ALL the Salmon Run Enemies... RANKED! | Splatoon 3

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Splatoon 3 Salmon Run has got to be one of the most entertaining things you can do in the game right now and with me play friends and randoms alike while dealing with wave after wave of samanth of course the big boy choosuna can be a bit stingy with his rewards sometimes making you feel like you're working in actual miserable part-time job but that's just one flaw in the Run what really makes Salmon Run what it is is the salmon themselves and as you know some are more difficult to deal with than others so today I'm going to be ranking all the Splatoon 3 saminins to find out which salmon is the worst in the Run of course if you guys enjoy this video and you want to see more of this kind of content do me a favor and hit that like button as well as hitting that subscribe button on the channel as it helps out a ton and we're getting really close to 3 000 subscribers Let's uh let's begin with uh our good old tier list and now you might be wondering what are we going to be ranking our salmon and tearless I already said we're gonna find out which salmon is the worst in the run but that's not entirely true you see I'm gonna be ranking these salmonids on how annoying they really are to deal with in Salmon Run and which ones are run killers and which ones are not run killers and kind of starting right off the bat you can see we have a couple nice little tiers here we have the feuds here uh which is going to be reserved for one or two specific Salmons and I think everybody who's watching this video knows exactly which two are going on that list following that of course we have our annoying tier which are salmon that can constantly be kind of a pain in the ass we have the best Watcher backs here which is if you let this salmon group up they're gonna tear you apart live from limb we have the potential problems here which is salmon that also kind of has a similar problem to the best Watcher bacteria where if there's too many of them and you're not prepared for it you're gonna run into some trouble and then of course our final tip for today we have the free tier which is literally the easiest salmon in the entire run so starting off we have of course the drizzler now the drizzler is one of those interesting salmon because while the drizzler on its own is not that bad to defeat what really makes the drizzler a problem is the fact that the drizzlers have these rain clouds not a lot of people take advantage of being able to instantly kill the drizzler by shooting its rain cloud back yes does that rain cloud get blocked by a lot of other enemies in time yes it does if there's a lot of salmon on the screen but the people who don't deal with the cloud are gonna end up getting ink stormed and I will say right now I think having ink storm is probably one of the biggest issues specifically in Samurai especially if there's a large buildup of salmon any amount of Chip damage is really dangerous so honestly I think the drizzler wallet isn't the hardest to defeat it's definitely going to be a potential problem if you let that move in to of course uh positioning and you don't deal with its rain clouds effectively of course the next salmon we have on our list is going to be the Scrapper now the Scrapper I'm just gonna be honest here the Scrapper is absolutely free you honestly just have to stop it from moving you don't need a really powerful weapon to do it you can throw bombs at it to stop it from moving and all you have to do is get behind it the most annoying thing about the Scrapper is I believe they are a three hit kill uh if they bump you three times and they're usually surrounded by a lot of other salmon making them kind of harder to spot especially when you hear the Mario Kart revving towards you Dino Scrapper always feels bad but it honestly they're not too difficult to deal with another one that's not really too difficult to do with that we can move right on right away is of course the fish stick now honestly the fish stick for me is not really a problem salmon and this fish stick is a free salmon you just gotta get the right weapon climbing to the top or you just gotta get a blaster and you can shoot the fish stick From Below I really like the fish stick I really like their music because you can hear it from like halfway across the room and it can make you either really happy or really depressed at the same time you know depending on how you're you know how you're working in the run but the fish stick pretty easy to deal with definitely a free salmon not a problem at all of course joining them in this tier once again we have one of the new Salmons The Flipper Flopper now I don't think the flipper Flopper is a problem and it's all right I think the flipper Flopper right off the bat is even less annoying than the fish stick um so the flipper Flopper again probably one of the easiest salmon to deal with if you guys are familiar with the Splat zones mode that is exactly what the flipper Flopper is while The Flipper Flopper can't create some problems by putting a wide zone of ink around your feet and if you're you know there's not a lot of ink around you or you're running low on ink you will get trapped in The Flipper flapper and The Flipper flapper can instantly kill you but as long as you know hey I gotta paint all of its area couple bombs will do it good shooting weapons like The Arrow spray believe it or not in stamina run will help you do it flipper Flopper really easy to deal with not much of a threat but now we get into something a little bit more interesting we have the lemon land I love saying the seven lid I don't know why I think the slamming lid is