The Best & Worst Stages in Splatoon 3 | Tier List

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one of my biggest worries with Splatoon 3 was that they'd follow the same Convention as the previous games when it came to the single player campaign most of the stages in those games felt like a glorified tutorials that you had to clear in order to get all of the story and even then there wasn't much of a story to get in the first place thankfully the developers took note from Splatoon 2's octo expansion when it came to the level design in Splatoon 3 and also improved the Overworld experience but just how good are these new stages to find out I decided to go through each stage and rank it according to three factors creativity Challenge and memorability with a Sparco of personal preference and taste if a stage fails at all four factors it will go in the o-rank for zero if it's just one factor it'll go in the K tier for cool with a K which is not that cool for two factors it will get placed in the S tier to confuse the people who skipped the intro for three factors it'll get to be in 8th year since I gotta keep at least some conventions with the tier list that people usually do and finally B tier is reserved for already very best of stages I'll be going through these stages in numbered order but I will leave out all the boss battles and secret stuff for the very end so if for some reason you want to know about the normal stages but want to avoid spoiling yourself on the bosses I will let you know when we get to the spoiler section near the end of the video now without further Ado let's begin stage one octarians in the crater yikes the first stage of the story mode was a bit disappointing since it literally just repeats the tutorial you did at the start of the game reminding you how to fire your weapon how to look around and giving you a bunch of boxes and balloons to shoot at the second half of the stage gives you a bit more to explore by presenting you with three different paths and giving you the opportunity to put little buddy to use the final part of the stage shows off the main enemies you'll be facing throughout the game the octarians but considering the stage name has octarians in it I was a bit disappointed to find out that it was just this one dude and you don't even have to Splat him you can just show mercy and walk right by overall it's a good intro stage although I wish they didn't make the parts where you have to use little buddy an optional side route so I have to give this a solid K stage two sink into the ink and swim stage 2 really steps up the tutorial by giving you an Inked path to follow and little treadmill launchers to keep your momentum going this stage is a lot bigger but also feels very empty my favorite part about this one is that the final section of the stage will have you Loop in circles Until you realize that you should look around and notice that there is a dash track on the wall a good reminder that you might have to Ink the walls to get around as tier stage 3 box is locked keys please the layout of the stage is pretty much the same as in the first map except this time you actually have to explore all of the areas and break all of the boxes and use little buddy to actually get around actually got a bit stuck on this stage in my first run of it since I completely missed the zip line on top of the pole thankfully it wasn't hidden away in a super secret corner but it did require a little bit of outside of the box thinking to get to that zip line and finish the stage this was the most creative and challenging of the intro stages so I have have to give it eight here stage four what are they can we stop them this was a simple Splat the octarians to move forward stage there wasn't much to it in terms of challenge or creativity just look around the corners and shoot the bad guys I would give this oath here but since it's the last stage in the tutorial it made sense to have the player practice taking out a bunch of bad guys all at once so Kate here from here we'll be moving on to the alternate stages minor spoilers ahead starting with the future Utopia Island we have stage one get to know Eterna your only choice this stage is where the structure changes over to the style of Splatoon to his octal expansion including a weapon selector an AI that will supply you if you fail and a little desanitization area before you get into the stage and what is the first stage well it's got a similar layout to the first first stage but this time having you use a bunch of other Splatoon mechanics like gushers fans drums squeegees bounce pads these rolly thingies his Wibble wobble rolly thingies and the try zuka special it's a good stage that throws 90 of the game's mechanics at you in a somewhat safe area so you can figure out what everything does hey dear stage 2 octopods at rest tend to flip out here we get introduced to a new enemy type which runs at you as it's trying to explode the game has you going around corners as more and more of them show up eventually there's just this one big massive chunker who looks like he's got blood pressure issues but it was pretty satisfying to launch those guys back and watch them blow up all the boxes behind them as tier stage 3 Split you on the flip side platforms flip around with an octarian on them and then they shoot at you I'm a bit embarrassed to admit this but this is the stage where I got splattered for the first time in this game maybe I shouldn't have ran into a room full of octarians without a plan and this felt like a slightly cooler version of the last stage from the previous area so it gets K tier stage four doors doors doors and more