YouTube is an unfair platform that hates most creators and it's getting worse, more evidence

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okay so this video is not something that i'm making as a knee-jerk reaction this is a result of months of observation and noticing consistent patterns and evidence to lead to some troubling um conclusions unfortunately and it's pretty much that right now currently youtube is screwing me over and not only me more generally the community i am a part of the community of the sword i'm part of multiple communities i have multiple channels but also other communities as well it's probably not news to many of you youtube's bias prioritization favoritism is something that has been known for quite a while and i've been outspoken against that for years this isn't just me coming out and and complaining but also sharing evidence and other things because it's affecting me i've been outspoken against this type of stuff for a while back when thane thran's channel was unceremoniously destroyed like just wholesale deleted i pushed very hard to try and get it reinstated for him because it was a massive injustice i started the petition made videos contacted whatever youtube reps i could and i've also done this on multiple occasions whenever other channels especially ones in my community have been suffering and that's the other side to why i'm prompted to make this video because i'm not the only one who's been affected okay the entire community of the sword has seen uh quite consistently across many channels we talk about this on facebook much lower views and revenue as a result so i want to talk about the evidence as to why this isn't just people being disinterested in our content because there's clear signs and evidence that would indicate this if it was and it's not but on the inverse it's actually the direct result of youtube being biased not recommending our videos suppressing content with evidence and patterns to show this this kind of stuff has been going on for such a while what good is this video going to do it's one additional voice hopefully to youtube doesn't care about creators that's the ultimate takeaway here they don't listen to creators i literally didn't find a single creator agree with them removing the dislike button on videos that was not a choice made for creators that was a corporate decision youtube having its own priorities its own goals because if it cared for creators it would listen to creators and creators have been complaining about the favoritism bias unlisting de-ranking for years they don't seem to give a crap it's depressing it's massively discouraging especially when you work so damn hard to make not only the best content that me personally i feel i've made across my entire career on youtube but also supporting others i have five full-time employees yes i'm included as one of those full-time employees in my business but i have people who i'm supporting a livelihood to responsibilities that i want to meet and so when you come across and run into unfair treatment okay they're suppressing your success separate to the effort and work you're doing is incredibly discouraging and this brings me to the first thing that i want to discuss is the the mask off has already been done youtube has been open there are quotes multiple quotes about how youtube prioritizes authoritative sources they say it multiple times they i went to a youtube event where literally one my youtube higher up was on the stage and that was a big thing for advertisers and stuff was just came out flat and said it which obviously indicates if they're prioritizing authoritative sources what does that mean about the sources they don't think are authoritative they're not getting promoted we know just blatantly how biased say the trending tab is that mainstream more acceptable the type of content that youtube actually prefers gets promoted susan wojcickis has come out and said like you know there was a time when there was some type of news item that she felt was really important that they put on the front page no one was clicking on and so they actively changed the algorithm to promote that to ensure it gets views there's quotes of her saying to celebrity people if you come on the platform we will push your content and get you the views and everything prioritization bias favoritism it's confirmed it exists okay and then what is the results of this bias if youtube is prioritizing the content that they deem appropriate to their users on the platform that means there are less recommendations to go around for the rest of us that's the obvious result and certain communities groups types of content just ends up getting completely shafted we've seen it before sometimes it's related to certain controversies and that might be one of the explanations and we've seen the gun channels get massively deprioritized and oftentimes they get demonetized and that was always very concerning because swords they're a weapon they're not too far removed from guns and we've all kind of had a concern on seeing this de-ranking this bias this suppressing of great content creators who are making brilliant brilliant videos sometimes really educational insightful videos they're not promoting gun violence in any measure but this could come a circle and hit the community of the sword and that very well might be what why i'll talk a little bit about that later but i'm mentioning it as the point of evidence to show it's it's been happening okay and i have wondered for years how long um myself others might slide under the radar it's not guaranteed that that's the reason by the way it's just a possible reason but all i know is that it's i'm very compelling evidence to show that no my views are getting suppressed my subscribers are not getting notifications uh nearly as much as they used to and videos that should do far better okay than what they have been performing are just cratering in views things go up and down i i've seen the waves in youtube i've been doing this for over five years now and i've seen low times high times and stuff i have never come