FGHT Dallas: Playing Church

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now look at somebody and tell them neighbor there's a word from the Lord and tell them and I am a lover of the word of God can I preach to you today amen come on you got your Bibles hold that power up amen we bring our Bibles to church around here don't we amen God bless you because everything else is going down but the word of our God y'all going to get off of me and let me Preach Today all right all right I I want to I want to talk to you the Lord has amen laid some things on my heart and and I want to I want to talk into your heart amen through the word of God the book of second Timothy amen second Timothy the 3 chapter and I want to I want to call your attention to the first amen through the fifth verses amen second Timothy chapter number three verses 1 2 three 4 and five and when you have it say amen and the Bible gives us this intelligence this know also add this to your knowledge amen put this in your mail BS but in the last days perilous times shall come and how many of you believe we're living in the last days now now don't play it don't don't say yes yes just because I'm looking at you how many of you really believe we are living in the last days amen perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves Covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful Unholy without natural affection truce Breakers false accusers incontinent fears despises of those that are good look at somebody and tell them he hit the nail on the head I mean Paul was spot on traitors heav High minded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God but look at this at this fifth verse having a form of godliness that's all just a form it's not the real thing why not uh because they would deny the power thereof it it it can't be the real thing if it don't have power behind it amen preaching some people don't preach the real gospel but now you going get no no no that there's a way to know because the gospel carries power with it having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof and look at what he tells us to do he said what from such do I turn away a't don't even trying to act like people still on the right track when you see folk like he said you turn away from that I can tell y'all going to get quiet today I'm I don't need everybody I just need about seven and a half of you amen that's going to help me preach through here today having a form a counterfeit amen godliness but denying the power thereof there's a lot going on in our in our nation today amen and I'm not I'm not here to preach politically amen that that's not where I am today I'm not I'm not here to preach amen against amen social ills I'm a man of God I've got to preach against the root of the problem and how many of you know that sin is still at the root of the problem Heen you you're not going to March and make a man love you y'all done got Qui you you trying to make people love you it's going to take God changing the heart of a man see that that's that that's that quietness I was talking about amen it's going to take God Amen to touch somebody's mind and to restore them to a right place and so what we've got to deal with now amen is not the symptoms we got to deal with the problem amen and I want to talk to you today I want to talk to you today look at somebody and just tell them play church that's what I want to talk about today playing church amen because that's one of the problems that we're seeing now amen we've just got a lot of people that are just playing church that's it amen they're not here for all the right reasons they're not engaged amen because they actually want to do the will or the work of the Lord you've got some folk that are just here amen for the natural benefits they're here amen for all of the other things that they have the influence you got some folk amen that just love telling people what to do but how many of you know God is calling for us to be real in this hour you get mad if you want to amen I'm telling you God is calling for realness in this hour Sons and Daughters I don't think I would have to twist your arm Amen to get you to believe that people today are just simply not taking God very seriously and they told me years ago one thing you don't play with you don't play with God my my daddy used to go and and get trucks and say here sit on the ground and and play with this amen but don't don't play with God because amen God is serious and he requires people Amen to treat the relationship that we have with god with the gravity that it deserves Earth and so what we are seeing now is that we have come to that place where the scripture talks about those who would love pleasure more than they would love God and we're seeing that now quiet as it's kep Amen there are people that simply are in love with the pleasures of this world Amen and they can't bring themselves to the place of loving God they are just too intent Amen on having fun and amen being the life of the party that they cannot settle down amen and find themselves serving God you know they think serving God is boring they think serving God Amen is something that you do right before you die amen just to get you in heaven so they want to live their lives according to the dictates of the pleasures of the world Amen but then they don't want God to have preeminence in their life but I want you to know today that the danger of living according to the the pleasures of the world Amen is that they run out on you y'all done got quiet but can I tell you there's a reason why you sitting in church today amen because the pleasures of sin only last for a season uh now it's not