doors this Maze of a stage has you looking around for keys and activating pads that unlock more doors and platforms for you to get more keys and more activation pads the puzzle structure of the stage was a nice break from all the Splat the anime any stages so far so s tier Stage 5 Relic reconstruction you gotta paint them away ahead that's it the only problem is they didn't play The Big Bang song So a tier stage six zip Splat and jump this is the first of many Spider-Man stages and it also made me realize that Spider-Man would suck at being Spider-Man when he first started being Spider-Man this thing felt so weird to aim and maneuver with I completely forgot that I could use my main weapon for half the stage so I would randomly try to Spider-Man slam into boxes and bad guys like an absolute idiot and then the game hits you with a alright now you gotta use the Spider-Man skills to get to The High Ground And I was like oh no Anakin we're done for and then the game has you Spider-Man slam into little pen at the end that lets you finish the stage and it was a whirlwind of emotions and a great stage to introduce the special a-tier stage 7 becoming one with your small fry this is a little buddy only stage but it starts off a bit slow using little buddy to blow up balloons and make platforms spin around but then you have to learn how to call back little buddy so that you can set up a platform in the right orientation and make your way up to the top a tier stage 8 what caused the big bang you you gotta shoot a balloon that's spinning around a bunch of boxes and Rings it's a pretty easy stage if you can aim but once you get the hang of it it really does become an easy stage this also happens to be the best Stage to farm power eggs with since you get the 300 eggs for completion and it literally takes like 6 seconds to do it eight here stage 9 the String's the thing given all the promotional art and ads for this game I kind of expected the tri-stringer to be a main weapon that you use during story mode yet here it is over 10 stages into the game the stage itself is pretty bland since it's just trying to introduce the tri-stringer to the players but it did have cool Parts at the end where you have to shoot a fully charged shot and moving platforms so that they can explode and take out the guys with the shields K tier stage 10 deadly dance hall jump jump finally we get to see the upside down City from the promos and instead of getting to explore it we get locked in this box with a bunch of wave breaker octo snobs this is the jumping version of movement station from Mark to expansion and it is extra evil since it likes to bait You Into the Danger Zone with small cans of power eggs pretty challenging pretty memorable pretty unique v-tier having finally finished the first area it's time to move on to area 2 the Cozy safe Factory and there we have stage one twirling swirling whirling a bunch of spinning platforms and octarians to fight off except you don't actually Gotta Fight The octarians to complete the stage makes me want to try a pacifist run of this game but not much more to say about it K tier stage 2 absorbency and you remember how the first stage of the previous area through all the mechanics at you oh now you get one of the mechanics and nothing else use the sponges to get around the stage Splat the octarians getting in the way pretty simple and straightforward K tier stage three soak it to me okay looks like they did forget to introduce the soaker blocks on that first first stage so here's the dedicated stage to this new mechanic paint the base blocks and more blocks show up they eventually disappear they can also get filled with enemy ink color they can also be used fields and little buddy can also be the one inking them this stage felt a bit more put together than the sponges stage so s tier stage four splitting crosshairs I can't believe they put righteous rails in this game why for those who don't know righteous rails is one of the most evil stages from octo expansion you're moving forwards on a grind Rail and you have to break all of the boxes so that the next grind rail can activate miss a box and you'll die there are no checkpoints I did this stage with the recommended weapon and could not get through it why did they pick the worst weapon for the stage as the recommended one I have no idea I tried it again with the Nautilus and it wasn't so bad but the fact that they suddenly spiked the difficulty and suggested it used the worst weapon for this stage I Gotta Give It All tier Stage 5 tread heavily this is the first crab tank stage and oh boy did they get creative with this one it starts out kind of bland having you splat some enemies and shoot some panels on the wall but then the game gives you this giant soccer robot man that's built out of a bunch of boxes that you have to break moving body parts serve as obstacles as you climb your way up he's got octo torpedo shooting out of his chest and then you gotta jump on top of his hands to reach the final goal I give this stage a chef kiss and a z-tier stage six getting lost in three easy steps this is another maze stage but you can climb up the wall so it felt a bit stupid and easy at first but then when you think you're done the maze flips so instead of it being a horizontal maze it is now a vertical maze it was cool creative and memorable but sadly not very challenging a tier stage seven the ink conservation project a limited ink stage where you have to use the ink wheels and puffer fish to get through these stages pose a nice Challenge and have a creative way to use various mechanics as tier stage 8 switching things up this is a sort of main stage