across a more consistent decline in my time on youtube than currently and the things that i was able to do previously to mitigate those lows when things went down i actually had a measure of control to try and just jump start the um the engagement the views the interest in my channel by making different content content that i know would be really catchy and stuff and that has helped me bring things back when things are low well i've been trying to do those things for over two months and the videos that i thought would do really well have created people might say the obvious thing well is your audience just not interested in those videos that's not the case and again i've got specific evidence to show like quite compelling evidence to show that is not it is that videos literally they're not getting promoted and they're not being recommended to my viewers and i think we can all agree this is pretty darn crappy okay people subscribe to content for a reason they want to see that creators content and then youtube just will force stuff they haven't subscribed forward to in their face usually because it's the content that they want to promote or any number of reasons and it screws over the creators who quite literally help make youtube the success it is today but youtube doesn't really care about you know growing as much as it possibly could just cares about growing enough or remaining consistent and serving its own agenda which it does have agenda things that prioritizes things and suppresses uh any number of things it's not a neutral fair platform in any regard so what are the points of evidence that i've been referring to let's get into it so the first one is more related to the kind of genre or type of videos i make i make videos about swords and i did mention already that a group of us larger creators in this community communicate on facebook fairly regularly and most of us have been sharing that there's been a drop in views and revenue quite significantly more so than we've generally seen before more consistently and lasting longer and still happening it's not getting better it seems to be getting worse i pay attention to stuff like this a lot and there's been the occasion where one of us you know mentioned that hey we're having trouble do you think you know what's going on uh and it's only been recently where it's been a far more collective thing where all of us are getting affected and this is happening in other communities as well i've been getting you know just as i briefly mentioned that in in passing on twitter or when i get people responding to me they mention yeah this has been happening in this other community and there's other creators mention it and stuff so this suppression isn't just happening to our sword creators it's happening to a good number of creators on the platform the next thing it gives me very strong confidence this isn't just my own content getting less interest is a statistic that you actually get to track on youtube analytics called click through rate so when youtube recommends a video it tracks the percentage of the amount of people who actually click on the video after it's recommended that gives you the percentage the click-through rate so obviously then your natural conclusion should then be a video that has the same click-through rate as another video well then that means people are clicking on it the same amount when it's getting recommended so the views should be about similar should they not well turns out no not all the case not recently that's how it should work but youtube is actually actively doing things to make it not work that way because views can still be far far lower even if you have a really good click-through rate on a video if youtube just doesn't recommend it give notifications and that's exactly what's been going on take a look at these two videos right here as just one example my obi-wan kenobi fight scene autopsy and my video on knights vs dinosaurs the fight scene autopsy has been out a week longer the dinosaur one has been out seven days but i can easily find what the views were at the seven day mark and so if we go to seven days it's uh the everyone kenobi had uh 113 000 views so obi-wan kenobi more views let's have a look at the click-through rate a click-through rate on the obi-wan kenobi is one point nine percent all right now by the way click-through rates are different between creators and stuff my average is around three percent okay that's generally low but it's been enough to sustain me uh on my channel for years it's been that like at that point for a good while and so even though this kenobi video got below average views still better than what most have been doing lately that's on 1.9 2 click through rate a video that has done fewer views okay the dinosaur one have a look at the click-through rate this clicks rate is 4.1 percent twice as much people are clicking on this video twice as often when recommended than the kenobi one yet it has less views youtube's not recommending that's the only conclusion you can come to it's not that people are not interested in the video in fact people are interested in this video twice as much as the kenobi one why did youtube decide to promote the uh obi-wan kenobi fights in autopsy versus the dinosaur knight one it's because it was a bit it was trending okay star wars obi-wan kenobi was just out and i was capitalizing on the trending thing that there was more interest and when you do that youtube is because more people are consuming star wars related content it naturally promotes that content more than it would normally that's the key because conversely to that when i make a fights in autopsy video um based you know star wars that's not trending well doesn't perform nearly as well my previous fight scene autopsy video this is the fight between um kyler and ray um all right let's have a look at how much many views it got in the first seven days to get this right comparison 88 000 far less than both those previous videos okay and the click-through rate was uh pretty low as well for this one 1.7 so what's really frustrating about this