FIGHTING SIBLINGS Ruin THANKSGIVING, They Instantly Regret It | Dhar Mann

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question is the new Darman merch a part of the Black Friday sale or is it just the older merch uh no actually all of the Darman merch is on sale right now to 50 off oh okay now um get lost a little busy all right sheesh wow uh excuse me um I would like these two pieces of Darman merch please all right all right is that it wow okay tell you what if you have cash we'll give it to you for 40. oh see I would normally take that deal but I don't have that much cash but I only have credit card on me is that okay can I still do the deal no if you don't have cash the get lost okay I'm sorry I'm I'm sorry am I watching the register for a few hours uh thanks yeah you're gonna be great yes there's no cash anymore anyway okay oh hey boss didn't see you there uh where are you going and where did all this cash come from oh come on what did you expect it's me I know but can you at least be honest for once in your life try this skit may be fake but the dark man Black Friday sale definitely isn't for a limited time everything on this site is up to 50 off the link is down below so make sure you get yours before it runs out happy now yeah look I I promise that my days of lying and cheating and giving up on dogs um babies abandoning babies gold digging gold digging I promise my days of gold digging and are over so be back in a few hours to finish my shift foreign [Music] [Music] uh yeah we're getting full bars huh I can't figure out how to get the game on [Music] quiet Sparky are you trying to get us busted I go go it's fun [Music] Randall Jesse Porter what do you two think you're doing we just wanted a little tiny piece yeah it's a way for the rest of the family to get here and it's tradition for Grandpa to cut the first piece but we're starving well then eat some vegetables there's plenty of those yuck I'll just wait for Grandpa then if we don't starve to death first okay when's he getting here I I have to go get them from the airport right now so I will need you to to finish cleaning up but Mom why everybody has to do their part around here I'm in the kitchen all day and your dad's been oh man it went out again trying to figure out how to stream the football game well I guess we'll watch it on the tablet then yeah something smells really good no not you too stay away all right I am going to run to get Grandpa then we're going to be eating soon if I don't hit traffic all right sweetheart well drive safe all right be safe bye-bye honey please make sure the kids clean up the house while I'm gone don't even think about it I'm serious well kiss harder [Music] do you even know how to mop nope and I don't plan on learning about that today [Music] nice try and what's the point of a cleaning robot if you're smoking my floors [Music] the turkey smells so good I bet if I took a small piece from the bottom mom would never even notice she's gonna find out we have to wait for Grandpa what if I sneak you up a piece too then I'd say your secret is safe with me just [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's begin all right [Music] oh my gosh oh God [Music] um best turkeys he's ever made hey [Music] please tell me that it didn't just happen hey how's it going oh hey hold on uh hey honey babe you won't believe it Dad went to the wrong airport he's in Burbank you please go pick them up I'm gonna be stuck in traffic for a long while okay all right uh I'll be on it uh don't worry I'll see you as soon as you get back thank you babe all right looks like I gotta pick up your granddad from the other Airport drive safe yeah we'll be final alone oh no you won't be alone for that long yeah on your uncle is almost here please try not to burn down the house the next few minutes okay okay oh and I'll be back as soon as I can yeah oh and remember my assistant is joining us for dinner so let her in before I get back okay you got it Dad yeah all right this is a disaster what are we going to do I don't know maybe we could just clean in and think look I don't know are you kidding we can't eat that anymore it's so gross do you have any better ideas does GrubHub deliver cooked turkeys Grandma are you serious oh no no no no no no no hey hey Uncle Eugene Happy Thanksgiving he didn't tell us he was going to the airport but don't worry we're gonna help you with whatever you need and that turkey smell good let me help y'all bite him I mean we're fine you know no need for any help no yeah we can't even eat the turkey until grams against here uh family tradition yeah so you guys just get comfortable on the couch I think my dad is streaming football so just well I hope my nine is a winner yeah I'll show you I don't need help with anything that turkey was kind of dry last year yeah don't worry the turkey is very um wet this year so just hang tight while we finish cleaning up and then yes just just gone in him turkey kind of wet what'd that mean oh no uh what are you gonna do with that I'm gonna get rid of it buried in the backyard no waste [ __ ] you'll find that um we gotta throw it in the dumpster oh that's the first place mom's gonna check when she realizes the turkey is missing okay then Mr Media are we even back keep your voice down give me this in trouble what happened to the turkey look it's so long story we took it out of the oven and it found the mop bucket okay maybe it's not a long story so is an accident exactly and that's why you don't need to tell anyone because we're gonna replace it uh we're gonna go to the store and get a new one that's right so we can just keep the secret between us we don't want our parents finding out why don't you want to tell your parents the truth