Field Guide To The Cohozuna | Splatoon 3 Salmon Run

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welcome to Splatoon 3 where you can use your salmon on Awards to get some pretty cool stuff like uh no not those rewards these rewards the scales you get from the King salmonid can be used to buy colorful Splash tags stickers for your locker salmonid figures and a different colored slop suits but getting those scales is pretty hard because let's be honest you've probably failed the co-host in a wave more than you fail at glowflies and glowflies is hard in this game anyway since I'm a bit of a completionist who wants to get all the things in Splatoon I wanted to find out how to defeat the king salmonid and the best way to collect the most scales possible to do so I played a ton of Samurai recorded over 50 different kohozuna encounters took notes on what went wrong when we lost and what went right when we won and used all of that information to get my answer watch out Gamers I've committed a science today science is brought to you by raid Shadow Legends available for free on PC and your mobile device raid has almost 700 playable champions from 14 different factions and I'm here to tell you about their brand new faction the Sylvan Watchers rather than building a sprawling City on the ground or in a cave the Sylvan Watchers made their home in the Mistwood a huge jungle in the east of taleria they have a city open to The Outsiders called noresia and they've made fast friends with the neighboring shadowkin and dwarf factions through shared struggles that's why these three factions are all in the Norwegian Union Alliance in game there's loads of character Variety in this faction with each Champion being in tune with nature in a cool and unique way I'm especially a big fan of King gaokabar whose design comes with this cool lizard Motif raid has prepared something special for all new players this Christmas season get ready to celebrate the 12 days of raid download raid Shadow legends from the link below copy your player ID from end game and then go to 12 days of enter your player ID then set out on a fun festive Adventure that lasts 12 Days running from December 19th to January 10th each day experience a new chapter of this wintry story and play a new minigame for a chance to win some amazing in-game and real life prizes including holiday themed raid Champions and even Amazon gift cards worth up to a thousand dollars existing raid players don't think we're leaving you out headed to 12 days of where you can find a special holiday promo code that everyone can use for a small festive gift new players who use my link will get a free starter pack with this cool in-game loot also if you open raid for 7 days before February 20th you can get pro wrestling Mega star Rona rously in game use code raid Ronda to get a bunch of useful items that will help you level her up all the goodies will be sent straight to your inbox thank you raid Shadow Legends for sponsoring today's video first up the equipment you get every player will get one use of their special it doesn't matter if you already used up both of your specials in the regular three waves or if you've saved both of them you will get exactly one to use during The Coho Zuna wave so don't be afraid to use those up during the normal waves in addition to the special you will also get a golden egg Cannon this Canon lets you fire a golden nugget enemies the same way you would toss a golden egg during a normal wave a golden egg will do 800 points of damage to the targeted hits also it doesn't cost any ink to use I repeat the golden egg Cannon does not use any ink while most players use the golden eggs to deal big damage to the king salmonid they are also extremely effective against the other boss amenets that show up the 800 damage attack will let you one shot most of the bosses with ease and the game even Auto targets for you making it extra simple to take out Steelheads steel eels and fly fish okay they're not too easy but it's better than nothing there are a few bosses which have more than 800 hp those include a dumb ass which you should be throwing a bomb at the drizzler with its 900 HP and it has the little thing you can shoot right back at it and the big shot by the shore speaking of big shots you can use their little launcher to send an egg near the center of the stage just like during normal waves but this is the only way to pass golden eggs during the extra wave you cannot pass your golden eggs with a throw to a teammate it just gets launched as if it's an attack and then you've basically waste yesterday perfectly good egg it's best to use two eggs on The Coho Zuna and save one egg to take out a boss salmonid time how many golden eggs do you have to throw at the king salmon to knock him out the answer depends on your salmon on rank but assuming that most of you watching are at least a professional part-timer The Coho Zuna you face will have 40 000 HP if you're an apprentice Parts timer go-getter or overachiever The Coho zuno will have slightly less HP somewhere in the 30 thousands but for most players the 40K HP King stamina that they encounter will need to be hit by 50 golden eggs