Fighter Pilot Takes on Ace Combat, DCS World, Flight Simulator & More! (Best Hits)

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so looks like you're taking off in the haer I've never flown a haer in a hairon roll right after takeoff you can see it's pretty sporty yeah there's some like really like picturesque like in aviation moments that you'll have I've never seen uavs launch out of a truck like that there's depending on the size of the UAV there's definitely ways different manners to launch them those are a lot more deadly than a anti-aircraft gun that's going to be close yep okay so they're flying the uh F35 in a non low observable or stealth uh configuration you can see it by kind of the external weapons on the wings and then if you're looking at the uh right side of the display here you can see kind of its SMS or stor management system where you can see kind of the displays and it looks like a b or c model it's doing a drog tanking where it has the basket coming out of the back of the uh tanker and this was a lot easier than it kind of appears in real life so he's refilling off a kc1 which is an Air Force tanker and it's going to be a little bit more difficult and that's going to depend on various different conditions with the weather have any turbulence that's happening and it's usually not that simple you're not going to have all these aircraft in this close formation uh kind of as you're doing that as well how often do you need to refuel like when do you refuel refueling is going to be based on a couple things it'll be based on kind of the length of the mission along with what type of mission so different throttle settings in the aircraft are going to lead to different fuel flow so you'll run out of gas quicker if you're down at sea level or at the surface and you're maximum after Bur bur or the kind of the highest power setting of the aircraft you're going to run out of fuel in about 15 to 20 minutes uh so watching this you can see he's going uh ridiculously fast the aircraft is not flying anywhere uh I think we're showing up to 2,000 knots uh he's also flying a really really low altitude so for like various things there is terrain masking where uh especially for uh masking radar where you'd like to be down low but uh generally we're going to be up high for a couple different reasons it's mainly going be driven by the tactics and kind of what kind of mission you're executing the two main things of reference in the aircraft in terms of speed will be uh KN which is just the kind of aeronautical term for how we measure speed there's equivalent uh to miles per hour uh I forget what the exact kind of conversion is but if it's going to be like 600 knots would be 700 mph I mean he's getting really aggressive down low here which might be uh what you need to do in a combat situation however kind of getting shot at with the cloud layer with the various like pullup cues or now he's got a warning or Master warning in his HUD these are all like factors that are gonna make like just Elevate this risk so high especially like as he's flying through the weather here you don't know what's on the other side of the cloud you just flew through it could be rising train or Another Mountain that you're just going to now fly into so you can see he going through just a various list of aircraft here from the uh f104 so uh really old aircraft through like some more modern stuff from the F14 which has been retired uh from at least the US Navy service it's still in service with Iran and kind of as you see on the right side of the screen all aircraft are going to have various pros and cons so for an A10 you can see it's at least in this scenario looks to be better a ground than a air which is going to be accurate again it's designed for an air surface uh or air ground employment scenario close air support for an F-16 or an F2 which is the Japanese uh version of the F16 it's going to be more of a multi-roll fighter now so you'll see be a little bit more balanced than what a uh f104 would be I think now we're looking at the F-15 say f15c a solely air to a uh fighter uh has a zero air ground capability so it's kind of reflected in its specifications here where air air is bumped up higher than in ground and that's going to be for the F-15 uh specifically now this looks like the f-15e Strike Eagle so uh what you can tell from f-15c as now it's two seats so you'll have a weapon system operator or wizo in the back seat who's going to run various systems on the aircraft whether that's its targeting pod radar etc those are able to be controlled from the pilot but uh now you have a dedicated person in the back and then F35 uh C lightning 2 this is the aircraft that I currently uh fly we have three different variants of the aircraft a Model B model and C model that's going to be the carrier version uh mainly flown by the United States Navy C model is going to have the beefed up landing gear to be able to take off and land from aircraft carrier it's going to have the uh probe for its a fueling uh that we saw earlier then this is the rafhael going to be used by France they'll have uh an actual a carrier version flown off the Charles