is when you have a video that underperforms youtube you know in the analytics tells you why you know i say why is this video not performing as well so here is my most recent video which uh has performed worse than nearly any other video i put out recently to a distressing level okay like this is the type of thing that all right if if all my videos are going to be affected i already know all just most a good chunk half of my videos are getting affected like this that is a massive alert it's a it's like this is like ho real bad i like i'm not going to be able to support the people working for me if it's going to be like that so i you know after this post i mentioned on twitter and i made a community post and that's what prompting this because this is where it's too much okay i need to speak out about it it's affecting me and uh and more people need to be brought attention to it and so yeah 23 fewer views than usual and that's based on the lower thing so it's already under my average and when it was first posted it was almost like getting half as many views as my lowest standard and the standard is lower because the past two months have been already pulling things down what the standard is not my actual standard that i should be getting for a channel my size by any measure or the other people that are interested in my content and when it gets done performing it says have a look at your click-through rate and your watch time those are the and it's trying to say those are things that are affecting why this video is doing poorly and no it's not you know what a click-through rate on this video 3.1 my average all right people are just as interested in this video as many my other videos but youtube is screwing me over and not recommending it to viewers that are still actively interested in watching it okay when i posted about this on twitter and also community tab so many comments are like i didn't even get a recommendation for this the video looks fun it looks great and look there's the occasional person that does say i just haven't been interested in your videos that's normal that's just normal stuff that happens regularly of course there's always viewers that get less interested in your content the reason why i know it's not because the larger collective is not interested the click-through rate and another significant point of evidence to show that my viewers are still interested not only this content but lots of types of content so if we go to my channel right and have a look at the videos there's a there's only a couple that got the effect of triggering something that's a bit more trending and then gets promoted more and can break through this just it's like ambivalence it doesn't care they prioritize other content and don't prioritize recommending your own and to break through that you need to do something that's either trending and so interestingly enough the one of the only few videos that actually broke through so even the kenobi one even with the trending thing of star wars and stuff that has barely got that video to barely standard view rate for where it's at didn't break it into a what i would call a much more successful video but it did do better than the previous fighting autopsy but one of the other videos actually was able to break through this type of suppression is another star wars one again it's trending is my lightsaber one the star wars lightsabers the pyramid was trending uh i'll talk about the inquisitor lightsaber and so that one thankfully was enough to youtube to actually promote it a bit and even with a lower click thread so let's have a look at the lightsaber one the click-through rate on this lightsaber one right quick really rate 1.4 it's actually even lower and this video has had 400 000 views with a click-through rate of 1.4 percent youtube has been doggedly obsessed with pushing this particular video which hasn't had huge interest to people who it's been presented to while not promoting videos that have a higher click-through rate and have more interest from my audience and people on the platform generally but youtube just pushes content that hey you like styles we'll push down what sucks about this right what is it telling me as a creator okay my audience is actually less interested in star wars and lightsabers i like it i like making that content so i still will but it's basically telling me if you actually want your videos to get even this regular views you used to get even a couple of months ago forget all the other types of content that your viewers are actually interested in and make this other content that the algorithm would dane bother properly recommending and so what's really frustrating is that youtube isn't actually recommending the good videos on my channel the videos that my audience are more interested in the forgotten city of castles has a much higher click-through rate than my lightsaber video and then i have other videos that have click-through rates that even double that again that are just not getting recommended average view duration is actually very very close but it seems like the only reason that the lightsaber one got promoted so heavily is because it was on a topic that the algorithm thought that more people would be interested in and it got promoted vastly more we're talking 19.2 million impressions an impression is when youtube recommends the video basically when that video's thumbnail appears on the home page or watch page and these videos were only published two days apart and the impressions are 19.2 million for the lightsaber video versus 2.9 million impressions for the forgotten city of castles we are talking millions millions of additional impressions than the video that my audience and the youtube audience generally are more interested in this is irrefutable evidence that youtube is arbitrarily deciding what it thinks people on the platform should see and then it chooses the videos to promote and give recommendations it's not based on my audience interest it's based on what youtube thinks people should watch and so what really frustrated me about that lightsaber one okay