a permanent pleasure it's just something that the devil amen has orchestrated to keep your mind focused on the wrong thing so you can't focus on the things of the Lord that's the reason why people now are moving from one Vice to the next Vice amen they're moving from one addiction to the next addiction it's because the things of this world cannot satisfy amen that's why Jesus told the woman at the well amen he said listen if you get the water that I give amen you will never thirst again now he wasn't talking about that natural thirst how y'all done got quiet here but what he was talking about amen was that spiritual longing on the inside amen that got you running from this one to that one from this TR yall a't saying nothing here Amen to that Vice try this person and amen move into that other person if you get the water that he gives how many of you know Jesus satisfies ah I'm trying to tell you that's the reason why we cannot live for the pleasures of this world it's because those Pleasures are fleeting and they are passing away and some of us can be honest today and testify amen that we thought it was going to be amen a lifetime pleasure but it was very short live and once the deed was done then you left amen you know how people are amen you're left with that now what kind of feeling you know I did that now what I had that I left God and I I went out there now what because there's something else that's you're going to need Amen to fulfill you but this seems still to be the pr preoccupation of our time and even churches now have turned into something that doesn't speak to the fact that we serve the great God of the universe Sons and Daughters can I tell you today that the world is watching the church I wish you could look at somebody and tell them neighbor the world is watching that amen you've got to be careful what kind of presentation you put forth amen because the world is watching and instead of us showing this a display of the power of our god what we seem to be showing them now is something to entertain them but can I tell you one thing we will not be as the Church of God we will not be entertainment for the world oh no we not just going to be amen s up for the world we're we're not going to be the talking points of the world Amen we are going to be those kind of people that understand amen what it means to welome in the power of our God y'all getting quiet on man I feel like I need to preach for another little while here amen you got to know this is what happens when people are only operating in a form amen this is what happens now when the church refuses to be the real people that God is calling for us to be amen this is what we're seeing now we are seeing a generation that looks like amen the world can't take us seriously you know I used to wonder why people feel like they could come in the church amen and do anything in the church but I figured it out it's because church folk are going into the world and doing anything and they think if you can come in the world and do anything then I can come in a church and live y'all done got quiet amen when it used to be we took salvation with us everywhere we went I wish I could find a witness here at least two or three of you amen that can testify amen there was a time when church folk was save on the job save on the freeway y'all done got quiet amen save on their honeymoon save on their wedding y'all done got quiet again look at somebody and tell them we got to be real we got to be real with this but when they see us outside of the church living any kind of [Applause] way then no wonder they come in here and can't take us [Applause] seriously because they know that if they were really saved the whole life would change so when track folk are not living according to the standards of God only thing they know is that they just playing [Applause] Church they putting on a on the front just put on a mask on Sunday and we take the mask ask off after this no we don't amen we're not pretending we are new creatures in Christ Jesus and that what the script what dides he say that if any man be in Christ he's what he's a new cre you are a totally new creation and the problem is people aren't preaching this so folk don't expect to be changed when they come in contact with God no our main priority has to be to honor God and bring glory to his kingdom but instead Lord here we go seems like now we're focusing on our own little kingdoms so that we can take the influence that we gain and use it to gain clout with the world and that's what we're seeing now we're seeing a time when people amen are not about souls any anymore but they're all about gaining numbers and trying to be popular to the point that it's even changing the message that some people preach in church they wouldn't preach a message like this because that's too offensive and people don't want to hear that kind of stuff folk don't come to church amen to find out what they doing wrong amen people come to church for you to lift them up for you to make them comfortable for you to motivate them to live amen the best life that they can live amen that's why people come to church but can I tell you amen that's not the purpose for coming to church the purpose for coming to church is that you are washed yeh said with the Water by the word that you are cleansed that God knows you and shapes you can I tell you the word of God is a mirror ain't that what the Bible tells us the Bible said it's a mirror and we got to stand up in the mirror of the word and there God yall ain't saying nothing here and some of us can't sit up here and tell that the mirror is not important look how good you look here today don't you tell me