G if you just want to make a quick like comparison would be like the French uh equivalent like F18 the typhoon or Euro Fighter this is going to be exported throughout Europe again a multi fighter you can see again it's not low observable it it's got actually really powerful engin so aircraft's going to have really good uh speed which is going to allow it to perform better in bfm or One V one uh dog fighting uh so first thing you have a B2 tax stand by yf-22 that's actually the experimental one going up for the bid uh you're not going to necessarily have that painting on the tail you're also not going to be on the active Runway so Runway three right behind a B2 like this you'll wait for him to take off and then you'll receive your clearance takeoff after he's Airborne if you're getting set up for a dog fight they'll initially like Transit out as two aircraft not necessarily B2 F22 but you'll Transit out together if you're taking off as a section or two ship of two aircraft and you'll do a quick uh mission systems check where you try to lock them up on radar and then he'll do the same to you just to make sure your systems are working quick look at the displays obviously they're not going to have the classified displays in here but normally you'll have up your radar on one page then on your other display depending what kind of mission you're executing you'll have a different one so looks like you're in a legacy horn you can tell by the displays here you can tell they have the older upfront control panel and then the older fuel gauge kind of down the bottom left there this actually looks like really realistic I've never flown Alexi Hornet before but this is actually looking really good so as you're flying around it looks like he's wearing a jemic uh is getting that offboard display and like overall like as you're looking through the HUD or the heads up display this is looking like really really accurate that's what you would see on real life so he's got rockets on uh if he was actually going against real life against sa 10 you're going be carrying a harm or highp speed an radiation missile to give you a little bit standoff distance to the SAT 10 and you're going to be up at a way higher altitude higher altitude is going to allow you to do is to defend and as your defending you're going to be losing air speed you pull hyg Maneuvers so you can descend as your defending that's also going to provide you more standoff distance with your weapons and it's just going to provide you more lethality while remaining survivable rockets and sa 10 is not going to be the best kind of game plan there if you're pcking these up visually unless if they have some degreg in their systems they're going to be shooting you well prior to you getting within like rocket distance especially in a legacy platform that's not going to have any RCS or radar cross-section management done to the aircraft but you can see the acceleration that the aircraft down at low altitude and After Burner that's going to be pretty good again you don't really want to be at low altitude not only for going against the sa 10 but you might have other weapons or enemy weapons within the environment that the lower you are the easier it is to shoot you so you're going to be up at altitude and you can have more air speed on the jet but you see it looks like he's he's carrying the Rockets he's got two M1 120s and looks like uh potentially two harm on the aircraft as well flying around after there low of altitude is also not good there's IR guided surface a missile sites that could be within the vicinity and those can be something as simple as like a shoulder launched rocket you don't want to be firing around in afterburners they're going to have an easier job uh acquiring an IR lock on you and employing that weapon you're also not going to be flying around with your formation lights on those are those green strips that you see illuminated along theide the aircraft those are mainly used at night in training scenarios uh to make the aircraft more apparent to the people that you're working with you see those x's in the display that's a Brak X you will get that as as you're employing weapons and that's going to differ from platform to platform whether that's a F18 F16 F15 F35 to what necessarily that break X means so you just just send off both of this rocket pods that's something that you would potentially do if you're defending and you're losing air speed and you need to regain air speed landing on a naval aircraft is going be a little bit different than a commercial airliner or an Air Force aircraft uh why should just fly The Landing all the way to touchdown instead of doing like a flare like you would in a a gentle Landing for passengers or just for the aircraft's kind of gear where it's not as robust as an F18 F18 you can also do conventional or a flare landing at a home field or at a regular air base and that's going to be absolutely acceptable and fun so looks like you're taking off from the Harrier I've never flown a Harrier it's going to have the ability to take off conventionally or do the V so verticle takeoff and Landing doing a hair roll right after takeoff