassinate the prophet so the prophet had to move from Makkah to Madina so after he moved the Makkah into Madina those people the quresh the idol worshipers right the people used to torture the Muslims they took away the land they took away the property of the Muslims so those early raids was to do justice so the property can be brought back second reason for the rates would be there were some non-muslims of that time they were trying to group together with an army to attack the Muslims and they have done many many times so even sometimes before they attacked the prophet peace be upon him he had an offensive you know first strike to them so the Muslims would not be compromised so we have to take one by one just to see what is the context of those early Wars all of them they were defensive Wars number one number two there were Wars to give Justice and number three the most important thing would be in all of those early Expeditions the ethics of War they were abided by that means not to harm not non-combatants not to destroy any places of worship not to disturb any person who's praying uh not to do carpet bombing not to destroy any animals and any resources of the opposing population and if the enemy says peace if they want to drop the weapons and shake hands and to draw peace treaty the Quran says you do the same in chapter 8 verse number 61. so taking all of this into context I would say those Islamic Expeditions and the defensive Wars they were unlike the Crusades uh yes the brother James yes thank you Dr Seville um in your presentation you mentioned that Muslims do not have any mediator between God and man that we can go directly to God um I've recently spoken to some Shia Muslims for whom like the imams like Ali and Hussein can be a sort of mediating figure between God and man so I wonder how would you respond to that assertion about the imams and Shia Islam okay um so Islam is Islam that was brought by Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him so from the Quran and from the practices of prophet Muhammad peace be upon him we see that there is no mediator that he went to approach God or he he or he uh encourage his companions to go through any mediator see even if the when the prophet passed away peace be upon him in the year 632 not a single Muslim of that time when they were praying to God for confession of sins they went through prophet Muhammad peace be upon him when he was alive or when he was dead not a single Muslim they went through as a mediator any Imam of that time or any previous Prophet who also passed away every single one of them they directly approached God for their confession and asking and thanking the Creator in fact there is a passage in the Quran the very first chapter of the Quran verse number three or four it says that means you alone we pray and we seek for help so the Quran is clear the prophetic example is clear uh the companions the early first generation a Muslim is clear that they approach God directly in the prayer or asking anything from God and also confession of sins so if any Muslim is not going by that they are not going by the clear-cut quranic and prophetic traditions yes so who's the next one okay go ahead we can have the brother in the back yeah go ahead yes yes brother go ahead my name is he just greeted with the greeting of Peace just to let you all of you know what he said right yeah he's not sending any code words to me they don't they don't want to uh give me the microphone because uh I'm Muslims they don't want you to feel privileged right so uh they always ask about charialo um um versus the Constitutional law so if you would please uh kindly uh give us a highlight on that I'll appreciate it thank you so much okay all right so we have a question about Sharia about following God's guidance and generally about corruption and how it could be stopped if there is proper following of the guidance right I 100 agree with that you know when we drove from Chicago to here we drove on the highway then we came in the downtown we drove and then coming to this mosque right we were driving all the way here every single Street every single highway right every single freeway there is always a speed limit so that's kind of the law of the of the of the road how to drive so we don't harm ourselves and we don't harm the other drivers but the people in uh you know scooters and motorcycles so if no one follows the speed limit there is going to be chaos but if everyone follows the speed limit and the turn signal and the proper lane change people are going to be safe A simple analogy would be that in the same way you know when we went to schools and colleges if there is no teacher or Suppose there is a substitute teacher for example right you know how it goes if there's a substitute teacher that means we are not the best students sometimes because we are not following the guidelines given by the teacher so anytime anywhere for to avoid the chaos and to do well with the chaos two things have to happen first there has to be a comprehensive practical beneficial guidelines secondly the people have to follow those guidelines so what we are saying is Islam does give that structure the comprehensive structure the comprehensive guidelines not just for one just for a person how to pray how to be a good neighbor right how to fast and how to be good to parents Islam also give comprehensive beneficial practical guidelines how to form wholesome societies Islam guidelines is there for economic you know situation of the country Islam has guidelines for our uh you know for politics it has guidelines for educational system Judiciary System penal system any system that Humanity