you didn't look in no mirror Amen to see if your face was clean to see if your hair was dead and y'all ain't s to see if your clothes were wrinkle to see how this fit me look at y'all and got quiet and when it comes to the house of God we got to stand up in the mirror of the word and say God show me myself show me where I'm nasty at show me where I'm undone show me what I need to do to live like you're calling me to [Applause] live but folk don't want the bear up the wine just let me come in there and play church and the problem is that God's going to hold us accountable for this stuff preachers and pastors God is going to hold us accountable for the stuff that we're doing oh God and the message that we have preached and I'm sorry if this ain't what you came for but this what God gave me and I'm coming to tell listen I'm like Paul do we seek to please man or do we seek to please God preachers and pastors we have to understand that as long as we're pleasing men we cannot please the [Applause] Lord so what Paul constantly preached was something we don't hardly hear in a lot of places he preached the gospel of Deliverance y y y'all y'all know what Deliverance is is don't you amen he preached the gospel of Deliverance and Sons and Daughters you got to know today that the main theme of The Gospel is still change and transformation that's what it's all about amen he didn't give us a gospel to leave us like we are he gave us the gospel so that we can be transformed daily into the image of his son amen I still believe there's a gospel of Deliverance and somebody's got to let the world know amen that you can be delivered you know what that word delivered mean it means to be set free it means to be rescued it means to be brought out y'all a got quiet here and I come to tell you amen we still have to preach the gospel of Deliverance somebody's Bound by sin and God came to set the captives free and don't you tell me they can come in church and join the choir and sit on instruments and get up and testify and preach the gospel and have an been delivered by the power of God the devil is Al liive you can't take somebody nowhere you ain't been yourself what you mean praise and worship leave me into the presence of the Lord shut up you ain't been in the presence of the Lord and you wouldn't know it unless you resigned to do his will now see this is where folk get mad and I'm sorry if that's how you feel amen but what has come to pass now is that too many people have been undone by this new gospel that's coming out it's so bad now that when you preach the truth of the word of God straight out the scriptures even chch folk get angry at you and I'm telling you now don't get mad at me for telling you the truth get mad at them for making you comfortable believing a lie he didn't save us for us to remain a part of the culture around us we are countercultural y'all done I'm just trying to figure out here we are countercultural people he didn't save us for us to be like the culture around us but he saved us thank you kind spirit so that we would be that peculiar people so that we would be other than thank you kind spirit so that we could influence them amen with the power of God but somewhere along the line Sons and Daughters somebody lost focus and the enemy convinced them that there was nothing wrong wrong with being a friend of the world Amen they are so convinced now that anybody who preaches against worldliness is hateful and judgmental and somebody that you ought to stay away from amen look at him I don't know why Holiness I preach Thursday in garet amen why Holiness look at somebody and ask them why Holiness amen oh why what is that all about why amen do they always preach you got to be holy I'll tell you why because anything associated with the holy God has to be holy he said I want you to be a holy people because I am a holy God so be ye holy for I am a holy said Herman Murray ah now that ain't my gospel that's the gospel of the kingdom and I'm telling you now amen we cannot walk hand in hand with the world Amen we still got to come out of worldliness y'all done get quiet I'm trying to tell somebody Jesus is coming soon but he's not coming to start a church he's coming to receive unto himself a glorious Church Without a spot without a wrinkle but that it should be holy and without blemish don't you tell me you can get to heaven any kind of way when God says you cannot don't get mad at me I'm trying to get you to [Applause] heaven I know what a lot of people act like they don't know that while you are planning to live for the next 50 60 70 100 120 years I know you going to [Applause] die and I'm telling you people that are planning on living for a long time are leaving out of here just like that and the reality is Grace is only for the living so you got to do this right before you die boy y'all done got quiet so I'm not one of them preachers amen that's looking for your money if you going to hold me hostage to a dollar keep your dollar I don't need your money y'all ain't saying nothing here if you expect it I'm not going to tell you the truth just cuz you gave me $20 just because you gave me a ,000 just cuz you gave me a million I'll take it but after I get it I'm going tell you you're going to hell unless you live a whole life thank [Applause] you somebody got to tell the truth and stop playing Church you know what Jesus said St John 8 he said ye shall what know the truth and what how can anybody be free if nobody tell him the truth somebody got to sit you down and talk to [Applause] you or else you won't even accept the remedy boy y'all getting quiet you don't go to the hospital and a and the doctor just come there with