Fight for your life - The Isle #ad

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oh no oh no oh no oh no please have mercy [Music] let's let's spawn south that's probably the best place for a sticker right oh my god i'm so adorable look at me oh that's not so good i think i just saw a freaking raptor uh see you later bye oh my god wait where am i again this i can't remember where i spot oh there's loads of dead bodies oh my god just go just go the little stick of the good hello everyone welcome back to another episode of the i'll play the circle today which i've never done in the ever update it's gonna be pretty difficult so please bear with me while we try not to die oh let's have a close look at me how cute am i well i've got red eyebrows well it does appear i'm the only one up here and that's good i guess so to grow as a stego it takes around about four hours so it's gonna be on par with like uh a dinosaur or dinosaur so we're saying that it's about six hours i think for adidas took something ridiculous to get fully grown blisteco hold on how do i do this again it's one of these yes so i um how about we work the tail how does this body work okay we have a bite i didn't realize that you could bite okay and i swipe so what do people do they run at you and then they go like that and then we run the other way and we go like that oh look at me i'm so jiggly you know what it is for five seconds after spawning in and i completely forgot where i spawned in at i think i spawned in at the place where everybody usually is at the waterfall right like this looks like that mountain i can't even wake this anymore now last time i was here there was no uh there was no stegos it was just carnivores it was velociraptors all that jazz if that is the case i'm gonna slowly make my way down river and see if i can find any uh any stegosaurs on the open plains what are my spikes they look like they're made of lego blocks join me won't you oh god what was that was that me [Music] oh i think it is me oh hello no no hello tanato tana no no where you going boy no friend oh there's a lot of dead bodies over there and he's running straight to the dead bodies i'm gonna hide in the grass for a second i hear little baby raptors oh oh hello oh you gave me a shock there hey hello hello my first friend [Music] you should probably like stay quiet though yes i know i know your totes are dorms you have to stop though oh for god's sake okay i'm getting out of here if you're gonna squawk like that you can bugger off dead body also kind of over this way too but it's okay go get the tree oh god yeah i must sniff let us sniff together oh it's over this way oh i think i see it is it good foods i'm gonna whack you you keep squawking it's like a chance are we oh for god's sake will you stop i mean we need to find water eventually oh wait no i don't want to kill him he can be my bait so when a crocodile goes to kill him i can get a drink we must keep an eye out for land crocodiles i was one of those once i caught a god of baby carnotaurus completely off [Music] right hopefully that guy heard the raptors and he's not going to call out anymore i don't like being out in the open like this i can be sparred from all sorts of angles wait you where you're going to the water okay he's having a drink is it okay is it safe no dead bodies around here oh god oh he's wallowing he's wallowing i kind of want to find like a a place that's covered in trees that's nearby i do want to drink i mean what are the chances right this place is only traveled in like crocodiles travel in this place right they don't stay here it's like a it's like a highway they're going somewhere i don't like it i don't like it right that'll do that'll do that'll do i'm gonna run i'm gonna run gotta run would you stop crying out you're going to be the death of us yeah you're bugging you okay i've spiked him why did you do that wait did he die you're bleeding there buddy wait where'd he go oh he ran off oh he's wallowing in the mud okay he's oh right was that his goodbye right i need to clod up my my wound here i need to wallow in the mud too you are soul oh my god right wallow please clot the blood yes this day couldn't get much worse i don't think you ask die ah god damn it i'm bleeding again what a booger there's a wallow again why did you do that oh there it is cluttered sweet brilliant i think that means cluttered i have no idea i knew i should have killed him to start with i'm going to sit and sulk in this bush now yeah i love the lottos all right let's see if a crocodile goes and grabs his body at all while we wait shall we yay blood's coming back yeah [Applause] oh look at me i'm a raptor i can call out and run away from everything nobody cares i can walk in here and be okay i think i'm small enough no one's gonna see me i just want to get to the top of the hill so i can see a little bit do you remember when this game had deserts that was fun see i could call too right so i'm approaching 10 percent i feel like a 10 that's when you need to drink oh those raptors uh annoying a big dino sounds like they might be okay so i'm gonna use this as an opportunity to go and go and drink please nobody be here i would hate that that would suck yay twinkies that'll do off we go i want to go somewhere else but at the same time if i make a break across these planes and i'm spotted by raptor i'm as good as dead and without a family to protect me really isn't anything i can do i feel like this day is just gonna be wasted growing hope you appreciate it guys always that wasn't my life for you oh there's a baby raptor he's been lured by my dead friend i should run over and kill him but i'm not going to you can eat him look at that eye it knows all it's like