you know something my teacher always says the truth set you free oh Amber Amber you have a lot to want to see you'll find out when you're older that teachers are always wrong whatever [Music] you think she'll say anything that won't matter unless we figure out a way to replace that turkey oh there's a grocery store two blocks away I mean if we run fast we might be able to get a new one wait we're actually gonna buy another one are you sure it's safe for us to go down there by ourselves of course it's safe it's just a grocery store what's the worst that can happen [Music] we gotta find a turkey and get out of here wait a second we don't have any money how are we gonna pay for it I guess I haven't thought that far ahead we're in a store yeah excuse me um can you help us find a turkey I'm sorry kids I just helped her get the last one are you sure that's the last one maybe check in the back it's Thanksgiving Day there's literally turkeys flying off the shelves well not literally because they're well you know you know give me that I'm sorry guys we're going home empty-handed our mom's gonna ground us for Life uh I'm I just wait that turkey has not been paid for yet oh so it's technically selling for grabs what are you talking about you can just pick it from your cart wait Randall oh great here we go again [Music] [Applause] [Music] whatever your name is um I'm here to send you one Break um my name is Eric who are you I'm the the manager's son you know he called me in today to help out fine by me I just had a break and I have no problem taking none of them have fun have fun yes I see you're getting spaghetti problems for the kids um wait up odd see you're getting a Turkey um that that's awesome um I'll just have my bag in here I'll take that for you miss oh this is kind of heavy you two out let's go let's go let's go [Music] sorry about that well we tried and our groceries are cooked huh when do we put a goose in the oven I thought we were cooking a turkey that's just something I heard grandpa said I think it means I just hold on a second I don't think we're out of the game yet [Music] we're saved hey what are you guys doing shoot mom's almost here and the turkey is taking forever to cook why is it taking so long I mean how about the milk cookers for I think she started it last night YouTube video oh wow everything okay yep they're great everyone will be here soon maybe I should check everything's fine go ahead and relax please okay [Music] no no no no it's not gonna work it's gonna taste like rubber stop figure it out okay it says if we deep fried in the pot of boiling oil it'll cook faster what [Music] all of it [Music] more more more more more now we can finally eat [Music] a kiss come on come say hi to your Grande come on let's go feels nice knowing you [Music] Happy Thanksgiving Grandpa Oh Happy Thanksgiving kiddos smoke what did you two do nothing you swear where's the turkey I made and why is there an uncooked one in the oven that's smoking okay uh your turkeys under this ink in a mop bucket what look we're really sorry we dropped off talking about accidents we went to the store to get a new one and we tried to cook it as fast as we could so we put in the oven but turn the heat too high then I started smoking we're really really sorry we didn't mean to run Thanksgiving is that everything uh yeah I think so well shame for the turkey but I'm happy that the two of you told the truth and we're trying to fix it we all make mistakes the important thing is you were honest that's like they say the truth shall set you free that's right Dad I kind of have said it better so you guys aren't mad more like proud come here [Music] sorry I'm late oh my gosh you wouldn't fall asleep what I went through trying to get a turkey to bring tonight more but you're such a lifesaver thank you so much for doing this the smart and my secretary I know my wife my father-in-law brother-in-law and his wife and their daughter and where's uh Jesse and random oh they went to their rooms I can go grab them you know if you hadn't bought this we wouldn't have turkey for dinner kids who snatched the one I bought right out of my truck and ran off with it wow is this world coming to wait and you said two kids yeah two kids here they are oh hello you kids doing I'm sorry they plays games kids oh my goodness it was them that they were the ones that stole my turkey why what wait I thought you said that was everything but so oh did we leave out the part where we stole the Third from an old lady old lady amen all right now let's see all right [Music] yeah [Music] all right we're done mopping the floors now and cleaning the kitchen can we eat sure all right oh okay thank you you can have veggies oh you can't leave me please just have turkey oh no sorry only veggies for you oh gosh this is the worst punishment ever like even Sparky gets to eat turkey and we don't oh we're not even close to your punishment after you're finished washing all of the dishes and taking out all of the trash you're gonna go over to miss Martha's house and clean there and I have to warn you it's pretty messy I went to school for a couple days so it's fine it takes a few days this is worth the wait hey kiss have you tried never mind eat your veggies [Applause] if you just contributed once in a while don't tell me that's my orange juice oh I can't believe you drank the entire bottle I'm going to the store you can get me some more OJ and detergent you want to give me some money to pay for it never mind
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 11,056,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: fQ038k1k0Hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2022
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