a bunch of medication and say I'm G give you this I'mma give you this I'mma give you this I'mma give you this I'mma give you this and he ain't said nothing to you you know what you g to say I don't what why do I no so what he has to do he has to sit you down first and show you your X-ray this is what's wrong see that that right there that's what's wrong and this amen is abnormal and we got to do something about this cuz that's going to kill you unless we do something and once he shows you how sick you are then he can start prescribing medication I can't save you before I sit there and tell you all the stuff going wrong I got to let you know that the wages of sin is death I can't just give you the gift of Y always saying up in here somebody got to tell you what's [Applause] wrong or else you refuse the treatment that's why a lot of people haven't trusted in Jesus Christ as their savior because they don't even know the truth about their own condition they've been told that you're okay just like like you [Applause] are and don't realize the Bible lets us know that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God oh God y'all y'all ain't standing the wages of sin is still death folk telling you God understand you going to be okay he knows that you're just human can I tell you the wages of sin is look at somebody tell them it's still death it is still death but the gift of God is eternal life people are not accepting the gift because they haven't been told what the wages are somewhere along the line people have been convinced that you can walk hand in hand with the world and don't you listen to nobody tell you that there has to be a difference between those that are saved and those that are still walking in darkness what does the bible tell us and what is that 2 Corinthians 6 and 17 yes sir what does he say he says wherefore now y'all getting quiet like am I right wherefore what come out from a 5 and 17 says if any man be in Christ he's a new creature six and 17 says come out from among them and be ye separate sayeth the Lord now ask somebody who is them I got ask your pastor who is them who is the Bible talking about because people are acting like now amen the church and the world are synonymous terms we ain't no difference between the clubbers and the people in the choir the Devil is a Lie amen he says we got to come out from among them I can tell you that them signifies there's a difference between us and that them y'all y'all getting quiet look at somebody and tell them that's still a difference our people aren't saying that now and they ridicule you but ask them who is the Bible talking about when he says come out from among them who is he talking about he's talking about the world because if anybody loves the world the love of the father is not in him I can tell you what it means to come out from among them it means there's a difference that has to be made we don't act like them we don't dress like them we don't talk like them we don't listen to their music we don't have the same taste we don't have the same desires they are addicted to worldliness I'm addicted to Jesus they dropping it like it's hot I'm picking it up and putting it down we are not the [Applause] same they go to the clubs to find a good time we come to the house of God because there's joy peace and rightous over in the Holy GH what does the word of God declare in Galatians 5 and [Applause] 24 now you raise your hand and tell me when I'm telling a lie Galatians 5 and 2 four says they that are Christ thank you kind Spirit anybody belong to God I said does anybody belong to him because according to the scripture they that are Christ [Applause] woo have what crucified the Flesh and what and the affections and [Applause] lusts so don't you tell me you can be in Christ no you can be around Christ and do anything but if you're in Christ you got to be a new creature some folk just around Christ they just they just in the building they don't love him they got a crush on it y'all done got chist they just infatuated with it but they that are Christ have crucified the Flesh and the lust and the affections so don't tell me you can be save and do any and everything you just play in [Applause] church something ain't right in this generation cuz there used to be a time when people were aware of the mandate that we operate under why does God call us together why does God orain that his people gather and assemble corporately why I'll tell you why it's because in an atmosphere like this we get a chance to all hear the same thing know the same thing be taught the same thing see that's one of the problems of this generation now everybody's off in their own little corner nobody want to come subject to nobody and they coming up with a lot of weird stuff and ain't nobody there to tell them that sounds stupid where you come up with that nobody's that to challenge their bad understanding and that's what the devil wants you to do just just just just isolate yourself because he knows it takes iron to sharpen iron knives don't sharpen themselves in the draw by themselves it takes interaction before you can be sharpened and that's why God calls us together why do I have to come to church because the gifts don't operate in your house like that the gifts are for the edify boy y'all getting quiet here for the edifying of the body of Christ we used to be aware of the Mandate that we are under but can I tell you part of the problem is that there are a lot of people who have just never been saved they're pastors and preachers but they've never been saved well y'all getting quiet huh see see you can't get mad I I'm I'm telling you what the scripture says he said in