where you gotta Splat some enemies and then hit the switches to open up the path to the next area the only problem is that some of the switches are hidden in some pretty stupid places so I had to go back backtrack and look all over the place upside down in and around to find the last switch that I was missing it wasn't really a challenge it was just annoying K tier this wraps up the second area so on to the cryogenic hopetown we go stage one climbing the corporate splatter this stage is just another one of those that require you to make it to the end of the stage while beating up a bunch of octarians along the way but imagining these guys is busy corporate employees made it a bit more fun these guys are over here having a meeting trying to decide when to add big run to Splatoon 3 there's Dan the janitor and Janus who just started at HR s tier stage two they said would have flying cars and we do kinda this stage is like if an airport was managed by someone who's as organized as I am which is not organized at all and first it starts out all normal just dodge the enemies and go towards the top but then the stage takes you for a spin with a non-climbable wall making you have to hitch a ride on the wings of an octo Zeppelin and then you have to do it again the other way around while fighting off Oxo Torpedoes and you just gotta jump down at the end really well designed stage eight here stage 3 ink Wheels experience tomorrow's technology today okay so these things are called ink Wheels I like how this stage use the combination of the ink wheels and the soaker blocks although the final section felt a bit too hand holy with the ink Wheels guiding you perfectly to the next opponent esteer stage 4 try curling alterna's 11th most popular athleisure activity as the name suggests you only get to use a curling bomb for this one you go down a linear path taking on challenge after challenge having to use all the different curling mechanics to Clear the Stage a solid as tier Stage 5 conveyor belt tightening the entire stage is a conveyor belt with a bunch of boxes that you need to break if you don't break them in time well tough luck buddy this feels like righteous rails but On Solid Ground suits a lot more fair s tier stage 6 time trial and error instead of a conveyor belt you have to travel to where the next balloons are and pop them if you run out of time well tough luck buddy this one got pretty stressful especially with the squiffer uh s tier stage 7 rail pass the name alone made me shaken fear as I might be facing a third righteous rails in a row but thankfully this was just a stage focused on the ink rails you know the ones where you get to move at your own pace really jump between and swim through to avoid being sniped as tear this area was the shortest of them all thank goodness now on to the next one the landfill Dreamland I sure hope it's not full with a bunch of garbage stages stage one propelled the greatness it's the propeller stage shoot the fans to move the platforms that's it Kate here stage two octo Hoppers don't have a sense of humor and they hate puns this stage introduces a new variant of the octarians the Octo Hoppers who basically have a sloshing machine and pogo sticks they were more annoying than challenging K tier stage 3 let's put a pin in that the name is at least a bit funny because you are the pin trying to avoid all the bowling ball octarians from rolling over you K tier stage 4 splash the block party a Soaker block stage where the only challenge is this octos platin guy at the end K tier again Stage 5 amusing of amused Muse a year just breaking boxes to create a box sculpture of the thing on the left which is an orca named after our friendly AI friend who Splat you the instant you break the wrong box it is a slower stage but a nice change of pace as tier stage six those aren't Birds you're just playing table tennis at this point if the boxes fall off the stage you are done for and once again the suggested weapon was not the best one to use for this stage making me miss and die a bunch of times but it was the right amount of difficult so s tier stage seven charge now Splat later a good tuber stage it's not a new weapon or anything like that I guess the game just wanted to give us a stage that reminds us that Chargers can hold their charge even when in Squid form Kate here stage 8 Easy Ride tricky targets righteous rails again but with balloons at this point I'm just curious who is so in love with righteous rails that they decided to include it in the game five times so far oh was this they put a checkpoint on this one as tier stage 9 flying worst class it's another one of those hit your right on the flying guys but this time it's the small guys too and you gotta trigger a switch to open up a path so you can reach the ending s tier stage 10 ink fast Hotshot there's moving balloons which float away if you take too long pop the wrong balloon and you lose similar to the curling bomb stage you walk from challenge to challenge with a checkpoint between each one s tier stage 11 stamp them out it's the splatona Stamper intro stage so it's fairly easy until the very last where you had a mini girl power situation with several octal links trying to Splat you s tier stage 12 the path to perfect spanmanship you've got a limited time and a brush to rush through and trigger a bunch of switches at the end you get to look at your beautiful connected dots artwork icon mine little fuzzy a tier looks like there was at least one good stage in this area but we're finally done now on to the Eco Forest Tree Hills stage one trouble round every corner this is like that stage at the end of the tutorial