needs for its prosperity for its Justice to outcome peace Islam gives out guidelines so the guidelines are there and Muslims of the past when they followed it equality between the races was there war was almost non-existent respect of men and women was there equality was there right spiritually between men and women poverty was almost non-existent technologically Muslims were the most advanced so against you have the best system and Muslims they were following it in the same way when we see problems in the societies not just having a clean heart it's not just enough for us to say okay what can we do we have to have two things in place a comprehensive practical system and people willing to follow it and both of these Islam offer for us so now the question would be okay what is that perfect guidance call as the Sharia guidance right the Sharia law is the same so this is a foreign word to many of you you know sometimes when we hear foreign words foreign terminologies we may have the fear of the unknown thanks to the medium right the media kind of demonizes the word Jihad the word Sharia and all of these Arabic terms so it appears as if Sharia is something like a boogeyman right we should fear it it's going to take over our freedoms compromise our liberties that's not the case Sharia in a nutshell its guidance it's a guidance of how humans can live as brothers and sisters in Justice and peace Sharia also is how humans and the creation live in peace and harmony with the Creator so it's a guidance it's a how to manual you know when I started to learn how to drive I have to refer to a rules of the road in Chicago we go to a any coup there's always a student's manual there's an employee's manual those are guidelines to help us to fulfill our our assignment that we have so Sharia is God's guidance so we can fulfill what God has given to us the wonderful guide guidance so we can live as brothers and sisters but the Sharia that was given through Muhammad peace be upon Him is not the very first time God gave the guidance you know when we look into the Old Testament I say that the Ten Commandments was the Sharia guidance that God gave to the people of the past we said that was the Sharia so that Sharia guidance of the Old Testament God says that don't take any other God besides me we agree with that the shamiya guidance of the Old Testament says respect your neighbors do not lie do not cheat right do not blasphemy God we say we accept it that was the show we are given to Moses peace be upon him and his people but sometimes you know what comes to the mind of a person wants to think of sharia right I mean honestly when you look at the images of the TV channels and social media what is the immediate thing that comes to the mind of a person based on the images anyone [Music] yeah the punishment system comes to mind right right away when people think of sharia however you know just like our constitution is not only limited to the punishment system our constitution is a broad-based guidance on multiple facets for the society in the same way within the umbrella of the shavia guidance you have a wonderful ways that what sharabiya Solutions can be for the environment for example right chapter 6 verse number 141 speaks about how Muslims should be green Muslims how we should take care of the environment shall we are guidance it speaks about the unity of humanity in chapter 49 verse number 13 sharya guidance speaks about how neighbors should help out each other you know Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him he said you're not a full believer if you eat your Foe and your neighbors are hungry that's part of the Sharia Sharia also speaks about how we should always speak the right thing Muhammad peace be upon him he said say something good or remain silent you know I say that how many marriages can be saved if husband and wife abide by that right how many wars can be prevented how many friendships can we preserved if he always say something right all the time that's also part of the Sharia giving charity helping the poor the needy the homeless it is part of the Sharia right yes some people say Love Is Love what if a woman loves a woman or a man loves a man I will come to that all right I will come to you let me just complete the quickly the Sharia then we have to go and eat all right so Sharia is a comprehensive guidance that God has given for Humanity to bring Justice and peace to the society now the punishment system is also there in Sharia you know just like the Old Testament has punishment just like our constitution in the state Constitutions are punishment you know just like when I go and travel and go to city city to City from different airports that's a TSA that's a police force there is a you know uh the Army and the Navy we always need checks and balances so there is a punishment system also but the punishment system in the Sharia no one can take it in their own hands it is by the state by the proper checks and balances that's when the punishment system as a deterrent for the future criminals it should be it should be done you know just like Old Testament has the punishment system it has what stoning cutting of hands right capital punishment for these kind of crimes Islam does have punishment system but at the end of the day if anyone is abusing the word Sharia and committing atrocities we have to condemn that person but not Sharia not Jihad not the Quran and definitely not Islam so that is what Sharia as we say it's God's guidance to bring Justice and peace so Humanity can live as brothers and sisters and have the best system that we can have and with God's mercy we can go to paradise so that