Every time I cried during FFXIV: Endwalker (Compilation)

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at ease man there's nothing funny in it i'm from al amigo but was a conscript until recently used to eat this with the officers apparently it's adapted from a step recipe this is my first time trying it and i have to say it's not half bad mmm it's a bit too flavorful for my lagging perhaps compared to what you're used to huh it's the little things that make life worth living don't you think huh [Music] i know this is not a dream and yet i felt the same way at the dragon song wars end every morning i would step outside and need to be reminded that it wasn't my imagination that my world had been forever changed and just as i had grown accustomed to the idea again you change my world in ways i never thought possible sending that letter then running off to the gods nowhere oh [ __ ] she's calling them out oh do you have any idea oh how worried we were i i'm sorry it was remiss of me not to deliver the news in person no more than that it was i who our daughter was disillusioned after master luisa left her behind the day the scions called upon her was the happiest i'd seen her in years she made her every choice of her own free will no one could have ever forced her to do otherwise that's true don't blame yourself for her death celebrate her life you know that's what she wants if there is one thing we resent you for it was that we could not be there to mourn her with you reading the words you penned in that shaky hand we must have cried as much for you as we did for her i'm sorry i truly truly am i knew not what to say knew not how to express my feelings the poems and platitudes of wiser men silly boy we are all powerless before such grief even now try as i might the words escape me but in our hearts we know we always know at me this is so unbelievable i've gone right back around to believe in it again i get a six percent gain in efficiency with all these goodies we could get seven though ten yeah you get twice as fast as they thought think about far we could go what we could do with that much power what we could blow up if coco is duly convinced then it must be true in which case the science end of the bargain has been fulfilled it sure has even he has to agree yes father i know not what you seek of heidelin nor for what purpose you would take command of our ship yet this much is certain to do so will be to dictate the fate of this star and the lives upon it the lives of each and every creature in their magnitude and their fragility do you understand and are you prepared yes we have seen and we have felt how much each life shapes this world and so we are determined to abandon none we understand what is at stake and we are prepared to bear this burden then i i will bear it with you i beg you share your struggles with me as family [Music] you grasped my fingers with such tiny hands the day you were born i thought my heart might burst it was love and happiness beyond expression overwhelming and the conviction so powerful that i trembled with something close to rage i had heard the final days foretold i swore to myself then and there that i would not let them steal your futures the great exodus would succeed must succeed no sacrifice or sin was worse than the alternative if anything gave me pause was my own father the archon luis suarez openly decried charlie's policies a perspective which i regarded with increasing disdain as i grew older yet even as part of me thought him a fool perhaps i also hoped that he of all people would devise a brilliant means to save my children a naive hope but stubborn enough that i could never bring myself to keep you apart oh no that was his doing when he perished at carter as we pulled that twisted slab of dalamud from the sea i remembered the warmth of your newborn touch oh jason i vowed never again to suffer any interference in my mission to protect you no matter that you yourselves wished otherwise detest me fight me tooth and nail i would suffer it and more and be satisfied so long as i could force you onto the ship right i understand i was wrong you two have grown so much stronger and so much wiser than i dared yeah you have earned the right to walk your own path and already begun to do so good because there are things we care about and people we love and none of them is replaceable not a one it cannot have been an easy journey for you to have come so far we shall be glad to acquaint you with the finer details someday once this danger has passed all that we have seen and heard that we have felt and learned in our travels ours is not a kind world but it is beautiful always oh no are you quite sure that's wise after all someone turns pale and flees the room when he sees so much as an envelope containing word of your adventures whatever will happen if he learns what you were really up to a million [Laughter] though i have wronged my children most gravely i owe you an apology as well teach her a brighter melody show her our journey is far from over we will find our wave enough of this i have no doubt for yours is a light brilliant beyond measure long after i have gone though not even my soul remaineth my love will be with you forever my dearest children oh hyland goes out like the god we knew she was wow [Music] [Music] wow idiot just once just once stay with us to the end this song [Music] [Music] they finally turn up the music on this huh like the vocals alphano a crystalline path he has paved it for us they all leave so easily as if it's nothing how did they think we feel i don't actually think graham t is dead but still this is very emotional moment the next time we meet i'll give him such a flick and