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my god man i'm gonna need some help tonight a couple how many really need the lord to help you tonight dealing with stuff going through some you need the lord to help you tonight but tell your neighbor neighbor help is on the way you got to tell them like you really mean and i tell them help is on the way tell them god don't see you through this yeah help is on the way tonight amen it just might be in the form of the word of the lord tonight but god has sent him from his sanctuary and stretching us out of mount zion yep is on the way tonight once again is kept our hand for the choir amen praise god such a beautiful job on this evening but we're up to the world of the lord tonight amen we love the road around here at full gospel amen pray well we cut our teeth on the word of god we was born under the word of the lord amen praise god and we're so fortunate tonight to have this great speaker amen to be in our midst praise god once again we've enjoyed her so tremendously in the past and she's come praise god and share the word of the lord with us amen praise god no stranger to the full gospel ministry even her bio is in the uh souvenir booklet praise god after getting saved in 1958 praise god amen she went to work for the lord praise god in the ohio area and she moved on praise god to monroe louisiana where she was there i think i said for 18 years praise god servant in that church amen we even went to north north carolina amen praise god amen in alabama she's been in brooklyn new york washington d.c amen no mouse go up grew up under this lady's feet amen she been on the road on fire for god ever since the lord saved her and we're so privileged to have her with us tonight so my brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen amen from the five baptized holiness church of god their miracles let's welcome tonight pastor katie nugent with a great big handcuff as she comes tonight god bless you pastor you just hold out help is on the way remain standing father in heaven we come at this hour we come to give you thanks we want to thank you for all your goodness all your kindness all of your tender mercies thank you for allowing us to come together in this meeting one more time since we met together we realized many are going on but you spared our lives and we just want to say thank you thank you thank you hallelujah hey god thank you for healing our bodies our soul mind and spirit we thank you for our apostle and his companion sister murray thank you for how you're touching their bodies and the lord let your healing virtue flow all over this place tonight somebody is tired in the bodies [Applause] somebody is tired in their minds but we know you're able master we know there's nothing too hard for you come on in and take full control we love you lord we'll give you all the praise we give you all the glory and we give you all the honor these blessings we praise and thank you for in our son jesus name in every heart said amen you may be seated we do honor the lord tonight to may i say our chief apostle and founder of this great church apostle murray and the doctor evangelist sister murray give her a hand those who have suffered they have suffered down through the years and now the lord is blessing them isn't he good somebody says he good all the time to all of our bishops tonight and their wives and to our elders and their wives all ministers and to this great body of christ that's present tonight the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth and do it to all generations i'm glad to be here tonight i want to thank the apostle first lady and full gospel for inviting me to come and be your speaker for tonight now i'm going to tell you i was nervous amen i don't care how long you've been preaching sometimes you get nervous but i know the lord will help us i'm glad i'm saved tonight hallelujah sanctified not cranktified but sanctified baptized with the holy ghost and fire i'm in root for the city called heaven hallelujah some folk want to go to new york they want to go to england all over africa jerusalem but honey i want to go to that new jerusalem well the sun will never go down will there be no more sickness and sorrow hallelujah old saints say it'll always be howdy howdy and never goodbye i feel good going this way i want you to pray for me now apostle murray looked like dug down in my soul monday night he fed my soul saints the word was so powerful so anointed and last night hallelujah that's all right you give him murray here reverend herman murray junior toes up again last night oh i got a shock for you last night he preached the same message that the lord gave me so you know what i said maybe something in that the lord wants to hear he want us to grasp it i thought about changing i said lord i can't change you gave it to me so i'll just have to preach it hallelujah [Applause] your theme is you shall receive power after that the holy ghost has come upon you and you shall be my witnesses unto me both in jerusalem in all judea and in samaria and unto the other most part of the earth i'm grateful because i'm a possessor of the holy ghost i'm thankful because he looked down on me one day and called me to preach the gospel when he said to his disciples go ye into all the world preach the gospel that included us he was talking to 12 but that included us tonight we're not going to be before you alone but if you will turn your bibles with me back to the 17th chapter of the book of samuel since evangelist murray last night carried us through the whole the whole story i'm just going to give you a little part of it okay verse 44 says i believe we started for 43 and the philistines said unto david am i a dog thou comest to me with staves and the philistine cursed david by his gods and the philistines said to david come to me i'll give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air and to the beast of the field then said david to the philistine thou cometh to me with a sword and a spear and with a shield but i come to be in the name of the lord of hosts the god of the armies of israel whom thou has defied this day everybody say this day will the lord deliver thee into my hand and i will smite thee and take thine head from thee and i will give the caucuses all the hosts of the philistines this day everybody say this day until the fouls of the air to the wild beasts of the earth and all the earth may know that there is a god in israel it's so good i could keep reading but i just wanna want you to look at the one next to you and