in inertial is what Sharia is and your question would be about marriages right uh LGBT the marriages [Music] okay got it got it uh so the question is uh you know love is love we should respect love doesn't matter between a male and a female or between male and male or female and female right love is love that's what you're saying so what we say is yes we can have we can devise our own rules from our own mind our own heart or we can have God's guidance who is all knowing he's all loving he knows what is good for us what is wrong and bad for us so we say that yes by following God's guidance which is comprehensive Humanity can be prosperous so when it comes to family when it comes to the Family Life what God says is that a family is made up of a male and a female husband and wife not between two males and two females this is God's guidance I'm not making this up which is very similar to what the Bible also says number one right number two would be any intimacy should be within the marriage not extra not premarital or not extramarital it's only within marriage so these guidelines that Islam has given we say it is going to preserve the marriage it is going to preserve the family structure which has been there for centuries and if anyone has a desire towards the same gender we say that the person should have patience the person should obey God's guidance by having patience and obeying God's guidance we always say that eternal life God is going to reward us humongously right you know just like I mean I have desire for example right now to run to the cafeteria and eat we all have desires suppose if I see something wrong I want to punch that person right for example I don't do that but I may have desire just because we have desires does not mean we have to fulfill the desires the way that our heart wants us to God's guidance you know supersedes our emotions our shortcomings right our fallible nature so we say there is always benefit in that and there is always a reward in that yes okay let's take maybe one last question yes go ahead Venus [Music] um uh thank you very much for the presentation my question is about the in the PowerPoint I agree that for some attributes of God that to no preacher can share for example God is everywhere and but we cannot be everywhere and God is Almighty and no creature can be Almighty but for some other attributes for example in another slide I mentioned that God is love and God is merciful and I think these attributes that we can share because God also called us to love other people and to be merciful as a living a holy life so this is what I'm thinking so I wonder what what do you think thank you wonderful question I know somebody was washing the slides very good so her question is Venus I love that name by the way right her question is that okay fine I mentioned that only God has those attributes no one shares those attributes with God what I mean is that yes we and you and all the humans we can be loving towards other humans we can be compassionate we can be merciful and forgiving but God has those attributes in their perfection God is the most merciful he is the most all-looming right all-powerful we have limited power and limited uh love limited compassion but God has those attributes in their perfection no human is eternal no human is all-knowing Right knowing the future the past the present we know something what we remember but we are not all moving so we share some attributes with God but God's attributes are in their perfection humans attributes in their imperfection so in their perfection no human shares the attributes of God in their perfection that's what I meant and vice versa God's attributes are so perfect that he is always all knowing he does not forget any time anywhere he's always all loving and all merciful so that defines god with those perfect attributes I hope you understand the distinction right very good very good yes ma'am okay okay to interrupt here yeah we have to conclude the Q a so we can continue sure sure so so what we can do is I'm still going to be here all right those who would like to ask more questions feel free to I'm going to be here for like not forever I have to go back to Chicago but I'll be here to address any question anyone has one to one you can ask questions in a group you can ask questions inshallah God willing and the reason we want to cut the official session is because obviously what food is waiting for us yeah that's a great part a good part I don't want to deprive any one of you from a delicious lunch but q a session we will still continue one to one so with that again thanks a lot for coming on behalf of the whole mosque and the volunteers we want to thank each single one of you may God guide and bless all of us so hopefully we can live as brothers and sisters to make the humanity great and with God's guidance Eternal Paradise thank you very much good thank you again
Channel: Sabeel Ahmed
Views: 1,015,387
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Keywords: dr. sabeel ahmed, latinos converting, who are the muslims?, women in islam, ask a muslim, islam vs christianity, sabeel ahmed debate, ruben israel, non muslim listening to quran, revert to islam, converted to islam, sharia law, christian music 2020, quran recitation really beautiful, surah rahman qari abdul basit, converts to islam story, sunni shia debate english, quran in english translation, christianity in china, what is islam religion, hijab iran, hijab iran protests
Id: qpF2wYyH5F8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 46sec (2506 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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