section except the bad guys can dodge now K tier stage 2 the upside of enemy backsides get to the end and splat a bunch of enemies except all the enemies are weak to attacks from behind K tier stage three uh oh too many snipers there were only three snipers on the stage which is definitely not too many k tier stage 4 barriers they got you covered they introduced the big bubbler disco ball octarian which is just really annoying to fight Kate tier Stage 5 a compulsive collector's Paradise it's Pac-Man with a timer collect all the power eggs to win kind of creative at least as tier stage 6 zipping over the neighborhood a very fun Spider-Man stage eight year stage 7 one-way Rider through Target Town righteous rails yet again but at least spaghetti cool setting this time with the whole upside down City and its Reflections in the water and this stage actually felt very satisfying to play through with the ball so I'm gonna give this one as tier stage 8 Making Waves with splashdowns you gotta Clear the Stage using only splashdowns a special which isn't even available in the multiplayer anymore at least not when I was making this video felt pretty satisfying to play through eight year stage 9 low Vis high risk it's low tide fog wave but we are desaminated sneaking around and splatting everyone as tear stage 10 shooter on Rails yup more righteous rails clones this time with tiny switches instead of boxes or balloons but at least it comes with checkpoints and loops around the hardest part so you have lots of opportunities to get it right test here stage 11 simply zip-tastic what happens when you take Spider-Man and give him launch pads on the walls a really fast-paced high octane zip Caster stage but it Loki gave me vertigo from how ham it goes so a tier stage 12 you go far if you shoot far but guys they put more a Towers in the game everything else about the stage is kind of bland it's just ink the switches with your long range weapon and split the octarians getting in your way as steer just for that more a tower reference stage 13 learn to reflect and this one is on the bank this is an angle shooter stage you know the the new sub that everyone loves so much yeah no this is it's harder to get the angles right so most of the time I just cheese the enemies by throwing it right at their face but the worst part is that in the final segment of the stage you have to get several angle shots perfectly in a short period of time and it was kind of annoying if nothing else katir we're finally done with the fifth area of the game and line marking ourselves towards the last set of non-spoiler stages the happiness research lab stage one that you missed us this is like girl power station on easy mode but with fog flat all the octal links to unlock the final checkpoint s tier stage 2 octarian Heights this is just like that climbing the corporate splatter stage except it's much harder to climb and all the enemies live up to that cold heartless corporate drone stereotype s tier stage 3 torture tour oh no there's enemies around every corner except this time they can actually Splat you and oh boy did they Splat me thankfully you also get a bunch of different specials to help you out a nice balanced late game stage as tier stage 4 conserve Inc Splats sustainably limited ink stage but do you get to use the splash-o-matic instead of a blaster there's tons of enemies trying to get in your way and I would like to file a restraining order against this flying bomb guy who followed me halfway through the stage but this stage is actually pretty easy if you just dodge so it's a solid rest here Stage 5 the enemy Inc is lava this is a timed limited ink stage where you have to use your curling bomb to make a path through enemy ink needless to say it is a pretty challenging stage but thankfully it had a checkpoint halfway through a tier stage six keep it rolling a roller only mission where you actually have to Splat all of the enemies to finish the stage the only downside is that there was no timer okay maybe this isn't a downside but it really felt like there would be a timer on this stage considering its name as tier stage 7 that sinking feeling you try to make your way to the top of the stage while every platform you touch begins to sink towards the water down below you gotta go fast on this one and make as little mistakes as possible it is a very well made High adrenaline stage a tier stage eight breathe in breathe out it's like they knew that the previous stage would give people anxiety so they gave us a nice reminder to take a breather and relax this is definitely a stage where you have to take it easy or else you fall in the water like I did the octarians were a bit annoying in this one but as dear stage 9 dive and dash most of the path is already Inked for you you just need to swim as fast as possible and occasionally trigger an ink wheel or puffer fish to pave the path that isn't already in your ink also you gotta Dodge I just gotta say this stage felt really cool to play through so I will be giving this one v-tier stage 10 mission fly fishing thankfully there weren't any fly fish on this stage it was an inkjet only stage near the end of the game for some reason which meant it was pretty easy to do there are cool Parts where you have to make the wibbly wobbly flower bloom but that's about it the rest was just maneuvering around obstacles as tier stage 11 don't tease with the keys the tentacooks are those fast skittish octarians that spit out Splat bombs as they run away one is annoying enough to deal with but in this stage you gotta chase down and splat four of them and here I was ready to celebrate the fact that these octarians