the last days deceivers would come that means there are some people that are proposing amen that they are the children of God and the Bible says they are not he don't even know them and what did he say why call me Lord Lord and don't even do what I tell you to do you've got a whole lot of people saying Lord Lord he said but why if you won't even do what I tell you to do and now here we go f getting mad but see that's why I don't nobody want to come to their church and they look around and see all these people and say don't nobody want to come to your church you know what this tells me this tells me everybody don't want to go to hell there are still people that love God that love the word of God and want to make sure that at the end of the day they hear him say Well done and not depart from me why Holiness I tell you why because there are some people now that cannot promote Deliverance because they are not delivered themselves y'all ain't saying nothing and you know why some preachers don't want you to to live right cuz they don't want to live right they don't want you to live by standard so if you see them outside of church living thoul you ain't got nothing to say I'm scared of a Preacher like that I'm I am terrified of a preacher that will tell you that even though you in church and even though you're saved that you still going to do wrong amen you still can't live right I'm scared to be around somebody like that amen because he'll steal your money y'all ain't saying nothing here he'll touch on your kids and then what you going to say I can't believe you did that he told you up front he couldn't be delivered he told you he was living right what else did you expect what God needs in this hour are people who understand what it means to be delivered and who has a burden for those that are out there still bound oh I feel like y'all want me to shut up I'm just but I'm looking at you and I'm I'm confused by the look on your face cuz you're saying no but you're looking like be [Applause] quiet all right well fix your face cuz cuz cuz I'm I'm I don't want to get the wrong impression shall I quit or shall I go on we can not be satisfied with a generation of pastors and preachers and singers and musicians and choir who know how to be churchy but don't know God Paul said they would have a form of godliness but they deny the power thereof just come to church and I want everybody to just shout one two three [Applause] Shout I'm saying is is is that it can I tell you something can I talk to you cuz I don't know if they listen just the thing is I thought about this this week when I was out of town when somebody's really been delivered even their shout is is a [Applause] blessing when when when when when somebody understands the power of Deliverance they may not even be on beat they may not have it together ain't no crossover but when you look at them South you'll sit there and something in you start bearing witness with that deliverance and you get blessed watching them get blessed but now it's [Applause] just you ain't no joy in it that's no power in boy y'all done got quiet here oh look at somebody and tell them when you get it right then you can dance oh y'all ain't saying nothing here everybody just watch out now everybody want to come to church and run around I come to tell you when you get it right when you get delivered when you line up then you can dance like David dance and don't care who looking at [Applause] you they have a [Applause] form but there's no power they're shouting but they're still [Applause] addicted they got to dance but no Deliverance they running there in the choir still living with somebody they ain't never married it's it's just a form [Applause] the Lord asked the question will you lie will you steal will you serve all this other and then come in my house which is called by my name and say we are delivered to do this stuff ain't nothing wrong with it oh God y y y get so you can do that and then come in the house of God and have no reservation about the stuff you do even in church and then say I am delivered to do this kind of stuff I come to tell you there's a Day of Reckoning [Applause] coming some folk don't even realize the ax is already laid at the root of the tree you just waiting for them to swing it now the problem is people are trying to live two different realities and that can't work it it it it it can't work it'll fool you and make you think that it's working but it let me talk to you over here it it it can't and I'll tell you why because the Bible says it can't no man can serve two masters you going to love one and hate are you going to cleave to one and abore the other you cannot operate in two different realities that's why there's no such thing as a saved sinner [Applause] no they that are Christ have crucified the flesh with the affections and lust he says if you try to be both can I tell you Pastor Deus used to say it all the time he said you know God hates a mixture he said I would that you were hot or cold but you trying mix hot and cold together and all you came up with was lukewarm God said if I could deal with it if you just said hey I'm a sinner I'm not living right but Holiness is still right I'm just not living it or if you said hey I'm all in with this but then to try to sit in the middle and straddle the fence the Bible says he'll spew you out because you can't live into realities at the same time I I better hasten cuz I feel a little tension in this area right there go let me let me let me hurry but one of the dangerous things that I'm noticing in this hour and somebody said well who are you well you ain't listen don't call me nobody but I'm telling you what