really cool but I would not call the slam and lid a free salmon we are actually gonna end up putting the slamming lid in potential problems above the drizzler the slamming lid is easy to kill absolutely this lemon lid is one of the easier ones to get on top of you just gotta get under its shield and then of course jump on top of it to kill it you can drop the slamming lid on other salmon ends making it really good for killing other bosses which is very effective if you put yourself in the right spot and if unfortunately if you do stay on top of that slamming look long enough it will pull out a soup ladle and knock you off which I believe if I'm not mistaken you can actually jump over I have not tried that but you can essentially uh stay on the slamming lid forever the biggest problem with the slamming lid though comes from it's actual barrier that barrier is a shield no ink can pass through it bombs will explode on contact with it and the slam Inlet can be put in some really annoying positions protecting some of the more difficult salmonids to deal with such as Steelheads or even Stingers or God forbid the fly fish um the slamming lid is a potential problem if it covers any of these because you cannot hit the salmon that are under it until you intentionally make the Slime and lid drop so while I do think the slamming lid is pretty easy to kill it is more of just a potential problem and kind of more of a nuisance than anything else pretty easy to deal with but still more annoying than the drizzler now we get to I think one of the more higher tiered salmonids of this video The Big Shot God I hate these things and it's really hard for me to determine whether it's an A or whether it's a b because the thing with the big shot that you have to know is that once that big shot cannon comes out you are guaranteed to have more than one big shot in that wave they can come out in multiples on the same Cannon or they can come out one early one later in the wave then another one later in the wave and so on and so forth only one big shot cannon can be present at any time but the positioning of the big shot always seems to be set throughout the maps which is beneficial however those big shot cannons as you know will always go toward the center of the basket making you deal with wave Breakers that's a problem in its own right because you're not only having to force yourself to jump while dealing with other salmones but usually those big shock cannons are in a far away position I would say if you don't see the big shot cannon you're gonna be in trouble and they'll definitely be more annoying to deal with but honestly I think this is kind of more of a b-tier salmon you definitely have to watch your back with the big shots here they are absolutely painful to deal with and you really have to be careful next of course we have our Goldie Here and Now Goldie obviously you would think I'm gonna throw that right into the free tier now while I do think Goldie and fog is rather free where the goldie really becomes a problem is with one of the events currently in Splatoon 3 Salmon Run next wave which I'm sure a lot of us are familiar with from Splatoon 2 salmon run but it's been ramped up a little bit in Splatoon 3-7 run and that event of course is glow flies glow flies are brutal in Splatoon 3 Salmon Run you are dealing with constantly charging Chum at you they are a problem to do with they can become a potential problem if you don't have the right weapon set and to top it all off they're so frenzied and the Goldies are the only way to get golden eggs during the glowflies wave however I don't think they're better than the drizzlers I am gonna put them in potential problems but only during the glow fly wave they are not free by any means unless you're dealing with them in fog where they're just you know are like a normal Blossom or you want to bring him a little bit closer in the basket see if you get that 10 egg drop free win nice easy that way but but definitely during glove flies gonna be a problem but they're almost at the free tier but not quite next we have the grillers and the grillers I'm immediately gonna just say right here they are worse than the big shot but you best watch your back dealing with the grillers this is one of the few salmon in the game there's Sam boss salmon in the game and that can instantly kill you the biggest problem with grillers is just Space Management paint management where does your team have to stand to deal effectively with the grillers while they are sending an army of small fries at you after you open them up and uh you know have to deal with them there they are definitely a problem in groups if you're not you know aware where each Grill is coming from granted you can see them with the laser but it depends on the player and I've seen players who have failed on gorilla wave I've seen a lot of players who have succeeded on griller wave they can be a problem if the team has no idea what they're doing usually higher up in Salmon Run you don't have too much of a too much of an issue but you still gotta watch your back around the grillers because once one of you goes down the game changes quite a bit uh once sales Growers change targets and they start moving around in random directions moving on here we have the mothership and it's well the crate droppers and honest guys need any explanation mothership is an exclusive exclusive event and these guys are just absolutely free to deal with mothership is at the very bottom I don't know a single team in Splatoon 3 that has failed a Mothership wave could the Mother Ship cut give you some potential problems if no one's paying attention to when the mothership's moving in that dialogue box is very