is uh i filmed that video in conjunction with another one a video that actually was a bit special to me because i loved it i did a lot of research in it and it was the forgotten city of castles regularly that video the forgotten city of castles is the type of thing that my audience would love i know my audience i've been doing this for a while now and you get a feel and understanding of the type of things that kind of catches their attention and they like now forgotten city of castles is exactly in that line i'm very confident that that video should do really well amongst my audience um and so i had to choose which one would i add the sponsorship to because i would want to put the sponsorship that with the video gets more views to fulfill my obligations okay and so i was like which one and i put it with the cast one because i i naturally like believe this video will get more views because my audience would be more interested in it and it got completely suppressed its views have been utter garbage and reg to my regular like my regular this video in a month should easily be 150 000 views if not 200 000 and for the type of unique kind of video it is and what based on what my audience is interested in it should have done far far better okay uh but what if i was wrong could i actually be wrong in what my audience does like and that video just underperformed because i missed the mark it's not beyond the realms of possibility some i can be wrong but if that was the case that means videos that my audience is less interested in should be viewed less across multiple platforms alright it would be a consistent result and i have a point of evidence to actually check that because i do upload on rumble and odyssey rumble views are pretty garbage i've only been doing uploading mirroring content recently but odyssey i have ten thousand subscribers on shadowversion odyssey and at the moment i prefer people watching on youtube because youtube gets monetization and helps support everything um of course if you happen to be one of the wonderful people who supported me on patreon subscribe star watch wherever you like and even odyssey rumble perhaps even better because i would like to see those platforms grow to the point that they can do monetization because they are nowhere near as bias as youtube they actually care about creators still and hopefully always will but all right here's the point in comparison let's go to my odyssey channel and let's have a look at those two videos those are the interesting ones look at this the forgotten castle video has done nearly twice as many views as the lightsaber one because it is the type of video my audience is vastly more interested in because odyssey doesn't seem to have a bias thing where it's like hey star wars you like star wars let's push star wars disney they kind of you know we're on disney side and stuff um the the lightsaber one did standard views okay so my standard views on odyssey is around 500 views based on the subscribers that i have over there and 1000 like and or around the 1000 mark is good views and it's really interesting to see what videos do well on odyssey versus my youtube channel because simply put the views on odyssey is a more natural and more representative example of the content that my audience is most interested in and are willing wanting to watch so the castle one did great and i even looking at this there are several videos that have done really poorly on youtube and i can go over there so if we look here um this has been going on consistently for two months and signs of it being problematic longer than that but now it's happening far more regularly uh and so look at this one uh really so the forgotten castle interior video and again my audience actually loves castle content okay and this is actually a really interesting video it's something forgotten about castle interiors and stuff did crap on youtube over at over three months 109 000 views for me that's actually really low on odyssey that video three point seven thousand three over three times more than a good video that doesn't obviously that one has done really well because it's a video people are interested in but does youtube think people don't like castles is that my audiences like hustle it has not been recommending those videos and then go through multiple ones that are choppy choppy okay here's a video that i actually thought hey this is interesting fun it's quirky and everything it should get really really good it's uh you know i make a sword guillotine crap suppressed utter garbage odyssey 1.3 000. double my standard remember my scene is about 500 1000 is really good double they did great on odyssey by comparison and this is a consistent trend if my general audience were less interested in these videos on youtube that same trend should follow through over on odyssey they're just less interested in that subject of video but it's the inverse okay my audience is still interested in these videos and when they're just bloody freaking recommended properly they still watch them but youtube doesn't it's been screwing me over and other creators and it's freaking crap it's been really affecting my mental health okay because i'm trying to support people's livelihoods do people have any idea the stress that comes on people when you're trying to support the livelihoods of others it's all on you i don't know what will happen with shadowversity i'll speculate that on a bit later because i want to get through evidence and mostly getting there now because i don't want to give up on it and i know for the smaller channels this is like the views even i'm still getting i'm very grateful for what crumbs youtube danes give me okay i'm still a very lucky and blessed individual but when we look at this evidence across the board videos that should have done far far better are just doing crap and it's only those few things in which the algorithm might think hey this is trending i'll promote it a bit more that i it breaks through this bias and suppression magic portals are broken uh fantasy armed you're looking at funny different fantasy things