the word of God is say and one thing that we're sing this hour is that God is no longer enough for a whole lot of people he's no longer enough for preachers and pastors it's not enough to do this now now we're using church as a springboard to biger platform in the world oh ain't nobody just settle with being a pastor no more don't nobody amen just want to be a preacher anymore no we want to get so big in the church that the world recognizes us and invites us to their G togethers and invites us to their parties and I'm telling you this stuff will never work it's no longer enough now to see people saved and made ready for heaven we're not satisfied until we're big enough for the big shots in the world to w recognize our influence because only then will we feel like we've made it this is not enough anymore it's not enough that such people are edified by your music you want crossover pill y'all ain't saying nothing you want the world's recognition you want that money and so you ain't singing about the Rapture no more you ain't singing about living holy anymore you're not singing about Deliverance anymore we singing about whips and [Applause] drip something is not right there has been a [Applause] bastardization of the original mandate that God is given unto us and I'm telling you now I want you to hear me pastors pastors and preachers how don't we have to be consider nobody I ain't trying to be something that I'm not you see I don't try to muscle my way into people's conventions and I ain't trying to be on the news and and all that stuff I ain't trying to be nobody I'm trying to get folks saved and delivered and at this point you know God God have blessed us and so people know who we are amen but I'm not trying to go somewhere just to become friends with people just because I feel like I got a little clout and I got some some people that know who we are now and so I'm going over here and I'm hanging out with them I ain't got time to do all that somebody got to intercede on behalf of this nation I'm not trying to be a big shot amen you notice you don't hardly see me nowhere I don't go to folks convention and just try to be big oh we thank God for brother Herman Maran listen I ain't got time for [Applause] [Music] that so I'm not trying to be nobody but I want I want you to hear what I'm saying because even if I don't know everything there's some things that I that I I do know and what I know is this it's not going to work hear me hear me pastors preachers what else do you want you've gotten big churches congratulations people know our names we've been blessed what else do you you want you've gotten the fame you've gotten the people you've gotten the numbers you've got the money what else do you want what are you going for at some point you got to stop and realize judgment begins at the house of God and God is going to hold preachers accountable for the stuff we [Applause] do people in our churches that are dying and going to hell because we're too scared to tell them that a holy God Demands a holy people we've we've gotten comfortable walking with people that promote everything that the Bible says will send a man or a woman to hell and we're still trying to walk with them and we're confusing the people that are seeking after God it's a dangerous place to be when you figure that God is Not enough oh we done got as big as we can get in the church we want world's kind of cloud we want magazine covers we want best sellers we want to be invited to all of the world shindigs but at what cost let me let me let me let me can I talk to preachers and pastors I not long after I became pastor and overseer a woman called me to a hospital and I've told y'all this before she called me to the hospital and she said when you come can you bring my communion because I wasn't there when we took communion and I I take that quite seriously so I did when I got there she asked her family to leave the room and she said I really needed you to come out here because I wanted to talk to you she that the doctors just gave me some bad news and they they told me that the treatment stopped working and the disease came back and it's aggressive and let them tell it I have to make a decision quick because it's it's of the sort that this has become a life and death situation she said now I called you out here because they told me there's another treatment they could give me it may work it may not work and she said I just wanted you to take tell me what should I do should I take the treatment or should I just go home to be with the Lord and when that woman said that to me it's like something hit me in the top of my head and went straight to the bottom of my feet because I understood how people value the preacher it is scary to think that anybody can have that kind of influence in somebody else's life this woman was willing to live or die based on my word and you don't realize that people will live or die based on your word you know what he says through the prophet he says if you see the enemy approach and you don't sound the alarm and you don't warn the people and I know other people say well somebody else is just comeing along and tell no he said they are going to die they're going to be CAU they're going to die and their blood is going to be on your hands pastors and preachers you got to hear me today we got to stop playing Church stop playing with people's Souls folk are dying and going into eternity every day and some of them believe that they're okay because of the word of a Preacher you better be [Applause] careful telling you what the scripture says you look at the book Daniel Nebuchadnezzar came and raided the house of God took vessels out