resident evil or something got to keep an eye out though get it no one told me life was gonna be this boring stuck in a bush and my friend livestream away please stop it's like my life's always stuck in the bush when it hasn't been my day of the night my life or even 10 percent no one's there for me okay we'll stop that there thank god is my friend still dead down there yeah i think i still see his carcass i've still got his blood on my phagomizers i don't hear any more actors so that's good i could go out and explore the world look at me go i guess i'll go find bush okay run over to other bush run over to other bushes oh oh god oh those are just raptors right or is there a dead stego over there oh that might be a dead stego i can't see but you guys will two dead stickers by the looks of it i see the bush that i need to get to i also don't want to give away my position to those raptors so i'm gonna go around the back of this hill there we go there we go they can't see me now that's good hopefully they don't sniff the area there's a bush all the way over there you know what seeing as that's further away from those raptors i'm going to go over that one sudden i'm going to go all the way the further i am away from them the better i think there we go num nums all done back to the water there's like a like a snoring or something i can hear it's like it's like a stego or something's being bitten it's like oh you hear that really faint am i going crazy yes is it my stego making that noise it might be maybe maybe i've like grown to a certain level where i make noises now oh so the trees do move when i walk through them yeah that doesn't give me away i don't know what will oh never mind little baby carno a utar update there was a utahraptor running off there into the distance oh i see it it's a baby trying dog i see it oh god not again all right off he goes trend on up and away right i want to make for those bushes over there that looks like a great area to be you can hide in there and get water whereas if i go over here i'm really in the open maybe i just go into those trees yeah sort of that's not very far away is it let's go let's go over here so that the big epic journey over there let's go this one let's get a drink from here shall we i just kind of want to make sure that there's no crocs in here though that's the thing there's just no way of knowing now i hate it i'm gonna go over here no drinking this bush there we go this is fine [Music] [Music] that'll do oh and i'm kind of terrified oh my god there's a huge crocodile over there oh my god just go back from drinking this and he's in here what are the chances what the frick oh my god that's terrifying oh yeah he could easily kill me he's like almost a fully grown croc right i just got to keep an eye on him right if there's another croc they would go towards him whether to fight or to stay in a pack kind of mentality almost guarantee if another croc sees him they'll go straight to him so he's my lure he's my lifeguard even though he's also my death oh god no no no which way are you going oh lord now do i stay here knowing there's a croc in here or do i move to somewhere else because he could definitely lunge out and grab me there now i know there's a cave entrance somewhere so i don't know if he went out the cave entrance or if he's just hiding in the river there wouldn't be any food in the cave though that's the thing the thing is though this area is perfect for like carnotaurus and utahraptor and my only drinking water now 100 has at least one croc in it i feel like i've got to go up river i've got to do something though like i've still got blood on me i'm not bleeding anymore that's that bloody turned out to oh god oh god oh god that's kano i've got a run that was a conor want a baby bloody hell that was close that was adult carno and a baby running straight towards me there yep there's their footsteps i don't know where they went but they they must have run yeah they were coming from that way and they ran straight across and bolted across that way hopefully it gets killed by the crocodile that'd be good yeah as a stegosaur you really need to be in a family it's kind of hard to do that if you're playing by yourself and there's no nest system in the game at the moment oh there's a baby utah i think running along looks like it's kind of t-posing oh god last time i did this it took ages as well to be a stego they do t-pose until they they get to a certain render distance off he goes what's he doing oh there's there's a big utahraptor as well over there do i run towards the danger the closer we are to danger the further we are away from harm keep an eye on this baby see what he's doing well this is handy i lost him and then hello oh there's a stego oh bless it must be a fresh spawn if it's calling out i'd call out two but there's too many carnivals near still running around oh oh oh god there's a bigger one you might eat them no not gonna eat them no oh oh baby's going to water right i'm ducking down i'm ducking down because they're coming this way come on off you go if i did proceed that way i would have died yeah i'm barely visible now you know this calls for toilet break yeah that's right toilet break you know while i say some way to grow it'd be really good if i had a sponsor well you're in luck little baby stegosaurus because today's video is actually sponsored by nordvpn nordvpn acts as a security for your internet searches keeping it safe from ddos attacks viruses and malware that might track your whereabouts i have no idea what that is imagine it this way you're walking through a field an open field and there could be carnivores that might attack you would you walk through that field no the nordvpn is a great