uh usually again one thing that i wanted to be really interested in it was in conjunction with doctor strange so that was actually trending got crap views in comparison and uh on uh odyssey my standard okay um did just as well we looked at the castle one boo bomber is an interesting one because it's boo bomb right that's one of the ones that is so clickbaity it has better chances of breaking through this suppression and fewer recommendations and things um and that's a number of things um watch rate should affect this click-through rate if it's much higher and with a video like that you can probably guess that the click-through rate should be much higher but even that actually let me check let me double check what the click-through rate is oh not the boo bomber video because last time i checked i don't think it was actually um 2.6 average click-through rate but people like boobs so it just gets recommended more and even with a standard click-through rate got better views um and of course on odyssey uh yeah yeah um double my average okay uh it passes the 1000 mark medieval entertainment hasn't even passed a hundred thousand i i like to see videos past 100 000 in the first three days okay this has been two weeks hasn't even passed a hundred thousand again odyssey well past my standard well what is it i'm odyssey yeah 606 so over over the standard 500 and showed other examples um this dragon stomach was only published two days ago and it's already at 747 views so that one has done really well um uh could be because it's a game really well on odyssey it's done crap on on youtube [Applause] so you know the excuse oh it's just your viewers they're not interested that don't that's not true my viewers are just as interested in my content youtube is literally screwing me over what am i supposed to do freaking hell you know why is this happening okay uh all i can do is speculate and ultimately youtube has a ranking system uh this has been confirmed through observation and they they will they loathe to admit it but they actually have in me like i said the quotes before where susan rajiski says to celebrities yeah we'll really promote your videos uh come on to youtube and yeah we'll make sure you get views and she said that to a celebrity creator the um authoritative sources they have stated they prioritize certain creators and channels certain content over others they get the ones that are recommended promoted and pushed even if they got crap click-through rates less interest they will push it that's the reason all right as to what who it chooses to target with the prioritization that i've no freaking idea uh is it because swords weapons were associated with violence it very well might be i don't know i have another channel called night swatch which is actually getting more subscribers daily at the moment than chad adversity it's at nearly 90 000 subscribers at the moment of filming this video nightswatch is a more politically outspoken channel i'm a conservative okay and i'm very open about my conservative you know i have a bias on that channel and one of the reasons i did it was to separate those political views from chad adversity i've always wanted shadow version to be apolitical that anyone who likes swords can come watch the videos and enjoy them i'm human of course my views are going to seep through occasionally even on shadowversity that that's normal but i literally go out of my way to avoid it as much as possible to make it a place that everyone can just come and enjoy swords and i've even been less yeah outspoken without my views on channels since making nightswatch because i have the outlet on nightswatch and i've shifted content that might appear on shadowverse occasionally all on tonight's watch because it was hard for me to avoid making statements about politics when i see politics injected into films i'm reviewing and i did the occasional reviews on chad adversity uh and i couldn't help commenting on certain you know agendas ideologies being you know in film and stuff like that because i felt to do an honest review it should be mentioned well now i can do all those reviews on night's watch right and so they're like even less on shadowversity and personally i have seen this i acknowledge this could be the result of the bubble i'm in i generally see far more suppression of conservative voices on youtube versus left voices all right and the skeptical side of me is because i have seen a very consistent trend of conservative voices being suppressed and censored and other things that the suppression on shadowversity is this a result of the fact that i'm more political but if that was the case why is knight's watch which is a channel where i'm more outspoken about my even political opinions and uh any multiple views why is nice watch growing more than shadowversity wouldn't knight's watch be the one that's getting suppressed and not shut adversity and if it was because of some type of political bias and look i do actually think there is a political bias i don't think it's that's the reason because if it was that there are multiple creators in the community i saw that have very different opinions and they're also suffering in views and suppression um so i don't think it's that either i think could it be just because swords i i don't know but it sucks it really is crappy i don't know if it'll get better or not but this is the state of things okay youtube is legitimately screwing not only over but other people in our community people are not getting recommended they're getting unsubscribed against their will i get multiple messages saying i got unsubscribed right again i'm subscribing heaps of messages saying i haven't seen your video is it recommended in months um night's watch is a new channel and eve what's weird people who are not subscribed to night's watch and i subscribe to shadowversity are getting more regular recommendations from night's watch because i link shadowversity and all the nights watch things and so the algorithm has seen a connection between nightswatch and chadversity and it's been regularly notifying people