it's three golden eggs per seminate you have to Splat 17 bosses to get enough eggs and this is a very important thing to remember you should be splatting the bosses that show up and unless your teammates are throwing every single golden egg at The Coho Zuna you're gonna have to hit this thing with your main weapons and your specials otherwise you will not clear the wave in time 50 eggs is a lot and let's be honest you usually don't end up delivering 50 eggs in a normal way so what makes you think you're gonna suddenly be able to deliver 50 eggs of pain to this guy when the extra wave starts the king salmon it will show up at the shore with two to four bosses is at the beginning of the wave bosses will spawn throughout the wave up until there's 25 seconds left on the timer and the amount of bosses that spawn will depend on your hazard level which means some of you will only get 12 bosses While others will get well above 16. the koho Zuna itself tends to focus on the player that is closest to it slowly approaching that player and trying to belly slam them if they get close enough apart from the belly slam the KO Ozuna will do exactly five Splashdown style attacks where it will jump in the air for exactly 3 seconds and slam down on its Target the jumps start at the 87 second Mark the 71 second Mark the 55 second Mark the 39 second Mark and the 23 Second Mark meaning that once it lands on the 22nd Mark the King sandwich is done jumping around these splashdowns typically Target a nearby player so you won't see this thing flying halfway across the stage the 3 second air time is a good opportunity for you to recharge your ink take care of approaching salmonids or grab a golden egg that the big guy tends to sit on top of regardless of whether or not you've won ran out of time or got wiped out you will get some scales as a reward after all you're doing overtime and over time deserves to be paid I got these numbers from lean Yoshi on Twitter and confirmed their validity with the outcomes of the 50 matches I had recorded part of science includes double checking everyone's work the game first determines how many scales you will get and then it Rose to determine what kind of skills you'll be getting you will automatically get two scales for just encountering the kohozuna so even if you do something stupid like have everyone jump off of the map in the first 10 seconds of the extra wave you will still get two scales don't do this by the way this is such a waste of time we just did it to make sure that the two scale guarantee was legit you will also get one additional scale for taking out a 12.5 chunk or 1 8 of the kohozuna's health bar you can do this much damage by throwing six golden eggs at him and hitting him a few times with your main and as you can guess by now you can get up to 8 scales this way the last method of getting scales is by clearing the extra wave with time to spare one scale for every 10 seconds left on the clock you can only get up to three scales this way so the most skills you can get from clearing the kohozuna wave is 13 which will only happen if you manage to defeat the king salmonid with over 30 seconds left on the clock the most skills you can get from running out of time is 9 which would happen if the king only has 12 or less of their health bar left the difference between a failure with just a few HP and a clear and the last second is just one scale on average when I lost an extra wave I got 8 skills which is not too bad and when I won I got 11 except I only cleared the wave about 25 percent of the time but hopefully after a bunch of people watch this video this number will go up now the type of skills you end up getting will vary a lot depending on the hazard level at their base you have a five percent chance of getting a silver scale and a zero percent chance of getting a golden scale yup zero that explains a lot doesn't it and for every point in your hazard level you will get an extra 0.045 chance of a silver scale and a 0.009 chance of a golden scale I did most of my recordings in professional and the lower ends of VP where my hazard level was around 160 so if you're in the same level you can expect a silver scale 12 percent of the time in a golden scale 1.4 percent of the time this is Genji impact 5 Star character odds by the way it has a level Max which is 333 Hazard you will max out your scale rates at 20 odds of a silver scale and three percent odds of a gold scale good odds but also good luck getting your hazard level that high one idea I've seen circulating online is that you could use the feature that lets you demote yourself to have an easier time with the kohozuna and far more scales I tried this out demoting myself down to professional Part Timer which is the lowest you can demote yourself in the hazard level at that rank was always in the 90s this means that the Coho Zuna will still have its 40K HP and you have a 9 chance of a silver scale and a 0.81 chance of a gold scale so if you want to find bronze scales demoting yourself is a great idea otherwise I would not bother I guess in theory you do have an easier time clearing Wave 3 and getting to the kohozuna at the lower Hazard levels but overall