you can see it's pretty sporty it's usually prohibited outside of like the Blue Angels or the Thunderbirds even like the Tactical demonstration teams will have specific instructions on if they can even execute it but if so at what prameters just due to the uh risky nature of the head overall looks like the inside of the cockpit at least from what I've seen from a Harrier looks pretty representative everything down from like the control stick to the buttons on the panels to the actual display Harrier verse a mid 21 that harier is designed for air ground or air surface environment where the mid 21's an older aircraft it's a former Soviet Union aircraft so neither of these aircraft are necessarily designed for dog fighting or 1 V1 bfm see it's relatively like realistic like the MC 21's putting out flares as it's sensing that it's defensive and now just like the overall geometry of the fight you can see this is way more realistic at least in terms of how they're executing their Maneuvers in terms of something like a top gun or what you would see in something like Ace Combat a big thing that a lot of people don't realize like actually exec these Maneuvers like energy management is a huge consideration so you actually have air speed bands that you're trying to necessarily stay within in order maximum perform the aircraft whether that's for like turn rate so P you can transverse across a circle or turn radius and that's going to be like the distance that it takes you to turn so right here they're in like a vertical essentially a two Circle fight which they're going to reference a turn rate how quickly they transverse across the circle the mid 21's obviously defensive here as you can just see that the nose of the Harrier is pointed at the mid 21 the mid 21's constantly putting out flares thing that they're defensive not sure what the Herer pilot was doing there that's not necessarily finding its best game plan I'm not sure if he's run out of bullets and if you do so you have no more weapons to employ you could uh potentially look to bug out or just try to run away essentially if you're out of ammunition Tolo against other aircraft so it looks like he's coming in here for a uh veral Landing or kind of like a hover it's literally what the Harrier is like built around is to land berly whether that's out of like a improvised field or off a anib and then we taking a look at refueling in flight so this looks like potentially you're an F14 one's just passing off underneath your left wing and up in front of you so at least it's going to be a probe and basket so you can there where it differs from the Air Force style where they'll have a boom you're literally just trying to stick the probe in the basket so these are wing tip pods off of uh looks like a KC 135 not as bad as what the iron m in would be which a lot of Naval aviators really dislike where it's a hard basket coming off the boom with the aircraft once you're plugged into these Baskets at least on the wing tips fairly benign once you get in getting in might be a little difficult cuz you'll get lift crated from the wings and wing tip B seas and a little bit of distorted air coming off the engines that might make the basket around a little bit I've never played the game before but this is the latest version so let's take a look at it and see how realistic it actually is I'm going to have to ask you to stand by one second uh so looking like the F18 like intercepting a hot air balloon just completely impossible hot air balloon's not going to have the forward velocity that an F18 is going to be able to fly at slow enough so f8 is going to just push way out in front like it might be able to do like a fly by uh like a quick n side but it's not going to be able to fly along side that's just not possible I'm getting so many good screenshots you got like something like a top gun scene here with like Maverick and Goose going in it we're not going to even do this in like an operational Squadron like flying this close inverted to one another you might have something like in the Blue Angels or Thunderbirds where they'll do this but it takes a lot of practice and training oh my God he is bobbing under the ground I see his tail yeah you just like Po like really poor uh physics and Graphics here with the aircraft just descending into the runway they're essentially doing like looks like a formation takeoff and You' only do that with like similar type aircraft not a fighter with The Airliner so like this is something that could realistically happen like purposing so if you come down or down the land if uh certain factors lead to a poor Landing like you will PP us up and down the runway when he touch down on the runway he is just going to start skiting along the runway with a bunch of Sparks coming out not necessarily the best thing it's going to take uh it's going to be pretty costly now to fix the aircraft straight you can tell way too low shallow he going to impact the ground there yep potentially you just killed yourself uh aircraft is going to be absolutely destroyed you're going to come in on more stable approach than that than that shallow approach and you're going to take