FFXIV: Stop Hoarding! Make Some Money! (Inventory Management)

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this is my inventory damn near spotless buffs that i may need here or there cordials repair materials glam prisms the usual stuff i usually also keep bait here for when i'm fishing actively but that's rarely ever more than 15 slots total so baron so expertly sorted that i can manually sort so all new items that appear in my inventory appear in the top left i don't need to worry about what's new where something is i just need to look in this spot my chocobo saddlebag acts as a storage for a few odds and ends primal tokens hunt crystals for materia and my weapon collection that will need to start being transferred to a retainer next expansion within this clip there are 23 items in my inventory when and waka launches this may even be dropped to below 20 items and in case it needs to be said my armory chest has no wasted space either my retainers are in a similar state there's a few items here there that i don't have a lot of items for the second page has some items for potential reaper weapon and the final page a ton of fireworks from a previous event and all my bosja currency for if i ever want to buy items from there for glamour this still leaves me with 100 inventory slots on this retainer alone my second retainer is my materia retainer old main stat material selves very slow but i've been selling it off here and there eventually those slots will open back up to me then i can sell off any other materials i don't need the last page has only three fish and a lollaphou for making chat jokes this still only uses half the space my final retainer is mostly odds and ends crab bow materials for when i was in the crab bowl market i'll probably sell the rest of this off just to clean the room a couple gear pieces for selling to my grand company when end walker launches more bozia stuff i might move to the first retainer crafted delineations and deep dungeon potions bait for big fishing cheese'll likely start randomly giving away because it sells for nothing same for the vinegar and a few items on the bottom that do sell really well but often gets used in even late stage furniture crafting an empty second page and ish guardian firmament fate rewards filling this last page perhaps to sell when fates end all these different items still only 57 slots filled i mentioned glamour for a moment i don't change up my glamors too often but i also don't really throw out anything i might want to use granted i'm using a male character and most people say it's not enough space for female characters but i haven't even used half the space in my glamour dresser now let me show you a trick presto i've made the crafting list disappear entirely every single recipe in the game every 1 to 80 craft every housing item that can be marked as completed has been crafted how many of you have even done a fraction of this how many of you have the materials for most of these items just sitting around in your inventory not being used i even am always actively selling stuff it's not all just clean space i'm reduced on the scale due to end walker and wanting to be able to sell during the expansion but i'm always selling materials crafted items more do you want more space do you want to make money if yes to either follow these tips i'm going to lay out let's start with the paring down your inventory let's look at bat fangs as a prime example of something i've seen a lot of people ask for if they should keep in the game two major red flags for you to really consider your life choices here the first is if you try to sell it on the market board some people actively sell these for one gill on the market if you ever need bat fangs the market has them for extremely cheap the second is this little thing that says shop selling price for the one time you actually do need bat fangs you could just go to more than one of the crafting guilds and talk to the guild supplier they sell them for a pittance and you never need more than a few holding on to these super cheap super easy to obtain items is just wasting space especially when most items up to level 15 are viable in guild shops or other random shops around the main towns if these bat wings you refuse to get rid of are so important to you why don't you just fly to moydor let's look at electrum ore next this you do need to gather it's a mid-level gathering item and no sharp sell it however look at what electrum ingots require for electrum so if you say have three electrums sitting around why not just sell it off you can probably sell off a bunch of materials like this three of it isn't going to get you anywhere and if you need to go gather some it takes literal seconds to gain three of them you already need to teleport together you already lost the teleport fee why are you going to gather one ore for a single ingot on top of that there was a light fib you don't need to gather it make your retainer do it with a cleaner inventory you can clutter it up with greeting on dungeon drops and selling them to your grand company this transfers into a lot of ventures for constantly sending out your retainers you'll never run out doing this i mean i guess you could run out of tens of thousands of ventures eventually and if your retainers aren't full up on their selling spots don't even try to use the excuse of it only sells for 1k guild or something like that i didn't get rich from only selling big ticket items small ticket items add up fast especially when you're cleaning out a lot of inventory not like most things have a shelf life or anything just send it out when selling constantly check your prices anytime you're passing by a bell take the chance to look and adjust your pricing i always aim to post for round numbers and otherwise try not to undercut people by a lot everyone can win if everything gets posted at the same price and if you keep undercutting a ton a gill at a time you end up losing out on a ton of guilt for yourself too or if you're really confident you can buy out your competition and hope they just don't notice then you can control the market and make all the profits for yourself just be careful where you throw your money around and it's a tactic you really only try if you've been undercut by 50 or more or already have a huge gill stockpile for the completed materials you do have start using them to make stuff completion of the crafting log is a great way to both use materials that you wouldn't going to use anyway and make a bit of money stuff sells through all the levels a little at a time lots of people don't realize buying gear off the market is a bad idea outside of level cap but it will eventually sell especially housing items which also speaking of making things just make leave turn-ins yourself if you're leveling you don't need to spend millions of guild to level up gather the materials level your gatherers at the same time and then craft the stuff turn it in and get the exp crafting and gathering is a way to make money not lose it you're either doing it wrong or already have a lot of money to burn eventually