didn't make the cut in Splatoon 3 as tier stage 12 entered a stamp Gauntlet this is a hammer only stage where you gotta break all the bowling ball octolings before the time runs out and at the end you gotta Chuck your Hammer at the guy rolling around the fence at the edge of the stage the weird part is that there's also an option to do the stage without a special which as it turns out was a lie it's just the same stage with the hammer but the hammer will run out so you're gonna have to pick up another can and activate it again making it a bit more difficult it was quite the challenge and quite creative so a tier we've covered all of the main game stages so if you want to avoid spoilers about the bosses and end game section of Splatoon 3 now is the time to go thanks for watching for those of you who are still here buckle up because it's time to talk about the bosses boss one Octavio with the way the game started out I was worried that it's gonna be another one of those octaviors the final boss games but this time Octavio is the first boss he definitely felt a lot weaker than in the previous games and that's because he doesn't have the great zapfish powering up his octobot but he did function like he does in the past avoid his arms then come up to make him punch himself and then Splat Octavio did it mix it up a bit by adding a vacuum to his suit which will suck up your ink and you have to use little buddy to block the vacuum which was pretty funny overall it was a great intro boss fight a tier boss number two the future stares back Fry at first I thought they were really gonna make us fight the Octo stomp for a third game in a row but nope this thing is hollowed out and filled with angry ink EOS and that giant wall of EOS being slammed into my face managed to Splat me more than one time it was a pretty cool and creative fight so I gotta give this one the v-tier Boss 3 the pursuit of the precious shiver sorry Gamers sharklins do not exist but a shark with sunglasses and a splatanic wiper attack pattern does exist Master Maga is the true boss of this stage and although the fight wasn't too difficult I definitely enjoyed all the random mechanics like the maw attack from Salmon Run jumping between water spouts barfing out a stingray laser at us hopefully there won't be a shark run in the near future because that's gonna make the salmonids look like total wimps I also like how you could use little buddy in this fight so once again beat here boss number four the obscurest Charo I don't know how to read this word big man I hear that this boss fight is just a straight up rip-off from Mario Sunshine now I do have Mario Sunshine from that special edition they sold a while ago but I still haven't played the game and I probably won't play it anytime soon but I did see clips of the battle and yeah this is definitely gonna make Big Man fight lose a lot of creativity points apart from having a bunch of Shadow clones on himself big man also has his platform arms ink strike and 75 freaking Torpedoes making him quite annoying to fight sorry big man fans I gotta give this one the S tier having completed all of the stages and all of the bosses it's time to cover the Ascend towards the rocket stage one the Alterna Space Center entrance you gotta team up with little buddy to take care of the obstacles including straight up shutting down an octo shower I didn't know little buddy could do that at the end of the stage you conveniently get your weapon back thanks Orca as tear stage 2 Alterna Space Center Hangar the game gives you a canned special that helps you clear out the enemies in your way and then repeat with a different special kind of cool but also suspiciously convenient most of the specials made it a very easy stage to clear as tier stage 3 Alterna Space Center lift a random fog is keeping everything in the dark you write down an elevator activating switches and splatting every octarian that gets launched onto the platform with you eventually you reach the end it felt a bit anticlimactic if you ask me as tier Stage 4 The Spirit lifter steerage after going through the world's longest pipe you start to wonder will this actually turn into to a stage you have to go around in circles and climb Towers to the top while facing off against waves of enemies at first I thought this would be similar to that one stage where the floor would sink where the water level rises or something but no you can just take it slow there is a bit of fuzz on the stage so you do have to avoid that and also don't try to use the crab tank against the bowling balls because they'll just bounce you off the stage like you're an eight ball from Auto expansion at the end of the stage you find that the missing great zap fish and then just leave it there as tier Stage 5 the spirit lifter first class finally we get a good stage in this Ascension process and also prove that my theory of the use of the golden eggs was somewhat correct they grow into these energy cores that are then used to power things like this rocket ship this is also a zip Caster only stage where you bounce around the walls collecting all the different zap fishies and unlocking the next floor I did have a jump King moment where I forgot how the zip Caster works and then fell all the way to the bottom of the map was pretty annoying but I'll live the higher up you go the more fuzz there is making it harder to zip around and they added a sniper to make it challenging a good stage in my opinion a tier alright if for some reason you want to avoid spoilers but you're still here this is your last chance to leave otherwise I'm gonna have to tell you about how Tartar and little Judd fuse to become