who not even subscribed about my night's watch content to my shadowversity subscribers to the point where i have shadowversity subscribers thinking that my content has completely changed and the night's watch content is adversity content because they're not getting recommended to shadowversity content anymore doing youtube content the moment it's such an insecure position that i've been promoting on night's watch um to find a way to be sustainable outside of ad revenue um and chat adversity because that's one of the answers really i'll get to a bit more on that later but yeah i've had multiple messages of people saying why are you making all these you know kind of aggressive more critical videos on media and stuff and it's like i i'm not adversity content is the same as always been that's night watch stuff but again another point of evidence shadowversity videos are not getting recommended they should be getting recommended easily as much as my subscribers of the night's watch stuff but there we go and like people are not getting recommended for months i this more recent one that has just bombed the um fighting in space video sword fighting in space so many people are just like not getting recommended uh you know nathan who works in the office here says i didn't get a recommended this video my wife got a recommendation the day after it was uploaded they got the bell on they got notifications you know so what can be done to fix it like ultimately youtube just needs to benefit creators okay stop prioritizing crap that people don't want to watch the authoritative voices the celebrity creators the content they think people interested and just do proper recommendations based on people's true interests and their subscribership status like that that's how it should be done and the fact that it has this uh ranking of priority amongst creators and videos um based on arbitrary things that youtube determines is is vile it's disgusting it shouldn't be the case and it's screwing over a lot of people so what am i doing to try and as i mentioned keep things afloat i've been starting other channels it's not the only reason i started night swatch i wanted to make more content content that wouldn't really have a place on chat adversity uh potentially to see even further growth i had hoped to make night swatch as successful as shadowversity and i was hoping that shadowverse would stay growing at the moment like um i don't know what will happen to shadowversity with it at the moment this could be the a new standard where it'll just i i've you know this is where the recommendations are at the moment and it'll stay here at the moment has been more consistent decline and the concern is that'll keep declining and that would be horrifying but night's watch is still growing i don't know how secure that will be but and it's not self-sustainable because we have a team of people working on night swatch and the revenue that it is making doesn't cover people's wages but it's still it's starting to earn some bits of revenue which is good we have a good boost of support through patreon and subscribe star and to me i think that's the only real conclusion i can do at the moment is if you want to help me out and um with the multiple channels i'm running and people i'm trying to support patron subscribe star is a safety net i prefer subscribe star because patreon bans people arbitrarily still they're a bias platform but a lot of people are on patreon and i wanted to get offered especially when i saw it banning creators but because so many people are there it's still a very not only useful but needed tool to help try and gain sustainability and so support through those platforms would be very appreciated and i also have a new new channel which is the shad lands that i i actually might know um and that's been growing pretty well it's not making real money but hey we're making content that's it's fun there i do have plans in which i'm trying to explore to increase content on chat adversity because if look it views down if there's a way for me to make more content to try and counteract it still good content um that's a way that i might be able to still make sure diversity consistent and could it break through to back into growth i don't know but that would require bringing in more more help and uh i'm exploring options for that as well hopefully yeah i would be able to expand um at the moment you know where we're tight but with the growth of night's watch and patient subscribes our support that's helping mitigate the losses somewhat not completely though we're still doing worse than we were before but we're still we're surviving thank goodness additional support would be phenomenal uh genuinely i'm not sure if uh sharing uh this video around would help help people's awareness of what's going on i've got to share the evidence i have of why how i'm getting stuffed by youtube sponsorships have been incredibly crucial in keeping things afloat because uh there yeah like if it wasn't for sponsorships at the moment um yeah we'll be struggling far far more the thing about sustaining sponsorships of course is getting the views that the contract you've signed up for that's one of the problems isn't it if look if a sponsored video doesn't perform well usually you just need to give them an additional sponsored video for free they can help mitigate the losses i do my best to try and give value to the sponsors make them interesting to watch as well so please don't begrudge me that i take sponsors because i try my best to be as responsible as possible i turn down mobile games all all the time because it's not a product i can honestly endorse i've raid is an interesting one they've approached me regularly enough i think one time i was willing to entertain a mobile sponsorship so long as they would let me say give a warning in the sponsorship that this you know mobile gap has predatory micro transactions which is impulsive and can cause addictive behavior and gambling and things like that but there are people who legitimately enjoy mobile games even though i don't and my wife actually loves