you'll be down to odds and ends to sell off or to keep for starting entirely new craft projects and because you've cleaned up a bunch of inventory you're free to do so you have the space and you're not constrained by the minimal room or you could just keep selling off what you have and coast on the gill that affords you if you need more start a crafting project if that's enough just keep selling off what you have and that goes for you players who don't have a hoarding problem and want to make guild 2. it's not that much work to level crafts and gatherers tons of ways to level not entirely terrible to get done and cost very little guilt if you put in the work yourself you don't need to be level cap to start earning a profit getting into crafting can be hard to understand and not everyone feels gathering is fun but they've made it super fast to power through the levels leaves firmament normal grinding grand company turn-ins and so much more you'll be level cap very quickly learning the ins and outs and you don't even have to know a whole lot to make housing items they don't even have high quality versions so not only do you not have to be level cap but you're gonna get there extremely quickly anyway and you don't even need to do any of this to make lots of money either just play the game roulette challenge log new content things deep dungeons so many places you can earn gill super easy just by playing and not forcing yourself to stay in one content type expand your horizons the money will flow meanwhile while you're doing that there's no sense holding on to a ton of random items for if you get into crafting either make the leap or don't and just get rid of the items and if you are a crafter why are the materials going to waste use them make some money out of it otherwise it's literally just a burden let's look one more time at my first retainer this is all random materials that might be useful in end walker at most i would store up to 99 on each intermediate material from each crafter of each material in shadow bringers that would still only take up about this much space one whole page maybe a little more there's five to ten materials per crafter that you'd want to keep on hand for next expansion and you generally don't need more than just the previous expansions items maybe some dark steel nuggets and rose gold nuggets from a realm were born since those tend to get used now and then or something like rubber for all shoes if i can't use them i just sell them off immediately when i can afford the space on the market if i can use them well they'll get sorted into a new page of the new resources and materials as something i do need for crafting and then again retainers is a great way to get items gold is an unspoiled node item yet your retainer can gather you some no matter what you do and while you gather the more plentiful items you need you shouldn't fear throwing out so many items because you can just send your retainer to fix it when you do need them yes it takes time but so does sorting your inventory over and over so does gathering the rest of the materials you need for a craft time you're worried about saving is time you can turn into gill and time you're wasting trying to find room for stuff you actually need i don't know if you're watching this zan but you almost losing your unending coil totem from a full inventory shouldn't be normal retainers in themselves can be worth tons of money the minions they bring back can sell for big bucks the day they released the mamashiba minion into the game i sent my retainers out to get it the next day i was 30 million gill richer yes that's right a single minion i sold for 30 million gil they're still worth a little bit of gill on the market currently 70k as of looking but i got lucky once and managed to have enough gill to buy and furnish a medium house that was back in stormblood and then it happened again here in shadowbringers for a second time with the dowarda getting me a 50 million gill mount yes 50 million gil for a single mount and there's tons of things like this some that are even available to low-level players the firmament does need progress almost to the end of heaven's word and yet even barely having started crafting could earned you millions from ish guardian scripts and kupo tickets you don't need to be super duper lucky you just need to expand your horizons and the luck will come naturally maybe an end walk i should do an inventory workshop send in your inventories and your levels and i tell you how to fix your inventory i don't know maybe a plan for later but i do feel like i could show most of you what you're doing wrong just by looking at how much hoarding you may be doing but for now let's just sum it all up start using or getting rid of all those materials you aren't ever going to use if you want a simple way to make money start completing the crafting log otherwise just play the game the game gives you so much money just from playing oh and as a tip for not spending tons of money just wait have patience that 15 million gil gland that came out today in a week it'll be 1.5 mil or less mamashiba on day one was 30 million gil if they waited a week they could have got it for like 1 mil probably way less and here's a note for all you free trial players you're probably looking for ways to spend money not make it 300k is a low girl cap but these steps can still apply to you in a way use all those items clogging your inventory or get rid of them you need to keep some of your space taken up by materials but hey your chocobo can be your crafty bag in the meantime put materials in the choco bag take them out when you need to do some crafting but you gain flight from the story those bat wings are not needed thank you for watching my little take on inventory and making some money there's a ton of videos out there that talk about ways to make money and i didn't want to just repeat all that stuff so i just went simple and honest this is how i play this is how i get money i don't at all make any effort to get money it just comes to me i play and anything i want to buy i usually could just get myself no problem in most cases so what little i do have to buy it just keeps piling up just play enjoy yourself have fun and don't rush to try and get everything you want now but hopefully this all gives you a few ideas to clean the inventories out at a minimum take care and made the power of anon hogsley waste to enemies [Music] an extra special thanks to all my patrons over on patreon and an extra extra special thanks to amen alcateb banibagirn benjamin hahn cedia diocesan croichi mate ethan ethan olson jericho kevin lowe kyle steinhauser marlon sebo mazella paxton lancaster scott stanley t rogue tickle finger and valor llc thank you all for watching thank you for your support so very much and i'll see you next time
Channel: WeskAlber
Views: 28,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ff14, beginner, learning, guide, endwalker, sorting, clean, clear, space, storage
Id: uqQeTaMXu3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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