big herd of stegosauruses ready to protect your crossing to the river so you won't die oh i want that well like i can't guarantee you will get that kind of protection wait what but you the viewer could if you go in the link description down below that is the gaming beaver and use code the gaming beaver you can get a two-year plan as well as a bonus gift and discount how could you say no i'd get it if i could and if for whatever reason the internet security isn't something that really bothers you what about the things you watch or games you even play nordvpn has you covered with all sorts of countries that you can quickly switch to to access certain areas and region locked content there's netflix taking away the jurassic park movies again well if you switched over to america or somewhere else that might be doing it you'll be able to watch them all you need to know on vpn i mean not much else i can say about that really and if any of this has interested you which it most certainly definitely should have go on the link down the description below that is of course not vpn dot com slash the gaming beaver and use code gaming beaver to get two years plan as well as a bonus with a huge discount and thank you again to nordvpn for sponsoring this video i heading back to the stegosaurus who definitely does not have that kind of protection really i could watch all of them yay as long as i don't die first so a whole hour and we're on 20 so it's five hours oh good god oh yep there he is there's the big croc oh okay let's go let's go let's go he's got something he's got something there i'm gonna go for a drink while i can now okay here we go here we go drink well there's nothing in here that'll do that'll do that'll do run run run run run run run and run i honor your sacrifice little one whatever you were that got absolutely obliterated by the crocodile oh my god okay there he is oh this place isn't safe anymore jesus he's massive did they just bait they just this is put out bait this what's that oh that's amazing i think it was either a raptor or a pteranodon that they just got that means that they are right there they're right there waiting hold on let me sniff i just want to make sure i did see that right that was a that was a carcass right they're fishing oh oops i did not mean to do that i called out by accident oh god yep yep they're there they're right there you can see that's the smell resonating from the bottom of the water what a big brain croc should do is put the dead body out here by the bushes and then wait in the bush because no one's going to expect a crocodile to attack from the trees you put it there that's lazy that's that's that small brain if somebody gets fooled by that they're an idiot he's decided no i'm just gonna eat it never mind i think he's probably taking it with him now but he was there the whole time oh oh look he's moving with it oh wow i didn't realize you could see the carcasses move oh yeah oh wow you can actually see him go oh he's gone he is going all the way they're both going both crocs oh this could be my chance to drink if they both end up going that way yeah they've got they're all going that way sweet hopefully that's all of them gone i would assume so please don't let there be two giant crocodiles [Laughter] oh that he's got big brain played [Laughter] realized you could see the carcasses moving that's a really cool idea though i know whether they mean to do that but yep they they took the carcasses all the way upstream i could go to sleep at peace now yay all right guys hold on let me just sleep i gotta go and do stuff i've got real life responsibilities damn it [Music] there's only 30 people on oh yes i may be to survive okay so there's only 30 people on what are the chances guys what are the chances right this is this is famous last words right [Laughter] this is how it all goes wrong you start off and you think hey we're all back but no no this is how you die quick aisle three and six i think it is or three and five have about 80 people on each and this one only has 30. but that actually kind of works for me i don't mind that at all [Music] oh my god oh lord i think i might have just been spotted oh god [Music] oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no [Music] please up mercy oh god i'm gonna die 30 people online oh god no no please please no no no no oh god oh god oh god oh god i'm dead i think i've died have i died ah damn it oh my god sick out of 30 freaking people that would take a picture of them there was only 30 people allowed in the freaking found me straight away what that five minutes five minutes that took of an hour replay and i got found straight away i hate this game oh my god i survived for so long what are the chances 30 people 30 freaking people and three of them 10 of the whole population of the server found me and there were three massive carnotauruses there was actually four or five of them but let's not tell him that sod this sold this game sword everybody oh i hate it i hate it what were the chances the one tree that i could freaking eat led me to the freaking carnivores i swear i was whacking my tail i was clicking that but it was doing nothing i think i was just stuck i mean there was nothing i could do i i was spotted and seen and i was pretty much dead on the spot there well at least now i've got nothing to freaking lose a whole hour of my life i'll never get back oh the pain guys the pain oh oh like i don't mind dying now but an hour in at freaking 20 or whatever i was oh oh it hurts why do i put myself through all this something if you're gonna eat me now don't leave me in an hour's time right okay i remember this area uh this is right next to the swamp if i go down that way yeah i'll