you'd want to have better odds at getting those silver and gold scales especially since the kokozuna itself isn't any easier to defeat at the lower Hazard levels okay maybe it's slightly easier because it's like two or three less bosses to spawn but like that's a small difference this brings us up to the most important part of the kohozuna guide how do you actually defeat this thing the bad news is that there wasn't anything specific my teams did when we cleared the wave however there were a lot of common mistakes I noticed when we failed which made me realize that the best way to cover this is by talking about the three things that you should not do the three reasons you fail a kohozuna wave and by avoiding these mistakes you should be able to clear it a lot more often or at least manage to do more damage to the big guy number one everyone is getting splatted after looking at all the times I lost against the kohozuna one thing became super apparent I compared all sorts of Statistics how many bosses spawned in how many golden eggs were used how many specials were used so on and so 4 but the only common denominator in all of the matches that I lost was the amount of times crewmates got splatted myself included basically if your team gets splattered over five times during the extra wave you're very likely to fail by running out of time in part this is because when you're dead you cannot take out lesser salmonids other bosses paint the floor for movement or deal damage to the king's salmonid so if you want to clear the extra wave you're going to have to prioritize staying alive and keeping your teammates alive this means doing things like taking out the pesky boss salmonids watching your ink tank so that you can Retreat if needed and don't ignore the lessers too many deaths by chump too many number two the kohozuna is too far or Too Close from the golden eggs since the kohozuna tends to focus on the player closest to it they tend to focus on the kohozuna and guide it away from the shore after all they're just trying to not get splatted the only problem with that is that the rest of the bosses along with the golden eggs end up left on the shore far away from the King salmonid and since you can't pass the eggs and the extra wave if you want to use them effectively your teammates will have to waste a couple of seconds swimming towards you and back to Shore and towards you and back to shore this is a problem because The Coho Zuna is basically a DPS check and you are doing no D while you're swimming around back and forth on the other end of the spectrum is when the kohozuna nests on top of the golden eggs the player it's focused on tends to try and grab an egg or two only to find them completely blocked if The Coho Zuna is on top of the eggs just let them be number three not using your main or special as I mentioned earlier in the guide it will take an unrealistic amount of golden eggs to Splat the king salmonid with just golden eggs at least one player should be attacking this thing with their main weapon and that player should be the one closest to the kohozuna if everyone is just Gathering golden eggs and chucking them at the big guy you're gonna fail also if you have the crab tank use it on the cohozuna it's the highest DPS special you can use on him whether it's in turret mode or just rolling into him you'll be able to do some pretty decent damage the other specials are best used for taking out the other classes and lessers to help keep your team alive unfortunately I could not come up with a foolproof strategy to clear this wave what separated the wins from the losses was covered in the three tips above but they don't account for things like player skill level the weapons and rotation and the boss Eminence that spawn in three fly fish at the start can ruin the run so while these tips should definitely help you do a bit better against the kokozuna and they aren't a guarantee you'll clear the way after all there is no simple trick to take down the cane if you found this information useful please consider sharing this video since the more people know about the pitfalls during the king salmonid wave the better they'll be able to avoid them and that should improve The Coho Zuna experience for everyone I think it should knowledge is power we need as much power as we can get I hope you found this guide useful if there's anything I missed or there's any other tips you'd like to share please post them in the comments below thanks for watching and I'll see you around
Channel: Vasko Games
Views: 105,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Splatoon 3 Cohozuna, Cohozuna, Salmon Run Guides, Salmon Run Next Wave Guides, How to win against Cohozuna, Cohozuna Ultimate Guide, Ultimate Guide to the Cohozuna, Cohozuna Tips, How to get golden scales, Salmon run golden scales, Salmon run rewards, Splatoon 3 Salmon Run rewards, Splatoon 3 Salmon Run Golden Scales, Splatoon 3 Salmon Run tips, Splatoon 3 Salmon Run tips and tricks, King Salmonid, Splatoon 3 King Salmonid, Defeating Cohozuna, How to Defeat the Cohozuna
Id: DBHMGazfFv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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