of the house of God kept him as his spoil but then Bel Shazer comes along the Bible says Bel sha made a dinner to thousand of his Lords while he was drinking wine something could convinced him and he said bring me those vessels that we took out of the house of God and the Bible says that when he got sacred vessels and poured wine in sacred vessels and drank wine out of that which was sacred and prais the gods of gold silver brass iron and wood and God said that's enough you cannot profane the sacred the house of God is sacred you don't profane the sacred and I'm telling you now that's when the hand started writing on the wall and for some people the hand is our already riding on the wall don't touch those [Applause] vessels we cannot a [Applause] church that's why we preach Holiness because it still means sanctification it means set [Applause] apart let me say this to you you will never walk in two different realities the world will never accept you they just let you hang around them to keep you from preaching the truth to the rest of the people but sooner or later they're going to show you that you were never one of them make a mistake and try to stand up for the scriptures and they'll cancel you quicker than a hiccup to let you know you were never one of them they knew it you just didn't know it look at what we're seeing in in the world right now somebody want to know why they preach Holiness because of the stuff you're seeing right now Holiness pres what I want to know is there anybody left who's dedicated to God are there any people left that will say I am exclusively his I don't want to walk with the world I don't want to do what they do all I want to do for the world is to be an example and to point them in the direction of real joy peace and righteousness not playing Church why come and spend all of this time in the house of God and then die only to hear him say depart from me if you going to come the church at least get delivered get something for all of your time there are people that are part of all of this stuff that's going on and you know you got some preacher they would love to just sit there and call everybody's name and just listen I I get that because the Bible does say you mark them but you know what I understand I understand that we're in a spiritual fight and there are times when yeah you got to Mark the person but what I'm focused on is the spirit that's making this possible because you can be taught to watch out for a person and then come face to face with that same spirit with a different face and then you'll end up missing it but if I teach you to recognize the spirit then I don't care what kind of face it comes in you will know it and you'll be like Paul said from such turn away I'm not going to turn you away from this person and you turn to that person and they operating Under The Same Spirit no I got to preach against the spirit I'm not trying to get up here and blast everybody call everybody's name I ain't got time for that amen this is a spiritual warfare and our weapons are not carnal there are times when you have to mark them but I want you to recognize the spirit so if it comes with a different face you can still know this ain't God stand to your feet there was a [Applause] time when people understood what it meant to be hallowed and dedicated when I was younger we had Church time see I ain't got but two amens on that you know what church time was that was a block of time where you didn't add any more activities because that time was dedicated to God now listen you got a lot of church folk you watch watch tonight you got a lot of church folk they church Sunday morning but they don't see Sunday night service as Church time so they W they don't bother coming and the thing is they going to be out eating and doing something else and going to post a picture and don't feel nothing about posting a picture of being somewhere else while church is going on [Music] used to be a time when church folk wasn't in church they call the pastor and say hey something's going on tonight I won't be able to make it tonight uh but be praying for me Lord willing I'll be there Tuesday night but not nothing important but the time is no longer dedicated to God and so now they can be sitting up at the Cheesecake Factory and take a picture of the the food and take a picture of them at the table and post it at 7:50 while the rest of us in church there was a time that even our calendar had some dedication to God don't feel this don't obligate myself to anything else because this is church time we had Church closed our clothes were dedicated oh no you get home the first thing they told you get out of your church clothes don't lay around in your church clothes our shoes boy y'all done got Qui we had church shoes they better not see you outside playing football in your church Sho but now nothing is sacred anymore not even the house of God boy I remember mother Lula May Watson some of y'all remember mother Watson mother Wat Watson was about a mother she was I well mother mother Watson Lula mayw Watson was a she was a she was a small woman she wore gloves to church every single service just about and I ain't talking about them little gloves her gloves came on mother Watson didn't play no she was sanctified oh no she she covered her her whole arm up with the glove and then put the rings on top of the glove I'm tell you mother Watson was something mother Watson was a guardian for the house of God y'all can say what you want to say mother Watson would come find you hey come here you come I bet not catch you running in the house of God no more you stop that running that's right mother Watson didn't care who you