enter the swamp there i can't even be mad at those carnotauruses because they were like oh i mean out of all like 30 people you know 27 of people that were all online what were the chances they were gonna find something they could eat very low so they and they found me who had been on for five seconds what is this area this is the log yeah this is the swamp and the thingy the intersection whoa think i can get on the log without falling into the water would you think that's impossible is there a way for me to get across climb up come on here we go if i fall down you think i can fall on the log i know what the water's like here and it's uh oh yeah those crocodiles in here look a freaking fish right there but the trees are on the other side i'm gonna die i just want to get to the other side ah why you bugging you ah get off get off get off my one year's dead yeah going on you get up get off me there we go there you go die yeah oh god is there more oh oh god there's adults oh god there's adults i don't know what his other friend was doing he was just standing beside him while i whacked him hello you okay well you just killed me how did he see me i do need to make a break for it though and i feel like i need to clog up this moon oh good lord that's a big freaking crocodile oh why is there everything but under the stegosaurus oh they're reading their dead friends or like the ones i killed that's what they're eating oh god there's like two or three baby corners oh the sarco's coming up sarcos coming up now's my chance now's my chance to go go oh god i didn't realize it was this slow oh no i'm gonna get got by something aren't i come on almost there almost there there we go did i just see something okay the big crocodile's up there i'm gonna clog my wound here for a second yay sweet yeah clogged all good to go although saying that while that crocodile is up there oh god there's a raptor over there there's a raptor watching him i'm just gonna make a break for it while i can make a break for it while i can't gotta go get going with the go go oh tomato tonight oh well the last two notice i saw wasn't wind friendly but maybe these guys are run oh help help your fellow thank you oh my god that was insane thank you have no idea oh wow okay he's chasing off that raptor oh well i'm trying to find where this oh god it's all the way over there i almost ran out of energy as well almost run out of stem running over here that would have been bad i didn't realize that the crocodile was chasing him i don't like that we're going towards the crocodile you guys can jump over the water i can't oh like a lightning bolt he actually missed me i don't know how he did that oh god oh i'll let them kill each other that raptor is definitely not going to survive yeah he's definitely dead that was very silly almost like logging into a server within dying within five minutes eh that would be stupid oh there's the crocodile is it coming for the food you might be coming for the food yeah he is he's coming for the food okay well if he's going for the food i'm thirsty i'm gonna go get a drink come on quickly drink no don't wallow drink your fool yes wait dude look i'm like you i'm like a tanato i'm nice and brown oh god you're bleeding dude okay time to go time to go that's enough you think we'll be friends for hours and hours and hours i hope so i hope don't leave my little tubby butt behind oh this is so cute they are probably protecting me they're definitely talking to each other but i can't understand any of it i hope they're watching if they watch this video thank you i can't wait to see how you die me too so how big did i get last time about 20 ish okay this is gonna be like trying to become a t-rex all over again do i follow you there go antonia oh this is the crossing where the crocs can go hopefully to a herbivore paradise i'm hoping i like how they've added if my stamina is a little bit low or halfway low then my breathing changes when i run i hear them but hey guys at least this time i'm in with a good shot of surviving that is i've already killed two things it's more they did last time where i just kind of survived is he showing me like some secret place where no crocs go that i can drink look i know you want to run i'll i'll i'll do i'll do you a solid and i'll start running as well oh god oh there he is hello hello ipsy your life is pretty much meaningless oh no he's alive there he is what an unlikely band of heroes we make ah i wonder if they think that like there's a place where the staggers are and they're reuniting me with my head [Music] are we going around this right now i think he's going like a safe way okay he's having a sniff i don't know if that really helps but hey ho let's go for a drink pepsi get out of the water what are you doing a bit weird playing as hipsie you can't have to make your own fun because like you can't grow i think you might have left okay he's left i mean with this with a sticker so i'm so slow to grow and i can't really run it's it really was a matter of time i don't know where we're going are we making our way across to oh we are we're going towards the waterfall at the top [Music] wait what was that was that a threat wait are you telling me to bugger off [Applause] was he just leading me to a like a good place to grow was that it i think he was actually he was like look nobody comes here you've got your drink over there and then i can eat from all these trees over here oh my god that's what he did he gave me a great place to grow i'm amazed to actually put that together [Laughter] montage to when i get big [Music] hello hello he must have seen me maybe he just thought it wasn't worth the effort [Music] okay right i made it through the night and i am 19 about