say kill it before it kills you kill it hallelujah before it kills you [Music] you know one thing is so much we need to work on even ourselves sometimes we are our own worst enemy thank you jesus but you know what the old saints told us when i was coming up apostle sister bishops they told us every now and then we need to go back and get it over i don't know if they told you that but it's nothing wrong it's one holy ghost but there's many refillings [Applause] hallelujah lord do it again when you look at the word kill kills means to deprive of life put to an end it's a word that means to defeat and then you think about the word it just two letters it it the dictionary says a pronoun but it can be a plant a person a thing and i'm gonna say it can be sin glory hallelujah are you gonna pray with me [Applause] sin is raging in the land today and anything going on is all right seemly everybody can do what they want to do and say they're going to heaven but i'm afraid they're in for a rude awakening because you're not going to heaven doing anything one thing he told us you got to be holy be holy for i am holy it's holiness of hell and we might as well face it in this lesson we find there are some things in the lives of god's children that can hinder our progress our relationship with god should be so nothing can separate you husband and wife you love one another but can't separate you from god love your children and your family and everyone but nothing to separate you from god we cannot walk with eagles of turkeys and expect to fly with eagles [Applause] i'm going to say it again we cannot walk with turkish you know what turkeys are and then exp expect to fly with eagles you know what an eagle is glory be to god kill it before it kills you deprive it of life it i'm talking about it [Applause] it can be talking too much [Applause] watching too much tv in the wrong thing oh you don't like this tonight [Applause] but we cannot talk cream and live skim milk [Applause] because god see everything there's nothing hid from him he know our very thoughts and you know the strands of hair that's on our heads so we have to kill it otherwise the private of life before it deprived you could it be we talking too much could it be we're gossiping could it be a selfish attitude sometimes we think we just because the lord has blessed us we get a little above ourselves but i came to tell you nothing you brought in this world nothing you gonna take out so you better might as well stay humbling down at his feet some of us have bad attitudes you have attitude you can't tell me nothing i know everything that's the attitude you had [Applause] but you better watch yourself some of us have hot tempers better not be in the traffic where the traffic is slow if we don't say something we have no business we want to run over the person who's causing the problem and the young people nowadays are flying by you and almost stopping right in front of you they'll fly by you because you're going slow and then turn around and make a turn in frame without a signal didn't the enemy want to make you say something you got no business sometimes the lord is teaching us patience are you following me could we have the attitude of soulfulness late getting to church don't know what it is to be on time [Applause] kill it before it kills you and of course the bible says the lust of the flesh and the pride of life the pride the lust of the eyes and the pride of life can kill us we need to assassinate evil we need to slay malice murder jealousy adultery shacking together [Applause] fornicating envy strife or could it be having doubt unbelief and i don't guess i better leave out hatred you'd be surprised how some folk can hate when they don't like you they'll dig a ditch for you if they don't dig the ditch they set a trap but i'm so glad everybody say i'm so glad the lord sees everything tell the lord thank you all the mighty knows hey hey these things would cause one to go to hell which is eternal death and you were the only one can make a change in that situation come back to the lord and ask the lord to forgive you [Applause] and then repent and turn from your ways ask the lord to strengthen you and make me to see myself like you see me i don't want to think i'm all the time right and somebody else is all the time wrong but don't touch my heart i'm trying to take my time since my my my my we're in a warfare [Applause] jesus said to watch and pray and sometimes we want to watch everybody else but we need to watch ourselves [Applause] in the days of the exodus most of the israelites had been afraid to enter into the promised land because there were giants living over there they were men of great statures moses sent told joshua to send 12 spies over in the land of canaan to spy out the land when they got over there they saw the giants they saw the cities fenced in they came back with a bad report 10 of those men said we can't do it but two of them joshua and caleb say we can if the lord be with us [Applause] i came to tell you the night saints you can make it if you try long as the lord is on your side hallelujah and uh that was when jesus said david to the camp where the israelites were fighting help me lord and before we could get there good there was this giant taunting and making fun and calling on the israelites like soldiers to send somebody out to fight him and when the let the bible says when they saw him and heard him they ran from it but i want you to know tonight the devil ain't nothing but a bluff because we have the holy ghost and we have power over that devil tell the lord thank you hallelujah david being so young and said to the gentleman the man he was talking with and asking the questions about the situation and he said to the man i'll fight him [Music] and they told saul about it saul as brother herman said last night put his armor on it but he hadn't tried it out you can't be like nobody else jury you have to be what god made you to be and don't try to be like somebody else can't put on the facade yes sir but just be what god would have you to be and so david pulled uh on the arm of saul off and uh i'm getting a little ahead of myself and he went and got him five stones help me lord just five little stones and he had a sling that he used but i came to tell you hallelujah the greatest weapon the saints have you got to learn how to pray you got to learn how to fast hallelujah got to learn how to turn your plate down got to learn to come to prayer meeting where their unity there is strength tell them yes oh yes i don't know about