Fight For Your Family | Jentezen Franklin | Joni Table Talk | Joni Lamb

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[Music] well how important is your family and good your home marriage and children have a greater significance than you realize well today with the help of our special guests we'll discover why we should fight for our families and how that can open our lives to the blessing and protection of God but first joining me around the table is April Symons how are you I'm doing great you still have five children I still have one grandbaby and you really believe in family and that was instilled in you from your late father John Osteen yeah family's everything do you want to change the world go home and love your family that's good the only thing Natan how about that yes doing great and two boys just one just got a cold that's good Cindy Murdock two boys two boys and you know the ministry they are God protected capital oh my goodness the Lord has protected them and my prayer has been that God will still use me to speak into their lives in a way that might even they wouldn't even expect it because I can always have a voice in their life that's good and welcome back to the table thank you so honored it's always good to have you here and we I think this is an important topic talking about family today yeah you know what more what greater treasure do we have than our family really it's that that's the deal it's when the longer you live the wiser you get the more you understand that when it's all said and done it's gonna be about family yeah and so we need to really really focus and see God's solution to family conflicts yeah that's good well you know we see it on television in news articles and even in the classrooms that teach our children the unhindered attack of God's model for the home and our families but you can fight back and you can make a difference take a look what would you do to save your family would you be willing to give your time your prayers [Music] in today's culture where marriage and family are under attack on every side it's time to fight for your family it's time to take a stand and draw a blood line around your marriage and your children the choices you make today will influence generations to come are you up for the fight so what does it mean to fight for our families and more importantly how do we do it with more than 30 years of ministry experience under his belt pastor Jentezen Franklin has helped walk family after family through difficult seasons and he's here to share what he's learned and applied even in his own life and family you know as a pastor and I know even like myself we were young evangelists and we would pray with people and encourage people and I know you've probably done that with thousands of families but boy when it hits your family and you got to believe God for something it's a totally different ballgame in it yeah it is because it it become it hits such an emotional chord in you when it's your flesh and blood and but what I've learned through all the years of ministry is when a God allows me to go through something it's so that I can turn around and pour into somebody else and that's true in all of our lives I love the the book of Nehemiah I love the fact that there's this place where he knows God's called him to rebuild the walls and rebuild the temple and thereby rebuild his own personal family and home and God gives him a command through the Prophet and he says he says these words fight for your family sometimes we get too laid back sometimes we just let the enemy come in and run rampant through our lives and families and we just think that we're helpless to do nothing but there needs to come a fight back in our heart and in our life for for our family sometimes you just have to the Bible said that he had an instrument that he could build with in one hand and he held a sword in the other hand what a picture building and battling you have to learn how to battle and build that family up with one hand and fight the devil and an addiction and everything that comes against the home today with the other with the sword in the other hand yeah and that's fighting for your family you know I was sitting here thinking about it no you talk about the bloodline blessing and my grandfather Trammell who's my dad's father was not raised in a Christian home and I tell his story all the time I interviewed him when he was in his 70s and before I ever knew I did Christian television I was interviewing people so funny but he told me that his mother died giving birth to him his dad committed suicide when he was six he was passed around did not ever have any association with church or understand God's plan for his life and standing out in a field at nine years old just crying out to God saying nobody loves me nobody cares he began to hear this beautiful music like angels singing above his head and the ten years later at 19 he gets saved at a tool-and-die meal in Greenville South Carolina on a Monday morning at the water fountain Wow God if you're there that's what he prayed God if you're there mmm and God met him and he changed the direction of our family and I think that's important to understand that it can start with you today for your family everything can change and how does that happen yeah I mean when you when you invite Jesus into your life he is a generational God and the promise was to Abraham Isaac and Jacob three generations and if a curse can be passed down for four generations according to the Old Testament there's a verse that says but he commands his blessing if he can get one person the Bible said he sets the solitary which is one in the family that's in Psalms I think it's 68 he sets he sets the solid if meaning if God can find one person in a family that one that will say Lord I surrender my life and I surrender my family and then the next part of that verse says that he might bring the others out of chains that once he gets a beachhead into a home with one person whether that's a uncle or a grandfather a great-grandfather the Holy Spirit says I am ever content just to touch one yeah I'm going to set all the other captives free because he sets the solitary the one person in families yes all God needs is one person you quit worrying about what they're doing you quit worrying about all the things that's going on wrong with the others you give yourself wholly to God and he's gonna use you as the beachhead to launch his fight for your family that's what happened with my grandfather he married my grandmother they had seven children