that it'll be just to start hello world fools all of them fools forge ahead those are lyrics in the end walker theme admits the sadness of alphano's um countenance there's a newfound determination i can hardly concentrate with this song it's so good the crystalline path girl has paved it for us difficult as it is we must carry on for our friends and for all of us who and for all who await us in faith so come let us seek the past beginning it appears to be near the outpost wait what hikla deus emmet salk i bit them remember but all this time i'm the one who had found a right fool you've made of me hermes and to add insult to injury i've been denied a sound rest forced to watch this clamorous show oh come now it's been a gripping tale unbreakable bonds and noble sacrifice sprinkled with moments of levity to counterbalance the pathos it's got it all i for one would have been perfectly content to watch enraptured from the stalls are they like alive now but i won't say no to a bit part what are you half-faded souls of the dead oh isn't it painfully obvious worry not we haven't the power to defeat you nor is it our duty to do so not anymore that being said we do have a score to settle so here i am i suppose you needed me to tie it all together these frayed threads of our history but knowing you i suspect there's a joke in it too oh yes i can imagine you gloating over my forgetfulness were i feeling charitable i might assume you had left room for the possibility of this outcome definitely so you'll get no applause for me a single gesture will not lighten the burden i've had to bear still you must be commended our methods would not have brought mankind this far and so as a show of respect to the last of us i make this declaration you will not end our journey that is our answer the answer of all lives of a theorist past and present wow as you've called us to the stage so shall we perform and creation magics never failed to please drawing upon the hopes of your comrades we will make for you a new path amazing what form said park takes depends on you so focus focus and envision that which rejects the claim that you cannot attain your goal ours is the wisdom to weave the fabric of reality ours is the power to create wow wow meteon though i gave you these wings to soar the heavens i did not teach you how to walk the earth so loath was i to bind another living being the course of your long journey you will learn from those you meet learn to walk and run so much more a flower oh yes upon your return i will gift you a beautiful flower these helpers blooms serve as proof that this realm is not utterly devoid of hope no more can you deny its power no more is yours the dominion of despair in case the practical implications were lost on you your comrades no longer need fight their fight what so go on yeah that was lost on me wow may you ever walk in the line how disappointing but even a single scar in the making to brag about you'll find a way regardless honestly this is far more than any of us could have hoped for let us be thankful indeed that we thus stand reunited is a gift let us not squander it and see that we all return to withers i as soon as we've averted the final days yep good to see you again our heroic sacrifice paid off i take it it did come my friends let us carry on and finish it together like i knew that was gonna happen somehow but that was amazing oh this is the credits well the first set are you are you with us oh thank the heavens for a moment we thought is everyone all right after what you've done you're the last person to be asking them you how can you keep your promise if you're not here dearest mother oh dear father this letter will be the very last that i write to you from the rising stones okay as i commit these words to parchment i fondly recall my journey as a scion from the time i first walked into the order's former halls to the time i set forth to forestall the final days oh at the farthest reaches of the sea of stars we fought the battle of our lives fought against despair itself a veritable maelstrom of it fed by the resignation that dwelled in the hearts of beings not so unlike ourselves true full oft have i harbored the same malaise have i been brought to my knees crushed by the weight of sorrow and defeat convinced that i will never rise again however i have also known many moments of unbridled joy and happiness oh my gosh by this truth do i find hope within blooming resplendent like the elfis flower and thus do i endure do i look forward to creating more memories with my friends and loved ones for from these fertile seeds yet more hope shall spring forth and they will grow to become shining lights that illuminate the dark thus believing i leave the rising stones behind as will my comrades it's time for as we have decided after careful deliberation we are disbanding the scions of the seventh dawn what there you are alphano everyone is already gathered in the foyer okay my apologies i'll be right there at least that is what the story will be oh you
Channel: Laddie B
Views: 15,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv endwalker, ffxiv reaction, emotional reaction, ffxiv crying, crying to ffxiv, every time i cried in final fantasy 14, ff14 crying, ff14 endwalker, ff14 react, urianger meets moenbrydas parents, moenbrydas parents, jullus, endwalker jullus, jullus cup scene endwalker, hydaelyn, ffxiv hydaelyn reaction, ffxiv hydaelyn death scene, ffxiv hydaelyn dies, ffxiv venat dies, ffxiv venat final scene, hydaelyn final scene, endwalker ending reaction, graha tia death, emet selch
Id: ZQU-1kSgHi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 28 2022
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