important when Mr Griff said that mothership's moving in if no one's paying attention to that motion conceal your eggs yes but with the amount of crates that the mothership drops here in Splatoon 3 Salmon Run it's really easy to get quota I don't really know a single team that will fail on a Mothership wave if you fail on a Mothership wave I feel like you're not as good at Splatoon 3 as you think you are so don't fail on a Mothership wave they're free next we have the chum now I'm not gonna put Chum and free now you might notice that I have on this list I have some of the normal salmon just some of the normal salmon on here yeah normal salmon kind of a pain in the ass but the chum there put that there have potential problems and you know what I'm actually going to move the chum up here to best watch your back below the griller but above the Slime and lid while the trauma are abundant and they die really quickly again the biggest issue with chump is their numbers their numbers on the chum can be absolutely devastating and as I already stated with Goldie glow flies make these guys brutal I mean really if you do not have a Dynamo roller during a glow fly wave these Chum will tear you limp from limb in a matter of seconds you gotta watch your back with these guys they are a three hit kill be careful especially during glow flies honestly they're not that bad to deal with but you gotta watch your back specifically during the glove live event or they will mess you up next we have a new event specific salmon uh known as the mudmouth now I honestly think the mud mouth is free I don't think it's as free as The Flipper Flopper however I do think it is above the mothership here in this regard but about there's an exclusive event that can only happen at night in Splatoon 3 and the way they beat the mud miles is of course by throwing bombs in their mouth there are other weapons that can do damage to them uh by throwing bombs in their mouth the exploser can also deal damage to them by putting a bomb in their mouth so they're relatively easy to deal with and I believe it's three bombs to take out a normal one five bombs to take out a gold one it's a relatively free wave and as long as you can manage to deal with the other salmon properly the mud Mouse really aren't that big of a deal I think they're relatively easy they're not hard to deal with at all uh really cool event I really like the mud month event the first time I saw it was really neat and obviously everybody from before the patch dropped has all these clips of the mud Mouse going all over the map so you know that's you know that was pretty entertaining to see next we have the small fry and honestly I'm gonna say something right now to everybody a small fry our they are little ankle biters that will stop at nothing to beat you to death with a spoon and because of that I'm putting them in the annoying tier I absolutely despise the small fry are they easy to kill yes are they really hard to see when there's a bunch of salmon around you yes are there an abundance of them and they seem to not give you iframes after you get hit anymore in Splatoon 3 making an army of small fry the worst thing you could possibly see do grillers make them uh Troublesome absolutely they do because they send out an army of small fry if you've got a charger good luck these little ankle biters are going to ruin your day small fry Satan annoying end of story alright so now that that rants out of the way we can talk about the code Chuck or the the quahuck or the co-chuck I always call them coach hooks but I think they're cohawks honestly the coax I'm gonna put in the potential problems tier they are slower than normal salmon and I actually think they are a little bit less difficult cult than Goldies but where the code Chucks really become a potential problem is the fact that in Splatoon 3 the coachex they seem to have increased the power of their frying pan and suddenly you can go from literally being perfectly fine standing on the map to halfway across the map into the water You're Dead goodbye I don't know how the coach hooks enhance their frying pans to deal immense amounts of knockback but good God if you get hit by one of those things it is an absolute problem it does over half your health in damage which means if you took any extra chip damage a tow truck could potentially one hit you so you gotta be careful what they deal with they're kind of big HP sponges the best weapon that deals with them is high damaging weapons Dynamo roller can actually crush them uh Dynamo roller in fact can Crush almost every single salmon in the game um and when you get something more specifically like the geyser wave or uh mud Mouse with the golden mud mouth if you got a Dynamo roller on your party you can just drop that Dynamo roller down on the ground and like slowly walk just without barely moving using a little bit of your ink and you just Crush everything in your path it makes mince meat of the mud mouth wave which is why mudmouth of course is in the free tier what code Chucks can be a problem if they hit you so they're gonna be at the bottom of potential problems here next we have the snatcher now of course the snatchers in this is an older picture of our snatcher this is our Splatoon 2 snatcher snatchers in Splatoon 3 I think are a little bit more annoying I would not say they're a potential problem but they are definitely a free salmon their only goal is to steal golden eggs now unlike in Splatoon 2 where the snatchers could only steal three golden eggs these snatchers I believe can hold up to five golden eggs and they stack them on a little fly swatter in their little flying carts so they made them a little bit harder to hit in their flying