a wave off just come around and land again you're not going to commit to a Landing potentially destroy the airplane and kill yourself decimator doing a ceremonial flyby right now you could have a real life situation where do like various mistakes made like you could be taking off on a Runway and someone's coming into land opposite direction but that's going to be like an absolutely huge safety violation not only with FAA but just like for your own uh well-being I've known people who've come in to land on the wrong Runway the runway had changed uh opposite direction from when they took off to land the person who did it failed the flight that they were on and if you fail too many flights should fail out of Flight School something that you want to avoid at all cost so this is a little bit more of a stable Approach at least looks like initially he's on a little bit of better of a Glide slope to come into land so I wasn't the worst cut it pretty close there especially in a Runway that's relatively short and the end of the runway doesn't have anything that's going to stop you and looks like a cliff coming on the backside so you're going to do a lot more playing there so you avoid that situation you can just tell that this is just a larger aircraft so it's going have a longer takeoff roll prior to every flight you'll do uh takeoff and Landing or hold so take off and Landing data and that's going to give you how long your takeoff roll is going to be what speed you're going board to cuz again with larger aircraft they going to accelerate slower especially if they're heavier and it's just going to require more Runway so you can see like it's taking like it's not as quick as a fighter jet to take off I don't know how long this Runway is but it looks like it's pretty long if you're flying at 747 you're probably not going to be on flight following flying VFR or visual flight rules usually be under IFR which is instrument flight rules so you'll be talking to a air traffic controller who will be sending you points to fly to along your route of flight or give you a heading as well as an altitude to climb to so flying in the weather absolutely fine especially in a larger aircraft like this you'll have instruments uh and you'll have instrument navigation AIDS uh along the route of flight see like relatively benign normal Landing here nothing too out Extreme as he's Landing now slowing down you can take a look at the wings and he's creating more drag just going to help The Airliner or 737 decelerate quicker so you're not using the brakes as much it's going to save life on the brakes it's kind of the forward motion you feel in the aircraft as you land on an airliner again can either reverse thrust or it's kind of thr like speed brakes out to the air it's going to decelerate a little bit quicker and you'll feel that when you land traveling pretty fast on the landing here I don't know assly what aircraft it is or speed but you can see the poppy lights on the left here so showing them low and now he's getting off runway Center Line looks like he's getting into like a Pio or Pilot induced oscillations not necessarily a fail land in that just go around take a wave off come around again execute a more stable approach and hopefully a stable laning if you're at like a civilian field or air force field or navy field that doesn't have a ball you'll have uh in this case poppies so you can see on the left side of the runway as you're pushing the runway if you have two white two red that means you're on glide slope essentially like you're at a good height to land and as you're coming in now he's got yep now nipples back to two white two red and now all white so you see way stable approach or way more stable approach he's on a better Glide slope he's on Runway Center Line which you can reduce the amount of variables that you're trying to correct for it's going to be a lot easier to execute a safe and uh stable Landing all right so coming in land looks like in London so he's already configured for landing see his gears down looks like his air speed's at appropriate air speed or at least what I would assume for an airliner it's just on a stable approach he's on a steady descent he looks like he's on Runway center line right now looking like he's set up for a stable Landing you can reference the papy lights again on the left side so ideally you're looking for two white two red the more red you have the lower you are the more white you have the higher you are so right now you can see three white four white so he's getting a little high now he's back to two white two red so he's back on glide slope he's at appropriate altitude or height looks like he's roughly on Runway center line now he's getting fairly benign so looks like he's floting a little bit down the runway here a touch down a little bit late but like something like an Airbus 320 not necessarily like the worst thing you going have that a lot of man airliners you'll have reverse rust to help slow you down all right so you can see private jet flying just in crues I mean some pretty nice shots I like the citation from the flight simulator I've never actually been in the cockpit of one but