were she called me over one day I went over there she said you keep running the house of God I'm going to beat your behind and I'm going to tell your granddaddy why I did it I said boy this look this mother here mother Watson was ruthless we need some mother Watsons I ain't talking about folk that's just trying to rule everybody else's kids cuz your kids in the back of the church kissing and and passing notes while you trying to run everybody else kids I ain't talking about you I'm talking about people that have a sincere uh Zeal for the house of God don't run in it this is a sacred place don't come in here talking loud this is a a sacred place we come in here we ain't here to play church we here to set an atmosphere so that somebody that needs to know God somebody that need sh I feel a wave of his glory somebody that wants to find peace will know that there is a place of Deliverance where you can lay your burdens down every head bowed every ey ey closed tonight maybe there's today's maybe there's somebody that don't know God you don't know him in a saving way I'm calling you to this altar come on come on maybe you need the Holy Ghost I want you to come if you need to be delivered maybe there's something that's holding you that has you in bondage people are now Bound by some real things and they need Deliverance they need God to come in they are tired of just going to church they are tired of pretending while they're there and then leaving and going home and still got that same addiction brother Herman I'm tired of just coming and putting on a front I want to be delivered for real I don't want to just come to church and go back to my house house and I'm still addicted to porn I don't want to come here and shout then when I get through shouting I walk through my house and can't even look at myself in the mirror because I'm [Music] ashamed of the life that I'm living brother Herman I don't want to live that kind of life in front of all the saint but don't have the ability to be faithful to God on my job and and in my [Music] house I'm through playing church and somebody here today maybe you're backslider you've run away from [Music] Holiness Because You Loved pleasure more than you love God if that's you I want you to come come on if you need the Holy Ghost I want you to come you can be saved you can be deliver you can be brought out of sin this is your time oh we offer Christ to you we offer Christ look at them they're coming Somebody Pray would you would you pray we offer Christ to you offer Christ to you oh [Applause] my he will you he'll give you life come come on look at them they're coming somebody praise the lord they're coming come [Music] on oh come on you're in the risers I'm waiting for you to get here oh we offer Christ to you weer Christ that's all I can do today is offer Christ my that's all I can do we offer Christ to you CHR to oh my my sister he promised he will you he said he will if you need him come [Music] on hey come on come on come on if you're weary today if you're heavy laden what you come on look at them there come and somebody clap your hands and bless the Lord come on yeah are we I'm heavy laden heavy laden you can come on you can come on if there's another come on if you heav later come on come on oh my somebody at this altar just needs to know for sure that the lord loves you he absolutely does doesn't matter what you've [Music] done he knows everything about you and he still loves you people leave you based on what they heard about you but he knows everything the good the bad the ugly and he still loves you he brought you to this place I believe that because there's something he wants to do for you it's not enough just to be churchy you got to be holy and today those of you that are at this altar you're ready to surrender your heart to God would you lift your hands right where you're standing brother Herman I'm tired tired of living according the pleasure keeps letting me down and I keep running after it it's so unfulfilling while your hands are lifted I want you to talk to God and I want you to mean it from your heart that's what repentance is all about you got to ask God to come in come on come on just ask God to come in and deliver you ask him to set you free oh that's it ask him ask him to come in and change you into the person he wants you to be and you've got to mean it now ask him for power ask him to baptize you with the Holy Ghost come on and if you believe it he's doing it for you right now Elders would you pray with him come on come on come on come on come on come on Hallelujah come on to Christ ye who are weary ye who are and heavy laden come on Hallelujah come on you can do it you can come hallelujah thank you Jesus if you're weary somebody is tired you can come come unto me he said come unto me all ye that labor and the heaven labor if you will come on come on Hallelujah come on somebody's [Music] weary somebody's tired come on come on come on come on come on it's not too late I said it's not too late if you're [Music] wey oh come on yeah oh thank you Lord somebody lift your hands come on [Music] he's the only one that can heal all of our souls [Music] diseases what a friend we have in Jesus all of my sins and I greef to Bear what a privilege to carry [Music] everything the God is PR oh my my hallelujah oh come on oh come on come on somebody lift your hands and bless them
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 176,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: 4BzERVoI23E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 47sec (4487 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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