carts but they're just kind of free overall next of course we have our steelhead now a lot of people don't like dealing with Steelheads and personally I don't really have two too much of a problem dealing with Steelheads do I think Steelheads are easy to deal with if you've got the right weapons yes I don't think the Steelheads are necessarily annoying unless they're protected by a slamming lid which could be a potential problem but with the steelhead in play you definitely have to watch your back in fact I would think it's even above grillers Steelheads have a big insta-killing bomb if you're too close to it so that is gonna be a problem in its own right you definitely gotta watch your back when you have multiple Steelheads on the field and they are going to be kind of a priority Target for all Chargers nice little salmon overall well one of the first ones we were introduced to in Splatoon two definitely gotta watch your back around them but definitely not as bad as big shots which tend to stand further away and with something really funny about the Steelheads in Splatoon 3 is that if you sit on top of the fish stick and the steelhead is targeting you that steelhead is just gonna keep running up on the fish stick it's gonna start pole dancing on that fish stick and it's not gonna be able to throw a bomb making it it completely even less of a threat until you jump off that fish stick so not really a big deal in its own right what is a big deal and it's all right is of course the steel eel now just without a doubt the steel eels are annoying uh they are absolutely not you can have multiple of them come up at once uh you can have the steel eels block other damage that you're doing on other salmonids and the steel ears are so long that obviously getting around them is very tough being able to manipulate a steel eel into moving in the right direction is the most important thing but it's really dangerous when three steel eels come up out of the water in later waves on higher difficulties at the same time and you can't even hit the tail end of the first one until you kill the third one so you have to work backwards and they take up so much space they paint so much they too tap you and while they have a decent amount of knockback as well but bear in mind the one thing that can go through the steel eel uh flutter walls is golden eggs with that new throwing mechanic you can throw eggs through steel eels making it them a little bit less annoying but good God do not get cornered by these things do not get set on an area that's a dead end with these things make sure you have an Escape ride on steel eels they are super annoying especially when there's multiple of them and when you're trying to deal with the slamming lid and a steel eel comes up under that silent lid and it's not its tail they're even more annoying because that steelhead doesn't that steel eel will not die until that slime lid hits the tail end or you hit the tail end of the steel eel I mean this one this salmon here the [ __ ] fly fish needs no introduction to what I'm about to do fly fish fail you seriously I do not understand why the devs thought it was a good idea oh let's bring tent the missiles back it's gonna be great everyone will have fun and then you remember the fly fish exists how about you know I don't know maybe 10 different missiles targeting 14 14 different players all it does 30 damage of kick damage well there's a bunch of seven minutes on the fly fish sit back in the furthest spots making them one of the most annoying Salmons to deal with oh I'm all the way back oh in order to kill me you either need exposure I'd Splash your bombs crab tanks cannons or a high resource that's just throwing two bombs into my baskets let me waste all my ink for destroying one basket so I can die two tender missiles but now we have we move on of course from the most annoying one of the most annoying salmon in the game to the moth and honestly the maw is free and to me the maw is it's easier even than the mothership Moz yes they do require a high intensive resource in terms of your palm which takes three quarters of your ink tank to deal with the law however the mods actual hitbox radius is relatively small you're safe while you're Booyah bombing under a mall the Moss bite I don't think can reach you on the guia bomb and your armored through it the mall of course isn't insta-kill but being able to just bring a Mall closer to the basket drop a bomb in its mouth it's free eggs it's free experience really easy salmon to deal with probably one of the easiest salmon to deal with as well as the flipper Flopper what makes a flipper Flopper more annoying than them all is a flipper Flopper while cannons while it insta kills you if it drops it's got a bigger AOE to cover where the Mazda AOE is super small and you can see it by a floating bobber can you get the floating bobber lost in between everything else absolutely but honestly the mod is probably one of the easiest salmon to deal with especially when you see a bunch of other salmon coming at you because the malls all always only gonna Target one player and yes the block can't come up onto you on top of the fish stick which I think is funny because how does a creature that big come out on top of the fish sticks in it the mod is pretty free and in fact I would say uh I take it back it's easy it's harder than the mothership but I would say it's easier than the mud mouth I still think flipper flapper is a little bit stronger than the maw here and of course now we get to another one of the most hated salmonids in Splatoon 3 the stinger and also kind of a similar situation with the fly fish although I don't have hate all right I have more hate for the