you can see that like it looks like it's at least rendered pretty well with the graphics like the displays they have up are relatively appropriate you're going to have up your EFI electronic flight instrument display and looks like now he's coming in land so you can see him getting configured which is going to get his gear coming down his flaps coming down which is going to slow the aircraft for appropriate landing speed yeah there's some like really like picturesque like in aviation moments that you'll have I've had like Sunset Landings in San Diego or even like on the aircraft carrier boat where it's just like an awesome moment where you're coming to land somewhere like in a cool location like you're seeing here like flying over the water and like what looks like some kind of like Island environment with mountains in the background you have like the sunset in the background it is cool experiencing it on the ground but you have that extra kind of factor kind of as you're Airborne like doing your job and you're also be able to like take the moment to appreciate just like what like nature or the environment presents and then you can just see like a steady Landing especially like on on the boat it's just a good Landing if you have bad landing especially on the boat even if you had a good flight up until that moment like your mood and kind of like your performance is going to be necessarily like ruined because of the landing and then like on the boat every time you're Landing you're being judged on the aircraft carrier from the lsos or paddles and then if it's at night it's going to be or even daytime it's going to be broadcasted one of the channels on Ship TV so there's going to be plenty of people watching you coming to land so not necessarily like high stress but you're being judged every time you do so so I guess there's not a big worry about a clear Field of Fire here but that's definitely an issue in real life where you don't want to be shooting into an enemy aircraft if your friendlies flying near it as missile might potentially guide on to your ally your wingman Etc missile so some aircraft depending on what systems they have on the aircraft might actually give you a missile warning or uh some aircraft have a what's called a radar warning receiver or rwr that might give you an indication of when someone's uh potentially looking at you do with a radar but other than that it's not going to really provide you much indication so there's definitely some considerations especially in uh training just the weather what the cloud coverage is so we'll have training rules that will dictate what we can do and what we can't do depending on the weather something like this where it's kind of just scattered clouds just maneuver outside of clouds for the most part however if you're actually in combat using the clouds as concealment is definitely a factor at least being visually engaged however a lot of Radars can see or most Radars can see through clouds so that's not a factor whatsoever now whether that you might be able to IR mask your aircraft to a certain extent so essentially if someone's trying to look at a heat signature uh whether it's the skin friction of your aircraft going through the sky or if it's your engine you might be able to use the cloud to kind of mass that or at least make it more difficult to detect there's definitely some considerations that are put into what's the current weather so what I would normally be doing here is trying to roll invert it and pull just for positive Gs are easier to handle as a pilot and it's also easier or the aircraft will give you more positive G's as in that'll let you pull more positive G's so in an F16 it's rated up to N9 positive G's as I do like a pushover right here some aircraft might be rated up to -33 and2 G's so again you can see that it's about a third so the performance is significantly less you're also getting into an issue now where we have an anig straining maneuver if you're pulling positive G to keep the blood essentially rushing away from your brain so you don't g-lock for negative G we don't there's no maneuver to keep the blood from essentially pulling your head you could also pass out if that happens so normally if I wanted to instead of going like this in a negative G pushover I would roll invert it and pull just to increase the performance of the aircraft it also it's better visibility you have the bubble canopy like this in a F16 or any other fighter aircraft at least have uh a normal canopy so it looks like they're bringing two types of planes mainly to it uh this fight is make 21 and T9 five so it kind of depends on and that would be briefed in the mission brief or uh Mission Planet factors what's going to be your priority whether it's the fighters or the bombers Fighters are definitely more of a threat to your aircraft they can shoot missiles shoot their gun at you so they have potential to destroy your aircraft but at a certain point depending what your wrist level is and what they're going after you might have a priority where you start switching to the bombers as you're trying to prevent them from blowing up something important I definitely