thick Judd and you don't want to know about thick Judd final boss the final boss in Splatoon 3 is our favorite sassy Mr Griz who is an actual bear and the battle has two phases in the first phase we collect some golden eggs to clear up the fuzz Splat a few octarians and then eat some fuzz Ooze from the boss man himself and we do this three times in the meantime Mr Grizz attacks us with several spicy moves like his bear claw slash which is just five splatana attacks at once is rolly attack which spins the whole ship around and his Splashdown that knocked me into fuzz at least once oh yeah and he also has a killer whale this guy is packing all sort of moves paired with that awesome music I Gotta Give this phase one of the fight v-tier in Phase 2 little buddy becomes big buddy or a huge fry according to fry I sure hope we don't have to fight one of those in Salmon Run oh yeah and Octavio shows up what a literal vacuum and his own space saucer thing which you then use to approach and suck up buzz from Mr Grizz while he tries to solo the giant space laminate a couple of fuzzy octarians do show up to get in your way and the vacuum felt a bit weird to use and once it was all done you had to fire this random laser at Mr Grizz this whole phase was an absolute spectacle to watch but certain parts felt very random and very weird and I just wasn't feeling it so I gotta give this one a tier and that conclude the Splatoon 3 single player mode tearless psych we still have the hidden stage the one you unlock after completing all of the previous stages at least once after Alterna after Alterna 1 platforming when I first saw the stage little old me thought it was going to be quite the simple one just jump around some platforms and splat a couple of enemies right right it was all going smooth till I hit that wall where you can't swim up on it and instead you have to charge a squid Surge and let me tell you Gamers this was the first time I needed the squid surge in this game I had completely forgotten that the feature even existed thankful I was able to get through the windmill area just fine and then the game gave me these weird wall jump things where you gotta leap left and right like in a Sonic game then it tested my timing by having me Squid on a wall and then drop off at the right moment which was pretty cool and just when I thought everything was going smoothly I failed to make a jump from one incline to the next falling to my doom and that's when I realized that they didn't put any checkpoints on this stage needless to say my next few attempts did not go as smoothly I just don't do well under pressure eventually I made it back to the inclines and once again felt like an idiot I did eventually clear the inclines and made it through the water conveyor belt thing but at this point I was just sick of the stage I know this was supposed to be a difficult post-game trial but it wasn't so much difficult as it was annoying out here after Alterna 2. oh look it's righteous rails again my favorite OT okay so despite my animosity towards righteous rails this one wasn't too bad you had to hop between several grind rounds to get all of the balloons and most of the movements didn't feel like cheap tricks also despite its lack of checkpoints this stage wasn't too long my only beef with it is that that ending sequence where you gotta pop a bunch of balloons while falling meaning that you cannot recharge any ink if you miss one well eight here after alternate three soccer blocks this is the most forgettable of the four after alternate stages you gotta use little buddy to help you activate the circle blocks and make your way through enemy fire without falling to your doom which I did twice both of the times was because I failed to press the B button to jump while walking towards the next platform though I really like the part where you have to hitch a ride on one of those flying octarians and carefully time the soaker spread so that you don't knock yourself off oh yeah and this stage also has a checkpoint who would have thought those are useful to have and nice it would make a stage not annoying a tier after a turn of four girl power if they were gonna take inspiration from octo expansion there was no way that the developers would skip out on the most memorable stage of them all girl power station you've gotta fight through several waves of advanced octarians who despite being just code and Video Games Were Somehow more challenging than the s r ranked players that dunk on me and Anarchy of course this is because you are their only Target and there's like seven of them at the same time and also they get to spam off their specials at you at the same time and making it quite hard to survive these nameless octarians are the true final boss of Splatoon 3 and for that I have to give them v-tier okay now we're done talking about all the stages in the main single player mode for real for real which of these stages was your favorite were there any stages that you really disliked what are your thoughts on righteous rails let me know in the comments below thanks for watching subscribe if you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next one okay bye no science here
Channel: Vasko Games
Views: 87,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Splatoon 3, Splatoon 3 Review, Splatoon 3 Story Mode, Splatoon 3 Tier List, Splatoon 3 Hero Mode, Vasko Games tier list, vasko tier list, vasko splatoon tierlist, ranking every stage in splatoon 3, Splatoon 3 hero mode review, is the splatoon 3 singleplayer good
Id: cnIKFPe9M0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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