where i was last time i let off i think um except but this time i think i've only drank twice although our thirst is really low um let me just get any any predators run by at all nothing wow okay nothing at all nope never mind there was something some with big footsteps like a carnotaurus or a i don't wanna know you know what guys i don't wanna know i'm gonna go over here i'm gonna go get my water i'm gonna run back [Applause] [Music] go away i got water to get oh really we're doing this okay we're doing this right no no so that was what got me oh what i didn't get him i'm quite amazed i didn't get them interesting [Music] and now there's only one way you can get me buddy yep got you you're dead now yep there you go see was it worth it no [Laughter] hold on let me wallow no bubbly please god this lives are being touching going it oh right okay let me now grab me water jesus watch me now evade a crocodile there we go finally i can drink we're gonna get a full stomach here that's what i'm gonna go for there we go yeah [Laughter] saying that though he did a lot of damage to me like a lot of damage why blood so low so that must have been the footsteps i saw was that raptor i think all right now just to hide in here yay we did it yes it kind of sucks because there's more chance of me dying by getting up and walking around and then wasting you know what is now an hour and 20 minutes and i might as well just stay put until i need water basically and don't get me started on a corner freaking taurus jesus we are oh we're like a sub adult now oh get in okay we stand a little bit more of a chance now if we come up again come across something did i hear something no just my imagination just the voices in my head [Music] look at you look at me now look how big i am you're going to sit on your body does he make sure that no no crocodiles are setting lures we're good i don't know how to check how many people are on the server or anything like that but you know what this is the best thing we can do is it me or is that water looking a little bit different right next to me oh oh that's nice [Laughter] oh god okay nobody's in nobody's in this has actually worked out really well for me because now i can drink and there's literally no one here oh yes oh yes i don't even know how much i weigh but i'm sure an adult croc would probably be to kill me but uh not when i'm hopefully whatever i'm going away bye-bye oh hold on hold on we got a dryer so running about here god's attention god's attention oh he's looking he's looking is it worth me even like interacting with this little dryer no he's slowly slowly walking he's like oh who's over here he doesn't know where i am though he has an idea but he has he's like i'm in this direction what do you think he'll do oh do oh man if i end up dying through this freaking fr be trying to befriend a dryer i'll be really annoyed broadcasting you see me i don't know what he's doing if i was him i would be like yes finally safety he really doesn't care does he number two what is he doing there i'm gonna lie down here now there's ver yeah no one's gonna see me here really right so we see me and didn't care to come near me and is now just kind of patrolling why though why what the mysterious little dryer look dude i don't care about you yes he is he's slowly coming over now he's proper running over here now okay okay let's pick another pace pick for the pace he doesn't know that i turned back around and came here i don't understand this erratic walking pattern he's got going that's 100 about right that has to be unless there's just so much lag what is he doing what's he doing broadcast complete where'd he go is he in here it's a sniff he's definitely in here somewhere i cannot see him i have no idea where he's where he's disappeared off to honestly if that wasn't an ai i don't know i really don't know what is oh god raptors [Music] there they are [Music] two of them [Music] [Music] now i am at a stage where i think i could probably take them on but two of them i don't know yeah look at him [Music] oh hmm right there's one dead got him do you want you to die as well or do you just want food what do you want to do what do you want to do about this buddy because you can eat your friend [Music] you're gonna eat your friend [Music] oh there's two more [Music] oh dangerous [Music] right killed one killed another one there's only one left now [Music] oh damn it swung wrong way oh no oh no oh god right that one should almost be dead for sure oh no damn it freaking drier sword oh my god's sake i don't believe it all because of a dry saw that i was looking for i don't think i can do it i i i give up i don't think i can grow as a stegosaur by myself that has been now three hours bear in mind yes i made it to twice as big but ah just when you think how quickly a utah raptor grows in comparison to a stego like two hours you're an adult you're a fully grown adult ready to kill anything basically and i don't know how many i killed that i think i thought i killed two maybe i only killed one and i don't know how they found me i want to say that that dryer saw was either a plant a bot or god knows what to lure me out and kill me so son this no more sticker no more ever again how many raptors did i kill there what like four in my total life five five raptors i had to kill oh let's take a swim by the water [Music] you
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 698,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The Isle, Fish Feed Grow, Evolution, Hungry Shark, Mobile Games
Id: oEnYfvupt5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 28sec (2428 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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