six girls one boy my dad would be his only son and 30-something grandkids later and we all are serving the Lord praise God from grandpa making that decision change the whole direction course I know you guys have something to add as well April I just one thing I love about the story that you said in your book is you're talking about your daughter and your wife came to you and said what are we gonna do and you were supposed to preach in 30 minutes and I love this because I'm from a pastor's family I've been a pastor's wife I mean I feel like I've been born and raised in church and I love what she did and it's such a good example and I was I was sitting up there watching the the first show just amen and it and you said your wife came to you 30 minutes before you go on the platform and you chose to make the decision I'm going after my daughter yeah absolutely that is so huge because I think sometimes we as pastors and pressures wife we get so busy with the work of the ministry that we forget our family not on purpose but I love that about you I appreciate that about you it reminds me of my father and the priority he put on family and I just I just I just say yes and amen to that because that's huge I know there's more to this story but that spoke volumes to me and and maybe there's pastors that are watching that just need to step back and say hey you know what my family's important family is my first mission field that's what my dad used to always say get back to the family and God is gonna work everything else you know what you focus on what you begin it cause if your focus is on the job or the ministry or whatever but went this amazing when you begin to focus on your family when it becomes a major priority that God can begin to work miracles when you begin to refocus on your family I think you in the book maybe had mentioned that some of just practical things about how do I fight for my family and I think one of the things you said I'd like you to elaborate on it is get in their business right yeah present and let's just go ahead and tell everybody right wait what are you talking about your new book that's called love like you've never been hurt yeah yeah I was like you've never been hurt we decided when we wrote the book that we were not gonna have a big ministerial front of pretending that our marriage family and home was perfect because it's not it's still not you have to kind of humble yourself at that point you know because you're gonna have haters out there you know just practical things and you know I know you all of you have kids so you really do as a parent I have to choose am I'm gonna be their best friend or am I going to be a parent to these kids and so I believe that there are times when you when you sense that this kids going through something this child is not something's not quite right listen to that that's discernment that's the gift of discernment begin to pray about it but there you know you need to you need to we don't have secrets you know we don't have I don't have any technology that my wife doesn't know the code to my phone weak nor do any of my when they were home did my kids we did we just said hey we have an open-door policy you can have privacy when you have something called a morgue mortgage but if you're gonna live in this house you're sane your health and you know and I showed respect your knock before you enter but but if I sense something is not quite right I'm gonna get into that I'm gonna push on that that when when that guy comes to pick up my daughter I'm gonna answer that door and I'm just gonna ask him some questions and he's gonna know what time she's gonna be home and this sounds so cheesy and so easy but these basic parenting things as I passed her now where are the dads where are the moms fighting for your family it just doing a 21-day fast sometimes this checking checking their social media checking who they're following checking who they're running around with who are their friends what do you you want to go to your going where tell me where who else is going to be there that's that's what parents do but I'm amazed at how many parents just basically let them kids were their kids raised themselves so you do have to fight in those ways what what about for the parent who's watching who they have young adult children who are now like out of the house right and they're making decisions or doing things that maybe the parents are like oh you know I they're kind of fallen off course a little bit what the one thing that where the word keeps coming to me is that I feel like the Lord is saying don't faint don't faint don't faint because you could feel like fainting and really getting scared but what's the right approach for that when you see that and you see things being said on social media or or whatever and but they're no longer living in your house yeah I mean when they're out on their own I've raised my kids the way that I felt like was right I didn't do it just like my parents did it mm-hmm so I shouldn't expect them to do it just like I've actually said to myself and to Cherise we need to zip it we need that's there this is not a life-or-death Mountain the fight over I don't I wish they wouldn't do that they made I don't agree with that but you don't want they have their own walk with God we didn't raise our kids like our parents did completely and I'm not gonna put that on them sometimes it's just wisdom to say ya know when to you know when they were marching around the walls of Jericho God gave the strangest commandment he said don't say a word for seven days don't talk and I preached a sermon called quiet there's a miracle in progress sometimes we need to use the weapon of silence Jesus did he spoke not a word when they accused the silence can be a weapon sometimes we thought we got a rage and tell everything that we think and feel especially with adult parents yeah and that's not right yeah you silence yes one of the things that has helped me tremendously is building a foundation of trust you know a lot of times people think Trust is when you don't tell somebody so secret but Trust is when a person can come to you and they can tell you anything knowing that you will listen and you will not judge them recently my oldest as Joni mentioned is getting married and he came to me and he said you know of course we're all so excited we absolutely love my daughter in love you know he said mama he said I want to be the best husband the best friend the best father he said but I never saw what that looks like he said you know like I was in an