Make an EPIC Tinkercad Print in Place Gyro Fidget Spinner SO FAST!

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[Music] good day friends it is me HL MCH and I am back with another fun fast project so let's get cracking friends today we're going to make a super fun fidget in the traditional design area click create and choose new 3D design of course step one is to name it we are going to call this gyro fidget and it's not a bad idea to put your initials after it in case you 3D print it now we're going to build this with an awesome shape called the tube when you bring it out make sure you do not touch the handles we are only going to type now we're going to keep the radius of 10 we're going to change the wall thickness to three we're going to make the sides 64 which is the max we're going to set the bevel to one and the segments to five and and press enter and we're going to change the height of it to four just like that we have got ring number one now select that and do contrl D on the second one I want you to just change the radius it is going to be 15 and everything else stays the same just like that you've got two rings click on that ring and do control D and this one is going to have a radius of 20 now there were two there it does not matter which one you clicked on they'll work absolutely the same cuz they spread out just like that the next part we're going to build with is a standard cylinder when you bring it out I want you to hold down shift stretch it to any number but then in the Box type four and press enter when we zoom in we're going to put a cone on top of that because of cruising you can set it right on top of it now this one we are going to just type the parameters we we're going to use a base radius of two and we're going to use a top radius of3 and we're going to type a height of three and press enter let's also take the sides and Max those out clicking on both of them so that they're super smooth select the two of them press L for a line click on the orange one to make it the boss and center and center and then finally group them I'm going to make this a different color just so it shows up and then we need to rotate at 90° I like to do this from a corner and if you hold down shift it goes 45° at a time which makes that super simple now we also need to cut in holes we're going to do that with a cone as well this one we're going to just set down and up here instead of 3 it's going to be 0.35 we're also going to take the base radius and we're going to make it two again and then the height is still going to be three and press enter this has to be a hole same thing with the sides maxed look at it from a corner and let's stand it up just like we did a moment ago 90° Bingo that is ready to make the holes for our spinner friends it is time to line this up and we're going to do it with the ruler make sure you click right in the middle just like that with the ruler enabled click on the hole we know that this is for across so from the center this number no matter what yours is needs to be -2 and boom it will be exactly in the middle of our Rings now we need to move it to this spot right here so we're just going to change the distance right here is 10 let's try 13 that's a a little bit further we want it to poke out the backside so right now it is 13 + 3 which really was 16 I'm going to take away three and type 10 and now we're on the right side of this now we want it to almost be to the edge so let's try [Music] 11 that's pretty close but we're going to try 11.5 and that is exactly where we want it now we want that exact same thing over here friends watch this I have just clicked the ruler so it's going up and to the right if I take this piece and dotr D I'm going to shift nudge to get it partially over to that side and use the mirror tool to aim it the right way now if we click on it you can see it is currently 5 + 3 if we change this to the exact same 11.5 it is lined up exactly right just like that and it's because we were able to rotate the ruler make sure you keep track of how these rotations work if we just click this middle it keeps rotating around until it's finally back the way it was these blue lines show you that right now this is underneath and now it's back up to the top now we're going to take these exact same pieces and we're going to put them up top as well do shift select to grab the two of them do contrl D and let's rotate them 90° now we need to move them out to the correct distance you can see right here it's measuring up and it says 11.5 + 3 let's try 20 that's way too far let's try 17 that's getting close let's try 16 that's nice but obviously we need to do 16.5 to get it perfect Bingo that one is lined up now we can click on this one and we need to rotate the ruler first so we're going to go rotate note from this rotation we get the total instead of the one where it's added on rotate see now how it has the 1150 + 3 and we're going to type in that same 16.5 and press enter and those are now lined up exact same on both sides how cool is that now let's do a smart way to put in our other pegs dismiss the ruler and we're going to do control D do a couple nudges and we're going to flip it and then we're going to do contrl D do shift nudge and we're going to rotate those 90° so we have got the pegs for each spot this Peg goes right here shift select choose a line make that one the boss and we want it to the center and we'll go to the front if we look at it from the side we can take it to the bottom and we'll leave it just like that for a moment let's put this one right here once again shift select L for a line that one's the boss Center front and bottom or middle it really doesn't matter we'll fix that in a minute this one goes right here so shift select L for a line that one's the boss Bingo to the front and I'm not even going to worry about the height on that one I'll show you why in a second shift select shift select L for a line make that one the boss center Front Edge now let me show you why we did not care about the heights we're going to grab