just flew through all this frag especially in a single engine fighter like F16 i' be extremely worried about what just happened to my aircraft in terms of any damage to the Leading Edge surfaces of the aircraft or uh even worse if something has uh or if anything has been ingested by the engine intake and now is damaged to the engine and now I'm worning about my engine is either losing thrust or potentially flaming out and seizing so if I actually lost the engine in a s Eng fighter like a F-16 or in my experience at least in the F35 we do have procedures um we call them bold face but it's emergency action procedures so to intercept Our Best Glide profile as we attempt to get the motor restart it if the engine won't restart then we're setting up for a flame out Landing so we'll have procedures in terms of uh proper air speeds that will get us to our best glide ratio as we start trying to find the nearest field if I'm somewhere at like 5400 ft out over the open ocean went nowhere in sight I'm mainly just trying to look to restart my engine and if that's not going to happen intercepting a minimum snc air speed or angle of attack and that's going to just allow me to M Airborne for as long as possible as this engine starts to restart or attempts to restart and potentially find a boat so if I I'm not worried about either freezing the death in the cold water or spinning longer than I want to in a small raft that's uh in my ejection suit so getting picked up whether that's by ideally a military aircraft helicopter or ejected near some kind of military ship worst case would be some kind of fishing vessel or a pleasure boat something and just hoping that they're aware and again something where maybe the cloud cover come into issue if it's overcast day down down to about 200 ft or if it's clear skies I think it be readily apparent that this aircraft has just crashed into the ocean and now I'm parachuting down so most aircraft you have the ability to fly with n vision goggles those definitely provide an increase in situational awareness as you're flying around they'll allow you to identify especially at night you can see lights from significally further away issue with night vision goggles to a certain extent is it limits your um perfield Vision you're looking through kind of like two soda straws your depth perception also is reduced pretty significantly however in the uh F35 we have um a system called Das a distributed aperture system and those are just cameras that are located around the aircraft and you can enable that Vision depending on what type of mission [Music] available been retired for about 15 years most people watching this have seen Top Gun it's kind of essential movie aircraft F2 so that's a Japanese export of the F16 and mig29 former Soviet Union Uh Russian air superiority Fighters as much as it kills me I think we're going to select the F14 as a former F-18 guy there's a little bit of a rivalry between F14 guys and F18 guys but it looks like in order to get to the uh F-18 I'm going to have to sell my soul and buy the F14 so large carer based Fighter the aircraft is huge it's way bigger than F-18 it's bigger than F35 the Dem model while the previous iterations didn't really have an air ground capability that was definitely introduced in later models Let's uh try it out your standard carrier launch uh one of the most fun parts of the job that I've ever done launching from aircraft carrier especially during the daytime it's like a roller coaster ride times a million so fun take off fly lower over the water until you're outside the carrier environment and you can just blast it up carrier Landings daytime are actually a ton of fun as well night Landings I could do without out but this is kind of necessary evil of the job like most people who have seen Top Gun know kind of the F14 has swept wings so as you speed up the wings are going to sweep back the better profil as it FES through the air at faster air speeds and then we'll see my air speed slows down throughout this Mission you watch the air speed box in the left as I get slower the wings should now start straighten and out as they go to kind of their normal uh position yep see there's the wing straight nowal air speed gets blood down iceing warning you're not going to get an iceing that quickly on the aircraft definitely get icing in the aircraft that's definitely a consideration especially at slower speeds but at faster speeds the surface of the aircraft is going to heat up it's going to burn off that ice and a fighter aircraft never be fly around 2400 knots but if you're fast enough it's not a consideration at all you can just Burn It Off by increasing your air speed there's definitely a difference flying like a fighter type of aircraft I've flown civilian aircraft Cessnas beachcraft and Barons there's definitely a huge jump and performance from a fighter aircraft it's a different type of flying okay let's check out what they consider Aircraft Carrier Landing this daytime weather right now would be at case one so what that would mean is we're just normal flight operations around the boat you're executing a straing approach Essen way too fast and