abusive marriage so you say what he witnessed was you know abuse he said I don't know what that looks like you know for a child to come to you as a parent to be able to trust you with his innermost most vulnerable feelings you know and just like you both of you said it only takes one and we believe that God has chosen him you're gonna be at the beginning of many generations to come Trey and you will be everything that God has designed and purpose and plan and it's because you know trust each other we trust each other with the hard things and and that's what family is about yeah I think that's a good word especially for single mothers who are raising kids and you're just wondering wow you know I don't have the other parent here and can God be faithful with my kids and don't you think that it's important for the church to recognize a lot of these kids that only have one parent and you know to reach out and mentor and be there I mean you think the church has fallen short in some of those areas as well yeah because I mean it's half your congregation and in any church and so you realize that there is a real vacuum and one of those great scriptures in Malachi is there's going to come a time god said in in the end time when i'll turn one of the things i'm going to do is i'm going to turn the hearts of the children back to the father's and the father's hearts back to the children that is a reconnecting of the of the family that is so desperately needing then the rest of that verse says lest i come and and bring a curse to the earth that there is a there is either a blessing or a curse if we turn back to one another and so we need to step up you know we need to teach our men how to be mentors and and and how to reach out and I think that God is using ministries today that will that will say we're going to heal families yeah it seems like it's the number one need so it I know that in the series you did three CD series taking you a disc on fight for your family and again that's what we're talking about today so again this is a whole series that you did on this why did you do that series and I know that one of the key figures Ahab and Jezebel you talked about that was a pretty dysfunctional family right there right yes it was very and they and they ended up taking their family completely into death every one of his children were executed if you study it out they had the curse but then you can read of another man who had the Ark of the Covenant in his home and he had the same amount of children same lived in the same time frame and God blessed them from generation to generation to generation when I when I preached this message about fighting for your family one of the main characters that I preached on is rispa she is an Old Testament lady that was one of the wives of King Saul and the gibbehhh' Knights invaded and took the heirs to the throne which were her two sons and hung them and the Bible said that she took a quilt where they were hanging from at the tree and camped out on top of a rock and says this and she stayed there for three months and she took a stick and beat the Jackals and the buzzards off of her what was left that remained of her family Wow and it's so it was such a powerful thing of this mother looking at her two children in a we could say they're strung up on drugs there strung up on alcoholism there they're involved in all kinds of Meza but she not give up what she's out there you hitting those those jackals and hitting those wolves and get you're not gonna get I know that lay looked bad I know anybody else would give up but I'm going to fight for my family and the Bible said the King heard about her if you will fight for your family mom the King of Kings will see and hear about your case and he commanded that they be cut down and buried with the Kings with in great honor Wow and she established a new legacy for the rest of her life and if you read the rest of her story it's pretty supernatural how God blessed her family but the point is she had to fight for her family sometimes sometimes you have to fight for what's left things will never be the same again but God can make all things new and you have to learn to fight for what's left don't give up on them when the enemy has them strung out and strung up but keep fighting that's so good I know that those of you that are watching right now some of you can really relate to what we're talking about and maybe you've just thought about giving up on a particular family member I really feel like that I was thinking about holidays as Jensen was talking and how so many times there will be family members that won't even come to each other's home there's just such division and even with with sons and daughters with a mom or dad who maybe weren't the best mom and dad and I really feel like the Holy Spirit is saying now is the time to reach out to that that parent that you've been estranged from and I don't know what has happened I don't know if there was abuse involved I don't know what that was but I feel like the Lord has gotten you to a place to where now you can reach out to them maybe even lead them to the Lord I led my grandmother to the Lord this is on my mother's side when she was in her 70s we were out evangelizing preaching and the Lord said to me one day have you talked to your grandmother and she had an alcoholic and had just lived a horrible life of just one of the most unhappy people I loved her but she was so unhappy and I remember I took her out in the van and I started crying and I said grandma you know what we do and she said yes I'm so proud of you and I said well you know what I don't want you to go for a long time but you know whenever you do die I want to make sure I see you again and the only way I can make sure is if you have invited Jesus into your heart and have and to forgive your sins and and I started crying and she started crying and I said would you pray the sinner's prayer with me and she prayed the sinner's prayer with me and I want you to I want you to know Jensen she never went to church a day after that because she had been hurt in church but everyone says including cuz my grandfather had already passed and my so my step grandfather said she never took another drink of alcohol after that prayer she never cursed she had really bad not around me but I mean her life was transformed and so I really felt like there maybe some of you watching that God has been dealing with you about a parent that you've been estranged from and God is gonna anoint you to come back into their life and it may be just because who