all of these do L for a line make the orange with the boss and we want them all to be in the middle that's going to be perfect for making them spin at this point switch to a25 nudge click on that and go one click to the left two clicks to the left click on this one two clicks to the right click on this one two clicks back towards you click on the purple one two clicks to the middle we need to lock all these purple ones I'm going to do shift lock I'll do two at a time just cuz it's pretty easy there's my padlock make sure I've got purple and purple and I'm going to padlock those at this point when we group everything contrl G it cuts the holes in and leaves the purple ones just like that you can see it even better if you click on the orange and do T for transparent check it out those are going to print absolutely perfect and when you're done they'll be able to spin friends I've got one more bonus for you now that this is built going to shut off the transparency I'm going to unlock all of these notice if you shift select them you can do it with one click grab the entire project do controll D and shift nudge to move it to the left so we've got our original let's do the letter n and put a note right here just so we can keep track and then over here I'm going to show you how to fill one in friends it's so slick bring out a cylinder max out its sides set its bevel to one set the segments to 10 and set your height to four and press enter if we move this inside you'll see it is the exact size as our other one so if we shift select we can do L for a line make the outside one the boss middle middle and bingo you've got a spot where you can put your initials I'm going to do that with the simple text set it right on top my initials are mdh I'm going to make it a hole and then we need to shift squeeze to get it so it fits remember this whole thing was about 20 so I'm going to make it 15 or so once again shift select L for a line and I want to make this the boss notice I lost my selection let's do that again L for line middle middle and then I need to take this and I need to sync it in I'm going to change this to 0. five and do control down once twice and we are ready to group and Export our custom gyro fidget you may simply do that by clicking export the selected shape STL and I always save mine in my 3D modeling folder save changes and then to wrap up this project I always like to set the project background color to something cooler and then shut off the grid close the settings because I think that looks a lot niftier in a screenshot I'm also going to click on this and reenable the multicolor because I think it highlights the spinner better finally friends if you want to show off what you made don't forget click on the Tinker CAD dashboard click right up here in the properties make sure you've got a name of course in my description you'll see the tutorials coming soon also ways you can reach me make sure you give it tags and of course if you add the tag HLM mt23 I check that tag almost every day and of course I will give you a reaction finally make your design public and then I always set attribution to no derivatives cuz I want you to come up here follow the tutorial and gain some epic skills when you're done with that save changes of course when you're done you can always click on the gallery check out the staff picks and then shut them off to see the amazing designs people have created once again I love to click this one so I can see more designs at once whenever you see something epic make sure you click on it and give it a reaction so many designs in here to check out that is absolutely awesome check it out we even have slender piggy that is so epic before we wrap up don't forget you can also sneak out to my website and hit this button to check out the new hlmt 23 shares today we've got a sweet Eagle F50 by dragon head and a couple epic aircraft from tuno friends don't forget if you click that link you can give all these people reactions as well and here we are friends 22 minutes later as you can see printed on the soall sv06 how about those initials and there it goes spinning in the middle as well once again the more you play with these the better they spin and if I can hold it right check it out how cool is that friends I want to take a moment to remind you about my website hlod I've got a page dedicated to tinkercad with tons of amazing categories below that you will find my day one favorites useful starters and then also Tinker CAD Essentials friends I I do also want to mention the sweet built-in messaging tool you can click that button add your question comment or suggestion and reach out to me almost instantly I also want to take a moment to highlight the Tinker CAD Community Discord friends as you can see we've got a boatload of members and it's a fantastic place to talk everything Tinker CAD finally friends if you enjoyed the video please give it a like please also hit that share button so more people can learn about HL modtech don't forget you absolutely make my day if you take time to leave a comment ment down below and if you haven't subscribed yet what are you waiting for smash that subscribe button and last but not least hit that notification Bell if you want to be the first to know when there's a brand new video from me HL Mod Tech thanks for watching have a great [Music] day ooh ooh o la la la
Channel: HL ModTech
Views: 2,968
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Keywords: Make EPIC Tinkercad Print in Place Gyro Fidget Spinner, HLModTech, 3dprinting, tinkercad, teacher created, HL Modtech, 3d design, 3d print, 3d printed, 3d printer, educational videos, fidget spinner, fidget toy, fidget toys, how to, print in place, prints in place, prints that spin, 3d printing, 3d printer projects, tinkercad designs, amke epic tinkercad print in place gyro fidget spinner, make epic tinkercad print in palce gyro fidget spinner, fidget spinner tinkercad
Id: wMXVQ6dmAIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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