I'm not really sure what the cross was there daytime Landings I think they're extremely enjoyable you're essentially flying a F18 could be 40,000 44,000 lb it's a pretty heavy aircraft that's coming in at 140 knots roughly and it's coming to a stop in a couple hundred ft where a normal fighter sized aircraft might take 6,000 ft to land on a Runway so it's a very violent Landing you get thrown forward in your seat but you're strapped in in an F18 like 10 different ways to the aircraft so you're not getting tossed around it's just a very violent deceleration something else that's not really taken into account at least in this Mission you're flying this low at altitude as I accelerate you see the afterburners light you're worried about your fuel the lower you are the higher your fuel burn rate is going to be and something with F14 so a larger fire you're going have more fuel than something like an F-16 but you also have a second engine you're also not something like a commercial airliner like a 737 a 757 767 Etc where they're Made to Fly along distances for F14 F15 F16 F18 Etc we we hold enough fueld to complete our mission however for any long range Mission especially if we're flying low we have the ability to inflight refuel after the first attempt failed it look like we were able to at least evade the detection sites now they we to start destroying them so I think what I'm going to do here is I'm going to prioritize if I can the Sam sites so surface air missile site those are a lot more deadly than a anti-aircraft gun that's going to be close yep so as I talked about in the first C missions if you were an F16 or F35 and you had Auto gcast probably even got myself in that situation where it was unrecoverable the aircraft would have automatically recovered for me so depending on what type of weapon we're trying to employ with what type of mission system there's definitely times where uh the technology can lch down a good example would be something like if they're jaming or providing false targets where the computer might be fooled but as a pilot you've recognized it you've seen it before you've done the training and then something over someone who has a lot of experience just like in any job you've seen stuff that other people haven't seen before okay so accidentally press some controls and I put myself into more of a first person role so now I actually have a pitch ladder so I can see where I am on the horizon with a heading indicator not that that's a huge factor for this let's see how I like this this provides a little more essay or situation awareness to like what my aircraft's actually doing especially as I fly through weather so what you see right now in the Hut is there's two things in the middle in the pitch ladder you have kind of the uh w symbol that's where the nose of the aircraft is currently pointing and then you have the circle with kind of the um bars extending out the sides and the top that's your velocity vector or your flight path marker and that's where the aircraft's actually flying through so if I pointed it the velocity Vector right there at this bridge it would fly right there now you can see certain points where there's a difference between them that difference is what we call angle of attack or AOA and that's the difference between the flight path of the aircraft the noos of the aircraft we take that into consideration a lot if we're dog fighting or executing basic fighter maneuvering as you try to Max perform your aircraft let's change it back up to the third person view for now shooting missiles or dropping bombs into like a urban environment a city there's plenty of considerations to take into to ceral damage depending what type of missile the bigger the bomb you drop usually the bigger the concern more consideration put into too big of a weapon if I drop a bomb on this building is it just going to blow up this building or is it going to blow up buildings next to it so there's definitely civilian considerations now something that's maybe like in an allout War like in this scenario you might be more liberal in terms of your Rules of Engagement unfortunately for most fighter aircraft uh we don't have the ability to point Bullseye nose high or 90° nose high and keep accelerating we just don't have the thrust especially as you get up and altitude you have a couple aircraft like F16 fighter config configuration uh we'll have a 1 to1 thrust to weight ratio which means the engines produce more thrust in the aircraft ways so that it could accelerate pure nose High most aircraft aren in that time category if you want to check out more episodes of gameology you can follow them on Facebook or YouTube you also check me out on Instagram at dmgr thanks guys see you later
Channel: Gamology
Views: 107,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilot, fighter pilot, pilot reacts, fighter pilot reacts, ace combat, flight simulator, pilot reacts to flight simulator, pilot reacts to ace combat, YTBGAMOOF0152
Id: zn-r9N9zkb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 21sec (1881 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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