fly fish than I do The Stingers this fingers are still fast here because they spawn at the furthest points of the map they have a stingray which we all know how fun Stingray wants to deal with this platoon too especially one of those Buffs they target one player they you know they deal with your ink they can do a lot of damage to you and if no one deals with them quick enough and they add up then you have three lasers flying all over the place and if you combine them with fly fish then oh my God all hell breaks loose they are the second worst salmon in the game to deal with they are definitely easier than the fly fish to do with provided you send the right weapon to deal with The Stingers quick enough in fact a couple great weapons uh that were added into Splatoon 3 that deal with The Stingers really well the tri-stringer and the reflux deal with stingers really well uh you can break like three or four pots at once on these guys we're making them two shots blasters if you put them in the center is deal you know it's a one shot inkjet you can kind of you can kind of use a lot of explosive weapons to do deal with stingers quickly there still is they're still pretty ridiculous though considering their positioning which shares very similar positioning to fly fish all fly fish can move closer Stingers aren't as annoying as fly fish I don't think they still suck I still hate them they seem to have the same problem as fly fish where after you kill one they multiply it's like a Hydra they never die but you know they're okay they're okay you know but still Stingers we don't we don't like you in fact I would say they're more annoying than the small fries but I wouldn't quite saying now that I really think about it they're definitely the top of annoying and last but certainly not least we have the big boy shoho Zuna the first of our King salmonids in Splatoon 3 and notice how I said the first because we all know that salmon ends with an s the king salmonids not King salmonid it's king salmon nids which means we're gonna be getting more King Salmon's as the game progresses but in terms of chohozuna I don't think choosuna is that bad however I will put your hosuna kind of in the best watch your backs here show Ozuna can be a problem and in fact I'm gonna put him at the top of the best watch you're back here because Joe hosuna is kind of a problem in his own right um obviously you have to deal with a lot of the other boss stamina to kill chauhuzuna quickly if you've got the right weapons you can deal with choko Juno really well um the biggest thing I can tell you about Joe hosuna deal with the immediate boss salmon around ciao Ozuna but your weapons will actually do more damage to chojuna than the egg Cannon the egg cannons are good for the your egg cannon on your back is really good for burst damage against the king salmonids however weapons and specials like the crab tank the Booyah bomb not so much the inkjet The Reef slider all can deal bigger chunks of damage than a burst from the egg Cannon then like three golden egg bursts crab tank in fact without using the Canon on crab tank crab tanks guns shred through Ozuna booya bomb can deal with shohuzuna as well and honestly weapons overall shooting show Ozuna is a little bit better depending on the weapons uh the weapon set in play however you definitely still have to watch your back at show Ozuna he has a much bigger hitbox than people tend to think he can block other boss stamina's as well you definitely have to watch your back watch where chohozuna is positioned especially when you're with your teammates and that's really about it that's all you kind of need to know about Cho huzuna but he's definitely the top of B tier at least for me we're gonna have to see what other boss staminants they come out with I might come back and revisit this list but right now I feel like this list kind of sits where where it sits I honestly don't think anything's too bad in this list especially in the free tier I mean these guys are absolute jokes in the free tier here but when it comes to the annoying tier and when it comes to the fly fish I I think they're you know where where they're placed is well spoken for yeah that's my that's my salmon tier list for currently for uh Splatoon 3's current Salmon Run let me know down in the comments below what your most hated salmon or boss salmon is as well I'm interested to hear a lot of your replies on that and I'm gonna guess a couple of you are going to be seeing Stinger or fly fish because they are absolute pain and thank you guys for watching the video as well of course if you enjoyed what you just watched do me a favor and hit that like button as well as hitting that subscribe button you guys have been giving some incredible support recently and I cannot thank you enough I got more Splatoon 3 content on the way as well as some other content uh from other games as well so I hope you guys are looking forward to that and of course until then this is cajman triple seven signing off stay safe everybody [Music]
Channel: CAJman777
Views: 37,394
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAJman777, Cajman777, cajman777, CAJman777 Ninjala, CAJman777 Splatoon, Funny Moments, Ninjala Tips N' Tricks, Ninjala Weapon Guide, GG Gabriel Gaming, Splatoon 3, Splatoon 3 Gameplay, Splatoon 3 Trailer, Nintendo Switch, Splatoon 3 Direct, Splatoon 3 Deep Cut, Splatoon 3 Direct Reaction, JayMoji, Splatoon 3 Hero Mode, Splatoon 3 100%, Full Playthrough, All Cutscenes, Splatoon 3 All Bosses, Single Player, Tier List, Salmon Run, Ranking, Cohozuna, Tips N' Tricks, Boss Ranking
Id: HS9WpYmJsds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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