you but one day the enemy had me bound he had me bluffed thank you lord he had been toning uh-huh this giant goliath had been taunting the children of israel 40 long days somebody's been taunted by the devil 10 in 20 and 30 years but i came to tell you tonight you can be free yes sir god will set you free because we have the authority over the enemy tell the lord yes tell him yes oh yes thank you jesus not by power not by might but by my spirit said the lord of hosts david said god is my strength and my power he maketh my way perfect he making my feet like heinz feet he's setting me up on my high places the lord is my life and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life and whom shall i be afraid when the wicked and my foes when they came upon me to heal my flesh stumble and fail throwing holster shouldn't camp around about me my heart will not fear the wall should rise against me in this in this getting hallelujah in this is my confidence i know the lord will i know he will he'll fight my battle he is my refuge he is my strength he's my all in all yes oh yes yes sir when the way get darker you shine a light thank you jesus you have your weapons tonight oh lord thank you jesus thank you jesus oh yes sir i tell you we're in a warfare you got to keep on fighting god will give you strength david went and got five stones oh yes he did and just used one of them and slung it and hit go lie in the head god of might know if you get the head honey you don't worry about the rest tell the lord yes and hit him in the head knock him out david knocked him out yes he did took and went up on him took his own sword cut his head off caught a mighty nose killed the devil before he killed you yes you can train up on him you've given us authority to tread upon the serpents thank you lord hey god yes sir in all your ways here acknowledge the lord he'll be with you in your darkest hour he was there with david when david cut his head off and he'll give you power i said he'll give you power help me lord he'll give you power saints thank you jesus i'm so glad i'm in the army of the lord i'm a warrior tonight i'm not afraid what men can do to me thank you jesus said thank you jesus i hear him saying david said the lord is my shepherd and i shall not want him that's my favorite scripture yes sir he making me to lie down in green pastors and he leads me beside the still waters yes sir he restored my soul yes sir when i'm down and out when i don't feel them all in my soul when i can't feel nothing he's yet with me yes again i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i'll fear no evil because the lord is with me i said the lord will never leave me he'll never leave you nor will he forsake you thank you jesus they said david had five stones but they only used one to kill goliath but the book says that the goliath had former brothers just in case the brother showed up hell yeah yeah yeah you got to be loaded children you got to have plenty ammunition yes because he sure will attack you but oh yes greater is he that's in us than he that is in the world i'm so glad tonight i got my wall shoes on i'm a soldier in the army of the lord thank you jesus and when david conquered goliath took his head off put it under his arm this bible saying he went to jerusalem yes sir and when he came back and put put the rest of his equipment body wherever in the tent but let me tell you what he did and he went jumping and shouting and while he was praising the lord the philistines was running you can put the devil on the run you have the authority satan don't let him take control of you hallelujah but kill him before he kills you tell the lord yes i'm so glad trouble don't last always oh yes he'll fight your battle if you just hold on hold on when the wind gets darker he'll shine a light he'll make a way out of nowhere [Applause] yes [Music] my god yes sir [Applause] he's my rock he's my fortress he's my deliverer he's my god he's my buckler he's my shield he's a horn of my salvation he's a bishop and shepherd of my soul he's my king of kings and he's my lord of lords he's everything he's my way maker he's my bread when i'm hungry oh yes he's my friend that sit closer than a brother oh yes oh yes hey [Applause] i hear him saying be still be still and know i'm god i will be exalted among the heathens i will be exalted in the earth the lord of hosts is with us the god of jacob is our refuge i hear him saying surely everybody says surely surely his salvation is not us uh-huh yes sir them that fear him that glory may dwell in our land when mercy and truth are met together righteousness and peace have kissed each other truth shall spring forth out of the earth righteousness shall look down from heaven and the lord shall give that which is good and i lent your yield to increasing i'm trusting in him i'm leaning on him i'm walking on him i'm trusting in him i know he will i know he will uh he will [Applause] yes sir you know the rest of the story israel put the enemy to a flight yes sir and they came out just one person one can put a thousand to a flight two can put ten thousand to say look at the power that the lord has given us through the holy ghost the bishop told us you have power over the enemy i'm so glad i got my salvation in time long time ago he saved me he changed me he fixed me he gave me the authority and tonight i'm going to kill it before it kills me [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah yeah yeah [Applause] whoa glory come on and give god to praise somebody hey glory to god [Music] hallelujah bless his wonderful name yeah oh the anointing in the house the don is in the house tonight the anointing is in the house tonight oh didn't she preach [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello hallelujah thank you jesus slow kill it before it kills you i'm gonna know god then gave us the power to kill it tell somebody i got the power now you ought to tell them i'm gonna kill it before it kills me now if you ain't got the power you better come get it cause it's gonna kill you before you kill it if you ain't got the power but tonight you can have it that's the theme of this week you can receive power you will receive power after the holy ghost has come upon you first thing she said was kill sin kill it get it out of your life you
Channel: 214mrobjy
Views: 270,307
Rating: 4.8246527 out of 5
Id: 7uUm42hRA5w
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Length: 39min 6sec (2346 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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