mobile games and she doesn't spend money anything i actually does this is actually this is a perfect example of the type of person that i think mobile games are fine and for those reasons i do sometimes entertain maybe i'll be willing to uh mobile sponsorship because there are people legitimately enjoy those games right i get sponsors for offers from games my wife actually plays and enjoys and then it's the predatory market transactions things where i'm concerned so i say look if i can if i can give a disclaimer tell be honest about it and uh what i would also say in the sponsorship which they don't like is that i i feel i would feel obligated to say i dislike mobile games but there are a lot of people that do enjoy them and you might be one of those people and this game comes with good recommendations especially and i like i'm more inclined if my wife enjoys it and i have a point of reference someone i can actually refer to that it's a fun game and as you can imagine no mobile game company has ever taken me up on my counter offers but like i said i try to be responsible as i can with sponsorships and the ones that i do except the ones that i honestly believe and want i think deserve to be promoted so i hope you can appreciate them because they need it they really are needed and uh hopefully i will get more but that's where things are at it might be the case where night swatches got such like the most recent video right um sword fighting in space okay you the views on shadowversity should be like um seven times more on chat adversity than night's watch based on the averages right the recent one like this sword fighting in space one has been suppressed so aggressively by the algorithm that it's actually getting less views than the night's watch video that was uploaded within an hour of those two videos going up that's the difference in suppression and the most recent it was like i've not seen a video suppressed that heavily ever based on the standard views and what it gets and stuff and this is one of those videos where i like it's a fun fun video a lot of people are finding it great i put heaps of effort it's got more editing than i've ever done before this is the sword fighting in space one and youtube has just shafted it absolutely wrecked it it was even fro like so view counts interesting right there's public view counts and real-time view accounts they actually do play an effect um the public view counts were frozen at like 180 views not 180k 180 views that shouldn't affect the algorithm but people actually click on views often times based on if it's already been seen a lot and if it's got only 180 views i think why does it it's a low viewed video okay it's probably not good quality or whatever and that does affect the amount of people watching and so being frozen on like 180 views for over an hour after publication does affect it and on top of that the views when it was first released was half below my lowest standard like that is just and then so it got shafted so heavily upon release and then further recommendations often based on the algorithm is based on how well the video does initially if a lot of people are showing interest the algorithm thinks hey people are showing interest i'll recommend it more and more people and it can snowball like that but if fewer people are showing interest and this like was a direct result of youtube actually screwing it over the algorithm responds to viewing it less and then that compounds in the opposite direction the point where this video probably i don't know will never recover and it's also sponsored which is stressful i feel like i haven't met an obligation which i hate i'm very like i i take a personal uh like thing okay it's a duty that i take seriously in meeting my responsibilities and obligations and when i commit to something seeing something underperformed because of something outside of my control yeah it's it sucks this is it yeah um that's the whole the whole spiel that's everything that's happening i'd like to keep you updated on what's going on but if it's just going to stay the same or get worse i don't want to be hey everything still sucks by the way like [Music] and also if things improve this could just be because hey there's an outspoken creator let's just change let's bring him into the more prioritized area of creators he'll do better that'll shut him up and if the problem still persists that sucks like it really sucks because like i said people have spoken about youtube hasn't changed i don't know so hey thanks guys for watching look and i do appreciate all the support that i like i appreciate those who do watch i appreciate those who try to watch even when they're not getting recommended and there's been people saying hey i didn't get recommended i'll go watch now thank you and of course i really appreciate people supporting on patreon subscribe star um you know i have to forgive me if i do promote it more often because that's one of the areas where i think i can get a bit more security going forward um because that's what i love to do it's my livelihood i like even if views on shadowversity stay this low and get low and worse i'll still make videos okay i mean there does become the sustainability question eventually like how sustainable is it to keep making if it's getting worse i i don't think it'll keep getting worse this could just be the new norm that i have to work with and if that's the case i can live with it right it just sucks it still sucks um i hope it isn't the case it makes um making it getting sponsorships vastly more difficult because hardware commits to i can get i can deliver these views if i can't predict regularly what the views will be and so yeah sorry i do look i ramble that's that's what i do thank you for watching and again i appreciate your support
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 631,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fterQFjIz2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 38sec (2558 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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