knows when they're gonna meet the Lord how important is that to repair these breaches so good what you're sharing and and you know when I wrote this book love like you've never been hurt one of the big things that I felt was love never fails first first Corinthians 13 love never fails and the thing that we wrestle with sometimes as Christians is when people are living that kind of life like what you were just describing about your grandmother that that somehow we're supposed to withdraw ourselves from that kind of activity right well not really really we're supposed to love them even more standards are for us yeah hey you know they're not gonna have standards they don't know the Lord so why would we be offended by that yeah and so it's never wrong to love here's a big point it you know it's never lowering your standard to love your never compromising the gospel by associating with someone who is not living right somewhere somebody has a son who is gay or a daughter who is pregnant out of wedlock and everything in your natural instinct is because you raised them different and you're so disappointed is just to cut it off and break it off and I don't I can't deal with that when really you you ought to be in their life more now than ever because love never fails it might take a week it might take a month it might take a year it might take a lifetime but right up until the end of your grandmother when you step then with love yes love God her love lifted me yeah when nothing else nothing else love lifted me yeah I was sinking deep in sin but somebody loved me somebody reached for me yeah and and how much more if it's one of our family members and what you said while ago was so powerful you made a phone call you were sensitive to the Holy Spirit that's fighting for your family and it took humility and it took obedience and and who cares who's right or who's wrong and sometimes people think well if I forgive somebody who's done me wrong they'll think they'll think that I think that that was that they weren't wrong no that's that's not what forgiveness is yeah forgiveness is just saying I don't even I've reached a point I don't even care I want you back in my life I want to eat a meal with you I want to love you I want it and so I just want to encourage people keep fighting with love yes not not fighting fighting fighting with love because love never fails yeah reminding reminding with that same love that there's hope yes there's hope and no matter what has happened in the past it's just a reference it hasn't much wrong with the plans that God has for us so that's so beautiful thank you you know it's so many times in the political arena Christians are kind of stereotypes is being hateful and that's exactly what we should not be and I know their Bible never gives us the right to be to treat people mean ugly and angry never even when we don't agree with them even when you don't agree you cannot to be kind is to be holy yeah if you're not kind you're not holy I don't care what kind of hair do you got I don't care what kind of clothes you wear what you drink or you don't drink if you're not kind you're not holding right and you know when you love those family members no matter what they tell you no matter what they shock you with yeah when you love them with the love of God and that's when the Holy Spirit can begin to reveal truth to them but it's almost like a roadblock if you if you cut off and and you know ignore I mean God would never do that to us mmm and so that's why you've got to allow that love to reign in your life and with your relationship and again like you said even when you don't agree you can still say that father can say no matter what I'm gonna love you yes I don't believe this is God's best plan for your life I may not finance your lifestyle but I love you yeah I want to be in your life yeah nothing's gonna ever keep me out of your life and you know jinsan we've had so many around the table y'all been here for these shows men and women who have been on that journey and I mean Joe Dallas for many many years and one of the greatest testimonies of how God set him free from homosexuality and there you're not supposed to say that because it's not politically correct and yet it's absolutely true that there is hope on the other side and for parents that are struggling with something like this the world can say whatever it wants to say but truth always wins and you love and allow the Holy Spirit to let you love that that son or daughter God can reveal truth it may not be on your timeframe but through that process truth always wins wrong it always wins yes it does amen well we are out of time I want to thank Jensen for joining us at the table did that go by fast too y'all seem like two minutes me sure to check out his teaching series fight for your family it's available now and it's a great investments for safeguarding those loved ones in your life and also your new book that's called love like you've never been hurt love like you've never been hurt we talked about both of those on the show today you can also find out more about Jensen's ministry by visiting him online at Jensen Franklin org and again as always if there's a need in your life maybe you're believing for a family member and you're struggling then now's a good time to call and let us agree with you in prayer the Bible talks about where two or three are gathered together in my name there's something about the power of agreement and that's why we have that toll-free number that's why we have prayer partners standing by because we see a lot of miracles take place here at Daystar through prayer you can also send us your prayer requests by going today Starcom clicking on prayer and again we pray over every prayer request that comes into Daystar remember to join the conversation online after the program by leaving us a comment on Facebook or Twitter we always love hearing from you thank you Jennsen thank you ladies love you all we love you you hang in there that love is going to win out in your family God's gonna bring them all in for them to fulfill their destiny in Jesus name Amen this has been a day star television production you
Channel: The Way Of Life Church
Views: 11,484
Rating: 4.8850574 out of 5
Keywords: the way of life church, groeschel, lifechurch, life.churchtv, church, god's word, sermon, Christian, bible, God, Joni Table Talk, Joni Lamb, Fight For Your Family, Jentezen Franklin, Your Family
Id: 57AJa5MpbGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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